Indo-UK: News & Discussion

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namit k
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by namit k »

Singha wrote:I dont think the british are going to wake up and recover their country from these beasts.
the old warfighter english genes are long gone.

Scotland might still be sagfe by separating and posting clan warriors in kilts but armed
with javelin and shmel at the border but southern england is where the new Emirate
will take over.

I have classmates settled in england and one BIL. I guess their girls will have to
wear burqa in high school. maybe even their wives in middle age :mrgreen:
:rotfl: :rotfl:
when did they showed their braver genes before dividing,corrupting others
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by renukb »

How the times CHANGE ! Should we bail England for free? We should take a ride on them, If it is possible.

India will help out of financial crisis: British finance minister
London, Sep 22 (IANS) The British finance minister said Monday India and other strong emerging economies will help bail out Britain from the current global economic downturn.
namit k
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by namit k »

renukb wrote:How the times CHANGE ! Should we bail England for free? We should take a ride on them, If it is possible.

India will help out of financial crisis: British finance minister
London, Sep 22 (IANS) The British finance minister said Monday India and other strong emerging economies will help bail out Britain from the current global economic downturn.
:rotfl: :rotfl:
Go for unilever takeover
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by sanjaykumar »

Can you please go easy on the

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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by joshvajohn »

I think it is time that Indians should consider investing in UK - particularly those areas of banking and other areas. The investment that British have made in BSE can also provide some hope for all pensioners and so on whose money is there in Mumbai.

But the British government has to do some radical steps - to curtail the manipulators in their market and in the international markets - particularly those who tend to raise the cost of the shares beyond its worth should be identified and controlled - particularly in relation to petrol companies and other basic things.

Also tax should be cut! If the Labour government has to survive they have to cut a bit of tax to the middle class.

Social support system can be strengthened but not at the cost of working class. Brown has to be good for the labourers otherwise I think he would loose next time. He has to announce cutting of taxes a bit.

He should also show some international leadership in terms of Iraq and Afganistan and Israel and even in Africa. He may consider working with commenwealth countries including India to work out a peace deal with Iraqis completely in a different way. Now he should be talking about a middle country which would help to bring peace in these areas by providing leadership of Iraq to their own. It will take another five decades to solve the problems in these countries. You need to allow them to sort out themselves in their own way. He should also go and support the international initiatives to bring Israel and Palestinians into temporary and broader agreement alongside US.

This will sort out at least 40 percentage of terrorist problems in UK. Muslim youths will no longer have an agenda against UK but a restoration of good citizenship among them.

He should visit India and try to re-establish friendship in various ways. This means to move away from traditional approaches to a new partnership relationship with India through which both countries would benefit mutually.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Nayak »

My faith gives me inner peace ... _page.html
After years as a party girl, one mother and her daughter have turned to Islam for ‘protection’ from the excesses of the modern world. Emma Pinch reports

JASMINE SCARISBRICK has just arrived home from school and she’s ravenous. She’s conspicuously not scouring the kitchen for crisps and cheese strings, and she skipped lunch and breakfast. The inspiration for a food-free day for most girls her age would probably be found in the snaps of rake-thin stars in magazines like Heat.

But the reason Jasmine, 14, isn’t eating is that she is observing her second Ramadan.

A Muslim convert, Jasmine admits her faith can distance her from her peers – they describe her fast as “awful” – and her mother, Amirah, concedes from her own experience of school it must be hard for her daughter. Words like “irresponsible” were bandied about when Jasmine first started wearing her headscarf.

But, explains Amirah, bringing her daughter up as a Muslim in modern Britain has benefits which far outweigh the negatives.

“Some people consider it quite extreme, but I see it as common sense,” says the softly-spoken 36-year-old.

“At this vulnerable time of adolescence, being a Muslim offers a lot of protection for her, because there are certain things she can and she can’t do. A lot of her peers are hanging out on street corners, experimenting with sex, taking drugs and some might become pregnant. It’s almost like – they are teenagers, it’s acceptable.

“Jasmine is unique.”

Home for Jasmine and Amirah, who was formerly called Louise, is a Victorian terrace in Wallasey with a view of the glittering Mersey at the end of the street. It’s quietly restful. The living room is lightly scented with incense and framed tracts of curly Arabic adorn the walls.

Amirah herself radiates a serene calm. But since she’s eaten nothing since her suhoor meal of porridge since 4.30am, it might just be weariness. Now and again she carefully licks her lips.

“The hardest test of faith is fajr, where you have to get yourself out of bed, your nice warm bed and go to the bathroom and do wudu,” she smiles softly. “You have to purify yourself with water, cover yourself so just your hands and face are showing, then you have to pray. When you’ve done that you feel quite smug and you can go back to bed for an hour or two.

“It’s not just about giving up food, it’s time to improve yourself – you’re not supposed to get angry. I do miss having a cup of tea during the day and the first few days are very difficult. You have days when you feel very weak, but generally it’s made easy. You know you have a meal at the end of the day. But you see people filling up their trolley at Asda and realise how much we over-consume.”

The discipline her faith demands is actually what drew Amirah to Islam in the first place. She converted seven years ago in October, just as she approached her 30th birthday. In her youth, she says, she was a party girl.

“If you had seen me at 18 and said by the time you’re 30 you’ll be a Muslim, I would have laughed. I was born in Liverpool with no exposure to Islam.

“My father was a musician and I had a lot of freedom, and was more or less brought up an atheist. Christmas was about a nice Christmas dinner and getting presents and being with friends.”

As a young adult, she says: “I loved my wine and I loved dating, going out and enjoying myself.

“I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it, but I got to a certain age not much older than Jasmine, and I had to put the brakes on,” she says.

“I realised sometimes you need boundaries. You can get into trouble without restrictions. I liked the parameters Islam offered and the responsibility to family. Islam says paradise lies at the feet of the mother, which is beautiful. British society was like that years ago, but I feel we’ve lost that a little bit.”

Nearing 30, and after becoming a single mother at 22, she began to feel there was a hole in her life. Others filled it by immersing themselves into work, relationships or even addictions. For her, Islam’s appeal intensified. She read Islamic texts, and a Syrian woman and a Tunisian woman took her under their wing. She was welcomed as someone chosen; loved especially by God to be brought to a faith she wasn’t born into.

Her friends and family, however, were more doubtful – especially seeing the difference her new faith made to her outward appearance.

“When I became Muslim, I used to wear a beret as the first step in covering my head. You can’t rush it. At first, I didn’t see the point.

“When I started wearing the scarf, I had a coming-out party at Kimos restaurant, on Mount Pleasant, where my friends and family they could all see me for the first time with the scarf and modest clothing. All my friends saw it as a bit of a tragedy because I couldn’t drink any more. My family were perplexed. But my dad told me it was the best thing I’d ever done.”

Amirah now also wears the long, loose-fitting abaya, which she felt more nervous of wearing because of the attention it might attract.

She chooses a pretty, flowing pink one with a matching headscarf, but stops short of donning the more restrictive nikab.

“For me personally, living in the UK in this area, I feel that would repel people rather than attract them,” she explains, “and I wear Arabic-style clothes, rather than a Pakistani shalwar kameez, because it’s what I’ve been exposed to. I wear a lot of Western clothes, too, but I adapt them a little bit, so there is no cleavage or leg showing.

“It’s amazing how a piece of material can provoke such a response by people. I’ve become oblivious to it. Actually I’ve been racially abused more times than an Asian man I know. People just see the scarf.”

It’s the outward element of Islam that many Western women feel most uncomfortable with.

“It’s much more respectful not to reveal yourself for all and sundry to see,” she contends. “I don’t experience sexual harassment to the same degree as before. Men on a building site are not going to wolf-whistle or be derogatory. It’s not about why can’t men control themselves, it’s about being appreciated for your personality, rather than the way you look.”

Amirah, in the third year of a degree in Education and Disability Studies at Liverpool Hope University, was canny enough not to insist on her daughter’s conversion, but at 13 Jasmine started going to the mosque regularly, inspired by her mother’s example. She has a gift for Arabic and goes to Quran classes and, before starting secondary school, decided she would wear the head covering.

“I thought, if I put it on in Year Seven, everyone will be used to it by Year 10, and they won’t see it as a big thing,” explains Jasmine, still in the dark trousers and top uniform of Weatherhead High School.

“I still get the looks and whispers, but not as much. My faith makes me see how selfish people can be, even if they have everything. It makes you look at people.

“You never get into anything bad or get in trouble, like smoking, drinking or being with boys. I’ve always stayed out of it and teachers can really tell. It’s helped me in that way, in the usual teenage stuff.”

Does she ever feel she’s missing out?

“It never really interests me.” She pauses and adds candidly: “It’s a lot harder to make friends. “Because I won’t talk about drinking and Big Brother, sometimes I feel a bit out of the crowd. Because I’m a convert, I don’t have the same culture as some of my Muslim friends who were Muslim from the day they were born. I’m stuck in the middle.

“I still benefit,” she adds placidly. A day’s fasting draws to an end, and there are invitations to the houses of Muslims offering mouth- watering Egyptian, Moroc- can and Bengali delicacies.

Doesn’t former party girl Amirah ever fancy just one cold glass of Sauvignon?

“I’ve done all that,” she says. “A bottle of wine just gives you a hangover. My faith is an investment. It gives me inner peace and resilience to cope with difficulties.

“I was so frivolous with most of my youth. But I look at Jasmine who is learning Arabic at 14 and . . . imagine her potential.”

The future’s bright for Jasmine.

For now, they’re just off to have a lie down.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Singha »

the closer you go to Allah, all doubts recede and the mind is clear.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Singha »

Bakri: But God will forgive her anything except becoming a non-Muslim.

religion of peace and tolerance indeed.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by AjayKK »

Nayak wrote:
But, explains Amirah, bringing her daughter up as a Muslim in modern Britain has benefits which far outweigh the negatives.

“Some people consider it quite extreme, but I see it as common sense,” says the softly-spoken 36-year-old.
First line is truly futuristic. Such conman sense eludes kufr Londonistanis!
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by vsudhir »

Muslims try to Stop UK Supermarket (Tesco) From Selling Alcohol
Muslims are once again offended. This time the offence is a UK supermarket called Tesco who actually has the nerve to want to sell alcohol. It is not enough that the Tesco Supermarket chain already caters to Muslims in a variety of ways. As the chain actually allows Muslim employees to opt-out of handling alcohol when working as a cashier at the supermarket and sells Halal foods to please Muslims. But as ususal it is never enough when it comes to the Islamic community. The one-way street continues.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Singha » ... 276489.ece

July 6, 2008
Sniffer dogs to wear ‘Muslim’ bootees
Stuart MacDonald

Police sniffer dogs will have to wear bootees when searching the homes of Muslims so as not to cause offence.

Guidelines being drawn up by the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) urge awareness of religious sensitivities when using dogs to search for drugs and explosives. The guidelines, to be published this year, were designed to cover mosques but have been extended to include other buildings.

Where Muslims object, officers will be obliged to use sniffer dogs only in exceptional cases.
Where dogs are used, they will have to wear bootees with rubber soles. “We are trying to ensure that police forces are aware of sensitivities that people can have with the dogs to make sure they are not going against any religious or cultural element within people’s homes. It is being addressed and forces are working towards doing it,” Acpo said.

Problems faced by the use of sniffer dogs were highlighted last week when Tayside police were forced to apologise for a crime prevention poster featuring a german shepherd puppy, in response to a complaint by a Muslim councillor.

Islamic injunctions warn Muslims against contact with dogs, which are regarded as “unclean”.

Police dogs at present are issued with footwear only at scenes of explosions to prevent them injuring their paws on broken glass.

Ibrahim Mogra, one of Britain’s leading imams, said the measures were unnecessary: “In Islamic law the dog is not regarded as impure, only its saliva is. Most Islamic schools of law agree on that. If security measures require to send a dog into a house, then it has to be done. I think Acpo needs to consult better and more widely.

“I know in the Muslim community there is a hang-up against dogs, but this is cultural. Also, we know the British like dogs; we Muslims should do our bit to change our attitudes.”

John Midgley, co-founder of the Campaign Against Political Correctness, said: “The police are in effect being overly sensitive to potential criminals and not being sensitive enough to the public at large who need to be protected. These sort of things have a counter-productive effect because they cause huge friction between different communities.”

Caroline Kisko, of the Kennel Club, said: “We would not condone any attempt to make search dogs wear special clothing, which could cause them distress.”
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Zin »

vsudhir wrote:Muslims try to Stop UK Supermarket (Tesco) From Selling Alcohol
Muslims are once again offended. This time the offence is a UK supermarket called Tesco who actually has the nerve to want to sell alcohol. It is not enough that the Tesco Supermarket chain already caters to Muslims in a variety of ways. As the chain actually allows Muslim employees to opt-out of handling alcohol when working as a cashier at the supermarket and sells Halal foods to please Muslims. But as ususal it is never enough when it comes to the Islamic community. The one-way street continues.
taqiyya mode on

It is sad to note the continuing fascist policies of the majority community in Emirate of Britian against the peaceful minority commmunity which is at the receiving end of these inhuman and non-sharia compliant policies.

It is with shame that i note that a nation that provided money to the great jehad waged by cashmiris against the indian infidel forces is turning it's back to the followers of such peaceful religion.

I call on other secular and like-minded forces in britian to join me in condemning this outrage and i want the funding to be increased for the peaceful community.

taqiyya mode off.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by vsudhir »

UK PM recently spoke (out of turn, perhaps?) that 'emerging economies like India' can help rich economies like the UK dig out of the current economic mess. Admittedly fine sentiment that but it is a bit too early for former colonbies looted for 2 centuries to have built up the psycho-economic cojones to help out just yet.

For one, UK could start by deporting terrorist mass-murderes who are fugitives from Democratic-secular Indian law (derived from English common law, BTW) and undertaking a solemn pledge to not shelter such elements from India in the future.... To save British face in the face of the human-rights/terror-apologist crowd, Delhi should be willing to accept secret deportations, rendition style to the erstwhile kalapani prison in the Andamans.....

/Can't be too much to ask now, can it?

Meanwhile, even as UK slides down the path to domestiuc uprising from the ummah types, the same pit of snakes they hepled create in 1947 in the subcontinent, I find ironic the cycle of (bad) karma that is at last beginning to come home to roost....
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Gerard »

Bakri paid cash for girl's boob job
HATE preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed paid for a boob job which launched his daughter’s pole dancing career, it was revealed last night. He forked out £4,000 in CASH for 27-year-old Yasmin Fostock’s bust-boosting surgery — while living on BENEFITS in the UK.
G Subramaniam
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by G Subramaniam »


UK: Nine-year-old girl rescued from forced marriage

The wonders of multiculturalism. Muhammad, of course, consummated his marriage with Aisha when she was nine and he was in his fifties. And in this, as in everything else, he is considered exemplary in Islam -- an "excellent example of conduct" according to Qur'an 33:21. Therefore British authorities will be seeing more and more of these cases, and eventually their prosecution of them will run headlong into their acceptance of Sharia in Muslim communities. And something, at that point, will have to give, and the British will either have to stop the advance of Sharia or accept child marriage.

"Nine-year-old Midlands girl rescued from forced marriage," by David Barrett for the Telegraph, September 28 (thanks to Sr. Soph):

British children as young as nine are being forced into marriage by their families, The Sunday Telegraph can reveal.

The disclosure comes as official figures show that nearly 60 children aged 15 or under have been rescued by the Government's Forced Marriage Unit in the past four years.

The cases are feared to be the tip of the iceberg. They will fuel concerns, first raised earlier this year, that large numbers of children are disappearing from British schools to be forced into wedlock overseas.

A charity which runs a national helpline on forced marriage and "honour"-based crimes, Karma Nirvana, revealed that in one incident a nine-year-old girl from a Pakistani family in the east Midlands was taken into council care after her parents told her she was to wed.

Jasvinder Sanghera, director of Karma Nirvana, said that on average four children a month aged under 16 have contacted its helpline since it launched in April.

"The youngest child we have dealt with was nine years old," she said. "The girl told her teacher she was going to be forced to marry someone and initially she was not believed.

"Ultimately, with the help of the Forced Marriage Unit, she was dealt with through child protection procedures. She was assessed and, thankfully, taken into foster care."

Ms Sanghera called on ministers to make sure primary school children are taught about forced marriage and given advice on how to avoid becoming a victim.

The Forced Marriage Unit has helped rescue 58 underage children since it was set up in January 2005, including 11 under-16s so far this year. The youngest victim this year was 13, one was 14 and nine were 15.

The unit deals with 5,000 inquiries and 300 cases of forced marriage a year. A third of inquiries come from under 18s....
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Zin »

Gerard wrote:Bakri paid cash for girl's boob job
HATE preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed paid for a boob job which launched his daughter’s pole dancing career, it was revealed last night. He forked out £4,000 in CASH for 27-year-old Yasmin Fostock’s bust-boosting surgery — while living on BENEFITS in the UK.
According to a famous fatwa by a muslim scholar, when muslim men and women work together under one roof, the women should breastfed the men.
I hope there is no violation of the fatwa or Omar Bakri may get angry with his daughter.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Zin »

G Subramaniam wrote:Dhimmiwatch

UK: Nine-year-old girl rescued from forced marriage

The wonders of multiculturalism. Muhammad, of course, consummated his marriage with Aisha when she was nine and he was in his fifties. And in this, as in everything else, he is considered exemplary in Islam -- an "excellent example of conduct" according to Qur'an 33:21. Therefore British authorities will be seeing more and more of these cases, and eventually their prosecution of them will run headlong into their acceptance of Sharia in Muslim communities. And something, at that point, will have to give, and the British will either have to stop the advance of Sharia or accept child marriage.

"Nine-year-old Midlands girl rescued from forced marriage," by David Barrett for the Telegraph, September 28 (thanks to Sr. Soph):

British children as young as nine are being forced into marriage by their families, The Sunday Telegraph can reveal.

The disclosure comes as official figures show that nearly 60 children aged 15 or under have been rescued by the Government's Forced Marriage Unit in the past four years.

The cases are feared to be the tip of the iceberg. They will fuel concerns, first raised earlier this year, that large numbers of children are disappearing from British schools to be forced into wedlock overseas.

A charity which runs a national helpline on forced marriage and "honour"-based crimes, Karma Nirvana, revealed that in one incident a nine-year-old girl from a Pakistani family in the east Midlands was taken into council care after her parents told her she was to wed.

Jasvinder Sanghera, director of Karma Nirvana, said that on average four children a month aged under 16 have contacted its helpline since it launched in April.

"The youngest child we have dealt with was nine years old," she said. "The girl told her teacher she was going to be forced to marry someone and initially she was not believed.

"Ultimately, with the help of the Forced Marriage Unit, she was dealt with through child protection procedures. She was assessed and, thankfully, taken into foster care."

Ms Sanghera called on ministers to make sure primary school children are taught about forced marriage and given advice on how to avoid becoming a victim.

The Forced Marriage Unit has helped rescue 58 underage children since it was set up in January 2005, including 11 under-16s so far this year. The youngest victim this year was 13, one was 14 and nine were 15.

The unit deals with 5,000 inquiries and 300 cases of forced marriage a year. A third of inquiries come from under 18s....
taqiyya mode on
By not allowing 9 year old girls to wed, kafir britianistanis are oppressing muslims in Uk.
Muslim will be forced to conduct more peaceful and defensive bomb explosions .
taqiyya mode off.
A Arun
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by A Arun »

Welcome to Saudi Britain
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Philip »

The controversial Police Chief,Sir Ian Blair,who was accused of racism by the seniormost Asian police officer in Britain,also being held responsible for the tragic tube killing of the Brazilian,mistaken for an Islamic terrorist,has met an ignominious end with his immediate sacking by London's new Mayor ,the maverick Tory Boris Johnson.Blair's exit has long been predicted and hoped for by many in Braitain as a revamp of the police forces is deemed neccessary to cope with the massive task required,policing and countering terror without affecting ordinary citizens from ethnic minorities. ... 868974.ece
Boris Johnson forces Sir Ian Blair to quit as police chief
Sean O’Neill, Adam Fresco and Sam Coates

Sir Ian Blair was forced to resign as Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police yesterday in a swift political coup at the top of Scotland Yard.

Boris Johnson, the Conservative Mayor of London, asked Sir Ian to go, hours after taking control of London’s police authority. It is understood that he threatened Mr Blair with non-co-operation if he did not quit.

The commissioner went to what he thought was a routine meeting with Mr Johnson and two officials on Wednesday only to be told that the mayor wanted him to stand down. “The only topic of discussion was the strategic direction of the force and it was underlined to him that a change of leadership was necessary,” a source told The Times.

IN DEPTH: thinking man’s copper lost his grip
Tories flex new political muscles
Sparks flew as knives were sharpened

Sir Ian Blair
Sir Ian was caught by surprise but accepted that he could not carry on without the support of the mayor and police authority. The meeting was said to have been conducted in a “professional and mature” manner. Government officials are furious, however, that the Home Secretary was not informed until she was contacted by the commissioner yesterday. Jacqui Smith and Mr Johnson are obliged by law to work together to appoint a new commissioner but the process is likely to be beset by political wrangling.

Labour made it clear that Ms Smith would not be dictated to by a Tory mayor. Mr Johnson’s aides said that it would be “obscenely inappropriate” if she were to overrule the mayor.

Although Sir Ian has been an unpopular leader, there is anger in the police service that its most senior officer has fallen victim to party politics. Some candidates to succeed him might be reluctant to seek the job without assurances that they will not be subjected to similar political interference.

The commissioner’s position had become increasingly tenuous, with allegations that he acted improperly in the award of Yard contracts to a friend and claims of racial discrimination by senior Asian officers — both of which Sir Ian denies. The Met is also facing a testing examination of its actions at the inquest for Jean Charles de Menezes, shot dead by armed officers who mistook him for a suicide bomber.

Sir Ian’s resignation statement placed responsibility for his departure at Mr Johnson’s door. “At a meeting yesterday the new mayor made clear, in a very pleasant but determined way, that he wished there to be a change of leadership at the Met,” he said. “I understand that to serve effectively the commissioner must have the confidence of both the mayor and the Home Secretary. Without the mayor’s backing, I do not consider that I can continue in the job.

“Personally I see no bar to working effectively with the new mayor but it is there that we differ and hence I am unable to continue.”

Mr Johnson said that Sir Ian had a distinguished record but the Met needed change. “There comes a time in any organisation when it becomes clear it would benefit from new leadership and clarity of purpose. I believe that time is now,” he said.

Sir Ian stands down on December 1. Sir Paul Stephenson, his deputy, is regarded as the favourite to succeed him. Other leading candidates are Sir Hugh Orde, Chief Constable in Northern Ireland, and Bernard Hogan-Howe, police chief of Merseyside.

Sir Ian, 55, is entitled to a full police pension. On the commissioner’s £240,000 salary that is estimated to be worth about £160,000 per year.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by sum »

a revamp of the police forces is deemed neccessary to cope with the massive task required,policing and countering terror without affecting ordinary citizens from ethnic minorities.
Sounds suspiciously similar to the muslim "leaders"/HFLs in India
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Philip »

Sm,some of my non-Muslim Asian friends when students,have had some bad experiences at the hands of the police because of the colour of their skin.There has in their opinion been considerable "aggro" against them just below the level of a complaint.The British police have done a great job in tackling Islamist terror groups through their sophisticated means of surveillance and detctive work in recent times,but the tragic killing by mistake of the Brazilian de Menezes shows that because he was coloured,he was wrongly identified as being a terrorist! The British police have a serious drawback-too few recruits from the Asian/ethnic minorities,which is absolutely needed if local "policing",where the cop is seen as a confidante of the locals and has local knowledge invaluable for good police work.The recent controoversy over Sir Ian Blair and the top Asian police officers who complained of racism,shows why there are so few recruits.
In areas of Britain where there are large numbers of immigrants from the Indian sub-continent,it would be preferable to have more "local" brown cops than white policemen,who would be trusted less and find it more difficult to distinguish between those innocent and guilty.The current BBC Entertainment series "Judge Deed" has some cases where this aspect of the law is explored in detail.

Meanwhile the Return of the Scorpion" "Lord" (to be) Peter Mandelson!
The return of the scorpion (and the cockroaches) ... 877656.ece

Mandelson is back. Now we know what Brown meant when he said that government was for people with experienceMatthew Parris
Peter Mandelson backs winners. If as we learnt (to gasps of incredulity) yesterday, Gordon Brown's old enemy is now to sit at the Prime Minister's side in Cabinet, then some of us will contemplate a choice between only two available conclusions. Either Mr Mandelson now sees Mr Brown as a potential winner or he will in the end betray him.

Nobody should rule out the second possibility. “A fighter not a quitter,” Mr Mandelson once so memorably called himself, but why pose these options as mutually exclusive? In his time Mr Mandelson has been both: he has quit and lived to fight another day; and he has fought and lived to quit another day. He fights again. He may quit again.

Mr Brown may be calculating that, having resigned from a Labour Cabinet twice already, and then resigned from British politics altogether, Mr Mandelson dare not risk that fourth “I QUIT” headline. I wouldn't count on it. But the embattled Prime Minister should be safe until next summer, and in these troubled days for Downing Street we have to remember that Brown years, like dog years, imply that a month's security in real time is worth about seven.

But what a roller coaster. At first they told us that this autumn reshuffle might be a limited affair. Then more recently they told us it was going to be big. As late as Monday this week Gordon Brown's Brigade of Unattributables were still insisting it was going to be big. Then on Wednesday a new message went out: it was going to be small.

Mandelson declares - It's third time lucky
Analysis: Brown binds in the Blairites

Who's who in the new Cabinet
Exit of 'two-jobs Des' shocks military chiefs

So when we switched on our radios yesterday to hear that it had arrived - and was spectacular - we can be forgiven both a certain confusion and the media hoopla that always accompanies the thrill of the unexpected. The twists and turns that this story has taken are evidence either of a devilishly clever media communications strategy or of Mr Brown's complete inability to make up his mind until the last moment.

Who cares which. He has made it up now. We have the reshuffle and as I write we have commentators from outside and within the Parliamentary Labour Party running around like startled ants, voices united in the age-old cry: “What does this mean?”

Very possibly nothing. It takes, at such times, a determinedly level head to hold on to the age-old truth that questions such as this usually deserve the response that it won't make much difference in the end. It certainly won't save the Prime Minister in the end.

On Mr Brown's part the reshuffle can be seen both as an act of panic and of calculation. It is not irrational for a man losing his footing to grab at a cactus for support; but the cactus is still a cactus. It is even worth entertaining the possibility that the Prime Minister's first thought was to get himself another really competent and effective Business Secretary - and that it was Mr Mandelson's (often overlooked) high reputation as a sound administrator, fine dispatch-box performer, and assured commander of his brief, that recommended him most. Whatever else this appointment may mean, it will reassure the City and bring to the front bench in the Lords a wily and dogged advocate of new Labour's Blairite compact with the rich and the wealth creators.

And how about from Mr Mandelson's perspective? For him this will not have been a difficult offer to accept. We should examine it with the same hard-headedness as Mr Mandelson himself will have done as he heard from the Prime Minister this week. He faced unemployment next year when his term as EU Trade Commissioner will be up. He was widely thought to envisage a career thereafter in a top-flight job in business, industry or finance.

But if 2009 is to be a year of recession, with the bodies of company chairmen raining down from high storeys in Canary Wharf, the moment would hardly be ideal for job applications from a former politician intimately associated with a Labour Government limping towards imminent election defeat. Mr Mandelson is only 54. He will feel he has at least one and maybe two more big jobs in him. “Well, what the hell?” will have been his first and instinctive response. Whether or not his second thought was, “I can always bail out later”, it has certainly occurred to me.

We see now what Mr Brown meant when he told his party in Manchester that government was for people with experience. In come the cockroach people - men and women who keep getting stamped on but who somehow never die. In comes Margaret Beckett - no novice she - who first became a minister under Harold Wilson when I was still at university, and whose most recent experience was to be sacked as Foreign Secretary. Sideways goes a politician, Geoff Hoon, whom experience has taught not to be memorable, and whose amiable anonymity has proved a trusty friend - relieved just to survive. Back (as Chief Whip) comes Nick Brown, whose experience was to be junked by Tony Blair.

And in comes Peter Mandelson, of whose restless intelligence I have so high an opinion, and the news media such exciting memories, that few of us can see him plodding quietly into electoral oblivion. Whatever else he may do, Mr Mandelson fascinates.

But so do scorpions. Do you need to be reminded of the fable of the scorpion and the frog - the story of a stinging insect desirous of crossing a river, and hitching a ride on the back of a frog? “But you're a scorpion,” says the frog, “you sting”.

“Normally, yes,” replies the scorpion with both apparent and perhaps real sincerity, “but why would I do that when it would sink us both, drowning me too?”

Compelled by this logic the frog obliges. Halfway over the water, the scorpion stings. The frog's last words are: “In the name of God, why?” The scorpion's last words are: “Because it is in my nature.”

Some will think it would be in Peter Mandelson's nature, too. I, however - though I see no reason why my sharp-tailed and quick-reacting old adversary should think 18 months too short a time in which both to enter and to exit from a Labour Cabinet - do not assume that he would be extinguished by his own sting.

At present, surely, Mr Mandelson is plotting no such thing. But I strongly suspect that sooner or later the idea will occur to him. A general election whose aftermath sees Gordon Brown washed lifeless on to the riverbank will see Peter Mandelson still swimming. A man whom some top Tories have jokingly called “The Master”, and who has appeared neither displeased nor repelled by the appellation but coyly attentive, displays an extraordinary ability to swim.

So you're right, Prime Minister: experience counts for a lot. Remind me again, Peter, what's been your experience of Gordon Brown and his henchmen? Remind us, too,

Mr Brown, what experience may have taught you about Mr Mandelson? Myself, I've been taught that he will not go gentle, or without a splash, or forgettably, into that good night.
Matthew Parris
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Zin »

Philip wrote:The British police have a serious drawback-too few recruits from the Asian/ethnic minorities,which is absolutely needed if local "policing",where the cop is seen as a confidante of the locals and has local knowledge invaluable for good police work.
Congrats for suggesting muslim appeasement.
Asking a terrorist to spy on another terrorist.
Brilliant idea! :)

Policewomen in Britain

Policewomen in Iran

Secret report brands Muslim police corrupt ... opstories3

A secret high-level Metropolitan police report has concluded that Muslim officers are more likely to become corrupt than white officers because of their cultural and family backgrounds.

The document, which has been seen by the Guardian, has caused outrage among ethnic minorities within the force, who have labelled it racist and proof that there is a gulf in understanding between the police force and the wider Muslim community. The document was written as an attempt to investigate why complaints of misconduct and corruption against Asian officers are 10 times higher than against their white colleagues.

The main conclusions of the study, commissioned by the Directorate of Professional Standards and written by an Asian detective chief inspector, stated: "Asian officers and in particular Pakistani Muslim officers are under greater pressure from the family, the extended family ... and their community against that of their white colleagues to engage in activity that might lead to misconduct or criminality."

It recommended that Asian officers needed special anti-corruption training and is now being considered by a working party of senior staff.

The report argued that British Pakistanis live in a cash culture in which "assisting your extended family is considered a duty" and in an environment in which large amounts of money are loaned between relatives and friends.

"We've got about 1,000 wrongful anti-terrorist arrests since 9/11 and I believe that if Muslim officers were involved in looking through that intelligence and understanding the context, we would have far greater efficiency in the police force and a far greater prosecution rate," he said. To support its conclusions, the report gives examples of cases in which Pakistani Muslim officers have been accused of corruption and misconduct. According to its critics, the report gives insufficient weight to the motivation of those who made the complaints or issues of institutional racism.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Paul »

Royal Yolk
It seems Prince Charles is served seven boiled eggs ranging from "soft" to "hard" each morning and chooses one which he thinks is exactly right. Only royalty can afford that kind of luxury at the taxpayers’ expense.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by arun »

Mother is denied pill by Muslim pharmacist

A woman was refused the "morning-after pill" by a supermarket's duty pharmacist because it was against his religious beliefs. ……….

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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Gerard »

Avinash R
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Avinash R »

BBC says Islam should be treated more sensitively than Christianity ... nsiti.html

Wed, Oct 15 05:05 PM

London, Oct 15 (ANI): Islam should be treated more sensitively by the media than Christianity, according to the director general of the BBC.

Mark Thompson claimed that because Muslims are a religious minority in Britain and also often from ethnic minorities, their faith should be given different coverage to that of more established groups.

His comments come after the comedian Ben Elton accused the BBC of being scared of making jokes about Islam, while Hindus have claimed it favours Muslims over other religions, the Telegraph reported.

But Thompson, speaking at the annual public theology lecture of the religion think-tank Theos, insisted the state broadcaster would show programmes that criticised Islam if they were of sufficient quality.

The director general, whose corporation faced accusations of blasphemy from Christians after it allowed the transmission of the musical Jerry Springer -The Opera, also said his Christian beliefs guided his judgments and disclosed that he had never watched the Monty Python film Life of Brian which satirises the story of Jesus.

In his speech last night, Thompson claimed there are now more programmes about religion on BBC television and radio than there have been in recent decades, whereas coverage has declined on ITV.

But asked whether it was correct that the BBC "let vicar gags pass but not imam gags", as Elton claimed, he admitted it did take a different approach to Islam, which has 1.6million followers in Britain, compared to its approach to the Church of England or the Roman Catholic Church.

Thompson said: "My view is that there is a difference between the position of Christianity, which I believe should be central to the BBC's religion coverage and widely respected and followed."
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Lalmohan »

Avinash R wrote:BBC says Islam should be treated more sensitively than Christianity ... nsiti.html

His comments come after the comedian Ben Elton accused the BBC of being scared of making jokes about Islam, while Hindus have claimed it favours Muslims over other religions, the Telegraph reported.
hah! see yehudi-yindoo conspiracy to defame the ummah!! Elton is a well known Yehudi-Zionist-Khadim activist!! :rotfl:
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Avinash R »

MI5 to use new snooping laws to log all phone calls in UK ... o-log.html

London, Oct.16 (ANI): British intelligence sleuths will use new snooping laws to log on to phone and computer records of all citizens in the country.

They will track and store details of every call, email, text and web visit, reports The Sun.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith unveiled the plan yesterday, promising cops and MI5 more power to gather data.

She warned failure to act would give terrorists a free rein and lead to more unsolved murders, robberies and kidnaps.

Massive growth in phone and computer networks has made it harder to check who calls who. Many firms offer free calls or access and have no need to store billing data.

The government's move sparked accusations of expansion of "Big Brother" tactics.

Anti-terror watchdog Lord Carlile branded the idea of a database "awful".

But Ms Smith said it was "vital" and details of what people discuss will not be held.

The laws will be included in a Communications Data Bill in next month's Queen's Speech.

Police and intelligence chiefs welcomed the step but Tories called for a "proper debate".
Avinash R
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Avinash R »

UK police says internet phone calls crippling fight against terrorism ... calls.html

London, Oct.16 (ANI): A huge growth in internet telephone traffic is jeopardising the capability of police to investigate almost every type of crime, including terror-related ones.

Senior sources have told The Times that as more and more phone calls are routed over the web - using software such as Skype - police are losing the ability to track who has called whom, from where and for how long.

The key difficulty facing police is that, unlike mobile phone companies, which retain call data for billing purposes, Internet call companies have no reason to keep the material.

British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith on Wednesday outlined plans for expanding the Government's capability to access data held by Internet services, including social networking sites such as Facebook and Bebo, and gaming networks.

The move follows growing concern among police and the security services that serious criminals and terrorists are using websites as a way of concealing their communications.

At present security and intelligence agencies can demand to see telephone and e-mail traffic from communication service providers, such as mobile telephone companies.

But rapid expansion of new providers, such as gaming, social networking, auction and video sites, and technologies, such as wireless Internet and broadband, present a serious problem for the police, MI5, Customs and other government agencies.

Communications data is now a key weapon in securing convictions of both terrorists and serious criminals. It also plays a central role in investigations into kidnappings and inquiries into missing and vulnerable people.

In the Metropolitan Police service alone last year, 54,000 applications were approved for officers to have access to communications data including to whom and when a phone call, text message or e-mail was sent - but not the content.

A total of 650 applications concerned investigations into tracing missing or vulnerable people.

Overall there were 519,260 requests for communication data last year with the vast majority coming from the intelligence services, police and other law enforcement organisations, such as the Serious Organised Crime Agency and HM Revenue and Customs.

Under Ms Smith's plans, police and the security services will not be able to access the content of the communications but will know each website visited, and to whom and when a phone call was made or a text message or e-mail was sent.

If this raises suspicions, ministerial approval can be sought to intercept what is being sent and read the content.

Smith gave warning that the alternatives to more electronic data being stored would be expensive and invasive.

The Times has learnt that police chiefs are to begin a discreet lobbying exercise in favour of the new powers.

Opposition MPs and privacy groups have termed the step as Orwellian.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Arya Sumantra »

Avinash R wrote:His comments come after the comedian Ben Elton accused the BBC of being scared of making jokes about Islam, while Hindus have claimed it favours Muslims over other religions, the Telegraph reported.
The kid that cries the most gets the most concessions.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by RajeshA »

Pak High Commissioner host reception: APP
LONDON, Oct 16 (APP)- Pakistan High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Wajid Shamsul Hasan hosted a well-attended reception at the High Commission here last evening to mark his formal presentation of credentials to the British Queen Elizabeth.

The gathering included diplomats from Afghanistan, Germany, Japan, Kuwat, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Malta, Malaysia,Spain, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Bahamas and Uzbekistan, members of the British parliament including Lord Nazir Ahmed, Lord Altaf Sheikh, Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, MPs Muhammad Sarwar, Shahid Malik, Gerald Kaufmann (Labour), Robert Wilson (Tory), Tony Baldry (Tory), officials of the Foreign and Commonwealth office, businessmen, media persons and members of the British Pakistani community.
Pakistani Fans in the British Parliament probably. One could keep an eye on their behavior wrt India and the Kashmir Issue.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by sum »

London, Oct.16 (ANI): British intelligence sleuths will use new snooping laws to log on to phone and computer records of all citizens in the country.

They will track and store details of every call, email, text and web visit, reports The Sun. to they plan to store and analyse such humongous amounts of data given that even automated searches for keywords will take ages with such a mountain of data? After all, this is a developed nation and not a pure Islamic nation like Pak where kufr items like phones and internet are haraam and very rare(and easier to keep track of)...
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by ramana »

maybe send it to Infosys?
John Snow
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by John Snow »

Israeli companies already exist to analyze the data.

Read this

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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by fanne »

Well they would not be using pentium 2.4 Ghz laptop and 100 mbps land line that we have to search. How about a search where, supercomputers are used, the operating system, database etc. everything optomized for this kind of search.
John Snow
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by John Snow »

exactly they do that ( non standard data bases , non standard Operating Systems file formats) and they are not even compatible with other intra govt agencies systems.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Manas »

It is estimated that the NSA has a the most amount of super computing power assembled within one entity. Several times more total horse power than the typical DoE weapons labs. Several written accounts of NSA's capabilities border on the verge of science fiction but it is fair to assume that the combination of the NSA and NRO are employing tools and methods at the leading of edge of science, technology, engineering that the best brains on the planet have to offer.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Keshav »

Arya Sumantra wrote:The kid that cries the most gets the most concessions.
In American, we say "The squeaky wheel gets the grease", but same idea.
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Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

Post by Rony »

The British people's view of chandrayaan was far more negative than any other people ! I wonder why !
And what kind of 'aid' is he talking about. isnt that 'aid' basically a loan which is repayed back with interest ?

India launches Moon mission & gets £800 million from UK ... re=related#