Understanding US thread-III

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Hitesh »

Yagnasri wrote:If HC can be given a SofS post in the US, it says much about the so-called vetting process of FBI and CIA.
Say all you want about the FBI and CIA but the Republicans and Conservatives have also use the same argument when it came to their own candidates and officials.
I will ask once again what else we can know bad about DT? Let us examine point by point so that we can blackmail him. :mrgreen:

1. He is a nut case.
2. He is a womaniser. Like to grab them by their C&&t.
3. Married more than once. Had affairs with many.
3. Large financial irregularities.
4. Loves Putin. (thouba thouba)

Any thing else?

Now tell me which one of the above is not known to the whole world? Let us expose him on all these points so that there is a fire strom on MSM :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: so that entire GOP leadership will raise against him. :mrgreen:
Trump is supposed to be the president of the US, arguably the most powerful man in the world. If he can be compromised in that capacity, we citizens of the US owe ourselves a national duty to make sure that doesn't happen regardless of any political consequences or any political leanings. By not adequately addressing such concerns, Trump is damaging the presidency. If Obama was in the same spotlight that Trump is currently in, Obama would not survive. So Trump needs to address these concerns and stop engaging in these infantile tactics of claiming fake news or deflecting and be a goddamn president-elect for once.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Hitesh »

UlanBatori wrote:CNN is yowling, but what they did was to GIVE CREDENCE to that fake report by saying that ONE ITEM (Russian trip by Trump flunky) was false. snip.
Yes, it is delicious how the "Fake News" slur has come back to fall right smack on CNN and Co. Vlad P. must be :rotfl:

And BTW, Trump may have said "I THINK it was Russia.." which CNN is blaring now,
So yes, CNN reporting IS Fake News.
CNN was not reporting fake news. CNN reported that there was a news organization website that published a document detailing the allegations and CNN was not the only that reported that. Other news agencies picked up that and duly reported. Trump was in a snit and crying mama because he couldn't handle the fact that several news agencies were reporting bad things about him.

As far as the moniker, "Fake News" it seems that only the conservatives and Trump and his people are resorting to the cry of "fake news" whenever an unfavorable news story comes out against Trump. It is a tool/crutch used by weak minded people who can't handle the truth.

Keep shouting "fake news" all you want and eventually you are just the boy that cried wolf too many times.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Yagnasri »

DT has won the elections and he will be president of the US on 20th. He has nothing else to prove to anyone on this. Every time MSM shoots and scoots DT need not prove his innocence.What about DT's personal honour and self-respect. Can anyone be called all these things like Hitler etc day after day just because you don't agree with him? You degraded yourself to the extent of showing his wife naked pictures and you expect him to take you seriously? In what way this is different from what people like Khejri doing or MSM did to NM?

What about HC proving that she is honest and Obomber that he is not a war criminal after murdering women and children on a daily basis in AFPAK and ME by bombings and missile attacks.

Of course, 33000 SoS's missing emails from a private server are not a national security issue?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Lilo »

BuzzFeed founder and chief executive Jonah Peretti 's tweet about Ivanka he posted in October
Above is a glimpse into the nature of the american media establishment driving the current Buzzfeed & CNN story claiming a Trump-Russia nexus.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Falijee »

Ex-British intelligence officer 'behind Trump Russia dossier' named as Christopher Steele. He is on the run now fearing for his life !

The details in the attached does not say who he is "running from", but it is obvious that he has created a storm !
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

After reading the Classified US Intelligence (O2M) Report on the Web, I am pondering Tough Sanctions Against Russia as well. Show dem Reds ( I mean Republicans, not commies who are now Democrats/China) where they get off, sneaking under the beds of Americans!
As for the British, the apt epitaph would be
A Dossieh Too Fah, what-what I say!
Remember B.Liar and the Dossieh used to destroy Afghanistan while Pakis applauded with their hands bloodied from Rupin Katyal and all the 9/11 victims' blood?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

Falijee wrote:Ex-British intelligence officer .. on the run now fearing for his life !
The details in the attached does not say who he is "running from",
Probably running around Trafalgar Square shouting "The Zee is After Meee!!! "
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

Hc is long dead and buried politically yet her supporters have not given up hope. The mahdi will rise from dead again lol
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Yagnasri »

I am sure that chanting of "4 more years" in the Obomber last meet is a great musical sound for many. But what to do?

NYT report on this dosa or whatever - https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/11/us/p ... .html?_r=0

From this report - It seems that DT has done som aham aham with some pro in a Russian hotel long back. So? Did anyone in the US believe that he had not done such things before voting to him? I am not sure if anyone can blackmail him with such information even if it is true.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Rishi Verma »

Why malign the poor chap DT? Even before assuming office he has given sufficient pain to the flied lice schit eat chinisch.

Trump to get Tough with the Chinese vis South China Sea
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Philip »

Bill Clinton had officially 30+ "visits" to the White House by the daughter of Chinese intel! No chance of any "leaks" there (Ha!Ha!).Ask Monica L.

The MI-6 officer is now (reportedly) running for his life.Bullsh*t,scared of an FSB hit.He is most probably enjpoying a al-paid holiday in a sunny beach somewhere,at HMG's expense,for a job (not) too well done. The establishment in both Washington and London are hell bent upon derailing any rapproachment between Russia and the US and both have vested interests.The British royalty will never forgive the execution of the Czar by the Commies and both partners want another Cold War scenario for their respective arms manufacturers.

Britain earlier gave us the Iraq War "Dodgy Dossier",now comes the "Dirty Dpssoer"!
Trump dossier: Christopher Steele, ex-MI6 officer, named as author
Director of London-based Orbis Business Intelligence said to be behind document that describes allegedly compromising material held by Russia
The Grosvenor Gardens address of Orbis Business Intelligence, run by former British MI6 agent Christopher Steele.

Thursday 12 January 2017
Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer, has been identified in reports as the author of a dossier that claims Russia collated a file of compromising information on Donald Trump.

Steele, 52, who runs London-based Orbis Business Intelligence, was widely named as having compiled the dossier, which contains unverified allegations that Russian security officials have material on Trump including lurid sex videos that could be used to blackmail him.

Steele, a former MI6 officer, is one of two directors of Orbis, according to UK company records, along with Christopher Burrows, 58.

The Telegraph said Steele left his home on Wednesday morning as it became clear his name would become public and that he feared a backlash from Moscow.
How the Trump dossier came to light: secret sources, a retired spy and John McCain

The other director, Burrows, refused to “confirm or deny” that Orbis had produced the report.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Steele repeatedly declined requests for interviews in recent weeks, with an intermediary telling the newspaper the subject was “too hot”.

A neighbour said he was away for a few days, the Wall Street Journal said.

Orbis describes itself as being able to “provide strategic advice, mount intelligence-gathering operations and conduct complex, often cross-border investigations”.

Its website says it was founded in 2009 by former British intelligence professionals and utilises a “global network” of experts and “prominent business figures”.

The firm, based in Grosvenor Gardens, close to London’s upmarket Belgravia area, says it “draws on extensive experience at boardroom level in government, multilateral diplomacy and international business to develop bespoke solutions for clients”.

“Our tailored approach means the directors are closely involved in the execution and detail of every project, supported by an in-house team of experienced investigators and professional intelligence analysts,” it says.

Burrows formerly worked for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office as a counsellor, according to his LinedkIn profile, with postings to Brussels and Delhi in the early 2000s.

The dossier has been circulating in Washington for some time as media organisations, uncertain of its credibility, held back from publication. After it finally became public Donald Trump gave a press conference on Wednesday where he hit out over its release and angrily denied the contents.

Trump attacks media and intelligence community in press conference
Reports on Tuesday said the Orbis report was given to US intelligence in 2016 and, after being investigated, formed the basis of a two-page addendum to the US intelligence chiefs’ presentation last Friday to Trump of a classified report on Russian interference in the elections.

The report attributed to Steele says Russia’s intelligence services, directed by President Vladimir Putin, sought to support Trump and hurt his rival Hillary Clinton in the 2016 US presidential election.

It said the Trump campaign maintained regular contact with Russian officials and operatives, and that Moscow held compromising materials on Trump that could be used to pressure him.

None of the content has been substantiated but US intelligence, through its own investigation, has also concluded that Putin ordered a campaign to support Trump against Clinton.

From MI6 to the ‘dirty dossier’
The Reuters news agency, citing former British intelligence officials, said Steele spent years working for MI6 in Russia and Paris, and at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London.

Trump calls salacious allegations in Russia dossier 'fake news' – as it happened
Follow the aftermath of the publication of explosive unverified allegations that Donald Trump had secret contacts with Moscow and that Russia has personally compromising material on the president-elect
Read more
After leaving MI6 he supplied the FBI with information on corruption at Fifa, international soccer’s governing body. In the summer of 2010, according to emails cited by Reuters, members of a New York-based FBI squad assigned to investigate “Eurasian Organised Crime” met Steele in London to discuss the Fifa allegations. His company assisted football governing bodies in their investigations, Reuters said.

In the US presidential campaign Steele was initially hired by a Washington DC political research firm, to investigate Trump on behalf of Republicans opposed to his candidacy. He was kept on the assignment after Trump won the nomination and his information was circulated to Democratic party figures and members of the media, Reuters said.

Eventually he began dealing with the FBI regarding the dossier, sources told Reuters, but he became frustrated at the bureau’s slow progress and cut off contact. The material then circulated in political and media circles before ultimately making its way into the public domain.

With the Press Association and Agence France-Presse
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Yagnasri »

Good thing is that this fellow is named. In future people like this will know the risk they are taking while doing this kind of job. From the reports initial efforts were made by some never trump fellow and later DNC joined in. The mad old neo-con MacCain joined in now.

Entire efforts are to ensure US-Russian relations do not improve. One wonder if China is behind all this with old UK gang showing its cunning.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Philip »

Trump after taking over should demand the extradition of this "dirty dossier" chump,just as Al Q suspects were sent to Gitmo. If Britan refuses he should impose sanctions against Britain!

http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/james-c ... r=liryvhmc
DNI Clapper Expresses 'Profound Dismay' Over Trump Russia Leaks

By Todd Beamon | Wednesday, 11 Jan 2017 10:02 PM

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper late Wednesday expressed "profound dismay" to Donald Trump over the leak of a dossier of unsubstantiated negative information on the president-elect's ties to Russia.

Clapper said he assured Trump in a telephone conversation that the two-page summary was "not a U.S. intelligence community product and that I do not believe the leaks came from within the intelligence community."

"This evening, had the opportunity to speak with President-elect Donald Trump to discuss recent media reports about our briefing last Friday," Clapper said in a statement. "I expressed my profound dismay at the leaks that have been appearing in the press, and we both agreed that they are extremely corrosive and damaging to our national security.

"We also discussed the private security company document, which was widely circulated in recent months among the media, members of Congress and congressional staff even before the intelligence community became aware of it," he continued. "I emphasized that this document is not a U.S. Intelligence Community product and that I do not believe the leaks came from within the intelligence community."

Clapper said that he told Trump that intelligence officials have "not made any judgment that the information in this document is reliable, and we did not rely upon it in any way for our conclusions.

"However, part of our obligation is to ensure that policymakers are provided with the fullest possible picture of any matters that might affect national security."

The two-page summary, prepared by a former British intelligence officer, alleged that Trump campaign officials worked with members of President Vladimir Putin's government.

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The document also claimed that Moscow had negative evidence of the president-elect's behavior in Russia and financial information that could be used for possible blackmail.

The classified dossier was included as an addendum to a report on Moscow's hacking activities during the November election that was presented to Trump on Friday U.S. intelligence officers.

President Barack Obama ordered the report — and he was briefed on Thursday. The findings were declassified after Trump's session.

The president-elect slammed news reports about the allegations at a news conference on Wednesday.

"It's a disgrace that information would be let out," Trump said at his first formal news conference since his victory in November. "It's all fake news.

"It's phony stuff."

Trump also admitted for the first time that "thinks it was Russia" that hacked the Democratic National Committee and other party operatives during the election.

Clapper concluded his statement by saying that "President-elect Trump again affirmed his appreciation for all the men and women serving in the intelligence community.

"I assured him that the intelligence community stands ready to serve his administration and the American people."

Related Stories:
Report: Ex-British Intelligence Official Prepared Allegations on Trump
Ex-CIA Head Morell: 'Surprised' Intel Leaders Would Give Trump Unverified Info
Last edited by Philip on 12 Jan 2017 19:04, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by kiranA »

I dont think Putin has anything on Trump. But he meddled in the elections to get the clown elected just as a way of getting back at american establishment. Its basically like - you call my election as illegitmate and so let me show what type of clowns your "legitimate" system elects.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Hitesh »

Philip wrote:Trump after taking over should demand the extradition of this "dirty dossier" chump,just as Al Q suspects were sent to Gitmo. If Britan refuses he should impose sanctions against Britain!
Errr.... the chump you speak of is a former British spy and was asked by the Republicans initially to do the oppo research. I do not think he broke any law when he just prepared a dossier at the behest of Republicans. Moreover, I do not think the British would like kindly on seeing their spies being hauled to Gitmo, any more than the US would see their spies being hauled to the likes of Gitmo.

It seems that you got feelings for Trump. Why this love for Trump?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Hitesh »

Yagnasri wrote:DT has won the elections and he will be president of the US on 20th. He has nothing else to prove to anyone on this.
actually, if he is compromised by an foreign power, he can be seen as "no longer able to faithfully discharge his duties as President" and can be removed or impeached as described in the Constitution if the powers be so see fit to do so.
Every time MSM shoots and scoots DT need not prove his innocence.What about DT's personal honour and self-respect.
hahahahahahahaha!!!!!! DT's personal honor and self-respect??? I am sorry but those two things are pretty much extinct like the dodo bird when he tweets one after the another and engage in his own reality distortion field. Not only that, but call his political enemies name and personally insult and attack them through the media.

Can anyone be called all these things like Hitler etc day after day just because you don't agree with him?
Lol! He has played this card when he started accusing the media of acting like Nazi Germany.
You degraded yourself to the extent of showing his wife naked pictures and you expect him to take you seriously? In what way this is different from what people like Khejri doing or MSM did to NM?
No, he degraded himself first when he started this birther theory nonsense and keep engaging it past the point where it wasn't even amusing but downright meanspirited and racist and tried to de-legitimatize Obama even though the Supreme Court has ruled on the issue and settled it. Not only that he proceeded to engage in the same kind of mud-slinging against his opponents. Anybody remember the incident with Ted Cruz's wife? Making fun of a disabled reporter? Encouraging his followers to beat up protestors? Making lewd comments about women and bragging about grabbing their crotches? Those are the stuff that NM would never do. NM is a statesman. Actually you degrade yourself by comparing Trump to NM. That is a distasteful and offensive thing and you should stop comparing Trump to NM.
What about HC proving that she is honest a
I m sorry but i thought you said the election is over and Trump is now the president elect. Trump has to deal with this since it comes with the territory of being President elect. Can't have your cake and eat it.
nd Obomber that he is not a war criminal after murdering women and children on a daily basis in AFPAK and ME by bombings and missile attacks.
Does this line of argument bear any resemblance to the discussion at hand or is this just another "lob a grenade and run"? What does this have to do with the fact that Russia has potentially compromising information on Trump and Trump is about to be sworn in as President?
Of course, 33000 SoS's missing emails from a private server are not a national security issue?
Yawn... Investigated and found no wrongdoing by the FBI. In fact, I call and raise you. Why doesn't Trump release his tax returns when for the last 50 years every president candidate has released their tax returns? Why is there not an investigation into the Trump Foundation when there are credible reports that it has engaged in fraudulent activities and possible tax evasion? I have plenty of more to go on.

The point is that Trump threatened to lock up Hilllary for the alleged wrongdoings that turned out to be a bunch of hogwash and rode on that plank. Now reports have cropped up showing that Trump is not so clean after all. He doesn't get to mud sling around and walk away with it. He is gonna have to deal with it.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

unverified allegations that Russian security officials have material on Trump including lurid sex videos that could be used to blackmail him
Seriously? Americans are going 2b SHOCKED :eek: :shock: that their POTUS can get it up at age 76 (if not long ago) without a lot of Monicking? :rotfl:

Someone needs to read the story of Sukarno and the CIA to the British at bedtime. Sukarno had 9 wives. The CIA apparently told him they had video of him (not-sleeping). Sukarno ordered 1000 copies made so that the film could be shown daily in all movie theatres in Indonesia, proving that they had a Real Man as dictator.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by panduranghari »

Hitesh saar,
Please move on. Its getting trite and boring.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

I am putting in a warning to Hitesh - stop baiting people. election is over, bury the bile and move on in life.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

Man! This dhaga is like a hole in the Yellow Sea Fence. :eek: :shock:
Back to Cricket Thread. Much safer there.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Yagnasri »

Wait till SC starts run BCCI sir. Then you need to run from there are also. :mrgreen:
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

CNN has plumbed a level that not even ndtv did in the never ending 2002 gujrat witch hunt.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by komal »

UlanBatori wrote:
unverified allegations that Russian security officials have material on Trump including lurid sex videos that could be used to blackmail him
Seriously? Americans are going 2b SHOCKED :eek: :shock: that their POTUS can get it up at age 76 (if not long ago) without a lot of Monicking? :rotfl:

Someone needs to read the story of Sukarno and the CIA to the British at bedtime. Sukarno had 9 wives. The CIA apparently told him they had video of him (not-sleeping). Sukarno ordered 1000 copies made so that the film could be shown daily in all movie theatres in Indonesia, proving that they had a Real Man as dictator.
Story I had heard that it was the KGB. And he had asked that if the some of the scenes could be re-shot with better camera angles.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Lalmohan »

so the way this looks to me is, Agent Orange is getting a dose of his own medicine (and I personally don't care where it came from or if its true)
he has a few simple options

1. Hey, this fake news thing is really bad, I apologise for using it in my campaign and lets all agree to be grown ups from now on and deal with issues in a serious manner and stick to the real facts
2. when I use fake news its not fake, but when other people use fake news its really bad and I am going to tell mommy
3. I'm going to scream and scream and the rest of you all just shut up!!!!!!

so far it seems that he's gone for option 3, whilst the majority view on this dhaga is in favour of option 2
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by ramana »

I think MI6 will have some more retirements. And a few Republicans will be sifted from Committees as they have shown lacking in sense to be in such places.

Philip, I don't think there is guy names Steele. It sounds so bogus. In the 90s there was Peirce Brosnan TV serial called Remington Steele. Looks like this is a nom de guerre. Brits are good at creating disinformation with plausible people. Recall the body that washed up near Spain during WWII with invasion plans!!!

British were the ones interfering in US elections along with everybody else via Clinton Foundation.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by svinayak »

Lilo wrote:

BuzzFeed founder and chief executive Jonah Peretti 's tweet about Ivanka he posted in October
Above is a glimpse into the nature of the american media establishment driving the current Buzzfeed & CNN story claiming a Trump-Russia nexus.
Good for rating. The Trump family is the source of greatest rating for news organization and TV

CNN reaped the most during the election by 'promoting' Trump

The worldwide viewers jumped during election and they want to maintain the same tempo after Jan
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by svinayak »

ramana wrote:I think MI6 will have some more retirements. And a few Republicans will be sifted from Committees as they have shown lacking in sense to be in such places.

British were the ones interfering in US elections along with everybody else via Clinton Foundation.
Americans are babies in front of the British people :twisted:
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Dipanker »

Lalmohan wrote:so the way this looks to me is, Agent Orange is getting a dose of his own medicine (and I personally don't care where it came from or if its true)
he has a few simple options

1. Hey, this fake news thing is really bad, I apologise for using it in my campaign and lets all agree to be grown ups from now on and deal with issues in a serious manner and stick to the real facts
2. when I use fake news its not fake, but when other people use fake news its really bad and I am going to tell mommy
3. I'm going to scream and scream and the rest of you all just shut up!!!!!!

so far it seems that he's gone for option 3, whilst the majority view on this dhaga is in favour of option 2
There is a 4th option too, though somewhat CT_esque . The Orange Fuhrer and/or Putinski themselves may have planted the "fakenews" with an intent to discredit media, everything is possible in this post-truth age!
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

What IS apparent is that Russia has managed to thoroughly discredit and fracture the US SD and intel agencies, and make them all look like donkeys. Probably without doing anything at all. Reminds me of "Trinity is Still my Name". Putin looks and grins widely, US freaks out. Putin sends a gracious XMas letter, US freaks out even more. The term
step on one's own Little Cheney
is super applicable to the Mighty of the US Intel establishment.
Try to imagine the meeting this Friday evening at the Kremlin/ KGB HQ. :rotfl:
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by ramana »

What struck me in my morning commute is the idea that in the end the British started as traders and built an empire. Starting from the wool traders onwards. This was a discussion on TPP whether its dead or reviving with Tillerson.

Americans were farmers who didn't want to pay taxes to the British and revolted. And got the Empire finally in 1945.
So they are not trading. Demanding only.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Hitesh »

Singha wrote:I am putting in a warning to Hitesh - stop baiting people. election is over, bury the bile and move on in life.
I object to your warning because it is clear that you allow people such as Ulan Batori to get away with postings that are clearly baiting but you cannot allow any responses to these kind of posts. You allow people to get away with naming Obama as Obomber.

Election is indeed over but that doesn't take away the fact that Trump is going to be President elect and he has to be held accountable the same way that some posters have held Obama accountable and even further.

I question your bias in your warning. What about those posters baiting with their anti HRC statements and especially that statement made in regards to Huma Abuden when she was labeled as a paki whore/bitch. I am not baiting people. I am debating those posters' statements because I strongly disagree with them. Am I allowed to debate those statements or has BR come to the point where Trump support must be required? Are you hell bent on making BR a mouthpiece of Trump and no dissident toward trump is allowed? Has this become a personal forum for your views?
Last edited by Hitesh on 13 Jan 2017 03:22, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Hitesh »

panduranghari wrote:Hitesh saar,
Please move on. Its getting trite and boring.
So is the criticism leveled against HRC and Obama. they are rather getting trite.

I have accepted that Trump is the president but I am not going to stand by and allow Trump to get free passes when you have refused to give Obama and HRC free passes. So get over the fact that I do not support Trump and that I will continue to question Trump and his motives in the same manner you have consistently question Obama HRC and any other individual that you dislike.
Last edited by Hitesh on 13 Jan 2017 02:33, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Hitesh »

Singha wrote:CNN has plumbed a level that not even ndtv did in the never ending 2002 gujrat witch hunt.
That is your opinion and hyberbole, not fact. And it is not baiting but a response to your ludicrous statement.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

What is TPP pls?
Y do I get the feeling of deja vu onlee? :eek:
Just 'cause yore paranoid don't mean they ain't out to get ya!
Here I am, bissfully going about my din with Malice Towards None etc, and I see my name mentioned prominently (again!!!!!) under Those That The Guvrmand Has Unphairly Phailed 2 Hang". :eek: :shock: Hainji??? Has a Dossier appeared "nailing" me?

From the ACLU magazine (the one with the cover showing ******* (the Unmentionable) with the headline: Stand Up For Freedom: No President is Above The Law:

Page 3.
Advice to ppl when facing Polis:
1. Do not argue, throw things, point guns, mijjiles, biss etc. at Polis.
2. Obey their instructions. (Take it in the right spirit; they only have your best interests at heart!).
3. Again, do not talk back, :(( or what u say will be used against u to :mrgreen: .
*P.S. It's MY subscription copy. Paid for with MY money
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by saip »

The only way Trump can be impeached and removed from office (thereby becoming the first POTUS) is if there is evidence either directly or indirectly through his proxies of consorting with the enemy (viz Russia) of somehow manipulating the elections through wikileaks or otherwise and they (Russians) have the evidence that can be held as the sword of Damocles over the head of Trump. Otherwise he is the 45th POTUS and that is that.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by ramana »

TPP = Trans Pacific Partnership

Its a trade agreement across 12 Pacific countries without China.

DT is against it.
The expert was saying that will need bi-lateral agreements between those 12 if the TPP is rejected.

All these agreements are replica of East India Company trading monopoly and specifically exclude India by benign neglect.

Wont work in the end.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

That was a major piece of BO policy objectives. Yes, the new Potus has held that up as an example of idiotic negotiation, so I guess it is bilateral with the US from here on. I am curious about his "Heavy Border Tax" that he uses as a club against US companies setting up plants outside. Wonder how he plans to get around WTT penalties if he imposes those - basically import tariffs. Also, I read something on this while in India - major takleef developing (IT company shares plunging) on a new Bill that targets H1B. Apparently one item is to crack down on issuance of visas w/o Masters Degree. Are they also putting in the long-dreamt-of STEM-PhD-automatic-GC provision? I thought elephants were more likely than donkeys to bring that, and it would be very much in line with new Prez's claimed emphasis on merit etc.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

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Last edited by UlanBatori on 13 Jan 2017 04:42, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

saip wrote:The only way Trump can be impeached and removed from office (thereby becoming the first POTUS) is if there is evidence either directly or indirectly through his proxies of consorting with the enemy (viz Russia) of somehow manipulating the elections through wikileaks or otherwise and they (Russians) have the evidence that can be held as the sword of Damocles over the head of Trump. Otherwise he is the 45th POTUS and that is that.
You are all missing the biggest blackmail threat against Trump: a pic with the toupee off. :mrgreen:

BTW, the "first" record belongs to Nixon, right? Surprising, actually. Governors in Louisiana and South Carolina are routinely indicted. I think Landrieu, b4 Jindal, was the first in LA, and Haley the first in SC to **NOT** be indicted. So how did so many POTUSes get off w/o impeachment I wonder.