Possible Indian Military Scenarios - Part V

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Post by Shankar »

-tower- flash eagle flight- request clearence to taxi
- flash eagle-tower - you are cleared taxi to hammerhead on runway 24 -wind 10knots-visibility 50 miles -expect low intensity dust storms over the mountains - over

Ranjita moved the throttle forward in her ever smooth economic movement and the snecma responded with gratitude by spooling up without a murmur pushing the delta winged aircraft out of parking apron and into the extra long taxi way that paralleles the 10000 ft long main runway of kandahar international
Behind her the other seven aircraft of her flight group lined up behind her as one and started their smooth and slow crawl up the taxiway towards the take off point .All civilian flights were on hold and that meant quite afew of the dollar heavy tourists who had come to view the mountain grandeure of afganisatn was fuming inside the airconditioned jumbos and cursing the indian air force pilots each in thier respective native language and ranjita knew theier thoughts were not exactly complimentary

The hammerhead came up and ranjita pushed back the throttle to idle and the engine whine died down as she touched the main wheel brajes and as the aircraft slowed to a stop without jerk engaged the parking brake as the automatic clearenec came on the radio waves on the vhf

- flash eagle lead - you are cleared for immediate take off-fly runway heading -climb to 3000 ft turn right 035 -contact star eye on frequency for strike co ordinates - good luck and happy huntings and then the voice of the air trafic controller broke down a bit as she lost her professional cool for a moment and said - those ........... are firing tank guns on civilians who survived the a-380 crash -give it to them good .

Squadron leader ranjita saxena was icy cool as she took on the last bit of information but her her years of air combat experience and professionalism helped her stay in control even under extreme provocation
- tower -flash eagle lead - message understood and noted -cleared for take off-rolling now .

The icy cool of her deep husky voice made the control tower go silent as all of them understood without any doubt what those words implied -the afgani mujahideens will most likely not see another sunrise .

They were right - ranjita have already made up her mind about the strike plan and the strike objective which could be summarised in two words -no prisnors and no reprieve . Her hatred for the terrorists were now an over powering demand on her professional judgement and for this she knew she may have to pay a heavy price some day may be some day too soon thought she as she released the parking brake and edged the throttle forward moving her mirage into the main runway and then once lined up with the runway centre line pushed it all the way to full military power .The whine of snecma instaneously changed to a numbing roar and thenshe toggeld the throttle once agin to get past the reheat gate and then the sky came down to meet her as the sleek mirage shot out of the runway like a silver arrow into the dazzling bright afgan sky
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Post by Sudhanshu »

Shankar wrote:The whine of snecma instaneously changed to a numbing roar and thenshe toggeld the throttle once agin to get past the reheat gate and then the sky came down to meet her as the sleek mirage shot out of the runway like a silver arrow into the dazzling bright afgan sky
Superb!!! piece of literary writing. Even my english teacher didnt have such figurative vision.
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Post by Shankar »

Dilshad khan was worried though he did not look so as he calmly stroked his flowing mehendi smeared beard and his deep kohl lined eyes aquired apredatory gleam as he decided to end this engagement quickly before the indians could call reinforcements . At a sharp pashtu comand the four t-72 s rumbled back to life and the 800 hp 6 cylinder diesels belched black smoke as the wide tracks slipped over the rocky ground and started thier mad dash over the last few hundred yards to the helpless crash survivors and not so helpless defenders .

The toyotas closed in first and opened up with their top mounted light machine guns filling the sky with short statco bursts as the copper jackets high velocity bullets ploghed the earth all around .

Major srinath knew now is te time when he has to expose his bmps or never and he took the counter strike decision instaneously

- alpha cobra - alpha one- engage lead toyota - now
- alpha viper - alpha one -engage last toyota - now

The two bmp 3 s were ready and engine running as they came out of thier boulder cover quickly took aim with their laser range finder equipped 100 mm guns and let loose the first salvo

The first shell took the lead toyota square in the engine block blowing it off its mount and overturning the vehicle in a mass of dust and smoke .The second toyota was not so lucky ,the armour piercing round enterd the cab from side deflecetd inwards and went thru the diesel tank in the back turning the pick up in a raging contained inferno .And then the bmp 3 closed in and changed thier aims and two more toyotas went up in flames .Mujahideens that some how survived the furious onslaught came out of the burning wrecks limping too dazed to understand what hit them -right into the waiting 7.62 mm swivl mounted machine guns whose gunners were waiting for just such an oppertunity . They opened up in a vicious crescendo of well directed cross fire even before the afgans could manage to bring thier rpgs to bear ,

It was over in less than 5 minutes

- cobra -viper -alpha lead -retreat immediately to cover ,came the emotionless voice of thier commander over the net .The two armoured carriers swiftly retreated to their prepared back up positions .

In the distance the four armoured giants made their first appearence . They were still not aware of the total detruction of thier advance toyota scouting group and came along confidantly .They knew a couple of armoured personnel carriers i no threat to a main battle tank like t-72 even if they were equipped with anti tank missiles (which dilshad khan thought unlikely and here again he was right )

Major srinath looked at the sky one more time - still he could not spot any contrail or the flash of silver wings -for him and all time was swiftly running out.
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Post by Sudhanshu »

There you are shankar!! I was cribbing you for this kind of thrilling plot (where enemy is at advantage) only.And you made it quite metilicously. Good work!!
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Post by Shankar »

Squadron leader ranjita saxena scanned the colour multi functional display and the four boxes represnting the four hostile armoured vehicles most lik ely captured soviet tanks closing quickly the circle of death around the belegaured survivors .She was still over the cloud cover and few miles awy from the trouble spot .The tactical problem was two old . First the tanks had to be neutarlised in one go while they were closing in from four diffrent directions of the compass .Secondly the strike had to from real low level since the afgans expected air strike and was moving in a random zig zag to defeat any accurate strike . Time over target will be low since at that low level the mirages will be vulnerable to ground fire and all the tanks were definitely open up with thier 12.7 mike mike the moment they spotted the low flying aircraft . The actual window of strike oppertunity will be less than 30 seconds and in that time they will have to complete the primary strike to neutralise the tanks ,the hawks can then do the mop up action with clusters and napalms . The alpha group on ground needed a level palying field to finsih the hostage taking ambition of mujahideens and she was determined to provide them that fair chance -at any cost

- flash eagle 2 -lead - execute gama lima profile now on my count -5 4 3 2 1 -execute

As she pushed the control stick all the way forward and pulled back the throttle just a wee bit back to 90% military power the mirage went supersonic in the blink of an eye at an angle of attack more than 45 degree the g forces shot up to 7.5 and may be more and rate of descent crossed 12000ft/min ,the altitude went down quickly and then she pulled up on the stick as it read 1000 ft .Once agin she pulled back the throttle to 80% military power and just touched on the air brake lever for a few seconds as she leveled out at 500 ft over the uneven ground . Once the artificial horizon showed she ahs reauired level flight she retracted the airbrake and then pushd the throttle all the way forward way past the small notch that represented the reheat zone of the engine . Her aircraft obeyed her unquestioningly streaking over the rolling landscape and the amch indicator showed 1.25 some what high for a low level strike mission but this was not the time to be fussy thought ranjita as her right hand armed up the centre line pylon and the in the distance she could see the two lead tanks the first of which were already in her cross hairs of head up display . The range to target was 1500 mtrs as her ight thumb flicked open the small hard plastic protective cover over the knobby palstic button as the range closed down to 800 mtrs ,she squeezed twice and four 57 mm rockets left the pod on their mindless parablolic trajectory towards the doomed tank the short delay between the two squezes giving a perfect fire spread so that two of them hit the front and two of them the rear of the lead t-72 ripping it open like a cheap tin can and then igniting the stored ammo - a perfect textbook air to ground kill . Ranjita ofcourse did not have the luxery of enjoying her handiwork as she nudged the stick to her port and gave the aircrafta bit of left rudder and the mirage 2000 responed even a that speed quickly to let her bring the cross hairs to bear on the next tank in line ,altitude read a dangerous 150 ft and the nagging nancy was screaming in her earphone "altitude pull up altitude pull up" as she squeezed the fire trigger two more times and finally pulled on the stick sharply nosing the aircraft up and away from the second doomed t-72 at the same time she looked back over her shoulders to see her wing man have managed to kill his first target but missed the second tank and now pulling up for a second run .

This was a dangerous move since the tank crew already has her wingmans aircraft in sight the chances of them blowing him out of the sky once he closed in for a second pass was unaccptably high . Ranjita keyed in the interpalne tac net and screamed

-flash eagle 2 -braek off -break off now and was relieved to see the second mirage climb out and away on her command .She pressed in the transmit once again

- flash eagle 3 and four -take out tank 4 - execute now
- flash eagle lead -flash eagle 3 - attacking now ,came the exited voice of f/l suresh on his first comabat sortie as he pushed his aircraft into a shallow dive aquiring the target tank in his heads up cross hairs as he was close a bit too close to the tank and then the murderous burst of 12.7 mm machine gun mounted of the turret of t-72 found him square on the nose taering up the radome and cockpit and then there was nothing .

- flash eagle lead -flash eagle 4 - commencing attack now . F/L mohit was her best student - thought ranjita and this is the time to see if he really had it in him
-go ahead flash eagle 4 - flash lead confirms - engage now

And this time there was no mistake the tank gunner could see the small hawk come in low barely 50 ft above ground and then started climbing up steeply as the two 250 kg clusters disengaged and arced thru air in a perfect lob toss delivery usallu used for fre fall nuclear bombs giving the releasing aircraft enogh time to get away from the danger zone .As the hawk looped out of the machine guns range the bombs continued thier lazy climb and a descent in a perfect parabola dropping on both sides of the t-72s and releasing hundreds of bomblets all around demobilisiing the tank by blowing out both the tracks and killing the crew who were still trying to get the escaping hawk . The fuel tank ruptured and as the small stream of high speed diesel crawled towards the ammo rack the afgans lost thie nerve and tried to rush out in a mad scramble thru the narrow turret.

They never made it . The two napalm loaded hawks came in slowly and dropped thier load carefully almost gently on the tank crews tryng to escape the inevitable inferno . The soapy petroleum jelly spread all over the metal monster and then ignited with an explossive whoosh and those trapped inside the tank died of suffocation as the air around was suddenly devoid of oxygen . It was not a painless death
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Post by Amrinder »

Hopefully you are not enjoying the gory deaths of our enemies !
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Post by Sudhanshu »

Offcourse!! The hard earned victory is far more facinating. :)

P.S Writing the forcefuly engineered negative thoughts is far more challanging than the positive natural one which you can jott down any time.
Last edited by Sudhanshu on 22 Jul 2006 00:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Shankar »

The crash site was definitely not a pretty sight as the indian troops started carting out the living and the dead . Most of the dead with charred flesh and dimembered bodies were way beyond recognition and in absence of any dna testing facility in the region were identified with the tattered remains of thier clothes or personal effects by thier collegues and the last rite performed without much fanfare but strangely in full glare of world media. The gory details of savage mass death kept on playing back to back in most of the major tv channels just like that during 9/11 strike on world trade towers almost a decade back giving the ruthless terrorists the publicity and recognition they never even dreamt of when they planned the operation increasing thier recruitment many fold both within afganisatn and outisde .The dead teros became martyrs and in a few years time will become legends for scores of others to follow .The old man quitely smiled to himself as he finished his frugal meal of goats milk and dates somewhere in oman saudi border in the nameless dessert called rub al khali or the vast emptiness.

Pakistan as usal expressed its "depp regret" at the incident and vowed to take all steps to eradicate all forms of terrorism originating out of its land .Several high profile arrests were made mainly in karachi and pehwar and al off the accused found guity were quickly sentenced to varying prison terms by a military court only to be released few months later quitely out of the prying eyes of the world media.. The world community accepted the ruse like they have already done before with tightly closed eyes .

But deep in the bowels of fort meads where the united states most highly trained analysts works on mass of radio intercepts and satelite photos the hard of labour of getting to the bottom and origin of the problem continued and the finger of suspicion pointed univocally to pakistan like it has done so many times before . Pakistan was quickly becomming a political liability which even great us of a was finding exceedingly dificult to carry along .

The involvement of rogue element of PAF particularly by a pilots of the aprtcular f-16 squadron pre designated for a nuclear strike was unacceptable . But this new change in us stance on its ally in war on terror was kept a closely guarded secret but would be reflected in a closer military to military interaction and high tech weapon system sales some at a rate lowere than that paid for by us forces cleared the new strategic equation quite well even to some what hard headed military leadership of pakistan . Russian president and chineese premier were two other world leaders who were in the know and strangely supprted the this new shift in us policy in south asia but publicly manitained a neutral posture .

As the indian ambassador recieved a call from us secratory of state a few days later he was in no doubt what or rather how the us viewed the situation and comming out o the meeting with secratary of state he did not go back to the embassy but straight to regan international to catch the air india AI 101 to delhi same night .

The careless act of a couple of paf pilots in conjuntion with afagn militants will cost the nation state of pakistan dear this time . In a few months time the map of pakistan will look quite diffrent but the military leadership of pakistan did no yet realsise that and when they would it would be too late .The indian military juggernut was about to roll with the full support of the poweres that mattered .

The objective - tocut a terrorist state down to size .And this time the nuclear blackmail will most likely not work.
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Post by Dileep »

Fast Forward over the golden bowl..

Spy Story: The Dovetail
The CIA and the US administration once again "misunderestimated" and young security organization of India. President Hagel had authorized a massive cover up on the fiasco they had, where they tried to kill two birds by one stone. Predictably, the cover up also has failed miserably.

Time is a wonderful thing, the one thing on which you have absolutely no control. Humans had been on the quest to see what lies in the future from the time they developed capability of rational thinking. Every culture in the world have some form of astrology, or fortune telling that signifies this human nature.

President Hagel thought. If only he could see a few months ahead! He had no idea that someone from Pakistan will play straight into his hands and eliminate the need for the convoluted plan made by the CIA guys. On hindsight, the whole thing was bound to fail. He should have listened to Vice PResident Rice. Instead he blindly followed Dan Kruger, and ended up in this mess.

He had no clue how complex the issues when as the president elect he received briefing about the coup in Pakistan, and the reasons why then president Bush had to evacuate General Musharraf from Islamabad. He was not fully aware of the involvement of the chinese in the coup. Everyone expected Gen Yusuf to more or less follow the line of his predecesors and be a poodle to his country. But after a few months, and after his inauguration as president, he realized that Pakistan is no longer a servant to his country. The loyalties has drastically changed. This would seriously affect his campaign promise of "Bring our boys home".

From that point, he wanted a way to bring Pakistan to a manageable state. The infighting and the strong clout of Gen Yusuf with the islamists made it impossible to make another regime change. Also, it ws impossible to remove the long standing "front line ally in war on terror" status from the country. This left only one way. Use the new friend in the area, that is India, to bring Pakistan down, and thereby cut the chinese down a little bit. But that plan could not be made public, even to the British. So, it remained as a hidden agenda. Now in retrospect, the whole idea was in fact planted and nurtured by Dan. What a moron he was not to see it that time, thought Hagel. Finally, when the exiled Pakistani leadership has approached for hep with a coup, he had to give in. He didn't realize how sinister it was at that time. When he did, he was too deep into it so, he couldn't cut and run. Even if wanted to, Dan Kruger wouldn't have allowed it.

So, here he is, looking at a brief marked with the seal of highest classification from his secretary of state.

The Indians knows. They have solid proof. And they are willing to lock it up at some place deep down at New Delhi. After all, India and USA are natural allies after all. India don't want anything to happen that tarnishes the image of the sole superpower.

But of course, the friendship comes at a cost. Not a one time cost, but cost spread over a long period of time to come. To begin with a Nato force stationed at Afghanistan to secure the country while India is busy dealing with Pakistan would be nice. And an endorsement for India's right to defend itself would be nicer.

And the oldest and largest democacies of the world started a tango.


Spy Story Concludes
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Post by Sudhanshu »

:( Why no one is writing??

Was it begining or ending.--A happy ending.
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Post by Dileep »

I don't know squat about warfighting, so I can't write that part.

The part of spy story that has been skipped to meet Shankar at the waypoint will come soon.
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Post by Shankar »

The old man looked at the cloudless sky and reflected on the incidents of the last few days.The united nations med aid episode has not gone exactly as planned and though the incident itself shocked the world and showed he was still a power to recon with the complicated execution of a difficult project .He did not feel any remorse at the death of the f-16 pilots who after all died for a cause and in the process saved him lot of money . After all pilots like that are an expendable commodity . The post med aid developments were what what worried him most. Unlike in past there was no overt military action at least any that he knew of in support of indian govt by any of the govts whose civilians were involved in the shoot out except routine diplomatic condmnations and regrets.

He did not trust the americans and now slowly getting of the indians too. Partial sucess was not what he was looking for .He had to prove to the new found friend of great satan that in the so called war on terror if you are with the great satan you better be prepared to pay the the same price and that price is innocent lives kiled anywhere and anyime at his own whim .

He looked at the file of young men undergoing rudimentary military training under the guidance of a pakistani army major .The course included a short indoctrination on distorted values of islam ,use of infantry weapns mainly ak-47 s and rpgs ,manufacturing of improvised explossive devics with small amount of high explossive and various easily available blast boosters and oxidisers , some linguistic training in basic english and local language where they were supposed to operate and may be die so that the movement can go forward .

To him nothing was more effective and dramatic than a wide bodied aircraft blowing up in front of billions of tv viewers world wide .The strike on unmed aid flight achieved the publicity but to the wrong party. The swift and effective response of indian armed forces particularly thier small airforce contingent based in afganistan hogged all the glory and today more and more airforces are looking for exercises and tie up with indian airforces tactics developemnt school trying to formulate a globally unified policy and protocol on how best to defend a hijacked aircraft and at what point negotitions must stop and action taken even at the cost of passengers lives so that chances of its repitition are reduced .

The old man knew if this continues his funding will stop and his organisation will die a natural death like many other equally famous militant organisations of past . He needed just one spectacular jehadi action to bring the damned indian govt and the world to its knees .

Unknown to him the shoot out of med aid flight has created a diffrent kind of understanding between world leaders . Apart from intel sharing on real time basis and almost zerot olerance n money laundring unknown to general public a line has been drawn on sand for the counter tero organisations world wide -for the first time the free world will be tested of its resolve to pay for what it believes to be right and just with the lives of its own innocent citizen .
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Post by kax »

He did not feel any remorse at the death of the f-16 pilots who after all died for a cause and in the process saved him lot of money . After all pilots like that are an expendable commodity .

Remember one of f-16 pilots ejected :D . By the way what happened to him?

- Kax
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Post by Arun_S »

Dileep: Nice one. Time to start another one.;)
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Post by ashan »


Remember one of f-16 pilots ejected :D . By the way what happened to him?

- Kax
may I suggest the storywriters have a free hand to write scenarios, too many comments as to why this, why not that, what happened to this, jingos this is no hindi movie & one cannot take into consideration all possible things at all times... there will always be one possibility & all others will be left out. just my 2 cents

pls post such comments directly to writers, if you are author enough, pls contribute, don't interrupt storyflow, shankar, pls continue..
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Post by kax »

:( Take it easy. I did not critisize the author. I am as interested as anybody here to read the story from Shankar. And sure im going to contribute. Cheers.
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Post by sbangera »

Common Dileep. Cant wait for another installment.
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Post by kax »

If i want to post a story , should i get permission from site Admins?
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Post by Shankar »

Major general aslam khan looked at the sealed envelope with its mandatory top secret security classification .The packet contained a CD and a list of transcripts originating out of northern waziristan and islamabad /peswar ISI units . The source of the CD was Mossad and the transcipts of various coded cell phone conversation courtesey national security agency and research and analysis wing . All pieces of disjointed information hinting at at some thing big about to happen . Aslam khan went up and locked his door and then inserted the cd into his desktop and watched it intently .

It was an old cd dated somewhere between feb and june 2006 was in custody of cia and certain us news channels classified for the time being now with the new found warmth on war on terror such information was routinely passed on so that both the armies are at par on intel matter new or old .

The video essentially showed establishement of islamic state of waziristan by essentially the taliban fighters along the border with afganistan in the immediate aftermath of operation enduring freedom.Though the pakistan army is reportedly been fighting the islamic militants in waziristan along with the american forces their sucess ratio according to unnamed us defense ministry sources have been woefully short of minimum expected.The poor quality video essentially showed taliban fighters comming out on the streets of miramshah bazar in northern waziristan and being welcommed by the local public as liberators just like a replay of allied forces entering paris during the concluding days of second world war.This is followed by a section on taliban commanders selecting groups of young en wearing turban to lead an attack on us forces in khost afganistan and the concluding part showed the destruction of the small us post by attack with rocket propelled grenades and heavy machine gun fire .
It was a good quality propaganda video and the message contained in it was clear .North waziristan was now the pivot of islamic terrorism and any move to tackle the problem must include this piece of real estate as well .With us forces now gone it would the job of indian army to clear out this last patch ofterror with al the help it can get from the international community and that naturally included united states.

In the video the taliban declared open war on afgan warlords who according to them are nothing but criminals sexually abusing children,traficking in drugs and taking protection money from the shop keepers and transport operators. The video also claimed how the talibans have cracked down on the afgan warlords when four taliban fighters were killed by a rocket propeeled grenade by the afgan criminals and how subsequently the local population came out in suprt of the talibans and sent warning to people close to afgan criminals should leave thier home .

The attack of afgan warlords hide out was a three day brutal offensive in which most of the afgans were kiled and rest fled ..This was the begining of talibanistaion of waziristan same as that happened in kandahar and zabul when an afgan warlord abducted a girl and a boy some thing which was then a routine practice .As a ressult students of few madrasas and thier teacher mullah mohamed omar came together ,publicly executed the warlord and released the kidnapped boy and girl . And so was the taliban movement born .

Waziristan has a total population of 600000 located in the north western province of pakistan along the afgan border.An extermely arid and mountainous region and divided into north and south waziristan. The north waziristan is essentially populated by the agricultarist wazir tribes and south waziristan inhabitated mainly by semi nomad mahsuds.Both the tribes are commonly called pathans and for them blood feud is a way of life running for generations . They are fiercely independent and does not consider banditry as anything wrong.They live in small groups in fortified mountain villages and for most of them the main source of earning is smuggling and drug trafic.Except in some fertile tracts and valleys in north waziristan which allow cultivation of wheat ,corn,barley and millet.Sheep grazing is a common profession in parts of south waziristan .

Both the mahshuds and wazirs resisted british authority and as ressult when durand line was established as a border between afganistan and british india waziristan became an independent teritory outside the bound sof british rule but became part of newly created state of pakistan in 1947

But the wazirs never accepted pakistani rule and fought the pakistani army bitterly whenever oppertunity arose . They say the valleys of waziristan are so fertile because it often irrigated with human blood .

Maybe they are not much wrong -thought major general aslam khan as he switched off the computer and strarted planning for the next logical step of afgan campaign.
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Part-1 Episode-1 Scenario Sequence-1 The Beginning

Post by kax »

Part-1 Episode-1 Scenario Sequence-1 The Beginning.
It is early morning 3.AM. Most of the inhabitants of earth are asleep and some of them are awake even in this time. One of our heroes of the story 'Lt.Col Kamal' is one of them. He commands an Armoured Corps regiment of IA consists of India’s indigenous and most dreaded tank Lahat Missile firing ARJUN.

A major assault has been planned. And he is waiting for the order from superior. Lazily he comes out of his camp tent and lights a cigarette. His regiment members outside the tent looked at his face as if expecting order and execute order even if it costs their life. One can see the respect in their eyes towards their boss Kamal.

Slowly when Kamal is inhaling the smoke of death he goes back to past and starts thinking about what made the present situation.

India is always a peace loving country. She always helped other countries which are in distress and in need of help. She has even won the freedom for a neighbour country from the dictator ship of ruthless dictator country. But now like a python the ‘Terrorism’ is constricting her and not allowing achieving her sons and daughters dream of becoming super power.

She has fought so many wars before but this war is different and should be fought internally and externally. The country that India won freedom is hosting the terrorist and running training camps. She lost her sons and daughter to the python. Enough is enough. Now she is getting ready to hunt the python.

“Saab Jiâ€
Last edited by kax on 27 Jul 2006 16:53, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by saty »

Dileep, brillant story! A cheery story in overcast Delhi monsoon... :-)

Ye dil mange more...
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Re: Part-1 Episode-1 Story-1 The Beginning

Post by nits »


“Saab Jiâ€
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Post by kax »

Part-1 Episode-1 Scenario Sequence-2 The Present.

It is estimated that yearly, over 900 billion dollars is spent on arms world wide.
India has been the biggest arms importer in 2002, 2003 and 2004 behind the china.
Now year 2012 India has become the biggest arms exporter next to US. India has achieved the self reliance in arms for her own military and exports Tejas, Arjun, SSGN code named ATV and missiles like Brahmos, AGNI, and Astra series.

India’s satellites and astro-labs circulate the earth as if India is a monitoring the whole world. Indian navy’s aircraft-carriers with Naval-Lca’s and MIG-35, destroyers, Submarines and frigates rules Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. Indian army is considered one of the most advanced and dreaded around the world. Indian air force with its MCA, LCA, and SU-MKI’s pose a big threat to neighbouring countries Air force.

India has set airbases in Tajikistan, Afghanistan and in a pacific Mariana island to counter
chinese threat. India has hosted SU-30MKI its long range fighter-bomber and MIG-29 Air superiority fighter in the airbases.

Its agni-3 can reach far edges of the China. Her commercial nuclear reactor has given the self-reliance in power.

India’s indigenous Trishul, Akash, and Israeli Arrows guard the Border Indian sky day & night from hostile aircraft and BM’s.

India’s asset has made her an emerging superpower in the year 2012.

To Be Continued…
BRFite -Trainee
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Post by kax »

Part-1 Episode-1 Scenario Sequence-3 The Order.

“Saab Jiâ€
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Post by kax »

Guys, i guess u like the stuff i post here. Comments are welcome.
Next is 'Nuclear Black Mail' Cheers.
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Post by nits »

kax wrote: Its agni-3 can reach far edges of the China. Her commercial nuclear reactor has given the self-reliance in power.

India’s indigenous Trishul, Akash, and Israeli Arrows guard the Border Indian sky day & night from hostile aircraft and BM’s.

India’s asset has made her an emerging superpower in the year 2012.

To Be Continued…
It's a Dream India.... The more early we fulfil it the better...
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Post by Dileep »

Kax, good beginning.

2012 looks a bit early for this. JMT.
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Post by Sudhanshu »

nits wrote:
kax wrote: Its agni-3 can reach far edges of the China. Her commercial nuclear reactor has given the self-reliance in power.

India’s indigenous Trishul, Akash, and Israeli Arrows guard the Border Indian sky day & night from hostile aircraft and BM’s.

India’s asset has made her an emerging superpower in the year 2012.

To Be Continued…
It's a Dream India.... The more early we fulfil it the better...
For those things to matrialize... we need a PM, what some ppl call here "with balls" ,privilege would have to be given to merit not to the caste or community and many more things... :) I am not in mood to hijack this thread.
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Post by Shankar »

The old man finished his morning prayers,in the distance the red glow of rising sun could just be seen to colour the legendary tora bora mountains .The scars of thousands of 2000 kg bombs dropped by b-52 s could not be seen at the distance but its snow capped peaks were as majestic as ever .For the old man money and glory meant nothing .He had only one mission left in his life -to fight the gret satan and its allies anywhere in the world and at any time .

Ofcourse the battle was not going his way for the last few years specially after the indians with their new found economic and military muscle started singing the yankee tune . The problem with indians he thought was thier ability to take loses and still continue with the mission unike the great satan who were ultr sensitive to body bags comming out of c-140s at andrews airforce base in full glare of television cameras.

He never stayed in one place for more than a few days except here in the mountains of waziristan where he felt more comfortable and secure than even his home land far to the west .He never missed the opulance of dollar flush economy and was always thankful tohis afgan friends who gave him shelter and support when he needed it most. Mostly he liked to travel incognito in the great emptiness called rub-al khali the rocky dessert spread along the borders of saudi arabia ,oman and united arab emirates wih yemen in small camel caravans with trusted retinue of body guards . But his safety from the prying eyes and ears of great satan was not insured by weapons but by religion and tradition . He hated using cell and sattelite phones which he knew could be intercepted and tracked except when absolutely nessecery and that too only once.His communication channels were always thru couriers even if it cost the organistaion thousand tmes more and very very time consumming.

His health was failing and he knew he has but a few years to live . He did not give much to the survival of his beloved organisation after his death since he knew without the finances he arranges from around the world in his own unique way the movement will die a natural death .

But he was not yet dead and the world needed to see once again the true power of his sword -thought the old man as one his body guards came in the cave with a small plate of dried grapes and a cup of goats milk -his standard breakfast.

Major general aslam khan finished his third cup of military standard coffe without milk and little sugar and tasing just like a mixture of cough syrup and quinine . Its unique taste served two purposes -one it kept the drinker awake for atleast six hours and secondly it kept the consumption down particularly by the top brass who have fought their battle long back in the
swampy plains of east pakistan now bangladesh and barren height s of kargil dras and batalik, and now busy planning the extension of afganistan deployment to waziristan as only logical way to eleiminate the terrorist problem once and for all irrespective of the cost .

The plan was slowly taking shape .It was clear from the begining it will be a multinational operation under the auspices of united nations and apart from india who will have to take the lead just like united states did in gulf war 1 significant air contigents will come in from us ,russia and may be france . Land forces with heavy armour have been promised by russia and united states and britain with smaller contingents from japan,spain,turkey and egypt .

The scope of operation will be much more than gulf war 1 or enduring freedom .It was expected pakistan may resort to nuclear weapons once the full scale of the operation became known which esssentially had several distinct phases built into the single master plan .

- creation of republic of waziristan- phase 1
- creation of democratic republic of baluchistan
and finally

-regime change in pakistan
and finally
regime change in iran

The role of israel in the whole operation was kept secret even to the planners at this stage . But they were reasonably expected to contribute with air components and armour as and when required .

China strangely did not object nor did they offer to join the alliance openly .They preferd to keep thier cards close to chest .The were not at all comfortable with growing indo -us military alliance but at the same time did not like the sponsering of world wide terrorism by thier clien state pakistan. They also did not want to hurt the double figure growth rate in sino-indian bi lateral trade every year for th last seven years .China decided to keep out of the conflict -for the time being
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Post by attal »


Nice build up. I can think about several interesting scenarios you can take the story into. Wonder which way you will chose to go.
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Post by gauravs »

Request to admins.

Would you please, seperate out the authors i.e. create seperate threads.

It is now a case a too many cooks in the kitchen.

If someone wants to read all three-four authors they can go to each one seperately.

If the authors want to combine their stories then they can create a new thread.
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Post by Dileep »

The skipped over pieces of Golden Bowl follows:

Spy Story: The Golden Bowl

Sergio Sanchez and Raphael Garcia drove the battered green chevy along the winding road in Napa valley that Sergio knew very well. It was a few days after the cover up started and they hoped the trail did not go too much cold. They knew that the Pakistani gentleman have already left the mansion. Their boss was not too much interested in the man himself, but more on what happened to the house stuff.

Raphael didn't know much on what is going on. But in his long career of shady work in either side of the US-Mexican border has taught him not to worry too much about the details. He is being paid for some jobs, and he was going to do it. He knew Sergio enough to trust him on a job. And of course the Indian gentleman by name Mahendra Vyas seemed to be a nice one too. Raphael was more of a rough hand. Not a cunning operator, in stark contrast to Sergio. Sure, he was hired to do a different job.

They drove past the ranch that hosted Sergio for a few months. The road was completely empty. The graped were getting almost ready for harvest. The frosty red Zinfandels clinging together formed hefty bunches that hung heavily from the frail looking branches. "Crops looks good this year" mused Sergio. He felt a bit of pride, as anyone who grew a fruit would. Luckily for the owner, the black rot didn't spread. Sergio's timely intervention had saved the crop. He made a mental note to visit the winery downhill in a few months to see if he can get a taste of the lot he helped grow.

They stopped the car below the grade leading to the mansion. They walked up the foot trail that Sergio frequented during his nightly vigils. Walking around the small hillock, they passed into the clearing that gave them a clean view of the mansion.

The mansion, as expected, was empty.

They walked back to the car, got in, and drove up the road. A sign was hanging near the driveway entrance, with a realtor's name and phone number. They turned the car around and went back. When they neared the ranch, Sergio turned into the gate, and stopped. Raphael raised an eyebrow. "un momento amigo". Sergio muttered as he got out of the car.

He came back within a minute. "It was a StoreMax van" he said. "Huh?" Raphael didn't understand. Sergio explained. "It was a StoreMax van that took the stuff away". He then dialled the familiar number and relayed the information.

StoreMax had twenty eight locations around the bay area. Out of them, eleven are around the South Bay. Sanjeev made a priority list of locations and went to work to check out them.

To Be continued
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Post by Dileep »

Spy Story: The Golden Bowl

The six wheeler truck did a respectable 65miles an hour over the flat straight stretch of Interstate Highway 5. I5 is the main highway that links the cities of pacific cost of the USA. It links the Canadian and Mexican boundaries and pass through the major cities at the West coast. In fact it is considered part of the pan american highway, linking Alaska to Chile.

From Stockton to Bakesrfield, the I5 runs through the flatlands of the Central valley. This part of California is sparsely populated. The highway runs among vast expanses of farmlands, with state highways branching off providing connectivity to cities like Fresno and Bakersfield. This route is heavily travelled, as the main linkage between San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Edgar Robledo, the driver of the six wheeler was looking at the far away stretch of the road. There was nothing to do in the truck, with the cruise control engaged and hardly any need to steer. He was tired. He did the stretch in the opposite direction that ame morning. He had to take this run instead of the one tomorrow, because the guy who was to drive today called in sick. His eyelids felt heavy. He stretched a little and chugged on the large cup of hard latte.

The welcome sight of the Coalinga rest stop beaconed him. Instinctively, he pulled into the offramp. Reducing his speed, he saw, but did not take notice of the green chevy following him. As he parked at one of the truck slots, the chevy also parked, and two hispanic men got out. He had no reason to think of anything.

Ed came back from the restroom after 10 minutes. Gosh, the place was crowded! He held onto the backrest of one of the park benches and stretched himself. After lazing around for a few more minutes, he got into his truck and pulled out of the parking lot.

As he was taking the onramp and merged into the southbound traffic, he heard a click and a rough voice said in an almost soothign tone. "Haga lo que digo, Amigo". Ed startled and skipped a heartbeat. Glancing back, he saw the tall dark figure of Raphael straightening up behind the seat. A gleaming semi auto pointed towards him.

Ed knew the drill. He kept silent and focussed in driving.

The truck then took an offramp to a back road in the middle of nowhere. In a moment, Ed found himself abandoned at the side of the road. He had to jump to the side to save himself, as the green chevy speeded after the truck, almost running him over.

And at that instant, his phone rang.

To Be continued
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Post by Dileep »

Spy Story: The Golden Bowl

"Carjacked!! What the $%^# are you talking about?" roared Titus (TJ) Rowen. The double glass windows rattled from the low booming voice of the 6-11 ft, 200 pound man. The StoreEx manager didn't get it fully. He went on something about them being fully insured etc. "You have no $%^&@ idea on what your %^&$ company has done you moron!" again came the roar. The Storex Manager had enough. He simply hung up the phone and took a deep breath.

Rowen broke a cold sweat. The deputy marshall at the US MArshall's office was the primary liaison with the federal intelligence services in the San Francisco jurisdiction. IT was his responsibility to arrange for transportation of the house stuff to Los Angeles. The CIA guys who requested it never told him how important it is. He thought it was simply being moved into a new secret lair for some ex spy or mole. The paperwork never indicated anything secret or critical. Now, hours after the conainer was on the road, the CIA guys are calling and asking him to get security for the shipment. That itself is enough to run a man crazy.

Now, when he called the TCX trucking guys, they claim the truck is stolen en route. The dumbasses are taking it lightly. After all, it is some home stuff. HOME STUFF! that is some consolation! Darned TCX is not gonna answer to the crazy CIA, and the gazillion paperwork he has to file.

The day is spoilt for Rowen for sure.

Within a couple of hours, California Highway Patrol and Fresno and Kings county sherieff's offices were combing the area. They found the TCX truck abandoned on a farm road east of Hanford. Based on report by the driver, they also looked for a green chevy with two hispanic men. They had the descriptions of one of them. But no trace of the car or the stolen stuff was ever found.

The CIA would not disclose what exactly was lost from the container. Likely that the San Francisco office decided to cover THAT as well. Rowen did not hear from them no more, and soon he forgot all about it.


After a few days, at an undisclosed location in the south bay area, a pair of technicians entered class 10 clean room. There were four hard disks and a few flash cards for them to recover data from. There was also a crypto card that obviously had self destruct technology.

It was a windfall for the company. In the next several days, gigabytes of data flowed over most secure channels to locations at New Delhi and Hyderabad.

To Be continued
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Post by Shankar »

The old man was not totally unware of the geo political developments taking place with him in the focus .He knew too much was at stake for the western world and its stooges and new emerging upstarts like india to allow the srouge of terrorism go unchecked .Sooner or later he knew they will come together and then will be the real show down with islamic world or atleast the true islamic world . His sole intention now was to fracture the forming coalition by a series of spectacular strikes at diffrent parts of the globe so that "public opinion" in those democracies will prevent any serious military commitment by the respective countries in the war on terror .He was ready to take on the world as long as they were not united his whole logic was based on one simple assumption the political leadres world over will not risk their carreer and re election prospects for a combined fight on terrorist home land .

This time however his logic was horribly and totally wrong . The incidents like world trade centre ,mumbai trane blasts,bali night club ,russian opera house and more recently the air india attempted hijacking,un med aid flight and scores of other less spectacular achievements of the terrorist groups have united the world like never before . The politico military coalition that was shaping up slowly but surely across the globe will be of unheard of dimensions and when the military juggernut starts to roll nothing will be able to stop it till it has run its full intended course .

Alqaida and taliban was doomed even before the first shot was being fired

India will be playing the pivotal role in the oncomming great war against terror both on the strategic level because of its close political and military affilation with russia,france, usa and israel and in the tactical level because of its close physical proximity to the proposed area of operation and the familiarity of its personnel to both russian and western equipement ,its well equiped naval and air bases and its manitanance infrastructure ,its million plus men under arms and ofcousrse largets navy in the region and one of the most effective airforces of the world .

Her blossoming hard currency reserve which stood at 150 billion plus in 2006 and now stands somewhere 400 bilion plus also helped -no one expected the war will be cheap .

The old man knew all these but in his meglamanic euphoria could not grasp its implication . He wanted to bring the great satan and the so called
free world to its knees by wanton acts of terror and establish the repressive middle age feudalism which in his mind was the right way of living .

Sadly the rest of the world did not agree and they have already decided to collectively terminate the cancer of organised terrorism once and for all -irrespective of the cost .

It so happened -india will be surgeons scalpel .
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Post by Sudhanshu »

But alas! this cancer is no more localized. It has spread throughtout the world.
In such scenario, Iran and some other muslim countries (because of involment of israel element) would definetely come forward to help pakistan. Because it would be no more india-pak bilateral matter.

The surgeon would execute such operation with extreme diplomatic caution.

P.S once the alternative to oil has been found, the arab world will forgotten like Africa.
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Post by Shankar »

Talibanisation of waziristan was done with the same ruthless dedication as a decade back in afganistan but the popular resistance to the change was less because of the conservative nature of the tribal customs. The pakistani army withdrew from most of the mountain regions unable to accept the constant attrition from hit and run type strike and total absense of local support . They mad thier presense felt only by occassioanl airstrikes mostly with helicopter gunships and occassionaly with the newly aquired falcons just to prove to the us congress the coorrectness of thier decision in allowing the export go thru despite intense indian objection in the aftermath of indo -us nuclear deal.

Some kind of peace returned in the blood thirsty land after various tribal groups under the overall command of the taliban shot and killed closeto 120 maliks and other elders of the region who were suspected of being collaborated with usa and pakistan army .This was followed by various independent groups lead by experienced taliban commanders (the word talib simply means students and taliban is just the plural of talib that is students of - mulla omar originating from the first action against corrupt afgan military official who was captured and executed publicly by hung from the barrel of an old tank near the city of kandahar for sexually abusing children ) taking physical control of office buildings .Once some kind of taliban control was established recruitment drive for new talibans were started in earnest for jihad against afganistan and all over the world

The indoctrination process started in specific madrasas or religious schools where the new recruits were taught selected verses from koran and exposed to the most intolerant version of islam of the wahibs . However even this extreme version of islam never preached mass murder and killing of women and children but the present day semi illiterate imams included that too in the name of jihad or holy war . Most of the recruits were totally illiterate and that helped the immams convert them into ultra fanatic followers of a distorted religion ready to follow their leader to anywhere anytime including death as a suicide bomber ,perhaps the most effective tool against high technology tools the worlds security forces were bring to bear on the war on terror.

In the initial days in waziristan attacks against govt instalations were common place .This was folowed by specific attacks against prominent personalities and religious leadres who refused to tow the taliban line .The small groups earn their living by extortion of money by asking for generous donation to the cause ,and escorting outsiders in the lawless country side .

In the second stage heavily armed talibans started patrolling the streets of major towns and villages like wana to ensure no filmy music is sold only religious cds and cassets are allowed in the market exactly like they did in afganistan when in power.All journalists were driven out .Photography was prohibited as the taliban considerd the activity un islamic . And in the final phase of talibanisation all private vehicles were confiscated by the local taliban commanders in the name of islam and need of the movement .

The impotent general and his high profile army watched in silence from a safe distance . While he was the chief architect of terrorism in india while giving lip service to the rest of the world on his commitment to war on terror - in his oewn backyard he simply did not have the guts to take on the talibans .Niether di he have the political strength to state waziristan and part of baluchistan is in defacto control of taliban under direct supervision of alquida .

So he kept the world focus on kashmir and his pathetic stockpile of primitive nuclear weapons courtesy china and north korea and maintained the posture of an emerging nuclear power in the world stage .

What he did not know is the those who sat in kramlin and white house and 10 downing street and delhi knew much more about him and his over bloated politicised army than he did himself . During enduring freedom he had a purpose - with democratisation of afganistan and talibanisation of waziristan that purpose was invariably lost .

The map of pakistan was about to be changed one more time as in 1971 when the indian armed forces in a blitz "liberated" east pakistan and the new state of bangladesh was born in a matter of 16 days with 93000 pakistani soldiers surrendering to the victorious indian army led by lt gen ak niazi .

History was about repeat itself .
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Post by menon »

Shankar wrote:WAZIRISTAN -2012
The map of pakistan was about to be changed one more time as in 1971 when the indian armed forces in a blitz "liberated" east pakistan and the new state of bangladesh was born in a matter of 16 days with 93000 pakistani soldiers surrendering to the victorious indian army led by lt gen ak niazi .History was about repeat itself .
should it be Lt. Gen. Aurora???
or it can be
“…..with 93000 Pakistani soldiers led by Lr. Gen. A.A.K. Niazi, surrendering to the victorious Indian army.â€
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Post by Shankar »

QUOTE the comittee has suggested that we focus on five countries china,north korea,iran,pakistan and india .I would catagorically dismiss the need to prepare for any conflict against india.unquote
quote But on balance i believe the comitees focus on china, north korea,iran and pakistan to be a good starting point.unquote

quote preventing nuclear catastrophe in south asia

of all military scenarios that would undobtedly involve the vital interests of united states short of adirect threat to itsteritory ,a collapsed pakistan ranks very high on the list.The combination of islamic extermists and nuclear weapons is extermely worrisome : were parts of pakistans nuclear arsnel evr to fall into wrong hands ,al quaida could concievably gain access to a nuclear device with terrifying possible ressults unquote

quote the pakistani collapse scenario appears unlikely given the countries relatively pro western and secular officer corps but the intelligence services that created the taliban and also have condoned if not abted islamic extermists in kashmir are less dependable.And the country as a whole is sufficeantly infiltrated by fundamentalist groups as the attempted assaigssinations against president shows the terrifying scenario of civil chaos cannot be entirely dismissed unquote

quote if a surgical strike ,series of surgical strikes or commando style raids were not possible the only option might be to try restore order before the weapons could be taken by terrorists and givent to extermists.The united states and other outside powers might for example respond to a request by the pakistani government respond to a request to help to restore order.But given the embarrasment associated with requesting such outside help it might not be made untill it was almost too late ,complicating the the task of elping them restore order before nuclear arsnels could be threatened unquote

quote The international community if it could act fast enough might defeat an insurrection or it might help protect pakistans borders making it hard to sneak nuclear weapons out of the country while providing technical supprt to pakistani armed forces as they tried to put down the insurrection.All that is sure that united states would literally have to do anything to prevent nuclear weapons from getting into wrong hand unquote

quote ofcourse the international force would have help .Presumably some fraction of pakisatni security forces would remain intact ,able and willing to defend the country unquote quote but if if some some substantial fraction of the miltary break off say a quarter to a third and were assisted by extrmist militia it is quite possible the international community would need to deploy 100000 to 200000 troops to ensure quick restoration of order.Given the need for rapid response the us share of this total would probably be a majority fraction quite possibly 50000 to 100000 ground forces unquote


The us secratary of defense closed the old voluminous report and looked thoughtfuly at the service chiefs of the world most poweful armed forces
and started speaking slowly outlining the expected situation in south asia and what woudl be the role of united states in the still nascent international coalition in the war on terror.

Outside the snows chilled the washington streets and some of the chill some how managed to sneak into the 3rd level conference room in pentagon despite the heavy duty room heating system.
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Post by Shankar »

The taliban stopped becoming a serious threat in afganisatn after 2001 and immediately thereafter intense us diplomatic pressure on pakistan forces it to take some half hearted military operation in the volatile north western provinces to neutralise the alquida and taliban militia which escaped afganistan .Strting with azam warsak operation when the pakistani security forces had thier firat real contact with al quaida .Pakistan paramilitary forces from frontier corps and waziristan scouts were mainly used in a bitter series of battles but the ressults were dissapointing . For the confirmed death of six chechan and uzbek militants about double the number of security forces personnel were killed .Most of the alquaida militants escapedthe dragnet numbering close to 500.In anothe such incident pakistani security forces intercepted and caught about 60 militants when they were trying to sneak in thru the afgan-pak border .They were jailed butmanaged to escape after a short gunfight with weapons captured from the guards .

The sympathy of locals towards the islamic militants were obvious and thier anger at us -northern alliance invasion of afganistan.As the pakistani forces under immense us pressure tried to catch the fundamentalists the tribal anger turned on them as well in particular the mehsood tribe provided heavy resistance to advancing pakistani army columns allowing the cornered taliban and alquida fugitives to blend into countryside.

This was followed by almost an open warning by the tribal chiefs of waziristan to govt of pakisatn and more specifically to general parveez musharaf to stop all military actions forthwith sinec it was a threat to thier autonomous existance and will be considerd as an act of war against the tribals in waziristan .This was followed by a series of concilatry meetings between the traibal leaders and pakistany military leaders where the tribal leaders were assured that theu will be provided advance information on any major military action in the region and in some cases be a part of such action .This truce was however short lived . Within months once again getting its lead from us and pakistani military inteliigence and under us pressure once again on 22 nd october 2500 plus commandoes were air dropped around the vilage of baghar near angor ada and 12 helicopter gunships flew in to provide close air supprt to the pakistani paras.There are unconfirmed reports that us helicopters did fly in from afgan airbases in suprt of the mission. However the ressults were once again dissapointing .31 pakistani soldiers died against 13 alqauida militants .An exchange ratioo of almost 3:1.This was followed once agin on february 24th when pakistani armu launched a massive operation against the wolves (mehsood tribals )and panthers (wazirs).US gunships supervised the operation from air .Once again 26 militants were arrested but all were subsequently released .

In short the effectiveness pakistani army in controlling islamic militancy in waziristan was almsot zero and all they did was buy time for the militants to regroup and commence strikes at us and nato interests in afganistan once again. The pakisatni army themselves started becomming targets of oppertunity by both the tribals and the taliban. It was soon becomming a loose loose situation for pakistan.

But the us pressure was relentless as thier own intel confirmed the presence of large militant groups in the region . On march 16th one of the largets military operations against the taliban alquaida started and lasted about 10 days involving elements of balooch regiment,punjab regiment,waziristan scouts and frontier rifles ,khandsar force and commandos from special service group.The information which triggered this massive counter terror operation was all top alquaida leadre like jalaudin haqqani,abu mohamed,quari rashi maqtoom,abdul bari sayf ,harkatul islami uzbekistan and tahir yuldevish will be present at a summit meeting in the village of kalosha. This was an intel coup of the decade for the us forces supervising the operation from across the border .But the ressults were very very dissapointing once again.All the tp leaders managed to flee.About 500 pakistani soldiers surrenderd eiether because they came under attack or they refused to fire on thier own countrymen and were court martialed .As a direct consequence of this catastrphic failure of pakistani army couter terror operation 20 cadets from pakistni military academy had thier beards forcibly shaved and same thing happened at naval academyA total of 500 tribals were killed and 160 arrested most of whom were released later on.

The wana offensive also affected the pakistani armys morale in a big way.It was the first time in the history of pakistan that officers and soldiers refuesed to fire on fellow citizens (they had no such problem in bangla desh erstwhile east pakistan and the same regiments were instrumental in carrying out a pre planned genocide of bengali intellectuals and students in the march of 1971 which causing an influx of more thn 20 million bengali refugees to india and ultimately led to indian invasion causing birth of bangladesh few months later).This operatio at wana also was the final breaking point in civil relations between pakisatn and waziristan .Centarl intelligence agency was this time very much on the developing picture and one of its senior operatives said both alquaida and taliban are a much more proficeant organisation today than it was in 2001 and that it would inevitably aquire weapons of mass destruction and try to use them .

Pashtun revolt became a reality andthe general backed off sinec he knew he canot advance further in the tribal areas without endangering his rule over the land . But the all out confrontation which the pakistani general was trying toavoid and which us president wanted all along was now inevitable .

The forces of the free world were now in the "go".Deployemnt orders were being typed out all over the globe and the final multi dimensional conflict was shaping up in more ways than one .