Indo-UK News & Discussion 9th Aug 2011

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Indo-UK News & Discussion 9th Aug 2011

Post by Neela »

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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Virupaksha »

We strongly protest the state sponsored violence and the genocide and cruelty being perpetrated by the elite and rich of Queendom, living in the castles worth 100B$ and owners of the hoardes of wealth obtained by state sponsored loot against the poor, unarmed petrol throwers and the hijacking of the human rights by the puppets of the state.

the house where the rich queen and her innumerable wealth along with diamonds and riches looted from all over the world

her troops crushing the poor - a lone protestor stands defiantly against the queen's might - is it UKs Tienanmen square moment??

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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by IndraD »

more photos and news about London riots ... ondon.html

I see this as result of decay and general break down in the society of UK which was described as Broke Britain. This is also perhaps retaliation against the govt's decision about stopping more benefits, crack down on fake benefit users and other similar decisions. Those who were being fed for free for years are being asked to work and this is the retaliation.

Once again twitter has aggravated the situation.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Mahendra »

Was the guy who was shot black?

Edit: Got the answer
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Hari Seldon »

The fart hart breaks at the scenes of mayhem and rioting in pristinely pure, cool brittania .... muawahaha
/rant over

yawn. UKstan better start getting used to assterity in the coming years. Won't be pretty but will be manageable. I can only hope the smug racism and snooty condescension at our chee chee SDRE selves the genteel brittani media rags have will moderate slightly, at least. Or will they overcompnesate by going on an offensive charm by showing the turd world's lack of toilets and all, all the more so that the rioting jobless bums in the UK feel privileged they have toilets at least, huh? Time will tell, of course. Wait, watch, hv beer n poppycorn.
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Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by IndraD »

According to reports there is spill over into other sub urbs and Scotland Yard is dealing with them.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by JwalaMukhi »

Where is arundhati roy's report on the incident? Probably some thing like this...
“UK has consistently had troubled dealings routinely, in the treatment of its minorities. Clashes and suppression of rights and its treatment in northern Ireland often comes to mind. In and around areas of Brixton, where riots have been common is potential tinder box, and is a disaster waiting to happen, unless UK submits itself to scrutiny by organizations such as Amnesty International, and adheres to UN declarations of human rights and protects its minorities.

Its treatment and providing safety and security to its minorities has taken a nose dive so much so that some of the minorities have been forced to implement and rely on Sharia, by society workers, so the minorities could feel secure and safe.

Race riots have been common for over a century in UK. The UK government has gone to many wars and has had pitched battles in disputed areas of Northern Ireland.”
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Yayavar »

Mahendra wrote:Was the guy who was shot black?

Edit: Got the answer
what is the answer?
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by nithish »

viv wrote:
Mahendra wrote:Was the guy who was shot black?

Edit: Got the answer
what is the answer?
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Yayavar »

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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by IndraD »

JwalaMukhi wrote:Where is arundhati roy's report on the incident? Probably some thing like this...
“UK has consistently had troubled dealings routinely, in the treatment of its minorities. Clashes and suppression of rights and its treatment in northern Ireland often comes to mind. In and around areas of Brixton, where riots have been common is potential tinder box, and is a disaster waiting to happen, unless UK submits itself to scrutiny by organizations such as Amnesty International, and adheres to UN declarations of human rights and protects its minorities.

Its treatment and providing safety and security to its minorities has taken a nose dive so much so that some of the minorities have been forced to implement and rely on Sharia, by society workers, so the minorities could feel secure and safe.

Race riots have been common for over a century in UK. The UK government has gone to many wars and has had pitched battles in disputed areas of Northern Ireland.”
I came across several comments on sky news, sun etc where people have asked

1. Why the unrest wasn't crushed with more force
2. why their police is not equipped with rubber bullets, why water canon were not deployed to quell mob
3. why their is soft (popularly called pussyfooting in UK) approach of govt on whole issue#
4. why these areas have been allowed to remain a no go for whites (like east ham and other areas)

apparent;y there is simmering unrest for miscellaneous reason (like one is broke britain, others are economic recession, unemployment, rise of right wing forces) in UK, recently N Ireland had riots ongoing for many nights. In fact I have come across Irish citizems running away from N Ireland to better areas of UK (even remote areas of Wales & Scottland is better for them) than NI
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Neshant »

shouldn't there be an invasion of the UK for 'protection of civlians'.

after all, they used the same pretext to invade Libya.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Lalmohan »

economic deprivation was definitely a major factor in these riots, looks like looting was the bigger problem last night
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by IndraD »

Again tonight a police van and car is on fire in enfield (N London) acc to sky news, situation still not under control

as is apparent most of the looters were blacks. These areas are under developed and a typical gora avoids going there unless necessary.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Lalmohan »

these riots have a habit of being copied, especially in the summer months
enfield has a large turkish and bosnian/balkan immigrant contingent - though turkish are quite law abiding
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by IndraD »







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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by IndraD »

Was Tottenham's riot a cry of rage?

But it took place in a part of London where resentment by some against the police had been building for days

And then there's the economic background. The riots of the early 1980s were played out against a backdrop of recession; today, unemployment is rising once more.

Tottenham is poor, too. By itself that's no justification for laying waste to a community. When a home is destroyed, or a business gutted, it hits hardest those who can least afford it.

'Growing dislocation'
There are more than 50 people for each unfilled job here, 10% more people claiming Jobseeker's Allowance this year than last. Unemployment hits the youth hardest.

But if it were poverty alone were the driving factor, one would expect communities in the cities of the north of Britain, not the south, to have been in flames on Saturday night.

Former London mayor Ken Livingstone, who headed the Greater London Council at the time of the last Tottenham riots in 1985 said on Sunday: "I am concerned that there is growing dislocation in London and a threat that the police will be forced into escalating conflict with some London communities.

"We do not want to go back to the 1980s."

Nor do the police, not least because their budgets are being squeezed by 20%.

Low morale
Paul Deller from the Metropolitan Police Federation said: "Morale among the police officers dealing with this incident, and within the police service as a whole, is at its lowest level ever due to the constant attacks on them by the home secretary and the government in the form of the Winsor and Hutton reviews into police pay and conditions."

"Ironically, it is the so-called "soft" services like youth clubs and initiatives that help keep young people out of trouble and which nationally the Education Select Committee says have been cut more than any other.

Haringey Council, the borough that contains Tottenham, has seen its youth service budget slashed by 75%. The government wants charities to help plug the gap.

Would that alone have stopped the violence on Saturday night happening? Unlikely. If police had come out of Tottenham police station and spoken to protesters would that have been enough to ease tensions? Hard to say.

Any number of things can spark a riot; especially if temperatures are already running high.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by subodh »

There is history here. Broadwater Farms, 1985 and the death of PC Blakelock.

"Blakelock tripped, fell, and was surrounded by a mob with machetes, knives and other weapons, who killed him in an attempt to decapitate him."
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Gerard »

I have come across Irish citizems running away from N Ireland to better areas of UK (even remote areas of Wales & Scottland is better for them) than NI
Nitpick. Irish citizens belong to the Republic of Ireland (which is independent and free). People in Northern Ireland (occupied, ethnically cleansed and settled by non-Irish people) are citizens of the United Kingdom. NI remains a disputed territory.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Murugan »

It spreads to all corners of the city ... pital.html
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by IndraD »

reports of racial clashes coming in
There was even trouble inside a hospital when a fight broke out when rival gangs attended King's College Hospital after two victims of minor stabbings were admitted, police said.

rioting spreads to east and south of london

brixton riot
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Lalmohan »

these riots are multi-layered, and there is quite a bit of opportunistic activity taking place. the far left (anarchists, etc.) are joining in, because they like it. the street gangs see an opportunity to run wild and collect a few free tv's etc. it appears that the original protest against the shooting has long been eclipsed. twitter, etc. are spreading the 'word' and flashmobs are gathering at all kinds of places. whilst unemployment etc., may be factors, its not the mango people who are involved - so far, fringe elements and gangs - so i don't see a political angle as such
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by IndraD »

this has added to the fury and further riot ... -dead.html

The bullet which lodged in a police officer’s radio in the gunfight which led to Mark Duggan being shot dead was police issue ammunition, it was reported last night.
The revelation will fuel the fury in Tottenham about the killing of the father of four by armed officers.
The bullet which was found lodged in the radio of one of the officers at the scene is still undergoing forensic tests. It was initially suggested by the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) that Met officers returned fire after someone in the minicab opened fire.

Man shot dead was a cocaine dealer ... uggan.html
the man whose violent death triggered the Tottenham riots at the weekend makes an unlikely martyr.

On the streets of the Broadwater Farm estate, where Mark Duggan grew up, he was also known by another name: ‘Starrish Mark’.
It sounds like an innocent nickname; it was anything but. In fact, the word ‘Starrish’ denoted his membership of a notorious ‘crew’ called The Star Gang who strut the streets of London’s N17.
The stock-in-trade of such ‘postcode’ gangs is violence, intimidation and, more often than not, drugs.
Duggan himself, according to some residents, was a crack cocaine dealer who routinely carried a gun.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Christopher Sidor »

Moderators please archive this discussion and start a new thread. It has crossed 100 pages.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by IndraD »

riots break out in fresh areas of London in broad day light suc as Hackney, Oxford Circus

the whole country is cursing immigrants for chaos, crime. Why is our media not questioning olympics organisation in London, I remember very well how BBC and others raped image of India and presented it like toilet for months after months.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Chinmayanand »

Will all these rioters get shipped to OZ land?
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by IndraD »

^^^ The first news item disappeared from front page in no time

Scores of police raced to Hackney this evening (pictured) as a mob of hooded youths began hurling missiles at the officers. There was also violence in nearby Dalston where shops and businesses were attacked. In Stratford, workers were told to barricade their shops and offices and go home early as the Met feared the most violent confrontations yet in the wake of the shooting of suspected gangster Mark Duggan. ... nival.html

London on lockdown as police face gangs armed with petrol bombs and poles on third night of riots

Violence in Hackney, Peckham and Lewisham this evening

Shops closed early in Islington, Kilburn, and Stratford amid fears of more lawlessness

Barriers put up around Westfield Shopping Centre in case violence starts

Twitter users could be arrested for inciting violence, warns police chief

215 people arrested since Saturday night - including one aged 11 - and 25 charged

Scotland Yard faces criticism over its readiness for the riots, despite repeated warnings

Teenagers told 'bring knives and hammers' to clashes in Enfield

A new development is people of British origin (whites) involved in looting evident from the daily mail link above
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by jiteshn »

IndraD wrote:Image
Volcanic eruption? :eek:
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Gus »

I have been to some of these places...minority heavy and low income.

The cops could have defused it right away when the mob formed outside the station in the beginning. They could have gone out and picked some representative and talked with them (or form a "committee" on the spot). My understanding is that they dragged on responding and instead chose to barricade inside.

The much vaunted riot control methods of the UK law administration ("experience" since centuries) is in shambles. Were they not clued in to the chatter in social media???
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by MurthyB »

This is the soundtrack for this thread:

Guns of Brixton Lyrics
Artist(Band):The Clash

When they kick out your front door
How you gonna come?
With your hands on your head
Or on the trigger of your gun

When the law break in
How you gonna go?
Shot down on the pavement
Or waiting in death row

You can crush us
You can bruise us
But you'll have to answer to
Oh, Guns of Brixton

The money feels good
And your life you like it well
But surely your time will come
As in heaven, as in hell

You see, he feels like Ivan
BORN under the Brixton sun
His game is called survivin'
At the end of the harder they come

You know it means no mercy
They caught him with a gun
No need for the Black Maria
Goodbye to the Brixton sun

You can crush us
You can bruise us
But you'll have to answer to
Oh-the guns of Brixton

When they kick out your front door
How you gonna come?
With your hands on your head
Or on the trigger of your gun

You can crush us
You can bruise us
And even shoot us
But oh- the guns of Brixton

Shot down on the pavement
Waiting in death row
His game was survivin'
As in heaven as in hell

You can crush us
You can bruise us
But you'll have to answer to
Oh, the guns of Brixton
Oh, the guns of Brixton
Oh, the guns of Brixton
Oh, the guns of Brixton
Oh, the guns of Brixton

AND of course:

London Calling Lyrics
Artist(Band):The Clash

London calling to the faraway towns
Now war is declared, and battle come down
London calling to the underworld
Come out of the cupboard, you boys and girls
London calling, now don't look to us
Phoney Beatlemania has bitten the dust
London calling, see we ain't got no swing
'Cept for the ring of that truncheon thing

[Chorus 1:]
The ice age is coming, the sun's zooming in
Meltdown expected, the wheat is growing thin
Engines stop running, but I have no fear
'Cause London is drowning, and I live by the river

London calling to the imitation zone
Forget it, brother, you can go it alone
London calling to the zombies of death
Quit holding out, and draw another breath
London calling, and I don't wanna shout
But while we were talking, I saw you nodding out
London calling, see we ain't got no high
Except for that one with the yellowy eyes

[Chorus 2: x2]
The ice age is coming, the sun's zooming in
Engines stop running, the wheat is growing thin
A nuclear error, but I have no fear
'Cause London is drowning, and I live by the river

Now get this

London calling, yes, I was there, too
An' you know what they said? Well, some of it was true!
London calling at the top of the dial
After all this, won't you give me a smile?
London calling

I never felt so much alike [fading] alike alike alike
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by IndraD »

Some believe that police has deliberately let situation go out of hands since they were livid due to their job cuts and police budget being squeezed by 20%. Some of these areas where disturbance is going on are hardly miles away from Olympics venue. The former mayor London already has blamed benefits cuts and similar austerity measures behind these disorders. ... ebook.html

Twit and Twitter: 'Looter' posts photo of himself and his booty online as police say tweets were used to co-ordinate riots

Report of disorder breaking out in Birmingham

Unrest spreading to Leeds, Birmingham ... birmingham
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by nithish »

London riots escalate as police battle for control
In Hackney, east London, masked and hooded youths smashed up shops and threw missiles, planks of wood and wheelie bins at riot police. Several abandoned vehicles were set alight. There were also violent scenes in Lewisham, south-east London, where petrol bombs were reportedly thrown at officers, and shops looted. A bus was torched in nearby Peckham as police struggled to respond to the spread of sporadic violent incidents.

Witnesses said a 100-strong mob cheered as a shop in the centre of Peckham was torched and one masked thug shouted: "The West End's going down next." A baker's next door was also alight. One onlooker said: "The mob were just standing there cheering and laughing. Others were just watching on from their homes open-mouthed in horror."

The unrest had spread beyond London with West Midlands police confirming outbreaks of disorder in Birmingham city centre. Shops including a branch of Louis Vuitton had windows smashed and were looted. Extra officers were being sent into the streets of Britain's second city.
In a bid to contain them, Scotland Yard introduced special powers in four areas – Lambeth, Haringey, Enfield and Waltham Forest, allowing stop and search without reasonable suspicion. The section 60 powers were invoked at midnight on Sunday. One incident of stop and search in Hackney was reportedly the catalyst for violence which erupted in Mare Street shortly after 4pm, and saw local hooded youths battle police.
Meanwhile, the maker of the BlackBerry smartphones, Research in Motion, said it would co-operate with a police investigation into claims its popular BlackBerry Messenger service played a key role in organising the London riots.
Brixton bore the brunt of Sunday's violence. The Lambeth council leader, Steve Reed, said: "We are asking the mayor's office for additional police for tonight and the next few nights." Condemning the "copycat activity", he said: "Somebody described it as gangs of kids doing Supermarket Sweep. It was Curry's where they were after plasma screen TVs, and H&M and Foot Locker where it was clothes and trainers. It wasn't about social issues, it was an opportunity to go on the rob."
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by IndraD »





Image ... ce-tactics

London riots: how did the Metropolitan police lose control of the capital?
The Metropolitan police's embattled public order unit, CO11, once prided itself on being the world leader in containing disorder. At 3am yesterday, its exhausted officers slept in police vans lined up in Enfield town centre, bruised, exhausted and, for the second night running, entirely out-manoeuvred.
In Tottenham on Saturday police were accused of failing to open dialogue with protesters who had gathered outside the police station following the fatal shooting of Mark Duggan.

"Years ago there would have been a lot of dialogue," said David Gilbertson, formerly a Metropolitan police division chief superintendent at Tottenham. "We would have gone out of our way to ensure that the organisers of a protest group would have been brought into a station like that even if others were stood outside."

It took hours for police to change from regular uniforms to riot gear, and even longer for them to begin almost half-hearted attempts at preventing looting.

Officers concentrated almost all their efforts in regaining the territory on the high road, lost during the earlier protest.

There were hardly any attempts to prevent looting, with police only marching in formation and sealing off roads.

"You have an obligation to protect life and property and to do that you need to have a strategy," Gilbertson said. "The simplest thing to say is that you don't let groups gather. If it has gone beyond that then you drive them beyond where they are likely to cause damage. There are some blindingly obvious places you don't let them get near, such as shopping areas."
Last edited by IndraD on 09 Aug 2011 01:47, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Mahendra »

Chinmayanand wrote:Will all these rioters get shipped to OZ land?

OZ land wont take no more, perhaps Packiland in exchange for some Al-Q no 3.14
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by shyamd »

Look at the people chuckin the stones... they are 14-21 year old yobs form the estates. These kids are having their fun. Some are just taking advantage of it to steal TVs etc. Nothing political or anything about it.

My cousin was saying 3 police officers may have died in an explosion in East ham.

My cousin lives a few hundred away from the blaze in croydon He was saying that they are just stealing TVs and running off with them. Police are just standing watching.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by SwamyG »

Some Muslim Uprisings Good, All European Ones Bad

The above blog's author is uber take it with a pinch of salt; and I warn you her == sometimes can get on your nerves. Relax though.

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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Stan_Savljevic »

How can London be safe for the OG next year? Down with the Games. The Games are already behind schedule. Start the campaign now. How can they get away with throwing muck at Delhi. Perry Crosswhite and his anglais cousins will have to answer now.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by KLNMurthy »

Time for India to refuse visa to Cameron as he obviously engineered anti-minority riots.
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussion 9th Aug 2011

Post by nithish »

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