Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by panduranghari »

kmkraoind wrote:The 99:1 media strategy: Modi is speaking to the right audience

Jaggi is spot on and its worth reading the whole article.
Shouldn't this also go into constructive wallowing thread so that the constructive wallowing stops?
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Neela »

Neela wrote: I think we worry too much abt ELM. Their impact after a decade of hounding was there for everyone to see.
A lot of people want instant retribution. Big actions, bigger talk etc. Now is not the time. Gujarat came to focus after 10 years for all the hard work put earlier. It will take years for the results to show.
Modi is in a consolidation phase now in GoI. Consolidate his power and focus on things that matter to the common man - these are the only things that should be in focus. Without a favorable babudom, he cant get anywhere. Without relief to the common man he cant get elected again.

Eventually actions against corrupt Congress and babus will come. I dont want to be proven wrong on this but retribution must be done from a position of strength and opposition having very little ammo.
What I had written earlier.
What Jaggi wrote in FP.
kmkraoind wrote:The 99:1 media strategy: Modi is speaking to the right audience
Jaggi is spot on and its worth reading the whole article.
Modi, we all know, likes to work through the bureaucracy, and this is why his first major move after taking over was to address top bureaucrats. Barring bureaucrats who were too loyal to the old dispensation, Modi has largely retained the old steel frame - which had rusted during UPA's tenure. By allowing them to run some of their own policies and giving them freedom to think for themselves, Modi is buying their loyalties for the longer term.
Remember three things: Modi is playing for the long term and would like to be in power at least 10 years. This is the significance of setting a goal for providing all households with pucca homes by 2022 - and not 2019, when this Lok Sabha's term ends.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by RamaY »

This Modi is not communicating or gone silent allegation is coming for the following reasons:

1/ The MSM thinks and the secular dhimmis feel that unless something is communicated thru News Trader Networks (NTN) its not communication/message. Since Modi made them untouchables, they are spinning this to say he is not communicating.

2/ Before elections Media always asked can you name any minister other than Modi in Gujarat Govt? In reality this means the media never tried to reach out to his ministers but instead spent all the air time on bad mouthing Modi by singling him out. On the other hand, now all of Modi's cabinet are communicating with the nation thru social media.

3/ Between Modi & his cabinet, they must have made thousands of tweets and dozens of blogposts in the past 60days, which is spread thru SM as well as print media. Unlike before where ministerial 'opinions' about political/secular nonsense were the only sound bites now we have ministers talking about their road maps, visions and action plans, which is what needed.

More power to Modi Sarkar.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by putnanja »

Meet PM Modi's godson from Nepal
It has now emerged that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been the guardian of a Nepali boy for over a decade, looking after his education and well being.

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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Rahul Mehta »

Can anyone post link to the suggestion he made on mygov?

How did you obtain that link?

I can see my suggestions, but I am unable to obtain link that I can send to others to see my suggestion.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Hari Seldon »

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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Chandragupta »

putnanja wrote:Meet PM Modi's godson from Nepal
It has now emerged that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been the guardian of a Nepali boy for over a decade, looking after his education and well being.


A comment on the link :
Many distressed people has story who met Modi once. We had an industry in WB having a work force of 30 people which means 30 families. When Ms Mamata won a land slide victory in 2009. Her party office breaded everywhere and she also formed various unauthorized syndicates with her loyal unemployed youths, who were empowered to collect money from industry and supply material which resulted our industry to close down in Bengal in 2009. As we knew that Modi Ji was great a great visionary so we approached and got an appointment within 48 hrs. When we met we were shaking seeing his persona. As all our papers were with him indicating purpose of meeting. He could read our mind and spent 1 minute only. All he said never to get upset for not contributing to Bengal. Gujarat welcomes you. We have to work for Shrestra Bharat so that it becomes Viswa guru. The way he was using words it appeared to us spark as if we were listening speech of Swami Vivekananda in Chicago. After the meeting we never looked back. His govt was so pro-active that we got everything before we asked. Our employment of 30 worker were saved and today we are running a successful industry in Gujarat.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by chaanakya »

MPs are not special, can't fast-track criminal cases against them: SC
NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Friday said that it cannot fast-track criminal cases against MPs alone, taking them to be a distinct category from other pending criminal cases.

PM Narendra Modi had asked MPs to get the pending criminal cases expedited in a bid to reduce criminality in politics.

The SC said there are several categories like women and senior citizens where criminal trial needs to be expedited.

The apex court said this fast-tracking of a few categories is not helping to speed up criminal justice system as the manpower in trial courts and infrastructure is woefully inadequate.

The SC asked the Modi government to come out with concrete proposal within four weeks, in consultation with states, on how to fast-track entire criminal justice system and not appointing a few special courts for some sensitive cases.

The SC said good governance means expeditious criminal justice delivery system. "Pendency of criminal cases for 10 years does not augur well for democracy," the SC bench said.

Declaring that there should be no space for criminals in Parliament, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had on June 11 sought the support of lawmakers to ask Supreme Court to complete trials of pending cases against MPs within a year.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by krishnan »

so why are they being given spl treatment ???
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Paul »

Another insightful article. This time by Swapan Das Gupta.
- Modi has ended his honeymoon with the media

Swapan Dasgupta

Last Wednesday, to commemorate his two years in Rashtrapati Bhavan, President Pranab Mukherjee invited the media for tea. At the old ballroom — now inappropriately named the Ashoka room, considering the elaborate Persian hunting scenes on the ceiling — he delivered a charming speech outlining the importance of Sir Edwin Lutyens’ Viceregal Palace in the twilight years of the British. As an aside he also spoke about his continuing interaction — albeit in a non-political way — with the media. His various trips inside the country and overseas invariably contain a media contingent and Rashtrapati Bhavan has two officers responsible for servicing the media.

The president naturally spoke about his media outreach because the function was exclusively for the media. However, at the tea that followed in the old banquet room, a reporter for a English weekly magazine decided to give the president’s remarks a spin. Going from huddle to huddle, she said that the “story to do” was a comparison between the president’s open style — his press secretary had earlier called it the ‘democratization’ of Rashtrapati Bhavan — and the No Entry approach of the prime minister, Narendra Modi.

The media’s gripe with the new occupant of Race Course Road has already filled up many columns of the press, particularly the English language publications. Accustomed to being courted, wooed and briefed about each and every aspect of government by an active media department of the prime minister’s office that invariably included former journalists with existing links in the media, the fourth estate is miffed with Modi. Not only has the media policy been replaced by an information policy where the print and electronic media are treated on par with the social media, there is no one in the PMO to take calls and entertain queries. This is similar to the of advocated policy by BRites for wagah checkpost it was advoacted replacing the retreat/gate closing ceremony with a pot bellied chaprasi :D

Finally, in a move that left the media apoplectic with rage, Modi decided that he was not obliged to take a massive media contingent with him on his overseas tours. Interested media organizations could jolly well make their own arrangements but the government of India wasn’t going to either subsidize or facilitate a contingent that, if the past is any indication, contained as many non-journalists as those who actually reported. This withdrawal of an age-old entitlement has led to the end of the all-too-brief honeymoon he enjoyed with the media between the final stages of the election campaign (roughly from mid-April when the Congress collapse became self-evident to all but the wilfully blind) and the visit of the leaders of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation for his inauguration at the end of May.

Conventional wisdom deems that in the made-in-media society of the 21st century, no political leader can hope to survive in a democratic society by keeping the media firmly outside the gates. ‘Spin’ has become a favourite buzzword in political circles in the West and effective ‘spin doctors’ are much in demand in all democratic societies. The “government that has stopped spinning,” wrote The Times (London) with characteristic certitude in August 2003, “is the government that may well have stopped functioning.”

This over-weening importance attached to media presentation had a lot to do with the perception that new age politicians such as Tony Blair had taken the poetry out of politics and reduced it to weekly opinion polls, focus groups and targeting. In a searing, old world critique of New Labour, Lord Rees-Mogg, a former editor of The Times, wrote in disgust: “The government arrives at policy more or less by accident but arrives at propaganda —‘the line to take’— by careful planning and high-level discussions. The government is a presidency organised for propaganda not a Cabinet organised for policy.”

It is fortuitous for the political class that public disgust with unending spin was overtaken by the public revulsion for the media over their lack of ethics in the manufacture of news. In Britain, the circumstances that led to the closure of the News of the World — one of the most popular Sunday tabloids — led to the media as a whole being discredited. In India, the taped conversations of the public relations person, Niira Radia, with prominent journalists had a similar effect. Apart from breaking the myth about ‘objective’ journalism, it showed up many top dog journalists for what they actually were: brokers in the corridors of power.

Whether a disavowal of Western-style democratic politics or disgust with media that had hounded him relentlessly since 2002 determined Modi’s decision to switch from spin to bare-bone information will remain a matter of conjecture. However, two things are worthy of note.

First, unlike the Congress that was unduly sensitive to media criticism, particularly the English language publications and channels, Modi has survived the rough and tumble of politics by being disdainful of the media.
Legends have grown around how he looked right through a prominent television anchor during the 2007 Gujarat election campaign and how he dismissed another star with contempt during one of his yatras in 2013. Indeed, confronted by a wall of media opposition as he transited from regional to national politics, Modi strove to bypass the mainstream media with an over-reliance on the social media where he could control the message. Contrary to some conspiracy theories of corporate media backing the ‘Modi for PM’ project, the Modi message was disseminated in 2014 from the social media downwards. It is only after the Modi campaign was on a roll that print and TV media jumped on to the bandwagon.

Secondly, Modi has concluded —rightly in my opinion — that the wider public doesn’t give a damn about either media conveniences or its trade union demands
. Interestingly, he is not the only political leader of consequence to do so. Jyoti Basu was downright rude to the gaggle that used to greet him in the Writers’ Buildings corridor; J. Jayalalithaa never ceased being celluloid royalty; Naveen Patnaik was very civilized and extremely aloof; and there was the thick curtain that separated Sonia Gandhi from prying eyes, media or otherwise.

The media imagine that Modi is under an obligation to play the media game by the rules they have set. Modi feels that he can alter the rules to his advantage —even if leads to short-term hiccups. There is an unstated stand-off between Modi and the media that remains unresolved. For the moment, the media are undertaking a proxy war — trying to drag the government in the Ved Prakash Vaidik-Hafeez Sayeed meeting and having a ball massacring the unshaped views of the hapless Dina Nath Batra. But these are all sniper attacks. The media are yet to get their teeth into something more substantive such as a juicy corruption scandal or a serious policy mishap that will enable a frontal attack on the prime minister himself. On his part, Modi is using the honeymoon to establish an alternative outreach strategy that will not compromise on media exposure for the government’s policies and programmes but could end up limiting the media’s ability to be agents of influence.

In the West such an approach would undoubtedly have been politically hazardous. However, it is instructive to remember that Stanley Baldwin had no hesitation taking on the Beaverbrook press in the 1930s, knowing fully well that paper sales were no index of public opinion. Modi is only too aware of the media’s limitations in India. He also knows that there is a long way to go before the Indian media can acquire a self-image of being truly professional and without a collateral agenda. His priority is to get his message across. As long as there is a credible message, the medium will fall in place.
Modi has rightly concluded that opinion poll driven agenda by Media outlets which work in the west have no place in India. The key is to stay out of a scandal. That will give MSM something to sink its teeth into.

PS: This article needs to be in the whiner's thread as well.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by SanjayC »

Good piece about muscular foreign policy of Modi based on national interests, compared to habitual capitulation of Mickey Mouse Singh.

Modi's WTO stand is a far cry from UPA's weak multilateral trade policies ... 45245.html
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by chaanakya »

svinayak wrote:Sushma Swaraj press conf
Please watch from minute 16:00 -

original: video

I can't believe it. In talk with Kerry NaMo called for Saffron Revolution: Revolution in Energy as saffron represents Energy. And Kerry was made to report it. Brilliant.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by amol »

^Ha! Check out at 3:54. Kerry thanks Mr Swaraj! Probably still feeling disoriented by some choice jhaapads that were just delivered. :mrgreen:
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by SaiK »

The Prime Minister said, saffron colour represents energy – and we need a saffron revolution that focuses on renewable energy sources such as solar energy, to meet India’s growing energy demand. ... 35018.html
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by JE Menon »

amol, he said "Minister" Swaraj :) ... I admit, it sounded initially like that but I went back and checked it again...
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by chaanakya »

X-posted from Disaster Management thread

NaMo Effect.

Govt swings into action in view of flood threat from Nepal; Modi closely monitoring the situation
Press Trust of India | New Delhi | August 2, 2014 6:00 pm
A landslide in Nepal has led to creation of an artificial dam on river Kosi, triggering possibility of a flood that could affect parts of Bihar,
government said here on Saturday as it swung into action to control any possible damage.

The Crisis Management Committee (CMC), headed by Cabinet Secretary Ajit Seth, held an emergency meeting here in view of the development and a decision was taken to rush some experts to Nepal besides 15 teams of National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) to Bihar.

When contacted, Seth said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has directed all help should be rendered to Bihar as well as Nepal to meet any eventuality.

Significantly, the development has occurred a day ahead of Modi’s two-day visit to Nepal. Officials said the Prime Minister was concerned over the situation and spoke to Seth to do all the needful.

The Cabinet Secretary spoke to Bihar Chief Secretary and promised all assistance from the Centre. A team of experts has been rushed to Nepal to help them with technical support, the officials said, adding if need be more experts could be sent.

Eight teams of NDRF have been sent to Bihar from Delhi and seven from Kolkata to help in rescue and relief. The priority is evacuation of people and animals from the areas that could bear the brunt of the floods.

Due to the landslide, about 20-27 lakh cusecs of water has got collected in the artificial dam, the officials said. Nepalese authorities are making “controlled breaches” in it so that water can be released slowly and in less quantity.

However, if these efforts do not succeed and the artificial dam bursts, parts of Bihar could face “temporary floods” within 14-18 hours, the officials said.

Places like Madhepura, Supaul and Saharsa could face the maximum damage if floods occur, the officials said, adding places like Madhubani and Khagaria could also have some impact. About six years back, floods due to breach in Kosi river had led to massive devastation in Bihar.
Already NaMo said Nepal would also be helped as per India TV news. Eight NDRF teams are sent to Districts under threat. Evacuation has been ordered. CMC met today and CabSec has assured all help to Bihar CS and no politicking on this. Specialists Team has been sent to nepal to help them.
What a refreshing change from past practices and that too from the same bureaucracy. Just what an Indic Leader can do!

I have called my village people and alerted them and asked them to contact District Admin and check if they are also to be on alert.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by chaanakya »

NaMo has left for Nepal. He would be addressing Parliament/Constituent Assembly at 4.00PM Today besides other engagements on his tow days visit of Nepal.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Virendra »

NaMo's master stroke - India will work for 'Nepal ka hit'
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Virendra »

Nepali jaws dropping in awe at the Parliament can be seen clearly :)
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Virendra »

10,000 crores Nepali Rupee in aid !!
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by archan »

Yup, need a friendly Nepal and hopefully they'll help plug that fake currency route into Bihar as well. With Nepal and BD routes closed, pakis PA will squirm.
Perhaps it is time to separate the zalim PA with the "oppressed" Pakistanis.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by muraliravi »

Virendra wrote:10,000 crores Nepali Rupee in aid !!
When are we discussing the merger?
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by chaanakya »

NaMo in Nepal

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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by chaanakya » ... 52066.html
Prime Minister Narendra Modi concludes his speech.

I also declare a $1 billion Line of Credit to Nepal, says Modi.

But the focus should be on H-I-T (Highway, Infoways, Transways), says PM Modi

Being your neighbour and seeing our experience as a democracy we feel happy: PM Modi

A Constitution always unites, it never divides, says PM Modi in Nepal Parliament.

Why cant Nepal be the largest exporter of herbal medicine? 'Hanuman ji' came here for sanjeevani: PM Modi.

Nepal is a truly sovereign nation. It is not our job to interfere in Nepal's internal affairs: Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Further for Nepalese students to study in India, I hereby announce scholarship for them, says Modi.

If a cold wind blows in Nepal, India feels a chill, says Modi.

Nepal can free India of its darkness. But we dont want free electricity, we want to buy it: PM Modi

Just by selling power to India, Nepal can find a place in the developed countries of the world. India wants to walk shoulder-to-shoulder with you, says Narendra Modi.

We have always believed that it is not our work to interfere in what you do but to support you in the path you decide to take: Modi

Not only people of Nepal but also those who believe in the power of democracy are looking at Nepal and this Assembly, says Modi

I congratulate all those who gave the the bullet and chose the ballot in Nepal: Modi

King Asoka went in search of peace. I congratulate you all that you chose the path of "Buddha" rather than "yudh": PM Modi

Our relations with Nepal are as old as the Himalayas and the Ganga, says Narendra Modi.

There is a temple in Kashi where priest is from Nepal, & there is a temple in Nepal where priests are Indian, such is our bond: PM Modi

I began my tenure as PM in Kashi, now I stand at the feet of Pashupatinath: Narendra Modi.

Prime Minister Modi says gesture of inviting him to be first guest at the Nepalese Parliament is 'respect shown to all 1.2 billion Indians'.

PM Narendra Modi addresses Nepalese Parliament, begins address in Nepali language. It's a land where Lord Buddha was born, this country has rich cultural heritage, says Modi

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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Singha »

The speech of a friend and a kshatrap. Reminds of the old days when magadha was what it was.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by kmkraoind »

Raja Mandala Theory And Its Relevance

Modi is following Chaankaya.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Vipin_Upadhyay »

Chaktravartin Shri NaMo addresing Nepali parliament. After listening to him, I can say only this - if tomorrow there is an election in Nepal, he will sweep them too. :D

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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Virendra »

I bet all jingoes had a good day today :)
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by gandharva »

Har Har Modi in Nepal.

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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by RoyG »

Hard to believe that we had Sonia and her MMS puppet for a decade before this. What clarity in vision!
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by RoyG »

Regional economic and security architecture is forming. The neighborhood is falling in line. Energy, trade, and currency. Armaments won't be too far behind especially after we have a MIC. The trick is if we can convince the Maoists to adopt a swadeshi dharmic model of development. This may serve as a template for leftists in India as well.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by krisna »

Only grouse is NaMo was in the open mingling with crowds. I am sure Nepal is safer than west ? and of course napakis.

But still that small fear in one corner of the heart when some jihadi etc :(
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by devesh »

"brothers of the same civilization".

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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by muraliravi »

Watch at 1:56 and beyond, what the heck is shankarsingh thakur of tehelka past doing there. He is media advisor to Niku and one of the worst namo baiters.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by KLNMurthy »

devesh wrote:"brothers of the same civilization".

The Hindi words were more subtle and powerful: "brothers both enriched by the same civilization".

The theme of "we as a people are very rich" is a steady and consistent one throughout Modi's speeches. I could see some of the Nepali legislators visibly moved by Modi's words, nodding their heads in approval. With one stroke, like a guru pointing out that the so-called snake is only a rope seen in the dark, Modi is looking to remove the sales of beggary from Indic people's eyes, all the while leaving the door wide open for anyone else who wants to join and enjoy the spiritual and material riches of the civilization.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Hari Seldon »


Shankarshan thakur is only being rewarded for his tremendous services to the namo campaign. By 'advising' NiKu into a ditch, lawd only knows the yeoman service Thakoor has done for the Indic cause.... only.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by muraliravi »

Hari Seldon wrote:^^MR,

Shankarshan thakur is only being rewarded for his tremendous services to the namo campaign. By 'advising' NiKu into a ditch, lawd only knows the yeoman service Thakoor has done for the Indic cause.... only.
well said hari sir.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Singha »

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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by Singha » ... 47375.html

Ramanathapuram: A 22-year-old youth was taken into custody on Sunday for questioning after a group photo of some youths wearing t-shirts with ISIS emblem appeared on a social networking site.

Abul Rahman has been taken into custody in connection with the photo which appeared during Ramazan period, Superintendent of Police P Mayilvahanan said.

However, Rahman told police that they did it to thank the ISIS for releasing Indian nurses from their captivity in strife-torn Iraq without harming them, the officer said.
Rahman also said they had only shared their gratefulness and happiness over the release of the nurses as ISIS was not a banned outfit in India, Mayilvahanan added.

He said the 'Q' branch and Intelligence Bureau are investigating the incident.

The photo was taken in front of a mosque at Thondi.

Initial investigation revealed that the person who took the photo had gone abroad and uploaded the picture on a social networking site.

The t-shirts were made by a company at Kader Pettai in Tiruppur district in Tamil Nadu, he said, adding, in all 100 such t-shirts had been made and of them 36 were worn by the group.

Rahman's friend Villavan had arranged to make the t-shirts, he said.

Police said the youths, who posed for the photo, did not have any links with any terrorist organisation, "but they are being monitored and have been warned severely."

"The mosque authorise had warned the youths against wearing such t-shirts. The youths had told them it was only a prank," an official of the Intelligence bureau said.

Officials said the picture had been withdrawn from the social networking site now.

They also said they have not found any hardcore supporters of the ISIS in Tamil Nadu.
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Re: Narendra Modi vs the Dynasty: Contrasting Ideas of India

Post by chetak »

muraliravi wrote:
Hari Seldon wrote:^^MR,

Shankarshan thakur is only being rewarded for his tremendous services to the namo campaign. By 'advising' NiKu into a ditch, lawd only knows the yeoman service Thakoor has done for the Indic cause.... only.
well said hari sir.
from the look of him, I think that he has nepali lineage in his genes