Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by vishvak »

Singha wrote:the section of Indian Muslim groups in massa who are virulently anti namo from their khanish perch are seeing a dose of reality now.
In Massa, no one can write book about how some right wing group must be blamed for 9/11. Such comments would now only invite unnecessary attention even if only heathens pagans kufr would suffer the cover provided by denials.

All good things come to an end even if only heathen pagaans kufr are at receiving end. A dose of reality is probably totally different and temporary only till cover can again be provided as normal.

No one stopped dose of reality for decades when only Indians faced terror attacks but Americans are strict with policing BS around terror.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by Prem »

Singha wrote:the section of Indian Muslim groups in massa who are virulently anti namo from their khanish perch are seeing a dose of reality now.
On The web site of IAMC . PM Modi remains Persona non Grata. But here is another exposure of Taqiyya ... d-mohamed/
The day after Thanksgiving, in the wake of a terrible shooting that left a Muslim cabdriver in Pittsburgh hospitalized, designated terrorist group CAIR was screaming ANTI-MUSLIM HATE CRIME! Naturally, left-wing news outlets like the Washington Post and others gleefully accepted those marching orders. Five days later police had a suspect in the shooting. His name is Anthony Mohamed nvestigators have taken a suspect into custody in the shooting of a cab driver who is Muslim in the city’s Hazelwood neighborhood in the early morning hours of Thanksgiving Day. Pittsburgh Police announced the arrest at a press conference Wednesday afternoon. They identify the suspect as 26-year-old Anthony Mohamed of Hazelwood.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by habal »

2 or 3 points that have occurred to me as I think about Islam.

1. Islam is a slave to Arabs, because that is why it has been created & spread.

Islam is a tool by which Arabs can feel comfortable about their surroundings.

Arabs by nature are very tribal and suspiscious of other people. They have a tremendous feeling of vulnerability.

Islam makes the 'other' .. or tribes that are non-Arab or non-muslim (if he adopts Islam) familiar to Arabs because now they operate under similar code.

Now the Arab tribal mind can connect with non-Arab and non-muslim (who adopts Islam) because they have to play on Arab playground.

without this safety of Islam tribal background, the Arab is back to being perplexed to what actually the non-Arab wants. If he is out to attack him or about to kidnap his wife or is he going to kill his children and kidnap his daughter. Everything is in question.

Arab is very vulnerable, he is easily hurt and even a strong glance by an unfamiliar man can give him sleepless nights. Islam is the only way he can overcome his fear.

rest of non-Arab muslims are thus given this slanted playground by birth and asked to confirm to the Arab code.

Islam is a way Arab can relate to the foreigner. It gives security to the Arab. There is no other purpose of Islam.

Thus the converts to Islam, which is entire non-Arab muslim universe have to emulate these same Arab feelings of vulnerability, suspiscion, fear of other when he relates to someone of other background. Then the convert becomes the Arab and starts mimicing like a monkey the same Arab tendencies.

This is Islam in practice.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by Singha »

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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by Rahul M »

islam is a tool of arab imperialism, just like christianity was a tool of roman and now euro-american imperialism.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by arun »

X Posted from the Oppression Of Minorities In Pakistan thread.

Kashif N. Chaudhry, who originates in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and belongs to the minority Ahmadi aka Ahmadiyya sect of Mohammaddenism claims in Huffington Post from the safety of the US that what Mohammaddens in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan are already doing to fellow Mohammadden Ahmadi’s is similar to what US politician Donald Trump (and Marco Rubio and Bill Carson) is proposing to do unto adherents of Mohammaddenism in the US. However keeping in line with the Mohammadden tradition of practising Taqiyyah to gull Non-Mohammaddens, Kashif N. Chaudhury is silent about the very significant difference that Mohammaddens in the US and elsewhere are indulging in Mohammadden Religion motivated violence targeting host populations unlike Ahmadi’s and other Religious and Sectarian Minorities in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, elsewhere in Mohammadden majority countries and indeed anywhere else in the world:
So Pakistani fellows, everything we hate about Trump, we are already doing - and much more - to the Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan. How is it fair then to decry Islamophobia in the West, while turning a blind eye to the rampant - and far more putrid - anti-Ahmadi bigotry in Pakistan? This only makes us a bunch of hypocrites, a dishonest people. We dislike Trump but fail to realize that ours is a very huuuuuuuge Trumpistan.

Next time we speak of how minorities are treated in the West, let us also reflect into our own attitudes towards our own minority communities.
From here:

Is Pakistan Just a Huge Trumpistan?
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by shiv »

ramana wrote:
On the Pakistani side, the TTP has a four-way split and considerable leaders pledged their support to the IS. In mid-January 2015, the IS formally announced the leadership team of its Khorasan unit. This borrowed heavily from the split TTP. But, beyond that nothing has happened. Of course, Tahir Yuldashev's IMU also pledged support to IS and moved to the Afghan-Tajikitan borderlands as a result of Zerb-e-Azb operations. However, IMU's support to IS is doubtful at this point.
As for the integrated, unified Sunni jihad, I very much doubt such a proposition. These people are too fractious for that. That is an interesting idea though.
Just had an "aha" moment reading this

Let us look at the facts
Fact 1: IS is greener (more Islamic) than TTP, which is more Islamic than LeT/JeM, which is more Islamic than the Pakistani army

Fact 2:
  • a.Pakistani army have killed tens of thousands of Hindus an Muslims in a genocide in Bangladesh and they have killed shias, Baluchis and Pakhtuns
    b.LeT/JeM are known murderers who take their orders from the Pakistani army
    c.TTP are good and Islamic, but they are variably shaded, They kill everyone including Paki army
    d.IS - These are the best. Currently they are taking orders from Saudia and Turkey
They are all Islamic and all murderers.

We need to recall that it is the "less green" ones who have killed the most Indians. The more green ones are deeper within dar ul Islam and are involved with killing Muslims as well as anyone else. The less green ones seek acceptance as good Muslims because of their propensity to murder non Muslims. But the greener ones tend to be found deep inside dar ul Islam among Muslims. The deep green core Muslims would all be arrested or killed soon if they appeared among non Muslims. But because they are so pious they survive in dar ul Islam and they do their murderous stuff inside Islamic countries.

The role of the less green ones is to appear moderate and secular and survive close to the edges of dar ul Islam or inside dar ul harb. Their role also prepares the ground for the more green ones. The less green ones are always complaining that they are being discriminated against and when they get a chance they will kill non Muslims and create areas of Muslim predominance. Inside those areas of Muslim dominance the more green ones start thriving.

There is a biological model which is an exact analogy of this. Bacteria can come in two flavours. Aerobic bacteria need oxygen to survive. Some anaerobic bacteria (those that cause Gas Gangrene and Tetanus) actually die (or will not grow) in the presence of oxygen. What can happen is that a wound can get infected with aerobic bacteria that cause damage and use up all the oxygen and create the conditions for anaerobic bacteria to grow and cause the toxicity to kill.

The biologic analogy is important because radical Islam incubates within a community of less green "moderate" Islam. Tackling radical Islam alone is utter GIGO and bound to fail. So called "moderate islam" creates the conditions for radical Islam by eliminating and opposing non Muslims based on concession they demand for their religion. Laws that make everyone equal, with no mollycoddling along with laws that disallow violence that is used commonly in Islam are all required to be put in place among the so called "moderates" to check the incubation of radical Islam. ISIS survives because Pakistan and Saudi and Turkey are mollycoddled and allowed to maintain murderous but less green militias.

Is this Islamophobia? Bullshit. It is self preservation
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by arun »

Former Mayor of the US city of New York, Rudolph W. Giuliani, writes in the Wall Street Journal “Just as it would have been foolish to fail to use the word Mafia or admit its Italian identity, it is foolish to refuse to call these Islamic terrorists by the name they give themselves or to refuse to acknowledge their overriding religious rationale.”.

While Rudolph W. Giulani is right on the need to stop providing a burqua and Niquab to Mohammadden Terrorism by studiously avoiding mention of that Religions connection and role to violence around the world, he is overly optimistic that the solution is to “encourage Muslim leaders to show the world that Islamic terrorists represent an antiquated and inhumane interpretation of Islam. These leaders need to loudly and dramatically speak for the hundreds of millions of Muslims who worship a peaceful, merciful and loving God. All Americans, in particular those in the media, can do their part by encouraging those Muslim leaders who come forward with a positive message about modern Islam.” The fact is that Mohammadden leaders do not have the courage of conviction to claim what Giulani suggests as the justification to slaughter Non-Mohammaddens is too deeply embedded in the Koran and Hadiths as ISIL and the Taliban have shown when it comes to providing textual support for their atrocities:

Call Islamic Terrorism by Its Name : Why ignoring the religious beliefs behind the threat is foolish—and dangerous.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by arun »

Singapore Defence Minister Dr. Ng Eng Hen sees Mohammadden Terrorism as a regional threat:

Singapore Sees Islamist Militancy 'Clear, Present Danger' for Asia

US Politician Tulsi Gabbard on what she terms “political Islam”, “Islamism”, and “totalitarian Islamic supremacy ideology”:
WATCH: Gabbard Insists We Must Identify 'Totalitarian Islamic Supremacy Ideology' ……………………..

“It’s important for all of us, for leaders in our country, for people in the media, to make a clear distinction from two things. One is the spiritual practice of Islam, the spiritual and religious path that most Muslims around the world follow, and the other is this political Islam, or Islamism, that’s really a totalitarian Islamic supremacy ideology that is fueling these attacks, that has fueled these San Bernardino shooters, that’s fueling Isis, fueling Al-Aaeda, and these Islamic extremist terror groups that are creating such a threat. And that’s why it’s so important for us to create this distinction to make sure that we know who our enemy is, the ideology that is our enemy, this radical Islamist ideology.”
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by arun »

In the Netherlands 6 Mohammaddens, the majority of whom were immigrants who the Dutch so generously allowed into their country, are sentenced to prison for looking to indulge in Mohammadden Terrorism:

Six men get jail terms for role in The Hague jihadi terrorist network
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by member_28705 »

Who is dishonest? Trump or Media?

Trump uvach "In Britain, more Muslims join ISIS than join the British army." And Al-Guardian wrote a lengthy article disputing this claim ... slims-isis

Donald Trump has claimed more British Muslims join Islamic State than join the British armed forces, but can that really be true?

The US Republican presidential candidate tweeted the statement in response to a petition demanding he be banned from the UK for his support of a “total and complete shutdown” of US borders to Muslims.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
December 11, 2015

In Britain, more Muslims join ISIS than join the British army.

Trump’s tweets have been disputed in the past: he claimed in the same hour that the Sun’s Katie Hopkins was a respected columnist. But is this statistic true?

Where does this claim come from?

Trump is not the first to make this allegation and it is not a fringe opinion. The National Review article he links to has no figures but has a hyperlink to a Times article from August 2014, citing the Labour MP for Birmingham Perry Barr, Khalid Mahmood, who said there were “easily” 1,500 jihadis and about 560 Muslims in the armed forces. Those figures are in some dispute.
How many Muslims are in Britain’s armed forces?

According to a freedom of information request to the Ministry of Defence from 2014, there are 640 Muslims in the armed forces: 550 in the army, 40 in the navy and 50 in the air force.

Shiraz Maher, a senior research fellow at the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation at King’s College London, estimates that 750 Muslims have gone to Syria to fight over the last three to four years.

But that figure needs breaking down before we can definitively say there are more Muslims fighting in Isis than in the British army. Maher, who has dedicated his research to tracking British fighters, says many recruits in the beginning did not join Isis.

Isis is a fairly late actor. Most of those who went out in the earlier phases of the civil war were not joining Isis, they were going to Jabhat al-Nusra, and many other groups.

Since last year, though, it has been pretty much one-way traffic to Islamic State, but at the beginning it was much more diverse and we don’t really know for sure where they went.

There are not 750 British people currently fighting with Isis – this is a cumulative figure. The British government estimates at least 260 have returned to the UK, which may be for a number of reasons, but many may have returned after becoming disillusioned at how different rebel groups were subsumed by Isis in the past two years.

Maher has counted 50 Britons who have died in combat, although the government’s estimate is 60. Many more fighters in that 750 figure who left for Syria are also likely to be dead or disengaged, but their whereabouts are unknown.

That leaves an estimate of approximately 430 to 440 British fighters alive and currently in Syria, and there is a good chance that the majority are with Isis, Maher said.

It is not really accurate to compare a cumulative number of fighters heading to Isis over a number of years with the current number of Muslim recruits in the British army. But we can say one thing:

At no point over the past three years has the number of active British Isis fighters eclipsed the number of serving Muslims in the British armed forces.
Specifically note, what they are saying:
It is not really accurate to compare a cumulative number of fighters heading to Isis over a number of years with the current number of Muslim recruits in the British army. But we can say one thing:
But - the liars ignored Trump's quote. Trump clearly says in his tweet
In Britain, more Muslims join ISIS than join the British army.
Now - whether a ISIS mujahid is dead or killed or disillusioned, irrespective of that - the fact remains that at one point he/she joined ISIS. But how many British muslims did join the armed forces?


Further, there were 640 muslim armed personnel in British armed forces in April 2012
Further, there are 650 muslim armed personnel in British armed forces in Oct 2013
This number has droped to 640 muslim armed personnel in British armed forces in 2014. Thus, a net number of zero people have joined British Armed forces in the last three years. Whereas, 750 people have joined ISIS in the past three-four years.

Thus, these detailed statistics only prove that many many many many more muslims join ISIS than British Army. So why is Al Guardian lying???

It is just sad how invulnerable these media-liars are - and how there is no proper platform to expose these blatant lies.
Last edited by member_28705 on 11 Dec 2015 20:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by A_Gupta »

The New York Police Department's report "Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat", 2007 declassified version of the report, PDF file: ... e_West.pdf
An assessment of the various reported models of radicalization leads to the conclusion that the radicalization process is composed of four distinct phases:

• Stage 1: Pre-Radicalization
• Stage 2: Self-Identification
• Stage 3: Indoctrination
• Stage 4: Jihadization

o Each of these phases is unique and has specific signatures
o All individuals who begin this process do not necessarily pass through all the stages
o Many stop or abandon this process at different points
o Although this model is sequential, individuals do not always follow a perfectly linear progression
o Individuals who do pass through this entire process are quite likely to be involved in the planning or implementation of a terrorist act
... the transformation of a Western-based individual to a terrorist is not triggered by oppression, suffering, revenge, or desperation. Rather, it is a phenomenon that occurs because the individual is looking for an identity and a cause and unfortunately, often finds them in the extremist Islam.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by A_Gupta » ... -old-fears
The Muslim world needs to face, and overcome, its centuries-old fears

I think it is time to consider what exactly it is that is being feared here. That the beliefs that have been held so close and so obstinately by our ancestors for centuries are under scrutiny like never before due to advancements in science and technology?
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by arun »

Secular tertiary level education is not necessarily a vaccination to inoculate against the infection of violent behaviour displayed by adherents of Mohammaddenism. University of London affiliated academic institution, Queen Mary, suspends its “Islamic Society” on account of “misconduct” not to mention “bullying and intimidation”:

Queen Mary University Islamic Society suspended over bullying claims
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by arun »

Suicide bomber suspected to belong to Mohammadden Terrorist group Boko Haram seeking to establish a “Caliphate” in North Eastern Nigeria kills 10 in neighbouring Cameroon. Death toll would likely have been higher but for the second suicide bomber fleeing:

Cameroon: Suspected Boko Haram Suicide Bomber Kills 10
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by member_19686 »

Gambia now an Islamic republic, says President Yahya Jammeh

Saturday 12 December 2015 04.05 GMT

Gambia has been declared an Islamic republic by President Yahya Jammeh who said he wanted to further distance the west African state from its colonial past.

The tiny, formerly secular country – named after the river from which British ships are said to have fired cannonballs to fix its borders – joins the ranks of other officially Islamic republics such as Iran and Afghanistan.

“In line with the country’s religious identity and values I proclaim Gambia as an Islamic state,” said Jammeh on state television. “As Muslims are the majority in the country, the Gambia cannot afford to continue the colonial legacy.”

Gambia’s population of 1.8 million people are 95% Muslim. Jammeh said citizens of other faiths would still be able to practise.

Jammeh, an animated orator who has earned the reputation for making surprise declarations over the course of his 21-year presidency, pulled Gambia out of the Commonwealth in 2013, calling it neo-colonial. In 2007 he claimed to have found a herbal cure for Aids.

In November the president announced he would outlaw female genital mutilation after international pressure that included a campaign by the Guardian. However activists have since said continued international pressure is needed for the president to pass his declaration into law.

Despite strong commercial ties with Britain and other European countries whose citizens are regular visitors to Gambia’s white-sand beaches, relations with the west have deteriorated in recent years.

The European Union temporarily withheld aid money in 2014 over Gambia’s poor human rights record. Gambia, whose main industries are agriculture and tourism, ranks 165 out of 187 countries on the UN development index.

The blogger Sidi Sanneh, a former foreign minister who has become a US-based dissident, said: “Starved of development funds because of his deplorable human rights record and economic mismanagement, Jammeh is looking towards the Arab world as substitute for and source of development aid.”

With Reuters ... are_btn_tw
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by shiv »

ramana wrote: What your theory says is a new yolk/inner core will be created again from among the moderates. The more radical among the moderates will coalesce to form a new jihadi core.

Its a self regenerating jihadi mechanism.
Again a biological analogy.
So how to spread this understanding?
ramana I currently have no graphical vision of how to depict this, but something that Ayaan Hirsi Ali said gave me an idea. She said that a sign of radicalization is the application of sharia more strictly "to oneself"

To me that begs the question - what is the difference, if any, between the so called "moderate" and the "radical". Actually there is no difference until the radical uses violence to implement his will in a way that is noticed by others. the real problem is that violence and threats are an every day part of Islamic upbringing. If a child is threatened for protesting against some diktat - for example a child who does not want to pray 5 times a day - maybe he is sleepy, or an adolescent girl who protests against covering up. Children do not always conform to what adults want and there will be examples of minor "rebellions" which you can be sure are controlled with a heavy hand in even "moderate" islamic society. So there is a core of coercion.

If, for example, a nation like France says that burqas should not be allowed, there is an implicit assumption that Muslim women who want to be free will then expose their heads. This assumption is a huge mistake, not only will such a woman be punished within her Muslim society, but women will be punished even if they don't speak up and say that they want and love burqas. Some Islamic woman spokeswoman will be chosen to say that this is all good. So there are internal checks and controls in Islamic society that hold the society together and make it essentially Islamist even while appearing moderate to others. I cannot think of any level of Islam where coercion to follow some diktat is not essential for the structure of that society. It is only when the coercion, threats and violence become manifested or visible to outsiders that we recognize "islamism"

So people who say that all Muslims are extremist and that there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim are right in one sense. But if they are right in one sense, what sense are they not right in?

One answer comes from ex-Muslims and people who have left Islam. Now the first point about "leaving Islam" is that such a person can be killed. That means that "leaving Islam" is not easy unless the person leaving can have refuge and protection in a society that prevents the death threat that such a person will face. If we provide protection to those who leave Islam and listen to what they say, they will say that there are other "hidden Muslim dissenters" within Islamic society who dislike some of the coercion and who also need support. A statement that that all Muslims are radicals, or that all Muslims are Islamists actually puts these "hidden Muslim dissenters" in a difficult situation. That statement gives support to Islamists who claim that there is no dissent in Islamic society and everyone is supremely happy. This is patently untrue but the "untruth" in that statement cannot come out unless we are willing to hear what ex Muslims say and understand that there are people in Muslim society who are "moderate" and do not like many of the things that Islamists demand but are too scared and too suppressed to come out into the open. These people should ideally be allowed to come out into the open without fear.

Going back to that graphic the only change I might make is in the circle just outside the core - labelled as "assimilated Muslims". These people should not be called moderates. These people can be radicals pretending to be moderate in order to get on in kafir society. They could also be partial dissenters (real moderates) who stay as clear of radicalism as they can go.

There are three concentric green circles in that image
1. Innermost core Islamists
2. Lesser green "assimilated Muslims" around that
3. Muslim world citizens (includes ex-Muslims) around that

The middle circle "assimilated Muslims" can be reduced in area by either increasing the flow towards the core to create more Islamists, or by increasing the flow outwards to create more adjusted "world citizens". I think the latter needs to be encouraged and perhaps that can be done by being very strict about discouraging the use of coercion, threats and violence. These are just generalities and I will stop here
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by shiv »

Voila! Ramana your graphical answer for the concentric rings of oil droplet is in this video: This video is a must watch ...

For reference - my old diagrams
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by shiv » ... 1449850833
President Barack Obama and many liberal-minded commentators have been hesitant to call this Islamist ideology by its proper name. They seem to fear that both Muslim communities and the religiously intolerant will hear the word “Islam” and simply assume that all Muslims are being held responsible for the excesses of the jihadist few.

I call this the Voldemort effect, after the villain in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books. Many well-meaning people in Ms. Rowling’s fictional world are so petrified of Voldemort’s evil that they do two things: They refuse to call Voldemort by name, instead referring to “He Who Must Not Be Named,” and they deny that he exists in the first place. Such dread only increases public hysteria, thus magnifying the appeal of Voldemort’s power.

The same hysteria about Islamism is unfolding before our eyes. But no strategy intended to defeat Islamism can succeed if Islamism itself and its violent expression in jihadism are not first named, isolated and understood. It is as disingenuous to argue that Islamic State is entirely divorced from Islam as it is to assert that it is synonymous with Islam. Islamic State does indeed have something to do with Islam—not nothing, not everything, but something. That something is the way in which all Islamists justify their arguments using Islamic scripture and seek to recruit from Muslims.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by Falijee »

Saudi Prince Alwaleed calls Trump a disgrace to US, asks him to quit presidential race

Being a Saudi citizen, Business Interests in Massaland should be the focus of this princeling instead of pontificating in US internal affairs ie US Election ; if he is so concerned about Trump's rhetoric, he should use his influence and advise his "uncle king " to take measures and stop funding Wahabi ideology in the world! :mrgreen:
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by Satya_anveshi »

Jimmy Carter too said something similar to what Trump said but on a reduced scope, Iran, which is shia. So, there were no Soothie barbarian beheaders and their supporters to call US politician a disgrace to america.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by A_Gupta » ... engagement
On social media, ISIS uses modern cultural images to spread anti-modern values
ISIS is following an unprecedented and sophisticated audiovisual strategy, consisting on the massive elaboration and distribution of audiovisual images that are highly salient and resonant in the culture of their targeted audiences.

ISIS’s audiovisual campaigning is massive in scale. According to the data I have analyzed, the terrorist group released 845 audiovisual campaigns between January 2014 and September 16, 2015, or more than one every day for a year and a half. The magnitude of these campaigns can be seen in their distribution. According to Brooking Institution research, ISIS supporters control more than 46,000 Twitter accounts, through which they release their messages directly to the smartphones of their audiences, avoiding the mediation of gatekeepers in traditional media.

More importantly, these images released through social media are charged with images directly inspired by the modern culture of a young global audience. Qualitative analysis of all 845 campaigns shows that more than 15 percent are directly inspired by real films, videogames and music video clips of contemporary popular culture, such as the films Saw, The Matrix, American Sniper, and V for Vendetta; or videogames like Call of Duty, Mortal Combat X and Gran Theft Auto. The terrorist group uses cultural images of modernity in order to promote a political project based on anti-modern values.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by Falijee »

-War Of Words -Trump Hits Back At 'Dopey' Saudi Billionaire
“Dopey Prince Alwaleed Talal wants to control our US politicians with daddy’s money. Can’t do it when I get elected,” Trump wrote on Twitter, in the same typically confrontational fashion that has been the earmark of his bombastic presidential campaign.
It came after Alwaleed, a devout but moderate Muslim, took exception to what his office called Trump’s “anti-Islam statement.”
When you have "lots of money", you can also buy yourself an "image of a devout but moderate muslim" :mrgreen:
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by Falijee »

U.S.A Not Yet A Dar-Ul- Islam :mrgreen:
US declines to declare national holiday on Eid
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by Falijee »

Gambia Declares Itself To Be Dar-ul- Islam ( Islamic State) :roll:
PRESIDENT Yahya Jammeh has declared the Gambia “an Islamic state”, but stressed that the rights of the Christian minority in the small west African country would be respected and that women would not be held to a dress code.
The announcement came as the president addressed supporters in the coastal town of Brufut, and the comments were later broadcast on state television and repeated on his website.
“Gambia’s destiny is in the hands of the Almighty Allah.(and the Land Of The Two Holy Cities ie S.A) As from today, Gambia is an Islamic state. We will be an Islamic state that will respect the rights of the citizens,” he was quoted as saying on the presidential website.
So it is one up for Mailsi in its competition with Christianity for the "heart and soul" of Africa; Gambia now joins such worthy company as Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Sudan
...but he reassured Christians and followers of other faiths they would be able to worship freely. :roll:
He also warned against trying to impose a dress code on women. “I have not appointed anyone as an Islamic policeman. The way women dress is not your business,” he said.
Maybe, the Saudis made him an financial "offer" that he could not refuse - starting with building new mosques and ending with "providing proper training" to their clerics :mrgreen:
An impoverished former British colony nestled within Senegal, and famed for its white-sand beaches, the Gambia has a population of nearly two million, 90 per cent of whom are Muslim.
Of the remainder, eight per cent are Christian and two per cent are defined as having indigenous beliefs.
Maybe, Boko Haram will find a fertile "market" in this area!
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by Singha »

found on twitter :lol:
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Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Peregrine »

View from abroad : An email from Bill - Irfan Hussain

IN the wake of Donald Trump’s latest broadside against Muslims, Bill Selman, an American reader who has become a friend over years of correspondence, sent me an email raising several questions. As he is a keen and well-informed observer of the Muslim world, I take his views seriously. Here are some excerpts:

“Can I buy a home [in Saudi Arabia] and bring my family? Will my wife and daughters be entitled to drive to the grocery to buy food? … Why should my family have to abide by Saudi Arabia’s strict Muslim rules? Why don’t they respect me and my family, and allow us to live as we please?”

Sorry, Bill, but women aren’t allowed to drive in the kingdom. And you and your family would certainly have to abide by Saudi Arabia’s rigid laws. For example, there are no churches there for you to pray in; even possessing a copy of the Bible is against the law. Muslims, on the other hand, can pray at hundreds of mosques across the West, mostly paid for by Saudi cash, and spreading their literalist version of Islam known as Wahabism.

Bill goes on: “Does Pakistan accord non-Muslims all the fundamental rights that it gives Muslims? Would I be allowed to cook up my favourite breakfast sandwich of bacon, eggs and cheese? … Could I serve my favourite beer?”

You could have our excellent Murree beer, Bill, but strictly no bacon, ham or pork. And while non-Muslims enjoy equal rights in theory, it’s a different story in real life.

Next, Bill comes to his central point: “Why do Muslims expect westerners to provide them every courtesy and right while, in their own countries, they do not give those same rights and respect to westerners? Because they look down on us?”

These questions go to the heart of the problem. While Muslims in the West think they have every right to pray at mosques, spread their faith, buy and eat halal food, cover their faces and bodies in burqas, and follow what they consider Islamic injunctions, they are generally unwilling to accord non-Muslims in their midst these same rights.

Thus, a foreign woman exposing a few inches above the ankle in Saudi Arabia can be whipped by the shurtas, or the religious police. Possession of alcohol can be — and has been — punished by flogging. A whole list of activities common in the West is punishable by death. And yet Saudis travelling to Europe lose fortunes in casinos, get violently drunk and consort with prostitutes. It is this kind of hypocrisy that makes them so reviled in much of the world.

While most other Muslim countries are not as preoccupied with exposed female skin as Saudi Arabia, western women are expected to dress modestly in public. And almost universally, no open Christian evangelical activity is permitted to convert Muslims. And yet, activists from the Tableeghi Jamaat fly off to countries around the world to convert others to Islam. But henceforth, they might find it harder to get visas.

Recently, a German court decided not to try members of a ‘Shariah Patrol’ in the town of Wuppertal. These Salafist zealots were aggressively trying to prevent couples from holding hands, and advising people not to go to casinos or bars. Signs proclaiming ‘Shariah-controlled zone’ were displayed. The court’s ruling is being challenged by the prosecution.

Imagine the reaction in Pakistan if foreign immigrants tried to impose their values on us. And yet, if Muslim migrants behave in obnoxious ways, claiming their actions are sanctioned by their faith, and are punished or criticised, a howl of ‘Islamophobia’ goes up. While non-Muslims and their faiths are described in the most objectionable way in many of our textbooks, perceived criticism of the way of life of Muslim migrants in the West is seen as racist.

In reality, most westerners bend over backwards to avoid giving any offence to the millions of Muslim migrants who have made homes for themselves in the West. Many of them have migrated to avail themselves and their children of the free educational and medical facilities there, as well as the many social benefits available to them and their families. All too often, this generous social security system is abused by migrants.

Many friends abroad have asked me why, if Muslim migrants insist on bringing their faith, culture and way of life with them, didn’t they just stay at home where it would be easier to live by the tenets of their religion? And this issue is especially relevant when so many Muslim migrants are openly contemptuous of Western values and lifestyles.

These questions demand answers in the wake of growing anti-Western sentiments among Muslims around the world, combined with terrorist attacks and increased violence in the Middle East. Muslims born and brought up in the West who have resorted to terrorist attacks recently raise suspicions about the entire Muslim community that has put down roots in Europe and America. ‘The enemy

within’ has become a common refrain, and the Islamophobic views of aspiring Republican presidential candidates like Donald Trump have become mainstream.

These rising anti-Muslim views are gaining ground with each terrorist attack. Survey after survey has tracked the deep unpopularity of both Muslims and Islam. Even liberals in the US and France have voiced suspicions and fear of Muslims living in their midst. And inevitably, this further isolates and marginalises Muslims, radicalising many.

The mantra of ‘Islam is a religion of peace’ is no longer believed by most people in the West. When they witness the mayhem in large swathes of the Muslim world, and fall victims to acts of jihadist terror within their own countries, who can blame them?

So while Trump will probably not be elected as president next year, his angry words will fall on increasingly receptive ears.

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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by gashish »

Hard hitting video on political correctness..look at the numbers of "fundamentalists" - scary!
By The Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Demographics
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by KLNMurthy »

Falijee wrote:U.S.A Not Yet A Dar-Ul- Islam :mrgreen:
US declines to declare national holiday on Eid
Deeply concerned about American intolerance. Muslims feel unsafe.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by Prem »

Boris Johnson’s remarks are more dangerous than Trump’s ... ump-s.html
In an age of terror by a criminal few – today ISIS, yesterday al-Qaeda – it is common for a minority to react violently against innocent Muslims, or to desecrate monuments in various parts of the world.In the age of spreading violence, from city to city, in the name of Islam, it is not strange to hear racist statements from a few officials here and there. But usually those statements are swiftly rejected by the country concerned.Inviting the devil into your front room is a recipe for more disasters in the Middle East and beyond.In the age of spreading violence, excesses by agents of the law are common, but only to guarantee the removal of an immediate threat. They should not become a permanent feature, threatening to suffocate freedom of expression, religious liberties and tolerance.The world united after the horror of the Paris attacks, the stabbing at the London metro station, and mass shooting in California. Only few voices diverged.In France, Marine Le Pen, daughter of the National Front’s first leader Jean-Marie Le Pen, repeated the extreme right party’s wish to shut France’s borders.Statements such as those by Trump and Le Pen are expected, and reflect an entrenched Islamophobia among those who don’t know better.
But their statements are arguably not as dangerous as those made by the Mayor of London Boris Johnson, who called on the political leadership to “deal with the devil” – by aligning with Putin’s Russia and Assad in Syria to contain the ISIS threat.No one here could belittle the gravity of the threats the world is witnessing: Violent organized terrorist attacks, suicide belts exploding in housing estates, machine-gun fire and random lone-wolf knife attacks on European streets.But calling for a deal with Putin and Assad is quite a desperate move from a man representing London – a city in which Putin, some claim, allegedly ordered the assassination of his Russian opponent Alexander Litvinenko, in a Cold War style murder involving deadly radioactive polonium.Calling for the devil’s help is the wrong signal to give Putin, a leader bent on punching first and asking questions later. He is a thug who has stalled Russia’s growth, and invited sanctions due to his regime’s misadventures in Georgia and Ukraine.Mayor Johnson’s comments are therefore more dangerous than those of Trump and Le Pen.Inviting the devil into your front room is a recipe for more disasters in the Middle East and beyond. Solving the crisis of Syria through exerting pressure on Assad and his allies is the shorter and more direct route to removing ISIS.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by Falijee »

34-state Islamic military coalition against terrorism to be led by Saudi Arabia
Biggest Instigator Of Terrorism - Saudi Arabia - To Be Leader Of " 34 State military coalition against terrorism" -what a joke ; "wolf guarding the sheep" syndrome :rotfl:
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by Singha »

an attempt to setup a formal NATO type sunni kabila to pursue the strategic wahabi interests. their first war could be the failing effort in yemen.

just as US subsidizes NATO militarily in exchange for open markets for its goods and services, the KSA will subsidize this gang financially in exchange for military services rendered.

also KSA wants to show the turks who is the big boss. turkey is technologically, militarily, people wise, civilizationally far more powerful and adept and a natural leader for the kabila if merit were only criteria.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by ramana »

Los Angeles School District schools with 634,000 students shut down today due to bomb threats.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by Shanu »

Well the dark clouds are gathering over Europe. Look at this news of "Convert or Die" from the most tolerant of societies. ... hadi-Syria
Bloodthirsty Daesh Islamists posted notes through the doors of dozens of random neighbours in several cities across Sweden, including the capital Stockholm, threatening to murder "non-believers" in a terrifying campaign of violence.

Sweden is now on lockdown after the chilling letters pledged to behead innocent civilians and then "bomb your rotten corpses afterwards".
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by vishvak »

Shanu wrote:Well the dark clouds are gathering over Europe. Look at this news of "Convert or Die" from the most tolerant of societies. ... hadi-Syria

[quote>>]Bloodthirsty Daesh Islamists posted notes through the doors of dozens of random neighbours in several cities across Sweden, including the capital Stockholm, threatening to murder "non-believers" in a terrifying campaign of violence.

Sweden is now on lockdown after the chilling letters pledged to behead innocent civilians and then "bomb your rotten corpses afterwards".
Sweden has been facing crimes from immigrants the most. It is notorious for women finding ways to avoid crime from immigration, such as dying hairstyle, moving location etc., while the local authorities play helpless.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by A_Gupta » ... -analysis/
"The Rise Of Buddhist-Muslim Conflict In Asia And Possibilities For Transformation – Analysis"
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Post by KJo » ... fs-885494/

:rotfl: :rotfl:
“With more people wearing a hijab around school, it could bring more acceptances to the religion and have more people become more aware.”
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