Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by member_28638 »

President Theodore Roosevelt

President Theodore Roosevelt (1858 - 1919) of the Republican Party, was a strong supporter of British colonialism in India .

In fact in an address to a Methodist Episcopal Church group in January 1909, he stated that he considered British rule of India to be:

"..the greatest feat of the kind…since the Roman Empire …one of the most admirable achievements of the white race during the past two centuries…".

His feelings would set the tone for collusion between the British and American governments to squelch efforts by Indian students (in the "land of the free" - America ) to support freedom in India .

(source: The Indian Caste System and the British - infinity foundation).
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by member_28638 »

Katherine Mayo

Complicity of the British in Mayo's Work - To Secure American Support for the British

Katherine Mayo's Hatred For Hindus

The British wanted to project an image of India and the Indian people as basically not ready for Independence and the necessity of Britain continuing her good work to lift the Indian masses out of their self-made morass of debilitating Hindu religion, its cruel customs, and abominable ritual and social hygienic practices.

Katherine Mayo (1867-1940 ) was ardently Anglophile and believed in Kipling's doctrine of the White Man's Burden. Behind much of her advocacy, however, lay her own preoccupations with Anglo-Saxon racial superiority.

She criticizes Mahatma Gandhi for whom Mayo had nothing but disdain. She criticizes the Hindu religion, its gods, its social code, its rituals, its castes and the debilitating ethos...She remarks that "If only Gandhi and his agitators are kept away the Indian villagers would live in paradise indeed." Mayo's book on the Slaves of the Gods deal with the institution of the Devadasis - or temple dancers.

She came out to condemn India and she succeeded marvelously in shaping the image of India in the average American mind. In fact her book is the most negative of all writings by foreigners on India.

Miss Mayo forgot that every civilization has its own skeletons in its many cupboards and India is no exception. The British were mightily pleased with her efforts and were delighted with what she had to say. Miss Mayo confirmed and made explicit Western racism in aspects of thinking about the non-West."

Gandhi was painfully wrote to Mayo: "I am sorry to have to inform you that the book did not leave on my mind at all a nice impression." He asked the publishers of Young India to send her a copy of his own review of the book entitled "A Drain Inspector's Report." To what wicked length Mayo and her British collaborators went in their hatred for Hinduism is illustrated by the papers in the Mayo Collection. The motives for publishing of Mother India were primarily political; to win American support for the British cause in India. To frighten even British liberals into giving up the constitutional reforms that they envisaged for India. The British masters of India were anxious to win American opinion in their favor and cleverly used American journalists, writers, publicists and propaganda men to work which would serve the British interest. And who better to pick than Katherine Mayo who had written The Isles of Fear?

Refer to QuickTime trailer and Part One of the film The God Awful Truth.
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by member_28638 »

Despoliation and Defaming of India

Despoliation and Defaming of India: The Early 19th century British Crusade - By Dharmapal

It seems that by the mid-1920s the British created images of India as depraved, ignorant, and wretched had got worn out. Hence the need for similar but newer presentation on India. Therefore, Miss Mayo’s Mother India, and a large number of similar works were written and published.

In the mid-1920s Miss Katherine Mayo, hailing from the United States of America had made a long visit to India, was feted by the British Viceroy, and looked after his administration in her travels round India, and, sometimes later, she came out with a book titled Mother India.

The book was felt as an outrage, there was an around public condemnation of it in India, and perhaps elsewhere too, and Mahatma Gandhi called it “Drain Inspector’s Report.”

The materials, speeches, and writings by the great Englishmen on India Mr. William Wilberforce (1813), Mr. James Mill (1817), and Mr. Thomas Babington Macaulay (1835, 1843), were far more virulent than Mother India, in their observations on India, and paint India in the darkest possible hues.

The British could not generally conceive of coexistence of people of different ethnic backgrounds, or even of different religious backgrounds, as for instance, with the people of Ireland.

The conquered in their view, had ultimately to disappear, if not wholly physically, at least as a culture and civilization. In Australia, and New Zealand practically all the local inhabitants were wiped out soon enough; in North America near complete elimination happened, over 300-400 years, and in Ireland only partially. The indigenous population of the Americas had been estimated at 112 to 140 millions in 1492.

In India a large number perished by British brutality and deliberate creation of famines, violation of persons bodies and dignity; in Palnad in Andhra, half of the population was said to be have perished every ten years, during several decades after the subjugation of the areas by Britain.

It seems as if the intellectuals and leaders of Britain hated India, and felt outraged that in spite of all their brutalities, smashing of Indian institutions, high extortions, and tortures, men made famines and expropriation of Indian resources to the British state, and thus the all round breakdown of Indian society, the Indians on the whole, could not be wiped out that easily.

Practices of European and British society during the centuries

Much could be said about the practices of European and British society during the centuries. Two of these practices are mentioned here.


One of them, the more known, was witch burning during the 15-16-17 century which led to the burning of several million men and women in Europe, and around 1,00,000 or more in Britain. Some persons were still burnt as witches in Britain at the end of the 17th century.

Child Abandonment

The other widespread practice, perhaps beginning around the start of the Christian era and continuing till the 18th century, was the abandonment of 20% to 30% of all European children by their parents. A large proportion of children so abandoned, died soon after in the very places they were exposed. A proportion were taken to be adopted in families, another proportion taken by the Christian church to later become monks and nuns, a few of whom reached high status in the Christian hierarchy, and the rest taken by other people and turned into slaves, prostitutes and the like.

To illustrate what used to happen we may quote, the 18th century European philosopher, Jean-Jacques Rosseau (1712 - 1778) wrote:

“My third child was thus deposited in a foundling home just like the first two, and I did the same with the two following: I had five in all. The arrangement seemed to me so good, so sensible, so appropriate, that if I did not boast of it publicly it was solely out of regard for their mother….In a word I made no secret of my action…because in fact I saw no wrong in it. All things considered, I chose what was best for my children, or what I thought was best…” (Confessions: Paris, 1964, p. 424).

(source: Despoliation and Defaming of India – By Dharampal p. 1 - 17). Refer to QuickTime trailer and Part One of the film The God Awful Truth.
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by member_28638 »

Jallianwala Bagh - Massacre to ' Teach the bloody browns a lesson'

The British imperialists unhesitatingly showed their cruel and ugly face when they imposed martial law on Punjab in April, 1919. The way summary trials took place with people being punished with transportation of life and confiscation of property for simply raising slogans against the British King and the ruler showed the brutal, but also the frightened face.

(source: How 1919 Punjab rebellion was suppressed - By Gobind Thukral).

In April, 1919, British imperialism descended to the depths of criminal barbarism in the Punjab. As a peaceful festival was about to commence in Amritsar, it was fired upon with machine guns and rifles. Six hundred unarmed men, women, and children were killed, and the slaughter finally reached a total of 1800 persons. A reign of terror in the district followed in which the most sordid and sadistic acts were committed against the Indian people by British officers, administrators and soldiers.

"One day, during the Martial Law period, Mr. Bosworth Smith gathered together all the males over eight years at the Dacha Dalla Bungalow..Whilst the men were at the Bungalow, he rode to our village, taking back with him all the women who met him on the way carrying food for their men in the Bungalow. Reaching the village, he went around the lanes and ordered all women to come out of the houses, himself forcing them with sticks. He beat them with sticks and spat at them and used the foulest and most unmentionable language. He hit me twice and spat in my face. He forcibly uncovered the faces of all women, brushing aside their veils with his stick. He repeatedly called us flies, bitches, swines, and said, "Why did you not prevent your men folks from going out to do mischief? Now, your skirts will be looked into by the Police Constables."

(source: India and British Imperialism - By Gorham D. Sanderson p. 269-270).

On 13 April, 1919 a large unarmed crowd gathered at the Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar to peacefully protest against the arrest of their popular leaders, Dr. Saifuddin Kitchlu and Dr. Satya Pal, both members of the Congress party. Jallianwala Bagh was a large open space enclosed on three sides by buildings with only one exit. Brigadier General Reginald Dyer, the military commander of Amritsar was determined to make an example of this meeting and wanted to terrorise the people into submission. He surrounded the Bagh with his troops, closed off the exit and then ordered his soldiers to shoot into the crowd with their machine-guns and rifles.

The massacre was brutal and heartless the trapped crowd had nowhere to run or hide. Men, women and children ran helter-skelter, some jumping into the well to escape the volley of bullets. When their ammunition was exhausted, Dyer ordered his men to leave the area, his ghastly deed done. The wholesale slaughter at Jallianwala Bagh horrified the whole country. The brutality of the so called civilized foreign rulers and the need to fight for freedom were reiterated by this incident. Rabindranath Tagore renounced his knighthood in protest, preferring to stand by the side of his countrymen. Today, the bullet scarred walls of Jallianwala Bagh enclose a memorial symbolizing the eternal flame which is dedicated to those martyred here. Every year on April 13, Baisakhi day, homage is paid to those innocent patriots who died here.


The immediate background to the Jallianwala Bagh massacre was the disappointment of Indians with the colonial government’s failure to introduce democratic reforms after World War I as had been expected. India’s contribution to the war effort had been enormous, providing more soldiers than the combined contribution of all other colonies. More than a million Indians served and fought in various theatres of war. Of these, 450,000 were from the Punjab. In spite of chronic poverty, India contributed £100,000,000 to Britain for the war effort. Additionally the princes and peoples of India contributed £2,100,000 to various charities and war funds. India ended up incurring a debt of £127,800,000 because of the war. The prices of essential commodities rose sharply and the soldiers returning from the war were badly treated by the British officials.

When Brigadier General Dyer arrived in Amritsar from Jalandhar at 9 pm the next day, his fellow British residents had convinced themselves that 1857 was about to be repeated. Between 19-24 April, General Reginald Dyer enforced the notorious “crawling order”, forcing all those using the street where Marcella Sherwood was assaulted to pass on all fours, their noses to the ground. In Lahore, college students were ordered to walk up to 20 km in the sun four times a day for roll call before military administrators. At a school in Kasur, the six largest school students were whipped simply for their size. In all 1,229 people, largely urban artisans and youth were convicted of involvement in the uprising. Eighteen people were sentenced to death, 23 were transported for life and 58 were flogged on the orders of the Martial Law Commission.

(source: Let’s not forget Jallianwala Bagh - By Ishtiaq Ahmed - April 15 ' 2003).

It is worth noting that General Dyer, who ordered the firing at Jallianwallah Bagh at an unarmed and peaceful crowd, was felicitated by the British parliament; he was given an honourable discharge, a purse of 80,000 pounds and a bejewelled sword inscribed 'Saviour of the Punjab'. 1,650 bullets, 1600 casualties -- a day that will truly live in infamy--and they gave him an award!

Refer to Jesus Christ: Artifice for Aggression - By Sita Ram Goel

A Whiff of Grapeshot:

The last blow was the massacre of Amritsar. Since all news of this event remained hidden from the world, and even from Parliament, for several months after its occurrence, and since this slaughter was the proximate cause of the Revolution of 1921.

10,000 Hindus from outlying districts collected in the enclosure known as Jalianwalla Bagh, and proceeded to celebrate a religious festival. The Bagh was an extinct garden, and surrounded with high walls on every side, and entered by a few narrow passages. Informed of this meeting, General Dyer proceeded to the spot with a detachment of troops equipped with Lewis machine-guns and armored cars. Entering the Bagh, he saw the crowd, and without giving the slightest warning, or affording the assemblage any opportunity to indicate its pacific intentions, he ordered his troops to fire upon the imprisoned mass; and though the crowd made no resistance, but shouted its horror and despair and pressed in panic against the gates, the General ordered the firing to continue until all ammunition the soldiers had brought with them was exhausted. He personally directed the firing towards the exits where the crowd was most dense; “the targets,” he declared, were “good.” The massacre lasted for ten minutes. When it was over, 1500 Hindus were left on the ground 400 of them dead. Dyer forbade his soldiers to give any aid to the injured, and by ordering all Hindus off the streets, prevented relatives or friends from bringing even a cup of water to the wounded who were piled up in the field.

A reign of terror followed. Gen Dyer issued an order….that Hindus using the street should crawl on their bellies; if they tried to rise to all fours, they were struck by the butts of soldiers guns. He arrested 500 professors and students and compelled all students to present themselves daily for roll-calls, though this required that many of them should walk sixteen miles a day. He had hundreds of citizens, and some school-boys, quite innocent of any crime, flogged in the public square. He built an open cage, unprotected from the sun, for the confinement of arrested persons; other prisoners he bound together with ropes, and kept in open trucks for fifteen hours. He had lime poured upon the naked bodies of Sadhus (saints), and them exposed them to the sun’s ray that the lime might harden and crack their skin. He cut off the electric and water supplies from Indian houses. Finally he sent airplanes to drop bombs upon men and women working in the fields.

The news of this barbaric orgy of military sadism was kept from the world for half a year. A belated commission of inquiry was appointed by the Government. A committee appointed by the Indian National Congress made a more through investigation and reported 1,200 killed, and 3,600 wounded. Gen. Dyer was censured by the House of Commons, exonerated by the House of Lords, and was retired on a pension. Thinking this was insufficient the militarists of the Empire raised a fund of $150,000 for him and presented him with a jeweled sword of honor.

(source: The Case for India - By Will Durant Simon and Schuster, New York. 1930 p. ).

Mahatma Gandhi, who was now the foremost figure in Congress, declared that:

"cooperation in any shape or form with this satanic government is sinful."

(source: The Illustrated Library of The World and Its People: India I - Greystone Press/New York p. 157).
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by panduranghari »

kapilrdave wrote:Can someone write an account of Swiss neutrality in WWII and how they drenched thousands of tonnes of gold looted from across the world? I'm sure there must have been big share of Indian gold in it. But I can't seem to find the reference of Indian gold in any account. Can someone throw light on it here?
During the war years the Reserve Bank and the Government had to pay special attention to the bullion market in view of the important place that gold and silver have held in the Indian economy, constituting important sources of saving and sensitive indicators of the economic and political trends. Bullion prices recorded a more or less continuous rise during the war years, reflecting primarily the fast rising money incomes and the growing preference for bullion not only as a hedge against inflation but also as a commodity that could be freely used in any possible emergency during war. In dealing with the bullion market, the authorities had the same dilemma as that with regard to war financing as a whole. On the one hand, the requirements of the British Government for the U.S. dollars and other hard currencies made it difficult to arrange for any large scale imports of these metals into India; in fact, in the early years of the war the opposite was done, namely, export of these metals from India. On the other hand, with the worsening of inflation, somehow gold and silver had to be found for sale in India. It should be said that the authorities were under no illusion that the necessarily limited sales of gold and silver would curb effectively the inflationary pressure arising from substantial budget deficits. However, the idea was to use gold and silver sales to fight inflation mainly on the psychological front.

Perhaps this limited objective was achieved, though so far as gold was concerned, this was at the cost of making available substantial profits (almost matching the rise in commodity prices) to the U.K. and the U.S. Governments. While in the three years 1939-42, India exported (net) 4.435 million ounces of gold at the average rate of Rs.111 per ounce (or fractionally below the Bank of England’s price of 168 shillings), she had to pay during 1943-46 an average of Rs. 192 for the 7.5 million ounces of gold sold on behalf of the Allies, that is to say, at a premium of something like 75 per cent.

It will be seen that except for the year 1944-45, the average price of gold registered a continuous increase from Rs. 35-10-3 per tola in 1938-39 to Rs. 80-3-0 in 1945-46. The average price of silver recorded a steady rise, from Rs. 51-11-3 (per 100 tolas) to Rs.135 -1-11 ; the extent of the rise in silver was thus larger than in gold.

At a very early stage, the Directors of the Central Board recognised the importance of gold as backing for currency and endeavoured to get the Bank’s stocks of gold augmented. They were not successful in this, but at least this had the effect of preventing the drawing down of the existing stocks.

In 1939, on the eve of the war, the Bank of England began quietly buying gold in India through the Reserve Bank. Consequently, net exports of gold from India, which had declined from 3.01 million ounces in 1936-37 to 1.36 million in 1938-39, recorded a marked increase to 3.16 million in 1939-40. However, with the rise in Indian prices, above the British parity of 168 s. an ounce or Rs. 42 per tola, net exports declined to 1.09 million ounces in 1940-41 and practically ceased in the next year. Indian opinion had always been critical of the exports of gold. With continuous accumulation of sterling by the Reserve Bank, these exports made little sense, so far as India was concerned. Naturally in the Board there were suggestions for placing an embargo on the exports of gold, but this was opposed by the Governor on the ground that such a step would depress the price of gold in India!

This point was ably met by the Board by the suggestion that the Reserve Bank should acquire gold with the surplus sterling resources, at least in the Banking Department where its valuation was not subject to any statutory provision. For, in terms of the Reserve Bank Act, gold was valued at approximately Rs. 21 as. 4 per tola, whereas the prevalent market price was about double.

Of course, an amendment of the Act would have been no problem in war time if the authorities had so wished. Naturally the British authorities and the Viceroy were unhappy at the proposal for the Reserve Bank to acquire gold.

The Viceroy sent a personal message to Sir Purshotamdas Thakurdas that in his opinion any action by the Bank to impede the outflow of gold would be detrimental to India’s war effort. The British Governnent and the Bank of England also sent an appeal to the Bank not to acquire any gold at that time. This matter came up before the Central Board on August 5, 1940. The Board was persuaded to defer consideration of the question of acquiring gold only after an assurance was given by the Governor, on behalf of Government, that gold then held by the Bank in the Issue Department was not to be touched by executive action. The Board insisted on getting this assurance in writing from Government. This was complied with. In fact, clarification was obtained that the term ‘executive action’ also covered ordinance making power of the Governor General! The Board also expressed the hope that the dollar requirements of India would receive special consideration. It appears that the Governor suspected, and it so turned out, that the Directors had put forth the suggestion to acquire gold in order to forestall any attempt to whisk away the existing stocks of the Bank’s gold.

To quote Sir Chintaman Deshmukh:*

As it happened, in this the Directors were shrewder than they knew. For, a few months later, the Secretary of State for India did sound the Government of India about utilising the Reserve Bank’s gold in order to assist Great Britain. The Government of India opposed the proposal and His Majesty’s Government abstained from pressing it.

With the gathering of inflationary forces in India and the increase in the price of gold, not only did exports of gold vanish, but sales of gold in India as an anti-inflationary measure came to be considered, culminating in the commencement of official sales on August 16, 1943. In February 1943, the Secretary of State for India cautiously sounded the Government of India for their views regarding the expediency of certain suggestions that the sale of gold to the public in India might be resorted to as a counter inflationary measure. The feeler from India Office also sought Government’s reaction to the proposal that the Reserve Bank’s own gold or some part of it ought to be first employed for the purpose in question. The Government of India, in the normal course, desired to have the views of the Governor on these proposals.

Sir James Taylor happened to be seriously ill at that time and the Bank’s views, opposing these proposals, were communicated to the Government by Deputy Governor Deshmukh after consultation with the Governor, in the following terms:
He (Taylor) thought it unwise for the India Office to have started on this question on the ground that once gold is supplied for any purpose it would be impossible to limit the demand for it to that purpose alone. . . . . . . From previous talks on the subject which I had with him I know that even from the domestic point of view he does not consider it right for Government to encourage the public to speculate in gold, by making supplies available. I believe he does not also attach much importance to the psychological value of an additional gold backing to our currency, although I myself expect that should gold be made available for similar purposes to China or the Middle East countries a demand for similar treatment will arise in India and Government may be pressed to concede it at least to the extent of obtaining gold as an additional backing to the currency. In view of this it need hardly be said that any proposal to use some of the Reserve Bank’s own gold for anti-inflationary sales will be violently resisted.

In the light of the Bank’s opinion, the Government of India wrote back to India Office:
We consider it most dangerous to embark on gold sales unless the amount of gold available (is) very considerable. . . . . . . We should not therefore wish to embark on sales of gold except under the strongest pressure or in the sure knowledge that we had at our disposal ample stocks with which to satisfy all demands. On the other hand, if gold is likely to become available we feel that confidence in our and consequently general confidence could largely be restored
by increasing the gold backing and we should probably ask for amount of gold which revalued existing reserve would cover one-third of our note issue. Our probable requirement for this purpose would be £ 100 million in gold.

As regards the proposal for using the Reserve Bank’s own gold, the Government replied in an emphatic negative as the ‘inevitable and immediate result would be severe currency scare’. The suggestion for gold sales by the British and American Governments as a means to siphon off surplus purchasing power which could be diverted for defence outlays again found favour at a Conference held in Cairo in April 1943 for considering measures necessary to arrest the growing inflationary pressures in the Middle East countries. The Government of India were represented at the Conference and their attitude was that if gold were to be made available for sale in the Middle East countries it would be politically embarrassing to them if the same facility were not made available to India, although Government would prefer to utilise it for strengthening the gold backing against note issue. Meanwhile, a new proposal came from Sir Henry Strakosch of the India Office, that India should buy gold from the U.S.A. at 168 shillings per ounce (equivalent to Rs. 42 per tola) and resell to the U.S.A. at the same rate, in instalments, over a sufficiently long period, to enable India to acquire the necessary amount of gold from new production. The Government of India welcomed the suggestion. However, the British Government opposed the proposal, being unwilling to assume responsibility for repayment. But they agreed to try out a policy of gold sales in India and the Middle East to cover part of their military expenditure and that of the U.S.A. in these countries and the Government of India accepted the proposal. The first instalments to be made available to India was 0.75 million ounces to cover a period of three months, after which the question was to be further reviewed. It was at first proposed by the U.K. Government that, to start with, the Reserve Bank might sell its own gold against gold earmarked in its favour in London. This suggestion, however, was opposed by the Government of India as this ‘would arouse most acute suspicion and baseless rumours that published gold reserve in fact no longer existed intact, which no amount of government denial could kill.’ Finally, arrangements were made by the U.K. Government for shipment of gold to India from South Africa. The Bank started selling gold on behalf of the U.K. Government on August 16, 1943 and sales were later made on account of the U.S.Government too. The sales went on, with some breaks, till mid-August 1945. No announcement was made regarding the sales as it was deemed undesirable for Government to incur any commitment
During World War II the Swiss National Bank (SNB) bought gold worth 1,212,600 million Swiss Francs from the German Reichsbank, which was far more than the gold reserves of the Reichsbank had amounted to before the war. Buying and selling gold was quite a normal thing for a national bank at this time because gold was the very base of the international currency system. In the same period, SNB also bought even more gold (worth 2,243,900 Swiss Francs) from the USA and (669 million Swiss Francs) from UK. The problem was, that much of the gold sold by the German Reichbank was either stolen from national banks in occupied countries, especially Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, and other gold was stolen from people the Nazis had murdered.
Switzerland's Federal Government granted generous credits to Germany and Italy under the terms of the clearing agreements and offered them financial privileges. Swiss art-dealers were involved in disreputable trade with stolen objects of art
Indian gold sold to swiss to finance UK's war against Germany. Russian and Germans did the same from Jews and sold to swiss to gain francs to pay for their war.

Net winner - Switzerland.

I truly hope the Swiss get their comeuppance one fine day soon enough.
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by shiv » ... ghal_India
Regarding Nader Shah's sack of Delhi as the Mughal empire crumbled
The Persian occupation led to price rises in the city. The city administrator attempted to fix prices at a lower level and Persian troops were sent to the market at Paharganj, Delhi to enforce them. However, the local merchants refused to accept the lower prices and this resulted in violence during which some Persians were assaulted and killed.

When a rumour spread that Nadir had been assassinated by a female guard at the Red Fort, some Indians attacked and killed Persian troops during the riots that broke out on the night of 21 March. Nadir, furious at the killings, retaliated by ordering his soldiers to carry out the notorious qatl-e-aam (qatl = killing mercilessly, aam = publicly, in open) of Delhi.

On the morning of 22 March, the Shah rode out in full armour and took a seat at the Sunehri Masjid of Roshan-ud-dowla near the Kotwali Chabutra in the middle of Chandni Chowk. He then, to the accompaniment of the rolling of drums and the blaring of trumpets, unsheathed his great battle sword in a grand flourish to the great and loud acclaim and wild cheers of the Persian troops present. This was the signal to start the onslaught and carnage. Almost immediately, the fully armed Persian army of occupation turned their swords and guns on to the unarmed and defenceless civilians in the city. The Persian soldiers were given full licence to do as they pleased and promised a share of the booty as the city was plundered.

Areas of Delhi such as Chandni Chowk and Dariba Kalan, Fatehpuri, Faiz Bazar, Hauz Kazi, Johri Bazar and the Lahori, Ajmeri and Kabuli gates, all of which were densely populated by both Hindus and Muslims, were soon covered with corpses. Muslims, like Hindus and Sikhs, resorted to killing their women, children and themselves rather than submit to the Persians.

In the words of the Tazkira:

"Here and there some opposition was offered, but in most places people were butchered unresistingly. The Persians laid violent hands on everything and everybody. For a long time, streets remained strewn with corpses, as the walks of a garden with dead leaves and flowers. The town was reduced to ashes."[3]

Muhammad Shah was forced to beg for mercy.[6] These horrific events were recorded in contemporary chronicles such as the Tarikh-e-Hindi of Rustam Ali, the Bayan-e-Waqai of Abdul Karim and the Tazkira of Anand Ram Mukhlis.[3]

Finally, after many hours of desperate pleading by the Mughals for mercy, Nadir Shah relented and signalled a halt to the bloodshed by sheathing his battle sword once again.

It has been estimated that during the course of six hours in one day, 22 March 1739, something like 20,000 to 30,000 Indian men, women and children were slaughtered by the Persian troops during the massacre in the city. Exact casualty figures are uncertain, as after the massacre, the bodies of the victims were simply buried in mass burial pits or cremated in grand funeral pyres without any proper record being made of the numbers cremated or buried.

The city was sacked for several days. An enormous fine of 20 million rupees was levied on the people of Delhi. Muhammad Shah handed over the keys to the royal treasury, and lost the Peacock Throne, to Nadir Shah, which thereafter served as a symbol of Persian imperial might. Amongst a treasure trove of other fabulous jewels, Nadir also gained the Koh-i-Noor and Darya-ye Noor ("Mountain of Light" and "Sea of Light," respectively) diamonds; they are now part of the British and Iranian Crown Jewels, respectively. Persian troops left Delhi at the beginning of May 1739. Nadir's soldiers also took with them thousands of elephants, horses and camels that were laden with the booty that he had seized.

The plunder seized from Delhi was so rich that Nadir stopped taxation in Iran for a period of three years following his return.[2][7] Nadir Shah's victory against the crumbling Mughal Empire in the East meant that he could afford to turn to the West and face the Ottomans. The Ottoman Sultan Mahmud I initiated the Ottoman-Persian War (1743-1746), in which Muhammad Shah closely cooperated with the Ottomans until his death in 1748.[8]
It should be possible to find at least some skeletons from those mass burial pits? Interestingly Punjab simply crumbled again in the face of onslaught. Until the Sikhs came - all that the Punjab region faced was defeat and subjugation.
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by member_28638 »

The Wealth of India

"While we hold onto India, we are a first rate power. If we lose India, we will decline to a third rate power. This is the value of India."

- So spoke Lord Curzon in 1901, one of 11 viceroys of British India (from 1898 to 1905) who was educated at Eton College, one of England's top private schools.

(source: India Britannica - By Geoffrey Moorhouse c. prologue).
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by member_28638 »

chakra wrote:The Wealth of India

"While we hold onto India, we are a first rate power. If we lose India, we will decline to a third rate power. This is the value of India."

- So spoke Lord Curzon in 1901, one of 11 viceroys of British India (from 1898 to 1905) who was educated at Eton College, one of England's top private schools.

(source: India Britannica - By Geoffrey Moorhouse c. prologue).

American Historian Will Durant has observed:

"British rule in India is the most sordid and criminal exploitation of one nation by another in all recorded history. I propose to show that England has year by year been bleeding India to the point of death, and that self-government of India by the Hindus could not within any reasonable probability, have worse results than the present form of alien domination.

The civilization that was destroyed by British guns had lasted for fifteen centuries, producing saints from Buddha to Ramakrishna and Gandhi; philosophy from the Vedas to Schopenhauer and Bergson, Thoreau and Keyserling, who take their lead and acknowledge their derivation from India (India, says Count Keyserling, “has produced the profoundest metaphysics that we know of”; and he speaks of “the absolute superiority of India over the Wes in philosophy); poetry from the Mahabharata, containing the Bhagavad-gita, “perhaps the most beautiful work of the literature of the world” down to Sarojini Naidu, greatest of living women poets, and Rabindranath Tagore, who, writing a local dialect in a subject land, had made himself the most famous poet of our time. And how shall we rank civilization that created the unique and gigantic temples of Ellora, Madura and Angkor.

This, evidently was not a minor civilization, produced by inferior people. It ranks with the highest civilizations of history, and some, like Keyserling, would place it at the head and summit of all. The British conquest of India was the invasion and destruction of a high civilization by a trading company utterly without scruple or principle, careless of art, greedy of gain, overrunning with fire and sword a country temporarily disordered and helpless, bribing and murdering, annexing and stealing, and beginning that career of illegal and “legal” plunder which has now gone on ruthlessly for one hundred and seventy-three years, and goes on at this moment while in our secure comfort we write and read. Those who have seen the unspeakable poverty and physiological weakness of the Hindus today will hardly believe that it was the wealth of eighteenth century India which attracted the commercial pirates of England and France."

(source: The Case for India - By Will Durant Simon and Schuster, New York. 1930 p.6-7).
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by Vriksh »

Apparently in the history of China genocide was common as the dynasties changed. Records mentions that when the Ming dynasty overthrew the predominantly Mongol Yuan dynasty all male mongols taller than a wagon wheel where executed and all male mongols shorter than the wagon wheel were castrated (Ming castration involved removal of all genitals) and given to Ming officials as eunuch servants. Female Mongols were sold off as slaves and concubines to other Mings. Most famous of those eunuchs was Zheng He.
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by Multatuli »

Controversy Over Chocolate Cupcakes Leaves Behind Racially Tinged Taste

By Liz Dwyer |

The dark chocolate and ganache cupcakes sold by a bakery along the French Riviera may taste sweet, but an ongoing controversy over the treats is exposing the sour history of race relations in the Gallic nation.

Late last month a judge ruled that the “God and Goddess” desserts, which have been sold for the past 15 years by La Belle Epoque, a boulangerie in the town of Grasse, were so racially offensive that the business would have to stop displaying them. But on Thursday, the Council of State overturned the ruling, reported Le Figaro.

As you can see in the photo above, the cupcakes are made to resemble a rotund man and woman, complete with protuding pink lips and genitalia. The bakery’s owner, Yannick Tavolaro, said the desserts are cartoons and that he has to use dark chocolate to model them. However, to some passersby they might resemble members of a blackface-wearing minstrel show or caricatures of people of African descent in France’s colonial age. ... 24004.html

Do take a look at the picture. Racism is so deeply ingrained in the European psyche and culture that it would take hundreds of years to cure these sicko's. Yet they see themselves as the pinnacle of human (cultural, social) evolution/development! People of color can only aspire to be like them!
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by Vayutuvan »

To my eye, they are not modeling cartoons in any way shape or form. Resemblance to Africans is impossible to miss. Disgusting to say the least.
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by Multatuli »

France Is Getting More Intolerant and Racist, According to Human Rights Report

In the report, the commissioner addresses the mounting issues of intolerance and racism, and argues that more should be done to protect the human rights of migrants, travelers, the Roma people, and people with disabilities. Muiznieks also notes a surge in "homophobic, xenophobic, and anti-Muslim" incidents, and says France is struggling with an overall "loss of tolerance." ... hts-report
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by Yayavar »

I had seen the pastries labelled 'tete de negre' (negro's head) in Paris. Basically a ball of some baked sweet with chocolate sprinkles that ostensibly makes the whole thing appear like an African man's head. Though have been told that that in recent years labels now just read 'chocolate ball'. So there is some improvement in some areas possibly.

Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by Melwyn »

Japan's internship programs are a cover for for slave labour.

The Worst Internship Ever: Japan’s Labor Pains
Japan is facing a serious labor shortage, a problem that can be traced back to an aging population and a prevailing fear that immigrants will dilute the country's pure gene pool. In order to keep the world's third-largest economy afloat, the Japanese government offers an internship program that attracts foreign workers from China, Vietnam, and the Philippines. The program, which allows workers to stay for three years, is advertised as providing laborers with transferrable new skills for when they return home.

VICE News recently traveled to Japan to investigate the internship program. We found that many interns are underpaid, saddled with insurmountable debt, and forced into a form of indentured servitude. Many are illegally placed as oyster shuckers, construction workers, and other unskilled positions. And, despite international condemnation, Japan plans to use thousands of new foreign interns to build the infrastructure for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by Anantha »

This is the Barkha Udvin summit. Please go to comment section and adminster jhapad. Sakshat idiot Udvin is responding
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by panduranghari »

amitkv wrote:Japan's internship programs are a cover for for slave labour.

The Worst Internship Ever: Japan’s Labor Pains
Japan is facing a serious labor shortage, a problem that can be traced back to an aging population and a prevailing fear that immigrants will dilute the country's pure gene pool. In order to keep the world's third-largest economy afloat, the Japanese government offers an internship program that attracts foreign workers from China, Vietnam, and the Philippines. The program, which allows workers to stay for three years, is advertised as providing laborers with transferrable new skills for when they return home.

VICE News recently traveled to Japan to investigate the internship program. We found that many interns are underpaid, saddled with insurmountable debt, and forced into a form of indentured servitude. Many are illegally placed as oyster shuckers, construction workers, and other unskilled positions. And, despite international condemnation, Japan plans to use thousands of new foreign interns to build the infrastructure for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.

Though I CANNOT vouch for the authenticity of what this news item states, the immigration to the advanced economies for those with not adequate educational qualifications is inherently biased in the favour of the country where these people immigrate to. Wasn't there an news item in west Asia news thread about Saudis unwilling to do 'menial' jobs because they cannot get good wife. It's no different to Japan or Britain. There is a huge section of population who has grown up on entitlement culture. They 'expect' a certain standard of living without having the means to pay for it. The state picks up the tab. Perhaps these were the people who went to far off corners of the globe to serve the queen and the country and committed untold atrocities. The pendulum has swung too far, it's about time when it will move in the other direction.
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by Multatuli »

These southern slave owners could not accept that the South lost the war so they migrated to Brazil. And there they keep their proud racist heritage alive.

U.S. Confederate kin keep controversial flag aloft in Brazil

SANTA BARBARA D'OESTE, Brazil (Reuters) - The U.S. Civil War ended 150 years ago, but once a year, deep in the sugar cane fields of southern Brazil, the Confederate battle flag rises again.

It would be an unlikely scene in the United States, where many consider the flag a symbol of racism, slavery and segregation. Public outcry over those connotations has led to the steady withdrawal of the flag from public display in recent years.

In Brazil, though, the banner is an integral part of the Festa Confederada, an annual gathering to celebrate the history of the roughly 10,000 Confederates who migrated to this South American country after their side lost the war.

Enticed by offers of cheap land from Emperor Dom Pedro II, who hoped to gain expertise in cotton farming, the so-called Confederados developed a small community in the countryside of São Paulo state in a place now called Americana. ... 30430.html
Last edited by Multatuli on 02 May 2015 13:42, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by Multatuli »

I am posting this here because some years ago, there was this report in a Dutch current affairs show, where a Danish soldier (not sure if he was a officer) said that UN troops from turd world countries are not as disciplined and well trained as their Western counter parts. He also said that every time whites criticized those turd world darkie solders, they (the whites) were accused of racism. The tone of that report was to malign turd world peace keepers. Indian UN peace keepers were also mentioned.

Rage grows in C.Africa over French troops in 'child rape' scandal

M'Poko Camp near Bangui (Central African Republic) (AFP) - Flimsy tents and filthy corrugated iron huts dot the landscape at M'Poko, the refugee camp at Bangui airport where French troops allegedly raped hungry children in exchange for food.

Many children in the desolate camp -- home to more than 100,000 during the bloodiest days of the crisis in the the Central African Republic last year -- were orphans, forced to fend for themselves for food and water.


"There was a whole world that revolved not just around the French soldiers, but also the European force, especially at night-time," a UN diplomat in Bangui said on condition of anonymity.

A former camp resident, Elias Mboro Te Zogne, is convinced some of the displaced were exploited in exchange for food.

"Everyone knows there were groups of young women, especially, who took pleasure from being with the European troops based in the airport area, in exchange for biscuits or sardines," he said.


While France and the Central African Republic have both launched probes into the allegations, the verdict on the streets of the capital Bangui is damning.

"I think it's unacceptable... to treat the children like that because they're hungry. They should have helped the children. It's completely inhuman," said Florentine Guinawiune, a mother in her late twenties.

The peacekeepers should have been helping, "not raping", said Ibrahim Ahamat, a member of a Central African Muslim association.

"Those who are supposed to protect us are behaving like rapists. They must be tracked down and brought to justice," said a young unemployed man, Judickael Kpengoulougna.

"Ever since the crisis broke out... Central Africans lost their right to be respected. Just giving children food to eat means they're going to get raped. This has to end," Kpengoulougna said, his voice quivering with rage.

According to a French judicial source, 14 soldiers dispatched to the chaos-ridden nation to restore order are now implicated in a probe into the alleged sexual abuse of several children there -- the youngest just nine -- who had begged for something to eat. ... 29043.html
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by Neshant »

The Spanish were absolutely barbaric when they invaded the Americas and murdered the native Indians in the 1400s. The depravity of their acts are quite unparalleled.

Its all narrated in the book "A Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies - by Bartolomé de las Casas" - audio book on youtube. Its a first hand account of a man who witnessed it.

The woodcut images in the book give an indication of what was an absolute Holocaust of these rather passive Indian people. All in the name of Christ.

Let there be no doubt among any peacenik who might be talking peace & disarmament. The fact is the only thing that protects any nation/people from being brutalised in this manner are weapons capable of inflicting equal and opposite damage on any adversary.

This they did to everyone including those who offered them food and gifts when they landed on the shores of the new world.

A slow burning to death to maximize the suffering while the men & women were hung and other cruelties






Many more images here :
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by Multatuli »

This is what Voltaire says of the treatment of Slaves by the Dutch in 'Candide':

As they drew near the town, they saw a negro stretched upon the ground, with only one moiety of his clothes, that is, of his blue linen drawers; the poor man had lost his left leg and his right hand.

“Good God!” said Candide in Dutch, “what art thou doing there, friend, in that shocking condition?”

“I am waiting for my master, Mynheer Vanderdendur, the famous merchant,” answered the negro.

“Was it Mynheer Vanderdendur,” said Candide, “that treated thee thus?”

“Yes, sir,” said the negro, “it is the custom. They give us a pair of linen drawers for our whole garment twice a year. When we work at the sugar-canes, and the mill snatches hold of a finger, they cut off the hand; and when we attempt to run away, they cut off the leg; both cases have happened to me. This is the price at which you eat sugar in Europe. Yet when my mother sold me for ten patagons on the coast of Guinea, she said to me: ‘My dear child, bless our fetiches, adore them for ever; they will make thee live happily; thou hast the honour of being the slave of our lords, the whites, which is making the fortune of thy father and mother.’ Alas! I know not whether I have made their fortunes; this I know, that they have not made mine. Dogs, monkeys, and parrots are a thousand times less wretched than I. The Dutch fetiches, who have converted me, declare every Sunday that we are all of us children of Adam—blacks as well as whites. I am not a genealogist, but if these preachers tell truth, we are all second cousins. Now, you must agree, that it is impossible to treat one’s relations in a more barbarous manner.”

Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by Melwyn »

The Man Who Stole Puerto Rico

I had never heard of USA's brutal colonisation of Puerto Rico till I came across this web page and the Book. When reading through the page it seems eerily similar to the Iraq invasion with the same grand talk of democracy and freedom followed by the brutal occupation and destruction of a nation and it's people.

Same old tricks to fool the natives and pillage them.
“Porto Ricans are a heterogenous mass of mongrels incapable of self-government… savages addicted to head-hunting and cannibalism.”
– Senator William B. Bate (D-Tennessee)
“The whole hemisphere will be ours in fact. By virtue of our superiority of race, it already is ours morally.”
– President William Howard Taft

On May 12, 1898, twelve US Navy ships bombarded San Juan for three hours. The sky turned black with cannon smoke. Homes were hit. Streets were torn. El Morro lighthouse and La Iglesia de San José, a 16th century church, were shelled repeatedly. Thirty thousand people fled the town in abject terror.
1898 US Navy ship
A few weeks later, planting his flag in the Ponce town square, US commander Gen. Nelson A. Miles, declared that:
“The chief object of the American military forces will be…to give to the people of your beautiful island the largest measure of liberties consistent with military occupation.
We have not come to make war against a people of a country that for centuries has been oppressed, but on the contrary, to bring you protection, to promote your prosperity, to bestow upon you the immunities and blessings of the liberal institutions of our government…and to give the advantages and blessings of enlightened civilization.”

General Nelson A. Miles
The “blessings” and “advantages” were few. Instead, immediately after the US invasion of 1898, a wave of carpetbaggers swarmed over the island like a plague of locusts. Within forty years, they picked her clean of her natural resources. Any Puerto Rican who opposed this too vigorously was shot, imprisoned, or simply “disappeared.”
Every few years, the US government sent four men to ensure this colonial relationship: the Chief Auditor of the island, the Treasurer, the Chief of Police, and the Governor.
The Governor had the greatest authority, since he could hire and fire the other three.
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by Kannan »

amitkv wrote: I had never heard of USA's brutal colonisation of Puerto Rico till I came across this web page and the Book. When reading through the page it seems eerily similar to the Iraq invasion with the same grand talk of democracy and freedom followed by the brutal occupation and destruction of a nation and it's people.

Same old tricks to fool the natives and pillage them.
If you're interested in the subject, a there are a few books and online resources on the Letters from the Philippines. It looks at the tone and motivation for war, from the relatively innocent inception where the soldiers felt they had an altruistic purpose to help the natives, and observes as the war descends into chaos with increasing angst and more vicious racism towards the end, till they pretty much hate all the locals.

Very interesting that a few astute leaders can manipulate one well meaning populace to do something (Claudius stammering his way into Brittania) , but that's probably the basis of every empire ever. Sad how history repeats itself.
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by d_berwal »

History of Biological warfare (

1495 Spanish sell wine mixed with blood from leprosy patients to enemy. (page 19 ... ch&f=false)

1763 British distribute blankets from smallpox patients to native Americans Variola virus causing smallpox. Epidemic develops. (Nevertheless, the unintentional or intenational spread of diseases among native Americans killed about 90% of the pre-columbian population)
- During their conquest of South America, the Spanish might also have used smallpox as a weapon ( ... orlds/1677)

1932 – 1945 Japanese conduct large - scale human experiments and biological warfare in China. Many different pathogens killing tens of thousands. (
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by member_28638 »

chakra wrote:
chakra wrote:The Wealth of India

"While we hold onto India, we are a first rate power. If we lose India, we will decline to a third rate power. This is the value of India."

- So spoke Lord Curzon in 1901, one of 11 viceroys of British India (from 1898 to 1905) who was educated at Eton College, one of England's top private schools.

(source: India Britannica - By Geoffrey Moorhouse c. prologue).

American Historian Will Durant has observed:

"British rule in India is the most sordid and criminal exploitation of one nation by another in all recorded history. I propose to show that England has year by year been bleeding India to the point of death, and that self-government of India by the Hindus could not within any reasonable probability, have worse results than the present form of alien domination.

The civilization that was destroyed by British guns had lasted for fifteen centuries, producing saints from Buddha to Ramakrishna and Gandhi; philosophy from the Vedas to Schopenhauer and Bergson, Thoreau and Keyserling, who take their lead and acknowledge their derivation from India (India, says Count Keyserling, “has produced the profoundest metaphysics that we know of”; and he speaks of “the absolute superiority of India over the Wes in philosophy); poetry from the Mahabharata, containing the Bhagavad-gita, “perhaps the most beautiful work of the literature of the world” down to Sarojini Naidu, greatest of living women poets, and Rabindranath Tagore, who, writing a local dialect in a subject land, had made himself the most famous poet of our time. And how shall we rank civilization that created the unique and gigantic temples of Ellora, Madura and Angkor.

This, evidently was not a minor civilization, produced by inferior people. It ranks with the highest civilizations of history, and some, like Keyserling, would place it at the head and summit of all. The British conquest of India was the invasion and destruction of a high civilization by a trading company utterly without scruple or principle, careless of art, greedy of gain, overrunning with fire and sword a country temporarily disordered and helpless, bribing and murdering, annexing and stealing, and beginning that career of illegal and “legal” plunder which has now gone on ruthlessly for one hundred and seventy-three years, and goes on at this moment while in our secure comfort we write and read. Those who have seen the unspeakable poverty and physiological weakness of the Hindus today will hardly believe that it was the wealth of eighteenth century India which attracted the commercial pirates of England and France."

(source: The Case for India - By Will Durant Simon and Schuster, New York. 1930 p.6-7).
Lord Robert Clive was penniless and in debt when he first set foot in India as a clerk in the East India Company in 1743, but within 20 years he had become one of the richest men in England. Part of that wealth was the collection of decorative arts and jewelled objects he had assembled as an officer of the East India Company army.

Most of the foreigners came to India in search of her fabulous wealth. Ernest Wood, in the book "A Foreigner defends Mother India" states, "In the middle of the eighteenth century, Phillimore wrote that 'the droppings of her soil fed distant regions'. No traveler found India poor until the nineteenth century, but foreign merchants and adventurers sought her shores for the almost fabulous wealth, which they could there obtain. 'To shake the pagoda tree' became a phrase, somewhat similar to our modern expression 'to strike oil'." ... ation.html

Sir William Curzon Wyllie as "one of the old unrepentant foes of India who had fattened on the misery of the Indian peasantry."
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by member_28638 »

Look up:

Yale University and the Wealth from India

Yale University in the United States was founded in 1718 with the help of a cargo of gift raised in India by Elihu Yale, who was a governor of Madras.
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by member_28638 »

Drain Theory

Dadabhai Naoroji (1825-1917) a Bombay Parsi who sat in the British House of Commons, also called the The Grand Old Man of India, presented to the British people the "Drain Theory", which put before them the facts and figures illustrating systematic bleeding of the wealth and resources of India.

His ideas were put into a volume called "Poverty and UnBritish rule in India". He wrote in 1901:

"I need only say that the people of India have not the slightest voice in the expenditure of the revenue, and therefore in the good government of the country. The powers of the Government being absolutely arbitrary and despotic, and the Government being alien and bleeding, the effect is very exhausting and destructive indeed."

(source: Poverty and Un-British Rule in India - By Dadabhai Naoroji - p. ix-x).
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by member_28638 »

Most Successful Pirates in History

Buckminster Fuller (1895-1893) philosopher, thinker, visionary, inventor, architect, engineer, mathematician, poet, cosmologist, inventor of the geodesic dome, once said: "The British were perhaps the most successful pirates in history. They came to India, pillaged the country in the name of trade and then enslaved it in the name of civilization."

(source: Indian Express - Flair 8/5/2001)

Refer to Jesus Christ: Artifice for Aggression - By Sita Ram Goel

The Bankruptcy of India

Another Englishman, the late H. M. Hyndman, after detailing the proof that taxation in India was far heavier than in any other country, though its population is poorer, entitled his book The Bankruptcy of India.

(source: The Case for India - By Will Durant Simon and Schuster, New York. 1930 p. 22).

India: From Jewel in the Crown to Third World

By the 19th century, the distant territory (India) shone as the brightest jewel in the British Crown. When the traders from England's East India Company arrived on the subcontinent of India in the 17th century, they found a fascinating land of pungent spices and luxurious textiles, magnificent art and architecture, and impressive works of literature and science. India was an "El Dorado" for enterprising young men in search of fortune. By the 19th century, the distant territory shone as the brightest jewel in the crown. It remained a prize beyond comparison, valued so highly that, as British viceroy Lord Curzon stated in 1900, "We could lose all our dominions and still survive, but if we lost India, our sun would sink to its setting."

Almost overnight India changed her position from being a jewel in the British crown to her present position as a part of the Third World. The concept of the Third World and the contempt which goes along with this concept was acquired recently.
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by ashvin »

I think this link is broken ( ... ation.html)
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by ashvin »

I think this link could be helpful in understanding the extent of the loot:
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by member_28638 »

The schools that had cemeteries instead of playgrounds
By Sian Griffiths BBC News, Ottawa

13 June 2015

Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission has released its findings into more than a century of abuse in Indian Residential Schools. Between the 1880s and 1990s 150,000 aboriginal children were sent to institutions where they were stripped of their language and culture. Many faced emotional, physical and sexual abuse.

I wriggled my way through an expectant crowd in a ballroom of a downtown Ottawa hotel. It was standing room only. Several hundred people, among them former residential school students, known as "survivors" - many of them now elderly - stood shoulder to shoulder with camera crews.

The event was going to be broadcast and streamed live across the country. Rarely had an aboriginal-led event attracted such national attention. Everyone was waiting eagerly for the long-awaited findings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

While this moment was the culmination of a seven-year inquiry, many survivors had waited several decades to share their stories. Many had felt such shame at the abuse they had endured, that they never told another living soul, not their families, not their friends - until the commission arrived in their corner of Canada. The commission would allow them to at least begin their healing journeys.

The inquiry was more of an endless marathon, an odyssey. The three commissioners travelled tens of thousands of miles to hundreds of communities, even the most remote on the shores of the Arctic Ocean, to hear story after story of abuse. By all accounts, the work of the commissioners was relentless, physically demanding and emotionally gruelling. With the evidence now gathered, Canada was about to face a moment of reckoning.

The room fell silent when Murray Sinclair, the chair of the Commission and Canada's leading aboriginal judge, approached the podium. Tall, commanding and august, his white hair seemed to have gone even whiter under the weight of the many sad stories he now carried with him. As he introduced himself, the room burst into a thunderous, deafening applause, accentuated by energetic drumming, wolf whistling and cheering. It was the kind of welcome normally reserved for a hero returning from a difficult mission.

Judge Sinclair, who described the residential school era as one of the "darkest, most troubling chapters" in Canadian history, began to read out his findings - more of a list of charges.

He said that seven generations of children were "stripped of the love of their families, their self-respect and … identity" over the course of a century.

In a deep, booming voice, he accused Canadian governments and churches of trying to "erase from the face of the earth, the culture and history of many great and proud peoples".

He said there had been "discrimination, deprivation and all manner of physical, sexual, emotional and mental abuse".

His words obviously triggered painful childhood memories. All around me, people began sniffling, shedding tears and even sobbing. Counsellors handed out tissues and glasses of water to the emotionally upset. It seemed that people hadn't just gathered to hear the report but to experience a collective emotional release.

Then, with two words, he issued his damning verdict: "Cultural genocide."

Again, the room erupted into massive applause. For them, it was a long awaited affirmation - but for many Canadians this would be bewildering news. Weren't they, after all, the nature-loving, nice guys? Judge Sinclair was showing them their dark side.

But he left it to a fellow commissioner to reveal the tragic news that 6,000 aboriginal children had died of malnutrition and disease at residential schools. Those were the ones they knew about. Many records, she said, had been destroyed. The school authorities clearly had little regard for the families - many were never informed about the loss of their sons and daughters. Often the boys and girls were buried on school grounds, which she described as having "cemeteries but not playgrounds".

"We can't un-know what we have learned," she said.

Judge Sinclair blamed the residential school system for the dysfunction, chaos and poverty in aboriginal communities today. They face high crime, addiction and unemployment rates and poorer-than-average prospects in health and education.

With the truth out, now came the reconciliation. Justice Sinclair laid down 94 recommendations, really pre-conditions to true reconciliation. Though one of them called for a formal apology from the Pope - many of the schools were Catholic-run - most urged Canada's political leaders to commit to closing the gap between aboriginal and non-aboriginal Canadians.

Thus far, the government has agreed to just one. However, in a sure sign that an election is looming, opposition parties agreed, if elected, to implement all the recommendations.

One of those key demands is that this shameful chapter of Canadian history be taught as a mandatory subject in all Canadian schools. No doubt one key date students will never forget will be the day Judge Sinclair made Canadians face up to their past.


Red River Women

On the trail of the murdered and missing - why have so many of Winnipeg's Aboriginal women and girls been killed?
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by Multatuli »

Concerning Violence (2014)

This is a documentary you simply must see! The Images and text (spoken or shown on screen) form a unity, the flow of the story is perfect. It penetrates the core of what being a christian white westerner means, you get the analysis from Frantz Fanon and whites giving voice to their racist, supremacist world view, which continues to this day, although they are much more 'sophisticated' now in their racism. It exposes missionaries (and by extension evangelists) for what they really are: mercenaries to brainwash the natives so they accept Western culture/values as superior and by extension, the white man as his superior.

It's available as a torrent, I searched for English subtitles but could not find it. Download and burn it to a DVD to share it with people without fast internet (or no internet at all) in India.

From Wikipedia

Concerning Violence is a 2014 documentary film written and directed by Göran Olsson. It is based on Frantz Fanon's essay, Concerning Violence, from his 1961 book The Wretched of the Earth. American singer and actress Lauryn Hill served as the narrator in the English-language release of the film, while Finnish actress Kati Outinen provides narration for the original Swedish release.

The film is an international co-production between Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and the United States.


The film narrates the events of African nationalist and independence movements in the 1960s and 1970s which challenged colonial and white minority rule.

A review:

Concerning Violence is a bold and fresh visual narrative from Africa based on archive material from Swedish documentaries 1966-1987 covering the most daring moments in the struggle for liberation from colonial rule. This powerful footage is combined with text from Frantz Fanon’s landmark book The Wretched of the Earth - written in 1960 and still a major tool for understanding and illuminating the neocolonialism happening today, as well as the unrest and the reactions against it.

"Colonialism is not a thinking machine, nor a body endowed with reasoning faculties. It is violence in its natural state, and it will only yield when confronted with greater violence."

"Come comrades, the European game is finally over; we must look for something else. We can do anything today provided we do not ape Europe, provided we are not obsessed with catching up with Europe. Europe has gained such a mad and reckless momentum that it has lost control and reason and is heading at dizzying speed towards the brink from which we would be advised to remove ourselves as quickly as possible."

-Frantz Fanon
Varoon Shekhar
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by Varoon Shekhar » ... laims.html

Hitler admired Napoleon for his conquests, for slavery. Napoleon evidently was mass murdering and cruel.
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by abhischekcc »


There is a wonderful saying: Hitler admired Napolean, Napolean idolized Caesar, Caesar wanted to be like Alexander, and Alexander worshiped Hecules, who did not exist at all.
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by Multatuli »

My South Carolina university is whitewashing its complex racial history

While Clemson University supports removing the state’s Confederate flag, it is failing to address its own racist monuments

“Blacks must remain subordinate or be exterminated – Tillman,” read one of the pieces of graffiti spray-painted on Old Main Hall this week at Clemson University, where I’m a graduate student. It’s a quote from a former South Carolina governor, the white supremacist and terrorist Benjamin Tillman, after whom Old Main Hall is technically named.

Though the vandals haven’t made their intentions clear, they also spray-painted “Tillman was a violent racist,” “RIP Sen. Coker,” (an apparent reference to the 19th century black state senator, murdered as he prayed and Tillman watched in 1876) and “RIP Sen. Pinckney” (a reference to the state senator killed at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston) on Monday morning. In other places across the country, Confederate monuments and memorials have, of late, been vandalized with the phrase “Black Lives Matter.”

In response to the graffitied building at Clemson, white supremacists raised a Confederate flag on the same campus building while holding a “heritage” rally on Monday night. By Tuesday morning, campus was scrubbed clean of both the condemnatory graffiti and Confederate flags, just in time for all the orientation groups and campus tours filled with bright-eyed prospective Clemson Tigers.

Neither incident is being addressed responsibly by the university, and both current and potential students are being sold a whitewashed version of the school’s complicated racial history.

For instance, the university was founded by Thomas Greene Clemson, whose vision of a “high seminary of learning” was realized with help from Tillman, who leased “convict” laborers – mostly black – to the institution to help construct its first buildings. And Clemson’s vision, now a public university, was constructed on land that was John C. Calhoun’s slave plantation – yes, that Calhoun: the one who argued that slavery was a “positive good” rather than a “necessary evil” on the US senate floor in 1837.

Read further: ... llman-hall

A quote from Benjamin Tillman:

As to his “rights”—I will not discuss them now. We of the South have never recognized the right of the negro to govern white men, and we never will. We have never believed him to be equal to the white man, and we will not submit to his gratifying his lust on our wives and daughters without lynching him. I would to God the last one of them was in Africa and that none of them had ever been brought to our shores.

Taken from: ... emacy-Runs

Who was Benjamin Tillman:

More than 30 years later, Tillman described their mission in a reunion of the Red Shirts in Anderson, S.C.: “It had been the settled purpose of the leading white men of Edgefield to seize upon the first opportunity that the negroes might offer them to provide a riot and teach the negroes a lesson: as it was generally believed that nothing but bloodshed and a good deal of it could answer the purpose of redeeming the state from negro and carpetbag rule.”

In July 1876, a contrived confrontation in Hamburg, S.C., between a black militia unit and white vigilante band from Edgefield led to bloodshed. The ensuing Hamburg Massacre, on July 8, saw one white man and a number of black militiamen killed before whites brought in artillery and superior numbers and put an end to it. Some 40 African Americans surrendered and were surrounded by armed whites. Five of them were called out by name and executed.

In Ellenton two months later, on September 17, several Red Shirt gangs converged to slaughter more than a hundred African Americans. Simon Coker, a black state senator who was in the area to investigate violence against black citizens, was captured; two of Tillman’s men were selected to execute him. His executioners informed Coker that he was about to die, according to Tillman’s account, and Coker said, “Here is my cotton house key; I wish you would please send it to my wife and tell her to have our cotton ginned and pay our landlord rent just as soon as she can.”

Then Coker said he would like to pray, and went to his knees. According to Tillman, after a few moments, one of his men said, “’You are too long’. . . .the order ‘aim, fire’ was given with the negro still kneeling.”

In his commentary on the murder, Tillman wrote, “It will appear a ruthless and cruel thing to those unacquainted with the environments. . . . The struggle in which we were engaged meant more than life or death. It involved everything we held dear, Anglo-Saxon civilization included.”

Taken from:

From Wikipedia:

In the 1880s, Tillman, a wealthy landowner, became dissatisfied with the Democratic leadership and led a movement of white farmers calling for reform. He was initially unsuccessful, though *he was instrumental in the founding of Clemson University* as an agricultural school. In 1890, Tillman took control of the state Democratic Party, and was elected governor. During his four years in office, 18 African Americans were lynched in South Carolina—the 1890s saw the most lynchings of any decade in South Carolina . Tillman tried to prevent lynchings, but spoke in support of the lynch mobs, stating his own willingness to lead one. In 1894, at the end of his second two-year term, he was elected to the U.S. Senate by vote of the state legislature.
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by member_28638 »

Age of Enlightenment and Imperialism

"The strongest claim by the West on modernity is derived from ideas and concepts generally grouped under the category of The Enlightenment. It was at the time that the idea of progress gained popular acceptance in the West. It was a time when Europeans emerged from a long twilight, from which the past was considered barbaric and dark. It most serious shortcoming was the assumption that European values derived from European experience were universal truth and that such truth gave license to world dominance: the rest of the world, to escape domination and exploitation, must adopt Western ways of militarism and exploitation. "

"It's one of the great paradoxes of modern history that during the Age of Enlightenment, at the same time that Europeans were becoming conscious of the basic rights of man, they were also capturing, brutalizing..."

source: The Enlightenment and modernity -


Indians as Inferior Race?
(Aryan Invasion Theory)

Lord Mayo (1822 - 1872) declared, "We are all British gentlemen engaged in the magnificent work of governing an inferior race in India."

Imperial Lives in the Victorian Raj - By David Gilmour


Late Victorian Holocausts

A few pages of Mike Davis's "Late Victorian Holocausts" describing the Indian famines of the early 20th century is enough to puncture any colonialist's puffed up balloon of claim to managerial skill or social responsibility.

An analysis of India's GDP and vital statistics 1750-1947 will show you how British rule impoverished India.

Please refer to Dharampal's book - Beautiful Tree and you will learn how the primary educational system in India worked when the East India Company began to take over India).


The sheer scope of their rapine is staggering.

Capital removed, societies destroyed.

As a single example of the social cost, historian William Digby - Prosperous British India estimated that the population of Dhaka dropped from 200,000 to 79,000 between 1787 and 1817; the export of Dacca muslin to England amounted to 8,000,000 rupees in 1787; in 1817, nil.

The fine textile industry, the livelihoods of thousands, and the self-sufficient village economy, were systematically destroyed.

Industrial Revolution?

A strong case has been made by William Digby quoting Brooks Adams that the Industrial Revolution (circa 1760) could not have happened in Britain had it not been for the loot that came in from India. It is indeed a curious coincidence: Plassey (1757); the flying shuttle (1760); the spinning jenny (1764); the power-loom (1765); the steam engine (1768).

Look at some individuals and their 'East Indian Fortunes' (P J Marshall)--all numbers in pounds: Robert Clive estimated in 1767 that his net worth was 401,102. John Johnston had 300,000. Richard Smith amassed in 1764-1770 a fortune of 250,000 pounds.

Note that these company officers' average salary was between 1,000 and 5,000 per year. Marshall estimates a total of 18,000,000 pounds as the *private* fortunes of these officers in the period 1757-1784. This, of course, in addition to official East India Company pillage.

Digby estimated in 1901 that the total amount of treasure extracted from India by the British was 1,000,000,000 pounds--a billion pounds. Considering the looting from 1901 to 1947 and the effects of inflation, this is probably worth a trillion dollars in today's money. Serious money, indeed. Shouldn't India ask for some reparation?

source: Rajeev Srinivasan


The wealth of the colonies returned to Britain, creating huge fortunes. By 1700, the East India Company accounted for "above half the trade of the nation," one contemporary critic commented. Through the following half-century, John Keay writes, its shares became the "equivalent of a gilt-edged security, much sought after by trustees, charities and foreign investors." The rapid growth of wealth and power set the stage for outright conquest and imperial rule. British officials, merchants, and investors "amassed vast fortunes," gaining "wealth beyond the dreams of avarice."

Two English historians of India, Edward Thompson and G. T. Garrett, described the early history of British India as:

"perhaps the world's high-water mark of graft": "a gold-lust unequalled since the hysteria that took hold of the Spaniards of Cortes' and Pizzaro's age filled the English mind. Bengal in particular was not to know peace again until she has been bled white."
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by Mukesh.Kumar »

The history of British slave ownership has been buried: now its scale can be revealed

The history of British slavery has been buried. The thousands of British families who grew rich on the slave trade, or from the sale of slave-produced sugar, in the 17th and 18th centuries, brushed those uncomfortable chapters of their dynastic stories under the carpet. Today, across the country, heritage plaques on Georgian townhouses describe former slave traders as “West India merchants”, while slave owners are hidden behind the equally euphemistic term “West India planter”.
.... William Wilberforce and the abolitionist crusade, first against the slave trade and then slavery itself, has become a figleaf behind which the larger, longer and darker history of slavery has been concealed.

And I always wondered why the British businessmen went against their financial interests in stopping Slave trade- The Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 formally freed 800,000 Africans who were then the legal property of Britain’s slave owners. What is less well known is that the same act contained a provision for the financial compensation of the owners of those slaves, by the British taxpayer, for the loss of their “property”. The compensation commission was the government body established to evaluate the claims of the slave owners and administer the distribution of the £20m the government had set aside to pay them off. That sum represented 40% of the total government expenditure for 1834. It is the modern equivalent of between £16bn and £17bn.

The compensation of Britain’s 46,000 slave owners was the largest bailout in British history until the bailout of the banks in 2009.
And how great was manumission... Not only did the slaves receive nothing, under another clause of the act they were compelled to provide 45 hours of unpaid labour each week for their former masters, for a further four years after their supposed liberation. In effect, the enslaved paid part of the bill for their own manumission.

Eagerly awaiting the BBC Documentary tomorrow.

Link worth pursuing in detail later on which analyzes quantum, valuation and condition of British slavery just before it's repeal Legacies of British Slave-ownership In fact you can search through the following database to see how it works: Legacies of British Slave Ownership Database
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by member_28638 »

Unspoken Story of Indian Holocaust: UK Remains Silent About Its Atrocities

Read more: ... z3gJmjQkLA
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by member_28638 »

Lets not forget the churches role in all this!


Comment by oldn3
Try exposing, say, the Medellin Cartel or the New Jersey Mafia and you will find the same. Conversionism has little to do with providing solace and a Path of Peace and Love, although there are indeed, and have been, many kind and caring people doing the real work recommended by the legend of Yesho Cristo. One has to make a careful distinction between these two kinds. See Malhotra’s debate at Princeton (on YouTube, I only watched a couple of minutes), where that distinction is explained. Conversionism is today, and has always been, a brutal and utterly destructive con. The Crusades, the Inquisition… the genocidal oppression of the native people of the Americas and Australia/New Zealand… The better question is why are these Seminary Schools and Divinity Schools around today. True, someone is needed to conduct Baptisms, weddings and funerals, and serve as a point for many Faithful people to talk in private. Centuries ago, the Church realized that there were too many con artists going around with Bibles and “Fire and Brimstone” speeches as RajeevS says below. So they decided that there had to be a License Raj that gave out Diplomas to Permit this business and take a cut from this con, in the age-old practice of the Mafia and Marxist Trade Unions. This is what set up Divnity Schools – Harvard was one of the first in the US. What exactly do they teach? I have not been inside one, thankfully! Let me just point to one statistic. Among the general population, the percentage of sex offenders is under 0.25%, which is still scary (source: Among Xtian priests, who are now by definition THE graduates of Divinity Schools and Seminaries, the percentage is something like 4 percent (source was claiming that the percentage of Catholic priests so accused is ONLY so much, and is no higher than that of Protestant priests -in the US: ... clergy/39/). The percentage of Conversionists who go abroad and commit abuses is, I suspect, far, far higher than those sitting in the US, since those people are literally regarded as “sheep” (no comments). How can this be? Well… look at the ‘textbooks’ written by their graduates and their faculty: Courtright, Doniger, Kripal… the list goes on and on. Look at the history of the Native Canadians on Vancouver Island, the native population of North America, Hawaii, of New Zealand, much of Africa (Islam took over the rest), Phillippines, Tahiti and the South Sea Islands, Sri Lanka, China, and of course, the well-known horrors of South America, Goa’s Inquisition, and the rest of India. The well-fed, well-funded conversionists in new Toyotas driving up to the tsunami-devastated villages of Sri Lanka in 2004, holding out water and food to the starving survivors – on condition that they Convert!!! (to their credit, the starving, thirsty villagers found energy to drive them out rather than accept drinking water from them). So now these are all getting exposed. The Heathen can read on the Internet. And people like Rajiv Malhotra are daring to publish books right ‘in their faces’. Why do you think they are attacking us? The funding comes from the same entities who funded oppression through the past 500 years and still do. It’s all about making obscene amounts of money. ... an-author/
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Re: Nations and Empires that Grew on Genocide and Slavery

Post by member_28638 »

Remembering India’s forgotten holocaust ... holocaust/

Why is this history not taught in educational establishments?

Why is the government not setting up a holocaust museum?

Why is the media silent?
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