Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

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Avinash R
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Avinash R »

New products from Jihad Factory.
EXCLUSIVE: Taliban buying children for suicide bombers
By Sara A. Carter (Contact)

Originally published 04:45 a.m., July 2, 2009, updated 02:11 p.m., July 2, 2009

http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/200 ... de-bomber/

Pakistan's top Taliban leader, Baitullah Mehsud, is buying children as young as 7 to serve as suicide bombers in the growing spate of attacks against Pakistani, Afghan and U.S. targets, U.S. Defense Department and Pakistani officials say.

A Pakistani official, who spoke on the condition that he not be named because of the sensitive nature of the topic, said the going price for child bombers was $7,000 to $14,000 - huge sums in Pakistan, where per-capita income is about $2,600 a year.

"[Mehsud] has turned suicide bombing into a production output, not unlike [the way] Toyota outputs cars," a U.S. Defense Department official told reporters recently. He spoke on the condition that he not be named because of ongoing intelligence efforts to catch Mehsud, a prime target for a U.S. and Pakistani anti-Taliban campaign.

An apparent U.S. effort to kill Mehsud last week failed. On Sunday, the Pakistani government offered a reward of about $615,300 for information leading to the capture of Mehsud, dead or alive. The U.S. State Department has offered a bounty of $5 million for Mehsud, who is thought to be hiding in the tribal areas near the Afghan border.

Suicide bombings have become frequent in Pakistan in the past year, including high-profile attacks on hotels frequented by Westerners, as well as on Pakistani police and military installations. There has also been a spate of such attacks directed at U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan.

The U.S. official said the price depends on how quickly the bomber is needed and how close the child is expected to get to the target.

"[Mehsud] produces these suicide bombers, which are sold or bartered, which can be used by [Afghan Taliban leader Mullah] Omar's Taliban or ... other groups," the U.S. official said.

In some cases, he said, the children are kidnapped and then sold to Mehsud.

Using child suicide bombers "is the grim reality of the Taliban Frankenstein that now threatens to overwhelm the Pakistani state," said Bruce Riedel, a Brookings Institution scholar who chaired a review of Pakistan-Afghanistan strategy for President Obama.

Efforts to reach a spokesman for Mehsud were not successful.

The use of children in war is not unusual in Afghanistan or the tribal regions of Pakistan. During the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, many pre-adolescent boys became mujahedeen or freedom fighters.

There is a different cultural perspective here about the age at which a boy becomes a man, said Sher, a former Afghan freedom fighter who asked to be identified only by his first name to protect himself against Taliban retribution.

"Fighting is not the issue," Sher, who took up arms against the Russians at age 13, told The Washington Times by phone.

"What is unusual is making these young fighters into suicide bombers," he said. "That was not common in Afghanistan, not even in the past. These children are brainwashed to believe things that are not even true. It is a crime against God."

In other conflicts, such as that between Israel and the Palestinians, suicide bombers are generally older, at least in their late teens or early 20s.

Suicide attacks mounted by Mehsud have killed prominent officials and politicians, including former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, and hundreds of civilians. The attacks have begun to shift sentiment among Pakistanis against the Taliban. The government has mounted an offensive to clear militants from areas close to the capital, Islamabad, although Pakistani authorities have failed to catch local Taliban leaders.

Pakistani officials have said their next target is the rugged region along the Afghan border where al Qaeda and the Taliban fled after U.S.-led forces toppled the Afghan Taliban government in Kabul in 2001.

Last week, Mehsud narrowly escaped a U.S. drone attack that killed approximately 80 people who were attending a funeral in South Waziristan in Pakistan's tribal region. U.S. officials were watching the funeral by video feed from the drone, which flew high above the scene, concealed by clouds. The drone strike was the closest the U.S. had come to killing Mehsud in the past year, U.S. officials said.

Pakistani officials told The Times that Taliban commander Qari Hussain, who was a close aide to Mehsud, was killed in the attack.

Hussein was one of the main trainers and recruiters of suicide bombers, a Pakistani government official said.

"He was a very important figure to Mehsud," said the official, who asked to remain anonymous because of the nature of his work. "However, Mehsud escaped the attack. Believe me, there will be no tears for Mehsud in Pakistan when he is killed."

The Taliban is a formidable enemy to the Pakistani people and government, Mr. Riedel said.

He said the Pakistani government's current military strategy against Mehsud is promising, but only time will tell whether it will succeed.

A second U.S. Defense Department official with expertise regarding the Taliban told reporters that al Qaeda and other Pakistani militant groups created by the Pakistani government to fight rival India have helped Mehsud stage suicide attacks.

The official, who also asked not to be named because of the nature of his work, said there had been a "convergence" of militants based in the tribal areas "supplemented, financed, probably trained, inculcated, by al Qaeda elements" and also "Punjab-based Pakistani terrorist groups."

"It's the relationship between the three elements that is producing effective suicide bombers and sustaining a suicide-bomb campaign inside Pakistan," the official said.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by LHouse »

You are forrgetting one thing, pakistan has played the west and gotten away with it. They ae showing themselves fighting thetaliban, and coming across, courtesy of good pr, as the people on the right side. the americans may have been fooled, or they may be tired of the whols thing and simply want to get out. They may be willing to give pakistan whatever leeway it wants, so that pakistan reoccupies afghanistan, so called "afpak" policy, and so long as pakistan gaurantees the pipe line or whatever america wants from this region, the americans will be happy to leave them to it. The chinese are collaborating or giving thepaksiatnis the weapons they want, russia is shaking hands with iran, remember russia? indias one time ally and freind? Turning to america because india thought they were going to turn india into a superpower is stupid, why would america do this? For another potential competitor? America was there for a reson, and it was to use india for its own ends. Remember india was presented as bushes best freind, even when the whole world hated him. What do you think the world will think of india now that bush is gone? Also, sending those SU30 planes to america for some exercises was stupid, you have a russian aircraft that is supposed to be sophisticated, and you are letting the americans get a good look at it, what do you think the russians will think? We help them with this plane, we sell it to them and then they take it to america to teach americans how to beat it in combat. That is stupid, what do you think you will gain from you association with america? Evry none white country has come to regret it, india made this personal, and international relations are not personal. They are only about interests. India built its own reactors and could have gotten fuel from russia, why did india think it needed to run after america? American power is american power, india should have stayed away from america, should have stayed with its traditional freinds and allies, such as russia, also, you must bear in mind where india is located, it is not next to america it is in asia and india needs to keep in with the people within that region. Russia is now looking less freindly and you have people within your borders who are racist towards indians. They want to use your country for their own ends. Allowing the forces into you country is stupid and a mistake, and you will regret it.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by sum »

But it does give the lie to all the equal-equal Paki BS that 'Indian terrorists' sabotaged the Samjhauta express, so India should not point the finger at Pakistan for 26/11 atacks from Paki soil.
The Paki BS will go on irrespective of any proof/circumstance..

All these measures(naming individuals in lists etc) are meaningless and cosmetic...what matters is how we(GoI) punish the guys who do this?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by anupmisra »

Avinash R wrote:New products from XXXXX Factory.
...leading to the growth in GDP.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by harbans »

The West is expressing anguish at 7 year olds being hired by Mehsud..righly so too. However, in the current prevalent ideological situation as prevalent in Pakistan or for that matter specifically in the frontier area, does it really make a difference if a 7 year old is a suicide bomber or a 17 year old? How many 7 year old voices of sanity will grow up into 17 year olds that will make a difference? Mehsud knows that. Pakistan and NWFP is in the grip of an ideology thats going to eat them, roast them, give them the taste of the very hell that the Koran makes them scared off. The US knows that too, so it's drones bomb places where these pigs and their families dwell. Porkistan cries foul about women and children killed. Look a Kasab crying. He too is a 12 year old mentally, one can see that. Do you feel pity? I do. I don't hate his handlers. . I don't hate the Paki generals or the ISI 'rogue' elements responsible for this. I detest the doctrine that makes people behave like this. I want that doctrine exposed and rendered ineffective for time memorial for the security and safety of those trapped within it's charter and those that it seeks to victimize in perpetuity. Else, it's nothing but shedding 'crocodile tears' for 7 year olds that get hired as suicide bombers.
Last edited by harbans on 03 Jul 2009 19:23, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Dilbu »

AmitR wrote:Swat, Bajaur IDPs face bleak future

I read this article and felt really sad for the Pashtuns. They are the ones who finally got caught in the cross-fire between the pakis and the Americans. Especially heart rending is to read about the children that have been orphaned. Pakjabis have completely managed to destroy the tribals there is no hope left for them.
Karma is a b1atch.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Dilbu »

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by anupmisra »

Do marvels. Please !

PM urges graduates to utilize potential for country
Addressing a gathering of outgoing students and faculty members at the first convocation of Islamabad Model College for Girls F-10/2, the Prime Minister said educated women can do marvels in bringing positive change to the society.
The Prime Minister said education was the basic essential for creating a civilized society and for sustainable economic growth. 8)
The Prime Minister said women possess tremendous strong nerves and display sterling qualities even in hard circumstances. :lol:
He appreciated the composure and courage showed by women facing hardship in Malakand division

Sherlock Holmes in the making.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by anupmisra »

Djinna's missing portraits

Quaid's pictures

Friday, July 03, 2009
This is with reference to Farahtullah Babar's letter of July 2. The spokesman for the presidency has said that the Quaid's pictures are displayed in the presidency at "all significant places frequented by the president and national and international dignitaries and visitors". Is he suggesting thereby that the T20 team group photo in question was taken in a less significant location?
A few places all these folks go to are the public and private toilets, after daily doses of BS.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Dilbu »

A UN crapshoot in Pakistan
More than 18 months after the assassination of former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto, the United Nations has begun a formal international inquiry into the "facts and circumstances" surrounding the traumatic day of December 27, 2007, in Rawalpindi.

That the inquest into the killing of Bhutto while she was on the campaign trail took so long to take off makes clear that the UN's three-member team is entering a political minefield with no guarantee of success in identifying the plot and masterminds of the killing.
UN's troika of a Chilean, an Indonesian and an Irishman to commence the inquiry is reason to believe that they may be on a mission impossible.
The UN team's Irish member, Peter Fitzgerald, knows all about delaying tactics in assassination inquiries since he headed a UN fact-finding mission into the killing of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri in 2005 in Beirut. Syrian agents and pro-Syrian members of the Lebanese intelligence services, widely suspected of having had a hand in the murder, blocked all leads to conclusive evidence.

They forced Fitzgerald to report that no satisfactory international investigation was possible as long as Lebanon's security services remained under the leadership of that time. As predicted, the subsequent UN Independent Investigation Commission was left lamenting that Syria was not showing "greater and more meaningful cooperation" on the Hariri case.
While the US cannot interfere with Fitzgerald and company to go slow or easy on the ISI and the Pakistani army's possible role in the killing, the idea that Pakistan's reluctant armed forces must be "encouraged" at a crucial time in the war on the Taliban takes many forms. Generous military and economic aid from Washington to Islamabad is an obvious publicized incentive, but the ability of Pakistan's generals to extract other types of concessions from the Americans is legendary. Will Bhutto's likely killers get off the hook due to backdoor American meddling? This factor cannot be underestimated, as the so-called "rogue elements" in the ISI and the army have long exploited American weaknesses.
The US bears a unique responsibility in aiding the UN to unearth the truth about Benazir's killing. It was on the assurances of both Musharraf and the George W Bush administration that political space would be created for Bhutto that she decided to return to Pakistan in 2007. As is the wont in any country rife with conspiracy theories, hearsay in Pakistan's streets is that the "Americans" and the army colluded to bump off "Bibi" (Benazir's affectionate name). Obama, a seeker of the truth in his own political context, should not allow a farcical finish to either the Hariri or the Benazir assassination cases.

Sreeram Chaulia is associate professor of world politics at the Jindal Global Law School in Sonipat, India.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by anupmisra »

Rejoinders to that Pooki-Xtian's letter

Is this my country too?

Friday, July 03, 2009
This is with reference to Ashar J Khokhar's letter "Is this my country too?" (July 2). I would second his opinion. During graduation, I witnessed degrading behaviour towards Christian girls especially when it came to nomination for a post within the student council. One can easily understand the hardships faced by minorities when it comes to social and economic progress.

The constitution of Pakistan emphasises the state's responsibility to protect rights and lives of all citizens irrespective of caste, creed, colour or religion and successive governments have clearly failed in this regard. I would also blame our mainstream curriculum which makes most students who study it intolerant of others and makes them lose respect for others' thoughts and beliefs. The recent recruitment of a Sikh in the army is a good step but clearly we have a long way to go when it comes to respecting the rights of our minorities.

Asiya Arif K

I assure Ashar J Khokhar (July 2) that this is very much his country as well. Those who engage themselves in a superiority complex and consider themselves superior to others are not following their true faith. :roll:

Basit Shuja

I would like to correct Ashar J Khokhar and tell him that maximum opportunities have been extended to the minorities living in Pakistan. There is a separate ministry to look out for their rights and parliament has reserved seats for them. I have many friends who are Christians and we all love each other and take part in discussions but never do we force our opinions on each other. As a Pakistani brother, I would advise Mr Khokhar not to leave this beautiful country. :D

Muhammad Hanif

I feel for of Ashar J Khokhar and want to assure him that Christians are not children of any lesser God and are equals in fulfilment of their needs. We, as Muslims, are required to respect every faith, and I sincerely apologise for what he has suffered emotionally. He is a Pakistani and the son of this soil and should remain so. (Blasphemy!)

Shehrayar Ahmed

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by anupmisra »

Myth of Islamic Civilization
A pooki debate. This pakjabi guy (Hasan Nisar) debunks and trashes all commonly-held views in pukistan about their "superiority" on live TV. A must watch. (Mods, please feel free to start a new thread on this issue if you want).
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by harbans »

One feels like puking at these rejoinders..while the core docrine openly and shamelessly says" Don't take Jews and Christians as friends..". How much of our energies and resources are going to be wasted by this third rate, useless and evil doctrinal influence on humanity?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Zardari has all powers and Gilani is toothless: Nawaz
Pakistan Muslim League-N Chief Nawaz Sharif Friday said the affairs of the country are being run on the same rules which were being followed by Pervez Musharraf led government and the Prime Minister is not enjoying the powers that he should be entitled to.

Nawaz Sharif said presently the President is enjoying all the powers. It should be the Prime Minister who should have all his due powers, he added.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by a_kumar »

Deadly Military crash in Pakistan
"There were up to 26 troops on board, including officers," he told the BBC.

It is not clear how the crash took place, although officials said the most likely explanation was a technical failure.

The BBC's Mike Wooldridge in Islamabad says it is understood the MI-17 helicopter had been flying back to Peshawar from the northern tribal regions.

When the helicopter came down, it was fired upon by militants, officials said.
Technical failure and then, as it came down, militants were ready!!
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by CRamS »

Prem wrote:Even Kulkalank Nayyar knows Gilani/ Zahardair are Khusras and the power rest with Kiyani . This exposes WKK' idiotic
vision of Pakis being normal human. Paki Stable next door is not good for the region.

http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/daw ... -379-hs-01
One does not see how the point of the terrorists’ attack on Mumbai can be stretched to a solution for Kashmir, however important the latter is. But then the Pakistani prime minister also raised the Kashmir issue when Jamaatud Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed was set free by the Lahore High Court.
TSP is exploiting India's cowardice/incompetence/delusions of grandeur & USA's perfidy. Of course, Mumbai is related to TSP's desire to grab Kashmir among other diabolical intentions of TSP visa vi India. Only a fool would deny it. Basically TSP is saying, if you don't talk Kashmir then Mumbai will repeat. Thus, after scoring a successful hit, India is living in fool’s paradise (like its delusion that it is a super power in the making) to expect TSP to surrender and say, jee, we are sorry, we accept blame, here are all the LeT pigs for you to roast. It is India that should have forcefully changed the equation post Mumbai (and post many other TSP-perpetrated outrages) and made TSP and USA think twice about linking Kashmir to their terrorist machinations. When Saddam first invaded Kuwait, he asked for a debate, a 'peace process' of sorts, with US/UK, to talk about the colonial injustice perpetrated against Iraq in the manner in which Kuwait was divided. If an open debate were ever held, can you imagine how many sixers Saddam could have scored over US/UK by pointing out all of their imperialist brutalities? Likewise, OBL wanted to talk about US perfidy in the mid east post 9/11. Once again, imagine an open debate between Bush and OBL, the Arabs would have loved it. Thats exactly the kind of humiliation impending 'super power' India is being subjected to by USA/TSP combine in their demands to talk about Kashmir post Mumbai. Once India let TSP off the hook, its only natural, TSP will exploit Mumbai for all worth; in their minds (and India knows it too), its all about "give me Kashmir or else".
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by NRao »

Avinash R wrote:New products from Jihad Factory.
EXCLUSIVE: Taliban buying children for suicide bombers
By Sara A. Carter (Contact)


"It's the relationship between the three elements that is producing effective suicide bombers and sustaining a suicide-bomb campaign inside Pakistan," the official said.
Seems to be going back to their origin - history repeating.

Long back in the ME, to get rid of an opponent, a group/person would provide a suitable candidate with plenty of hashish. When the candidate had consumed enough hashish, this person would be literally brain washed into committing a murder of the opponent (on behalf of the party that originally gave the person the hashish). Such candidates became to be known as hashishin, from which came the word "assassin".

Today the hashish seems to be some 72 virgins in a place called heaven.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Vivek_A »

a_kumar wrote: The BBC's Mike Wooldridge in Islamabad says it is understood the MI-17 helicopter had been flying back to Peshawar from the northern tribal regions.
Get ready for more paki conspiracy theories on how amrika was responsible for this..

US delivers four MI-17 cargo helicopters to Pakistan
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by arun »

X Posted.

UN sanctions 3 Pakistani citizens,

Interestingly one of the Pakistani’s sanctioned, Arif Qasmani is described as having “worked with LeT to facilitate terrorist attacks, to include ………………… the February 2007 Samjota Express bombing in Panipat, India.”.

Pakistani terrorists it would seem lust so much for Indian blood that they are quite willing to kill their own nationals to sate their blood lust. Similarly the Pakistan Government’s lusts so much for Indian blood that it is willing to protect Pakistani terrorist groups like the LeT even at the cost of the lives of its own citizens :
29 June 2009

Security Council

Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York


On 29 June 2009, the Security Council Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee approved the addition of the three entries specified below to its Consolidated List of individuals and entities subject to the assets freeze, travel ban and arms embargo set out in paragraph 1 of Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) adopted under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. ………………….

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by shravan »

Helicopter crash kills 26 soldiers in Pakistan

At least 26 security personnel have been killed after a military helicopter crashed in Pakistan, a senior official has announced.

The crash occured on the border of the Orakzai and Khyber tribal regions due to a "technical fault", Major-General Athar Abbas was quoted by the Reuters news agency as saying.

"An MI-17 [military] helicopter crashed due to a technical fault this afternoon," a statement added.

When the helicopter came down, it was fired upon by militants, according to officials. .... :rotfl:
Last edited by shravan on 03 Jul 2009 21:28, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by arun »

X Post.

And the US Treasury Department press release sanctioning the same 3 Pakistani’s for terrorism as the UN did plus 1 other :

Treasury Targets Al Qaida and Lashkar-E Tayyiba Networks in Pakistan
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by sanjaykumar »

Harbans you are treading on thin ice. This is BRF where we chant platitudes of people not following the true teaching (as if kafirs are in a any different position to bleat as the sheep at id-ul-fitr). Lest of course the sentiments of a certain segment of humanity be hurt. Please go to some of the western fora for a more vigorous exploration of ideas of mind control and free ideas. And yes I know some other segments' 'sentiments' have been hurt also but they deserved it anyway. :((
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by harbans »

Sanjay, i have been here for sometime. And my intention has never been to hurt an individual. I even espouse a sense of pity for Kasab. Is that treading on thin ice? If we are facing demographic deluge within the next century, terrorism this era, is it inappropriate to find and point out doctrinal influences that induce people to commit murder in the name of ideology? What prevents us from doing so openly without hurting individuals? White trash type comments hurt many contributors here from Western nations. So do many comments on Bangladeshi's. There are many comments here on lots of stuff that hurt many people at some level. Even your comment is unfair to me a large extent. What exactly did you think i could improve on? Say blandly that "terrorists have no...." You've heard that from Shivraj Patil number of times. Keep saying wrong interpretation of doctrine? So tell me why 1500 years of wrong interpretation continues..along with the bloodshed? Why are even small sections Buddhists or Jains not misinterpreting their doctrines and spilling blood all over the place and yonder? And you say, by raising a valid point i tread on thin ice? :roll:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by sanjaykumar »

:!: I think you missed the irony and sarcasm in the post. I was agreeing with you.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by p_saggu »

Kasab video out: 'From Lashkar... father said we will have money'
During his questioning, Kasab almost begins to sob. The Lashkar emerges as a ruthless organisation, hiring and training impoverished Pakistani youth for its war against India. Kasab says his father told him “These people make loads of money and so will you. You don’t have to do anything difficult. We will have money. We won’t be poor any more.” His brother and sisters, he says, will be able to get married. And he “will go to jannat (heaven)”.
Oh Boy! DDM is preparing for a new round of "Boor terrorist onlee, He was forced into this out of poverty onlee, He only killed innocent people mercilessly because the LET is a ruthless organization onlee. Pakistan is doing all it can to combat terror onlee. we must hold more candle-light vigils with all those bee-a-u-t-i-ful modern WKK women at Wagah onlee"
Oh and lest I forget, Kasab is of a minority community onree, free him immediately! Nay, perhaps even compensate him.

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by harbans »

Sanjay, i did not miss it the sarcasm. Trust me i am treading very cautious on these matters, while still trying to so my best to approach the truth. One can see many old timers and experts/ gurus here do that real nice. But i guess few people realize that . You certainly do, but once you use 'thin ice' it becomes imperative for me to clear things up in some form..specially to the casual reader. Never fancied walking on Lake Winnipeg come April.. :mrgreen:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Rangudu »

SSridhar wrote:TSP files appeal against Hafeez Saeed's release. (Rediff, no URL)

This is pure natak just ahead of the proposed meeting between MMS & Gilani in Cairo.
:evil: :evil: Agreed. This is just a face saver for MMS to say "we got them to do something" even as Hafiz-e-pig plans the next attack with ISI/TSPA protection.

It is purely Shikhandi like for a government to "talk" to TSP even as it announces warnings of Mumbai like attacks on the West coast again.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Mahendra »

p_saggu wrote:[Oh and lest I forget, Kasab is of a minority community onree, free him immediately! Nay, perhaps even compensate him.

When Sagguji, the most well behaved of Benis Mullahs says Ack-Thoo, he must be really exasperated , it seems Mumbai 26/11 wasnt big enough for us to wake up, perhaps we need another Kargil
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Tilak »

Tilak wrote:
p_saggu wrote:I can understand them releasing Hafiz Sayeed, to cock a snook at india / sheer hatred for India.
The motive seems to be to wean away the Pakjabi "freedom fighters/stateless actors" sponsored by Army/ISI(Pakjabi Jihad Desk) from the TTP and maintain their reserve. They had sent a series of messages (Sri Lankan Team attack, Police Training camp) until they were 'heard'. H&D wrt. India is always there by default.

But the runaway chain reaction is truly underway.. attempt at ISI HQ, Mullah Naemi's Madrassa were in La Whore(Pakjab).. to follow it up the one in DIK borders Southern Pakjab. Either the 'FF' Pakhtoon boys in Madrassas have left for FATA or they are unwilling to stay silent and toe the line of the Sarkari(Officially Sponsored) Mullahs, hence have gone underground to enlist their Pakjabi brothers.. "bringing the fight to their heartland"(Muslim Khans radio intercept). As I am pretty sure, the ISI is profiling the Pakhtoon students in Pakjab.

Dr Naeemi’s killing ‘un-Islamic’: Hafiz Saeed :rotfl:
Insha Allah. Pakistan is indeed in neck deep in its own doo-doo. As predicted earlier, the Pakjabi 'FreedomFighters/Stateless Actors' (FF/SA) have indeed linked up with the Pashtoons much to their chagrin. AoA!

Watch this groundbreaking Interview with a Paki Jaakit Munna (Pajama) , a Pakjabi who was apprehended On National TV (Geo). And how the Sarkari Mullahs are trying to keep the 'Jihad in Kashmir' alive..

*** MUST WATCH ***
Video: Jirga - 2nd July 2009 40:04
An arrested Sucider, Rana Sanaullah PML-N, Mufti Munib ur Rehman, and M. Hanif Jalandhry in fresh episode of Jirga and talked with Saleem Safi.
Duration: 40:04
Added: July 2, 2009
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Arun_S »

Ahaa... poetic justics and Blowback :twisted:

Oh "Lord Sri Krishn" please give more Islam to Pakistan and destroy it.

Deadly military crash in Pakistan
Up to 26 Pakistani security personnel are feared dead after an army transport helicopter crashed in the tribal region of Orakzai, military officials say.

Maj Gen Athar Abbas told the BBC the helicopter crashed on the border of the Khyber and Orakzai tribal region.

The cause of the crash is unclear, although officials said the most likely explanation was a technical failure.

The crash comes as a suspected US drone strike in South Waziristan killed at least 10 militants, officials said.

The BBC's Mike Wooldridge in Islamabad says it is understood the MI-17 helicopter had been flying back to Peshawar from the Afghan border region when the pilot put out a Mayday alert.

The helicopter then came down "in a hostile area" where it was fired upon by militants, according to officials.

Troops were sent in and exchanged fire with the insurgents.

Military officials said that an investigation into the crash would be carried out.

But our correspondent says it is a serious blow for the Pakistani military as it prepares for the next phase of its offensive against Taliban militants in the north-west tribal belt along the Afghan border.

In the latest fighting, military jets are reported to have attacked suspected Taliban positions in South and North Waziristan.

Unnamed intelligence officials said the drone attack in South Waziristan had targeted a militant training facility.

The region - on the Afghan border - is controlled by Pakistan's most senior Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud.
10 rag tag militants versus 26 Islamic TFTA Pukistanis Army that swears by motto of Jihad !!
  • "Bhaut Na-Insaafi Hai".
What happened to their Rakit Mard-aangi?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Guddu »

And now this..http://thenews.jang.com.pk/top_story_de ... p?Id=23069
Mullah nazeer scraps deal with govt...the bunnies are learning that "united we stand" works
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Arun_S »

The rentier state will not get rent for US military supplies to AfPak.

Russia Opens Route for U.S. to Fly Arms to Afghanistan
July 4, 2009
MOSCOW — The Russian government has agreed to allow American troops and weapons bound for Afghanistan to fly over Russian territory, providing an important new corridor for the United States military as it escalates efforts to win the eight-year-old war, officials from both sides said Friday.

The agreement, to be formally announced when President Obama visits here on Monday and Tuesday, represents one of the most concrete achievements of the effort to rebuild a relationship severely strained by last year’s war between Russia and Georgia. The new transit route will give American forces more alternatives as they encounter increasing trouble elsewhere.

.... .. .Until now, Russia has allowed only restricted use of its territory for the Afghan war, permitting shipments of nonlethal supplies by train. Under the new agreement, American officials said, military planes carrying lethal equipment as well as troops will be allowed to make thousands of flights a year through Russian airspace.

... .. . The agreement on Afghanistan was a high priority for Mr. Obama, who has ordered an additional 21,000 American troops to join the fight against the Taliban and Al Qaeda there. Supply routes through Pakistan have become complicated by that country’s increasing volatility, while Uzbekistan evicted American troops from a base a few years ago and Kyrgyzstan threatened recently to do the same. American negotiators recently persuaded Kyrgyzstan to change its mind by increasing payments for the base there.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Dilbu »

Arun_S wrote:10 rag tag militants versus 26 Islamic TFTA Pukistanis Army that swears by motto of Jihad !!
  • "Bhaut Na-Insaafi Hai".
What happened to their Rakit Mard-aangi?
Raakkit mards carrying stinger missiles caused the mayday, perhaps? That would indeed be poetic justice then. :D
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Dilbu »

US drones target Mehsud hideouts
PESHAWAR - Seventeen militants were killed and 35 others injured as a result of drone attacks on the compounds of Taliban militants. The missiles were fired by two American drones in South Waziristan Agency on Friday.
The killed and injured included several foreigners and non-local militants.
The drones targeted the hideouts and compounds of local and foreign militants at village Sarooki situated between Kokatkhel and Zafar Khel in Sarwaiki Tehsil of South Waziristan. Two missiles hit the target while the third went missing :shock: , the officials in Wana informed.
The local tribesmen informed that Mufti Noor Wali, a militant commander was running the compounds where a large number of local and foreign militants were present.
Besides others, Commander Raees was also present but he reportedly survived. The site is situated at a distance of four kilometres from the village of Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud. The targeted compounds were also close to the camps run by Afghan militant commander Maulvi Sangeen. Maulvi Sangeen is stated to be a very close and confidential aide of Sirajuddin Haqqani, son of Jalaluddin Haqqani.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Gagan »

Tilak wrote:*** MUST WATCH ***
Video: Jirga - 2nd July 2009 40:04

An arrested Sucider, Rana Sanaullah PML-N, Mufti Munib ur Rehman, and M. Hanif Jalandhry in fresh episode of Jirga and talked with Saleem Safi.
Duration: 40:04
Added: July 2, 2009
Views: 1,102
For the pakistanis, the heaven sent manna would be that the Jehad in Afghanistan, Kashmir, west, all "Kufr lands" continue, where the poor pakistanis amongst them join the ranks of the suicide bombers. Their only angst is when these chaps turn inwards into pakistan to give them a taste of their own bitter medicine.

God bless the genius who instilled this thought into these idiots' minds that before the kufr is made to bite the dust, the munafiqs amongst the "believers" need to be brought to heel first. This is also expedited by the fact, that the jihad against the kufr is not making any headaway, so the martial quom (race) that these pakis are, will tend to trun more and more inwards to target their own munafiqs so they can be 'purer'.

IOW, the more you kick pakistan's musharraf, the more it will turn inwards with recrimination and the more infighting there will be.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by James B »

AoA, good news onlee.

Nuclear facility bus bombed
At least two people were killed when a suicide bomber blew himself up after ramming his motorcycle into a bus carrying workers from a nuclear facility in the garrison town of Rawalpindi yesterday.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Guddu »

shravan wrote:Helicopter crash kills 26 soldiers in Pakistan

At least 26 security personnel have been killed after a military helicopter crashed in Pakistan, a senior official has announced.

The crash occured on the border of the Orakzai and Khyber tribal regions due to a "technical fault", Major-General Athar Abbas was quoted by the Reuters news agency as saying.

"An MI-17 [military] helicopter crashed due to a technical fault this afternoon," a statement added.

When the helicopter came down, it was fired upon by militants, according to officials. .... :rotfl:
Strat reporting "A Taliban spokesman told Sama television that the militants also had captured the helicopter’s pilot."
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Prem »

There can be no better gift than this on the eve of long weekend. I will have another Djinna quality Chota peg tonight at Jashan of IED Milap 72 . I am surprised paki Miliiatry dont know that Russian origin Helis are all compromised. When was the last time they bought spares and from whom? :wink:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by p_saggu »

Hush, don't you critisize russian equipment. They have a russian engine in JF-17 bandar. And on top of it they are assembling and painting SKD kits.

The patiala peg for me will be when the first JF-17 bandar decides to stop flying and play naughty-little-dirt-smacked bander with broken bones on the ground.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by saip »

The count has gone up to 41. How many people does an M17 carry?
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