The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by Singha »

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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by Singha »

Hassan Ridha ‏@sayed_ridha 14h14 hours ago
#YPG are targeting Castello Rd, the last rebel supply line into #Aleppo
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by Singha »

in general the pics of nusrah/shams/FSA their people look more 'professional' and less insane, no drugs with more trimmed beards than the 'core' ISIS fighters one sees in the euphrates/sinjar type areas like the band of unwashed crazies I posted.

I think all the enthusiastic psychopaths focussed on killing children and raping women went to ISIS, while these others are remnants of the original rebels who rose with the colour revolution initially. may include deserters or converts from the police and army.
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by shiv »

abhik wrote:
Jhujar wrote:ISIS does not consider Indians good fighter ... 894644.cms
Could be psyops by IB etc. :twisted:
Let me say something that some people may not like.

It is possible that Indian Muslims have a degree of humanity in them that comes from growing up in the land of dharma that a dry religion of Arabia cannot erase.

It's not about fighting. It's about bestiality. The same Indians were walking all over Arabia and Italy in WW2.
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by Kati »

Some reality check - (as per today's WSJ)
1. RU is the number 3 wheat exporter in the world, and the number-1 wheat supplier to Turkey.
2. Hordes of Turkish traders bring wheat in small vessels from the port on Sea of Azov which is quicker and less expensive.
3. Apart from wheat, the other agri exports from RU to Turkey is about 41.5 billion worth.
4. Traders in both countries are praying that the hatchet can be buried silently and let the trades go on as usual.
5. If RU stops all agri trades with Turkey, the the biggest beneficiary will be Khan. The Khan wheat traders are salivating at the prospect of off-loading surplus wheat to Turkey. And, at the last moment, if Turkey buys khan-wheat, then it will have to fork out extra $40-$50 per metric ton.
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by Shreeman »

There are some kweshchens,

1. If Asaad and ISIL and alCicada are such bad entities what is this traffic of 10,000 trucks dping via turki? Why doej no one want to stop it. Seeriya is under sanxions.

2. If the populashun has all left homes for norway and canada, why cant the battle lines be drawn more clearly? Better raze empty homes and avoid another alcicada bum factory.

3. what precisely is seeriya exporting to require so many trucks? Not oil trucks by the way, large TFTA goods carriers. Why are border checkpoints not destroyed? Roads are highway class, full and busy. Doing what?

4. How can ordinary life go on like nothings happening if isil is chopping hands and heads left and right?

5. Just how many border points are there? Turki has been anti seeriya for ages. Why are they open? Is it the same with eyeraq? who needs a passport in a sichashun like this?

On the other hand its wheat+gas+construcshun jobs+.... or you prevent wheat, we cut down gas. Turki can cut its own job for bilals forchune or it can award the turkish nishan-e-hilal-e-friendahip or whatever to the dead pilot, give up the pilot who shot up the plane, catch the murders etc and try being on roosi good side. Doesnt look like the second part is even realistic, does it?

Whole economies can be damaged, but no sorry no transparent investigashun. Thats how much erdo family and the hubris of NATO got my back means.

Roos has no choice. Sell wheat to the heathens in afrika they would otherwise not spit on. Make friends with greese and somaliya. Anything but act MMSish.

And so much for the professional turk hawai kuwwalteri. The pilot hasnt come up claiming to be an ace. why? scared of FSB? war crime? contradicting erdogan or the alphabet? The roosi pilot had no such fear. and what of the turkmani freedum fighters, all underground eh? No more shooting up roosi hawai jahaj after a few ak phyre? why are they not in neuj eggsplaining why they shot at the parachutes? turkish farcse is now glorified bakistan ayer force. F16s included. shoot down planes, kill pilots. same script.

turki shot plane whete turkmani can shoot pilots. turki not responsible?
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by habal »

interview of isis jeehadi captured, shaved etc
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by JE Menon »

Thanks Habal. That was useful.
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by chetak »

Jhujar wrote:In First Expression of Regret, Turkish ( Pakurkey)President Says Wishes Downing of Russian Warplane Hadn't Happened'We are truly saddened by this incident,' Erdogan says; Kremlin says Putin 'fully mobilised' to tackle threat from Turkey.

Yeah, sure. :lol:

An S-400 battery aimed at threatening your aircraft operations will make you feel that way.
Last edited by chetak on 29 Nov 2015 11:38, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by Singha »

please avoid ethnic slurs. stick to reports and strategy proposals.
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by Singha »

air attack on azaz road
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by habal »

from turkey missile video.
Haidar Sumeri ‏@IraqiSecurity
Syrian Turkmen 'rebels' waving Strela-2M MANPADS around with no thermal battery (rendering weapon useless).
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by chetak »

an unexpected view from a paki news paper

Ramifications of Turkey’s provocation
Ramifications of Turkey’s provocation

Putin has been breathing fire and brimstone but in practice he is not going to retaliate militarily, jeopardising his new realignment with the west. That, however, does not mean the Russians will do nothing

November 29, 2015

As the bestial terrorism sprouting form capitalism’s socioeconomic crisis ravages the world, life for ordinary souls is becoming more and more agonising. Already immersed in the excruciating abyss of misery, poverty, drudgery, deprivation, migration, environmental disasters and disease, the curse of terrorism has made this planet a frightening place to inhabit for ordinary people. The relentless violence and mayhem in the Middle East is an expression of the rottenness of this coercive system. In the last seven decades the situation has only worsened.Syria and Islamic State (IS)are being bombed by a plethora of military powers without any success at all. Instead, there are sharpening conflicts erupting amongst the so-called allies in this war against IS. The downing of the Russian jet by Turkish F-16s is a perilous provocation in an already dangerous and extremely volatile situation.

This shooting down was no accident. It was a clear manifestation of Erdogan’s regional ambitions. He harbours the wish to re-establish the old Ottoman Empire, bringing large parts of Central Asia and the Middle East under Turkish control.It is also an open secret that Erdogan has been supporting IS and other Islamist gangs in an attempt to overthrow President Assad and grab slices of Syrian territory. That is why he has allowed nearly 20,000 Islamist fighters to cross the Turkish border, facilitated and profited from the oil supplies in control of IS while blocking the supply of arms and volunteers to the anti-IS forces in Syria, and brutally crushing the Kurds who are fighting the IS.

Western imperialists have been complicit in the arming and financing of these jihadis in Syria, including IS, by the Turkish, Saudi, Kuwaiti, Emirati and Qatari reactionary ruling elites leading to one US general declaring that there are no moderates left in Syria. Russian intervention in Syria has changed everything. It has compelled the US and European states to step up their offensive against IS. The Paris attacks have transformed discord in the west to a flurry of activity on the diplomatic front leading to a UN resolution calling on the whole world to fight ISand other Islamist, jihadi and al Qaeda-like terrorist outfits. Paris, London and Washington reluctantly have moved closer to Moscow. Putin — not them — now holds the key to Syria. Putin and Obama,during the G-8 summit in Turkey, struck a deal in direct contradiction to the interests of the Turkish and Saudi rulers. This was already made clear in October when the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) were formed, supported by the west, mainly in the north and eastern provinces consisting of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) and a series of tribal and other US connected militias but excluded Turkish, Qatari, Kuwaiti and Saudi supported groups. The west had to accept the Russian demand that Assad must stay — at least for now — pending a “negotiated settlement” of the Syrian question.

Since the Russians started their intervention the Saudi-led coalition that is murdering innocent civilians in Yemen has stepped up arms’delivery to its Islamist, al Qaeda-connected stooges.Its main proxy,Jabhat al-Nusra, is threatening to attack the Kurdish Canton of Afrin and has warned of an offensive against the US supported Jaish al-Thuwur. The Turks, Saudis and Qataris have been supporting these jihadi groups for years, pouring billions of dollars into their coffers; the rapprochement with Russia and Assad represents a mortal blow for them. This is particularly true in the case of Erdogan who, despite his pretention of being a powerful Ottoman ruler, is sitting on a very shaky throne.

By downing a Russian plane Erdogan hopes to provoke Russia into a retaliatory strike against Turkey, a member of NATO. That would then lead to NATO taking steps to defend Turkey and a break with Moscow, allowing Turkey to continuepursuing its own agenda and interests in Syria. These do not correspond with those of US imperialism at this moment in time. Erdogan is throwing his weight around to emphasise his inflated ego in the equation and enhance his designs through the conflict. The western imperialists are not happy with these manoeuvres as this makes work harder for French President Francois Hollande, who held talks with Putin as part of a diplomatic marathon,including talks with Merkel, Cameron and Obama,aimed at building a wide-ranging coalition to launch airstrikes against IS.

Erdogan has provoked Putin. And Putin is not a man to forgive and forget.He called the act a “stab in the back by the accomplices of terrorists”. Putin has pointed out that the plane posed no threat to Turkish national security and was targeting terrorists in the Latakia province of Syria, many of who came from Russia. He went on to say that “The flow of oil from IS controlled Syrian territory to Turkey and flow of finance and arms from Turkey shows that IS has the protection of a nation’s military (meaning Turkey). This may explain why the terrorist group is so bold in taking acts of terrorism across the world. This incident will have grave consequences for Russia’s relations with Turkey.” Putin accused Turkey of deliberately trying to bring relations between Moscow and Ankara to a standstill, adding that Moscow was still awaiting an apology or an offer of reimbursement for damages.

Putin has been breathing fire and brimstone but in practice he is not going to retaliate militarily, jeopardising his new realignment with the west. That, however, does not mean the Russians will do nothing. Already, Russia has imposed broad punitive steps including halting joint economic projects, restricting financial and trade transactions and changing customs duties. Already, the country’s tourist board has suspended all tours to Turkey, a move that is estimated will cost the Turkish economy $10billion.

The fact that Turkey did not try to contact Russia in the wake of the incident and rushed to call a NATO meeting instead shows that Turkey wants NATO to serve the interests of IS. The Americans do not want to be dragged into such a conflict to defend Erdogan, who is increasingly seen as a nuisance. As usual, the US will rant and rave, and then do nothing. The US needs Russia to help liquidate the jihadi menace in Syria. That is the main plank of their policy. In fact, it is just about the only plank they have.The constant demands for patience and restraint while the facts are studied indicate that the mood in Brussels and Washington is not belligerent but extremely nervous. The fact is that both the US and the Europeans want Moscow to be part of the solution in Syria. They will be doing everything possible to pacify the Russians and put the brakes on the Turks. But this will solve nothing. The roots of terrorism, destitution and wars are embedded in the diseased system. Without its overthrow this nightmare will keep on tormenting mankind across the planet.

The writer is the editor of Asian Marxist Review and international secretary of Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign. He can be reached at
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by Shreeman »

Here ij the thing about all these rebels, moderate or otherwise -- they are no muktibahini. Heck they are no PKK. Yet they have had billions poured into them. And no structure. Foreign mercenaries. No respect for a conventional fight. Totally baki behavior. Kill someone, make a video. Get killed, make a video. So much for religion not allowing bichhars. How can they ever produce any semblance of a state if the land mass was handed to them on a platter.
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by UlanBatori »

editor of Asian Marxist Review and international secretary of Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign
That explains why that article would come out from a 'Pakistani'. Nothing to lose sleep about - NOO sign of sanity from 'mainstream' Pakistan. (Phew!!) :mrgreen:
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by Satya_anveshi »

No US airstrikes in Syria since Russia deployed S-400 systems - Nov28, 2015 ... irstrikes/
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by UlanBatori »

Compare that to the report of F-16s (of the pro-ISIS 'Coalition') bombing water pumping stations in Aleppo yesterday. I wonder if the bombing occurred yesterday, or if the F-16s were from Turkey - would they dare to come into Syrian airspace? Jordan is the only other nation that flies F-16s in that nbd, hain? (wasn't the Princely Jordanian pilot who was burned to death by ISIS flying an F-16?)
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by habal »

Hassan Ridha ‏@sayed_ridha
Baath Battalion in #Latakia FB page claims #RuAF entered and exited Turkish airspace 5 times, no response by #Turkey was made
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by chetak »

UlanBatori wrote:
editor of Asian Marxist Review and international secretary of Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign
That explains why that article would come out from a 'Pakistani'. Nothing to lose sleep about - NOO sign of sanity from 'mainstream' Pakistan. (Phew!!) :mrgreen:
well, I did say "unexpected view"
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by chetak »

habal wrote:Hassan Ridha ‏@sayed_ridha
Baath Battalion in #Latakia FB page claims #RuAF entered and exited Turkish airspace 5 times, no response by #Turkey was made
The RUAF is loaded for bear.

and the S-400 must be powerful magic. :)
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by habal »

The Daily Star ‏@DailyStarLeb
BREAKING: Body of Russian pilot brought to Turkey, to be handed over to Russia: Turkish PM ... sh-pm.ashx#
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by UlanBatori »

I am surprised that there were any Turkmen left in those parts to retrieve and bring the body. RUAF is not as thorough as they claim.
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by chetak »


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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by Austin »

Turkey stopped violating Greek airspace after Russian Su-24 downing - Athens source ... iolations/
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by Austin »

Singha wrote:

air attack on azaz road
Quite Gruesome , I think they attacked the Oil Tanker there and innocent people traveling in car got impacted
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by chetak »

per this map, was turkey justified in shooting at all??

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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by chetak »

It would also be no good reason to start a NATO-Russia war just because such a plane might at times slightly intrude on the Turkish side due to an emergency or other accidental circumstances. Do we have to mention that the U.S., France, Britain and Jordan regularly violate Syrian airspace for their pretended ISIS bombing? That Turkey is bombing the PKK in north Iraq without the permission of the Iraqi government? What about Israels regular air space violations over Lebanon? ... er/5480430

Russia “Violated” Turkish Airspace Because Turkey “Moved” Its Border

This article originally published on October 7, 2015 is of utmost relevance in understanding the action taken by Turkey to down a Russian jet fighter over Syria airspace. (GR. Editor. M. Ch.)

One Russian plane may even indeed have slightly crossed the border [in October] while maneuvering. But the real reason why the U.S. military official and Turkey claim the above “violations” is because Turkey unilaterally “moved” the Turkish-Syrian border five miles south:

Turkey has maintained a buffer zone five miles inside Syria since June 2012, when a Syrian air defense missile shot down a Turkish fighter plane that had strayed into Syrian airspace. Under revised rules of engagement put in effect then, the Turkish air force would evaluate any target coming within five miles of the Turkish border as an enemy and act accordingly.

If Syrian rules of engagement would “move” its northern border up to the Black Sea would any plane in eastern Turkey be in violation of Syrian air space? No one would accept such nonsense and that is why no one should accept the U.S.-Turkish bullshit here. Russian planes should not respect the “new” Turkish defined border but only the legitimate one…

Russia “Violated” Turkish Airspace Because Turkey “Moved” Its Border

Russian planes in Syria “violated Turkish air space” the news agency currently tell us. But an earlier report shows that this claim may well be wrong and that the U.S. pushes Turkey to release such propaganda.

Reuters (Mon Oct 5, 2015 7:54am BST): Turkey says Russian warplane violated its airspace

A Russian warplane violated Turkish airspace near the Syrian border on Saturday, prompting the Air Force to scramble two F-16 jets to intercept it, the Foreign Ministry said on Monday.The Foreign Ministry summoned Moscow’s ambassador to protest the violation, according to an e-mailed statement. Turkey urged Russia to avoid repeating such a violation, or it would be held “responsible for any undesired incident that may occur.”

AFP (10:20am · 5 Oct 2015): Turkey ‘intercepts’ Russian jet violating its air space

Turkey said on Monday its F-16 jets had at the weekend intercepted a Russian fighter plane which violated Turkish air space near the Syrian border, forcing the aircraft to turn back.

Turkey said on Monday its F-16 jets had at the weekend intercepted a Russian fighter plane which violated Turkish air space near the Syrian border, forcing the aircraft to turn back.

Here now what McClatchy reported on these air space violations in a longer piece several hours before Reuters and AFP reported the Turkish claim:

ISTANBUL – A Russian warplane on a bombing run in Syria flew within five miles of the Turkish border and may have crossed into Turkey’s air space, Turkish and U.S. officials said Sunday.

A Turkish security official said Turkish radar locked onto the Russian aircraft as it was bombing early Friday in al Yamdiyyah, a Syrian village directly on the Turkish border. He said Turkish fighter jets would have attacked had it crossed into Turkish airspace.But a U.S. military official suggested the incident had come close to sparking an armed confrontation. Reading from a report, he said the Russian aircraft had violated Turkish air space by five miles and that Turkish jets had scrambled, but that the Russian aircraft had returned to Syrian airspace before they could respond.The Turkish security official said he could not confirm that account.

So it is the U.S., not Turkey, which was first pushing the claims of air space violation and of scrambling fighters. The Turkish source would not confirm that.

But how could it be a real air space violation when Russian planes “flew within five miles of the Turkish border and may have crossed into Turkey’s air space”. The Russian planes were flying in Syrian airspace. They “may have crossed” is like saying that the earth “may be flat”. Well maybe it is, right?

Fact is the Russians fly ery near to the border and bomb position of some anti-Syrian fighters Turkey supports. They have good reasons to do so:

The town, in a mountainous region of northern Latakia province, has been a prime route for smuggling people and goods between Turkey and Syria and reportedly has functioned as a key entry for weapons shipped to Syrian rebels by the U.S.-led Friends of Syria group of Western and Middle Eastern countries.

One Russian plane may even indeed have slightly crossed the border while maneuvering. But the real reason why the U.S. military official and Turkey claim the above “violations” is because Turkey unilaterally “moved” the Turkish-Syrian border five miles south:

Turkey has maintained a buffer zone five miles inside Syria since June 2012, when a Syrian air defense missile shot down a Turkish fighter plane that had strayed into Syrian airspace. Under revised rules of engagement put in effect then, the Turkish air force would evaluate any target coming within five miles of the Turkish border as an enemy and act accordingly.

If Syrian rules of engagement would “move” its northern border up to the Black Sea would any plane in eastern Turkey be in violation of Syrian air space? No one would accept such nonsense and that is why no one should accept the U.S.-Turkish bullshit here. Russian planes should not respect the “new” Turkish defined border but only the legitimate one.

It would also be no good reason to start a NATO-Russia war just because such a plane might at times slightly intrude on the Turkish side due to an emergency or other accidental circumstances. Do we have to mention that the U.S., France, Britain and Jordan regularly violate Syrian airspace for their pretended ISIS bombing? That Turkey is bombing the PKK in north Iraq without the permission of the Iraqi government? What about Israels regular air space violations over Lebanon?

But what is this all really about? Germany, the Netherlands and the U.S. stationed some Patriot air defense systems in Turkey to defend Turkey and its Islamist storm troops in north-Syria. These systems were announced to leave or have already left. Are these claims about air-space violation now an attempt to get these systems back into Turkey? For what real purpose?

Notes: ... order.html

The original source of this article is SyrianFreePress
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by Austin »

Trucks seen along Turkey-Syria Border

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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by member_20292 »

Singha wrote:they are no pushover for sure. like south korea, they are investing deep into armour and artillery. they have a long tradition of high caliber metallurgy - middle age cannons, guns, damascene steel with those beautiful patterns etc.
Those damascus steel swords were born in India, btw.

Just like Al-Jibr / Algebra came from here.
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by TSJones »

Hmmm, I'll have to keep a close eye on the YGBSM guys to see if they are being deployed by the US to Turkey.

"First In Last Out".
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by chetak »

why is erdogan so upset with the russians?? pet ka sawal hai ji.

Some business interests of the Erdogan spawn.

His son seems to be the main buyer and beneficiary of the ISIL-delivered oil:

Erdogan’s Dirty Dangerous ISIS Games
Nice Family Business

The prime source of money feeding ISIS these days is sale of Iraqi oil from the Mosul region oilfields where they maintain a stronghold. The son of Erdoğan it seems is the man who makes the export sales of ISIS-controlled oil possible.

Bilal Erdoğan owns several maritime companies. He has allegedly signed contracts with European operating companies to carry Iraqi stolen oil to different Asian countries. The Turkish government buys Iraqi plundered oil which is being produced from the Iraqi seized oil wells. Bilal Erdoğan’s maritime companies own special wharfs in Beirut and Ceyhan ports that are transporting ISIS’ smuggled crude oil in Japan-bound oil tankers.

Gürsel Tekin vice-president of the Turkish Republican Peoples’ Party, CHP, declared in a recent Turkish media interview, “President Erdoğan claims that according to international transportation conventions there is no legal infraction concerning Bilal’s illicit activities and his son is doing an ordinary business with the registered Japanese companies, but in fact Bilal Erdoğan is up to his neck in complicity with terrorism, but as long as his father holds office he will be immune from any judicial prosecution.” Tekin adds that Bilal’s maritime company doing the oil trades for ISIS, BMZ Ltd, is “a family business and president Erdoğan’s close relatives hold shares in BMZ and they misused public funds and took illicit loans from Turkish banks.”

In addition to son Bilal’s illegal and lucrative oil trading for ISIS, Sümeyye Erdoğan, the daughter of the Turkish President apparently runs a secret hospital camp inside Turkey just over the Syrian border where Turkish army trucks daily being in scores of wounded ISIS Jihadists to be patched up and sent back to wage the bloody Jihad in Syria, according to the testimony of a nurse who was recruited to work there until it was discovered she was a member of the Alawite branch of Islam, the same as Syrian President Bashar al-Assad who Erdoğan seems hell-bent on toppling.

Turkish citizen Ramazan Başol, captured this month by Kurdish People’s Defence Units,YPG, as he attempted to join ISIS from Konya province, told his captors that said he was sent to ISIS by the ‘İsmail Ağa Sect,’ a strict Turkish Islam sect reported to be tied to Recep Erdoğan. Başol said the sect recruits members and provides logistic support to the radical Islamist organization. He added that the Sect gives jihad training in neighborhoods of Konya and sends those trained here to join ISIS gangs in Syria.

According to French geopolitical analyst, Thierry Meyssan, Recep Erdoğan “organised the pillage of Syria, dismantled all the factories in Aleppo, the economic capital, and stole the machine-tools. Similarly, he organised the theft of archeological treasures and set up an international market in Antioch…with the help of General Benoît Puga, Chief of Staff for the Elysée, he organised a false-flag operation intended to provoke the launching of a war by the Atlantic Alliance – the chemical bombing of la Ghoutta in Damascus, in August 2013. “

Meyssan claims that the Syria strategy of Erdoğan was initially secretly developed in coordination with former French Foreign Minister Alain Juppé and Erdoğan’s then Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, in 2011, after Juppe won a hesitant Erdoğan to the idea of supporting the attack on traditional Turkish ally Syria in return for a promise of French support for Turkish membership in the EU. France later backed out, leaving Erdoğan to continue the Syrian bloodbath largely on his own using ISIS.

Gen. John R. Allen, an opponent of Obama’s Iran peace strategy, now US diplomatic envoy coordinating the coalition against the Islamic State, exceeded his authorized role after meeting with Erdoğan and “promised to create a « no-fly zone » ninety miles wide, over Syrian territory, along the whole border with Turkey, supposedly intended to help Syrian refugees fleeing from their government, but in reality to apply the « Juppé-Wright plan ». The Turkish Prime Minister, Ahmet Davutoğlu, revealed US support for the project on the TV channel A Haber by launching a bombing raid against the PKK.” Meyssan adds.
wonder how much and what was Gen. John R Allen's price, :)

His daughter is managing healthcare and medical services for the injured ISIL fighters in Turkey:

Erdogan’s Daughter Joins ISIS
TEHRAN (FNA)- A discontented nurse working clandestinely for a covert medical corps in Şanlıurfa—a city in Southeastern Turkey, close to the border with neighboring Syria— divulged information about the alleged role which Sümeyye Erdogan plays in providing extended medical care for ISIL wounded militants transferred to Turkish hospitals.
Living in a dilapidated apartment in Istanbul’s outskirts along with her two children, a 34-year- old emaciated nurse who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of retribution, disclosed her seven-week agonizing ordeal of working in secret military hospital in Şanlıurfa, 150 km (93 miles) East of Gaziantep and 1,300 km (808 miles) Southeast of Istanbul, Global Research News reported.

“Almost every day several khaki Turkish military trucks were bringing scores of severely injured, shaggy ISIL rebels to our secret hospital and we had to prepare the operating rooms and help doctors in the following procedures,” she said.
“I was given a generous salary of $ 7,500 but they were unaware of my religion. The fact is that I adhere to Alawite faith and since Erdoğan took the helm of the country the system shows utter contempt for Alawite minority – Alawite faith is an esoteric offshoot of Shia Islam,” Said the nurse.
A London-educated scion of wealthy family and the eldest daughter of totalitarian President Erdoğan, Sümeyye Erdoğan, more than once announced her intention to be dispatched to Mousl, Iraq’s once second-biggest city and ISIL’s stronghold to do relief works as a volunteer which drew public ire and vast condemnation from Turkey’s opposition parties. Moreover, the Turkish opposition parties accuse the administration of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of seeking diligently to hide the truth concerning numerous financial malfeasances Erdoğan son, Bilal Erdoğan, is involved.

Erdoğan who always sheds crocodile tears for the plight of Syrian trapped between the hammer of hunger and the anvil of ISIL extremism, conceals the fact that his own son, Bilal Erdoğan, is involved in lucrative business of smuggling the Iraqi and Syrian plundered oil. Bilal Erdoğan who owns several maritime companies, had allegedly signed contracts with European operating companies to carry Iraqi stolen oil to different Asian countries
Looks like recent damage to the ISIL-controlled oil facilities and transportation routes/oil tankers made some family members very angry as their financial patta was being cut by the Russian actions.

erdogan's personal desire and ambition to annex syrian and other territories and rekindle the old ottoman kingdom scenario has led this grasping megalomaniac to take risks far beyond what turkey can support, now or ever in the future. His most likely fate may be found at the end of a knotted rope.
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by NRao »

Putin signs sweeping economic sanctions against Turkey
e sanctions bill, posted on the Kremlin’s Web site, targets Turkey’s tourism industry, cancels visa-free travel between the two countries, bans many Russian companies from hiring Turkish citizens and blocks imports of some Turkish goods. Russian government agencies are expected to submit lists of banned goods and exclusions from the new sanctions on Monday.
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by deejay »

ISIS set back in East Aleppo: ... st-aleppo/
Tiger Forces Advance on the Strategic City of Deir Hafer as ISIS Falls Apart in East Aleppo 0

The city of Deir Hafer in the Aleppo Governorate’s eastern Aleppo has long been a stronghold for the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS); however, as of recently, the city has been under its greatest threat since the aforementioned terrorist group first seized it in late 2013.

Two months ago, the thought of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) threatening ISIS at Deir Hafer would have been brushed off for being illogical and unrealistic; but, this all changed in late September when the Russian Air Force began their aerial campaign to forestall the Islamist groups advancing in Syria.

Fast forward two months later, the Syrian Arab Army’s elite special operations division known as the “Tiger Forces” is now within 5km from the western district of Deir Hafer, leaving ISIS in a vulnerable position with very little reserves to combat the advancing enemy army.

Adding to ISIS’ plight in east Aleppo is the recent arrival of fresh reinforcements from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Hezbollah, and Harakat Al-Nujaba (Iraqi paramilitary) that are going to give the Syrian Arab Army the necessary boost they need to advance on Deir Hafer.
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by chetak »

A better appreciation of the situation after the Russian induction of the S-400 kavatch

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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by chetak »

Logistics 101: Where Does ISIS Get Its Guns?

Logistics 101: Where Does ISIS Get Its Guns?

September 1, 2015, 11:20 am

Since ancient times an army required significant logistical support to carry out any kind of sustained military campaign. In ancient Rome, an extensive network of roads was constructed to facilitate not only trade, but to allow Roman legions to move quickly to where they were needed, and for the supplies needed to sustain military operations to follow them in turn.

Image: The other half of the war is logistics. Without a steady stream of supplies, armies no matter how strong or determined will be overwhelmed and defeated. What explains then ISIS’ fighting prowess and the immense logitical networks it would need to maintain it?

In the late 1700’s French general, expert strategist, and leader Napoleon Bonaparte would note that, “an army marches on its stomach,” referring to the extensive logistical network required to keep an army fed, and therefore able to maintain its fighting capacity. For the French, their inability to maintain a steady supply train to its forces fighting in Russia, and the Russians’ decision to burn their own land and infrastructure to deny it from the invading forces, ultimately defeated the French.

Nazi Germany would suffer a similar fate when it too overextended its logical capabilities during its invasion of Russia amid Operation Barbarossa. Once again, invading armies became stranded without limited resources before being either cut off and annihilated or forced to retreat.

And in modern times during the Gulf War in the 1990’s an extended supply line trailing invading US forces coupled with an anticipated clash with the bulk of Saddam Hussein’s army halted what was otherwise a lighting advance many mistakenly believed could have reached Baghdad had there been the political will. The will to conquer was there, the logistics to implement it wasn’t.

The lessons of history however clear they may be, appear to be entirely lost on an either supremely ignorant or incredibly deceitful troupe of policymakers and news agencies across the West.

ISIS’ Supply Lines

The current conflict consuming the Middle East, particularly in Iraq and Syria where the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS) is operating and simultaneously fighting and defeating the forces of Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran, we are told, is built upon a logistical network based on black market oil and ransom payments.

The fighting capacity of ISIS is that of a nation-state. It controls vast swaths of territory straddling both Syria and Iraq and not only is able to militarily defend and expand from this territory, but possesses the resources to occupy it, including the resources to administer the populations subjugated within it.

For military analysts, especially former members of Western armed forces, as well as members of the Western media who remember the convoys of trucks required for the invasions of Iraq in the 1990s and again in 2003, they surely must wonder where ISIS’ trucks are today. After all, if the resources to maintain the fighting capacity exhibited by ISIS were available within Syrian and Iraqi territory alone, then certainly Syrian and Iraqi forces would also posses an equal or greater fighting capacity but they simply do not.

And were ISIS’ supply lines solely confined within Syrian and Iraqi territory, then surely both Syrian and Iraqi forces would utilize their one advantage – air power – to cut front line ISIS fighters from the source of their supplies. But this is not happening and there is a good reason why.

ISIS’ supply lines run precisely where Syrian and Iraqi air power cannot go. To the north and into NATO-member Turkey, and to the southwest into US allies Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Beyond these borders exists a logistical network that spans a region including both Eastern Europe and North Africa.

Terrorists and weapons left over from NATO’s intervention in Libya in 2011 were promptly sent to Turkey and then onto Syria – coordinated by US State Department officials and intelligence agencies in Benghazi – a terrorist hotbed for decades.

The London Telegraph would report in their 2013 article, “CIA ‘running arms smuggling team in Benghazi when consulate was attacked’,” that:

[CNN] said that a CIA team was working in an annex near the consulate on a project to supply missiles from Libyan armouries to Syrian rebels.

Weapons have also come from Eastern Europe, with the New York Times reporting in 2013 in their article, “Arms Airlift to Syria Rebels Expands, With Aid From C.I.A.,” that:

From offices at secret locations, American intelligence officers have helped the Arab governments shop for weapons, including a large procurement from Croatia, and have vetted rebel commanders and groups to determine who should receive the weapons as they arrive, according to American officials speaking on the condition of anonymity.

And while Western media sources continuously refer to ISIS and other factions operating under the banner of Al Qaeda as “rebels” or “moderates,” it is clear that if billions of dollars in weapons were truly going to “moderates,” they, not ISIS would be dominating the battlefield.

Recent revelations have revealed that as early as 2012 the United States Department of Defense not only anticipated the creation of a “Salafist Principality” straddling Syria and Iraq precisely where ISIS now exists, it welcomed it eagerly and contributed to the circumstances required to bring it about.

Just How Extensive Are ISIS’ Supply Lines?

While many across the West play willfully ignorant as to where ISIS truly gets their supplies from in order to maintain its impressive fighting capacity, some journalists have traveled to the region and have video taped and reported on the endless convoys of trucks supplying the terrorist army.

Were these trucks traveling to and from factories in seized ISIS territory deep within Syrian and Iraqi territory? No. They were traveling from deep within Turkey, crossing the Syrian border with absolute impunity, and headed on their way with the implicit protection of nearby Turkish military forces. Attempts by Syria to attack these convoys and the terrorists flowing in with them have been met by Turkish air defenses.

Germany’s international broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) published the first video report from a major Western media outlet illustrating that ISIS is supplied not by “black market oil” or “hostage ransoms” but billions of dollars worth of supplies carried into Syria across NATO member Turkey’s borders via hundreds of trucks a day.

The report titled, “‘IS’ supply channels through Turkey,” confirms what has been reported by geopolitical analysts since at least as early as 2011 – that ISIS subsides on immense, multi-national state sponsorship, including, obviously, Turkey itself.

Looking at maps of ISIS-held territory and reading action reports of its offensive maneuvers throughout the region and even beyond, one might imagine hundreds of trucks a day would be required to maintain this level of fighting capacity. One could imagine similar convoys crossing into Iraq from Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Similar convoys are likely passing into Syria from Jordan.

In all, considering the realities of logistics and their timeless importance to military campaigns throughout human history, there is no other plausible explanation to ISIS’s ability to wage war within Syria and Iraq besides immense resources being channeled to it from abroad.

If an army marches on its stomach, and ISIS’ stomachs are full of NATO and Persian Gulf State supplies, ISIS will continue to march long and hard. The key to breaking the back of ISIS, is breaking the back of its supply lines. To do that however, and precisely why the conflict has dragged on for so long, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and others would have to eventually secure the borders and force ISIS to fight within Turkish, Jordanian, and Saudi territory – a difficult scenario to implement as nations like Turkey have created defacto buffer zones within Syrian territory which would require a direct military confrontation with Turkey itself to eliminate.

With Iran joining the fray with an alleged deployment of thousands of troops to bolster Syrian military operations, overwhelming principles of deterrence may prevent Turkey enforcing its buffer zones.

What we are currently left with is NATO literally holding the region hostage with the prospect of a catastrophic regional war in a bid to defend and perpetuate the carnage perpetrated by ISIS within Syria, fully underwritten by an immense logistical network streaming out of NATO territory itself.
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by Singha »

heard on themess forums:
What Captagon basically does is increase performance. Similar drugs were used by the germans and others in WW2, and also later by NATO forces.
Elvis got his amphetamine addiction in the US Army.
Captagon was apparently broadly used in the Bundesliga in the 80s. So maybe it causes Mullets
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by Falijee »

Turkey: two journalists jailed over Syria smuggling reports
"If the media is silenced, no-one would know what was right or what was wrong. This is another step forward for the fascist dictatorship"
Two prominent journalists in Turkey are facing charges of espionage after publishing video that allegedly showed trucks, belonging to the state intelligence agency, carrying ammunition to Syrian militants.
Can Dundar, editor-in-chief of the Cumhuriyet newspaper, and Ankara bureau chief Erdem Gul are also accused of willingly aiding an armed group.
Both have been jailed pending trial.
So much so for the much touted press freedom in "democratic" Turkee!- a bastion of Islamic extremism
“We will resist and win. It’s a coup against the press. They keep doing coups against the press. But we are strong, and I want everyone to stay strong,” said Dilek Dundar, Can Dundar’s wife.

Ali Ozsoy, editor-in-chief of the leftist Sol newspaper, added: “If the media is silenced, no-one would know what was right or what was wrong. This is another step forward for the fascist dictatorship. We stand by Can Dundar.”

The government had initially denied the trucks were transporting arms, maintaining that the cargo consisted of humanitarian aid.
Some officials later suggested it was arms or ammunition destined for the Turkmen minority in Syria.
The video prompted President Tayyip Erdogan to vow revenge, saying he would not forgive such reporting. :roll:
These Islamic countries are not fit for democracy ! Turkey will do anything including aiding ISIL, if they can keep the Kurds under their thumb !
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by Falijee »

Son of Turkey’s president involved in oil trade with Daesh, Moscow says
The Kremlin spokesman says Moscow has information that the son of Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has interest in oil business with the militants in Syria.
There is intelligence, Peskov said Saturday, proving that Erdogan’s son has an interest in the oil trade with the militants.
Russian President Vladimir Putin had previously accused Turkey of buying oil from the Daesh Takfiri terrorists, saying satellite images show long lines of trucks purportedly carrying oil from Daesh-controlled areas in northeast Syria into Turkey. Erdogan on Thursday denied the accusations.
“I proceed from the statements of our president (Putin). Indeed, certain information exists, I don’t know how detailed it is, but certain interest exists,” Peskov said, without providing further details.
The comments by Peskov came during an interview with Rossiya 1 television channel.
Syrian Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi had said that Turkey’s downing of a Russian jet near the Syrian border was in response to Russia’s airstrikes that hit oil tankers en route from Syria to Turkey.
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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by Singha »

siege of vienna full movie. jan sobieswki was a aeging old-school type it seems. polish hussars with their long spears and feathered wings and eagle banners look amazing.

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Re: The Levant crisis.(Israel,SYRIA,Lebanon,etc)

Post by member_29247 »

Redux of instant Kofi sons' adventures in Middle East.

These voyages of Sindbad don't end I guess.

There will be many benefactors in UK , France , Israel, US etc in this scheme.
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