Terroristan - April 15, 2021

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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Dilbu »

TSP is finding favour with unkil again.
Why The UAE Gave Pakistan An Oil Concession For The First Time Ever
The Abu Dhabi National Oil Co (ADNOC) is the key corporate proxy at the centre of the U.S.’s Middle East pushback against increasing Chinese and Russian influence across the region via their activities in Iran (and Iraq).

The awarding of exploration, development, and ancillary contracts for its onshore and offshore oil and gas fields is a principal mechanism by which ADNOC is used to promote engagement with countries regarded as ‘in play’ by Washington. A longstanding prime example of this is Pakistan and the awarding last week of the first ever oil concession to it by the UAE can be regarded as a signal that despite its history of double dealings with the U.S. over Islamic terrorism, Washington has not yet lost all hope that Islamabad can remain at least partly under U.S. influence.
The last major concession award, in the meantime, went in February to the U.S.’s long-term principal ally in the Asia-Pacific region, Japan, with Cosmo Energy Holdings Co. being granted a 100 per cent stake in the exploration phase of Offshore Block 4 in exchange for a US$145 million investment in the site. Last week’s award is also for a 100 per cent stake in the exploration phase – for Offshore Block 5 – and has been given to a consortium of Pakistan companies led by Pakistan Petroleum Ltd. (PPL) that accounts for around 20 per cent of the country’s total natural gas supplies and produces crude oil, liquefied petroleum gas and other natural gas liquids as well.
One such strategic aim that the U.S. has long been looking at pushing back to the front of its dealings with Pakistan is the seemingly unstoppable drift even further into Iran’s (and thus China’s and Russia’s) sphere of influence. Even before Al Qaeda leader, Osama bin Laden, was discovered by the U.S. living in Abbottabad in Pakistan, Washington had known for years that Pakistan was playing a double game with it. On the one hand, it was taking huge aid payments from the U.S. aimed at keeping terrorism at bay in the region but on the other offering sanctuary and support to many of the world’s most dangerous terrorist groups. However, Washington believed that this was a price worth paying to retain at least some say in Pakistan’s foreign policies. This was the opposite view to that taken when the U.S. unilaterally withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) – ‘nuclear deal’ – with Iran in May 2018, after which not only did Iran become further out of control as far as the West was concerned but so did many other countries in the Shia Crescent, including Pakistan.
Later, in his inaugural speech as Pakistan’s new prime minister, Imran Khan called for improving ties with the country’s immediate neighbours, including Iran, from whose President, Hassan Rouhani, he also accepted an invitation for an early state visit to Tehran. Khan has stated since then that he is personally in favour of the game-changing Iran-Pakistan Pipeline (IPP) and has made it a priority project. It is this pipeline, and the current plans for it that do not involve it going through key U.S. ally, India, as had been part of the original discussions surrounding it, that is one of many key concerns for Washington in the context of Pakistan’s further drift towards the Iranian (and Chinese and Russian) sphere of influence. China has well-developed plans to integrate the IPP into the US$50 billion-plus China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project, with Gwadar earmarked to be a key logistical node in China’s ‘One Belt, One Road Initiative’. Russia, meanwhile, sees the IPP as offering surrounding countries a viable alternative to the long-awaited and U.S.-backed Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline, the prospects for which have been further damaged by the recent U.S.’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. A pipeline for Iranian gas, and later oil, running through Central Asia remains a core strategy for Russia to exert its influence in the Middle East, and to consolidate its presence in central and Eastern Europe to the one side and in Asia to the other.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Haresh »

Pakistan’s use of terror as a tool of statecraft

https://macdonaldlaurier.ca/files/pdf/2 ... Y_FWeb.pdf
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by SSridhar »

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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Cyrano »

Her analysis is right, but her solutions are laughable and contradicts her own analysis.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Dilbu »

TSP has discovered the root cause of terrorism.
FO calls for addressing root causes of terrorism
The spokesperson said; however, the complex challenges posed by terrorism call for further strengthening international resolve and unity and to prevent and counter this menace, in all its forms and manifestations, including state-terrorism against people living under foreign occupation in disputed territories.

"It is also imperative to comprehensively address the root causes of terrorism."

"Terrorism has no justification. Any attempts to associate terrorism with any particular people, nationality, civilisation, religion, race or ethnicity are condemnable.

“The new and emerging threats in the form of right-wing, Islamophobia, domestic, racially or ethnically motivated and other forms of extremist tendencies leading to terrorism necessitate effective responses around the world."

He said in order to completely eradicate terrorism, it was vital to eschew double standards, myopic and selective approaches and vested, narrow political agendas.

He reminded that Pakistan had been an active partner of the international community in the global fight against terrorism over the last two decades.

"Pakistan has played a leading role in this struggle and has demonstrated its earnest commitment through unprecedented sacrifices in the form of over 80,000 casualties and economic losses of over $ 150 billion :roll: :oops: :shock: .
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Dilbu »

This is unacceptable. How can it be less than 105%?
55pc Pakistanis happy at Taliban govt in Afghanistan
As part of the survey, a representative sample of more than 2,400 people was asked, “Are you happy with the formation of Taliban government in Afghanistan?” According to the survey's findings, 55 percent of Pakistanis stated they were "happy", whereas 25 percent were "unhappy" about the Taliban rule and 20 percent had "no response". In total, 55 percent of the sampled people were happy with the establishment of a Taliban government, who took over Afghanistan on August 15. The province-wise breakdown found that the strongest support for the Taliban government was in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP), where 65 percent respondents said they were "happy" with the Taliban government. After that, 55 percent were from Balochistan, while 54 percent were from Punjab and Sindh, who expressed happiness over the formation of the Taliban government in Afghanistan. From among urban respondents, 59 percent were "happy" with the formation of the Taliban government and 20 percent said they were "unhappy".
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by jamwal »

https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/09/10/pa ... -arsonist/
Pakistan Is an Arsonist That Wants You to Think It’s a Firefighter
Washington has an endless appetite for Islamabad’s con games.
By C. Christine Fair, a professor at Georgetown University’s security studies program within the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Dilbu »

2 FC soldiers martyred in attack on convoy in Balochistan's Kech district
GWADAR: Two soldiers of Frontier Corps South were martyred and another was injured when armed men attacked their convoy in the Buleda area of Kech district on Thursday.

The martyred soldiers were identified as Lance Naik Saboor and Sepoy Abdul Hakim.

The injured soldier was identified as Abdul Sattar.

Official sources said that members of security forces immediately returned fire, but the attackers managed to escape.
In another act of terrorism near Kalat, some motorcyclists hurled a hand-grenade on a police vehicle patrolling the highway.

The grenade exploded close to the vehicle, leaving two policemen and two other people injured.

DSP of Kalat Ghulam Hussain Bajoi survived the grenade attack. He was sitting in the police vehicle.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

Dilbu wrote:This is unacceptable. How can it be less than 105%?
55pc Pakistanis happy at Taliban govt in Afghanistan
From the article,
The survey — which was conducted from August 13 to September 5 —revealed that 58 percent of men surveyed said they were "happy" with the formation of the Taliban government. Among women, the rate was 36 percent.
A third of the baki motormamas were happy with the tellibunnies!! I bet the survey was conducted in English.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by wig »

https://www.news18.com/news/opinion/opi ... 92592.html

Opinion: Fissures Widen among Generals of Pakistan Military
excerpts from the above article
the tussle between COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa and the chief of Pakistan’s spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Lt General Faiz Hameed. On September 4, the DG ISI flew to Kabul allegedly without following the proper disciplinary protocol of informing his COAS. He has now returned to Pakistan after facilitating the installation of a Taliban (read Haqqani group) government in Kabul.

The Adjutant General (AG), Lt General Muhammad Amir, had issued a letter to the DG ISI and asked him to appear before the AG to explain his violation of military disciple. When Lt General Faiz Hameed arrived to attend the hearing at the GHQ (September 10), he was thoroughly humiliated. He was marched into the AG’s office, which means he was cautioned at the door and the ISI flag was stripped of his motor vehicle before it was allowed to enter the GHQ premises.

Faiz Hameed has reportedly accepted the charges and asked for pardon, which the COAS has now granted. Hence, the incident is now being hushed away. However, that does not mean that everything is back to normal.

reshuffle at the top in PAK army
On Tuesday, the ISPR (Inter Services Public Relations Pakistan) announced a big and very significant reshuffle in the top brass of the Pakistan Army. Lt General Sahir Shamshad Mirza is to become the Commander of 10 Corps in Rawalpindi, Lt General Muhammed Chiragh Haider is set to become the Commander of Multan Corps and Lt General Muhammed Waseem Ashraf is named the next DG Joint Staff Headquarters.

But the most significant appointment is that of Lt General Azhar Abbas, a Shia officer, to the post of Chief of General Staff (CGS). This is significant because COAS General Bajwa is considering to have a Shia as the next COAS so that it can guarantee an uncompromising fight against the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

The appointment of Lt General Azhar Abbas as the CGS has raised alarm among other high-ranking generals, precipitating into a power struggle that could further widen the fissures in the military hierarchy. DG ISI Lt general Faiz Hameed and Rawalpindi Corps Commander Lt General Sahir Shamshad themselves happen to be eyeing the post of COAS. This could lead to factional intrigues among the generals that could weaken the unity of purpose at the GHQ. However, in order to qualify for the post of COAS, Lt General has to become a Corps Commander first. That is the criteria. So far, it is most unlikely that Lt Gen Hameed will be given a corps to command, but you never know.

In the coming days and weeks as the Taliban fight the Panjshir forces in Afghanistan, the struggle to out-manoeuvre General Bajwa’s attempt to install Lt Gen Azhar Abbas as the next COAS could prove fatal for the fighting morale of the lower-ranking officers.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

Another day, another dossier!

Pakistan unveils dossier on war crimes, rights violations in "Indian-occupied" Kashmir
Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, along with National Security Adviser Dr. Moeed Yusuf and Federal Human Rights Minister Shireen Mazari, on Sunday presented a detailed dossier on war crimes and human rights violations in Indian-occupied Kashmir.
The foreign minister said the dossier comprised 131 pages and had three chapters: one on war crime by the Indian army and its genocidal actions, second on the disappointment of Kashmiris 8) and how a local resistance movement is being born despite the propaganda of everything being normal, and a third chapter on how UN Security Council resolutions, international laws and humanitarian laws were being violated through efforts to bring about a demographic change in the valley.
FM Qureshi pre-empted any concerns regarding the dossier's credibility, explaining that the majority of the references in it were from international and Indian media outlets...
During his brief, Iftikhar pointed out that Indian patronage and training of the militant Islamic State group was a "serious concern". He alleged that evidence suggested India was operating five training camps in Gulmarg, Raipur, Jodhpur, Chakrata, Anupgarh and Bikaner.
"By injecting these state-trained ISIS fighters, India may try to establish linkages of the freedom movement with international terrorism in order to malign the freedom struggle and to justify its own crimes as counter-terrorist operations," he said.
Qureshi said it was being printed and sent to Pakistan's foreign missions and multiple forums, and that every method would be used to achieve "maximum circulation".
Mazari lobbed similar criticism at the European Union for not giving a statement against India's annexation of IoK, asking why sanctions were continued on Russia on the Crimean issue while there were none on India. :((
"The UN Security Council (UNSC) presidency has been given to India at a time when the Indian government is a Hindutva-fascist regime like the Nazis :roll: . Would the UN have allowed a Nazi regime to chair the UNSC presidency?
After this, Gaddi Nasheen Koreysh should announce the formation of the Ministry of Dossiers. After all, it is turning out to be a full-time preoccupation and deserves a hefty line item in the annual budget. Shrileeeen Matahari should be the minister of state with additional responsibility for printing & disbursements.

Harami link: https://www.dawn.com/news/1645981/pakis ... r#comments
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

Note the irony here?

Counting underway after polling ends in largely peaceful countrywide cantonment elections
More than 1,500 candidates fielded by all leading political parties are vying for the 206 seats
Nationalist and religious parties, including the banned Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP), are also in the field with a good number of candidates in all the four provinces.
So, it's akin to letting lunatics run for elections to manage the lunatic asylums.

Haramiyon ka link: https://www.dawn.com/news/1645989/count ... -elections
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Ambar »

A Paki is what a Paki does is the general wisdom here on BRF. And it doesn't matter if that paki is a former C-level executive and a Harvard Alumni. It is rather pathetic but comical to see this Paki tie himself in knots trying to defend ISI and the Taliban on linkedin no less !

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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Anujan »

wig wrote:https://www.news18.com/news/opinion/opi ... 92592.html

Opinion: Fissures Widen among Generals of Pakistan Military
excerpts from the above article

Mullah Faiz Hameed and Taliban Commander Bajwa have disagreement over power sharing. Being a Qaidani, Commander Bajwa is trying to stitch up alliance with the Shia Taliban faction by giving a plum post to Jernail Azhar Abbas.

A jirga was called in GHQ where various tribal leaders of ISI, GHQ called for calm and unity. A backdoor channel was opened for equitable distribution of plots and Pizza hut franchises.

Will the truce hold? Time will tell.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by partha »

anupmisra wrote:
Dilbu wrote:This is unacceptable. How can it be less than 105%?
55pc Pakistanis happy at Taliban govt in Afghanistan
From the article,
The survey — which was conducted from August 13 to September 5 —revealed that 58 percent of men surveyed said they were "happy" with the formation of the Taliban government. Among women, the rate was 36 percent.
A third of the baki motormamas were happy with the tellibunnies!! I bet the survey was conducted in English.
Now we could tell those 55% Pakis especially 36% women who are happy with Taliban govt to emigrate to Afghanistan but wouldn't it be better if Taliban itself came to them? Inshallah, one day Taliban forms a govt in Pakistan.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Cyrano »

“The new and emerging threats in the form of right-wing, Islamophobia, domestic (read caste), racially or ethnically motivated and other forms of extremist tendencies leading to terrorism necessitate effective responses around the world."
ISI is in full action on this. This was the leitmotif for the entire DHG conference that just ended. Expect this rhetoric to multiply in the coming days, by US academecia spearheaded by Columbia, Rutgers et al. funded by Pakistan & American lefty govt.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by bharathp »

Ambar wrote:A Paki is what a Paki does is the general wisdom here on BRF. And it doesn't matter if that paki is a former C-level executive and a Harvard Alumni. It is rather pathetic but comical to see this Paki tie himself in knots trying to defend ISI and the Taliban on linkedin no less !

he is not a harvard alumni. his "Executive management in Venture Capital" is a 3 day program anyone can do by paying 10k at Harvard Univ.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by g.sarkar »

Most of us who cook Indian foods know of Shan Masala, a spices packet sold in Indian grocery stores in the US and UK. Shan is made in Pakistan and is very popular here. Because of its Pakistani origin, I was sure that it is not available in India. A relative of mine wrote that no, it is available in India and it is not of Pakistani origin, the packet does not show that, and it is little more expensive than the Indian masalas in the market. The Shan masala available here in the US, shows clearly its harami origin. So, I did a google search and found that Shan is indeed available in India. It is available in Amazon.in. Its country of origin is shown as Sharajah, UAE. It is obvious that Shan is sending its maal to UAE to bypass the current embargo and exporting it indirectly to India.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by VKumar »

So called Himalayan salt is also from Pakistani Punjab. In earlier days was used as Salt lick for bullocks and horses especially in hot summers, kept at water troughs.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Dilbu »

Taliban refute Pakistani claims on trade in rupee
The Afghan Taliban have refuted a claim from Pakistan’s finance minister that the trade between the two countries would be in the rupee under a currency swap arrangement.

Ahmadullah Wasiq, a member of the cultural commission headed by Zabihullah Mujahid, said the transactions across the country would be in Afghanis, according to Afghan news sources.

Wasiq said that there was no truth in the news that big business would be done in Pakistani currency, Afghanistan’s Pashto language website Nunn Asia reported.

The official said the Taliban attached importance to their identity and they would never make a decision detrimental to the material and spiritual interests of their country.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

anupmisra wrote:Another day, another dossier!

Pakistan unveils dossier on war crimes, rights violations in "Indian-occupied" Kashmir

Harami link: https://www.dawn.com/news/1645981/pakis ... r#comments
In their 131 page doozer, pakis claim the following coordinates are where ISIS is being "trained".

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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Ambar »

Someone on twitter looked up those coordinates on google maps and found one is a village, the other one is a functioning school and another one is a pond , yes, a water pond !
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by krithivas »

That's too bad, It's all over, That water pond is where Indian MARCOS trained ISIS on harvesting lotus and guppies.
Ambar wrote:Someone on twitter looked up those coordinates on google maps and found one is a village, the other one is a functioning school and another one is a pond , yes, a water pond !
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by sanjaykumar »

That is the nuclear submarine base. Now everyone knows.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by ricky_v »

https://warontherocks.com/2021/09/9-11- ... -72-hours/
The agenda included the ambassador’s credentialing ceremony two days later on Sept. 13, the forthcoming visit of the commander of U.S. Central Command, and the Bush administration’s plan to begin lifting the decade-long sanctions regime that had failed to halt Pakistan’s nuclear program. The ambassador (recently arrived Amb. Wendy Chamberlin) emphasized it was time to move on to issues like counter-terrorism cooperation in which the United States needed Pakistan as a friend, not an adversary.
I wore my uniform to the embassy the next day for a later call at General Headquarters with Maj. Gen. Tariq Majid, the director general for military intelligence and my classmate from the Pakistan Army Staff College course I took in 1982.

We’ve been hurt as well,” he complained, “our strategic interests have likewise been damaged.” As Tariq deftly segued into the familiar Pakistan-as-victim theme I had grown used to hearing, I realized that no decision on U.S.-Pakistani cooperation had yet been made by Musharraf.
The majority came through the Defense Human Intelligence Service, but others came from the service’s support elements in the regional commands and still others came from the National Military Joint Intelligence Center in the Pentagon and other intelligence centers:
How stable was Musharraf’s government?
Would the rank and file in the Pakistan Army support a decision to abandon the Taliban? What was the domestic reaction?
Were nine corps commanders — influential players in the Pakistan Army — fully on board with a decision to cooperate?
How much sympathy for the Taliban was there within the army?
Was there any possibility of a coup against Musharraf?
Were Pakistan’s nuclear weapons safe and under positive control?
Who precisely were the Taliban?
What were the names of key leaders?
Which ones were more important than others?
Did anyone have a picture of Mullah Omar?
How well equipped and supplied were the Taliban armed forces?
How was their military campaign against the Northern Alliance going?
Could we work with the Northern Alliance?
Who could be trusted?
Who could not?
What would India do?
What would the -stans do (the neighboring countries of Central Asia)?
What about Iran? China? Russia?
Was the embassy at risk?
She opined that Musharraf was still pondering his response to seven specific demands made on Pakistan by the U.S. government. The seven demands were
(1) stop al-Qaeda operatives at the border (Durand Line) if they tried to enter Pakistan, and end all logistical support to al-Qaeda;
(2) give blanket overflight and landing rights for all necessary military and intelligence operations;
(3) provide territorial access to U.S. and allied military intelligence and other personnel to conduct operations against al-Qaeda;
(4) provide any requested intelligence information;
(5) publicly condemn terrorist acts;
(6) cut off all shipments of fuel to the Taliban government and stop any Pakistani recruits from going to Afghanistan; and
(7), if the evidence implicated bin Laden and al-Qaeda in the 9/11 attacks and the Taliban continued to harbor them, sever all relations with the Taliban government.
She reminded him that in the 1980s when Pakistan last played the role of a frontline state on Afghanistan, many good things had flowed from the United States. Sanctions relief might happen if Pakistan made the right decision, and perhaps other things like support in international financial institutions, debt relief, and the resumption of military and economic assistance. Musharraf complained it was difficult to sign up to cooperate in a military operation without knowing the details of what was being planned, and that India was equating Pakistan with the Taliban because of its earlier recognition of their regime. Cutting him off abruptly, the ambassador snapped that “9/11 changed all that, and there will be no dialogue EVER with the Taliban.”
The next day — Friday — I met again with the director general for military intelligence while Chamberlin met with Musharraf. I asked Tariq straightaway if the chief executive had made a decision about the seven U.S. demands. Tariq replied obliquely, “The answer is very much there.” He said there should not be any confusion about it, but he cautioned that “precise modalities of cooperation” needed to be worked out. This was the sort of non-response that Pentagon action officers for decades had derisively termed “the usual humma-humma.”
What if U.S. actions were oriented solely on bin Laden and al-Qaeda? This would likely not be viewed unfavorably by the ranks, he replied.
What actions had been taken to prepare the public and the army for cooperation with the United States? The Inter-services Public Relations directorate had already begun this work, he replied, but the United States must also publicly support Pakistan. Tariq did not answer any questions fully, but pledged Pakistani cooperation while emphasizing that certain “modalities” — he used that word several times — must still be worked out. When I returned to the embassy, Chamberlin had returned from a ninety-minute meeting with Musharraf. At an impromptu Pol-Core meeting, she disclosed the specific reservations about cooperation about which Tariq had hinted.
The president began by stating he accepted all seven U.S. requests, joking that Pakistan was “in for penny, in for a pound.” The corps commanders, he stressed, were in “total agreement” with the decision, but several things required clarification and a number of Pakistani concerns had to be addressed. He quickly ticked off the seven requests and voiced several concerns:
Sealing the 2,500-kilometer border with Afghanistan was “totally impossible” due to the difficulty of the terrain, but pledged Pakistan would do its best.
Blanket overflight of Pakistani territory was “no problem” as long as no-fly zones over strategic areas — Pakistan’s nuclear sites — were established and honored.
The use of Pakistani ports was fine although Karachi should not be used because it was too public and the city was not completely safe.
Similarly, the use of major air bases should be avoided in favor of rarely used bases in remote areas of Balochistan.
Intelligence sharing was fine so long as neither India nor Israel received any of the information provided by Pakistan and that nothing should involve Kashmir — “we will handle that.” Pakistan agreed to condemn terrorism if Kashmir was not included in the definition.
On the fuel cut-off to the Taliban, Pakistan provided only kerosene to the Afghan government and that would be stopped. Breaking diplomatic relations with the Taliban was already in progress and Pakistan had recalled its ambassador in Kabul.
he wished only to point out things that perhaps were not fully understood in Washington about the risk Pakistan (and he personally) was taking. “We’re compromising a hell of a lot [for you]. This will undermine my personal standing.” As for India, “Tell the Indians to lay off and stay off,” was the blunt message he wanted conveyed to New Delhi.
At this briefing, Lt. Gen. Mahmud Ahmed, the director general of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate, made an impassioned plea to the ambassador and the team not to attack the Taliban, but to let Pakistan work with them to hand over bin Laden. This was bluntly rejected by the ambassador
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

India should do a paki on the pakis. Request reporters from major newspapers and TV channels to report on what actually they find. Heck, invite the UN as well. This doozer was timed with the next UNGA meeting to discredit India.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

sanjaykumar wrote:That is the nuclear submarine base. Now everyone knows.
And the temple next to it is the conning tower. Diabolical!
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

ricky_v wrote:https://warontherocks.com/2021/09/9-11- ... -72-hours/
...the familiar Pakistan-as-victim theme I had grown used to hearing...The president began by stating he accepted all seven U.S. requests, joking that Pakistan was “in for penny, in for a pound.”
And, after Blinken's response to House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee yesterday, pakhanistan should now get ready for "in it for pain, in it for a pounding".
Last edited by anupmisra on 14 Sep 2021 18:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

If prizes were given out to "biggest kisser up politico 2021", this guy will win 'em all.

World leaders ought to follow Imran, says Alvi
“The world would like to become a follower and student of Prime Minister Imran and learn from him due to his political wisdom,” he said.
Where's the puke emoji?

Pukeworthy link: https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/892128 ... -says-alvi
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

Washington to reassess its ties with Pakistan, says Blinken
WASHINGTON: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken Tuesday said that Washington will reassess its relationship with Pakistan in coming days.
Asked by lawmakers if it is time for Washington to reassess its relationship with Pakistan, Blinken said the administration would soon be doing that.
He told the committee that Pakistan has a "multiplicity of interests, some that are in conflict with ours."
The US official said that they have made it clear to Pakistan that it does not want Islamabad to recognise the Taliban government until it doesn't :roll: give women their due rights and allows Afghans who want to leave the country, to do so.
It is one that involved hedging its bets constantly about the future of Afghanistan, it's one that's involved harboring members of the Taliban
Pakistan has had deep ties with the Taliban and has been accused of supporting the group as it battled the US-backed government in Kabul for 20 years - charges denied by Islamabad.
Buckle up. Pakis are now surely "in it for the pain, in it for the pounding". Wait till their active role in the Panjshir massacre is investigated.

Harami link: https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/89233 ... ys-blinken
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by nam »

There is no reassessing anything. I don't know why we keep on believing such public comments. There was a deal done with PA for cavemen take over and more deals will be done with Pak to keep the cavemen in line.

From our perspective, instead of cribbing and pleading, we need to do what we need to do. The most important aspect of Balakot attack was, we spoke AFTER the act.

Similarly in Afghanistan, if we are required to bomb the c*** off Pak units helping the cavemen, do it first. Once done, then we can sit with Americans and say "oops sorry, we didn't know you didn't want it to happen".

We are too much in to "log kya kayenge". :roll:
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by RajaRudra »

nam wrote: We are too much in to "log kya kayenge". :roll:
Yes, If not in Afghanistan, any where near the JK border areas. We should use the firepower to give the message and show the unhappiness.
World is at the most peaceful ever period (historically and relatively) now. We should do some practice and trial run for the next rough period that are sure to come. If not for the fissure with China, we will not even be thinking about the 20kg carrying drone. To be strong, a capable enough enemy is important and we should be thankful to Pakistan for being that.

We should lob and hit the pakis just to keep their capability in some sort of control. Any time , they try to increase the capability there should be a response(stick) and some incentives- not striking(carrot).
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by rsingh »

anupmisra wrote:If prizes were given out to "biggest kisser up politico 2021", this guy will win 'em all.

World leaders ought to follow Imran, says Alvi

“The world would like to become a follower and student of Prime Minister Imran and learn from him due to his political wisdom,” he said.
Where's the puke emoji?

Pukeworthy link: https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/892128 ... -says-alvi
And when you visit to take gyan from Imran bring One Billion USD As Dakshina
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Brad Goodman »

Media has given Biden a complete pass on Afghan fiasco. So long as there is no pressure in SM nothing will happen to Pakistan
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Roop »

anupmisra wrote:Washington to reassess its ties with Pakistan, says Blinken
This is more political bullsh!t from the Biden admin. There is going to be no reassessing of anything with the Pakis, it will just be business as usual. Pakis will pay no penalty for anything, they may even get a bonus from it, just to appease them.

Dems are big-time into appeasement of the Chinese and their chamchas (the Pakis). The story just breaking (from Bob Woodward) about how Gen. Mark Milley got on the phone to Beijing in the days after the last election and effectively stabbed his Commander-in-Chief (Trump) in the back is shocking and depressing. If this garbage is not cleaned up from the American body politic real soon now, the Republic is finished. Civil war and/or revolution is in the cards for America in the near future.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by anupmisra »

From the mouth of Gaddi Nasheen Koreysh (pirwalla).

Govt open to pardon for TTP if they give up terror activities, surrender: FM Qureshi
Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has said that the Pakistani government would be "open to giving" a pardon to members of the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) if they promise not to get involved in terrorist activities and submit to the Pakistani Constitution.
Qureshi said if the new Afghan setup could use its influence and talk to the TTP, and "if [the TTP] are willing to mend fences and not take the law into their hands and not get involved in terrorist activities and they submit and surrender to the writ of the government and the Constitution of Pakistan, we are even open to giving them a pardon."

So, in effect, Koreysh has asked the PakiTellibunnies to surrender whereas he had egged on the afghan tellibunnies to get their freedom and write their own constitution. By the way, Koreysh had more clothes on than the interviewer.

Note the weasel words in his offer.

The usual haram ka link: https://www.dawn.com/news/1646548/govt- ... fm-qureshi
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by CalvinH »

Roop wrote:
anupmisra wrote:Washington to reassess its ties with Pakistan, says Blinken
This is more political bullsh!t from the Biden admin. There is going to be no reassessing of anything with the Pakis, it will just be business as usual. Pakis will pay no penalty for anything, they may even get a bonus from it, just to appease them.
From this posturing US keep extracting more and more from Pakis and is giving them less and less in return. Pakis are already scrambling with this statement and downhill sking is in full swing. Just enjoy with Popcorns.

This is not enough for us though but US needs to watch its interest and not those of India's. So far this is going in the right downward trajectory though we can wish the slop is steeper.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by Maria »

anupmisra wrote:From the mouth of Gaddi Nasheen Koreysh (pirwalla).

Govt open to pardon for TTP if they give up terror activities, surrender: FM Qureshi
Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has said that the Pakistani government would be "open to giving" a pardon to members of the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) if they promise not to get involved in terrorist activities and submit to the Pakistani Constitution.
Qureshi said if the new Afghan setup could use its influence and talk to the TTP, and "if [the TTP] are willing to mend fences and not take the law into their hands and not get involved in terrorist activities and they submit and surrender to the writ of the government and the Constitution of Pakistan, we are even open to giving them a pardon."

So, in effect, Koreysh has asked the PakiTellibunnies to surrender whereas he had egged on the afghan tellibunnies to get their freedom and write their own constitution. By the way, Koreysh had more clothes on than the interviewer.

Note the weasel words in his offer.

The usual haram ka link: https://www.dawn.com/news/1646548/govt- ... fm-qureshi
The premiere scion of the Qureish has an unusual body posture while sitting, I wonder what he is trying to hide.

On a serious note, I love the propaganda value of using a fair motormouth to conduct the interview. The raakit mards will love it. So will the TFTA world around.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by partha »

anupmisra wrote:From the mouth of Gaddi Nasheen Koreysh (pirwalla).

Govt open to pardon for TTP if they give up terror activities, surrender: FM Qureshi
This is disappointing. According to the glorious tradition, every incoming Pak army chief starts a new war on terror with some fancy Arabic name like zarb-e-zamzam or rudd-ul-farce and claim victory a few months later and then plant reports in media on how some visiting phoren dignitary "praised" Pak army's efforts in combating terrorism.
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Re: Terroristan - April 15, 2021

Post by saip »

The premiere scion of the Qureish has an unusual body posture while sitting, I wonder what he is trying to hide.
Being a VVVVVIP in Pakiland he might have got the Moderna vaccine. It causes I am told, swollen ba@@s. I am not kidding, so said Nicki Minaj.