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by Kumar
25 Mar 2007 10:46
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 4
Replies: 321
Views: 139191

A fundamental result:

For every theoretical physicist, there exists a mathematician who can "prove" that everything the physicist was doing was "wrong". :)
by Kumar
25 Mar 2007 10:33
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 4
Replies: 321
Views: 139191

I remember a quantum-field-theory class being taught by a famous physics professor. There was a mathematics professor sitting in the class who evidently wanted to learn about the mathematical aspects of this hot field. As the lecture proceeded, his discomfort grew. At some point he started shaking h...
by Kumar
25 Mar 2007 10:07
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 4
Replies: 321
Views: 139191


I think it is superfluous to ask Johann to stay away from the "big boys league". He has been in the "Mens League" for as long as I remember. And I mean it sincerely.
by Kumar
25 Mar 2007 09:49
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 4
Replies: 321
Views: 139191

I am aware of the dark-matter/energy issue, as it evolved since Einstein's cosmological constant days. For science such times are the best of times and the worst of times. Somewhat like the late 19th century...

So, is there a "church of dark-matter" somewhere now? :)
by Kumar
25 Mar 2007 09:29
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 4
Replies: 321
Views: 139191

Ok, I shot the buddha.

Re: Science. What woodoo happened in the last decade. I hope I am not stirring one of the "believers" in String-Theory. :)
by Kumar
25 Mar 2007 09:03
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 4
Replies: 321
Views: 139191

:) Well, sciencetese is best used when talking about science. If I tried to use it where it doesn't belong (yet), then I will either sound like the typical pseudo-scientist dude who fills books with heavy scientific jargon but nil scientific content, or otherwise I would have to try to communicate w...
by Kumar
25 Mar 2007 07:33
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 4
Replies: 321
Views: 139191

a lot of Hindu thought is lost in translation ... the objects don't have "soul" ... soul is a western concept ... I have no idea what a "soul" is ... who is responsible for translating Atman into Soul? ... must be some Maximus-e-Mueller type of dude ... IMO, that translation of ...
by Kumar
24 Mar 2007 21:12
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 4
Replies: 321
Views: 139191

In one of the previous avatars of this thread, G Subramaniam had posted a bunch of EJ links that claimed Hinduism & Buddhism to be devil-inspired, demon-worshipping etc. I had argued that If a religion is ruled by the Devil and Demons, then shouldn't it be that religion which should lead an assa...
by Kumar
23 Mar 2007 23:33
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 4
Replies: 321
Views: 139191

A grand-grand-nephew of Mother (Mirra Alfassa) of Aurobindo Ashram writes about her. And regrets losing such a remarkable spiritual leader who was born a Sephardic-Jew to Hinduism. :) From Sephardic Jew to Hindu Guru" (How a Proselytized Secular Jew Became a Hindu Spiritual Leader) http://www.a...
by Kumar
23 Mar 2007 21:26
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 4
Replies: 321
Views: 139191

Valkan, I knew about that letter by Russian orthodox church and also their actions against the ISKCON. Syrian christians in India have/had an orthodox church too, although a large number of erstwhile syrian christians are now catholic.
by Kumar
23 Mar 2007 20:32
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 4
Replies: 321
Views: 139191

During last several avatars of the thread, one set of posts have stood out like none else. Those are Rakesh's posts. They are baffling, intriguing and a class apart. A calm and assured faith that wouldn't be touched by anything but wouldn't disturb anything else either. Just as a curiosity, Rakesh a...
by Kumar
23 Mar 2007 11:50
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 4
Replies: 321
Views: 139191

Almost all non-hindu religious beliefs are inclusive as in the faithful believe in the same entity as well as have a sense of brotherhood and considers it as ones duty to save others. Hinduism is not inclusive contrary to what many have said here, since it is based on individual spiritual experienc...
by Kumar
23 Mar 2007 08:31
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 3
Replies: 338
Views: 132642

But what do you consider fraudulent? Is giving out pamplets stating who Jesus is and what it means to have salvation, without demonizing Hindus or anyone or any other religion, fraudulent? No, that is fine. Vivekananda was wrong about Christ. Christ can't be a great spiritual teacher and proclaim h...
by Kumar
23 Mar 2007 08:01
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 3
Replies: 338
Views: 132642

The killed person may get born in a better condition, since he had to suffer pain and injury. But the killer will have to face a tough music. Karma is not simplistic. Kill someone, sure... your choice, "rewards" of that choice will also be yours to "enjoy". If killing someone ac...
by Kumar
23 Mar 2007 07:50
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 3
Replies: 338
Views: 132642

If Hinduism is as inclusive as you state, why so much angst about Hindus converting to Christianity? Angst is because the conversion is often done by foul means such as "hate mongering", monetray incentives or plain fraud. If a person truly feels in his heart that Jesus is his way, hindus...
by Kumar
23 Mar 2007 07:25
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 3
Replies: 338
Views: 132642

That's like saying that it's a slippery slope to believe that someone will be reincarnated again. Why not kill someone? They'll be reborn again, no harm, no foul. Heck, let's go out and kill some dalits, it's actually good for them because they may be reborn as an upper caste in the next life. The ...
by Kumar
22 Mar 2007 23:25
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 3
Replies: 338
Views: 132642

Since we are liberally theorizing in the hot air here, let me add a tidbit. Sri Aurobindo was vehemently opposed to Hitler, and wanted India to side with the British in the war in a tactical way to vanquish a bigger evil. Mother (Mira Alfassa) mentioned somewhere that Hitler was under the influence...
by Kumar
22 Mar 2007 22:54
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 3
Replies: 338
Views: 132642

I don't have time to develop upon this theory but going by some notes that I read and by Hitler's actions it seems he subscribed to the theory that the human race had two distinct competing influences. One from a particular group of divinities and the rest from another. One competing influence was ...
by Kumar
22 Mar 2007 22:37
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 3
Replies: 338
Views: 132642

TSJ, Leaving aside Hitler and his beliefs, Sadler's excellent point still remains, i.e. if a religions permits one to believe that others are destined for hell, then that religion can easily be abused by nuts like hitler who would say that by their actions they are just hastening the inevitable. How...
by Kumar
22 Mar 2007 22:28
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 3
Replies: 338
Views: 132642


Didin't you know that Rgveda was written by blonde-haired blue eyed Aryans from Europe, not by SDRE Indians?? :)
by Kumar
22 Mar 2007 21:52
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 3
Replies: 338
Views: 132642

Prahaar, First the questions have to be raised, then they can seep into the general peoples' consciousness. Only then a political decision in a democracy will be possible. FWIW I don't foresee a political decision even within the next decade. And I am not talking "payback". I am not intere...
by Kumar
22 Mar 2007 21:27
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 3
Replies: 338
Views: 132642

Valkan, I have nothing against Vatican per se. I like it. Their museums are beautiful and the Cistine Chapel paintings are something worthwhile for one to see. But I don't want the "secular" state of India playing a childish pretend-game to appease the sentiments of christian-majority coun...
by Kumar
22 Mar 2007 19:35
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 3
Replies: 338
Views: 132642

Valkan, Re: India having diplomatic relationships with Vatican A country is not "required" to recognize any other country just because that country is a member of UN. And recognition doesn't imply that diplomatic relationships must be maintained. Secondly if catholicism doesn't get any adv...
by Kumar
22 Mar 2007 19:20
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 3
Replies: 338
Views: 132642

Many people here think that BJP won in Punjab & uttarakhand. I don't think so. I think Congress lost. Congress went overboard with minority appeasement issues and hindus in the middle swayed away in disgust. I have still to find any evidence that BJP pulled them towards itself, its rather like C...
by Kumar
22 Mar 2007 18:04
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 3
Replies: 338
Views: 132642

What is wrong with Christians talking about what they believe in with non-Christians? Vick, In principle, a certain approach in discussing Jesus with non christians can be fine. But a typical approach by a man/woman with a mission sounds like this kind of pimping: I have seen your wife. She is ugly...
by Kumar
22 Mar 2007 00:48
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 3
Replies: 338
Views: 132642

Acharya, Remembered a sher from a ghazal sung by Mehdi Hasan: Mukh mein baat paheli jaisi, Bas wohi boojhe jisko bujhaye ( Words coming out of the mouth as riddles, only he understands for whom they are meant) bhed na paye to ghabraye, bhed jo paye to ghabraye. (If someone doesn't get a clue he pani...
by Kumar
22 Mar 2007 00:30
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 3
Replies: 338
Views: 132642

Why does India need to maintain "diplomatic relations" with the vatican? If christian countries want to play this pretend-game then its their privilege. Whys should India also join in pretending that Vatiocan is a real country? IMHO, it gives an undue weightage to catholic christianity in...
by Kumar
21 Mar 2007 23:58
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 3
Replies: 338
Views: 132642

Valkan, Re: Vatican: Why does India need to maintain "diplomatic relations" with the vatican? If christian countries want to play this pretend-game then its their privilege. Whys should India also join in pretending that Vatiocan is a real country? IMHO, it gives an undue weightage to cath...
by Kumar
21 Mar 2007 07:57
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 3
Replies: 338
Views: 132642

Alok, I partly agree, shraddha is somewhere between devotion and faith. I also think that for gentle religious people faith means just that, a trusting devotion. Someone can look every morning at a picture hanging on a wall of a smiling baby-Krishna, and find enough positivity to lead the rest of th...
by Kumar
21 Mar 2007 07:17
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 3
Replies: 338
Views: 132642

Alok, You perhaps remember the beautiful Hindi poem by Jayashankar Prasad in his epic 'Kamayani' in the chapter called "shraddha" or faith. Manu the original man, (or mind), has spent a tumultous time ruling a domain which he created after the floods, with the help of Ida (wisdom or intell...
by Kumar
21 Mar 2007 06:20
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 3
Replies: 338
Views: 132642

Alok, Since faith is so prevalent amongst humans, why do you think it should necessarily be classified as a disorder? It could be an evolutionary construct with some utility. I can think of some utility for faith. Especially in situations where answers are not clear cut, it provides some emotional s...
by Kumar
21 Mar 2007 00:50
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 2
Replies: 327
Views: 1236253

by Kumar
21 Mar 2007 00:39
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 2
Replies: 327
Views: 1236253

I have heard all kinds of chants from vedas, gita, stotras even upanishads during religious ceremonies.

Has anyone heard Manusmriti being chanted ever! :roll:

Hindus are clear on what they revere.
by Kumar
21 Mar 2007 00:23
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 2
Replies: 327
Views: 1236253

If hindu society encourages evils like casteism, why isnt it a fault of the religion itself? why are we seperating society from religion?3 By the same thread, EJism can be blamed on western society rather than religion - would you want to do that? Hari, We normally mix up many kinds of Dharma into ...
by Kumar
20 Mar 2007 23:52
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 2
Replies: 327
Views: 1236253

The value of the "nasadiya-sukta" of Rgveda is not so much in uncovering the philosophical truths. But in laying down a foundation for philosophical "doubt" within the most reverd hindu scripture itself. It provided a large leeway for hindu philosophers to delve into philosophica...
by Kumar
20 Mar 2007 23:07
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 2
Replies: 327
Views: 1236253

It doesn't appear that we are able to get past the "torn shirt open fly" stage. Please note that the temples that I pointed out are among the most visible temples in the dharmic tradition. These places would be on par with Mecca, St. Peters in Rome, Westminster Abbey in London etc. The ar...
by Kumar
20 Mar 2007 17:54
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 2
Replies: 327
Views: 1236253

Murugan, One of the female risihis in your list, 'Vagambhrini' ( "Vak" daughter of Rishi Ambhrina), was the 'seer' of the famous Devi-Sukta of Rgveda, where Devi (the Supreme Goddess) speaks in first person as being the source of all the power inherent in all the Gods. Vak had attained ide...
by Kumar
20 Mar 2007 13:43
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 2
Replies: 327
Views: 1236253

In the big canvas of universal scope, faith can not be eternal. It is temporay. A higher knowledge modifies or destroys a faith. Even if a new knowledge confirms an existing faith, the faith no longer remains faith after the advent of knowledge. After the knowledge come 'I believe' changes to 'I kno...
by Kumar
19 Mar 2007 23:57
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 2
Replies: 327
Views: 1236253

Regarding the weird Rs 2 coin:

Ebay-India is selling them for Rs 40. Why would a Rs 2 coin issued in 2006 sell for Rs 40 within India? Have they already become controversial and hence collectors items?

Anyway the links:
rs 2 coin on ebay
Rs 2 coin on ebay
by Kumar
19 Mar 2007 09:43
Forum: Religion Discussion Archive
Topic: Religion Thread 2
Replies: 327
Views: 1236253

Pulikeshi wrote: Was'nt it the Isa Upanisad that said something to the effect of:

One who thinks that he knows, knows not.
He is known by him who does not think that he knows anything in particular.