Delhi Blasts news and info

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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by harik »

Indian taxpayers Money is given to Universities which are under UGC.
JMI is under UGC.

I paid for saving for Terrorist.

Rye , No Generalistaion there ..
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Rye »

I think there needs to be a law suit against all these people in the JMI and against the govt. of India for allowing JMI to use public funds to defend people accused of crimes of terrorism -- this is going on with the consent of the ruling establishment of the day.

Public funds CANNOT be used to defend people accussed of crimes against the public -- doing so is just asinine and a complete violation of the contract between the state and the public. If the govt. can fund terrorist lawyers, what is this govt. protecting, if not the state and the public?

It is certainly not doing its primary function of protecting the sovereignity and territorial integrity of the nation when it aids people that want to destroy the state and the public.

I am sure there is no dearth of people willing to pay for the legal defense of the terrorist suspects, so why is the govt. in such a hurry to violate the basic rules?
Last edited by Rye on 27 Sep 2008 21:37, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Zin »

Rye wrote:Hold on. Yammering about Taqiyya is all well and good,
You must have read about the shahi imam of delhi masjid who leads the funeral prayers of the terrorists killed during the shoot-out with the police.
This shahi imam is an religious leader for all muslims in delhi. Shahi imams are appointed only if they have islamic religious education. Obviously the shahi imam has that qualification and yet he does not condemn the terrorists but attends a ceremony to honour them.
Till today all muslims who say prayers behind this person are also in a way supporting terrorists by being silent on this.

This is an prime example of the muslim community by and large following their leaders in keeping quiet about terror.
These muslim have all time in the world to find new way of crying discrimination by others but cant dismiss or remove or atleast condemn the behaviour the shahi imam.

Another example is of the educated muslim VC of Jamia.
Inspite of being highly eduacted he is using Indian tax payers money to help the accused terrorist fight an legal battle.

Both these are 2 fine examples of muslims inspite of differing social and educational background funding and honouring terrorists and helping them in their legal battles against the people of India.
Rye wrote:There are a lot of innocent IMs, and writing inflammatory stuff that can put them in harm's way in unacceptable.
There is no so much people called innocent or moderate muslims. This a myth like the AIT. During the time of the prophet when the 800 non-muslims were being killed no muslim came forward to oppose it. Same thing happened during partition. It is same today.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Rye »

I agree all terrorists in recent memory have been muslims, pakistan supported or otherwise, and many of the influential Indian Muslims (the so-called "muslim leaders") and their political allies like Mulayam, Lalu, and Paswan are refusing to accept that the fault lies in the Muslim community.

However, saying "all muslims are terrorists" or even "most of them are terrorist sympathizers" is not right -- the muslim leaders definitely cannot try to shield themselves from ridicule and criticism if they start to point fingers at the majority community.....but the real culprits who are stopping a reasonable approach are the hindu fake liberals (and scum like Paswan, Lalu, and Mulayam) -- they need to be the target of your ire, not the Indian muslims.

Zin, your post is mostly rhetorical so I have not really bothered to read it in detail.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Singha »

Delhi police are said to have detained two boys on a pulsar motorbike at the Kapashera
border with Haryana. TV claims they match the bombers description.

I figure there are lakhs of pulsar bikes in delhi and mostly boys on it. could be just noise.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Gagan »

There are muslims in Europe and in the US. But I don't see bombs going off with the frequency they go off here. I don't think these nations don't have border issues or some abdul groups with some godforsaken grouse either.

India's problem is the falsehood that has permeated the thinking of our government(s). Here there is a pandering to the Muslim sentiment, "what will they think? Hope we don't lose a vote bank" thought process. No thought is spared for the close to One Billion other non muslims who are at the mercy of this Jehadi brigade. Just for political convenience hindu groups are blamed for acts as an equal equal.
Article 370 is a falsehood that we are enduring, but we are caught in a monkey trap over it just as Pakistan is caught in the trap called Kashmir.
There is a serious issue with terror, and Islamic terror. In no other nation on the surface of this planet could a low life of the sort of Imam Bukhari could claim that the police encounter in Jamia was faked. The sheer idiocy and audacity of an obviously false statement given with the knowledge that Congress I will shudder in its Ghandi caps and run to keep him in good curry for the next few months speaks of the situation that GOI has run itself into.
Amazingly Jamia will spend UGC money to defend a Terror accused. Never in the history of India has any ANY university used educational grant funds to fight a legal battle for the sake of any student. Surely enough Arjun singh was quick to endorse this pandering to the muslim votebank. (The policymakers in Congress must be really grateful to the Jamia boss for this brainwave - after all what is a couple of lakhs rupees when it will help to corner a few lakh voters eh?) Jamia-milia-Islamia may be one of the shittiest-ly equipped universities in Delhi but with a favourable government the university can spare money out of its already scarce resources for non educational purposes. And No there will be no CAG brought into this.
How much more shameful can it get if a person convicted to death by the highest court of the land has to call upon the government to carry out the sentence because everyone knows the sheer indecisiveness of the people in power. That man is actually taunting GOI. If everything in congress (I) has to pass through Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi, then we've had it. There is no difference between India and some african nation with a Major for a military dictator when it comes to national policymaking. The congress MPs and MLAs are as scared of the Gandhi Parivaar as politicians are in a military dictatorship. Shameful.

Sorry for the rant. The fault is not this governments for intelligence failure or the bomb blasts, their fault is in their inability to take the lead into presenting to the nation the appearance of a government in control of the situation, the ability to present a calm yet resolute and reassuring face to the nation. The system; the police and the intelligence agencies are meanwhile carrying on with their job. They might as yet save this nation from total anarchy inspite of the government of the day.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Singha »


New Delhi: Delhi Police in all likelihood have destroyed forensic evidence that could have helped in gathering information about Saturday's blast in Mehrauli apparently due to lack of knowledge about forensic science.

Even before the bomb experts from central security agencies and National Security Guards (NSG) visited the spot, Delhi Police personnel removed the debris and washed the blood stains from the blast site.

Senior police officials oversaw the work as residents cleaned the site with a bathroom mop and some card boards.

When asked whether such action would destroy crucial evidence even before the experts from NSG arrives, an official said, "We have already collected whatever was there. Moreover, even when we have cleaned the place, we have made sure that all materials are collected in the gunny bag."

Some residents were showing double edged nails which they claim were collected from the blast site.

It was only later when the NSG team arrived, that the area was cordoned off and residents and media persons were asked to move away.

Meanwhile, police officials Ammonium Nitrate in little quantity alongwith Sulphar and Potassium was used in Saturday's blast in Mehrauli area that killed a boy and left nearly two dozen people injured.

Officials said loosely packed Ammonium Nitrate with one-and-a-half inch nails, which acted as shrapnels leading to injuries, was used in the blast with quantity of Sulphur used to create the dark smoke.

Potassium was used as the triggering mechanism as this material burns due to friction and contact with air.

The packing of explosive was very loose thus making it a low-intensity explosion.

Ammonium Nitrate was used in the five serial blasts that shook the national capital on September 13, leaving 24 people dead and many others injured.

In order to restrict sale of Ammonium Nitrate, used extensively by terror groups to strike in various parts of the country, the government had "in-principle" approved for amendment of the Explosives Substances Act to include it.

The in-principle approval was given at a special Cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh last week.

The chemical was believed to have been used in recent series of explosions in Bangalore, Ahmedabad and Delhi and in many earlier blasts including the serial train blasts in Mumbai, Malegaon and Mecca Masjid blasts.

Security agencies have long been pressing for bringing a strong controlling regime to check misuse of the chemical especially in Naxal-affected states.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Singha »


New Delhi: Two young men have been detained at Kapashera-Palam border by Delhi Traffic Police.

Police officials claim the duo match the description of the boys who planted bomb at Mehrauli.

They were also on a Pulsar motorcycle and have been taken to Palam police station for questioning.

The bomb blast at Mehrauli on Saturday afternoon killed a boy and left 18 other people injured. The bomb was allegedly planted by two motorcycle-borne youths.

Joint Commissioner of Delhi Police (Southern Range) Ajay Kashyap said, "The two youth were in black dress, were wearing black helmets and riding a black Bajaj Pulsar. So it has not been possible for the eye witnesses to identify them.

Kashyap also said Delhi Police and Gurgaon Police were coordinating with each other as the blast site was located near the Delhi-Haryana border.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by SSridhar »

Singha wrote:Even before the bomb experts from central security agencies and National Security Guards (NSG) visited the spot, Delhi Police personnel removed the debris and washed the blood stains from the blast site.
Shocking. The SDRE kafirs did a TFTA Rawalpindi in Delhi ?
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by ramana »

SSridhar, Whats the point of gathering all that stuff as the state/GOI wont do anything with it. And as to IB it knows everything thats needed to know and will come up with new excuses about unobtanium and how this incident is different from that. Its all a charade. What the people of Delhi should do is to protect themselves and take care of their own security for the state is incapable of doing the job or wont do it for they wnat to get elected by breakingup people.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by ashish raval »

Zin wrote:
ashish raval wrote:We have been shouting time and again that our overall intelligence about the Muslims as well as Muslim terrorists is 0 on the scale of 0-10.
snipped of long rant.
Some people are still living in the taqiyya world of blaming intelligence failure and not having the guts to point out the problem is in islam and not in an intelligence organsization.
In a country which has over 150 million muslims then terrorist attacks by muslims are bound to happen.
Even if you have 100 intelligence organsizations and all co-ordinating with each other even then terrorist attacks will continue unabated.
If any person has doubts about the terror supporting verses, go read the koran before starting the familiar rant of "intelligence failure" and wasting others b/w.
I dont buy what you are saying that terrorist attacks are bound to happen with 150 million muslims. It simply cannot if we have good intelligence, they could be shot down and thrown into Indian ocean even before they meet for a second meeting if we know which a**ho** were present in the first terrorist meeting or even which a**ho*** are teaching them what jihad means. Muslims knows that they have problem in their community and yet they are defying the will of the majority and want to bend the majority to follow what they say. This is absolutely an arrogant behaviour and only helps in fuming the anger in the majority community.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Rye »

I think the state has abdicated its responsibility to the public by destroying the crime scene before it could be analyzed. I think the scumbags in the Central govt. are on the side of the terrorists, if they behave in this manner. It is every man and woman for himself/herself...the government is not going to do s**t to protect your butt from the next terrorist attacks and the 5000 ones after that. "you are on your own", so find safety in a community that will be on your side when the loaded diaper hits the fan one of these coming years. Yes, that is called "polarization of society", but if the government won't do its job and responsibly discharge its duties to protect the citizen, the citizen has to look for other means of protection of his or her life and property.
Last edited by Rye on 27 Sep 2008 21:14, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by harik »

Singha wrote:Delhi police are said to have detained two boys on a pulsar motorbike at the Kapashera
border with Haryana. TV claims they match the bombers description.

I figure there are lakhs of pulsar bikes in delhi and mostly boys on it. could be just noise.

Target have to be met.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Singha »

pretty much everyone except the hapless police and public are on the side of the terrorists!

Cong(I), Commies, the Cong(I)s newfound UP and Bihar friends, a comatose political creature IB,
USA, Pakistan, China, Shahi Imam of jama masjid, media, intellectuals, civil rights activists

the only way out is for the police to make a unofficial police of encounter shootings rather
than get a guy like Azfal sitting in jail and thumbing his nose at the indian flag.

and the public will probably have to form vigilante squads and militias to surround, pacify
and shakedown IM ghettos in the most violent manner - i.e. "communal riots and attacks"
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Rye »

singha, that is going to be the eventual outcome of all these events if the people in charge continue to sit in a corner closing its ears and going "lalalalalalala...I can't hear what you (the public) are saying"...maybe the public should teach the politicians a lesson or two if they are going to side with terrorists against the state and the public itself.

All these hindu fake liberals and "secular" politicans have just openly trashed the legal system and the law books by openly spitting on the justice system because they do not agree with the conclusions of the Nanavati commission. They have just reaffirmed everyone's growing faith in vigilanteism to protect themselves from "the terrorist enemy" -- isn't all of this just wonderful... :roll:
Last edited by Rye on 27 Sep 2008 21:24, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Gagan »

if these guys were wearing Black Kurta-Pyajamas with a black helmet. They are ID ed and busted. Mehrauli is just a few Kms from the Haryana Delhi border and these were picked up from the mehrauli gurgaon road. Typical that they would try to leave the state into the neighouring haryana to escape the dragnet.
They will be getting lots of TLC from Delhi Police and IB just about now...
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Zin »

Rye wrote:Zin, your post is mostly rhetorical so I have not really bothered to read it in detail.
Yeah everything is rhetoric until you experience the criminal behaviour of muslims.

I had the same attitude of thinking that all muslims are not terrorists.
Some years back I even used put the color on my hands and used to participate in taziya processions.

And then they started displaying their true colors. Anyone passing through their colonies would find a knife sticking out of his back. The houses in their colonies are very close together and the lanes are very narrow. So it is very easy to stab a person in the back and disappear back into the homes.
Some seculars here may ask why not use other roads not passing through muslim colonies? Well these roads are shortest way to get to work,schools or the market. It is just not possible to avoid these roads.

Now that i see the true behaviour of muslims including religious(shahi imam) and highly educated(jamia vc) one's i know what the real islam is all about.
Kill all infidels or force them to live like dhimmis and humiliate them by forcing them to pay jizya.
This is what the koran says.

Rye at this stage may not understand what i am saying.
Google for The Little Green Book and check it's contents.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Rye »

Like I said, you are not saying anything new or interesting -- there were threads on islamism that lasted for over 6 years until recently. Try progressing to the next level.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Zin »

ashish raval wrote:
Zin wrote: Some people are still living in the taqiyya world of blaming intelligence failure and not having the guts to point out the problem is in islam and not in an intelligence organsization.
In a country which has over 150 million muslims then terrorist attacks by muslims are bound to happen.
Even if you have 100 intelligence organsizations and all co-ordinating with each other even then terrorist attacks will continue unabated.
If any person has doubts about the terror supporting verses, go read the koran before starting the familiar rant of "intelligence failure" and wasting others b/w.
I dont buy what you are saying that terrorist attacks are bound to happen with 150 million muslims. It simply cannot if we have good intelligence, they could be shot down and thrown into Indian ocean even before they meet for a second meeting if we know which a**ho** were present in the first terrorist meeting or even which a**ho*** are teaching them what jihad means. Muslims knows that they have problem in their community and yet they are defying the will of the majority and want to bend the majority to follow what they say. This is absolutely an arrogant behaviour and only helps in fuming the anger in the majority community.
So ashish raval you live in leeds in the emirate of britain. A small question.

Why are the british intelligence agencies not throwing the jehadi muslims there into the pond?
Why did they not prevent London bombings? According your pet theory this must be
again a intelligence failure.
Why are muslims in UK being allowed sharia courts? Again intelligence failure here?

Until you read the koran you wont understand muslim behaviour.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Zin »

Rye wrote:It is every man and woman for himself/herself...
I fully agree with this.
This is what non-muslim will have to learn.
When faced with an muslim terror campaign the secular,democractic govt will side with the terrorists and their human rights protectors instead of protecting the common citizens.
This was the lesson we(people living in small cities and towns in india) learnt in the last decades.

Now that the metros are being hit by terror attacks people living there also will have to learn this lesson.
It fight or flight situation.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Rye »

Okay, let me state this more precisely, before this "every man for himself" line goes in unhelpful directions. The government cannot openly side with a group that is openly advocating stepping over the basic norms on the usage of public funds. If JMI can fund this students legal defense for terror suspects from educational funds, why only terror suspects? Why not legal defense of other crimes as well? Why stop with JMI? Can BHEL provide legal aid to one of its hindu employees accused of a serious crime? After all if money can be taken out of the education fund to pay for criminal legal aid for one crime, then any and all areas can extend this principle for all religions, yes?
Last edited by Rye on 27 Sep 2008 22:06, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by sanjaychoudhry »

if these guys were wearing Black Kurta-Pyajamas with a black helmet. They are ID ed and busted. Mehrauli is just a few Kms from the Haryana Delhi border and these were picked up from the mehrauli gurgaon road. Typical that they would try to leave the state into the neighouring haryana to escape the dragnet.
Road blocks are up all over Delhi and bikers are getting special treatment by cops in terms of checking papers and bags.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Mahendra »

These 2 biker terrorists should be real paki brain cretins if they didnt abandon their bike at earliest opportunity and take a rick, bus or the samjhauta express back to Pakiland, those arrested are probably Bajran Dal Terrorists trying to enforce Black Day Hartal. I demand that the GOI hang Advani, George Fernandes, Prakash Singh Badal, Dalai Lama along with the other terrorist Afzal just to maintain our spotless secularism and register a high score in the equal opportunities board.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Rye »

Sonia Gandhi's bromides on "we will crush terror" are just laughable. Let us see her and her family walk in the street without Z-category security like us ordinary jokers and I will believe that crap that comes out of her mouth about her promise to take down terrorism.

Outlook's editor Vinod Mehta actually has the Outlook Magazine cover ask the question is "Is the Indian State Biased?" and giving credence to the claims that the Inspector killed himself on a fake encounter. Of course, he is entitled to a make money off the tragedy of the death of the Inspector Sharma.....but why is such a low level of ethics in Vinod Mehta surprising seeing as to how the likes of Sonia Gandhi abuse the constitution and the law books, as if India is Nehru family's personal property that she gets to selectively pick and choose which laws to follow. And Vinod Mehta is a SG toady, which is why he is placing such headlines that do not hurt the INC/UPA politically.
Last edited by Rye on 27 Sep 2008 23:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by munna »

Rye wrote: Let us see her and her family walk in the street without Z-category security like us ordinary jokers and I will believe that crap that comes out of her mouth about her promise to take down terrorism.
Correction Rye sir, she and her family are the only people who have never been PM, President or the Vice President to be protected by the SPG. SPG grade security is higher than Z+ which is the highest security grade otherwise.
Sanjay M
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Sanjay M »

Her security should be withdrawn. She's never held public office, so she has no right to any special protection.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Rye »

munna, please don't sir me...makes me queasy :) Thanks for the correction -- It does not surprise me that she and her family come under special privileges thanks to Nehru's gonads.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by munna »

And another one, being SPG protectees they are given ceremonial send off at the international airports and are not subject to any immigration/security procedures (officer comes to their lounge). Even our armed forces chiefs are not entitled to that! So much so for inspiring confidence amongst common Abduls like me.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Gerard »

Sanjay M wrote:Her security should be withdrawn. She's never held public office, so she has no right to any special protection.
tsk, tsk.
You'll drive the poor lady to seek shelter in the Italian embassy.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Muppalla »

Just to correct you guys regarding Z+ security: All the former prime ministers and their families are entitled to this security. In addition, the SPG makes security and risk projection before providing security. Rajiv Gandhi's family is at the top of the list. Seriously if their security is withdrawn they are history.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by hnair »

munna wrote:
Rye wrote: Let us see her and her family walk in the street without Z-category security like us ordinary jokers and I will believe that crap that comes out of her mouth about her promise to take down terrorism.
Correction Rye sir, she and her family are the only people who have never been PM, President or the Vice President to be protected by the SPG. SPG grade security is higher than Z+ which is the highest security grade otherwise.
what about the father of her children and the circumstance of his death? Doesn't that make that family eligible? I agree she can do hardly 1/100th of the national consensus building as say recent political leaders with executive privileges like ABVajpayee or PVNR would . But that doesnt mean we have to forget stuff and hope for things that can create more instability.

Rye, if nothing else, the last thing we want is *everything* in India being officially named after her in future.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Rye »

hnair, My demand was purely rhetorical...I am not even willing to go on a relay fast to push this point. My real point in that rant was to point out that people who are assured of security are not likely to feel the terror of people who have none.

Definition of a relay fast: 8 hour fast before passing it on to a comrade in arms -- the level of commitment to causes that a busy executive can commit to....or fit in his/her busy schedule.

About the naming deal, we could meet in the Indira Gandhi center for the arts, the Rajiv Gandhi international center for stuff we all like or the Nehru national museum to discuss it :) -- you do have a valid point about the importance of wishing for the well being of Sonia and the Nehru clan.
G Subramaniam
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by G Subramaniam »

Singha wrote:pretty much everyone except the hapless police and public are on the side of the terrorists!

Cong(I), Commies, the Cong(I)s newfound UP and Bihar friends, a comatose political creature IB,
USA, Pakistan, China, Shahi Imam of jama masjid, media, intellectuals, civil rights activists

the only way out is for the police to make a unofficial police of encounter shootings rather
than get a guy like Azfal sitting in jail and thumbing his nose at the indian flag.

and the public will probably have to form vigilante squads and militias to surround, pacify
and shakedown IM ghettos in the most violent manner - i.e. "communal riots and attacks"

But when honest cops like Vanzara encounter jihadists like Sohrabuddin, the
human rights walas manage to get him arrested
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by G Subramaniam »

ashish raval wrote:
Zin wrote: Some people are still living in the taqiyya world of blaming intelligence failure and not having the guts to point out the problem is in islam and not in an intelligence organsization.
In a country which has over 150 million muslims then terrorist attacks by muslims are bound to happen.
Even if you have 100 intelligence organsizations and all co-ordinating with each other even then terrorist attacks will continue unabated.
If any person has doubts about the terror supporting verses, go read the koran before starting the familiar rant of "intelligence failure" and wasting others b/w.
I dont buy what you are saying that terrorist attacks are bound to happen with 150 million muslims. It simply cannot if we have good intelligence, they could be shot down and thrown into Indian ocean even before they meet for a second meeting if we know which a**ho** were present in the first terrorist meeting or even which a**ho*** are teaching them what jihad means. Muslims knows that they have problem in their community and yet they are defying the will of the majority and want to bend the majority to follow what they say. This is absolutely an arrogant behaviour and only helps in fuming the anger in the majority community.

Even in china, muslims routinely set off bomb blasts
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by munna »

hnair wrote:
munna wrote: Correction Rye sir, she and her family are the only people who have never been PM, President or the Vice President to be protected by the SPG. SPG grade security is higher than Z+ which is the highest security grade otherwise.
what about the father of her children and the circumstance of his death? Doesn't that make that family eligible? I agree she can do hardly 1/100th of the national consensus building as say recent political leaders with executive privileges like ABVajpayee or PVNR would . But that doesnt mean we have to forget stuff and hope for things that can create more instability.

Rye, if nothing else, the last thing we want is *everything* in India being officially named after her in future.
Hnair, What you do not get is that Z+ is given to a lot of people even Amar Singh! SPG is not merely security it is actually a status in the warrant of precedence for some events and places. Do you think India is a monarchy whereby any and every kith and kin of a former PM should be given SPG? For your kind information even LK Advani and N Modi are given only Z+ and not SPG. Do you suggest rajmata faces graver danger than these two chaps :evil: .
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Rye »

G. Subramanian wrote:
Even in china, muslims routinely set off bomb blasts
Can you get off this muslim baiting? Xinjiang has long known to have islamic groups fighting against the CCP.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Tamang »

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Joined: 05 Aug 2001 11:31

Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Rye »

In the above link, this disgusting creep MJ Akbar is actually peddling the tale that the Inspector was not shot by one of those he was trying to apprehend. Really, what is the difference between the attitude of Imam Bukhari and MJ Akbar?

For example look at this example of MJ Akbar's "Holmesian detection skills" (which is on the level of "The adventure of the silver blaze", according to MJA's self-estimation):
They added that two had escaped from the rented urban cage where they lived, which was all they could afford. The deaths were explicable; the escape was not. The building had only one entrance, and hence only one exit. It was surrounded by policemen. How could the two escape?

The usage of this phrase does not mean that the culprits were in the house with only one door when the police stormed in, and then vanished in order to give MJ Akbar ample time to come up with his conspiracies. Instead of working the angle of why JMI students are being radicalized that a Delhi Cop's son can be snagged by terrorist recruiters, this irresponsible turd is turning the phrase to imply that the two are already in police custody and the police are lying about it, adding insult to injury.

If the Delhi Cop''s english had been better he would have said -- "Two of them eluded capture", which is exactly what happened.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Rye »

In this last sentence by MJ Akbar, he is supporting the claim that Inspector Sharma killed himself in order to give Indian muslims a bad name --- seriously what is the difference between this "educated muslim" and the bearded jihadi in Pakistan? Their rhetoric is identical... the only difference is the western suits and the suave western accent of MJ Akbar.

This is along the lines of US Govt. created 9/11 to give muslims a bad name.

MJ Akbar puketh:
The Jamia incident has become a wake-up call. The growing perception is that the UPA government has deliberately killed innocent men to satiate the demand for action against terrorism.
Posts: 1183
Joined: 05 Aug 2001 11:31

Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Rye »

Look at Vinod Mehta's next assaut -- three of them came together and called themselves " Campaign Against Fascist Designs" in order to support islamofascists in the so-called SIMI/"Indian Mujahideen".... the Irony. ... rror&sid=1
A fact finding team constituted by Janhastakshep, Campaign against Fascist Designs and People’s Union for Democratic Rights (PUDR) went to look into the issues being raised in context to an alleged encounter at Batla House, Jamia Nagar on September 19, 2008. Members of the team were, Dr. N.K. Bhattacharya retd. Principal of a Delhi University College, Shahana Bhattacharya of Delhi University, Dr. Ish Misra, Delhi University, Prashant Bhusan, Advocate Supreme Court, Mr. N. D. Pancholi, Advocate, Delhi High Court, and Ms. Shreerekha, a teacher in Jamia Milia Islamia. The team was accompanied by Prof. Mir Imtiaz of Jamia Milia Islamia.
Prashant Bhushan writes articles on Outlook regularly. None of these fake liberal worthies like Vinod Mehta or these jokers in the "Campaign against Fascist Designs" is making any effort to collect funds for the legal aid of the suspects -- they are all trying to make sure that the terror suspects are released via hook or crook, regardless of whether they were culpable or not, and poisoning public opinion to ensure that...exactly as they are doing right now. Times of India, Outlook India, The Hindu are the most rotten.

Vinod Mehta and his ilk are doing agitprop along with "" on a massive scale.
Last edited by Rye on 28 Sep 2008 03:37, edited 1 time in total.