Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Bhurishravas »

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

Pakistani-American teen planned deadly bombings in New York, claims FBI report
A US citizen of Pakistani origin was planning to carry out Paris-style attacks on “heavily populated areas” in New York City
Mr Haroon wanted to carry out an attack in NYC around June 2016.
The report claimed that Haroon was stationed in Pakistan in April of last year and planned attacks on the New York Subway, Times Square and a concert
Mr Haroon had been associated with the Taliban in the past and had later switched his allegiance to IS
“While he (Haroon) did not presently have enough money to buy a plane ticket from Pakistan to New York City for [the] purpose of carrying out the attack, he would do everything in [his] power to get a ticket, including selling some of his personal property.”
“We just walk in with guns in our hands. That’s how the Paris guys did it. You just walk in and shoot anyone who says anything.”
the Islamabad High Court stayed the extradition on March 27, 2017 with a direction to the federal government to respond to a petition filed by Mr Haroon’s father.
Ayesha Haroon, the suspect’s sister who is also a US citizen, told Dawn that her brother had been in Pakistan for 14 months and could not have planned the series of attacks he was accused of plotting. ... n-new-york
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

KP threatens agitation over census reservations
Benis material?
...the ‘exclusion’ of overseas Pakistanis from the province...
He demanded the registration of all expatriates from KP and feared if that didn’t happen, the province’s population would turn out to be less than that reported in the 1998 census.
around seven million Pakistanis had gone abroad to earn livelihood and most of them belonged to KP
...according to an educated estimate, every fourth overseas Pakistani belonged to KP, mostly working in the Middle East.
He said a conspiracy was hatched against Pakhtuns as majority of them had over 10 children but the census form could register only six
That's right. There is no space for "Significant Others" on the census form. Millions of four legged Gulbadans and Ayeshas will not be included. Sacrilege!! ... servations
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

More positive news!

Country will be free of loadshedding within 12 months: Dar
Financial discipline and macroeconomic stability have been restored and within 12 months’ period Pakistan will be free of loadshedding
Ishaq Dar said that Pakistan would be heading towards progress and prosperity as there were projections done by international institutions that Pakistan would be joining comity of G-20 in the years to come as its existing position stood at 44th in the ranking of the world’s economy
He highlighted that a reputable major international financial institution has predicted Pakistan to become the 20th largest global economy by 2030
Pakistan’s economy can be ahead of Canada, Korea and Italy
That's right! By 2030, Canadians will be seeking visas to come to al bakistan. That day is thirteen years from now. ... months-Dar
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

"Paxi" For "Aam Ayeshas" Makes Debut In Krachi With Fanfare :D

Footprints: pink power
KARACHI: Her brow furrowed, juggling shopping bags and packages near the Disco Bakery in Gulshan-i-Iqbal, the girl scans the area for some means of transport. On seeing the vehicle, she hurries up to it to inquire whether it will take her to Block 11. The driver unlocks the passenger door for her to get in and they’re off.This is no ordinary taxi that she has hailed and the driver inside is also no ordinary driver. This is the pink taxi, Paxi, driven by one of Paxi Pakistan Pvt Ltd’s female ‘pilots’. The driver’s attire somewhat matches the car’s exterior: a long black coat and a pink hijab. The passenger feels as if she has stepped into another world. Although she’s in a rush, she has no issue with the driver initiating the ride by first entering a four-digit code on her phone. The latter explains what she is doing, and the passenger is eager to learn more. The "tech savvy" Islamic Ayeshas , whose "modesty" has to be preserved from the "Islamic Abduls" 24/7 :mrgreen:
“Wow, superb!” she exclaims, checking out the roomy, air-conditioned cab and other aspects of the service. “I was dreading a bumpy rickshaw ride and then I saw you,” she says to the driver. “Are you usually parked around here?” The driver smiles as she explains to the passenger that she can download the Paxi phone app and thus hail any Paxi cab that may be nearby.
“We encounter pleasant surprises everywhere we go. Almost everyone we meet and who learns about Paxi says the same thing: ‘Wow! We didn’t know this was happening in Pakistan,’” says young Kiran Rao, Paxi Pakistan’s first female driver, who is also a civil engineering student.("moonlighting" to pay her way through college ? Are her parents aware that she is doing this in the hustle and bustle of one of the "most dangerous" cities of the world ! Are the Paki Mullahs not expressing their "disgust" at this unislamic behaviour :shock:)
Though Paxi’s pink taxi service is exclusively for women, men are also appreciating it. “Just the other day, I noticed this gentleman staring at me while I was parked at Gulshan Chowrangi,” says Rao. “Then he approached me and knocked on my window. I lowered the window and he asked me how his wife could use the service.” She adds that another time, another gentleman also inquired if they offered a pick and drop service as his daughter, who studies at the DHA Suffa University, was looking for one; currently, she had to change several buses along the route. “Slowly, this service is capturing the imagination of the people, men included,” says Rao. Obviously, this kind of service can only be afforded by the "cream of the cream" of Krachi society , and by the so-called liberal section ; farticle gives a "wrong impression" of widespread usage :D
The service, unveiled in Karachi earlier this month on Women’s Day, has started this week, initially from Gulshan and Gulistan-i-Jauhar. “We have just 10 cars and as many pilots :roll: at the moment. Obviously, they will not be enough as demand grows. So there are more of us waiting in the wings. We are getting many requests for starting a pick and drop service for college and university girls and for working women as well. We are open for booking right now and the service will also be provided eventually. After all, we are here to make lives easier for female commuters,” Rao says. Do the "pilots" have legit "flying papers" or are they "flying under the radar " as the expression goes :twisted: [ Safety and security are an issue on the streets of Karachi. Therefore, the pink taxis are available only from 7am to 6pm. “We don’t drive after dark,” Rao tells Dawn. “Even during the day, we keep the taxi doors locked at all times, and the windows closed. During our training and initiation, we are also told to always use our heads in differentiating between a threat and a routine occurrence. We know a bit of the mechanics as well and can fix minor engine troubles. We can’t change flat tyres, though, no one here would let us do it!” She shares an anecdote: her cab’s tyre had a puncture and she got out to change it, but “this is still Pakistan where no self-respecting man would let a woman change a tyre, so I was requested to kindly be seated while they did the needful.” Ah. The continuous threat of "terrorism and crime in one of the most dangerous cities in the world " has been already taken into consideraton by this policy measure not to offer "night flights" :mrgreen:
The Paxi drivers meet at lunch every day ( over "aloo gosht" ," biryani" or ham sandwiches and french fries for the pilots ?) for debriefing :roll: and to discuss issues that may need advice in resolving. “The pilots are expected to know the areas assigned to them,” says a senior Paxi driver, Noor Jehan. “During our training, we are shown how to go about using Google maps and the Global Positioning System. If I have had a problem during the day using our app, I would certainly bring it up, such as when a ride has ended and the passenger has disembarked but the app just won’t accept ‘end ride,’” she says. “The problem was experienced by one of our pilots recently. It was explained to her by another tech-savvy pilot that she needed to be online to send that command to the main system.”( where action is not upto par, "western buzz words" make up the slack in the Islamic Republic of Pakiland ! :twisted:
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Peregrine »


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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Fully Posted on the Analyzing CPEC Thread

Take, Do the Talk! :rotfl:

Pakistan invites US to invest in CPEC projects
WASHINGTON: Pakistan has invited the United States to invest in projects under China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to achieve its regional peace objectives and ensure a prosperous and peaceful south Asia.
In his first public appearance at a US think tank, Aizaz Chaudhry displayed his strong diplomatic skills and expertly answered some extremely provocative questions from the Afghan participants at an event at the United States Institute of Peace (USIP).
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by KLNMurthy »

A_Gupta wrote:Swarajya Magazine losing its mind? ... -take-note
Author is a Ph.D. student at something called South Asian University in New Delhi.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by disha »

Peregrine wrote:24

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FriDin! May 24x3 beers for you.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

disha wrote:
Peregrine wrote:24

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disha wrote:FriDin! May 24x3 beers for you.
disha Ji :

Many Thanks indeed. Kalyani Black Label please :D

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by sanjaykumar »

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

PER FRIDAY TIMES : Sad If True! Shahrukh Khan Playing The "Muslim Card " :roll:

SRK has his say

Earlier this month, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won a landslide victory in local elections in Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state. Still, it came as a shock when a firebrand Hindu priest, Yogi Adityanath, became the BJP’s unanimous choice for Chief Minister. And most of all, this appointment has come as a nasty wake-up call to India’s increasingly insecure Muslim minority, for the Yogi has praised US President Donald Trump’s Muslim ban and once likened the Bollywood star Shahrukh Khan to a terrorist.But the latter has his own massive fan following not only in India but across the world and is not afraid to speak his mind. He has openly criticised India’s “growing intolerance”, and gone on to say that “there is extreme intolerance.”A frequent global traveller, Khan was recently in London where he owns several properties and lives in a large multi-million pound house close to The Dorchester hotel on Park Lane. Khan was also espied at London’s famous wax museum Madame Tussauds with his wife (who hails from a Sikh family) and toddler, borne by a surrogate mother a few years ago. Our mole happened to be there at the same time. Hailing from Pakistan, our mole asked Khan what he thought of Yogi, the anti-Muslim bigot and what his appointment says about the mind-set of India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, who runs on a religious nationalist platform, arguing that India’s identity and culture are inherently Hindu in character. Without hesitation, Khan beckoned our mole to the place where PM Modi’s wax statue stands, and said that when the PM came to Madame Tussauds to inaugurate his life-like image, it was said that, “One of these figures keeps mum on communal killings, lynching, and gross intolerance and the other one is a wax statue!”
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

About the census
Before 1971, resources were allocated on the basis of area rather than population. This created resentment in East Pakistan (current Bangladesh) which had a smaller land area but a larger population. After Bangladesh was created, the formula of revenue distribution on the basis of population was adopted. As a result, various ethnic and provincial elements started to use different tactics to seek larger shares.
Comparison :

Pakistan : West : About 340,509 square miles – East : About 56,990

Population 1971 : Pakistan : West : 60.64 Million - East : About 67.63 Million

Thus with 47.3% Population West Pakistan got 86.66% of the Resources-Revenue and East Pakistan with 52.7% of the Population got 13.34% of the Resource-Revenue.
No wonder Bangladesh had to get out of Clapistan!
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Massa Feeds "Carrot" To Pakistan :D

Pakistan Army receives six Cessna aircraft from US
The Pakistan Army on Friday received six new Cessna aircraft, two Cessna 208 Caravan and four Cessna T-206H from the United States, said a statement released by the US Office of Defense Representative.In April 2016, the US Department of Defence had announced it had issued a $14.9 million, fixed-price contract to Cessna Aircraft Company for making two Cessna 208B Grand Caravan EX aircraft and four Cessna T-206H Stationair aircraft for Pakistan. The contract included sustainment support and associated training.
The aircraft will be configured for medical evacuation. ( And hopefully not used for "recreational purposes" by Paki Fauj top brass !)
The statement from the Office of Defense Representative added that the Caravan and the Stationair aircraft will strengthen Pakistan Army's air mobility by enhancing its capability to conduct medical evacuations as well as provide limited troop and equipment transport.The Pakistan Army Aviation Corps in the statement thanked America for the "generous contribution"."American security assistance continues to build the counter-terrorism capabilities of Pakistan's security forces."
"The US and Pakistan are stronger when we work together to combat terrorism," the statement added. Pakistan should know that there is no "free lunch" and Amreeka will expect that the Pakis do their bidding for this "gift", and if not, next time, the "stick" will be used :mrgreen:
Each aircraft comes with a 24-month sustainment package, including spares, tooling, and support equipment.
It accommodates up to 14 people and a load of 1,593kg
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Taliban Khan Must Hold Internal (PTI) Party Elections Before He is Allotted An Election Symbol - Election Commission Of Pakistan :D
The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) in a statement on Friday said that Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) is not eligible to be issued a election symbol in the upcoming general elections as it has failed to hold intra-party elections.ECP cited that PTI has failed to conduct intra-party elections as per Sections 11 and 12 of Political Parties Ordinance, 2002. Ganja's party hand in this so-called underhand tactic cannot be ruled out !
Earlier, it was reported that the PTI core committee had postponed intra-party elections owing to the ongoing Panama Leaks case in the Supreme Court. The committee wanted to hold intra-party polls after general elections in 2018. By no stretch of the imagination can both these political parties ( PML-N and PTI ) be termed "democratic" in their internal structure. Both are dominated by Nawaz ( and family ) and Imran .
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

India Rethinking Nuclear First Strike Policy Towards Pakistan: New York Times .

India, Long at Odds With Pakistan, May Be Rethinking Nuclear First Strikes
India may be reinterpreting its nuclear weapons doctrine, circumstantial evidence suggests, with potentially significant ramifications for the already tenuous nuclear balance in South Asia.New assessments suggest that India is considering allowing for pre-emptive nuclear strikes against Pakistan’s arsenal in the event of a war. This would not formally change India’s nuclear doctrine, which bars it from launching a first strike, but would loosen its interpretation to deem pre-emptive strikes as defensive.It would also change India’s likely targets, in the event of a war, to make a nuclear exchange more winnable and, therefore, more thinkable.
The new interpretation would be a significant shift in India’s posture that could have far-reaching implications in the region, even if war never comes. Pakistan could feel compelled to expand its arsenal to better survive a pre-emptive strike, in turn setting off an Indian buildup.This would be more than an arms race, said Vipin Narang, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor who studies nuclear powers.“It’s very scary because all the ‘first-strike instability’ stuff is real,” Mr. Narang said, referring to a dynamic in which two nuclear adversaries both perceive a strong incentive to use their warheads first in a war. This is thought to make nuclear conflict more likely.
Should India sustain a nuclear attack, its doctrine calls for a major retaliation, most likely by targeting its adversary’s cities. When this policy was announced in 2003, it fit the threat posed by Pakistan’s arsenal of long-range, city-destroying weapons.Since then, Pakistan has developed smaller warheads designed for battlefield use. These were meant to address Pakistan’s India problem: The Indian military is much larger, virtually ensuring its victory in an all-out war.Such weapons could be used against invading Indian troops, halting a war before it could be lost. This would exploit a gap in India’s doctrine: It is hard to imagine that India would escalate to total nuclear war, as its doctrine commands, over a small battlefield strike on Pakistani soil.This created a Pakistan problem for India: Its chief adversary had made low-level nuclear war thinkable, even potentially winnable. Since then, there have been growing hints of debate over modifying the Indian doctrine.
But nuclear analysts worry that South Asia’s dynamics would make any state of mutually assured destruction less stable than that of the Cold War.For one thing, Pakistani leaders view even conventional war with India as an existential threat, making them more willing to accept nuclear risks. For another, a large-scale terrorist attack in India could be perceived, rightly or wrongly, as Pakistan-sponsored, potentially inciting war. The disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir, where conflict sometimes boils over, adds a troubling layer of volatility.“Maybe it is this Reaganesque strategy,” Mr. Narang said, comparing India’s potential strategic shift to President Ronald Reagan’s arms race with the Soviet Union. “But Pakistan has a much bigger security problem than the Soviet Union did. And that can blow back real quick.”
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

The Lying Pakistani Ambassador .

Pakistan Ambassador Refuses to Acknowledge State-sponsored Persecution of Ahmadi Muslims
Huffington Post, Canada
During a forum in Washington D.C. yesterday, a Pakistani American journalist questioned Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United States, Mr. Aizaz Chaudhry, on Pakistan’s state-sponsored persecution of Ahmadi Muslims.
The diplomat, who just assumed his new office this month, flatly denied any such thing existed. He asserted: “I do not agree with you that there is state sponsorship of such activity. Far from that, all citizens of Pakistan are equal in their rights under the constitution.” One definition of a Diplomat / Ambassador : A person who lies for the good of his country :D
Meanwhile in Pakistan, another tragic news was waiting for the country’s Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. A lawyer, prominent leader and president of the community’s Nankana Chapter, Malik Saleem Latif, was gunned down on his way to work this morning. His son narrowly escaped the gun shots. Mr. Latif was a cousin of Pakistan’s - and the Muslim world’s - first Nobel Laureate in Science, Professor Dr. Abdus Salam.
The State has played a very important role in this dynamic. In 1974, in order to appease the far right, the State forcibly declared the Ahmadi Muslims a ‘non-Muslim minority,’ taking away their basic right to self-identity. Subsequently in 1984, then dictator, General Zia-ul-Haq, introduced a set of laws (ordinance XX) that criminalized the religious profession of the Ahmadis.Under these anti-Ahmadi laws of Pakistan, Ahmadi Muslims risk facing a three year prison sentence for self-identifying as Muslim, reading the Quran, printing its verses in their periodicals, reciting the Islamic Creed (Kalima), identifying their place of worship as a Mosque, saying the Adhan (Muslim call to prayer) etc. Hundreds of Ahmadi Muslims (including three of my own uncles) have been thrown in jails, besides rapists and murderers, for their crime of professing the Islamic faith.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

The War Against The Shias Of Parachinar

Another suicide blast in Parachinar despite ‘strict security’
In January, a suicide blast tore through a vegetable market killing dozens and injuring nearly 100 innocents. COAS Gen Bajwa visited the site, and ‘strict security arrangements‘ were made to prevent another attack. Today, less than ten weeks later, another suicide attack has been carried out in a Parachinar market, this time outside a main imambargah. According to police officials, there were multiple attackers who not only used bombs but also fired randomly into crowds of innocents.
Many questions will be asked, but one that must not be overlooked is what happened to the ‘strict security arragements’ that were made after the last terrorist attack only a few weeks ago? Were these withdrawn once the Army chief had left? Or were they never really made in the first place? Or were the security arrangement made, but they were not good enough to stop the terrorists?
We have had enough ISPR videos, enough bold statements, enough victory announcements. What we have not had is the truth. The national leadership including both civil and military leaders need to take the people into confidence. We have had every success explained in full detail, but nobody can explain about the constant failures? If anyone is reading this, please listen. We want to trust you and give our full support, but to do this we need you to trust us and give us your full support also. Right now we are mourning another attack. We are filled with questions and doubts. We do not need to be reassured. We are past that now. We need to know what you are going to do differently, because what has be done till date is obviously not enough. From what is being reported here, it is clearly a sectarian attack against the Shias ; now Raheel has gone to Saudia to do the same against the Shias of Yemen !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Prem »

Audio Message of Father of the Nation QeT Altaf Hussain (on Parachinar attack) 31 March 2017

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by arun »

Editorial in Express Tribune, a newspaper in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, recognises the seemingly magical allure of the Mohammadden “Sabbath” of Friday for committing acts of violence by adherents of Mohammaddenism by starting with the words “Given the propensity of the bombers to choose to strike on Fridays, the holy day of the week for every Muslim everywhere …….”

I find it very dissonant that adherents of a belief that touts itself as being a belief of peace somehow permit themselves on their Sabbath to find no peace but instead get instigated into committing acts of violence, that too targetting adherents of their own Mohammadden belief:

Another Friday, another bombing
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by kish »

No.. No.. This is not April fool's joke. This news is for real. :lol:

islam-a-bad airport to be named after 11 ginpin.
New Islamabad airport to be named Xi Jinping airport
pakis will have hard time pronouncing 1 of their father's(xi jingping) name


paki news source
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Veena Malik Back To Her Old ( Slutty ) Ways :mrgreen:

Veena Malik's 'resurgence' is not an April Fool's joke
The actor is returning with a music video after being MIA in the entertainment industry for almost three years.
"Pious Islamic hubby" in financial trouble ! Someone has to bring the bacon home :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

According to Wicki, the "new" International Airport , ( located near Fatehjung ) named after the Chini- Sugar Daddy honcho, is to replace the "old" International Airport , named after the late Benazir Bhutto . After this , the nam-o- nishaan of this late Sindhi martyr will slowly disappear in keeping with the rapid Pakjabistan and Chinification of Pakiland . Will be interesting to know how Dus- Percenti reacts to this non- April Fool's day news :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Iran ready for mediation to resolve Kashmir issue, says envoy :roll:
Iran's Ambassador to Pakistan Mehdi Honardoost has said Iran is ready to use its special influence and relations with Pakistan and India to mediate between the conflicting parties on Kashmir issue and help bring sustainable peace in the region.In an interview with APP, Honardoost said, “Iranian government has announced its readiness for any support, for any hope of peace and tranquillity in the region.” Diplomatic niceties being given the usual Paki twist by the "desperate " Paki Establishment.
Responding to a question if Iran was interested in joining Saudi Arab's Islamic coalition, he said the Iranian authorities have announced their intentions to join the alliance as Iran firmly believes that all the tensions which the Islamic world is facing can be resolved mutually.“Its better for all important countries to come together and resolve these issues of Islamic world, we believe that the coalition of peace has more priority and importance than any other problem.” Diplomatic niceties again being given the usual Paki twist ; can someone seriously think that Iran is going to join the Anti - Shia grouping sponsored by her arch- rival Sunni Saudi - Arabia and led by the mercenary ( Sunni ) general from Pakiland :shock:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by A_Gupta »

LOL, Iran's Islamabad embassy website, dated 29/03/2017 ... iew=446922

The link to it is titled: Ambassador of Iran to Pakistan denounced Saudi-led coalition and reiterated that coalition for peace is the need of the hour for Muslim nations....
Q: How do you see the statement of defense minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif that there is an understanding between the governments of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia regarding sending of General Raheel Sharif to lead the 41-nation military alliance?

Ambassador: From the very first day of the issue, we announced officially our position regarding the military coalition. There are lots of tensions among the Muslim countries and something that we need is the coalition for the peace. Iran has expressed its readiness for dialogue among the nations and we have also tried to build more confidence among the Islamic countries, but we are concerned about the consequences of this issue.

Q: Do you think General Raheel Sharif leading this coalition will have some positive effects on the impression being created that this is just a Sunni alliance.

Ambassador: Many times we have said our official stance regarding this matter, we believe that our Pakistani brothers and wise leaders of this country are well aware of our concerns in this issue, we talked about the subject many times with our brothers frankly that participation of Pakistan in this matter could not bring peace. We have lot of gap between the Islamic countries. Our brothers in Pakistan can play an effective role for bringing the Islamic world more close together. We are not optimistic that this recent action of Pakistan can fill this gap.

Q: Did the government of Pakistan consult government of Iran on appointment of General Raheel Sharif?

Ambassador: This time we have conveyed our concerns regarding this matter, of course we have trust, we have confidence in the wise brothers in the government of Pakistan that they are fully aware about the Iranian concerns and something that we need that Pakistan as our neighboring and brotherly country they should fully consider the Iranian concerns, Iranian concerns not about the bilateral relations, Iranian concerns about this matter that we believe that this coalition may probably deteriorate the situation among the Islamic countries. You can take the example of poor country of Yemen; we believe that this is not fair that different countries united against this small country.

Q: But despite all diplomatic efforts peace could not be achieved in Yemen and there is no consensus so what difference will just another military alliance make because in Yemen there are other military forces, dont you think this military alliance can have positive impact to restore peace in the country.

Ambassador: We believe that the government of Pakistan will fully consider Iranian concerns regarding the subject and we are waiting for the positive step by our brothers; Pakistan is a big Islamic country and can play a very effective role regarding many tensions in the Islamic members of the region and we hope that wise leaders of Pakistan will try to use their influence for the positive, clear and bright future of the Muslim world. We expect that Pakistanis have good answers to Iranian questions and remove the ambiguities.

Q: Can you elaborate the questions and ambiguities?

Ambassador: The first question regarding this matter is that in this unfair fighting between poor people of Yemen with some big countries, Pakistani leaders must try to solve this issue and not coming to benefit the bigger side of the conflict.
The second question which we have asked our Pakistani brothers is that would you please elaborate to the government of Iran that what is your program for the better lives of poor people of Yemen and settle down this conflict. We are not sure that if our brothers are sure about that Pakistan can overcome this conflict. We have so many questions but these two questions are on top priority.

Q: If Iran is offered to become part of this military alliance will you consider it?

Ambassador: Really we never received officially this proposal from brothers in Pakistan and any members of the coalition, but my own position, regarding this matter, keeping in view the Iranian governments stance, I dont think Iran should become part of this coalition.

Q: There are many countries in the coalition, why focus only on Pakistan because it cannot even solve the problem in Afghanistan?

Ambassador: We have lot of commonalities between Iran and Pakistan. We are witnessing many tensions among the Islamic countries and both countries can together solve these issues. There is great potential for the expansion of ties between Iran and Pakistan. If we receive any constructive proposal regarding peace and tranquility in the region I am sure Iran will look into the matter positively.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Ganja Sharif In Election Mode ; Gets Personal And Sarcastic With Kaptaan And His PTI Party !

Heavy snowfall in northern areas PTI’s conspiracy against CPEC: PM :roll:

PS: In a recent notification the Election Commission Of Pakiland refused to allot an election symbol to Immy's party citing "dictatorship" in the one-man party , as to date, it has not held an intra party election . :mrgreen: ( Wonder, if the "orders" for this partisan decision came from Ganja Sharif's own mouth )
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Pakistan, IMF start policy talks in Dubai :roll:

So, the Chief Bagman cum Master - Launderer of Ganja Sharif ( AKA the Finance Minister ) has been summoned to a foreign country, ie Dubai ( by the IMF Chief of Pakistan based in Isloo !) to explain Pakistan's economic performance. Why the secrecy and hush - hush. Is is to keep the true situation away from the Awaam . Is Dar going to be "dressed down" by the IMF , away from Paki eyes . Fear of terrorism in Isloo ? Bad news going to come out from the discussions? Or has Dubai become the "new capital of Pakistan" ( cricket matches in Dubai, "Indian exports" from Dubai, R&R in Dubai, flights from Dubai to Massaland ) :twisted:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

These two "stories" explain the further Chinification of Pakistan to a T.

In Chalay Thay Saath,... Chinese boy meets Pakistani girl (or so it seems)

Proficiency in Chinese Language can help you earn up to Rs 100,000- Pakistan Today

Million Dollar Question : As this romance accelerates between Pakistan ( the girl here !) and China ( the "mard" here !) , will the parents of the girl ( Pakistan ) insist that the boy embrace Malsi. And will the parents of the boy (China ) refuse this condition . Will the girl parents ( Pakistan) ask for more "dowry" before the marriage is consummated ? What if the boy ( Chinese) finds out after the first night that the girl ( Pakistan) is not virgin as she claims to be . What will be the fate of the marriage :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

The New ( And Islamically Improved !) Media Police Of Pakistan Slaps Rs One Million Fine On HUM TV Station For Airing "Objectionable Content" :roll:
The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (Pemra) on Friday imposed a fine of Rs1 million on Hum TV for airing “objectionable clips” in one of its drama series.
“Thus on account of the airing of the episode “Chew Gum” in the drama serial “Kitni Girhein Baqi Hein” having indecent content… a fine of Rs 1,000,000 (rupees one million) is imposed on Hum TV, payable within three weeks from the issuance of this decision,” said the press release.
Earlier today, Pemra handed Geo News a Rs1 million fine and also put a five-day ban on its morning show ‘Geo Pakistan’ for airing objectionable/indecent content.
It appears to me that the Paki Censors are working in a sweat shop environment where their remuneration is 100% based on issue of "tickets" for violating any law under the Electronic Media Code Of Conduct Act of 2015 ( New and Islam Friendly!) . Absence of any "show cause" notice may well result in their losing their job, as with no Govt funding; ( unless receiving monies from Saudia ) "fines" are the only source of revenue , which will pay their salary :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Proceed With Caution When It Comes To Setting "Eligible Age For Girls " In Pakiland :twisted:

The dilemma of child marriage in Pakistan ( See the photo of" man and wife" and draw your own conclusion !)
The amendment will be reviewed by the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII), which rejected a similar amendment in the Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929 proposed by Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) MNA Marvi Memon. The CII is responsible for reviewing and deciding the matters related to the Islamic Sharia. :roll:
“Girls can be eligible for marriage after the age of nine years, if they attain puberty and the same is usually 12 years for boys. Anything contrary to the life of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) is unacceptable. "Liberal Ganja" in a bind :mrgreen:
He married Hazrat Aisha (R.A) when she was six years old and her ‘rukhsati’ was held at the age of nine,” Inamullah, chief research officer for the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) stated while reading the decision of the CII on the proposed changes. Sharia cited , case closed !
Recently, ( so all these years, the guardian of the so-called Islamic Ideology , were sleeping on their jobs !) the Senate passed a bill which declares child poonography, trafficking and sexual assault against minors a punishable crime. If convicted, the accused will face up to seven years in prison. Moreover, child poonography has been deemed as a crime in the state of Pakistan.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

PM diagnosed with small kidney stone: Maryam Nawaz
LAHORE: (Dunya News, Web Desk) – Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif’s daughter Maryam Nawaz Sharif has on Saturday said that PM has been diagnosed with a small kidney stone but he is fine and no intervention is required.It had been reported earlier that PM was ill and had gone for a checkup, after which the doctors had cleared him and allowed him to go home. PM arrived at his residence in Raiwind shortly thereafter.PM had felt some pain in his kidney after which he had been examined at a private hospital on MM Alam Road in Lahore. Doctors prescribed medicine and said that there was nothing extraordinary.Maryam Nawaz tweeted that PM was completely fine and there was no need for an intervention. She added that PM had been diagnosed with a kidney stone, which wasn’t really very serious. So, the earlier reports that all is well with Ganja Sharif were false ! Wonder, if this is serious and true or it is another excuse to take a medical trip to Londonistan for the coming Easter holidays and to do a bit of shopping at Harrods . :mrgreen:

PS: Heart trouble, kidney problem ; Shahbaz, the "clever" brother - a cancer survivor; Panamagate trouble; hope Ganja is not diabetic; Law of Karma at work? :roll:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Pakistan All Riled Up About So-Called Jinnah House :roll:

Pakistan seeks protection for Jinnah House in Mumbai from India
Expressing concerns over the safety of Jinnah House, the erstwhile residence of Muhammad Ali Jinnah in Mumbai, Pakistan has asked India to protect the property. This came after Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Mangal Prabhat Lodha demanded the demolition of the house. “Jinnah House in Mumbai was the residence with ownership of the father of the nation, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Pakistan has repeatedly expressed its desire to take possession of the property. The Government of India should respect the ownership rights of the Government of Pakistan in this regard,” Pakistan’s Foreign Office Spokesperson Nafees Zakaria said during a press conference. “We also expect that Indian Government will fulfill its obligation of protecting that property and its upkeep,” he added. Property is in "Hindu India" . Property is not under diplomatic immunity. Indian Govt has refused" Paki demand " as a possible location for a future Paki consulate. India has said many times that Pakistan does not have any locus standi in this matter . So, why is Nafees interfering in India's internal matter :mrgreen:
“The property belongs to the Founder of Pakistan and should be given to Pakistan,” he said. :((
The historic European-style building was designed by architect Claude Batley, construction for which commenced in 1936. Located in Malabar Hill, it was Jinnah’s residence before the formation of Pakistan.The property is currently under the possession of Indian External Affairs Ministry and there has been a long-standing proposal to set up a South Asian ( minus Pakistan :D ) Centre for Arts and Culture within the premises. The Centre, if and when it is completed , should have as separate Bangadesh section showing the atrocities committed by the Pakistan Army against their "fellow Bengali brothers of the erstwhile East Pakistan :twisted:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Bart S »

Falijee wrote:Iran ready for mediation to resolve Kashmir issue, says envoy :roll:
Iran's Ambassador to Pakistan Mehdi Honardoost has said Iran is ready to use its special influence and relations with Pakistan and India to mediate between the conflicting parties on Kashmir issue and help bring sustainable peace in the region.In an interview with APP, Honardoost said, “Iranian government has announced its readiness for any support, for any hope of peace and tranquillity in the region.” Diplomatic niceties being given the usual Paki twist by the "desperate " Paki Establishment.
Responding to a question if Iran was interested in joining Saudi Arab's Islamic coalition, he said the Iranian authorities have announced their intentions to join the alliance as Iran firmly believes that all the tensions which the Islamic world is facing can be resolved mutually.“Its better for all important countries to come together and resolve these issues of Islamic world, we believe that the coalition of peace has more priority and importance than any other problem.” Diplomatic niceties again being given the usual Paki twist ; can someone seriously think that Iran is going to join the Anti - Shia grouping sponsored by her arch- rival Sunni Saudi - Arabia and led by the mercenary ( Sunni ) general from Pakiland :shock:
Pakis have proven to be the embodiment of the term 'pathological liar' to such an extent that they now deserve their own entry in the dictionary: 'Pakalogical Liar' :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »


Treasure trove
Authorities in Quetta, and might be in Islamabad, must be scrambling now-a-day to arrange millions of dollars to pay in penalty for dishonoring a deal about a project that was supposed to raise billions of dollars for the country.An arbitration tribunal of the World Bank’s International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) this month rejected Pakistan’s case for denying mining license to the Tethyan Copper Company Limited (TCC) for exploiting Reko Diq gold and copper mine in Baluchistan.The Tethyan Copper Company Limited (TCC), a joint venture between Antofagasta of Chile and Canada’s Barrick, had filed an arbitration claim with the ICSID after Supreme Court in 2013 scrapped the Reko Diq deal.
The three-judge bench led by then chief justice Iftikhar Chaudhry ( A pakjabi masquerading as a Balochi ) ruled the agreement “invalid” on the grounds that it ran counter to the mineral and development laws and mining concession rules of the country.
According to experts, Reko Diq deposits are fifth largest deposits of gold and copper in the world.If exploited properly, the project is estimated to yield revenues of at least $60 billion in a span of nearly 60 years.
Confirmation of my suspicions that the" Reko Diq Treasure Trove " has been "gifted" to Chini Blothels by the Pakjabi Establishment :

China - Pakistan Corridor- Forbes - From April 2010
But the confrontation between Pakistan’s central government, responding to U.S. pressure, and a more intransigent provincial leadership also presented China with an opportunity. The giant Metallurgical Corp. of China, which controls the Chinese stake in the Saindak site, bid to take over the Reko Diq site from Tethyan, too.Though the provincial and federal governments have yet to agree, MCC made a compelling case. In private meetings with Baloch leaders the Chinese representatives agreed to build a railroad and a power plant in Balochistan as well as to waive any requirements for sovereign guarantees. Says a frustrated William N. Center, the U.S. State Department’s foreign commercial attaché in Pakistan, “These are terms that no private company could compete with.” So, it seems that the "gigantic penalty" slapped on the Pakis will be "funded" by the Chinese as a quid pro quo for gifting the "Reko Diq treasure trove " :twisted:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

" Damage Control " On Behalf Of "Abbaji" :D

Maryam Nawaz rejects sensational news :roll:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

India Keeps Pakistan Guessing On "No First Use Nukes Policy" :D

India shedding No First Use of Nukes Policy dangerous for Pakistan
It is the first time that a senior former official in Pakistan has reacted to the recent indications by Indian scholars, based on the statements to top Indian officials, that India could be moving away from its declared NFU doctrine and consider a massive disarming strike against Pakistan.Fifth Dimensional Warfare Strategy espoused by Doval- ji :roll:

PS: Robust response on LOC violations, Paki diplomatic isolation including naming and shaming the Pakis at international forums, severing sports ties,promoting boycott of Pakis to SAARC neighbours , use of Gulf and Muslim Ummahs to crack down on ex-pat Pakis indulging in terrorism , use of Hindu/ NRI lobbies in Londonistan and Massaland to introduce anti- Paki legislation there , taking shrewd advantage of inter-Ummah disunity and now the implementation of the "information warfare" strategy. Wonder , what next is coming :twisted:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Imran Khan-COAS meeting: What went inside
RAWALPINDI: PTI Chairman Imran Khan has spoken about his meeting with COAS General Qamar Bajwa on Friday. Imran Khan was accompanied by Jehangir Khan Tareen in the meeting.Sharing views about yesterday's meeting with COAS Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa, PTI Chairman Imran Khan on Saturday said the army chief supports democracy.The PTI Chief on Friday met with Gen Bajwa, the Inter Services Public Relations had said.
The meeting was called on the desire :roll: of the COAS General Qamar Bajwa.
-Is this normal in a country that calls itself a "democracy"
-Did the COAS clear this meeting with the PM , Ganja Sharif ; did he get a verbal or a written response
- Is Bajwa playing partisan politics here and showing the fauji leanings towards Immy :P
- Is this Bajwa's first and last "desire" or there are more "desires" being planned as election time nears :mrgreen:
- How is Ganja and Dus Percenti viewing this "desire" of General Qamar Bajwa ; is it time to resurrect the Bajwa Ahmedi rumours :twisted:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

MQM Leader Being Harassed By Karachi Police And/ Or Rangers .

MQM Pakistan Chief Farooq Sattar in trouble yet again
KARACHI: Non-bailable warrants for MQM founder and Farooq Sattar were issued on Saturday.The court also issued non-bailable warrants against MQM leaders Khushbakht Shujaat, Junaid Lakhani, and Amin Ul Haqq.
KARACHI: Non-bailable warrants for MQM founder and Farooq Sattar were issued on Saturday.The court also issued non-bailable warrants against MQM leaders Khushbakht Shujaat, Junaid Lakhani, and Amin Ul Haqq.
Wondering if it the Paki way of retaliating against the Karachi based MQM in response to yesterday's hour long rambling audio speech made by London based MQM Supremo Altaf Bhai wherein he once again blasted the Pakjabi Establishment of Pakistan and blamed the ISI for the bomb blast at the Shia Imam bara in Parachinar ! :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Raheel Now Being Touted As An "Honest Broker". Plus More "Juicy Gossip" :shock:

Thank you Raheel Sharif?
AFTER the government said it had given its consent to retired Gen Raheel Sharif accepting the offer to head the Saudi-led Islamic Military Alliance to Fight Terrorism, there were two scenarios emerging about what may happen over the coming months.The lack of clarity and detail is triggering speculation about what this decision actually means and the Foreign Office spokesperson’s assertion that the country is already part of the Riyadh-based alliance is also surprising as this was the first official admission to that effect.
While saying that Islamabad was part of the Saudi-led alliance, the foreign office spokesperson also conceded that the ‘terms of reference’ of the grouping have yet to be decided. So, what exactly has Pakistan signed on for?
Consider the first scenario: Pakistan has finally admitted what many believed to be the case anyway as, given how close (some would say beholden) to the Saudi regime the PML-N government and the armed forces have always been, it wasn’t likely that a parliamentary resolution calling for neutrality in the Middle East would have real long-term viability. Calling "spade" a "spade" :D
Also, Pakistan’s task may have been made easier by the Saudi regime’s realisation that calling for Muslim nations to join the war it is waging in Yemen, and its efforts to militarily checkmate Iran in other parts of the Gulf may not draw the desired response.
Ergo, Saudi Arabia is now saying that the alliance is not being formed to fight in Yemen or to counter Iran in the region but actually to fight the menace of the militant Islamic State group, also known as Daesh, which is seen as a growing threat, despite the recent setbacks suffered by the terrorist group in Iraq and Syria. The Amreekans under Trump don't trust the Saudis with a ten-foot pole !
That then will remain the official Saudi position till May when, some media reports have suggested, there might be greater clarity as the alliance’s terms of reference and other details will be hammered out at a meeting of key member states.
The second scenario owes itself to the categorical statement of a former three-star general, who is seen as close to the former army chief and has also spoken for him and the security establishment in recent media appearances.When the news of the appointment first broke, the retired lieutenant general spelt out the specific conditions under which Raheel Sharif would accept the reportedly $1million a year job. Otherwise, he said, the former chief was likely to say no. So, this is a big "sweetener" being offered to Raheel . Is he worth that much ? Will he deliver ? Will the Saudis,with their chronic reputation as "bill defaulters" and now the cash crunch hitting them because of oil prices falling, keep their 1 Million Dollar ( tax free !) promise to the "Bad Sherrif". Too many unanswered questions :D
The first was that no matter what the circumstances, he would not be willing to serve under an officer belonging to the Saudi defence forces or anyone else from the alliance’s member states as he had had the privilege of ‘serving as the head of one of the best armies in the world’. ( The Enchendee factor being raked up. Again !)[/quote]The other two conditions were even tougher and, when they were laid out, many commentators thought the matter would go no further as the Saudis were not likely to agree to them. Till May at least it will be impossible to say what has happened on that score.
One of these two conditions, according to the retired lieutenant general, was that Iran be offered a role in the alliance too, even if it was a token one, so that Tehran would be reassured the grouping was not meant to be arrayed against it and remove any other misgivings it may have. Irani politician recent visit to Isloo because of this ?
And the final condition sought freedom for Raheel Sharif to take the initiative and mediate in disputes between different Muslim countries as, he believed, these frictions were often the trigger for terrorism. Political and Diplomatic "on the job training" ; will look good on resume when "applying" for future a "political job" in Pakiland :mrgreen:
Assuming that the former army chief’s view has found acceptance in Riyadh, it would be safe to say that upon taking office one of his first tasks would be to offer a place in the alliance to Tehran, even though there is no way of knowing the latter’s reaction at this stage. Media reports say that Teheran is not interested !
He’d initiate an effort to help end the conflict in Yemen where, human rights groups say, the result of the Saudi-led blockade and bombing is creating a catastrophic humanitarian crisis. One can also assume he would try and mediate some sort of a way out of the ongoing human tragedy in Syria. I don't think that the Americans, the Russians, the Iraqis and the Syrians and others want a partisan Paki General meddling (there in the name of Ummah unity )
Even though Russia became an active player and helped turn the tide in favour of the Syrian regime, there seems no end in sight to the conflict. The slightest movement in any of these areas will go a long way in establishing Raheel Sharif’s credibility as a visionary military leader. :roll: Expecting too much of a US educated Paki General
On the flip side, it would seem unlikely that his conditions would have been accepted. After all, the burgeoning Saudi defence budget (at more than $50 billion) places the kingdom among the top five global military spenders. A list that suggests only the US, China, UK and India are ahead of it.
This magnitude of spending appears more a statement of intent by Saudi Arabia to assert influence in the region where it feels threatened by Iran, rather than merely to fight terrorism and the terrorists towards whom it is sometimes accused of being ambivalent.In the best-case scenario, Pakistanis will be joined by the rest of the Muslim world, the Ummah, in saying a vociferous and lasting ‘Thank You Raheel Sharif’. If this is not the case, his detractors will liken him to Alice in Wonderland.Which will it be? Who knows for sure? I am happy to place my bet in private though. Raheel's credibility and his future political ambitions in Pakiland is at stake here . And of course, most important his Honour and Dignity ( AKA Enchendee ) :twisted: