Understanding US thread-III

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by ramana »

He cant as I have banned him for ever.
my reason for this ban:
Repeated flame baiting members and having values incompatible with civil discourse.
I banned TSJ permanently for keep insisting the Asian Doctor was in the wrong in the United Airlines incident. It's overt racist mindset to tell the non whites to mind it and know their place. It's also against the US Constitution.

'All men are created....'
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Raja Bose »

TSJones wrote:actually, the security people were from the The Chicago Department of Aviation and not United.

uh, still best not to offer physical challenge to them, even though they are not police.

unless you're feeling frisky like the physician.

the good doctor is still hors de combat. "everything is injured" per the clinician himself.
Amazing insight. If its a white woman caught doing something illegal (carrying an unregistered Sat phone in India) who merely gets her illegal device confiscated, our good ol' boy TSJ ji has his panties in a twist in instant outrage. A 69 year old Asian doctor insists on retaining his airline seat in the US, a seat he paid for legally and got a legit boarding document for, just so he can be on time to see his patients, gets sucker punched and knocked unconscious and dragged out like a carcass from the aircraft, TSJ ji piously claims its obviously that old man's fault. As for the theory that he 'resisted', look at the video carefully. When the guy is getting dragged out unconscious he is still clutching his iPhone. How was he resisting? By trying to whack one of the goons with the iPhone? :roll:

US is clearly in the same league as Assad's Syria when it comes to law and order. oh, maybe TSJ ji was outraged that they didn't deal with the white woman strictly enough in India, you know....according to American standards. Perhaps he would have been happier if she had been beaten up and dragged through the streets or perhaps beaten up and left paralyzed like the old Indian man? Now I get it. I guess the RFQ for new shiny brains needs to specify quantity as <# of United Airlines employees> + 1.

In more bojitibe neuj from amrika, looks like United is not racist after all!! They threatened to put the president of a hedge fund in handcuffs when he tried to protest as to why we was being offloaded from a 1st class seat he had paid full fare for. Apparently they wanted to offload him to make room for a 'higher priority passenger'. This is after he is boarded and seated just like the gay Asian doc. Unlike the gay Asian doc, this fella is white, loaded and looking for a legal fight. Good luck to the butt-e-chief of United.

United threatens to handcuff a 'low priority passenger'
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by ramana »

No more discussion on TSJ posts as he cant answer them as I have banned him permanently

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

One cannot make this up: Lesson in CEO's Corporate Loyalty and many other things:
Steven Ginsberg — he prefers to be called “Sonny” — is a Chicago lawyer who vacationed this past Christmas in Aspen, Colo. He told me that when he and his family were flying home on United, the weather was pretty fierce. The small plane sat for nearly an hour on the runway before returning to the gate.

At that point, a family of five that had occupied most of the six first-class seats got off the aircraft. Ginsberg didn’t know it at the time, but he found out later that this was Munoz, his wife and three of his four kids.

The flight crew promptly upgraded the first-class standby passengers to the suddenly available first-class seats. Eventually, the plane left the gate again for another takeoff attempt. However, it turned around and once more returned to the gate.

United spokeswoman Megan McCarthy says this was solely due to the weather. Ginsberg, who was on the plane, isn’t so sure.

At the gate, he told me, a flight attendant announced to the five people who’d been bumped up to first class two hours earlier that they’d have to return to Economy Plus. “She said the family that had gotten off earlier had decided to get back on,” Ginsberg said.

This being Aspen, none of the people now enjoying first-class accommodations were willing to move. Ginsberg said he was told by one of the now-first-class passengers that a crew member had confided that Munoz and his family had disembarked to try and get seats on an American Eagle flight to Chicago. :rotfl:
When that didn’t work out, the passenger told Ginsberg, the United chief executive hurried back to his own carrier’s flight.

“The gate attendant repeatedly tried to shame the standby folks into vacating the first-class seats, shaking her head and making comments about how they should show respect,” Ginsberg said.

“The standby folks stood their ground. They knew it was Munoz, were bothered by them being the cause of an extra delay and did not feel they should be moved up and then back.”

McCarthy said Munoz was unaware of all this. She said that when he and his family reboarded the aircraft, he recognized the unfairness of asking people to move and, on his own, decided to take the empty seats in Economy Plus.

Ginsberg’s take is that the flight crew was “bending over backward to make the CEO happy.”

If so, it would reflect what seems to be yet another case of misplaced priorities. In the case of David Dao, the doctor who was forcibly dragged Sunday from an overbooked United flight, his seat was wanted by the airline for one of its own employees, who needed to get elsewhere for a work shift.

Then I wrote about Geoff Fearns, an Irvine investment manager who was threatened with being handcuffed if he didn’t hand over his full-fare, first-class seat on a flight from Hawaii to Los Angeles to another first-class passenger deemed a “higher priority” by United.

I’ve received many, many recollections of indignities large and small suffered by United passengers. The unifying thread to all of them is a seeming disregard on the airline’s part to how its customers are treated or whether they’d ever use the carrier again.

Micky Levy, for example, said she was flying from Newark (N.J.) Liberty International Airport to LAX last month.

“As soon as I sat down, I noticed my seat smelled like it was soaked with urine,” she recalled. “The floor was also moist. I complained to the flight attendants, who were very rude.”

After her seatmates also complained, Levy said, a United employee placed extra cushions atop the existing ones. The smell, however, remained intense.

Levy said a flight attendant refused to upgrade her to an empty seat in business class but instead responded that “I could go to the lavatories, get some water and soap, and wash my seat if I was really bothered by the unsanitary smell.”

Rita Nethersole related her experience last summer flying United from Hong Kong to her home in Massachusetts. She said she suffers from claustrophobia and can have panic attacks on long, crowded flights. So she specifically booked an aisle seat and confirmed that she still had the seat reservation 24 hours before her flight.

But when she checked in, she was given a boarding pass for a middle seat. “I questioned it and was brusquely told that my seat was changed,” Nethersole said. “I begged for a change and was still denied. I told them I was afraid I might have a panic attack but got nowhere.”

She ended spending hours standing in the galley, heavily medicated, trying desperately to keep from freaking out.

“I did everything I was supposed to and still wound up with a seat that was unacceptable,” Nethersole said. “No one attempted to help me. No one should have had to go through this.”

On the other hand, Michael Barletta told me about his experience a year ago when United was “warm, compassionate and exceptionally empathetic” after his 26-year-old daughter, Camille, a United flight attendant, died after being hit by a speeding car.

United arranged for her body to be flown to Chicago for a memorial service.

Munoz also became personally involved, arranging transportation and hotel accommodations for Camille’s former colleagues to attend the service. He called the family to convey his condolences.

That’s classy behavior.

Now what about all the rest of us who aren’t airline employees?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by GShankar »


UA ceo munoz might be a d!ck. However in situations like this, who writes these press releases that are released in his name? I am sure this has been vetted by a bunch of lawyers and PR folks before that press release saw daylight.

If that is the case, then every other airline would have done the same barring some minor variations. Scarier..
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Rudradev »

Perhaps initial reports about Kissinger being tapped as the geostrategic pitamah of the Trump administration were true after all.

There has been a complete volte-face by the Trump GOTUS on foreign policy, 100% aligned with the traditional Foggy Bottom view.

On China:

Trump reverses stances on China as currency manipulator, Ex-Im Bank

http://www.politico.com/story/2017/04/d ... ank-237165

On Russia:

Trump: Relationship with Russia ‘may be at an all-time low’

http://www.politico.com/story/2017/04/d ... low-237170
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

Smart money on getting bumped - thrice, four times.
1. Go to airport,
2. suffer through checkin and security,
3. collect vouchers
4. Go to hotel
5. Repeat from Step 1
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

GShankar wrote:Question:
UA ceo munoz might be a d!ck. However in situations like this, who writes these press releases that are released in his name? I am sure this has been vetted by a bunch of lawyers and PR folks before that press release saw daylight.
If that is the case, then every other airline would have done the same barring some minor variations. Scarier..
Er.. that's why they pay the big $$ to the Big D1cks. If they don't get new talent in their Legal Division, they are going to find out how much that costs when the bills from this are settled. The term "LawyerS" representing the doc, is as ominous as it gets. Someone smells figures above 1E6, for sure, in just settlement, plus the costs going forward in future bounces. Imagine 1000s of pax per day DREAMING of being asked to leave their seats, well-armed with procedures that involve bumping a nose against a seat-back etc.
It's like Assad facing chemical attacks, multiplied 1000 times over. All traceable to their Legal Dept. idiots.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Rudradev »


http://www.reuters.com/article/us-midea ... SKBN17E2LK
Russia blocked a Western-led effort at the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday to condemn last week's deadly gas attack in Syria and push Moscow's ally President Bashar al-Assad to cooperate with international inquiries into the incident.
China, which has vetoed six resolutions on Syria since the civil war began, abstained from Wednesday's U.N. vote, along with Ethiopia and Kazakhstan Kazakhstan: SCO founding member that Russia is rapidly losing to the Chinese sphere of influence..
Some interesting diplomatic theatre in action.

My bet: China is showing tit in exchange for some tat that Trump proposed to Xi at Mar-a-Lago.

Under Obama they vetoed 6 resolutions proposed by the US against Syria. Now they not only abstain, but induce the Kazakhs to abstain too (a demonstration of their regional heft). Bringing the Kazakhs along fuels a narrative that they (China) have widening influence over central Asia, and can be used to bolster the credibility of OBOR as a Chinese-led colonization project in service of global "stability".

Xi probably offered Trump the chance to cut in on OBOR and CPEC, positioning this as a "win-win". Trump flirted with the idea and pushed for Chinese pressure upon NoKo to sweeten the deal. Prior to the Mar-a-Lago summit, back channels from Beijing had also probably mooted the J&K-mediation idea to Trump's foreign policy people (likely Kushner, Mattis, and the neocon-friendly faction). This was reflected in Nikamma Haley's pronouncement on America's desire to mediate in J&K.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

Sino usa relations seem to be returning to warmth of kilton era with cheen as thekedar of asian landmass and usa the seas
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by hanumadu »

For now the US (Trump matters no more. Its all deep state only now) are forced to shelve any war against Syria because the public opinion is against it. The media is still trying to spin the cruise missile attack as a great step but the public is not buying it.

The contrast between Modi and Trump is so stark. Where as Trump is wilting like a lily within the first 3 months, Modi has shown he is the boss.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by abhijitm »

China and russia together taking trump on ride? Good cop bad cop...
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Karthik S »

hanumadu wrote:The contrast between Modi and Trump is so stark. Where as Trump is wilting like a lily within the first 3 months, Modi has shown he is the boss.
As far as cashmere and pak is concerned, still a long way to go before he can be called a boss.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

Journalists have been bussed onsite per orher tweets. Big event promised.

US gov’t and other sources say #DPRK has apparently placed a nuclear device in a tunnel and it could be detonated Saturday AM #Korea time.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by ramana »

Use forum feedback thread.
Move your posts there.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by saip »

UA stupidity is already costing them big bucks. They are refunding fares to ALL the passengers on that plane. Not even counting the comp they have to pay to Dr Dao!
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by KJo »

saip wrote:UA stupidity is already costing them big bucks. They are refunding fares to ALL the passengers on that plane. Not even counting the comp they have to pay to Dr Dao!
Yes, I could not believe when I read it. Why are they refunding to everybody?
The CEO is suffering a huge PR disaster regardless of who is right or wrong. WA is going buts with UAL jokes.
The CEO should have gone down to Dr Dao's house in Kentucky and apologized to him personally (that goes a long way) and given him something like free travel for life or whatever else to make up.
Instead the foolish CEO tried to be arrogant at first and when that failed, he backed off and now is grovelling to everyone but the victim.

How on earth do idiots reach such top jobs???

PS: Why was TSJ banned? I think I missed some masala. I think he can be reinstated after a few weeks too.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

Why are they refunding to everybody?
Reduce the number of witnesses and the number of participants in the Class Action suit? 132 ppl claiming Pain and Suffering and Trauma Induced By Terrorist Actions of goons hired by UAL? That's a $132M lawsuit with the Jury likely to award 3x punitive damages.

Ppl have not explored the implications of UAL's goons not wearing uniforms or showing proper badges/warrants or giving a written policy explanation before physically assaulting a fare-paid passenger peacefully sitting in his assigned seat, and that in front of his wife.

What other passengers see is someone being beaten, bloodied and DRAGGED along the floor by 3 goons. They ask: "WHAT DID HE DO?" and the answer is: "Refused to give up his seat to a set of goons!"
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Gus »

those refunds will come with NDA and waiver of lawsuits etc
Raja Bose
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Raja Bose »

What is getting the United's dhotis soiled is also the fact that other passengers who suffered similar indignities are coming out of the woodwork to threaten lawsuits. At that rate CEO sahib better be out with katora in hand onlee.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by ramana »

Moved the posts to Feedback thread as the posters did not do so.
Next time please comply.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by ramana »

The AP reports severe injuries sustained by Dr. Dao including broken teeth.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/13/travel/un ... index.html
Broken nose and concussion. What kinds of ChicaGodzillas did they bring on board?
These guys should be facing criminal charges and be put in jail!

UAL cannot claim that they didn't intend to do this, or were unaware of what they were doing. All the AmbuChasers have to do is to quote the idiot CEO's own emails commending the goons for exactly following company procedures. :rotfl:
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

See what I wrote above: These UAL sh1ts are beyond belief. Isn't this going to be cited as bribery and suppression of witnesses and testimony?I think the CEO needs to be arrested with no bail, because he is OBVIOUSLY interfering with a criminal case.

A United spokesperson told CNN affiliate WBBM, "All customers on flight 3411 from Sunday, April 9 are receiving compensation for the cost of their tickets." In an email obtained by CNN, the airline told its passengers it was offering them $500 flight vouchers but only if they agreed not to sue the company. CNN has reached out to United for additional details.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Yayavar »

Whether UA suffers or not hopefully it brings about a change in overbooking policy. How come hotels manage with overbookings and cancellations?

USAians are brainwashed into following certain 'ways' - didnt stop when police said so, shoot to kill or refused to get off with paid ticket so drag him off ; or capitalism is good - so business trumps waiters right to decent living, instead of paying them reasonably make the customers pay for the poor guys.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

“have or cause a malodorous condition
S(he) hu Fa*ts, Departs
:eek: :shock:
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by saip »

Problem is UA has one of the best free tickets to India compared to other airlines. I have over half a million miles with them which are good for 4 RT business class tickets to India. Normally you fly by their sister airlines like Lufthansa. I am cancelling my UA credit card.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by ramana »

This blog gives a very detailed list of UA management mis-steps and how media is in cahoots with the PR dept. and printing erroneous information.

Its a crime to violate CFR which stands for Code of Federal Regulations.
The rest is assault and battery.

How many Chicago Aviation Security types are lurking in all US airports?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by rsingh »

Xpost from Afgan dhaga: my take
yep. That was first thing I told to SHQ after hearing the news. IIRC there was no news of IS making marry in tora-bora caves.Now BR has to predict next course of action.
-Noko conducting another test Nuke test or Missile test and China showing its inability to influence the NoKo.
China will start making noise for peaceful resolution from tomorrow. It may send high level delegation to NoKo.Me think Trump gave earful to komlade XI and and message was conveyed. Tomahawk to take high level individual targets and big bomb to be used in carpet bombing (one wave ) to take out all artillery pieces that target seoul. Clearest indication will be some evacuation drill planned for seoul. Attack has to be carried out on weekends or on some public holiday when Seoul is half empty. Biggest proof that Syrian attack was a practice drill is that all of the missiles were slightly off the target. Following objectives were archived:
-Trump in no Russian pal.....ward off CIA,FBI investigation into reported Russian intervention.
-To assure deep state that it is still a relevant entity.
-To solve NoKo problem and Trump makes history
-To rein in China
I think US is quite sure about NoKo's Nuke stock pile. Japan is not quite sure about NoKo's Biological weapons. Any news of japan distributing hazard suit in Northern japan will be an indication of imminent US attack on NoKo. Westward wind pattern over Korean territories will be another indication of attack window. I presume It has to be before UN GA in Sept and before change in Chinese leadership (due in Sept or Oct).

Russia: I think Russia in onboard. it was decided that UK (toothless clown)will make noise at UNSC and thats it. They agreed Syrian regime. Any unusual activity at Komchatka will be one more indicator.

India: Devol's visit to US and his strange silence on major security issues (kashmir and Chinese drama over Arunachal ) is indicator that something big has to come. Even Modi ji has taken to mondharan.
Could anybody calculate change in US forces in South-East Asia?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by rsingh »

UlanBatori wrote:Smart money on getting bumped - thrice, four times.
1. Go to airport,
2. suffer through checkin and security,
3. collect vouchers
4. Go to hotel
5. Repeat from Step 1
There was that story about a Chinese guy buying refundable Biznis class ticket and checking everyday, going to lounge ,stuffing himself,not reporting for boarding and getting refund and doing all this nest day again. He did this for more then one year.
Raja Bose
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Raja Bose »

UlanBatori wrote:See what I wrote above: These UAL sh1ts are beyond belief. Isn't this going to be cited as bribery and suppression of witnesses and testimony?I think the CEO needs to be arrested with no bail, because he is OBVIOUSLY interfering with a criminal case.

A United spokesperson told CNN affiliate WBBM, "All customers on flight 3411 from Sunday, April 9 are receiving compensation for the cost of their tickets." In an email obtained by CNN, the airline told its passengers it was offering them $500 flight vouchers but only if they agreed not to sue the company. CNN has reached out to United for additional details.
This lawsuit got some big lawyerly guns out. Notice the lawyer standing in front of a large professional sign with his law firm's name. Looks like he is one of the partners. Nice advert for those looking to jump on SS Sue United. United's goose is getting cooked. And they deserve every bit of it it. As for those ChicaGoons, why have they not been named and arrested along with the United Airlines personnel who called them in? Instead of enjoying paid leave?

It was a bit obvious that the guy had concussion - just watch in the video how he behaves after his beating.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Raja Bose »

We should have let TSJ stay and get roasted here. People like him are what give USA a bad name.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by ramana »

All three Chicago Aviation guys are suspended.

Read the blog linked above by Sicanta

Comments on TSJ are welcome in Feedback thread.
Not here.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Raja Bose »

More United-speak:
“This horrible situation has provided a harsh learning experience from which we will take immediate, concrete action,” the company said in a statement Thursday. “We have committed to our customers and our employees that we are going to fix what’s broken (starting with the good doctor's noise and teeth which got 're-accomodated') :roll: so this never happens again.”
More cause for United to dhoti shiver and Mr. Munoz to brown his panties:

Thomas Demetrio: Who Is the Lawyer Taking on United Airlines?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

We r considering some solidarity noises to Asian-Am commyoonitty. This thing has all the hallmarks of a racial attack. First, "random" selection came up with apparently all 4 AsianAm pax out of 130+. Rather strange statistics given that few AsianAms in Chicago area. The reason for this selection becomes clear when it is seen that it was ****NOT**** a case of overbooked flight - they were bullying ppl to get off for their own late-arrival crews. So they knew that they had **NO** right to demand that anyone get off. Blatantly illegal.

Second, the ChicaGoons' behavior: the third one came in and was clearly violent - no one gets concussion getting up from a seat, or breaking their teeth and nose. That was out-of-control violent assault, PROBABLY racial assault.

Third, the CEO and his entire staff are sh1tty racists. They put out lies and slandered the passenger. Witnesses have come forward now completely debunking the CEO's statement that the passenger was loud or violent or anything: he just stated his case. The CEO blatantly endorsed the violent assault as the correct procedure per the policies that he set out.

That could have been any of us.
Suspending those guys is certainly not enough - why haven't they been arrested for violent assault, false arrest, kidnapping, etc etc I wonder? Again, serious problems with the Chicago Police.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

I am predicting that the 'Zee will launch carrier-borne attacks on NoKo. Say shoot down a couple of MiG-17s and smash a coastal radar. If possible, throw a spanner into the Nuke Test Site. Wonder if a MOAB can be delivered to the nuke site. Apparently it is shoved out the back of a C-130, so that's pretty difficult to survive flying across NoKo.
Vivek Kumar
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Vivek Kumar »

Don't worry learned maulanas of BRF. Self defense class against a possible UA goon attack is here. 8)
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

The moab drop in afpak was deliberate. But off a mc130. Noko will need a b2. Message sending.

I am guessing both rb and ulans travel is on ua due to corporate policy lol
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

http://www.news18.com/news/world/indian ... 73327.html

Would be nice to know his client list...how many im were there and if law will go after them now