Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by member_28638 »

vishvak wrote:
Karan Dixit wrote:All British male visitors to India must undergo background check by Indian authorities to ensure that they are not a pedophile. This is common sense actually given all the pedophilia coming from UK.
BBC itself, funded by the state (indirectly by public) never should have cared to let anything of such nature within, nor cared to not report such cases. link
There seems to be culture of silence or even protection of accused. link
- paying for state-run BBC propaganda whether you want it or not

The other shoe drops. I thought these skank were trying to keep the sheeple addicted to the habit of watching by offering it for free on "catch-up" "services". But it seems the reason was to provide the excuse to charge EVERY HOUSEHOLD for this krap!

The child-raping, skanky old farts at the state-run BBC produce nothing but krap but award themselves HUGE salaries and golden handshakes. Yob Gear is supposedly the best they can do. Yet that is based on the cars produced by the Axis Powers of WW2, Germany, Italy and Japan, with a healthy dose of speciesism insulting Germans and smearing japanese cars. So krap is Yob Gear that they have devised increasingly pathetic stunts that a toddler would groan at because they're so lame. The Yob Gear moron's latest stunt is to insult Liverpudlians in another pathetic attempt to get attention. As well as the really dumbed down propaganda, you're supposed to be distracted by the pathetic antics of the Yob Gear moron so that you don't notice the quackonomy is being run by a bunch of crack heads such as war criminal Camoron, Osborne and his adviser, Douglas McWilliams, professor of crackonomics and that the hyperinflationary run on the poodle has already started.

The state-run BBC may have had justification for charging a licence fee in the early days to cover infrastructure. But today the programme's are so krap that there's never anything worth watching. Just buy second hand DVD's off eBay; it's far better quality, more convenient AND cheaper. THIS is what's prompted the change. It's precisely because no one wants to watch the krap they produce that they're going to charge everyone, no matter how poor, for something they don't freakin' well want and which is the krappest in the World. It's also why the propaganda rags such as the Independent and zionist Daily Telegraphic Nonsense have been peddling the state-run BBC's krap programmes too.

The propaganda rags report that about two thirds of the programmes shown this Christmas just gone were repeats. So it's the same scam as the iTunes store where you pay for the content but never own it, except that you have to pay repeatedly AND you have no choice.

The licence fee is like gangsters who spray scent in the air and then demand a fee off passers by. This is particularly egregious if you download programmes to watch off the internet as these skank are effectively commandeering it and then demanding their cut whether or not you watch the krud programmes they produce. That was always the case for the so-called independent channels and now any internet downloads, but these gangsters are now going even further demanding a fee even if you've got no internet and no TV set.

I stopped watching TV decades ago and haven't missed it in the slightest. I've had the child-raping state-run BBC's Telly Police pester me for decades now, demanding to inspect my living room to make sure I haven't got a telly. And they refer to China as "authoritarian"! Of course, these skank offer no way to claim the refund they promised me YEARS AGO.

This is why you have to vote for Camoron: because they're going to hang this clown from the nearest lamp post. Two have committed suicide due to the benefits changes and one has already starved to death. Yet this pratt who's never done a day's work, honest or otherwise continues to crack the whip because his fellow bankster buddies have taken everyone's savings and spent it.

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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by member_28638 »

vishvak wrote:
Karan Dixit wrote:All British male visitors to India must undergo background check by Indian authorities to ensure that they are not a pedophile. This is common sense actually given all the pedophilia coming from UK.
BBC itself, funded by the state (indirectly by public) never should have cared to let anything of such nature within, nor cared to not report such cases. link
There seems to be culture of silence or even protection of accused. link

State-Run BBC Smears India Too

That, after all, is the remit of the state-run BBC and why they hire speciesist, obnoxious, worthless krap such as the Yob Gear skank. And here's the infantile skank excuse: Dear Sh. Rakesh Singh,

Thank you for your letter of today. We appreciate your concern but we feel India’s Daughter has a strong public interest in raising awareness of a global problem and the BBC is satisfied with the editorial standards of the film.
- India's Daughter: How India tried to suppress the BBC Delhi gang-rape documentary

Yet, the state-run BBC has failed to make a documentary including Rolf Harris, Paul Gadd (Gary Glitter) and Cliff Richard or interviews of Esther Rantzen and Coleen Nolan (who both admitted they knew Sir Jimmy Savile was a paedophile all along) or any of the state-run BBC's management who allowed Savile to molest children, some in wheelchairs and then came up with the infantile excuse that no one told them. EVERYONE at the state-run BBC knew all along because, for those of us with a memory longer than that of a goldfish, it hit the news decades ago. That's why there were no denials from Savile's relatives. Instead, they just had the headstone removed. Only after Savile died and it hit the news a second time did Poodleville plod suddenly start investigating and arresting. Neither has the state-run BBC made a documentary about the Tory party child-rapists and child-murderers, which Theresa May is currently in the process of covering up.

In other words, India and not rape is the target. Similarly, Gangster Snake-oil Korporation was caught bribing in the thieved state of Amerika. Only when they were caught in China did the anglo/zionist propaganda rags start kicking up a stink and implying that the problem was China, with few pointing out the earlier cases in the thieved state of Amerika and subsequent cases in France and Iraq of GSK bribery.

So Cohen is full of it.

War criminal, Camoron, went to India with his doggie begging bowl and India demanded their Koh-i-noor diamond back but were refused. One indian boxer also complained of the wholesale cheating at the 2012 Olympics, complaining of how it was like a krappy amateur event with all the anglo cheating. An indian ambassador to the thieved state of Amerika was also cavity searched in violation of protocol.

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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by member_22733 »

eklavya wrote:^^^^
I think by barrel she means society or environment, and indeed she has a generally negative view of the treatment of women in India. This view is alas justified by the facts. Female foeticide, dowry, etc are scourges of society. The description of Delhi as the "rape capital of India" was not a phrase invented by a foreigner.
Before throwing a stone at whom you consider to be "the other" it would be a worthwhile exercise to check if you are within a glass cage yourself. Claiming rape is a worldwide problem and then making Indians and only Indians as specific examples is nothing but an extremely dishonest attempt at attacking the issue. Occam's razor points to propaganda, which is what it ultimately is.

Flaunting Indian laws to make a movie about India shows even more dishonesty and ungratefulness. The only excuse one can then make is that the movie was made by a paranoid feminist with an inherent racial bias and hatred against Indian society (which was also amply made clear by the producers own statement).

You can paint a pig anyway you want, even put a lipstick on it. However, it will remain a pig.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Jarita »

Singha wrote:Uk seems like the world capital of pedophilia.

Is there a lack of adult women there?

It is.
Lord Mounbatten was a well known pedophile. He would prey on Indian village boys too in addition to the lower classes in Britain.
If you study their stories, orphanages were sinister places not just because of the poor treatment of the boys but rampant pedophilia. Charles Dickens and other refer to it. It was well known that the nobles preyed on the commoners and it was always under wraps. That genetic flaw is still there.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by member_22733 »

I once met a 60 y/o guy from Brishitstan who is pretty well respected in his field and I thought highly off. He had been a recent entrant in the field but had a Math peechaddie and he was able to quickly adapt some of his grad work into the new field.

We decided to meet up for a hike (this was back in my fit-as-a-fiddle days). On the hike we discussed about pressures of life and how to handle it etc. It was all going fine until he said this (paraphrasing with details edited out):

"I love my daughters, xxxxyyy and yyyzzz are the best kids a man can have. They are married now and that takes a lot of pressure off my chest. Once your girls *grow up* you kind of feel odd around them and get aroused around them. There is a tension that only goes away when they move out after getting married".

I changed topic to stochastic differential equations and its applications, my mind numb with both math and creepiness. To this day I have very limited contact with him. It was the creepiest thing anyone ever told me.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Jarita »

^^^ Ganga snaan needed
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Singha »

this from 2008 but indicates how the channel islands are used as a conduit to move money in and out of london...
UK seems to have 5 tax havens under its control. ... -list.html

Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man have been placed by the EU on an 'intermediate' list of financial centres which 'may' meet compliance regulations, angering the three Crown dependencies which claim they have done everything possible to put their houses in order.

British overseas territories including the Cayman Islands and British Virgin Islands have been excluded altogether, meaning they are effectively blacklisted.

Guernsey's finance minister Charles Parkinson claims the decision to leave the islands off the list was a 'political' one, following claims from some financiers that other EU countries did not welcome competition from tax havens.

'I am sure that there is no reason why we shouldn't be approved but obviously some countries in the EU loathe the idea that any tax haven could be respectable,' said Mr Parkinson.

The Crown dependencies have for years been working to shake off their image as depositories for the proceeds of crime. In the past they were favoured by criminals and shady businessmen because of the 'no questions asked' culture of their banks, which protected their clients' accounts from scrutiny, but the islands now insist they are squeaky clean.

The islands' economies are founded on their financial services industries, with Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man holding an estimated £500billion on deposit between them. There are 35,000 companies registered in Jersey, which has a population of just 90,000.

The islands remain attractive to companies and individuals because they charge much lower rates of tax than the UK (income tax in Jersey is a flat rate of 20 per cent) but they claim to have rooted out problems with money-laundering by working with the UK Treasury to implement strict compliance rules and by setting up regulatory bodies which are independent of the state.

Peter Neville, director-general of the Guernsey Financial Services Commission, said: "Unfortunately, politics, rather than fairness, plays a large part in this.

"The UK has confirmed it considers Guernsey does meet the required standards in relation to anti-money laundering and countering the funding of terrorism."

The EU's draft list of approved countries, which was published on the Treasury website, allows companies operating in EU countries the option of waiving some of the checks they would normally carry out on financial transactions carried out with companies abroad to ensure they did not involve the proceeds of crime.

Compiled by the EU committee on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, the list comprises 13 countries considered to have money-laundering legislation equivalent to that of EU countries. Controversially, it includes Russia, which has a chequered history of financial regulation.

The list states that the Crown dependencies, which are not part of the EU, may be considered to have equivalent standards to member states, without specifically approving them.

The islands are expected to lobby the EU for inclusion on the list after the International Monetary Fund produces its own 'white list' next year, which is expected to give the Crown dependencies a clean bill of health.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Singha »

bahamas seems to be another place where the anglo-us elite like to park some of their gains.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Karthik S »

Mission Accomplished: ... uF&share=1

This is being discussed in twitter too...
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by shiv »

Singha wrote:Uk seems like the world capital of pedophilia.

Is there a lack of adult women there?
When I used to live in the UK - I did not anticipate the large numbers of cartoon channels and the internet that would flood India - so I spent hours recording a great series of cartoon programs by a chap called Rolf Harris - a man who seemed perfectly innocuous and child friendly.

Turns out he was a pedophile..

Amazing stuff. I would have been encouraging kids to watch and lie this pedophile.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Shreeman »

Singha wrote:Uk seems like the world capital of pedophilia.

Is there a lack of adult women there?
Oh! I say,chappie. Quite. You have "touched" the nub, nee the crux, no I mean the central protuberance in this boil of a matter. You know the ugly teeth bit? Its not only the men who get that. The problem is not that there are harems, but just that by adulthood your specimens become quite, shall we say, unpresentable.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by g.sarkar »

shiv wrote:Uk seems like the world capital of pedophilia.
When I used to live in the UK - I did not anticipate the large numbers of cartoon channels and the internet that would flood India - so I spent hours recording a great series of cartoon programs by a chap called Rolf Harris - a man who seemed perfectly innocuous and child friendly.
Turns out he was a pedophile. Amazing stuff. I would have been encouraging kids to watch and lie this pedophile.
I too loved watching a program called "Jim Will Fix it", a very popular program run by Jim Savile in the BBC, where children would ask for wishes to come true. Later on it was found that he was molesting the children while he fixed them! And we all know the British science fiction writer who settled down in Sri Lanka for the young boys.
Last edited by g.sarkar on 09 Mar 2015 08:39, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by sanjaykumar »

There is nothing new here, one should review the scant information available on Kincora house, Belfast.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Shreeman »

sanjaykumar wrote:There is nothing new here, one should review the scant information available on Kincora house, Belfast.
Yes, but is BBC going off the air to protest Thatcher?
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Anantha »

Richard Dawkins needs a sound thrashing on twitter for condescending comments on India. please get to the task
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by pankajs »

eklavya wrote:^^^^
I think by barrel she means society or environment, and indeed she has a generally negative view of the treatment of women in India. This view is alas justified by the facts. Female foeticide, dowry, etc are scourges of society. The description of Delhi as the "rape capital of India" was not a phrase invented by a foreigner.

Her film shows that there are those with a highly retrograde mindset and those that are trying to bring change. Those trying to bring change span generations and genders and their movement has strength.

You should watch the film before jumping to conclusions.

The film does not portray all Indian men as potential rapists. It shows 3 sick Indian men (the convicted rapist, and his two lawyers) and a number of decent and humane Indian men: the victim's tutor, the victim's father, the patrolman who found the injured victims thrown naked on the roadside, a Supreme Court advocate, the criminal psychologist at Tihar, the thousands of men protesting on the streets, etc.
That is exactly what I am pointing out and she says it herself in her interview to a brit paper. I am not jumping to conclusion wrt her her intellect and mindset, it is clearly from her statements.

While there are issues in India, just going by numbers there are bigger problems in UK. Rape numbers is much higher in UK than in India even accounting for under reporting. The latest on Paedophilia rings, the Church scandal, the grooming rings to name a few going on for years and decades are clear pointers to massive under-reporting in UK. While India's numbers are unfortunate they are lower than UK's. If problems are a reflection of a country/society/culture then UK has a far bigger problem when it comes to the treatment of women but she chooses to ignore that. Again a pointer to her intellect and mindset.

She initially defended her film saying that it was to highlight a worldwide problem. I would have expected the film to have a global perspective just based on her words. Should have a couple of more cases *including* from her home country. Instead she's focused on just one country again points to her intellect and mindset.

This is not about the film but the person who made it and her mindset. She would be and indeed we should all be more worried by treatment of women and children in UK as justified by facts/numbers.
Last edited by pankajs on 09 Mar 2015 10:22, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Anantha »

shoud we start a bojitive news from UK threadlike the US one? or this thread itself is that thread?
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Neela »

Looks like Dawkins has changed tweet from "traditional culture of rape" to "traditional culture of misogyny"?
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Arjun »

pankajs wrote:This is not about the film but the person who made it and her mindset. .
As a result of the Nirbhaya atrocity, thousands agitated in Delhi against the brutality of that one crime. Men and women came together and acted shoulder-to-shoulder in converting this to a global cause. Delhi citizenry displayed greater outrage against the scourge of rape than all of Europe and US whose problems on the same count are FAR worse.

What is the end result ? The fact that Delhi has a more aware citizenry fighting for women's rights attracts British Femi-Nazis like Udwin (she has highlighted the fact that the only reason she chose Delhi for this assignment was the intensity of protest in Delhi) - like a moth to a flame. Undwin lands up and condescends to deliver her "gift" to India. What is this gift ? A hitjob that seeks to showcase India as a "sick society".

Why would Indian citizens bother the next time any such outrage occurs when they know the calumny that is bound to follow ? I fear that this stupid woman has actually negatively impacted the local Indian movement against gender atrocities.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Singha »

you can use this same thread to log bositiv neuj from UK also.

as it is, news from UK is all bositiv these days...kick any rock and a paedophile gets up and scurries for cover like a roach. :(
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Neela »

eklavya wrote:^^^^
I think by barrel she means society or environment, and indeed she has a generally negative view of the treatment of women in India. This view is alas justified by the facts. Female foeticide, dowry, etc are scourges of society. The description of Delhi as the "rape capital of India" was not a phrase invented by a foreigner.
<Thumbs up> Very high standards indeed for data integrity I see.

Just because it was an Indian who said it, it does not mean it becomes legitimate.
Second, Delhi is not the "rape capital of India".
(BTW can we do away with this sensationalist titles seems very inapproriate )
eklavya wrote: Her film shows that there are those with a highly retrograde mindset and those that are trying to bring change. Those trying to bring change span generations and genders and their movement has strength.

You should watch the film before jumping to conclusions.

The film does not portray all Indian men as potential rapists. It shows 3 sick Indian men (the convicted rapist, and his two lawyers) and a number of decent and humane Indian men: the victim's tutor, the victim's father, the patrolman who found the injured victims thrown naked on the roadside, a Supreme Court advocate, the criminal psychologist at Tihar, the thousands of men protesting on the streets, etc.
The title, the hints from the docu all reinforce a stereotype. The crux of the problem is quite plainly "REINFORCING STEREOTYPES"
A lot of desi friends abroad have started to feel the effects of this.
All of them are now appalled that nearly all of their non-desi friends think women are raped in India with impunity and regularly. I can count at least 5 in my circle who have said this to me.

On twitter, German Maria Wirth also wonders why this issue is getting so much mileage in the German press. Ed Robinson has done the same.

PS> See, end of the day, the choice of India will be always suspect when Sweden and USA lead with these incidents.
PS> And I think you are also flirting with trolling (again?) when you know the audience (BRF) and their attitudes towards Britain
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by member_22733 »

Confucius say: White man make documentary and white man pat his own back. White man burden reduce.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by hnair »

BBC fillum maker says unequivocally that India is a sick society, not just "some parts". So the responses praising her fine work are all obviously phoney. Every Indian must be thinking she is a classless film-maker, who egged on a sicko to say rubbish, get infamy and make a ton of money in future.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by pankajs »

Let me just put this out before I raise the next question. The Guy is sick beyond belief based on what little I have read but it was expected given the nature of his crime. However it is still shocking.

Given that he was *paid* for the interview per some report, how do we know he did not read a script prepared by the director? How do we know that there was no take, retake and re-re-take till the correct posture, irreverence for life of another human being, etc was captured. Just trying to re-interpret statements/facts/comments already in public domain.

This incident should not stop research related work but ensure that the camerawork/survey/questionnaire is handled by jail authorities exclusively and after questions have been approved at a jailers level or higher. That way the GOI will have access to raw footage and data. Now we don't even have the raw footage which would answer my question.
Last edited by pankajs on 09 Mar 2015 13:18, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Philip »

If India is a "sick society",then why do so many firangis come here for spiritual succor from the West? I personally know that those include members of the British royalty who are great lovers of India,Hinduism and Indian culture.Our swami and gurus have millions of foreign mainly western followers,from the late Sathya Sai Baba ,Osho and other famous living individuals to this day.The "sickness" is all in the mind of the film maker,who wishes to denigrate India. Britain is rampant with serial paedos,rapists,criminals of all classes and specialities. Thes ear euniversal human frailities,but we are being deliberately singled out as if only the white man and white nations are "fair and lovely".The world's most famous living liar and architect of the Iraqi genocide,was the former British PM Tony B.Liar,who lied about Saddam's WMDs,now raking in millions allegedly as kickbacks for the same on the lecture circuit.

As the Good Book says,"sister (brother),first take out the mote in thine own eye (country) before attempting to take out the mote in anothers" We do have huge social problems we do not deny it.The reasons are manifold ,historic and we are attempting to eradicate those evils,having regained our freedom just 6+ decades ago,whereas the last invasions of Britain were by the Romans and then the Normans. If India is "sick",then Britain (England) is in terminal decline going by the latest revelations.The Scots,N.Irish and Welsh are increasingly fighting for their freedom.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by member_22733 »

Karthik S wrote:Mission Accomplished: ... uF&share=1

This is being discussed in twitter too...
That is a small example of the larger things to come (i.e. fractal recursivity). For ex: assume that the company that owns rundee-rudaalis in rrNDTV starts a bra/lingerie export business. Immediately the west would "blacklist" the item saying that its coming from India which is a place of rape and torture of women, hence dont buy that product. That company will have to fight the stereotypes that its OWN rundees helped to create.

Talk about shooting oneself in the foot.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by member_22733 »

pankajs wrote:Let me just put this out before I raise the next question. The Guy is sick beyond belief based on what little I have read but it was expected given the nature of his crime. However it is still shocking.

Given that he was *paid* for the interview per some report, how do we know he did not read a script prepared by the director? How do we know that there was no take, retake and re-re-take till the correct posture, irreverence for life of another human being, etc was captured. Just trying to re-interpret statements/facts/comments already in public domain.

This incident should not stop research related work but ensure that the camerawork/survey/questionnaire is handled by jail authorities exclusively and after questions have been approved at a jailers level or higher. That way the GOI will have access to raw footage and data. Now we don't even have the raw footage which would answer my question.
There must be a set of laws that do something like this:
1) Every european/western activist who wants to do any documentary or research that involves public/govt subjects of any kind should be assigned a randomly chosen number (usually > 5) Indian agents to work with them.
2) Every european/western activist MUST partner with an Indian media personality/company to produce anything in India.
2) Each agent should record and maintain every interaction that was done by the activist with the public
3) The agents should be involved in the editing process to the very end.
4) The raw footage be declared as an "export controlled" item, punishable by rigorous imprisonment if violated. It also has to be in complete custody of GOI.
5) If the activist broke any law, the Indian partner sits in prison for a long time.
6) For final release each agent must sign a form in triplicate with every stake holder signing on it in original. The approval must be unanimous, if not it goes to a committee for negotiations.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by pankajs »

I would suggest that the external request for research be *assigned* by the GOI to one Indian firm/media/activist from a panel by lottery all of whom are funded by the Indian state entirely for the past 5 years. It can work on research based on the broad parameters suggested by the external actor, a plan of action is created by the Indian agency and approved by the GOI at some appropriate level. The external agency deposits *non-refundable* advance in an escrow account.

Once the research is complete the external agency can buy a limited right to use that research. The overall right and responsibility remains with the Indian agency. The right to any footage/data collected in a GOI facility remain with the GOI. The edit has to be approved by GOI before handing to the external agency. Keep track of work history of agencies and their employees.

That way we can prevent malpractice like the current one. Research is important even from our POV to understand where GOI intervention will work and what kind of intervention will work.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by svenkat »

My 2 paise.
The whiteys will do their propogaandu.We can identify their local sepoys and shame them.I will be disappointed if GOI does not take out rundie teevee.Time for some action.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Karan M »

Just stop all this BS research period. No more of these racist turds visiting india to justify their inner xenophobia.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Philip »

Bojitiv nooz! Vunce mighty Engerland bungle out of world cup by Bangladesh!
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Shreeman »

Dont be silly Phillip. A gentlemanly walk-out is no bungling. They didnt like the lack of damp weather, so they are going home for a bit. Thats all. They have even scheduled the inquest -- for another set of ashes. With Afg. still to come.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Shreeman »

Geoffrey Boycott
Ex-England batsman on BBC Test Match Special

"You just play the reserves against Afghanistan, pick anyone who hasn't played a game against them - some of the players won't get up for this properly. They will try, and they will go through the motions, but this is as low as you can get."
Very apt. Sportsmanly.
Sagar G
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Sagar G »

Karthik S wrote:Mission Accomplished: ... uF&share=1

This is being discussed in twitter too...
What mission has been accomplished here if you might explain ??? That all Indian males are rapists ??? And this has been proved because a caucasian woman made an illegal documentary and another caucasain woman stereotyped all the men of India ???

With such low self confidence it's no wonder that India keeps getting it from right, left and centre whenever caucasian nations see fit. The problem here is also about living upto the "caucasian standard" which many Indians buy into totally. West is so rich, they are so developed, their law and order machinery is so slick, they can't do anything wrong yadda yadda propaganda after propaganda and even when factual counter to that is put there will always be that guy who will come and do susu in his pants right in the middle of the debate. I have never understood the needs of an enslaved mind to live upto the "expectations" of caucasians though I compliment their ability to get such mental slaves in hordes.

This is a good opportunity to stop Indian students from running away to foreign lands to do their higher studies and instead look closer home for the same. Yeah yeah I know that we need to invest big in our higher educational setup for this to happen but this can be a good starting point to jumpstart the higher education scenario in India. What better opportunity to place your universities as destinations for higher education than to fan up the rantings of neo nazis ??? We already loose a lot of capital when we send our students outside for higher education, we can not only stop that but also a few years down the line would be able to place ourselves as a choice for higher education to students from outside. The best way to hurt the west is by hurting their economy and they earn a lot of $$$ through foreign students.

By the way the neo nazi woman has apologized, so enslaved minds can rest easy now.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Shreeman »

Sagar G,

Most people are ignorant about most things.

This is an unsubstantiated lie that has been repeated often enough. It will distract from any good work on womens rights. It will give a hundred others the same excuse to discriminate, without being openly racist about the matter.

Cutting off your own nose gets fast very quickly. And in the race for brownie points, "Indians" have surely, and irrepairably damaged Indian reputation.

The skin color, the diet, the culture are all hinderances enough. The rest of the world doesnt operate this way. So when you have a hundred indians wanting to lynch any idiot who even proposes the sane approach this will continue to be the outcome.

Immigration problem in Australia? Bangladeshis mistreated in India.
Pedophilia in UK? Rape in India.
Racism in Germany? Caste discrimination in India.
Blacks mistreated in USA? Yup, those poor dalits from India.

See a pattern here? Those "sikhs for justice" do not materialize from vaccum or djinn physics. The world is a very dirty place, and being circumspect about personal, physical and moral hygiene is probably not a bad idea.

This may be the odd symptom that bubbled to the surface, but the malaise is out there. And no documentary, protest march, or social media is changing ignorant beliefs once they have been instilled.

This is not a matter of self confidence. It is cause and effect. This matter should never have been allowed to be hijacked. I said this years ago, and I say this now, expedite the criminal proceedings, complete the process to its final outcome. Shelve the religious morality for once, and apply the laws you enacted. Close this book, and dont let it be a distraction to the progress.
Karan Dixit
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by Karan Dixit »

LokeshC wrote:
pankajs wrote:Let me just put this out before I raise the next question. The Guy is sick beyond belief based on what little I have read but it was expected given the nature of his crime. However it is still shocking.

Given that he was *paid* for the interview per some report, how do we know he did not read a script prepared by the director? How do we know that there was no take, retake and re-re-take till the correct posture, irreverence for life of another human being, etc was captured. Just trying to re-interpret statements/facts/comments already in public domain.

This incident should not stop research related work but ensure that the camerawork/survey/questionnaire is handled by jail authorities exclusively and after questions have been approved at a jailers level or higher. That way the GOI will have access to raw footage and data. Now we don't even have the raw footage which would answer my question.
There must be a set of laws that do something like this:
1) Every european/western activist who wants to do any documentary or research that involves public/govt subjects of any kind should be assigned a randomly chosen number (usually > 5) Indian agents to work with them.
2) Every european/western activist MUST partner with an Indian media personality/company to produce anything in India.
2) Each agent should record and maintain every interaction that was done by the activist with the public
3) The agents should be involved in the editing process to the very end.
4) The raw footage be declared as an "export controlled" item, punishable by rigorous imprisonment if violated. It also has to be in complete custody of GOI.
5) If the activist broke any law, the Indian partner sits in prison for a long time.
6) For final release each agent must sign a form in triplicate with every stake holder signing on it in original. The approval must be unanimous, if not it goes to a committee for negotiations.
We have too many corrupt people like Shashi Tharoor in important places so the task of nation building becomes daunting. We in India have a very large number of gullible people at least in my state, West Bengal. This is why it is very important for the government to regulate how the mass communication is carried out within India. Every journalist must undergo tight licensing procedure and must be certified by a government agency to ensure that he/she is competent. The regulation on the news organization should be even tighter. This will put RUNDEE TV out of business real fast.

As far as foreign journalists and media is concerned particularly those from propaganda oriented countries like UK, extreme precaution should be taken on whom we let in the country. I can type my suggestions all day long here. It is not going to help unless someone from GOI stumbles upon BRF and sees our suggestions. They have not even thought about investigating and building case for banning BBC's disruptive activities in India.
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by member_19686 »

How Thatcher’s Government Covered Up a VIP Pedophile Ring
Now that most of the major figures are dead, the truth is emerging about the systematic sexual abuse of children by members of the British government. ... er-up.html
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Re: Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

Post by panduranghari »

Shreeman wrote:Sagar G,

Most people are ignorant about most things.

This is an unsubstantiated lie that has been repeated often enough. It will distract from any good work on womens rights. It will give a hundred others the same excuse to discriminate, without being openly racist about the matter.

Cutting off your own nose gets fast very quickly. And in the race for brownie points, "Indians" have surely, and irrepairably damaged Indian reputation.

The skin color, the diet, the culture are all hinderances enough. The rest of the world doesnt operate this way. So when you have a hundred indians wanting to lynch any idiot who even proposes the sane approach this will continue to be the outcome.

Immigration problem in Australia? Bangladeshis mistreated in India.
Pedophilia in UK? Rape in India.
Racism in Germany? Caste discrimination in India.
Blacks mistreated in USA? Yup, those poor dalits from India.

See a pattern here? Those "sikhs for justice" do not materialize from vaccum or djinn physics. The world is a very dirty place, and being circumspect about personal, physical and moral hygiene is probably not a bad idea.

This may be the odd symptom that bubbled to the surface, but the malaise is out there. And no documentary, protest march, or social media is changing ignorant beliefs once they have been instilled.

This is not a matter of self confidence. It is cause and effect. This matter should never have been allowed to be hijacked. I said this years ago, and I say this now, expedite the criminal proceedings, complete the process to its final outcome. Shelve the religious morality for once, and apply the laws you enacted. Close this book, and dont let it be a distraction to the progress.
Well put saar.