India Nuclear News and Discussion - August 20, 2007

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Joined: 09 Sep 2004 05:16
Location: KhemKaran, Shomali Plain

Post by enqyoobOLD »

If u had power to sign a certain document to say, buy a house, and you have completed months of haggling and are satisfied that you have the best deal that could have been obtained, and it is a satisfactory deal per your original red-line parameters, and there are several goodies thrown in that you don't want anyone to start re-thinking. Also, you know you have locked in a good mortgage rate, but it expires in 2 days...

What would you do?

a) exercise your power, sign the deal and take the internal consequences
b) bring all your relatives in to discuss the details of the Mortgage Agreement
c) open re-negotiations
d) drop the deal and start the house-search again
e) none of the above - keep yada-yada-yada and do nothing

Now add the constraint that your closest 3 relatives have dropped in uninvited anyway, and have all looked at the deal, and they are now arguing about the great deals that they think THEY could have got... and telling you NOT to Operationalize the Deal (what the heck is "operationalize"? Do u Operationalize a marriage when you start taking orders on what to wear? Or on sweeping the potato chips from around your LaZBoy in front of the TV? )

What would you do?
a) Run off to the nearest bar and get drunk
b) Encourage ur relatives to enjoy the jacuzzi and accidentally drop a lamp into it with the switch "On"?
c) Get ur friend to say he is with the Fire Brigade, calling long distance to your relatives asking them to rush back home?
d) Use ur cricket bat for a back-foot punch?
e) Kindly advise ur relatives to shut up or leave?
f) All of the above?

This is MMS' Decision Tree. Many branches. Only one way up or down.
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Joined: 01 Jan 1970 05:30

Post by ramana »

The story goes like this. The INC was 40 seats short of majority but was the largest party elected in 1991. PVN was a heart patient and every one thought he was bench warmer till the big two -Pawar and Arjun Singh duke it out. Of teh two Arjun Singh was the more aggressive and ambitious. PVN managed to sideline both and launched the economic reforms with MMS as the face. However the shadow of heart trouble was lawsy there. In 1993, he visited Houston before the state visit and got his health check-up by same doctor who operated on him earlier. The doctor pronounced him hale and hearty for another ten years (i.e 2003).

PVN returned after the successful visit with Clinton and staved off the pressure from NPA jihadis and Robin Raphael type SD operatives.

His health was considered a threat to the Gandhi family for if he retains the PMship for ten more years it could mean a new power structure to replace the exisitng one. Hence all sorts of scams were cooked up about him to tarnish him. The nuke test was tipped off to uncle and TN Sehsan delayed the poll in J&K to ensure he doesnt get the credit.

So in the end India was robbed of effective governance. Its not his or his family's loss as the family retainers thought.