Possible Indian Military Scenarios - Part VI

BRFite -Trainee
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Post by dhruvarka »

Shankar, Although ASW helos and aircrafts theoritically can carry a heavyweight torpedo, they never do in practice because the associated parachute gear needed to drop the torp would not fit into the weapons bay. Dropping the torp by winch from a helo is also not feasible.
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Post by Shankar »

o.k I understand you need a para drop the torp if making a medium altitude drop so that the delicate fusing mechanism and accoustic sensors dont get damaged by the hard splash .

But just suppose the sea kings come in real low say 50 ft over the wave tops and then release the heavy torp withou parchute brake -will it still damage the sensors and drive motor.

For example when the surface ships launch torps they do make quite a hard splash and surely no para retardingis employed . Ofcourse whether they can launch a mark 48 adcap the same way i am not sure

By the way thanks for clearing up an important point that of aerial torpedo launch and its limitations.
Hari Sud
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Post by Hari Sud »

Hello Siva

I am back after ashort vacation.

Please do fill me in on the editing progress.

Also please check with Rakesh and Ramana as to the begining date of scenarios???

What is thr first scenario from "Shankar's".

Let us keep Shankar's work separate from others.

All new suggestions are welcomed today, but not later when this work is already half way.

We (myself and Siva) will edit every scenario. We will do our best to separate one scenario from other. Also give them names as suggested by Shankar's admirers previously.

I shall have more time from now onwards and begin the work in earnest. We need the aforementioned help. Please do help to find fisr of Shankar's scenario.

Thank you all

Hari Sud
BRFite -Trainee
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Post by dhruvarka »

To my knowledge, a parachute is essential for aerial torpedo drops not only to protect the fusing and sensor mechanisms but also to ensure that the homing head is kept pointed downwards to detect the target noise. In case of surface or submarine launch this is not essential since the torp can be steered towards the target by the attached wires until the homing head detects the target noise.
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Post by Shankar »

Hi guys - sorry for the unintended long break-just back from a week long visit to kuwait and baharain .Also had mu first look
.. at armoured might of us .Just in pre positioned equipement dump in kuwait there saw atleast 1000 m-1 and bradleys nicely camoed and netted up and apart from usal sentry and checkposts 100% videp scanning of the entire area with the command post directing patrol vehicles to intercept any unidentified vehicle even if a lcal taxi that has lost its way

In kuwait interantional the fleet of c-17s and c-140s indicate the war in iraq is far from over and us is really getting ready to dig in for along stay . Kuwait in most of the restricted areas look like more of a us army base with a spattering of local population thrown in .it is fully and totally controlled by us military .Even refinery and oilfield security is by local military directly supervised by us army .

Things were no diffrent in baharain .Only her the airforce and navy is more in evidence .Had my first look at a missile cruiser withboxy phased array antenas all around with its own escort of frigates .The oilfoelds are continiously patrolled by us army choppers some times singly and sometimes in flights of two and three .Did see one 3 chopper formation -cobras most likely patrolling the dessert around the refinery complex.

The naval base in baharain though much smaller than sandiego has much higher security and it is impossible to have a close look at the combat ready ships and only from the other side of the bay you can make out the ships and the tomahawk launchers .Security of the naval base is the only responsibility baharain coast guard does obviously under us navy command

That much for independent nation hood of the oil states like kuwait-baharain and most likely saudi arabia . Every promotion in the oil refineries have to be cleared by chevron or its likes .

Maybe Iraq did not go that way and we all know what happened to them.

By the way got holdf some nice usaf/navy sponsered dvds on f-18/f-14 and b-2 which includes actual cockpit shots of take off and landings and target engagement - so very soon indian military scenarios will be much more realistic and detailed -promise

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Post by Shankar »

Captain akhtar took one look at the wrecked humvee on fire and looked at his water proof watch.He knew his time was really running out as he quickly issued brisk orders to his force identifying each and evry target carefully where to place the charges for maximum damage and each two member squad took off on a brisk run towards their asigned targets without question knowing full well this may be their very last mission . Alpha squad went for the processed watre tanks ,beta squad for the raw water intake pump house ,charlie squad for the process water distribution manifold,delta squad for the gsa tubine powerplant that supplies the life juice of the massive reverse osmosis plant and he himself went for the plant control room adjacent to the main pure water outlet to the airbase .

The motion sensored alarm shocked lt commander julia out of early morning sleepy haze as she quickly looked at the alarm monitor and saw the intrussion coordinates at the outer perimeter near the sewar outflow main.She checked her mi6 quickly and loaded a round in the chammber as at the same time snapped up the vhf handset and hooked onto base security
- pico siear -julia delta one - have possible intrussion on grid sector bravo zeta-request immediate reinforcement -over
-julia delta one -pico siera -we read you loud and clear -repeat nature of emergency
- possible human intrussion -request permission to open fire over
- permission granted julia delta one -reinforcements on 4 minutes out -take defensive position immediately -over
-message understood -over and out

Lt commander julia knew what that order meant -she has to lock up and wait till reinforcements arrive but that was difficult as she saw two tiny human figures in the distance detach themselves from the shadow of the large processed water and start fixing up small explossive charges to the tank wall .

She did not see the third figure of captain akhtar who has sneaked in behind the control cabin and now approaching her from her blind spot .

Julia adjusted the scopes magnification to maximum and selected single shot on the mi6 fire selector lever as she aimed carefully the cross hairs resting squarely on the chest of the first intrider still intent on fixing up and wiring the shaped demolition charge possibly c-4 block form the look of it as she held her breath and very gently squeezed the sensitive trigger.The sharp crack of the 5.56 mm shell filled the closed room as the high velocity bullet left the barrel with a strong recoil that she could feel strongly gainst her shoulder and the hot casing ejected violently on a 30 degree arc to her right and hit the celing. She immediately had the satisfaction of seeing the target violently thrown back against the tank wall and then spash to ground the task of wiring up the charge still to be completed .The second intruder went flat on ground trying t locate the source of fire and then opened with a burst from his ak on full auto the copper jacketed hollow tipped bulletes making a statco rattle as they hit the walls and windows of the control room and showering her with a spray of glass fragments .Julia closed her eyes on reflex and went down taking shelter behind the open window.

Capatin akhtar vaulted over the window frame in and came in a flash .Before lt commander julia could even take in this new threat he had her in a firm grip and his left hand move quickly and surely as the razor sharp commando dagger slit her juglar artery ending all resistance .Even as julia was on th floor quickly chocking on her own blood ,akhtar fixed the the lead container with radioactive waste and built in timer detonator to the main water outlet and jumped out .The charge exploded after exactly five seconds very effectively destrying the water supply system to air base and contaminating the entire water supply system for months to come .

At least the main mission component have been done well thought captain akhtar as he looke around for the second target the water distribtion manifold . In the distance he could hear the shrill whine of heicopter turbines starting up quickly followed by the thump thump of powerful rotors as the two seakings came in low and fast ,and he did not have any place to run .Still he tried to make one last dash for the next target but this time luck was not with him .The first of the hydra 57 mm rckets threw him to the ground and the second hit him just below the right toe and exploded.Desigend to destroy main battle tanks captain akhtar simply dissapeared in a ball of fire and black smoke .

It took us navy choppers all of three minutes to sanitise the area before nuclear decontamination teams could move in .But the damage has been already done .

Diego garcia will be out fo bounds for all navy and airforce personnel for next six months .Evacuation of the base strated immediately.

The first blood has been drawn.
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Post by Shankar »

By itself it was not a major military strike but perhaps the most devastating one targetted at military infrastructure in recent times.

As the water supply all around the bases showed signs of dangerous level of radioactive contamination the first priority of us military command was to find drinking water for thousands and then setting up the logistics for the evacuation of all non essential persons which meant all those not connected with nuclear weapon and its delivery system were to be evacuated preferably to a near by friendly country from where usaf and navy can maintain the same level of operational support as from diego and has a friendly population .
They did not really have much choice in this matter .

It took almost a full day of animated discussions at the highest levels of govt to freeze the alternate location - kozikode -kerala which had a deep water port capable of taking on the carriers and a 8000 ft long runway which could take on the b-52 with reduced load. Work on extension of the runway started on war footing and a reputed indian engineering company got the contract at almost 3 times the normal rate - one of the many thank yous from us govt to its indian friend

Production of pepsi,coca cola and bisleri for domestic market was halted for a few days and thier entire stock was airlifted to diego garcia again by govt and private owned civilian airlines to meet the immediate water need of the islands population.Domestic scheduled air services were severly dirupted as evryone made a bee line for lucrative us military charters as a24 hrs air bridge was set up which included both indian and us carriers .Taking in fresh food and vegetables and bringing back us service eprsonnel to thruvanthapuram and kozikode .Almost one aircraft taking off and landing every 5 minutes round the clock as the air bridging operation picked up momentum .

Then the heavy equipment started arriving on board worlds shipping and agin indian carriers were the preffred option . The ships usally docked in at night and by early morning they were off the pier with thier loads leaving the port for an area marked camp david 5 kms from ernakulam railway station where prefabricated huts were being set up at a brisk pace for the advance party and also temporary storage for the personnel and equipment till their main housing adjoining port and airport became operatioanl . The civilian airport was "temporarily closed " and the angry keralites from gulf were taken to thirvantha puram and then to thier home at allepy and kozikode area by chartered air conditioned buses once again the bill footed by us navy .

First to become operatioanl in the new us base in india was the communication centreand next the new air strip 12000 ft long runway included within 3 months. Some of the deep draft piers in kozikode port was leased out for short duration t us navy and the first nimitz class glided in shortly therafter .

For the local population used to work with american construction firms in persian gulf it was a very welcome change indeed . The construction boom hiked the real estate price almost three fold and for the first time keralites used to american tourists all the time also got used to business side of us govt and they were not dissapointed.

there was ofocurse local opposition too but the support generated out of huge us investment in building up the major base infrastructures overcame the tiny voice of opposition quite easily .

Kozikode became the first indo-us joint naval air base in line with okinawa in japan. Pakistan by its stupid action managed to shift the us naval power far closer home and managed to buy few months of time to its ultimate destiny
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Post by Sudhanshu »

Very balanced and realistic..

*** EDITED....I was late in hitting submit button by 3 minutes. Before I hit that shanker has already posted ***
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Post by nits »

The tiny nation attacked on the Super Power and US did nothing...?? with the status of such a mighty nation it needed a Quick response from US.. may be Sanctions or Strong words from its president or a tit for tat on Pakistan's Nucelar Installation or on Pak Navy...
BRFite -Trainee
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Post by menon »

yes agree that it is uncharecterestic of US to have done nothing.
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Post by Shankar »

-Rise for the commander in chief ,annonced the marine guard at door and the entire military command of united states stood up to brisk attention as the president of united states made his one of the surprise and very rare visits to the nerve centre of united states military machine
-at ease gentlemen -spoke the commander in chief in an ice coted voice very arrely heard outside the close confines of oval office or the situations room in the basement

- Today we face a threat far serious than in past and the true objective of our war on terror cannt be achieved or the lives of our citizens mad safe till the source of world terror is neutralised once and for all .Ihave just recieved a positive confirmation of head of international atomic agency aciedent investigation team that the radioactive material used in diego garcia does indeed have the signature of kahuta complex written all over it .

This gentrlemen is a totally unacceptable situation
We are left with no other alternative but to proceed with maximum speed for destruction of nations state of pakistan .
All our allies have agreed on a broad time plan and nature of operations to be carried out
We all know the enemy this time is armed with nuclear weapons and pose considerable risk to its neighbours particularly india from where the main operations are to be launched .Please ensure our maximum asistance in safeguarding her national assets and cities
I have already talked to israeli prime minister and he has grudgingly agreed to shift 4 arrow 2 anti missile batteries to india immediately with transportation to be provided by our military air lift command
Use of pre emptive nuclear strike at this point is not an option and but we should not rule out any evantuality
Time is of essence and it is imperative we complete the mission objective in minimum possible time .
Iam talking to chinese prime minister in two hours time and shall request him not to initiate any significant military mobilisation in the arunachal pradesh region as long as our troops are based in india as that may and will be construed as an act of war on united states of america.

Also using my executive authority I am raising the alert level of all our forces world wide to defcon2

I expect to have a look at the detailed air tasking order before giving the final go ahead .

Please ensure all us citizens and service personnel in pakistan leave that country within 48 hrs .

I have instructed state department to recall our ambasador to pakistan immediately . They shall be also declaring entire pakisatni embassy staff persona non grata in the next 72 hrs .

For all practical purposes a state of war now exists between pakistan and unites states ,india and its allies .

There will be no formal declaration to this effect -surprise after all still has some values as my generals tell me .

I know this is a high risk operation and expect each and every one of you will do your best to ensure that no catastrophic event has a chance to happen .In fact I will hold you personally resonsible for any lapse that may lead to such an event

The entire resources of united states is at your disposal along with the executive authority of my office . Please get the the job done and done well.

Thank you gentlemen for you time -god speed and good hunting .

The commander in chief of worlds most powerful military machine looked tired as he stood up and left the silent room ,the weight of his decision visibly resting on his shoulders.

the president of pakistan looked at the blown out map of pudong international airport ,shanghai and the intel reports sent in from the ground operatives of isi working in a construction firm who have got the contarct to build the new runway parallel to the existing main runway 27 .He as a good military planners could pick up the weak points of sEcurity set up immediatelyand he started up jotting down a rough strike plan .Back of his mind he still worried about possible us reaction for the event at diego garcia or rather lack of it over the last few months .Then he once agin pushed it to back of his mind as he concentrated on a fool proof plan to tarnish peoples republics international image and overseas relationships by spoiling its flawless aviation security reccords.It will be like killing quite a few birds with a single stone . He smiled to himself as he crystalised the details and took one long sip of chivas regal.
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Post by Sudhanshu »

UN should also be involved after DG attack. That what US has always done before going out for a major strike.

We might like to read the different arguments and speeches made in UN.

I would like to suggest shankar to have the series of "jehadi strikes" inside India (especially in NE and J&K) at which ISI is good at,in his calculation. That is what Pakistan likes to do when instigated and do it successfully with support of local population (read radical islamic population).
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Post by Shankar »

Mr david wong took his job very very seriously .As security in charge of this showpiece international gateway of china there was every reason why he should be serious.So far there have not been a single breach of security in this busy airport and he intended keeping it that way .Unlike other international airports pudong does not have any visible security atleast not untill you know where to look or more importantly who to look at.The total sservilance is electronic and the best money can buy .Apart from highly sensitive metal detectors and whole body scanners carefully placed at all the entries and exits a plethora of plainclothes security men keep a very tight vigil on what is going on from the check in counters to the baggage handling and includes air tarfic control and obviously perimeter security .The city of shanghal and pudong is linked by a dedicated expressway along with the high speed magnetic levitation train which allows the travellers to come into the airport from down town a distance of 30 kms in just 7 minutes with the maglev touching a flshing speed of 430 kms per hour during its short transit from and to the city

Today was a very busy day in Pudong . 5 new spanking new A-380s were waiting on the tarmac waiting for the minister of civil aviation to flag them off to their maiden destination ,all bearing the logo of south china airlines and the passengers were already boarding the aircraft . Alongside was also a continental B-787 that too on its first run to houston texas .Between them they carried about 3000 passengers and nearly 700 tons of jet fuel .

Like all politicians the civil aviation minister of peoples republic of china always made it a point to travel by maglev train from city centre whenever he wanted to fly in or out of shanghai .Today was no exception .The elctronic status board showed the train no 0076 PD expected to leave downtown shanghai station in 3 minutes and the minister was already on board . This meant he will be arriving at 0810 hrs local time and the first of the a-380s could start taking off by 0830 hrs .The continental flight to houston was scheduled for 0900 hrs departure ,minister or no minister.

David wong scanned the mass of colour monitors covering the entire one wall of his security control and saw nothing unusal . The usal long line of passengers checking in with the overworked but still smiing check in crews doing thier best to manage the mad morning hour rush. All the body scanners and x-ray machines were manned and operating o.k which were also relayed realtime to his security station and additional staff were checking and double checking as each passenger went thru the electronic screen .So far there have been only two false alarm . One a lebaneese lady carrying football shaped shampoo container in her checked in baggage was stopped and searched but then allowed to go her way .The second incident was more serious a six inch knife was found in the carry on bag of philipino student who simply did not seemed to know how it got into his bag . After intesne questioning he too was also allowed to proceed to manila with the hand crafted wood handled knife becomming the property of peoples republic of china .

The shanghai pudong international airport opened to business in 1999 defacto replacing hongqiao airport as all international flights including those to macao and hongkong were transfered.The second runway opened in 2005 .The second terminal opened in 2007 .The long term plan calls for 4 terminals and four parallel runways . The work on third runway was almost over and only a small group of indian engineers and bangladeshi and pakisani workeres were working on the runway lighting systems nearby .A little known fact about chinas showpiece airport is it is largely funded by a soft grant from japan of 350 million us$.The airport in 2012 handled nearly 1000 flight per day from its two 4000 mtr long all concrete runways and with the completion of third runway expected in a month the number was expected to touch 1200 flights daily.

-south china airlines annoncesthe departure of its flight 231 to manila .Passeneger are requested to to proceed immediately for immigration and security checks and awit departure call .Came the sing song voice of chinese annoncer over the air port public address system followed by the same annoncement in chinese.
-continental airilines regrets a 30 minutes delay to its houston flight 3471 by 30 minutes due to air trafic congestion. Passengers are requested to collec their refershment coupons fromout ground staff at the security hold area .

Far from the hustle and bustle of the airconditioned terminal shaikh sulaudin a foreman in charge or runway wiring looked casually at the distant parking apron . Under the chasis of his utility pick up was the single stinger launcher with a lonely missile already loaded and the batteries were fresh .He carried an indian passport aquired at considerable expense in the city of amritsar after he crossed into india occupied kashmir one dark night under cover of heavy arty fire . By profession he was an electrician that before he joined the pakistani army and was deputed to special forces.His skill with both synchronised demolition and surface to air missiles made his move thru the ranks easy and now he held the rank of a major of pakisatni army .Soon after aquiring the indian passport he joined the indian construction farm roofs and roads knowing it has got the contract for building the new runway at pudong and his working knowledge of chinese helped him get selected for this prestigious overseas job as foreman runway lighting . His job also allowed him to carry speciality tools like pnematic hammers and shovels which all look somewhat like a shoulder fired stinger suitable camaflaged .He has been working in this project for last two years and his knowledge of local language made him popular with the guards who always did not check his tools -like today
Hari Sud
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Post by Hari Sud »

Dear Readers

The work to consolidate and edit Shankar's work in form of a easy readable booklet has hit the brakes. Most of the people who earlier offered help are too busy in their daily routine and cannot devote enough time to the project.

Incidententally there is pdf version of this work but it is unedited. It also includes previously posted scenarios prior to Shankar. The following could be posted. But the request has to be made to "Junker India" a member of this forum for the same.

Editing all Shankar's writing and separating it into chapters is doable but needs time and also needs a text editable version. Until that happens, I cannot proceed. I am sorry for that.

I hope you guys understand.

But if some one is prepared for the same then I will do the needful.

Thank you

Hari Sud
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Post by Shankar »

Dressed in a pair of stone washed jeans and a small carry on bag containing tools of his trade Abdul latif loitered the spankin g clean platform as in the distance the chinese minister of aviation made an impromptu speech on progress of peoples republic of china under present prime minister as exemplified by the maglev and pudong international airport project . As he finished his short speech people around dutifuly applauded and the entorage got into the futuristic train ,the only one of its kind in the world and the train silently left the station on its way to pudong airport levitated over the guide rail by powerful electromagnets .It was expected to reach pudong airport exactly 8 minutes after that is at 0808 hrs and after a five minute turnaround come back to down town station at 0821 to start again precisely at 0826 to raech airport at 0834 hrs .

Abdul smiled as he thought how predicatable the chinese are in thier attempt to create a world class on time modernistic rail system. In his carry on bag he was not carrying any explossive or weapons which would have been easily detected by loocal police and he put behind bars without trial for years .Instead he carried a small custome made but very powerful siganl generator which can override the maglevs electro-magneticlevitation and propulsion field control system and cause it ot eiether stop on emergency mode or speed up uncontrollably by deactivating its regenerative braking process .

For the generals audacious plan to strike multiple targets at pudong airport to suceed a major diversion was essential to get the security controllers view away from the cctv monitors atleast for 90 seconds the time to load and fire a stinger at the massed parked aircraft .

While maglev or magnetic levitation transportation was proposed allmost a century back it was first put to practical use only as late as 2002 over A 30km track costing upwards 60 million us$ per km .Capable of reaching speed as high as 506 kms per hr its max speed with passengers is usally restricted to 430 kms per hour during its non stop run between shanghai and pudong airport. The ride is so smooth and comfortable that no seat belts are provided .The acceleration from 0 to 430 km/hr and deaceleration back to 0 kms hr is all controlled by a controlling the switching frequency of the embeded propulsion electromagenet on the guide rail and computerised full authority regenerative braking system.30 minutes battery back upis available for levitation purpose only in case the electric power supply to the tracks is interupted .For the passengers the ride quality is far better than an air journey as the lack of sound and vibration during the high speed transit makes it some what dreamlike .It is here that the basic physics of electromagnetic suspension put to practical use. The levitation of the fibre glass body 4 coach train is effected by magnetic repulsion by electromagnets embeded in the guide way acting upwards.The essential componets include the dedicated power station ,electromagnetic coils lining the guideway and large guidance magnets attached to underside of the train.The magnetic coil lining the track or guideway repel the large magnets on the underside of the trains undercarriage allowing the train to levitate by about 10 mm above the guide way and once this is achieved power is automatically applied to the second set of propulsive coils that pull and push the train along the guid way .The propulsive coils are continiously changing polarity therby alternately pulling and pushing the train as it passed over the powered section of the track.The whole of 30 km track is not powered up only the section over which the train is travelling and a small section before and behind it.Built by transrapid shanghais maglev is one of its kind .

Abdul latif knew all this and a bit more .He was an electrical engineer from lahore college of engineering and did his masters in magnetic propulsion from hamburgh institute of technology and worked in siemens magnetic equipmement division for 5 yrs before ISI got him . In an insane bout of gambling in paris he lost everything and loan sharks were after his blood since he owed them more than 500000 us$ and they wanted thier money within 3 months . As he approached the pakistani embassy in paris and explained his predicment ,the cultural attache made him an offer he could not refuse .While his loan was taken care off he reported to islamabad for one of a type job to pay back the favour .

Unknown to him -he was actually under watch .From a small window over the ticket window a senior internal security officer have already seen the x-ray photo of his carry on bag thrice and he was confused .Though there was nothing in the bag to warrant an arrest he neverthless sent the photo by e mail to local siemens engineering to get an asurance the gadgets inside could not possibly be a security risk to the maglev operations and also detailed a plainclothes policewoman to be near the suspect all the time .

Latif did not give a second glance to the miniskirted young woman sporting approaching him carrying an oversized leather hand bag .Then she smiled .
BRFite -Trainee
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Post by menon »

Do you think Mushy or his successor/s will taken on GOTUS and Chicoms together. Is it not madness and a sure case of Assured destruction??
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Post by Sudhanshu »

I am an electromagnetics student.. but this idea doesnt strike me.

Shankar you are nothing but great.

May be govt. around the world take cue from your writing and implement preventive measures for such terrorists activities.
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Post by Shankar »

Shaikh salaudin scanned his immediate surrounding with casual grace.He has managed with great difficulty to park his ramshackle pick with its load of underslung stinger launcher with a single missile loaded right next to the newly completed cable trench running parallel to the new runway all the way to the taxi way at the other end of the airport perimeter .About 1.5 mtrs deep and wide it was just about the right size for a trained man to belly crawl all the way near the parking apron outside the all percasive eye of the video survilance system which covered the entire airport complex and constantly monitored by a special group of security officials. Every third camera was infra red type which meant night was just no cover But the 3 inch thick reinforced concrete slabs that coverd the cable trench was. It was in fact like a sheltered access way right up to the most secured area of the airport .He looked at the policeman posted at the construction to keep a close eye on the expat workers and right at the moment looking for a smoke break .Since smoking was strictly prohibited in the operating areas of the airport the policemen on duty usally strolled down to the nearby cconstruction store for a quick cigarette and cup of tea.Today was no exception. As the policeman started walking casually towards his prized destination salaudin took one more look at his watch and moved over quickly to the parked pick up and then slid under in one fluid motion. As he took on the cteel clamps that held the 4ft long missile cannister under the chasis with his adjustable wrench he thought of his country and his god .The night before he has taken care to remove al personal identification from his person and the only document he carried was the fake indian passport and a cyanide capsule hanging by a gold chain from his neck inside a metal plated replica of shanghai communication tower.All the bolts were lightly tight and well oiled and came off as expected fast and smooth.Atlast he had the stinger in his hand and from now he knew there was no come back as he gingerly stepped into the mud covered trench and strted his long crawl to "fame" and death.

The minister of civil aviation was all smiles as he came out of the airconditioned coach no 2 of the transrapid maglev barely 50 mtrs from the massed bank of check in counters and walked briskly thru the connecting walkway into the air[port. The media was out in full force and he took his time to answer the oft repeated standard questions form the elctronic media as he enjoyed his hour in the sun.It was almost 0827 before he could finally manage to walk off the platform and into the official ceremony ,behind him the maglev returned back towards shanghai station for another passenger pick up run like a robot that srives it day in and day out thru an intricate system of wire less wide area network controlling everything from speed to braking to airconditioning to secondary and primary safety backup taking its cue from the massive operational and design data base generated out of many years of running the same track .The uniformed comparitively highly paid driver in the front cabin was just for show more of a psychological prop for passenger comfort who still were not comfortable with robot driven compuetr controlled machine hurtling at 430 kms /hr, 5 mtsr over the ground on elevated track
or rather magnetically levitated guideway.

The weak link in the system was the wireless data transfer network which communicated the trains speed and postion data from the cab to the propulsive coils along the guideway and gave the feed back to the main drive computer in drivers cab for corrective action in a seamless manner.Any breach in this secured data transfer network can be catastrophic as the maglev was like a fly by wire aircraft totally dependent on the locomotion computer one primary and one back up for safety of the superfast locomotive . As long as the data tarnsfer went on maglev was the safest mode of transportation on ground if not no one dared to imagine .
Latif checked out his compact wide band signal generator and to appear casual looked at the attractive chineese woman who was eyeing him openly.Any other time he would have been interested but not today. He hoped the german engineer who he befriended in a nanjing road singing bar few days back were correct about the operating frequency band of the day since so much depended on it.The information coast him almost two full bottles of premium scotch whiskey and the services of the attractive hostess of the bar..Once again he looked at the lady standing next to him and wondered if after all there is any chance he will come out of this live but knew that to be an absurdity of highest order as no one really survives a 430 km/hr crash and live to tell its tale .

The futuristic looking maglev glided into the station soundlessly disgorging its load of tourists and few locals (the high ticket price of 20 yuan made maglev not very popular with the locals) and soon it was ready to commence its fateful run once again towards the airport.Latif was surprised to see the attractive lady still watching him intently with a sly smile as he got into the train followed closely by the lady in miniskirt.

the resident project manager of siemens china finished his cup of black coffee and opened his mail box and was seurprised to see a nessage from the head of maglev security addrssed to him requesting immediate response.The attached x-ray phot taken by a security camera took another 30 seconds to open and the quality was not good.But still it did not take him more than another 30 seconds to realise what it was and its implication on a computer controlled wireless loop controlled ultra high speed transit train. As he picked up the direct hot line to maglev train control he lost another minute before the chineese speaking engineer could be located and his message transmitted to central train control cabin.

By that time the maglev on its way to pudong airport has already accelerated to 345 kms/hr and still going up to its designated max speed of 431 kms per hour before the on board computer will automatically slow down the switching frequency of the invertors that control the polarity change of the electro magnets linning the guideway , thereby bringing it to a smooth halt in less than 3 min.

Time was indeed swiftly running out for maglev 820
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Post by Shankar »


The president of pakistan believed in living well even when his most audaciously risky paln to get peoples republic of china come to his help against a possible indo-us invasion any time .He knew alone pakistan was doomed even before the first shot is fired .pakistani navy have stopped al flights in arabian sea after it 4 of its f-16s on a probe mission entered the un official no fly zone around the carriers vikarmaditya and charles de gaule few days back.All pakisatns ships were already confined to ports not risking an "acciedental confrontation "on the high sea with us/indian navy on aggressive patrol.They were in fact looking for an excuse to sink the whole navy as the navy chief explained to him .As he sipped the tall glass of chilled orange juice he reflected on the developments of the last few months strting from partly sucessful strike carried out by brave pakistani special forces team into the heart of us naval power.For all practical purposes diego garcia was not available to us forces .But instead of moving out and away most of the diego garcia fleet was now positioned in indian port of kochi far closer to home and far more dangerous .So he had really no option but to take a gamble.He hoped as the chineeses security found indian passports on the team poised to strike at shanghai airport they will react in anger ,without thinking atleast not thinking too deeply about indian motive for such an unreasnable act .

Baluchistan was in flames after thier demand for bigger share of natural gas sales was rejected by a presidential decree signed just a week back and additional troops had to be rushed in to protect the gas fields .Attacks still continued on isolated pipeline and compressing stations seriousll upsetting the pakistans fragile economy. The rebels were using mostly russian hardware ,no doubt supplied free of cost by indian army authorities from thier bases in afganistan. The game he played in kashmir is now being played on him and he had no answer . Atleast the indians pushed in half a million soldiers in the small state and by sheer armed presence followed by tactful political moves manged to contain the explossive situation duly helped by the locals rejection of outside militants .

The north western frontier was a total fiasco.Across the border raids by indian supported afgan tribals some times supported by thier gunships and strike aircraft in "hot pursuit"have already demoralised his army in the region who were also forced to fight their taliban brothers inder enormous us pressure .Strangely though the indian border was very calm just like the ocean before a big storm.Despite lot of provocations under his direct instructions the indian army just was not reacting and in fact have moved back a few kilometers from thier forward postion and appeared to be waiting for something to happen.

No matter what happened in shanghai -he knew he needed to take an initiateive so that the poweres that surround him today think twice before embarking on a foolish adventure . He decided to test the indian resolve with a decisive strike right into the heart of her power -New Delhi and Mumbai Simultaneously .He took another sip of cold orange juice and strted plotting the mission ,shanghai already pushed back in his mind as a thing of past ,though in reality it was the immediate present .
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Post by menon »

"The game he played in kashmir is now being played on him and he had no answer . Atleast the indians pushed in half a million soldiers in the small state "

5 Lakh soldiers in Kashmir??
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Post by Shankar »

Cheri yun looked at the space age dispalys in the drivers cabin of the maglev.All the parameters were in the green orrather in the band where they should be . The radar euipped anti collission showed the track clear all the way for next 5 kms straight strech and the levitation magnetic field strenght level was accurately controlled byt he computer so as keep the train exactly 10.35 mm over the guideways by constantly varying the field strenght as the train accelerated to its peak speed and the sideways rocking motion sensed by the guidance coils and automaticaly equal and opposite damping force applied to keep the coaches steady as it rode the electromagnetic suspension system. The three parameters he was to watch always was the alert message on the radar scope of his anti collission system though the drive computer will automatically activate the regenerative braking system whose magnitude will be depending on the distance to obstruction very much like a human driver applies brake on an expressway carefully but surely continiously varying the braking effort so as to stop just a safe distance away from the obstruction on track.Secondly he has to watch the speed on the digital display which showed both the ground speed of the train and the relative air speed .The max attainable speed of 506 km/hr only if there is no head wind or tail wind .A high tail wind condition will likely make for overspeeding and more importantly a strong head wind over 30 knots may overload the propulsion magnet coils and cause serious overheating .Today however there was no such situationand the train smoothly acclerated past the 400km/hr mark toward its max safe cruise speed . 3.5 kms up into the track came the only sharp bend in the system before which the peak speed of 431 km/hr will reach and then the the propulsive magenet coils will be powered down and the maglev allowed to gradualy deacelerate by air resitance alone to about 200kms/hr as it approaches the pudong airport at whic point the propulsionmagenets will reverse polarity and act as a magnetic brake using the forward momentum of the train to act aginst the direction of magnetic field generating electrical power feeding back into the system.Thirdly and most importantly he was to act immediately if the primary and seconday drive computer fails .In such a situation he was uspposed to mannualy switch off the power to the magnerised section of the track and reverse the polarity of the next sections mannually in an emergency brake or crash landing scenario.In that case the train will brake suddenly as full magnetic power will be applied to the large magnets on the underside of the undercarriage in oppsite direction causing it to stop within a km or so from max speed of 430 kms/hr . Use of this braking procedure was never encouraged as it could cause expensive damage to the concrete structures supporting the elevated guidance tarck and also ruin many of the propulsive magnets by over heating .Of the records he was supposed to use it only if the speed exceeded 550 kms hr or if there was a visible obstruction on the track or a missing section of track close up all very unlikely and never happened before . Any missing track section will not allow the train to start in first place. The forward looking radar would detct any obstruction on the track long before he can see and the state of the speed sensors and computer never allowed the speed to build up even 0.5 km/hr more than programmed value . As long as there was power to the propulsion magenets and as long as there was the wireless connectivity between the drive computer and the track magnets maglev was safe

Two coaches behind Latif moved along the interconnecting passage way towards the driver cabin he had one more coach to pass before he could stand next to it across the glass partition wall housing the drive computer and the command transmitter modem. The train was now swaying just a little as the digital speed indiactor on the roof showed 423km/hr .

Salaudin looked at his immitation watch bought just the day before from a vendor in nanjing street for its oversized dial and stop watch function.He was almost 2.5 minutes behind schedule and have barely crawled upto the half waymark .The ground shook every time a large jet touched down somewhere nearby and shaikh was not used to this sensation closeted in the narrow tunnel so close to the main runway.He stopped every time it happened and again started determined to complete his mission no matter what .

Up above the aero bridges were now being removed one by one and fuelling was complete .the 5 A-380 s of south china airways were getting ready to be pushed back into the taxi way and engine start . To impress the civil aviatio minister they were scheduled to take off one after another
exactly 0835 hrs onwards at an interval of two minutes .
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Post by Sudhanshu »

menon wrote:5 Lakh soldiers in Kashmir??
Yes, what is wrong into that?

To my knowledge ,on average 3 lakhs were deployed only before CRPF took over CI operations in the state.
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Post by Shankar »

latif slowly opened the zipper of his carry on and even without taking the signal generator out switched on the power supply,the low hum and vibratin on his fingers conformed the unit is operational But still there was no visible change inthe trains motion and he decided to take the risk of bringing it out of the bag for maximum effect .
Unknown to latif the the command signal to propulsion coils got interupted themoment he has switched on the signal source causing the drive computer of maglev to loose primary control of the train .Itnow accelerated past 430 kms/hrs and very soon touched 475 kms hrs .Cheri yun the driver looked at the speed dispaly incredulously as he pressed the hot line transmit switch to centarl control and declared emergency requesting permission to initiate emergency braking.He took 10 more seconds to clearly understand the static garbled voice of train controller to immediately apply the emergency brakesas the distance to pudong airport was now barely 6km .he immediately leaned down and flipped open the hard plastic cover of emergency brake switch and pushed the button in activating the emergency eddu current based power braking system of maglev instead of the controlled regenerative braking normally used by the linear propulsive motor on the track acting as generator.

Latif was immediately thrown into the partition wall smsshing his head against the reinforced reinforced glass bulkhead of the drivers cabin .All around passengers were trying their best to hold on to some thing as the maglev swayed madly as it tried to cope with new kind of braking force and then gave up altogether and the train started scrapping against the guide rail and generating a shower of sparks as one after another the coils alonside overheated and strted blowing up ,all the time the train rushing towards the airport tarminal at speed in excess of 200 kms per hour. It was pure luck and good german engineering that prevented it from toppling into the airport freeway full of early morning trafic and finally rammed into the airport terminal stopper at exactly 148 kms per hour in a heap of fibre glass aluminium and glass fragments .A small fire strted immedistely and the pudong airport security responded immediately diverting almost its entire resources including airport fire tenders to contain the disaster in making .

Salauding atlast reached the end of the tunnel and stood up rubbing his knees which were bleeding profusely as he checked the stinger tube .The sound of sirens in the distance confirmed that diversion promised has been activated .He quickly pushed out the steel cover plate ad allighned the launcher on his shoulder searching for the target he knew will be there .It was there all right -the continental 787 Was still in the aero bridge obviosly some delay in take off but the five south china A-380 s were all lined up on the taxiway -a target difficult to miss
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Post by nikhil_p »

Shankar awesome hi yaara, keep it up.

BTW if you guys need help with the editing, i can surely help.
And if it is in PDF dont worry, i have OCR s/w

and i can then convert it back to PDF.
you can drop me a line
nikhilzmail at lycos dot com
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Post by viktor »

Nikhil, your wish has been granted. Check thy mailbox .
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Post by Shankar »

The FIM 92 stinger man portable surface to air missile or more correctly man portable shoulder fired infra red homing or heat seeking air defense guided missile aquired its reputation first during soviet invasion of afganistan when CIA supplied close to 450 stingers to afgan mujahideen who had till then nothing to fight back against low level fast moving sytrike aircraft of soviet airforce like Su 24s and Mi 24 armoured gunships.The stinger utilised an unique rossette scan pattern image scanning technique that allows it to discriminate targets from decoy flares and background clutter.Another unique feature of stinger surface to air missile is its target adoptive guidance systemwhich biases the missile guidance system towards the vulnerable portions of the aircraft and assures maximum lethality.The high hit kill ratio achieved in actula battle field conditions is in fact a combined ressult of high warhead lethality,and impact force generating out of the kinetic energy fo the missile which usally strikes a target at excess of mack 2.The light carry on weight makes it widely deployable eiether on a vehicle or in man portable version.Its fire and forget capability because of its highly sensitive seeker head is an added bonus for any air defense team -in this case of a terrorist which allows them to reload and engage a fresh target immediately after launching the first one giving them a good second kill probability and a chance to live the tale too.

Shaikh salaudin sat down in the mud covered trench and quickly attached the gripstock and batter cum coolant unit before removing the palstic protective cap f the launcher tube . The green light on the launch console green confirming the battery strength is mormal and guidance system of the missile is being powered up.First he disabled the IFF interogator on the launcher and then carefully lifted the missile to his shoulder and allighened on the second A-380 just powering up to taxi out .The small coolant flow started thru the missiles infra sensitive seeker head greatly improving its sensitivity and detction range and the light on small launch console turned yeallow .As salaudin fine aimed the missile at the A-38Os massive port engine no 2 the thermal signature was aquired in less than 6 seconds .Salaudin once agin corrected his aim before the 45 second deadline on battery and coolant flow is reached and held his breadth and squeezed the launch button built into the grip .The short and sleek missile leaped out of the launch tube and was propelled forward some distance before the solid motor ignited and the the missile streaked off towards the doomed A-380 accelerating all the way on a tail of white smoke and a wheezy sound as it cut thru the cold morning air at nearly twice the speed of sound before slamming into the spanking new airbus 380 of south china airways in full view of world and peoples republic of chinas minister of civil aviation

(Salaudin never expected anything less -knowing even the basic stinger downed close to 270 soviet aircraft with a 79% combat sucess rate )and was in a way responsible for defeat of soviet union in afganistan)

In the distance he could see several chineese jeeps used for perimeter patrol of the airport zeroing on his position .He had no other weapon on him and slowly reached for the cyanide capsule hanging from a thin gold chain around his neck . As he popped the small capsule and squeezed with his molars ,the last thought was the president in islamabad will keep the promise and take care of his family .Though he knew the generals track reccord in this area was not exactly sparkling from kargil days)

The few drops of potassium cyanide reacted instantly with moisture of his saliva generating few mili litres of hydrocyanic acid vapour which was reflexively inhaled by his lungs and absorbed into the blood stream .Almost a minute passed before the absorbed cyanide radical reached salaudins cardiac muscles and paralysed them in an instant by blocking of the signals from his brain required for synchronised contraction of the muscles.

Salaudin died quickly much before the chineese security reached the cable trench and pumped in a few ak magazines before carting off the dead body to the local police station .

In the distance the inferno was still growing .Within five minutes all the A-380S were in fire and all attempts to rscue passengers totally ineffective . Emergency chutes deplyed automatically and only a few passengers were able to come out thru them before even the chutes caught fire .

The entire world watched realtime as almost 3600 passengers mostly chineese and americans along with a few from other countries were roasted alive by the evil designs of a mad general .At that point however no one knew who is the reason behind for sure but instinctively they knew this incident bore the signature tune of al quaida -pakistan nexus just like 9/11
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One Stinger ... five A 380s

Post by HarshS »

How did one Stinger destroy five A 380s. I thought it was targeted at one.
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Post by b_karan »

viktor wrote:Nikhil, your wish has been granted. Check thy mailbox .

Hi Viktor ,

can u also ..please sent me the pdf ... my mail id is
karanbikash at gmail dot com

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Re: One Stinger ... five A 380s

Post by nits »

HarshS wrote:How did one Stinger destroy five A 380s. I thought it was targeted at one.
All Massive A 380's had highly inflammable Jet Fuel and they were lined near each other... so you have all the things ready and thing which was missing was a spark... and a Stinger Blast made sure that there was a HUGE SPARK.... :!:
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Post by KLNMurthy »

Shankar wrote:Too good and realistic to be a work of fiction .I have never read a more vivid description of counter insurgency ops before . thanks Vijay.This more or less what is hapening in kashmir .Some details are intentionally left out and that make it sound more true to life.
Proof that the Indian soldier is the finest example of homo sapiens nobilis...
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Post by Shankar »

General li shao chi looked at the photographs of carnage at pudong airport and took a long deep breadth.On his desk was the indian passports of the killed terrorists and a post mortem and medical examination confirmed all of them to be of arabic or nwfp origin.He knew to blame the indians for the incident would be easy to prove but something was obviously wrong in the whole too obvious a scenario. Indians simply did not have a good enough motive for such an attack against their scond largest tarding partner and they had so much to loose .Finally at least one good thing of indian democracy is it is almost impossible to get a cabinet clearence for this kind of counterproductive covert mission against a powerful neighbor.

On the other hand the terrorist strike bore all the hall mark signature of an alquida planned pakistan supported terrorist strikes all over the world.At the moment he did not want to believe that pakistan will do something so oolish particualarly when the 1/2 the worlds navy and airforce are building up on its doorstep . But then may be the gneral in a last gamble wanted peoples republics direct support in its war for survival. But then surely this was not the way to get it thought general li shao chi .

But he needed proof before he can go to the prime minister who had a decidedly soft corner for the pakistani general and resented indias comming to dominance in the asian economy and its close military ties with both united states and russia giving it an unparalled techno economic edge over peoples republic.

LI shao strted noting down the to do s

- get dna scan of all the slain terrorists
- activate human intel sources within isi and raw to find out if some reccord exists of the operation(highly unlikely)
-try to identify the terrorists from huge digital photo data base of military intelligence
-alert and instruct agents in germany to find more details of the maglev tero whose passport bore the german visa stamps
- contact FBI and CIA unofficially to see if some data they have on the subects.
- contact german intel and police with details for confirmation on thier identity and background details particularly thier technical background
-check with fbi the sr no of stinger launcher used and confrm who they supplied it to and when
-find out how the maglev lost control -to loacet and identify each and every piece of wreckage rom the train crash site

And the list became longer and longer as more and more agencies got involved in the search to track and identify the kilers and thier motive behind these two synchronised strikes.

Outside the busy city of bejing was unusally quite today with all national flags flying in half mast in honour of 3867 victims of yesterdays terror attack . Condolence notes were pouring in from all over the world as peoples republic of china tried to come to grips with its biggests man made tragedy of recent times .One of the first condolence notes written in typical flowery english was from the president of pakistan.
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Post by Sudhanshu »

One of the first condolence notes written in typical flowery english was from the president of pakistan.
:) That is hilarious.. He might have sent that note before the incident and it reached just in time.
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Post by Philbert »

:shock: WoW Shankar amazes me everytime hope you have one more post for the day :D I just cant get enough... :oops:
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Post by Shankar »

The president of peoples republic of china put down the gold rimmed spectacles on the polished ebony table as he took time to reflect the complicated love hate relationship between the worlds two most focus of the world nations with the exception of united state from both economic and military point of view .

The two great ancient civilizations just did not share a common border for centuries but also culture and religion.When emperor ashoka after the vicious war of kalinga converted to buddhism and deputed religios parties to neighbouring countries it naturally included countries like lanka (presently sri lanka) and chin (peoples republic of china plus taiwan) to spread the messages of and teachings of gautam buddha. Ashokas son rahul and daughter sanghamitra were the deputation leaders who visited these countries in next few years.While there is no clear cut reccord who landed in the port city of shanghai rahul or sanghamitra one of the most encient buddha temples in changzou a small town 200 kms west fo shanghai still bear evidence to the fact.The fact that they came by sea is also obvious from the shape of the pagoda which on close look bears uncanny resemblence to a large multi oar ovean going boat used during that time time.

At that time tibet was a part of various chinese emperors and arunachal pradesh was also considerd a part of the chineese empiresince it was claimed to be a
part to tibet, though no specific mention about it is found in any authenic document.During break up of ming dynasty tibet declared independence and stayed as such till the british gained political and military control of undivided india .For the british the presence of tibet sikim bhutan and nepal as buffer states between india and china made geo political strategic sense with the exception of tawang presently known as arunachal pradesh.An agreement with tibet made tawang or arunachal pradesh an integral part of british india and tibet stayed as an independent nation state under the control fo buddist lamas .

Peoples republic of china never accepted macmohan line the line demarcates boundary between british india and china and includes all of
tawang as part of india .

China never gave up its historical claim on tibet and tawang saying tibet being a breakaway provinice of china has in chinas opinion no legal right to write away tawang or arunachal pradesh to british which subsequently became part of indian union.Peoples republic of china wanted to get back its old empire by force if nessecery and that is what it did as it swiftly annexed the poorly defended state of tibet into mainland and thousands of tibetian refugees flocked o indian state of himachal then uttar pradesh as refugees including thier superme religious leader dalai lama in a small mountaneoustown called dharmshala.

This act of humanitarian assistance offered naturally by indians to tibetian refugees including thier relious leadership was considered by chineese govt as a loss of face as the world applauded indias gesture and in the early days of cold war communist china became a world political paria and india under the leadership of jawharlal nehru the darling of the world.

India then was clearly on the centre stage in asia as the panchsheel or five point of understanding for peaceful coexistance was signed .

Indian prominance on world stage was not acceptable to far looking chinese leadership of those days and something had to be done to show that china and not india is the true leader of asia.An excuse was needed to teach india a lesson it will never forget .Unwitting inept politico military leadership headed by charismatic prime minister provided just such an oppertunity by its impractical forward deployment policy in the aksai chin region of ladakh another region claimed by china as thier own based on ancient history and when indian troops came know of a road thru aksai chin linking china with pakistan clashes became common which soonnturned into a short but brutal border war and perhaps the only defeat of poorly equipped and organised indian army along the eastern front and chinese army advanced to about 100 kms from assam plains in a swift organised advance and indian casualites were heavy. That was november of 1962 and inexplicably chineese declared unilateral ceasefire and went back -an action never fully explained correctly.

The president of china was just a junior party leader at that time and not privy to the real reason of the war and its sudden stoppage .It is only much later as he ascended the leader of party seniority that he will understand the reason why ,the pragmatic reasoning of collective chinese leadership in not occupying a sizable indian teritory which would make india a permanent enemy of peoples republic for times to come apart from effectively isolating china as an international pariah to the western world

This unilateral decision to cease fire and withdraw was proven correct many decades later as the frost that enveloped all sino indian realtionship in the 60 and 70s till mid eighties strted thawing and by late 90s sighns of normal relationship as befits two great neighbours were apparent.TRade incerase many fold much to the delight of business communities of both countries as bi lateral trade crossed the first billion dollar mark and strted multiplying therafter .This day in 2012 china was indias biggest trading partner.

The president of peoples republic of china knew he has to act on the security re[port highlighting paksiatan involvement in shanghai terrorist episode which cost close to 4000 dead and a loss of more than 35 billion us dollars.He also knew massing of indian and western forces all around the doomed state of pakistan .There was obviously no need for the peoples republic to get involved in the slaughter thought he as he signed the executive order authorising of reduction of pla plaaf force levels in arunachal pradesh and aksai chin region by more than 75%

At the same time the chineese president also penned in a personal thank you note to the president fo pakistan for the condolence note and acepting his offer of emergency medical assistance.

he smiled to himself as he checked the list of pla strategic forces engineers presently in pakisatn helping them upgrade their borrowed rocket forces .Then he signed a final directive asking them to return immediately for urgent "technical discussion" for a "few days"
R Sharma
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Post by R Sharma »

Hmmm.... I was thinking about a scenario that does not involve Pakistan or China (atleast not directly). Involves a UN operation headed by India in the Persian Gulf circa 2019. It all starts at about 2016 when the Saudi Royal family gets dethroned in a coup d'etat. The military then installs an Imam incharge of the Islamic Repulic of Arabia. Eventually starts claiming that the entire Arabian peninsula belongs to Holy land and wants to establish an Islamic republic under Riyadh.
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Post by ashdivay »

Hoorahhh to mr shankar for really intresting story ..
good work

BTW would like to point out ,that In a Marine fighting force there are no Marine Medical personel,All medical support is provided by Naval personel..they are reffered to as Corpsmen !

I could be wrong.
Let me know
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Post by KLNMurthy »

Shankar, thanks for a spellbinding story. Am enjoying every bit of it. Can't wait for the next instalment.

Small factual correction--Ashoka's son was Mahendra not Rahul IIRC. Rahul was Gautama Buddha's son.
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Post by Shankar »

Brigadier satish kaul watched with interest the move ment of chineese border guards just a few hundred feet away.As the thick rolling fog that usally coveres this 15500 ft high border post the sighns of bulk of the chineese forecs loading thier tents and weapons into a fleet of trucks and jeeps which strted leaving one by one .By mid afternoon only a skeletal detachment remained guarding one of the most hotly contested strategic posts along tibet sikim border .He remembered the bloody skirmish in the same pt 15450 over a single piece of boulder. In the few day long engagement casualities were heavy on both sides and none of the sides could claim any decisive result.The situation returned to normal .What started with fistcuffs between sentries soon escalated to serious fire fight involving mortar and mediaum machine guns . Unlike in 1962 this time indian army was much better equipped and acclamatizsed to high altitude warfare. The battle soon turned into a stalemate with chineese side holding onto the disputed boulder which they gave up on thier own after a few days and returned to pre conflict position.

Once again like in 1962 the logic behind sudden aggressive action by the chineese on the frozen high altitude battle field of nathu la was never really known nor why they went back to pre conflict position shortly after the engament satrted heating up and heavier weapons were being deployed by both sides.However the most accepted expalnation was china wanted to test indian preparedness post 1962 and once that objective was attained they quitely withdrew being in no mood to escalate an unnessecry conflict. Apart from these small skirmishes the 4063 kms long sino indian border have mostly laid quite and peaceful for almost 50 years despite chineese claim on aksai chin and vehement indian retribution to the contrary the line of actual control never really changed from 1962 onwards.

There were several reasons behind this and primary one being economic.The economic resurgence of china in late 1900 and india in early 2000s made any kind of protracted war over pieces of frozen waste land futile exercise and which as a matter of fact none of the contestants of the icy dessert real estate piece could afford. Chinas first nuclear explossion in 1964 followed by indias own peaceful nuclear explossionin 1972 (how a nuclear explossion can be peaceful is somewhat complicated to explain and even more difficult to comprehend) upped the stakes for both the countries in the event of a border clash escalating out of control and taking on a possible nuclear dimension.

A concerted effort by the leadership of both countries strted bearing fruit and people to people contact increased many fold and with it the feeling of hostility decreased and business increased .China in fact became the biggest purchaser of structural and alloy steels in india initiating a steel boom.At the same time chineese goods became instantly popular india from air seperation plants used in steel manufacture to dry cells for toys .While the quality was not comparable to american or even russian products low cost made it a big winner .By mid 2000 the people of both countries pushed the anachronistic border war of 62 to the back burner and even talks strarted on civilian nuclear co operation on a grand scale .

The rest of the world watched in awe at the comming together of qurter of global population on a common economic platform .US dominance on world economy was for the first time in danger.

During the opening of nathula border post chairman of tibets regional govt said quote" it is a major event for the two countries to expand and deepen trade and economic exchnages ""it marks sino indian trade and economic cooperation has entered a new phase".UnquoteIt would be interesting to note nathu la was in fact an important trading post between india and china before 1962 border clash.At an altitude of 4545 mtrs above sea level it wedged between yadong country of tibets xigaze prefecture and indian state of sikim The barbed wires were first to go to be replaced by 10 mtr wide stone walled passgeway for the merchants of both countries to move into each others teritories and start overland trade so vital to prosperity of the sikim tibet region.

Brigadier dialed in the secret number to general officer comanding eastern command in kolkata and reported phase withdrawal of chineese from nathu la have been completed
and in return recieved the go ahead for operation SEND OFF which over the next six months will see gradual and graded with drawal of indian and chineese forces all along the 4000 kms border making a transition from war to piece with a few hiccups but a big achievement neverthless.

While form a long term perspective this demiltarisation of sino indian border catalysed the economic growth or tibet autonomous region and entire north east in a more immediate effcet was freeing up of more than 350000 high altitude acclamatised troops fro alternate deployment .After a mandatoy one month home leave they started arriving all over the launch points in jammu and kashmir,ladakh and siachin both in frontline duty and in battle reserve formation . The balance of power shifted univocally in favour of india on the western front .
BRFite -Trainee
Posts: 50
Joined: 02 Dec 2005 09:23

Post by menon »

The scenario was going fast!! with things like
have instructed state department to recall our ambasador to pakistan immediately . They shall be also declaring entire pakisatni embassy staff persona non grata in the next 72 hrs .

For all practical purposes a state of war now exists between pakistan and unites states ,india and its allies .

There will be no formal declaration to this effect -surprise after all still has some values as my generals tell me .

I know this is a high risk operation and expect each and every one of you will do your best to ensure that no catastrophic event has a chance to happen .In fact I will hold you personally resonsible for any lapse that may lead to such an event
But now months have passed :eek:
Posts: 307
Joined: 14 Feb 2006 22:15
Location: USA

Post by Sudhanshu »

Shankar could write about a daring navy seal operation for evacuating a couple of US citizens from pakistan. Or something similar for Indian ebassay personals.