Indian ASAT Test

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Karan M
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Karan M »

TKiran wrote:Gurus, this is a question from absolute layman about space and technology...

Isn't it better to develop Laser technology to burn the satellite, than using a KKV? Please pardon me for such a silly question..
One is futuristic, with building blocks in development and a long way to go. Another is available already. We used what is available. We need both. Former is a more "elegant" and "simpler" solution, and even potentially cheaper. Also immobile, given power O/P required, additional infrastructure etc. Latter is more expensive but more survivable, especially if made road/rail/TEL-mobile.
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by chetonzz »

for "some" people in India, three times "Bharat mata ki jai" is more disturbing than ASAT test announcement by PM modi.
Karan M
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Karan M »

Dumal wrote:
TKiran wrote:Gurus, this is a question from absolute layman about space and technology...

Isn't it better to develop Laser technology to burn the satellite, than using a KKV? Please pardon me for such a silly question..
Maybe that's there too... I remember something about Kali from some time back.
KALI has nothing to do with this. Its a BARC item/program completely away from any sort of weapons program.
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Austin »

Always good to demonstrate known capability for the doubters

This should shake up P-4 , China and Pak

Next Goal should be 1500 km Orbit.
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Singha »

Karan M wrote:
TKiran wrote:Gurus, this is a question from absolute layman about space and technology...

Isn't it better to develop Laser technology to burn the satellite, than using a KKV? Please pardon me for such a silly question..
One is futuristic, with building blocks in development and a long way to go. Another is available already. We used what is available. We need both. Former is a more "elegant" and "simpler" solution, and even potentially cheaper. Also immobile, given power O/P required, additional infrastructure etc. Latter is more expensive but more survivable, especially if made road/rail/TEL-mobile.
among the first targets of any surprise attack will be such high value static facilities.

mobile and dispersed is the way to do....unless someone can come up with a HEL weapon on SSBN 8)
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Narad »

Jingo khush hua :D
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Karan M »

chetonzz wrote:for "some" people in India, three times "Bharat mata ki jai" is more disturbing than ASAT test announcement by PM modi.
That too is true. 60 years of commie-leftist indoctrination to dislike anything "nationalistic" or "majoritarian". They can go cry a river. The PMs praise for DRDO& the scientific community will also go a long way in terms of societal respect, counteracting all the hit jobs our local media, "analysts" have engaged in.
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by dipak »

chetak wrote:
Raveen wrote:
What about them? Do you want them in a to go box?
it's a democracy, let the boy talk.

proof is important, no??.

how else do we get the commies/naxals/urban naxals on the same page and side, at the same time??

Once they are gathered, nuke them all. :twisted:

one is merely a matter of FOS, while the other is a matter of national security. It is a no contest.
Thanks for your grace, sir - to allow the boy to talk; and wasting no time in linking it to urabn naxals and what not.

Anyway, even before you took the trouble to post, I answered my own question from the IDSA article posted by Karan.
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Dilbu »

Chalo jee this is a cheap trick by Modi to communalise the achievements of India's scientific community. The chanting of jingoistic words during the announcement of such an event shows the blatant mix of emotional nationalism with vote bank politics. (Off to enjoy black tea and parippuvada at JNU campus)
Karthik S
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Karthik S »

My only wish was we'd test a true 10,000 km ICBM. We mostly probably be having the capability, but again it's all political will to test.
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by prasannasimha »

Austin wrote:Always good to demonstrate known capability for the doubters

This should shake up P-4 , China and Pak

Next Goal should be 1500 km Orbit.
1500 Km test will nit be done as debfis clearsnce is slower at that altitude.
We have demonstrates ASAT , midcourse correction appropriate seeker, terminal target aquisition and ability for ABM exoatmospheric kill
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by a_bharat »

Soon After PM Address, Foreign Ministry Puts Out FAQs On Mission Shakti
NEW DELHI: India has shot down a low earth orbit satellite with an anti-satellite missile or A-SAT, Prime Minster Narendra Modi announced today in a televised address to the nation. "India can now defend itself in space, and not just on land, water, and air, after the success of Mission Shakti," PM Modi said.
India is the fourth country to have tested such an anti-satellite weapon after the US, Russia and China, he said.

The A-SAT missile shot down the Low Earth Orbit satellite within "three minutes of launch", with remarkable precision and technical capability, PM Modi added.

The Ministry Of External Affairs, soon after the prime minister's address, put out a list of frequently asked questions on Mission Shakti, India's Anti-Satellite Missile test conducted today.

Here is the list of FAQs put out by foreign mission on Mission Shakti:

I. What was the test?

1. On March 27, 2019 India conducted Mission Shakti, an anti-satellite missile test, from the Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Island launch complex.This was a technological mission carried out by DRDO. The satellite used in the mission was one of India's existing satellites operating in lower orbit. The test was fully successful and achieved all parameters as per plans. The test required an extremely high degree of precision and technical capability.

2. The significance of the test is that India has tested and successfully demonstrated its capability to interdict and intercept a satellite in outer space based on complete indigenous technology.

3. With this test, India joins an exclusive group of space faring nations consisting of USA, Russia and China.

II. Which satellite was used?

The satellite used was an Indian satellite.

III. Which Missile/Interceptor was used?

The DRDO's Ballistic Missile Defence interceptor was used, which is part of the ongoing ballistic missile defence programme.

IV. There are other ways to demonstrate ASAT capabilities such as "fly-by tests" and Jamming. Why has India used the particular technology of Kinetic Kill?

This is a technology where we have developed capability. Space technologies are constantly evolving. We have used the technology that is appropriate to achieve the objectives set out in this mission.

V. Does the test create space debris?

The test was done in the lower atmosphere to ensure that there is no space debris. Whatever debris that is generated will decay and fall back onto the earth within weeks.

VI. Why did we do the test?

1. India has a long standing and rapidly growing space programme. It has expanded rapidly in the last five years. The Mangalyaan Mission to Mars was successfully launched. Thereafter, the government has sanctioned the Gaganyaan Mission which will take Indians to outer space.

2. India has undertaken 102 spacecraft missions consisting of communication satellites, earth observation satellites, experimental satellites, navigation satellites, apart from satellites meant for scientific research and exploration, academic studies and other small satellites. India's space programme is a critical backbone of India's security, economic and social infrastructure.

3. The test was done to verify that India has the capability to safeguard our space assets. It is the Government of India's responsibility to defend the country's interests in outer space.

VII. Why was the test done now?

The tests were done after we had acquired the required degree ofconfidence to ensure its success, and reflects the intention of the government to enhance India's national security. India has seen an accelerated space development programme since 2014.

VIII. Is India entering into an arms race in outer space?

1. India has no intention of entering into an arms race in outer space. We have always maintained that space must be used only for peaceful purposes. We are against the weaponization of Outer Space and support international efforts to reinforce the safety and security of space based assets.

2. India believes that Outer space is the common heritage of humankind and it is the responsibility of all space-faring nations to preserve and promote the benefits flowing from advances made in space technology and its applications for all.

3. India is a party to all the major international treaties relating to Outer Space. India already implements a number of Transparency and Confidence Building Measures(TCBMs) - including registering space objects with the UN register, prelaunch notifications, measures in harmony with the UN Space Mitigation Guidelines, participation in Inter Agency Space Debris Coordination (IADC) activities with regard to space debris management, undertaking SOPA (Space Object Proximity Awareness and COLA (Collision Avoidance) Analysis and numerous international cooperation activities, including hosting the UN affiliated Centre for Space and Science Technology Education in Asia and Pacific. India has been participating in all sessions of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.

4. India supported UNGA resolution 69/32 on No First Placement of Weapons on Outer Space. We see the No First Placement of weapons in outer space as only an interim step and not a substitute for concluding substantive legal measures to ensure the prevention of an arms race in outer space, which should continue to be a priority for the international community.

5. India supports the substantive consideration of the issue of Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS) in the Conference on Disarmament where it has been on the agenda since 1982.

IX. What is the international law on weapons in outer space?

1. The principal international Treaty on space is the 1967 Outer Space Treaty. India is a signatory to this treaty, and ratified it in 1982. The Outer Space Treaty prohibits only weapons of mass destruction in outer space, not ordinary weapons.

2. India expects to play a role in the future in the drafting of international law on prevention of an arms race in outer space including inter alia on the prevention of the placement of weapons in outer space in its capacity as a major space faring nation with proven space technology.

3. India is not in violation of any international law or Treaty to which it is a Party or any national obligation.

X. Is the test directed against any country?

1. The test is not directed against any country. India's space capabilities do not threaten any country and nor are they directed against anyone.

2. At the same time, the government is committed to ensuring the country's national security interests and is alert to threats from emerging technologies. The capability achieved through the Anti-Satellite missile test provides credible deterrence against threats to our growing space-based assets from long range missiles, and proliferation in the types and numbers of missiles."
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Will »

Political post deleted, user warned.
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by chetak »

dipak wrote:
chetak wrote:
it's a democracy, let the boy talk.

proof is important, no??.

how else do we get the commies/naxals/urban naxals on the same page and side, at the same time??

Once they are gathered, nuke them all. :twisted:

one is merely a matter of FOS, while the other is a matter of national security. It is a no contest.
Thanks for your grace, sir - to allow the boy to talk; and wasting no time in linking it to urabn naxals and what not.

Anyway, even before you took the trouble to post, I answered my own question from the IDSA article posted by Karan.
we're always there for you, saar. Depend on it.

Question everything, like our PM says.

BTW, urban naxals are human too, though barely qualifying sometimes and other times, not so much.

and after questioning, you found your own answer, which doesn't make you one of the bad guys. :)
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Manish_Sharma »

Yogi_G wrote:Chankian Modi came up with something Im the Dim cannot counter by "demonstrating capability" onlee. Maybe they will send a suicide bomber to blow up a mock satellite in some space agency or space museum somewhere....
Well said in this case jinpeeing the supleme readel of china also can't help ...
Karan M
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Karan M »

Whenever something like this happens, Phata Abdul, tightens his nada goes to Pak Army HQ, opens door, salaams Pak Army Chief. They wheel out some Chinese or NoKo stock. Yell AOA, do Ak-phyrr and then run fast in opposite side lest rocket fall on their own heads, ISPR puts out press release.
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Snehashis »

ASAT simulation video from DRDO via Saurav Jha / DDR

Karan M
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Karan M »

Please post any interesting reports from usual suspects, i.e. mass media leak receivers about the test. Much of it will be cooked up or rehashed stuff from this very thread, but some might have some good nuggets of info.

I hope using this test as a baseline, DRDO now develops and operationalizes a decent number of ASAT units for a retaliatory strike etc. and this is funded by GOI. One way to do it on the cheap would be to co-locate ASAT units with our BMD units leveraging common infra and guidance.
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Sumeet »

Just to give more context as to why PM himself announced this: (on a side note we had capability to strike inside enemy territory but lacked political will -- same is the case here)

From 2012 --- Can show anti-satellite capability if govt gives nod: DRDO chief . - Story by Manu Pubby
With the successful test launch of the Agni V missile on Thursday, India has demonstrated that it now has the capability and technology to launch anti-satellite weapons but the government has not yet given a go-ahead to develop such systems, DRDO chief V K Saraswat has said.

A day after the test-firing, the top scientist has said the Agni V will be tested two more times over the next year and a half and would be ready for handing over to the strategic forces within two years. "It will be handed over to the armed forces after two more trials. A maximum of two years is required to operationalise the missile," Saraswat said.

While the top scientist said India is not interested in weaponising space and is a 'peace loving nation', he asserted that the Agni V launch is the last piece of technology that had to be demonstrated to prove that India has anti-satellite capabilities — a technology that was demonstrated by China in 2007.

"An anti-satellite system requires a good boost capability. Something like 800 km (into space). If you can reach that and have the guiding capabilities it can be done. The Agni V has demonstrated the boost capability," Saraswat said, adding that a kill vehicle could be attached to the missile to target a satellite.

He elaborated that India has already demonstrated that it has the guidance capability required through its series of anti ballistic missile tests that have been carried out over the past few years.

The scientist, however, made it clear that the government has not sanctioned the development of an anti-satellite system. On the development stage of a submarine launched ballistic missile, Sarswat said it is in an advanced stage, adding that the Arihant nuclear submarine would not be inducted without such a weapon on board. As reported earlier, the Navy is planning to induct the submarine by next year.
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Patni »

Just to elobrate and appreciate the precision needed, to have kinetic kill, of a satellite at 300 KM height. The orbital velocity of satellite ( the speed at which satellite is zooming around the earth) in a stable 300 KM from surface, is 7725 meters per second and it takes about 01 hrs, 30 mins & 31.18 seconds to complete one circle around the earth. This means to hit a 1 cubic meter satellite going at such high speed, the margin of error, on timing, has to less than +/- 0.5 microsecond or one will miss the satellite by a proverbial side of a barn! Even a blink of an eye (~0.4 second) means target has moved 3080 meters. The primary stage has performed with such 5 parts per million precision that is needed to prove A-SAT.
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by jpremnath »

The usual suspects BBC and NYT has done their best...The ASAT is an 'election gimmick'!..rofl!! and made sure that it is given not much column space..probably because they couldnt do any rona dhona on debris cluttering space because of evil dirt poor india!... ... -modi.html
"...Mr. Modi announced the news in a rare televised address to the nation, and many Indians were immediately suspicious that his primary objective was more political than technological..."
"Though Mr. Modi enjoyed a burst of popular support after India conducted airstrikes last month in Balakot, Pakistan, in retaliation for a deadly militant suicide bombing against Indian forces, that news has mostly subsided.

The announcement “shows a poll-eve desperation we hadn’t yet detected/suspected,” tweeted Shekhar Gupta, one of India’s best known political commentators. “It’s just a frantic new national security headline as Balakot has faded in a month.”

India election 2019(!!!): Modi says India now a 'space power'

"...The timing of the announcement has however raised questions.

With less than two weeks to go for a national election, the opposition has accused Mr. Modi of trying to score political points and take credit for the achievements of the country's space agency..."
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Krita »

Karan M wrote:PM's Address to Nation on ASAT

Modi Ji was definitely trolling porkis and their mai baap in Bharat with "abhinandan" karta hoon". :rotfl:
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by TushS »

Dilbu wrote:Chalo jee this is a cheap trick by Modi to communalise the achievements of India's scientific community. The chanting of jingoistic words during the announcement of such an event shows the blatant mix of emotional nationalism with vote bank politics. (Off to enjoy black tea and parippuvada at JNU campus)
But still I love the tadka of jingoism in announcing this news. It seduces my jingo mind. :wink:
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by chetak »

Manish_Sharma wrote:
Yogi_G wrote:Chankian Modi came up with something Im the Dim cannot counter by "demonstrating capability" onlee. Maybe they will send a suicide bomber to blow up a mock satellite in some space agency or space museum somewhere....
Well said in this case jinpeeing the supleme readel of china also can't help ...
The message was meant directly for shri eleven himself. Direct and without any intermediaries.

Obviously, some serious movements have been made by the chinese to deter or prevent the positioning of Indian satellites over the sino pak areas of concern and the hans have conveyed it directly to the Indian leadership. This is a clear warning by Modi of the serious consequences that will follow and the world powers will take it as such.

In any conflict zone, the very first participants, as well as very interested observers to appear, are the MiL satellites of the various super powers as well as japan, israel and some EU countries

No one else in the world is interested or even concerned about Indian satellites except as you said the one and only fearless jinpeeing the supleme readel of china and his personal sidekick tonto bajwa.

Now fearless jinpeeing's cheeni panties are in a twist.

We have obviously had this facility/ability for some time now so why the rush to declare your hand at this very specific time??

Modi is politically very astute and knows the immense value of the critical timing of a point well made.
Last edited by chetak on 27 Mar 2019 15:31, edited 1 time in total.
Karan M
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Karan M »

>>The announcement “shows a poll-eve desperation we hadn’t yet detected/suspected,” tweeted Shekhar Gupta, one of India’s best known political commentators. “It’s just a frantic new national security headline as Balakot has faded in a month.”

And people were posting this buffoon's commentary on Balakot as "OMG, is what he says true?"

>>With less than two weeks to go for a national election, the opposition has accused Mr. Modi of trying to score political points and take credit for the achievements of the country's space agency..."

Morons. ISRO is the space agency. DRDO is responsible for the test. :roll:

Guys - keep the BBC/NYT trash out of this thread. They are racist ethno-national supremacists who hire local Uncle Toms to carry their crap, and will never change, and there are enough idiots in India to fall at their feet. Focus here on tech commentary and proper strategic analysis.
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Sumeet »

Watch republic

Ex-DRDO Chief: UPA didn't allow development of ASAT. Please see now.
Karan M
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Karan M »

Patni wrote:Just to elobrate and appreciate the precision needed, to have kinetic kill, of a satellite at 300 KM height. The orbital velocity of satellite ( the speed at which satellite is zooming around the earth) in a stable 300 KM from surface, is 7725 meters per second and it takes about 01 hrs, 30 mins & 31.18 seconds to complete one circle around the earth. This means to hit a 1 cubic meter satellite going at such high speed, the margin of error, on timing, has to less than +/- 0.5 microsecond or one will miss the satellite by a proverbial side of a barn! Even a blink of an eye (~0.4 second) means target has moved 3080 meters. The primary stage has performed with such 5 parts per million precision that is needed to prove A-SAT.
Great post Patni. Basically, everything had to work flawlessly, from the word-go. A full ops-test in 1 step.
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by sas »

In 1998 it was operation Shakti.

Now, in 2019 it's mission Shakti. :D :D :D
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Kakarat »

This test today is as important as the 11 may 1998 test and the PM's speech today is as important as that of Atal Bihari Vajpayee's
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Karan M »

Sumeet wrote:Watch republic

Ex-DRDO Chief: UPA didn't allow development of ASAT. Please see now.
VK Saraswat: Mission Shakti stopped by UPA in 2012. Notes DRDO carried out various simulations. It was a study which we carried out. A serious study. We didn't get the clearance to carry out a project. In 2013, I retired. Then Modi and Doval (mentions NSAB) gave clearance. Also certain technologies had to be and were developed, IIR seeker, software modifications, divert thruster for the KKV, (basically referring to the timeframe from 2014 onwards to today, to develop the core tec for the Kinetic Kill Vehicle i.e. KKV). He (satellite) is moving at 7000 m/s, my missile is at 3000 m/s. If clearance had been given in 2012, we could have done it by 2014, around 2 years to build a kill vehicle. Deterrence should be acquired as quickly as possible, it gives strength to the nation. We have nuclear weapons since 1998, we note nuclear tech is for peace but when the world uses them for weapons, you can't stay behind. Because tomorrow, you can't guarantee which lunatic nation :lol: (talk about being a blunt speaker) will target our space assets which are doing peaceful service, or military service"...

and my connection broke.
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Karan M »

Patni, take a bow. ;) VK Saraswat's statement about target velocity match your calculations.
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by MeshaVishwas »

And just how complex was this you ask?
Answer by Anand Ranganathan:
NASA graphic of the space-objects field (including satellites & debris totalling 740,000. The halo signifies the LEO objects. Among these was an Indian satellite travelling at 29,000 kmph.

Our ASAT missile spotted that satellite and DESTROYED it. Successfully.

Let that sink in.
Image ... 51872?s=19
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by sudhan »

The MEA FAQ posted above states that the interceptor used id part of the BMD program..

PDV Mk2 probably.. Need pictures!

Also, why the hell NYT and BBC morons think this is a political move? Hain? Most people don't even know what a ASAT weapon is and why its such a big deal, how will it help get votes? Coupta has the IQ of a cabbage when it comes to military stuff..
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Prasad » Dr Saraswat on the test today. Lots of info.
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Neilz »

Patni wrote:Just to elaborate and appreciate the precision needed, to have kinetic kill, of a satellite at 300 KM height. The orbital velocity of satellite ( the speed at which satellite is zooming around the earth) in a stable 300 KM from surface, is 7725 meters per second and it takes about 01 hrs, 30 mins & 31.18 seconds to complete one circle around the earth. This means to hit a 1 cubic meter satellite going at such high speed, the margin of error, on timing, has to less than +/- 0.5 microsecond or one will miss the satellite by a proverbial side of a barn! Even a blink of an eye (~0.4 second) means target has moved 3080 meters. The primary stage has performed with such 5 parts per million precision that is needed to prove A-SAT.
Sir, can I have your permission to quote / screenshot this to spread the reality a among my social media circle?
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Patni »

Neilz wrote:
Patni wrote:Just to elaborate and appreciate the precision needed, to have kinetic kill, of a satellite at 300 KM height. The orbital velocity of satellite ( the speed at which satellite is zooming around the earth) in a stable 300 KM from surface, is 7725 meters per second and it takes about 01 hrs, 30 mins & 31.18 seconds to complete one circle around the earth. This means to hit a 1 cubic meter satellite going at such high speed, the margin of error, on timing, has to less than +/- 0.5 microsecond or one will miss the satellite by a proverbial side of a barn! Even a blink of an eye (~0.4 second) means target has moved 3080 meters. The primary stage has performed with such 0.5 parts per million precision that is needed to prove A-SAT.
Sir, can I have your permission to quote / screenshot this to spread the reality a among my social media circle?
Oh yes by all means just cite taken from Bharat-Rakshak Forum (BRF) to spread our forum far and wide!
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Manish_P »

MeshaVishwas wrote:And just how complex was this you ask?
Answer by Anand Ranganathan:

Our ASAT missile spotted that satellite and DESTROYED it. Successfully.
Noob question - Was it the missile which did the spotting (tracking) or ground based sensors or a combination of both ?
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Sumeet »

Great work Patni.

Neilz also send around the video of VK Saraswat around.

Karan M, thanks for putting the words to that video.
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by ArjunPandit »

sudhan wrote:The MEA FAQ posted above states that the interceptor used id part of the BMD program..

PDV Mk2 probably.. Need pictures!

Also, why the hell NYT and BBC morons think this is a political move? Hain? Most people don't even know what a ASAT weapon is and why its such a big deal, how will it help get votes? Coupta has the IQ of a cabbage when it comes to military stuff..
i think we should not be diffident of it being a political move. It is a bloody hell of a political move. If a pm wants to fight the election on national security whats wrong with it. He's exuding that he wants a stronger india, whats wrong with it. It's time we stop caring abt BBC and NYT
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Re: Indian ASAT test

Post by Sumeet »

Manish_P wrote:
MeshaVishwas wrote:And just how complex was this you ask?
Answer by Anand Ranganathan:

Our ASAT missile spotted that satellite and DESTROYED it. Successfully.
Noob question - Was it the missile which did the spotting (tracking) or ground based sensors or a combination of both ?
He probably meant missile seeker scanned the area to acquire target lock and homed on to the target in the terminal phase of this engagement.
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