Understanding US thread-III

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Dipanker »

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by sureshhh »

amitkv wrote:LOL! What will happen to all the Hindu RW who were worshipping for DT's win. DT will change the world forever by handing over the reign of the world to chinis. Akhand bharat dream will be khand only.

For the hindu rw, anyone who even pretends to be anti-muslim is a friend/ally or even a savior. Goes on to show that hindu rw, aside from being impotent, is also dumb.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

The argument of illegal migrants is as weak as bangladeshis here. That of following the law once they sneaked in, paid taxes etc

Once in they are very costly to catch and deport. Better a fence as vfm play. 30b is the cost of 3 carriers thats all folks
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Zynda »

KJo man, you are thinking that DT will be savior of US IT jobs but it seems like the corporates at SV are thinking along differnet lines.

How Canada Is Trying To Capitalize On Trump's Immigration Executive Order

Posting excerpts of the article
SAN FRANCISCO: Vancouver long has sought a share of Silicon Valley's magic. With President Trump moving to curb immigration and the U.S. tech industry in open revolt, the friendly, functional Canadian city may finally get its wish.

Tech companies that keep satellite offices in Vancouver, just a two-hour flight from San Francisco, are exploring whether to move more jobs over the border. Immigration lawyers are reporting a steep uptick in inquiries. And a new start-up is offering to smooth the way, for $6,000 a person, for foreign-born tech workers worried their U.S. visas may disappear.

"The global implications are dire," said Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson of the unrest in the United States. "But it may result in more workers coming to Vancouver to be part of the boom here in a city that welcomes immigrants with open arms."

Vancouver is not the only foreign city part of these conversations. Portuguese officials in Lisbon created a fast track for Indian entrepreneurs last month. Intercom, an Irish technology start-up, offered to pay the legal costs of developers who had been impacted by Trump's immigration policies if they would move to Ireland.

Tech executives say their first choice remains overturning or softening Trump's temporary ban on travelers from seven majority-Muslim countries as well as a reported plan to cut back the numbers of new work visas. But there is an open search for other options as companies long reliant on highly skilled foreigners move to protect their access to those workers.

For the talent-obsessed Silicon Valley, where an estimated one-third of the workforce is foreign-born and people are acutely aware of the fleeting nature of the success, these are much-feared outcomes. In a coordinated move opposing the ban, about 100 technology companies, including Google, Facebook, Netflix and Apple, argued in a legal filing Sunday night that restricting immigration damages U.S. competitiveness.

"Instability and uncertainty" caused by the executive orders "will make it far more difficult and expensive for U.S. companies to hire some of the world's best talent - and impede them from competing in the global marketplace," the companies wrote.

"We didn't create that office as a backup plan," said Erlich, 38, adding that he opened it last year to bypass a slow and burdensome U.S. visa process. "We wanted to access worldwide talent, and frankly that is easier to do in Canada than in the U.S. But now we have U.S.-based employees who see it as a safe haven."

Vancouver, which already has 75,000 tech jobs and one-third of its office space devoted to the industry, has certain unmistakable advantages: It shares a time zone, a similar culture and easy travel links to U.S. tech hubs, with Seattle less than 150 miles away. Vancouver also offers access to skiing, hiking and boating - a combination popular with tech workers in the San Francisco Bay Area and Pacific Northwest.

Canadian entrepreneur Michael Tippett teamed up with Silicon Valley venture capitalists to launch True North Ventures, a program to help Bay Area immigrants relocate to Canada. The company will fly high-skilled visa holders to Canada for an exploratory trip and meetings with local immigration lawyers, Tippett said.

He also will help Silicon Valley companies set up Vancouver subsidiaries to which they can transfer employees. Since announcing the initiative last week, which was in the works prior to the announcement of Trump's travel ban, Tippett said he has fielded more than 100 calls from Silicon Valley workers on temporary H1-B work visas and from the companies that rely on them.

"The Trump administration says it is pro-business, but it's our business that will benefit," Tippett said. "This is Vancouver first!"

Richard Kurland, a Vancouver immigration lawyer, said he has fielded dozens of calls and emails from potential immigrants since the announcement of Trump's travel ban. "These are people voting with their feet," he said.
If US companies start to create more jobs in Canada (which is surprisingly as expensive as US) instead of in US, how will DT plan on fighting it? He can institute a 30% import tax but for products like MS Office or Windows OS, the development would have happened worldwide including US; so companies can always show that it was a US made product. It is possible that SV folks would prefer to get work done from Infy employees on-site in Canada rather than Infy employees in US.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

I have a feeling increased cost of juniors will be borne out of seniors salary...while execs will keep their own fat pay and bonus lol. Achhe din ....
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by komal »

Zynda wrote:KJo man, you are thinking that DT will be savior of US IT jobs but it seems like the corporates at SV are thinking along differnet lines..
They will park a luxury cruise liner 25 miles off shore filled with Indian IT workers and move the ship to Mexico each weekend to refuel/restock and give workers some 'land time'
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

:) offshore casinos and medical surgery has also been touted like this.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by NRao »

I had mentioned "impeachment" some time back.

WashPost wrote: Al Franken to Maher: GOP senators privately express ‘great concern’ about Trump’s temperament
The senator from Minnesota appeared on “Real Time With Bill Maher” and also joked about the possibility of an impeachment.
By Aaron BlakeThe Fix2 hours ago
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by IndraD »

I wonder if they would have won if Trump was not leading the Republican.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by JwalaMukhi »

The press (the opposition party) and the establishment which had been opposed to him continues in its streak. No surprises there. One will not get any thing from the press or the gallery opposed to him or his policies to say actually he is working to make anything better. In fact, it is a miracle, that Trump actually can button his shirt and tie his shoe laces. :lol: Such is the vitriol, and it will not abate anytime soon. Already wet dreams of impeachment...
One needs to remember that Trump is now also a politician and is being good at that. But :(( :(( will continue about how he cannot do anything correct.

Only things that has happened so far, under Trump administration:
1) Some executive orders has been signed. Although one is challenged in court, it by no means is a defeat.
2) His administration team is still not complete.
3) One china policy. Opening gambit is always like that. Not too different from calling up Mia Nawaz Sharif and singing love letters of paki bhai bhai. Nobody in right mind would start the negotiations by unsheathing right from get go.
4) Illegal immigration being made difficult. But one can be assured that this will be, different from how prior election pitch about deporting Bandgldeshis, versus reality where W.Bengal is jihadsed.
5) Nothing on legal immigration yet - will have to wait, but press will and cannot stop speculating and trying to influence how it should be debated.

Trump administration will set the agenda, and not let the press or others set its agenda. It will be exact opposite of what happens in India, where the administration will set the agenda and the opposition (aka press and entire soros gang) will be in reactionary mode. Parkalaam.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by NRao »

Zynda wrote:KJo man, you are thinking that DT will be savior of US IT jobs but it seems like the corporates at SV are thinking along differnet lines.

How Canada Is Trying To Capitalize On Trump's Immigration Executive Order

Posting excerpts of the article

If US companies start to create more jobs in Canada (which is surprisingly as expensive as US) instead of in US, how will DT plan on fighting it? He can institute a 30% import tax but for products like MS Office or Windows OS, the development would have happened worldwide including US; so companies can always show that it was a US made product. It is possible that SV folks would prefer to get work done from Infy employees on-site in Canada rather than Infy employees in US.
Indian workers. And Vancouver, Lisbon ......................... No location within India for this purpose? Strange. However, I just do not see any purpose for such gimmicks.

BTW, I see a lot of this and that, but the reduction in corporate taxes will have some local (within the US) impact on such decisions.

Also, the US IT has been up in arms about the ban on the 7 nations. Have they got together on the H-1B issue, with court cases or the like?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Dipanker »

Dr. Seuss America First Cartoons from 1941:



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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by A_Gupta »

America's cost disease: long, but worth the read:
http://slatestarcodex.com/2017/02/09/co ... t-disease/
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by LokeshC »

komal wrote:
Zynda wrote:KJo man, you are thinking that DT will be savior of US IT jobs but it seems like the corporates at SV are thinking along differnet lines..
They will park a luxury cruise liner 25 miles off shore filled with Indian IT workers and move the ship to Mexico each weekend to refuel/restock and give workers some 'land time'
More likely candidate for the home port of such a ship would be Cayman islands or Caribbean. Mehico will extract its pound of flesh from that scheme. (Source: My GHQ who is from there)
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

komal wrote:
Zynda wrote:KJo man, you are thinking that DT will be savior of US IT jobs but it seems like the corporates at SV are thinking along differnet lines..
They will park a luxury cruise liner 25 miles off shore filled with Indian IT workers and move the ship to Mexico each weekend to refuel/restock and give workers some 'land time'
Why "Luxury Cruise Liner" for INDIAN any workers other than the stewards on said liner? The innovative Indian companies will quickly figure out how to be more competitive bythis innovation. So much more natural sunlight and fresh air, reducing electricity costs..
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by pravula »

komal wrote:
Zynda wrote:KJo man, you are thinking that DT will be savior of US IT jobs but it seems like the corporates at SV are thinking along differnet lines..
They will park a luxury cruise liner 25 miles off shore filled with Indian IT workers and move the ship to Mexico each weekend to refuel/restock and give workers some 'land time'

You mean like this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blueseed
Blueseed is a Silicon Valley-based startup company and a seasteading venture to create a startup community located on a vessel stationed in international waters near the coast of Silicon Valley in the United States.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

N3 stop trolling. Informal warning.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

Interesting idea here of a periodic power cycle reset


Mahabharata ramayana and oddly enough the matrix build on this theme of a vast upheaval and huge slaughter but for ultimately dharmic ends

In that sense ww2 and ww1 are just blips in this continium of periodic slaughter

No permanent peace exists ...gandhism some sections of buddism all seem to be chasing what the world is not....tibetan vajrayana buddhism perhaps is the muscular variant..red in tooth and claw?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

A_Gupta wrote:America's cost disease: long, but worth the read:
http://slatestarcodex.com/2017/02/09/co ... t-disease/
A must read. Colleges are trying to create a googleplex at students expense...and vast sports budgets and gleaming arms race of facilities ..... luxury dorms er residences for the elites

Things have become way too soft. The top50 univs must hv been spartan gurukuls in 60s in contrast today. And they still had good athletes and mathletes producing good science.

Anyone know what is the dropout rate from stem programs. Should be interesting.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by hanumadu »

Michael Moore's Where to Invade Next compares European school, medical and work conditions to American ones. He can be over the top and is not probably revealing the whole truth, but its still surprising with all the money US spends, the facilities pale in comparison to those in Europe.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

Here i found that link

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

Read the last line..just rape

NEWSER) – A drug sold for years overseas to treat a rare form of muscular dystrophy was OKed Thursday by the FDA to be sold in the U.S., but it comes at a high price.
The Wall Street Journal reports the now-FDA-approved deflazacort will be offered by Marathon Pharmaceuticals for $89,000 or so a year, up to 70 times its cost outside the U.S.; Marathon CFO Babar Ghias tells the Washington Post the net price will be $54,000 after rebates and discounts. Some who rely on it to treat Duchenne muscular dystrophy — an incurable disease most often affecting boys and typically leading to death by one's 30s — are afraid they won't be able to afford it if insurance won't pay for it or if deductibles are too high.
The drug, which Ghias tells the Journal will be sold under the brand Emflaza starting in March, is a steroid that helps mitigate muscle weakness and cut inflammation, per an FDA release.
Emflaza is also said to cause fewer side effects than prednisone, a non-FDA-approved drug often prescribed for DMD, per Reuters.

Marathon had to invest money in new trials before the FDA would approve U.S. sales. And, like other pharma companies that scoop up "orphan drugs" — meds used for diseases that don't affect more than 200,000 people nationwide — Marathon says the high cost is justified because of the money it has poured into R&D.
A Massachusetts woman who's been buying the drug for her son for $1,600 a year from a U.K. online pharmacy isn't seeing it the same way, telling the Journal she's "disappointed" Marathon boosted her cost "by more than $87,000 a year."

Because the FDA has approved a drug to treat the disease, U.S. consumers won't be legally able to acquire it overseas at the cheaper price anymore. (A pharma company that's been labeled a major "tax dodger."
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Dipanker »

^ It will be cheaper for a patient to relocate outside USA than pay $87,000 annually for it. The entire cost of living + cost of the drug will be cheaper than $87,000 a year.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

This is legalized rape and profiteering under the cover of "research expenses" and free markets
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Kashi »

Why are drug prices so high in the USA?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Gus »

Kashi wrote:Why are drug prices so high in the USA?
lobbying by big pharma.

just one among the endless list of issues where legislature bodies don't act in the interest of majority opinion. They get away with it by asking the question in a different way. If you ask the question as - should life saving drugs be cheap? Majority would says yes.

Change the question to - should govt interfere in your healthcare and pick winners and losers and stifle free market capitalism that generates jobs and growth and instead want to have a death panel that decides how long your mom lives?

Then you can get away with all this stuff.

Some 30% of people think obamacare and ACA are two different things. Think about it.

Same thing happens in almost everything where policy does not reflect majority opinion. Do you want screening for nutcases before selling them guns? Majority would say yes. Change question to - do you want govt to take away your guns.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

"Fix our schools" is also another motherhood and apple pie statement....its left unsaid what will be fixed and how

The usa concept of letting towns mostly fund its own schools is ghettoization of education. Its a vicious cycle of good schools drawing the rich who fund said school so poor schools have no rich to fund :mrgreen:
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Dipanker »

The entire healthcare industry in America is a huge racket costing over $3.5 trillion a year. This is atrocious by any standard, yet the monstrosity continues because Republicans simply would not agree for a public universal healthcare system which can reduce the cost substantially by cutting the wasteful overheads.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

The claimed huge r&d budgets for medicines development are likely buffed up sham accounting...nobody has done a expose on that. Good old east coast elites own such dividend paying stock with monopoly markets
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Gus »

Singha wrote:"Fix our schools" is also another motherhood and apple pie statement....its left unsaid what will be fixed and how

The usa concept of letting towns mostly fund its own schools is ghettoization of education. Its a vicious cycle of good schools drawing the rich who fund said school so poor schools have no rich to fund :mrgreen:
If zoning does not keep undesirables out...There's always charter schools.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by LokeshC »

Tax Codes, Immigration Law, Health Care law and Education.

The Swords of Damocles for massa.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Yagnasri »

But on the other side, the public schools of US are also said to very bad. Is it a fact? GOP people blame it on Teacher unions etc.

Indian ones are quite bad now. But they used to be excellent, and I did educate from one. My father was a headmaster in another. Standard fallen here as schools get neglected by everyone and rich send their kids to private schools. Is similar thing happend in the US?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by KJo »

Yagnasri wrote:But on the other side, the public schools of US are also said to very bad. Is it a fact? GOP people blame it on Teacher unions etc.

Indian ones are quite bad now. But they used to be excellent, and I did educate from one. My father was a headmaster in another. Standard fallen here as schools get neglected by everyone and rich send their kids to private schools. Is similar thing happend in the US?
It's a big generalization.
Public schools in bad areas are bad. In good areas they are good. If you want good public schools, then you should move to a "good" area which is more expensive and higher property taxes as they use that money into schools. If you cheap out or want to live in low end apartments your kid ends up in classrooms with majority blacks or hispanics. Those classes have weird issues with teen pregnancy, drugs, guns, gangs etc. Desis being high income usually have their kids in good schools ranked high and the desi moms get :eek: if they hear their nanha utter the F word. :mrgreen:

My school in India was a good school all things considered. Now schools, just like everything else in India is a make money quick scheme. Like we have all these "engineering colleges" that mushroomed during the hot IT period where you just needed a degree (intelligence was optional) to land a hi-fi IT job. Now they have all closed down.

Engineering colleges in TN in trouble, 17 apply for closure
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city ... 559641.cms
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by LokeshC »

KJo wrote: It's a big generalization.
Confused. Are you saying Yagnasris question is a big generalization or what you wrote is a big one. I can see the latter, as it is very clear. Not sure if the former is one.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by KJo »

LokeshC wrote:
KJo wrote: It's a big generalization.
Confused. Are you saying Yagnasris question is a big generalization or what you wrote is a big one. I can see the latter, as it is very clear. Not sure if the former is one.
This statement.
But on the other side, the public schools of US are also said to very bad.
Good or bad depends on the area. If your house falls under a good school district, then your public school is most likely good.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Lalmohan »

it is reported that right wing sources are leaking that priebus, flynn and spicer are all going to be fired soon
priebus for messing up the immigration EO by not understanding how the federal government works
flynn for not telling the truth about russian connections and getting caught out
and spicer for getting his ass kicked by a girl

miller is on the ascendant and bannon is digging in

and DT is behaving like a whimsical monarch... "off with his head!"
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by arshyam »

KJo wrote:It's a big generalization.
So is this:
KJo wrote:Now schools, just like everything else in India is a make money quick scheme. Like we have all these "engineering colleges" that mushroomed during the hot IT period where you just needed a degree (intelligence was optional) to land a hi-fi IT job. Now they have all closed down.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by NRao »

Mexico ready to retaliate by hurting American corn farmers

Bill to buy corn from Brazil/Argentina.

So, there you go.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by krisna »

Singha wrote:"Fix our schools" is also another motherhood and apple pie statement....its left unsaid what will be fixed and how

The usa concept of letting towns mostly fund its own schools is ghettoization of education. Its a vicious cycle of good schools drawing the rich who fund said school so poor schools have no rich to fund :mrgreen:
schools get funds from 3 sources - federal state and local. the first 2 from federal state are sort of static- every school distyrict gets some .
But what is crucial is the local funding thru taxes in each locality.
This is extremely important---- in localities with rich educated folks- taxes increase -->more flows into schools. teachers are better equipped to teach children.
poorer communities--> lower taxes -->ill equipped schools and teachers--> students don't get the right quality.

In effect over decades-- poorer localities have tended to remain poor while rich have remained rich.

This is so stark in some places-- a poorer neighbourhood abuts a rich neighbourhood in the same zip code or nearby area.

unfortunately the blacks are significantly affected due to historical reasons which ahs remained the same with no upward mobility for many of its folks.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by krisna »

Yagnasri wrote:But on the other side, the public schools of US are also said to very bad. Is it a fact? GOP people blame it on Teacher unions etc.

Indian ones are quite bad now. But they used to be excellent, and I did educate from one. My father was a headmaster in another. Standard fallen here as schools get neglected by everyone and rich send their kids to private schools. Is similar thing happend in the US?
basically funding problem.

simple fact -- monkey and peanuts come to mind.

In poorer schools many teachers do more than one job to keep their home fires burning esp in cities where cost of living is high.