Terroristan - April 15, 2021

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Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by partha »

Link to the previous thread viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7783

The following links are background material on Pakistan.


Jinnah's Pakistan: An Interview with MA Jinnah, and how the Pakistan of Yesterday is the Pakistan of Today

The above is the testimony of Ashley Tellis on Jan 28th 2009, to the US Senate Homeland Security Committee on LeT's global role. It is a good articulation of LeT's past and future trends.

Know Your Pakistan
http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/archives/ ... /Shiv.html

The Monkey Trap: A synopsis of Indo-Pak relations
http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/archives/ ... ayyam.html

PAKISTAN-FAILED STATE: an ebook that owes its origin and existence to BRF.

Whither Pakistan ? Growing Instability and Implications for India: an IDSA e-Book, July 2010

A landmark article that demolishes myths built up about Pakistan

Pak's Continuing War against Indian Civilisation - Tufail Ahmad, Director South Asia Project, MEMRI
https://www.memri.org/reports/article-m ... vilization

Pakistani Role in Terrorism Against the U.S.A

Pakistani Education, or how Pakistan became what it is: The Subtle Subversion - Curricula and textbooks in Pakistan
http://unesco.org.pk/education/teachere ... s/rp22.pdf

Making Enemies, Creating Conflict: Pakistan's Crises of State and Society. A book written by Pakistanis on Pakistan.

Should Pakistan Be Broken Up? by Gul Agha

A modest proposal from a Pakistani Brigadier:
https://www.theatlantic.com/past/docs/i ... desman.htm
"We should fire at them and take out a few of their cities—Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta," he said. "They should fire back and take Karachi and Lahore. Kill off a hundred or two hundred million people......."
Alden Pyle in Pakistan, Part I
http://pundita.blogspot.in/2009/12/alde ... art-1.html

Prof. Walter Russell Mead, "Pakistan's Failed National Strategy"
https://www.the-american-interest.com/2 ... -strategy/

"Pakistan Is", by Barry Bearak in New York Times Magazine, December 7, 2003.
Brings out succinctly various facets of Pakistani perfidy, obsession, fundamentalism etc.
http://www.nytimes.com/2003/12/07/magaz ... an-is.html

Religion as the Foundation of a Nation: The Making and Unmaking of Pakistan - P.K. Upadhyay, IDSA
It probes the religious and sectarian fault-lines in Pakistan in depth to determine their impact on the future of Pakistan.

Ms. Christine Fair's exposition on Pakistan military, society et al. A Must see.
Fighting to the End: Pakistan Army's Way of War

False Equivalency in the "Indo-Pakistan" Dispute - Ms. C. Fair, War on the Rocks, June, 2015

Shia-killing in Pakistan: Background and Predictions - A blog by Omar Ali


24 years of exploitation created Bangladesh by Babar Ayaz, Daily Times, January 17, 2018

Image Scan of article on 1971 East Pakistan Genocide by Antony Mascarenhas, Former Asst. Editor, Morning News, Karachi in Sunday Times, London, June 13, 1971

Text scan of the above article on 1971 Genocide

Bangladesh Genocide Archive

Ethnic cleansing in Pakistan - a statistical analysis by Sridhar N. Bharat Rakshak Monitor Vol 6(2) September-October 2003
Also available at: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1592160/posts

Cleansing Pakistan of Minorities by Farahnaz Ispahani, former Pakistani MP

Pakistan's Descent into Religious Intolerance by Farahnaz Ispahani, former Pakistani MP

A chronicle of genocide by the Pakistan army

Documentary video evidence of Pakistani genocide in Bangladesh
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=EBKlIUbpc ... re=related
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xwwPbkyZV ... re=related

List of military arms supplied by US to Pakistan since 9/11

Bhutto Picks Up The Pieces of Pakistan
By James P. Sterba, NYT, June 25, 1972


The Ideologies of South Asian Jihadi Groups (Lashkar-e-Taiba)
By Hussein Haqqani (journalist and Pak ambassador to US)
https://www.hudson.org/research/9867-th ... adi-groups

Lashkar-e-Taiba: Past Operations and Future Prospects, Stephen Tankel, April 2011
New America Foundation
http://carnegieendowment.org/2011/04/27 ... -pub-43802

Pakistani sponsoring of Terrorism
http://pak-terror.freeservers.com/Terro ... y_Tool.htm

Terror Map: The Pakistani Hand

Inside Jihad - How Pakistan sponsors terrorists in India
http://www.time.com/time/asia/magazine/ ... r_sb1.html

Pakistan's Role in the Kashmir Insurgency - Op-ed by Rand's Peter Chalk

Alden Pyle in Pakistan, Part 2
http://pundita.blogspot.in/2009/12/alde ... -upon.html

https://www.brookings.edu/research/beyo ... -pakistan/

Pakistani Military Officers' Links with Jihadist Organizations

Putting Our Children in Line of Fire - The Nation, January 27, 2013
The above is an admission by Pakistan Army's Top General that it was the Pakistani Army at Kargil, not the mujahideen, and Musharraf was the Culprit

Debate between a Taliban Scholar and a Paki Army Officer


Pakistani nuclear scientist's accounts tell of Chinese proliferation - R. Jeffrey Smith and Joby Warrick, Washington Post, Nov 13, 2009


On the Frontier of Apocalypse: Christopher Hitchens seminal article on Pakistan today


A Slender Reed in Pakistan - Editorial in the Christian Science Monitor

Seymour Hersh Interview

Pakistan's Nuclear Crimes (Wash. Post editorial)
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dy ... 2-2004Feb4


The Battle for Pakistan: Militancy and Conflict in South Waziristan by Mansur Khan Mahsud, April 2010
http://www.operationspaix.net/DATA/DOCU ... ristan.pdf

BOOK REVIEW Fulcrum of Evil: ISI-CIA-Al Qaeda Nexus, a book by Maloy Krishna Dhar
http://www.southasiaanalysis.org/%5Cpap ... r1844.html

Article from Vinni Capelli - Foreign Policy Research Institute:
Containing Pakistan: Engaging the Raja-Mandala in South-Central Asia
http://www.fpri.org/orbis/5101/cappelli ... kistan.pdf

The videos are from this documentary: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/taliban/

A bomb at all cost By Ahmad Faruqui - a candid admission of the wars that Pakistan started against India.

Popular support for suicide bombings in pakistan.
http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.as ... 008_pg12_1
Survey by university students in karachi say 50% of respondents support suicide bombings in kashmir.

"Descent into Chaos"
UC Berkeley Conversations with History, host Harry Kreisler talking with Pakistani Journalist Ahmed Rashid. 59 minutes 120 MB. It sums up Pakistan and lays bare all Pakistan's terrorist support and proliferation activities. **Note - he wants the US to solve Pakistan's Kashmir problem.

Pakistan on the brink: Video Link (must download)


UNSC Resolutions on Kashmir

Gilgit Rebellion: The Major Who Mutinied Over Partition of India
A book on the events by Maj. William Brown, the mutineer himself.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto telling Bangladeshis to "Go to Hell": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Dsxfyxa ... re=related

IDSA's weekly summary of Pak Urdu Press:


Christine Fair :Ten fictions that pakistani defense officials love to peddle

Five installment series by Kapil Komireddi published in Frum Forum

Part I. Nov 16, 2009. “Pakistan In Crisis”.

Part II. Nov 18. 2009. “Pakistan: Origins of A Failed State”.

Part III. Nov 18, 2009. “Pakistan: It Could Not Succeed Unless India Failed”.

Part IV. Dec 06, 2009. “Pakistan: A Mecca for Radical Islam”.

Part V. Dec. 07, 2009. “Pakistan’s Army: Building a Nation for Jihad”

A perceptive blog on Pakistan: http://pak-watch.blogspot.com/

Declassified documents from US National Archives on Pakistan:


Admission of state sponsored terrorism by Pakistani authorities

see this Der Spigel Interview where Musharraf admits to that.

On 7th Nov in TimesNow Channel, Tasneem Noorani, a former Secretary of the Pakistani Interior Ministry, openly said that.

Kiyani called the Haqqanis as strategic assets.

In Dec. 2008, President Zardari himself admitted to ISI helping LeT. He said,"The links between the Inter-Services Intelligence Agency and the LeT were developed in the old days when dictators used to run the country. After the 9/11 terror attacks in the US, things have changed to a great extent"

In an address to bureaucrats in July 2009, President Zardari said: "Militants and extremists were deliberately created and nurtured as a policy to achieve some short-term tactical objectives. Let us be truthful to ourselves and make a candid admission of the realities. The terrorists of today were the heroes of yesteryears until 9/11 occurred and they began to haunt us as well"

In Nov. 2009, Prime Minister Gilani admitted to the support for terrorism by Musharraf as "running with the hares and hunting with the hounds".

When Bush warned the Pakistanis in August 2008 of their support to Al Qaeda, Afrasiab Khattak, President of Awami National Party (ANP) said this: "The question is why it has taken the Americans so long to see what the ISI is doing. We’ve been telling them for years but they wouldn’t buy it.". See here.

In an interview to the BBC as far back as on Feb. 13, 1994, Benazir Bhutto admitted how she handed over to Rajiv Gandhi the complete list of Sikh activists colluding with the ISI in terrorism in the Punjab. Later, Nawaz Sharif described this interview as a faux pas.

Apart from these, of course, numerous Pakistani commentators, analysts, and editors have openly admitted to terror as a state policy.

Why Did Pakistan's Spy Chief Make a Secret Trip to China?

Pasha's China trip has been interpreted by some as a tacit act of defiance—a reminder to his American counterparts that the Pakistanis can always look east to their “all-weather” friend across the Himalayas rather than bend the knee to the will of the U.S.

But it also may be a sign of China's growing disquiet with Pakistan. Another top-ranking Pakistani military officer, Lt. Gen Wahid Arshad, had already conducted a considerable tour of China just weeks ago in a bid to improve ties. A few analysts have suggested that Pasha's trip — couched in vague terms about building a “broad-based strategic dialogue” — may have been less a visit and more of a summons.

Chinese officials claimed the attacks in Kashgar were authored by the shadowy East Turkestan Islamic Movement, a jihadist organization of mostly ethnic Uighurs, a Turkic Muslim minority that comprises the majority in the far-western Chinese region of Xinjiang. China routinely invokes the specter of the terrorist threat when cracking down on dissent in the restive region. Yet disturbances there tend to be triggered more often by social discontent — many Uighurs chafe at state policies they deem discriminatory and marginalizing — than militant connivance. Pasha's presence in Beijing may mark Beijing's continued efforts to root out Uighur dissidents and sympathizers beyond China's borders, as it has already done in Kazakhstan.

Youtube video: Bilatakalluf with Tahif Gora: Tarek Fateh dissects with Pakjabi society and shows how its war-impotent Army loots the common Pakistani (Jan 13, 2012)

Terroristan - Land of Pure Terror - Right to Reply of India by Eenam Gambhir (First Secretary in the Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations in New York) at the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly:

Harpreet 's Blog

State Sponsored Radicalization in Pakistan’s School Curriculum:

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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by partha »

A duplicate topic was created by mistake.

mods@, could you please remove the other one? viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7856
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Suraj »

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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by srikandan »

https://twitter.com/alam_mujaid/status/ ... 7774211080

Looks like the mujahids are really unhappy. However, there are other videos on twitter indicating that the pakistani army riled up this crowd -- so this looks like one of those "give us baksheesh or we will decorate your nice shoes with our brains" move that the Paki army has been doing for decades.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Anujan »

Pretty disappointed that the metro representing western culture and decadence is still running unmolested.

If the people protesting had any H&D, they would have taught it a lesson by now.

These people are a disappointment to their fathers, who used to quickly dispatch Peshawar KFC in the opening 10 minutes of every protest.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Anujan »

Also, nothing about Al-Bakistan can be said for sure.

Apparently Crore Kammandus dont like Bajwa's "lets bury the past" rhetoric

https://dunyanews.tv/en/Pakistan/596383 ... miris-ISPR

A few lootinent jernails are also probably upset that Bajwa has not retired and is holding up their promotions, plots, Apartments in Hyde park, Advisor to Saudi Prince position and Pizza franchises in the US.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by johb »

This news has been there on dawn site for more than a day.
Only positive news in shitland
https://www.dawn.com/news/1618194/babar ... di-batsman
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Lisa »

Fake news. This is the land of peacefuls!


France urges citizens to leave Pakistan amid anti-French protests
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

Just a heads up. Many of the links at the beginning of this 72-hoors forum have become non-functional (just like a 72-year old virgin). Let's weed out those links.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

Lisa wrote:https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-56760224
France urges citizens to leave Pakistan amid anti-French protests
Just an observation. If you google the image in the link above, all those images that pop up are visually similar to identical rioters in the same poses of throwing rocks and the same scooter-helmet clad police but from other parts of the world.

https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALe ... PqP9FXayLM

Just the names of the locations have changed and the countries that ask their citizens to leave are different. Truly ummat-solidarity-worthy.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by rsingh »

Bakistani opinion makers, Kurani intellectuals , high pitch mohtermas, strategic opportunists and partial kafirs think that biggest problem for Banister is image. They are more concerned about image window dressing instead of going for the root cause. Fun ahead.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Rudradev »

Wohi na. Religion of Peace is perfect & can never be wrong. Any action taken, any state created in the image of Religion of Peace is therefore also perfect.

Therefore any fault can only exist in the eye of the beholder. If only the "image" can be fixed then the kaafirs will no longer be blind to the fact that Pakistan is perfect.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Anujan »

Protests broke out outside Pakistan high commission in Londonistan. Look at the video

https://twitter.com/AtikaRehman/status/ ... 0356360197

Seems to be reasonably well off western middle aged people? I always thought that unemployed youth radicalized by unsolved issues like Cashmere were the reason for protests like this? And it can easily be solved if Massa gives $1 trillion and 1000 F16s and India gives up Cashmere? Were the Pakis lying all this time?
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by srikandan »

This is a lal-masjid-redux situation or so it seems to me -- pak army had to show that they were curbing extremism after these TLP yahoos wanted to behead foreign leaders and nuke various countries, and now these guys are all cheesed off with the army, at least superficially. Lal-masjid went a step further and shot a few of them on China's behest.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Rudradev »

TSPA is trying to show Biden Raj that it will "curb extremism" and promote an "enlightened moderate Islamic state" if only Biden Raj gives them Kashmir, keeps India out of Afghanistan, etc.

Same old story.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Atmavik »

Anujan wrote:Protests broke out outside Pakistan high commission in Londonistan. Look at the video

https://twitter.com/AtikaRehman/status/ ... 0356360197

Seems to be reasonably well off western middle aged people? I always thought that unemployed youth radicalized by unsolved issues like Cashmere were the reason for protests like this? And it can easily be solved if Massa gives $1 trillion and 1000 F16s and India gives up Cashmere? Were the Pakis lying all this time?

they should take this protest to the palace..
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Atmavik »

Which alternate world do these people live in ? do u really want to meet this "Labaik crowd"?

'Let people meet': Beena Sarwar on the case for a visa-free South Asia

https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/trend ... 69521.html
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

Atmavik wrote:
Anujan wrote:Protests broke out outside Pakistan high commission in Londonistan. Look at the video
they should take this protest to the palace...
Has the mayor of Londonistan filed his protests yet? Why weren't cops present? Was it because the peaceful protesters had promised Khan that no walls will be breached?
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

PEMRA prohibits media coverage of banned TLP
Media coverage of the banned Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) was declared prohibited on Thursday by the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA).
"All Satellite TV channels and FM Radios licensees are hereby required to restrain from providing any kind of media coverage to this (banned) organization," said the media regulatory authority.
Haraami link: https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/82070 ... banned-tlp
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

What's wrong with this picture?

Army chief aspires for greater US-Pakistan relations in meeting with American envoy
Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa has hoped for greater Pakistan-US bilateral cooperation in all domains in the future in a meeting with US Charge d’ Affairs to Pakistan Angela Ageler.
Gen Bajwa reiterating that a prosperous, stable, and peaceful Afghanistan is in the best interest of Pakistan in particular and the region in general, hoped for greater Pak-US bilateral cooperation in all domains in the future.
Haraami link: https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/82069 ... ican-envoy
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Rudradev »

A prosperous, stable, and peaceful Afghanistan is in the best interest of Pakistan.

A prosperous, stable, and peaceful Pakistan is in the best interest of India.

A prosperous, stable, and peaceful India is a threat to freedom, democracy, liberty, & religious tolerance everywhere. Modi & Hindu Nationalism are irredeemable enemies of the civilized world.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by srikandan »

I don't buy that the americans actually think Pakistan is interested in the stability of afghanisthan -- past public utterances by obama suggest otherwise. OTOH, keeping Afghanisthan unstable blocks economic activity and cooperation between all surrounding powers/countries (excluding pakistan)...why? Beats me.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by chetak »

Atmavik wrote:Which alternate world do these people live in ? do u really want to meet this "Labaik crowd"?

'Let people meet': Beena Sarwar on the case for a visa-free South Asia

https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/trend ... 69521.html
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by srikandan »

Pakistan and USA together put the Sooth in Sooth Asia. Xiden wished sooth asia "happy new year" yesterday -- I am sure the pakis thanked him for it.
Last edited by srikandan on 16 Apr 2021 06:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Anujan »

https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/15/worl ... rawal.html
“When history is written,” declared Gen. Hamid Gul, who led the feared spy service known as the I.S.I. during the last stretch of the Cold War in the 1980s, “it will be stated that the I.S.I. defeated the Soviet Union in Afghanistan with the help of America.”

“Then there will be another sentence,” General Gul added after a brief pause, delivering his punchline to loud applause. “The I.S.I., with the help of America, defeated America.”

On one trip to Afghanistan soon after being elected vice president in 2008, Mr. Biden was urged by President Hamid Karzai to pressure Pakistan into rooting out Taliban sanctuaries on its soil. Mr. Biden was reported to respond by saying that Pakistan was 50 times more important to the United States than Afghanistan was.
With the U.S. intention to leave publicly declared, Pakistan did away with any semblance of denial that the Taliban leadership was sheltering there. Taliban leaders flew from Pakistani cities to engage in peace talks in Qatar. When negotiations reached delicate moments that required consultations with field commanders, they flew back to Pakistan.
Pakistan’s former defense minister, Khawaja Muhammad Asif, who had repeatedly visited the halls of power in Washington as a U.S. ally, tweeted a photo of U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo meeting Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the Taliban deputy at the talks in Qatar.

“You might have might on your side, but God is with us,” Mr. Asif said in the tweet, ending with a cry of victory. “Allah u Akbar!”
AoA! Indeed.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by srikandan »

On one trip to Afghanistan soon after being elected vice president in 2008, Mr. Biden was urged by President Hamid Karzai to pressure Pakistan into rooting out Taliban sanctuaries on its soil. Mr. Biden was reported to respond by saying that Pakistan was 50 times more important to the United States than Afghanistan was.
I believe that is another way of the US saying "A destabilized afghanisthan is in the USA's interest" -- there is no reason for bigoted, white trash of the christine fair ilk and the rest of scum in the US State dept. to suck up to pakistanis and spit on Indians, when they were cr@pped on by pakistan. These india-hating scum in the US State dept. were gone during the previous Trump admin but they are back with a vengeance like a sh*tstain on Pakistan.

The US and EU actively kept India out of Afghanisthan, with the caveat that Indian boots had to be on the ground for India to be involved -- they must think the British Raj is still in effect. The US destroyed all the training infrastructure provided to Afghanisthan by India, and deliberately screwed all Afghan elections to put their own rent-boys like Ghani in charge, and ensuring Karzai was out.

There is no chance that the US is interested in the stability of Afghanisthan or that region in general -- if Xiden is moving out of there by september, chances are his govt. will ensure that the pakistanis have the werewithal continue to create trouble in there. If there is a backroom detente between China and US in "managing" pakistan, we should see some hints of that if we continue to keep watching.
Last edited by srikandan on 16 Apr 2021 06:16, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Aditya_V »

srikandan wrote:I don't buy that the americans actually think Pakistan is interested in the stability of afghanisthan -- past public utterances by obama suggest otherwise. OTOH, keeping Afghanisthan unstable blocks economic activity and cooperation between all surrounding powers/countries (excluding pakistan)...why? Beats me.
It is pretty clear that US UK and Chinese interests are to keep Russia and India away hence they want the Taliban to keep CAR unstable, that is real reason to support and keep Pakis intact.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by srikandan »

Aditya_V: It is pretty clear that US UK and Chinese interests are to keep Russia and India away hence they want the Taliban to keep CAR unstable, that is real reason to support and keep Pakis intact.
Agreed. That is the only scenario that fits the events and actions of the USA, EU and the neo-colonial white, christian countries.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by rahulm »

chetak wrote:
Atmavik wrote:Which alternate world do these people live in ? do u really want to meet this "Labaik crowd"?

'Let people meet': Beena Sarwar on the case for a visa-free South Asia

https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/trend ... 69521.html
ISI paid tools
HEADS UP: This article and author are not a random occurrence. My "Intel" aka Benares paanwasla indicates more such articles are in the offing including by some Indian collaborators.

With the cease-fire, blow hot and cold by Bajwa, these authors and articles, strongly point to T2 being activated. Perhaps with Biden admin push - can't say.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

Chinification of pakhanistan is well and truly on.

People posting anti-Pakistan content on web will be arrested: Interior Ministry
The Ministry of Interior on Thursday issued a notification and instructed the authorities concerned to arrest people involved in posting, sharing, and commenting on topics against the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
the interior ministry has said that aside from those posting and sharing anti-Pakistan content on the web, anyone found guilty of inciting violence against the country's law enforcement agencies (LEAS) and the police or supporting civil wars against the state of Pakistan via the web shall be arrested under the country's cybercrime laws.

Haraami link: https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/82123 ... r-ministry
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

Someone will have to pay for this (but not the taller than the mou...you know the rest...friend)

Covid-19 hits hard Pak human resource export
COVID-19 has massively affected Pakistan’s human resource export to the all-important Arab countries -- Saudi Arabia and the UAE in particular -- that account for a major part of the country’s remittances.
The UAE’s work visa ban for Pakistanis, imposed in November last year, continues, apart from some exceptional cases, and far fewer visas were issued during this period. In the first week of February, Saudi Arabia has also suspended entry to the Kingdom from 20 countries including Pakistan --with the exception of diplomats, medical practitioners and their families and some others -- to help curb the spread of COVID-19.
Covid is the major reason for the present halt in the export of Pakistan’s human resource to the UAE and Saudi Arabia.
Annual home remittances from the UAE amount to approximately US$ 3.5 billion -- second only to Saudi Arabia from where Pakistani workers remit around US$ 5.5 billion annually

Haraami link: https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/820987 ... rce-export
Last edited by anupmisra on 16 Apr 2021 22:40, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

Meeraji's update.

Meera says she was subjected to 'mental torture' in the US
When asked about the incident, the Baaji actor was audibly angry, and said, "There's a lobby that's working against me, they keep slandering my character to bring shame to my stardom."
When asked about what happened in her visit to the New York Brooklyn Hospital, she said she had gone to get vaccinated. Note to self: There is no "New York Brooklyn Hospital" and, No, you do not go to a hospital in Brooklyn to get vaccinated for Covid
However, when asked directly whether she was taken to a psychiatric hospital and was being deported from the United States, Meera said, 'It's really late here in America right now, and everyone in my house is sleeping. I can't talk in detail right now."
she claimed that she's being "subjected to mental torture in US".
"I've been struggling with depression, and that's why I went to the hospital. However once there, they mistook me for being crazy. They even confiscated my phone," she alleged.
"I was screaming the entire night, calling for help, and no one came. It was a really scary night for me," she said.
"I was released on a request submitted by the Pakistani Embassy," she said.
Meera's father also weighed in, saying his daughter had been mistreated in Pakistan by her fellows in the entertainment industry.
"Meera was already depressed when she went to the USA, stopping in Dubai on her way, and then the incident happened," he said.
Yep! Meeraji has gone full paki.

Haraami link: https://images.dawn.com/news/1187020/me ... -in-the-us
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Anujan »

Was a Jihad planned at 13:00 hrs or a coup planned at 13:00 hrs?

Maybe taliban flying out from Quetta (where they definitely are not hiding)?

Hard to tell in Pakistan

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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by partha »

Highly condemnable. If social media is blocked, how will Pakistani civil society express outrage on India blocking 4G and only allowing 2G in Kashmir?
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Ambar »

Anyone know what triggered the latest round of "protests" against France ? The raakit mard-e-momeens have been going apes the last few days so much so that France is emptying its diplomatic mission in pakiland.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by partha »

Ambar wrote:Anyone know what triggered the latest round of "protests" against France ? The raakit mard-e-momeens have been going apes the last few days so much so that France is emptying its diplomatic mission in pakiland.
Paki govt had made an agreement with TLP that by April 20th they would discuss TLP's demands in Parliament which included expelling French ambassador. This agreement was done to stop the previous protests but Pakis being Pakis, the govt didn't honor its commitment and arrested TLP's chief which led to this round of protests.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Ambar »

Thanks. I hope the protests picks up pace in all paki cities, it will be a karmic payback for their orchestration of anti-CAA and farm bill riots.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by KJo »

Ambar wrote:Thanks. I hope the protests picks up pace in all paki cities, it will be a karmic payback for their orchestration of anti-CAA and farm bill riots.
Time for Civil War and some states to secede. C'mon guys!

Popcorn Time.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Anujan »

Ambar wrote:Anyone know what triggered the latest round of "protests" against France ? The raakit mard-e-momeens have been going apes the last few days so much so that France is emptying its diplomatic mission in pakiland.
There is a party called TLP

Grown and nurtured by the TFTAs. Because there were more AoA and more Jihadi than Badmash's PML. Gained prominence when Mumtaz Qadri was hanged. They had huge protests. Also every time Pakistan tries look super liberal and to amend Blasphemy law to allow only stoning and shooting and not beheading of Blasphemers, TLP comes out in force.

Taliban Khan and TLP got into a footsie to clip Badmash's power in Pakjab. Also TLP was used to murder Baloch freedom fighters.

Pakistan being Pakistan, every six months someone publishes a Prophet cartoon, or Asia bibi gets acquitted etc etc and TLP comes out in force.

The latest TLP flare up might be (Pakistan being pakistan, nothing can be said for sure)

a) TLP decided they are not a junior partner to Taliban Khan. Want to consolidate power
b) Bajwa wants Peace with India, his bearded Crore Kammandus want to teach a lesson to Bajwa to not go out of track
c) TFTAs want an excuse to get rid of Dimran so are encouraging street protests
d) It is a wednesday in Pakistan, so someone decided to declare a Jihad on YYY conspiracy

The excuse is that Dimran said he will expel the french ambassador, but has not expelled the french ambassador yet and is instead asking him for money.

The thing about TLP is that last time, army came out, distributed lifafas of money (not figuratively speaking, actual lifafas of money) and they dispersed. This time around Army came out, started yelling AoA!! along with TLP people.

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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Ambar »

Thanks Anujanji, this is very informative. I am trying to recollect the names of other players who in late 2019 nearly deposed Bajwa through a high court case , that group may well be involved in the latest flare up and may hold the key when the power behind the throne decides to turn 'Im the Dim' into 'Dim Sum'. I have a feeling that if and when Imran is sent back to the pavilion, Bajwa too will follow him.