India nuclear news and discussion

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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Gerard »

SaiK wrote:
shubho wrote:...would be gone, who will authorize and initiate the retaliatory strike ?
shub-ho jao!,sab kuch automagickkkk!!
shubho has been banned for trolling. He joins alter-ego nsa_tanay.
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Gerard »

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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Sanatanan »

From Current Science, Vol. 96, No. 10, 25 May 2009

Indian Physics Association awards
Young scientists who have done commendable research in physics were awarded for their work for the year 2008 by the Indian Physics Association (IPA) on 20 March 2009 at the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Mumbai.
The M.M. Chugani Memorial Award is given for excellence in applied physics and carries a citation, gold medal and cash prize of one lakh rupees. This award for 2008 was given to Anil Kakodkar (Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission, Secretary, Department of Atomic Energy,Govt of India).
I believe posting the above news in this thread might be acceptable considering Dr Kakodkar's contributions to development of Nuclear Technology in India.
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Gerard »

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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Gerard »

India's nuclear plants improve power generation
India's nuclear power reactors, which were running at only 40 per cent of their capacity, have now improved their generation with increased availability of uranium in the country.
"The 12 Pressurised Heavy water Reactors of 220 Mw each are running at 70 per cent of their capacity due to improvement in the production of uranium from Jaduguda and Turamdih mills. They are currently producing 2,000 Mw," Department of Atomic Energy sources said here.
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Anujan »

India equal equal Paki and "South Asian" Nuclear program is of concern ("North Asian" cheeni program is just fine)
Nuclear Aims By Pakistan, India Prompt U.S. Concern

The apparent detonation of a North Korean nuclear device on Monday has renewed concerns over that country's efforts to build up its atomic arsenal. At the same time, U.S. and allied officials and experts who have tracked developments in South Asia have grown increasingly worried over the rapid growth of the region's more mature nuclear programs, in part because of the risk that weapons could fall into the hands of terrorists....

"They are both going great guns [on] new systems, new materials; they are doing everything you would imagine," said a former intelligence official who has long studied the region and who spoke on the condition of anonymity.....

Former Indian government officials say efforts are underway to improve and test a powerful thermonuclear warhead, even as the country adds to a growing array of aircraft, missiles and submarines that launch them. "Delivery system-wise, India is doing fine," said Bharat Karnad, a former member of India's National Security Advisory Board and a professor of national security studies at New Delhi's Center for Policy Research.....

While both India and Pakistan say their actions are defensive, the consequence of their efforts has been to boost the quantity of materials being produced and the number of times they must be moved around, as well as the training of experts in highly sensitive skills, this source and others say. "More vulnerabilities. More stuff in production. More stuff in transit," when it is more vulnerable to theft.....

U.S. officials say narrow appeals to the two countries to slow their weapons work will probably fail. "We have to think of dealing with the South Asian problem not on a purely regional basis, but in the context of a more global approach," Gary Samore, the senior White House nonproliferation adviser...The Indians have always said, 'We can't take steps unless similar steps are taken by China and the other nuclear states,' and very quickly you end up with a situation where it's hard to make progress."
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Baljeet »

Look at the contributing reporter, that is none other than "Rama Lakshmi" She is only notch above Arundhati Roy.
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Gerard »

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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Gerard »

INFCIRC/754 ... irc754.pdf

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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Gerard »

India sticks to its stand on NPT
External affairs minister S M Krishna on Friday signalled that India will rebuff renewed American attempts to get the country to sign the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT), weeks ahead of a scheduled visit by United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Gerard »

Deadlock Ends On Way To Nuclear Abolition
Turning to the upcoming work, India's Ambassador Hamid Ali Rao spelt out New Delhi's perspective on the programme of work and the essential basis of India’s concurrence for commencement of negotiations. India, he said, supported the establishment of a working group to negotiate a Fissile-Material Cut-off Treaty (FMTC) as part of the Conference’s programme of work.

The scope of such a treaty should focus on the future production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other such nuclear explosive devices. India was committed to participate constructively in the FMTC negotiations. However, it would join only a non-discriminatory, multilaterally negotiated and internationally verifiable Fissile-Material Cut-off Treaty that fully addressed the country's security interests.

India was a nuclear weapon state and a responsible member of the world community and would approach these negotiations as such. The treaty should not place an undue burden on military non-proscribed activities, Rao said.

India further attached the highest priority to the goal of nuclear disarmament. Nuclear weapons were an integral part of India's national security and would remain so pending the global elimination of all nuclear weapons on a universal, non-discriminatory basis. A Fissile-Material Cut-off Treaty would be a step forward to this goal.

Rao said, while joining the consensus on the programme of work, he was disappointed that the Conference had not been able to decide on launching negotiations on nuclear disarmament. He felt that there was a heavy responsibility on the Conference to respond meaningfully to the growing international opinion in favour of nuclear disarmament. The Conference should continue to actively explore all possible avenues to advance work for actual commencement on negotiations on nuclear disarmament, Ambassador Rao said.
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Gerard »

Top physicist wants Indian participation in Japanese projects
Japanese scientists are looking forward to greater participation by Indian scientists at their mega projects of the National Laboratory for High Energy Physics (KEK), a top Japanese particle physicist said.
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by ShauryaT »

Gerard wrote:Deadlock Ends On Way To Nuclear Abolition
Gerard: I tried searching for the precise compromise proposal, could not find it. Any clues?
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Gerard »

Working groups set up. "Full negotiations" on FMCT, "exchange of views" on PAROS, negative security assurances to NWS. Arms control rather than disarmament.

By decision CD/1863, on the establishment of a programme of work for the 2009 session, the Conference on Disarmament will establish several Working Groups. Under agenda item 1, cessation of the nuclear arms race and nuclear disarmament, it will establish a Working Group to exchange views and information on practical steps for progressive and systematic efforts to reduce nuclear weapons with the ultimate goal of their elimination, including on approaches toward potential future work of multilateral character. A second Working Group under this agenda item will negotiate a treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices, on the basis of the document CD/1299 of 24 March 1995 and the mandate contained therein (also known as the Shannon Mandate). It will also establish Working Groups on prevention of an arms race in outer space and on negative security assurances. The Conference will appoint Special Coordinators on the other agenda items, including weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons; radiological weapons; comprehensive programme of disarmament; and transparency in armaments; to seek the views of its members on the most appropriate way to deal with those issues.
This is the compromise proposal ... CD1863.pdf
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Gerard »

India concerned over Pak's high N-arsenal stockpile
"We (India) are concerned because they (Pakistan) are crossing the minimum deterrent threshold. We hope that the international pressure will be exerted on Pakistan to make sure that they retain only minimum deterrence levels," Minister of State for Defence M M Pallam Raju told reporters here, soon after assuming office for the second term.
So they have taken the ISIS Halfbright's bait. International pressure, once invited, will be applied to both India and Pakistan to cap arsenals and sign up to the FMCT.
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by ramana »

Actually the surplus is a world problem and India doesnt have to worry about that. Anyway TSP is reaching critical mass.
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by NRao »

So they have taken the ISIS Halfbright's bait. International pressure, once invited, will be applied to both India and Pakistan to cap arsenals and sign up to the FMCT.
This is not even an issue right now.

Pakistan is screwing the US in more ways than one - to the extent that there SEEM to be splits within the US itself on how to tackle Pakistan. Note that Afghanistan has been moved to the back burner - who would have thought that even three months ago?

Bringing India into this explosive equation would only take the eye off of Pakistan. The US cannot afford to do that at this stage.

Pakistan has to be solved ASAP - like yesterday. Any mention of FMCT would mean - without a doubt - a few months, if not a year+.

My feel is that the Indian statement is to force Obama's hand. Knowing that the US cannot bring India into the equation and given the Pakistanis have behaved very irresponsibly. Additionally, it could also bring more light on the responsible Indian behavior - by contrast.

One last observation. Pakistani exploits cannot really go without Chinese blessings. IF that is true, then the situation also bring more focus on the Chinese proliferation thinkers in all this mess.
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Anujan »

Gerard wrote:So they have taken the ISIS Halfbright's bait. International pressure, once invited, will be applied to both India and Pakistan to cap arsenals and sign up to the FMCT.

FMCT is not that big a deal. Conservative estimates put Indian Pu reserves at well over 1000Kgs. Enough for about 200 bums (more). Rao has clearly stated that any FMCT should not place treaty undue burden on non-proscribed activities and neither does the treaty cover tritium, Li or D. Why the takleef then ?

Reading the statements of Indian Babus, I think that in the last couple of years or so, the Paki intention of possessions for bums has changed, from deterring India to deterring the US. Tens of bums are enough to deter India, who still lack the will and capability to take them all out in a first strike. On the other hand, even one bum provides a nuclear umbrella for sending in as many jihadis as the pakis please, into India.

Vis-a-Vis the US, the dynamic changes. They are not afraid of a US first strike neither do they intend to execute a first strike, but the threat of a snatch and grab operation is very real. Hence, Pakis, in their national paranoia have made a strategic decision of stepping up fissile materials production and weaponization and dispersing them all over pakiland to make sure that nobody, including Unkil can take them all out.

This introduces its own dynamic of making ghazis out of mid level colonels and captains and hence much takleef from Indian babus.
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by ramana »

The US looking for the TSP nukes is like a blindfolded man looking for a black cat in a dark room which is not there. The cat is white and is with PRC to be introduced after the blindfolded man leaves the room in frustration. Better to tear down the room looking for the cat so it cant come back.
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by SSridhar »

Further delay in Koodankulam commissioning

Now, not likely before Jan, 2010. Original date was Dec, 2007 for the first unit.
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Philip »

Ramanna is spot on.This news of Pak's supposed dramatic increase in number of N-weapons and help from China is a subtle method of once again linking India and Pak at the N-hip.The US when it wants tries to draw a dividing line between India and Pak militarily,with the Pacific commander interacting with the Indian def. establishment,while Pak gets the Central Command.So by this standard,Pak and Afghanistan are supposedly not meant to be within India's sphere of interest.What crap.We are to treat our threats like a one-eyed man,China as the enemy as a US proxy,while we are supposed to allow Pak to shaft us from behind!What do the US take us for,like one of their own cretinous allies,Pak?
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by shynee »

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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Baljeet »

It seems the prophetic words of some BRF jingos will be coming true in near future.
Ayatollah Robert Ein whore n is back
Those hurdles might get even harder if past record is anything to go by. Former Indian officials hold Einhorn principally responsible for putting India in the nuclear doghouse for decades along with many proliferating nations despite its spotless record of on-proliferation. Ironically, they say, some of the most egregious acts of proliferation, including Chinese supply of nuclear technology and material to Pakistan, and A.Q.Khan network's proliferation to North Korea, Iran, Libya, and al-Qaida, among others, took place on Einhorn's watch.
What does he have to say about this??? But again when our Manniye Pradhan Mantri ji during a speech at Oxford University can say, "Raj was good for India", "Oxonians have gone out to conquer the world" how can we fight firangees when our own PM is pleased to cater the wishes of Gora Sahib.
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by ramana »

Rajghatta is myopic and jaundiced. The deal is not just about US but moving India out of the outhouse into the NSG. If US does not want to work with India its choice and privilege. No skin of India's nose.

Besides India's nuke commerce with US is hampered with baggage of Tarapur cut off ect.
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Prem Kumar »

This may actually be a blessing in disguise. With the nuclear deal, we have the blessings to deal with whomever we want: Kazakhs, Russians, French etc. Now, if the U.S doesnt want to deal with us, they are the ones who stand to lose. The "nuclear trade with India" genie is out of the bottle and the U.S cannot put it back. In fact, we are better off not buying any equipment from the GEs and the Westinghouses
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Gerard »

India Inc calls for powering nuke plants
NPCIL, along with top private power players like Reliance and Tata, are asking for amendments to the Atomic Energy Act of 1962 to include full private participation in the nuclear power sector in India. They also want the government to promote minority participation till amendments are made to the Act and encourage larger FDI flow into the sector.
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by NRao »

I see a convergence, if at all, between India and the Obama admin.
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by abhiti »

Gerard wrote:The scope of such a treaty should focus on the future production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other such nuclear explosive devices. India was committed to participate constructively in the FMTC negotiations. However, it would join only a non-discriminatory, multilaterally negotiated and internationally verifiable Fissile-Material Cut-off Treaty that fully addressed the country's security interests.
FMCT should not target just new material but also existing stockpile. So essentially it should establish a UNIFORM limit on all nuclear weapon states on amount of weapon grade material that can owned by anyone. Also NPT provision allowing have's to reclassify their non-military material to military material needs to be revised.
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Gerard »

FMCT is an arms control treaty not a disarmament treaty.

Existing stockpiles will be grandfathered in. FMCT would apply only to states that possess nuclear weapons (NNWS do not produce weapons grade material) and is intended to preserve the status of the US and Russia over potential nuclear peer competitors like China and India. There can be no uniform limit. The US will not create a situation of parity with the likes of China.
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Baljeet »

ramana wrote:

............The deal is not just about US but moving India out of the outhouse into the NSG. If US does not want to work with India its choice and privilege. No skin of India's nose.

Besides India's nuke commerce with US is hampered with baggage of Tarapur cut off ect.
I agree and once we start looking at Desh Bhakt Desi Babus more objectively leaving leadership aside, there has been no agreement signed with any company from massaland or chaddiland aka aussie. Our agreements for technology is with france and russia. Yellow cake agreement with kazakhastan and other central asian nations, nigeria and brazil.
Lets cheer for our Desh Bhakt Desi Babus who have steadfastely kept massaland, chaddiland, and londonistan out of India's energy security. I hope it really happens that MRCA contract goes to frenchies. Let H (Barack Hussein Obama) get chummy with pakis, bow down to KSA, present an IPod to mother queen. Just today the Talibunnies attacked another NATO terminal and Fazalullah rides on "captured" American HMMVV's with full armor protection.
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Neela »

Isn't it a little hasty to dismiss US nuclear trade with India so quickly. The time and energy they have put must have its rewards.
I find it a little strange that companies like L&T suddenly clamouring for private participation.
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by harbans »

I find it a little strange that companies like L&T suddenly clamouring for private participation.

L&T has been maintaining a Nuclear division for decades now. I am not sure exactly what theydid, but they were in this business for long and their latitudes restricted due to INdia's isolation. It's really not surprising they are wanting to expand on their technical expertize and knowledge.
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Neela »

harbans wrote:I find it a little strange that companies like L&T suddenly clamouring for private participation.

L&T has been maintaining a Nuclear division for decades now. I am not sure exactly what theydid, but they were in this business for long and their latitudes restricted due to INdia's isolation. It's really not surprising they are wanting to expand on their technical expertize and knowledge.


I followed your post with a Google search.

Looks like L&T has been busy securing partnerships with GE-Hitachi and Russian firms.
Click: ... tnG=Search

NPCIL, Reliance and Tata are all pushing for reforms. ... ing-n.html
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by VinodTK »

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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Gerard »

Areva Offers India Stakes in African Mines, Jain Says
Areva SA, the world’s biggest maker of atomic reactors, has offered India stakes in African uranium mines to ensure supplies for fuel-starved plants, the head of the nation’s monopoly nuclear generator said.
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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Gerard »

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Re: India nuclear news and discussion

Post by Gerard »
