3 blasts in guwahati

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3 blasts in guwahati

Post by jkarthik »

Timesnow reporting 3 blasts in Guwahati
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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by milindc »

Chidambaram is on visit to review security situation in Assam. The terrorists are sending message to HM.
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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by Nihat »

Breaking news: Serial blasts in Guwahati


New Delhi: Three blasts rocked Guwahati on Thursday. According to initial reports the blasts are of low intensity.

Union Home Ministeer P Chidambaram was expected to arrive in Guwahati on Thursday evening.
and so we begin 2009 - low intensity blasts are the trade mark of IM but I thought that their back was well and truly broken. Any blast in the NE and the first suspect are the autonomous militant groups operating there.
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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by tripathi »

low intensity 3 blast.bombs were planted on cycle as usual IM strategy of cycle bombs.12 injured so far no deaths reported.Welcome to new year with bangs :(
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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by sum »

Just before news of the blasts broke, CNN-IBN was reporting of Assam govt covering up HuJIs role in oct blasts...CNN-IBN has accessed intercepts of HuJI cadre discussing about the oct blasts and congratulating each other.

With a vote-banking govt like this, why wont more blasts occur?
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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by vsudhir »

Can't escape the feeling this 'message' is somehow linked to the poll results in BD. Signal is that regardless of change of guard in Dhaka, demographic and plain graphic terror against Indians in Asom shall continue.
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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by milindc »

Per TimesNow, 5 killed and 40 injured...
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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by tripathi »

i dont think that these blast will cause any dent on GOI's thick skin.mumbai was different case as hifi people were targeted but here target were the common people.Anyway northeast always get step motherly treatment from GOI.
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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by shiv »

3 critical

Bangladesh hand is likely IMO

Allow in more voters from Bdesh

Would someone with some knowledge of assam please post names of particular politicians who may be gaining from illegal immigrants. I am unfamiliar wth such details.
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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by krisna »

1) The Bhootnath blast occurred on the route the Home Minister would have taken.
2) The dusbin was kept near A TB hospital in Birubari blast
3) The blast at Bhangagarh took place in front of Big Bazar outlet
Assam DGP has said the ULFA is behind the blasts.

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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by A Arun »

News channels are reporting that Govt. had specific intelligence about these blasts. Assam DGP says ULFA's role confirmed.
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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by Dilbu »

:x Never forgive, never forget. (At least those of us who care about our motherland)
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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by samuel.chandra »

We need to contain ULFA and other local terrorists now. The more time we wait, the bigger they get..the more tentacles they grow outside. Besides they are easy to manipulate to bring in explosives/arms inside India.
Dilbu wrote::x Never forgive, never forget. (At least those of us who care about our motherland)
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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by Singha »

well Shiv, the rot starts at the top (tarun gogoi), continues through the mananiya HM Rockybull hussein and down the food chain to the guys who man "check gates" and levy goonda tax on trucks, local MLA "fixers" who arrange land pattas and ration cards for BD migrants and so on.

as in the NE hill states I believe there is a "covenant" between section of the ulfa and the govt to keep each other in good humour and share the extortion money, work contracts and dilli money. there is a term for it called 'conflict economy' .... to some extent it is true in kashmir also.
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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by Muppalla »

In 2007 Jan also there were blasts in Assam. Jan seems to be a bloody month for the Assamese.
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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by SaiK »

send nsg + raw unit as assassination teams to all possible terrorist hideouts. be it in america, gaza, pakistan or bangladesh.
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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by John Snow »

A Arun wrote:News channels are reporting that Govt. had specific intelligence about these blasts. Assam DGP says ULFA's role confirmed.

The New year starts bang with a stale joke.
Even BR new there was attacks coming soon,

There will be More attacks to follow with news that intelligence had information about terror attacks! is a safe prediction ( Its like my unlce who used to read palm and predict future, for all kids he use to say , If you work hard you get first rank, then he used to add remember there are people who work hard but dont get first rank, because they are not in school! :rotfl: )

If so much of intelligence exists why are we acting so dumb may be intelligent question to answer? No? :mrgreen:
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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by IndraD »

What else is expected from a govt who is not commited to fight terrorism. Country votes on line of cast religion divide and we have people like Mulayam, Laloo , Mayawati in power who have zero nationalism, they are still settling score with social justice. I think it is time for Indians who wear firece pride up their sleeve to look for better countries :evil:
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Government had information about ULFA plan, says Gogoi

Post by joshvajohn »

Government had information about ULFA plan, says Gogoi

http://www.hindu.com/2009/01/02/stories ... 191000.htm

If they already knew it then why did they not stop these blasts?

the Government of India should go after these ULFA wherever they are based and destroy their camps in Myanmar or in Bangladesh or in any other countries. Tell them to get these guys out.

The present government is very very weak government in taking any action against terrorism!!!!! It is a blunder mistake. Such coward act of the central and state govts make mockery of people's lives in the street. This is why people do not respect Indian government at all.

Without creating fear in the mind of the terrorist and those governments that sponsor such terror activities, we are losing an undeclared war by the terrorists and people's lives are just taken for granted by the well earned and well corrupted central and state ministers of India.

If we really do not give equal rights to any tribal communities or any individual in India people have freedom to fight but in the case of ULFA they themselves know the complication of the issues in Assam but then they wish to be in the news and kill their own people. But escape, regroup and get armed in another territory and the come and attack is the kind of policy they have. Unless India take offence against such terror in other countries territory as part of defending our people and country there will be more bombs on the normal people while the Central ministers will be well protected by 100s of police forces!!!!! for their corruption and non interest in any people. It is time that the weak Congress government take a strong decision to protect people's lives or give other parties a chance to do that!!!!
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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by krishnan »

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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by shiv »

http://www.hindu.com/thehindu/holnus/00 ... 031501.htm
Guwahati blast victims stare into unsure future
Guwahati (PTI): Even as Union Home Minister P Chidambaram assured that security forces would tackle terror in Assam and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh visited the wounded, the bomb blast survivors, stare into an indecisive future with no certainty of them going back to earning their livelihood.
Belonging to the below-poverty-line (BPL) section, the 50 survivors were seriously injured in the blast, which left them mentally traumatised or physically incapacitated to return to their minor trades to fend for their families.
Tragic is the case of Munni Begum who lost her eight-year-old son in Thursday's explosion at Bhootnath area here. Her 19-month-old daughter has a pellet lodged in her head after she suffered multiple injuries in the incident.
Begum, a vegetable vendor admitted to the Guwahati Medical College Hospital is so distraught after her tragedy that she is unsure of ever going back to her livelihood to maintain her family, that includes her two other sons also.
With her husband away in Mumbai, where he is a truck driver, Munni has none to console her now. She said her son was killed when he went to buy a cake, while the baby girl was hit with a pellet when she was in her lap.
Another survivor, Rajinder, who is a rickshaw puller, is distressed that his blast injuries have rendered him disabled leaving him unable to earn for his wife and children.
Unable to understand why the militants were attacking the economically weak section of society, Rajinder said he was worried about how to take care of his family.
Another rickshaw-puller Abdul Rehman, a victim of the Bhangagarh blast, is in a similar predicament earning his livelihood on day-to-day basis and has been physically disabled by the bomb blast.
He is a worried man as to how he will look after his eight member family that includes his old parents, his wife and children. Meanwhile, the people in Bhootnath areas were unhappy with the Northeast Frontier Railway as the blast occurred on its land encroached by anti-social elements and no measure was taken for their eviction despite several appeals by the locals.
One of the victims, Kamal Das, who was hit on his back in the explosion was incidentally one of the prime movers for eviction of the encroachers, the locals said. NF Railway sources said that an eviction drive had been launched for removal of the illegal settlers, who always returned to occupy the vacant land.
Chidambaram after a meeting with the anti-insurgency Unified Command structure here yesterday, told reporters that "anyone who threatens peace and attacks the sovereignty of the country will be dealt with severely by the security forces. Leaders of the banned outfits must get this message clear".
"The security forces will deal decidedly and protect the integrity of the country. The Unified Command has been asked to move sharply with a focused operational strategy," he said. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who also visited the injured at Gauhati Medical College hospital yesterday on way to Shillong, said the culprits of the blasts would be brought to book at the earliest and terrorism would be dealt sternly.
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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by Santosh »

Gogoi government seems hand-in-glove with ULFA. Wasn't he the one who called for ceasefire and talks with ULFa when the Army was about to deal a death blow to ulfa last year after 63 migrants mainly Bihari were gunned down. Never heard of illegal immigrants getting gunned down.
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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by Victor »

It is sickening to hear over and over again:

"..anyone who threatens peace and attacks the sovereignty of the country will be dealt with severely by the security forces."

"..the culprits of the blasts would be brought to book at the earliest and terrorism would be dealt sternly."

How many times must Indians hear this without any action whatsoever being taken?
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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by Singha »

pretty much every Govt in NE is hand-in-glove with the extremists for their cut of the spoils. they get money both from delhi and from extremists extortion funds and drug running funds. add to that fake HR orgs and drumbeaters in the media
inciting the people whenever a nest of rats of cornered here and there.

gogoi is like our PM. word on the street is certain people both in and outside his cabinet are in charge of collecting money from various scams and passing that on to the high command. he doesnt have visibility into some areas of his own govt.

the long term of congress(I) agenda of making assam elections totally dependent on muslim BD factor has reached fruition. the non-BDs have been split - the Bodos are given their own sandbox to fight in, under encroachment from BDs, the assamese speakers have given up and are dhimmi now or fled to other parts of india, the hindi migrants are poor , powerless and under ulfa threat, the richer hindi migrants pay protection money to keep their business alive(many shifted out).

the Islamic Emirate of Assam is well on course. the new caliph will probably be rockybull while his vizier will be the influential minister for urban development mananiya sarma-ji and ex-cotton college GS.
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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by IndraD »

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Blas ... 957214.cms

more blasts follow. what a start of the year.
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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by RayC »

Deka down and more to go.

Arundhuti Roy and Teesta Stelvevad, where are you? I am sure it does not matter to you, since the NE does not make news, right, girls?
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Re: 3 blasts in guwahati

Post by IndraD »

This is niether being reported nor discussed any where on TV, so 1. Govt thinks it is OK to have blasts in Guwahati 2. Not much to gain for terrorists since the event is not covered.