Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by arun »

X Posted.

Excerpts from Al Jazeera's interview of the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen datelined July 23, 2009.

On Pakistan’s penchant for running with the terrorist hares while hunting with the anti-terrorist hounds:
Haven't we seen this before though with Pakistan? Where it looks like they're co-operating with the US for a while but then it seems like they give the Taliban some room to grow? It seems like Pakistan plays a bit of both sides where as long as the threat is there, then they'll continue to get more US attention, money, support and weapons.

When I go to the region, one of questions that's both in Afghanistan and Pakistan is are you staying with us this time or are you going to leave again? And in fact, we've left both those countries historically.

And my message is that we are here with you and we're here for the long run. And I think [that in the] long run, the potential for that kind of double game which has been played in the past starts to get reduced.

But I don't think it will go away overnight. There's a huge trust deficit that has been generated over time and I think that's a deficit that we're going to have to work hard to close on. And that is in support of both those countries.
On the Pakistani States links with terrorists:
What do you think about the close - and some people say too close - relationship between the Pakistani ISI (intelligence service) and the Taliban?

Well one of the things I have learned in my frequent visits to Pakistan over the last year - I've been there almost a dozen times - is again that it is another extraordinarily complex relationship. And it's one that I've spoken very publicly about.

I believe that in the long run the ISI has to change its strategic thrust which has been to foment chaotic activity you know in its border countries. And I think in the long run ... and that has been a Pakistan view to its own survival and its own security. And I think in the long run that's got to change.

Pakistan is the one who gets to vote on that not everybody else.

It's frequently discussed and I have those discussions. And yet the ISI has also served ... some very positive intelligence needs both in the country and certainly between our two countries.

So, I think it's something we keep discussing, keep looking at. In the long run, its about the security for Pakistan and better security in the region for both those countries.

What do you mean when you say they've had a strategic thrust - the ISI has had a strategic thrust to foment choas in bordering countries?

What I mean is that they have clearly focused on support of ... historically of militant organisations both east and west. I mean that's been a focus of theirs in Kashmir historically as well as in FATA. And I think ... that fundamentally has to change.

And there are discussions which have been ongoing in respect to that and the leadership recognises that and there is a big challenge dealing with that based on what their history is and what they need to do for the future.
The complete interview:

Al Jazeera
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by somnath »

^^^ In the long run, an independent Balochistan , or one that is run like a "condominium" with Iran/India is a preferable strategic outcome for us. But that will have to wait the defanging of Pakistani nukes. India's strategic leverage however is limited in Balochistan due to geography. Not so in NWFP where the current Afghan regime affords us the strategic space to "play"...

the new great game would be primarily played in the Afghanistan-NWFP-Central Asian axis...The Pakistani state is far more vulnerable there than it is in Balochistan..the Baloch nationalists are inherently "secular tribals" - not in the global islamist network that is providing the ideological and material infrastructure to the Pak Taliban..their "success" would be far more limited than the Pak Taliban..We need to keep the pot boiling there..

the American opertaion (Khanjar et al) is already pushing more of the Taliban inside the Khurram/Khyber agencies..And pulling Pak into an unwinnable conflict there...A grand tactical objkective should be to convert the FATA/NWFP into the meat grinder of Paki troops.....
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Osama's son might have been killed in Pakistan
One of the sons of Al-Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden is believed to have been killed by a U.S. missile strike in Pakistan earlier this year, according to a media report.

Saad bin Laden, the al-Qaeda leader's third-oldest son, is believed to have been killed by Hellfire missiles fired from a U.S. Predator drone "sometime this year," National Public Radio reported, quoting unnamed officials.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by Philip »

A news report by the BBC on the power crisis in Pak,had a youth of Faridkot ,whose industries are reeling from the crisis,say that "Pakistan is feenished,feenished!" There are also food shortages and the mood on the street is turning ugly.The failed state is cracking up and fast.The rulers are at each others' throats and the enemy within is at the gates.Once the population turns against the military the end will be in sight.Like Humpty Dumpty,all Uncle Sam's asses and all China's masses,will not be able to put Pakistan together again.Therefore,the key to dismember Pak is to disgrace its military and the CJ by calling for Gen.Bandicoot to stand in the dock,is doing a wonderful job of the Paki version of hara-kiri.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Terror creeps into Pakistani Heartland - Nicholas Kristof, NYT
It was the home of a Muslim religious teacher, but he was stockpiling more than copies of the Koran. His house blew up this month in a thunderous explosion that leveled much of his village and could be heard six miles away.

Even here in Karachi, the pragmatic commercial hub of the country, extremists have taken over some neighborhoods. A Pakistani police document marked “top secret,” given to me by a Pakistani concerned by the spreading tentacles of jihadis, states that Taliban agents sometimes set up armed checkpoints in one such neighborhood here.

The mayor of Karachi, Syed Mustafa Kamal, confirms that Pashtun tribesmen have barred outsiders from entering some neighborhoods.

“I’m the mayor, and I have three vehicles with police traveling with me. And even I cannot enter these areas or they will blow me up,” Mr. Kamal said, adding, “Pakistan is in very critical condition.”

On this trip, I also traveled in South Punjab and found it far more troubled than in my previous trips to the area.

If we want to stabilize Pakistan, we should take two steps. First is to cut tariffs on manufactured imports from Pakistan. :evil: That would boost the country’s economy, raise employment and create good will. Cutting tariffs is perhaps the most effective step we could take to stabilize this country and fight extremism.

Second, we should redirect our aid from subsidies to the Pakistani military to support for a major education initiative.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by James B »

Pak handed no dossier to India: Govt sources

So, Dawn was peddling BS. I thought Dawn was one of the least Paki news paper, now I've been proved wrong.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

raghunath wrote:So, Dawn was peddling BS. I thought Dawn was one of the least Paki news paper, now I've been proved wrong.
Raghunath, DAWN was one of the most rabid anti-India newspapers through which Jinnah & Co spread their venom. The DAWN was singularly responsible, among newspapers, for hounding out the minorities from Karachi in 1947 & 48. It was founded by Jinnah.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by bart »

SSridhar wrote:Terror creeps into Pakistani Heartland - Nicholas Kristof, NYT
Any number of such articles coming out in the media will not make a difference. People who are sleeping can be woken up but not people who are pretending to sleep.

To the retarded fossils occupying the US think tanks and State Dept, the moral of the story, as Hillary said is that India should support Pakistan in its fight against terror.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by bart »

raghunath wrote:Pak handed no dossier to India: Govt sources

So, Dawn was peddling BS. I thought Dawn was one of the least Paki news paper, now I've been proved wrong.
Paki = Liar

That is an irrefutable law of nature (almost). There are no Good Pakis and Bad Pakis, just bad, worse and worst. :evil:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by RajeshA »

Country’s exports target missed by $4.319 billion by Sajid Chaudhry: Daily Times
ISLAMABAD: The government has again missed exports target by a wide margin of $4.319 billion as the country’s exports managed to reach only $17.781 billion against the target of $22.1 billion set for the last fiscal year 2008-09.
July-June: According to the trade figures released by Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS) country’s exports were $17.781 billion as compared with the $19.052 billion exports recorded in the last fiscal year 2007-08 showing a decline of 6.67 percentage.
Concentration of exports: According to the economic survey 2008-09, the export growth is hindered because of lack of diversification in export goods. The trend of Pakistan’s export remained more or less same having concentrated on five items namely cotton manufactures, leather, rice, synthetic textile and sports goods. These five categories accounts for 73.5 percent of total exports during July-March 2008-09. Within these few items cotton manufactures remain major contributor in total exports. The exports structure suggests that the intensity of concentration is changing slowly. The share of exports of other item was 17.4 percent in 2002-03, which has now increased to 26.5 percent of total exports during July-March 2008-09. Likewise, more recently, the share of rice and cotton manufactures contributed 11.3 percent and 53.3 percent in total exports {64.6%}, respectively during July-March 2008-09.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Zardari praises China's handling of Xinjiang riots
President Asif Ali Zardari on Wednesday appreciated China’s handling of Xinjiang crisis and said Pakistan supports China’s efforts to promote stability and values its prosperity. “Pakistan appreciates the fact that life and property of Muslims of China is fully protected and their rights including the right to worship fully safeguarded {What an unadulterated lie !}”, the president told Chinese Ambassador Lue Zhaohui. Following Zhaohui’s visit to Zardari, the task force on China held a meeting to review the actions taken to speed up various cooperative agreements
Ahh... the task force is speeding up action on Uighurs in Pakistan; that was the demand from the tallest-mountain nation.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by RajeshA »

Pakistan’s Exports Decline for Eighth Straight Month by Khalid Qayum: Bloomberg
Pakistan exporters are struggling to find buyers for the nation’s textiles and rice amid what the World Trade Organization says will be the worst contraction in global trade since World War II. HSBC Holdings Plc expects Pakistan’s $146 billion economy to expand as little as 0.8 percent in the year to June 2010, the weakest pace since 1952.

Overseas sales from Pakistan are being hit as “competitors elsewhere take an even greater share of a shrinking export market,” said Frederic Neumann, a senior economist at HSBC in Hong Kong.

Textile manufacturers in Pakistan compete against producers in other Asian nations including Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Vietnam for sales in the U.S. and Europe, which are both in recession. Sri Lanka’s exports have declined for five straight months, falling 28.2 percent in April from a year earlier.

Cotton spinners in Pakistan and elsewhere still view the business outlook for the current quarter with a “great deal of caution,” according to a quarterly survey by Cotlook Ltd.
While Pakistan’s exports receipts are eroding, the country is still accruing foreign reserves from record remittances from nationals working abroad.

Remittances from Pakistanis living overseas rose 21 percent to an unprecedented $7.8 billion in the year to June 30, the central bank said in a statement on July 10.

Workers in Saudi Arabia transferred $1.56 billion, compared with $1.25 billion a year ago. Pakistanis in the Gulf, including Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Oman, sent home $1.2 billion, compared with $983 million a year earlier.
Pakis ought to use Al-Qaeda as their marketing agency in the Gulf. Then there will be more improvement in the above figures.

Anyway, Mugambo khush hua!
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Kalashnikov prices soar in NWFP
The price of a Kalashnikov assault rifle is soaring as militant groups and private militias mushroom in the increasingly battle-torn northern areas of the country, arms dealers and buyers have said.

Civilians too, frightened by the upsurge in violence and citing a lack of government protection, are also forking out to arm themselves with a weapon that has come to symbolise violent struggle the world over.

As a result, in Peshawar, and Darra Adam Khel, outside government control in the tribal belt on the Afghan border, prices have jumped as much as five times in a year, to up to$1,500 (Rs 125,000).

At Darra Adam Khel, home to one of the biggest private arms’ markets in Asia, prices vary according to quality: German-made was most expensive, local produce cheapest.

“There was a time when a Chinese-made Kalashnikov was available for 25,000 to 35,000 rupees. Now the price has risen to 100,000 rupees,” Qalandar Shah said in his arms shop in Darra Adam Khel.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by pgbhat »

“There was a time when a Chinese-made Kalashnikov was available for 25,000 to 35,000 rupees. Now the price has risen to 100,000 rupees,” Qalandar Shah said in his arms shop in Darra Adam Khel
:lol: what now chicoms wet their pants after Uighurs became a threat to their H&D?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Closer US-India ties do not bother us: Pak FM Quereshi
“We have a very independent relationship with the US. If India gets closer to the US, it will not affect us because we have been allies for 60 years. India is shifting its policy. Pakistan has been consistent,” he said.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by RajeshA »

Can't India tell Pakis, that we have nothing against them, there has been a misunderstanding. All Indians diplomats abroad like to send their children to do some work. May be the Indians in the 786 consulates in Afghanistan only wanted to participate in the big boom in the huge Pakistani market.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

RajeshA wrote: the 786 consulates
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by Dilbu »

US keen to avoid past Afghan-Pakistan mistake
ISLAMABAD — The United States is working to avoid mistakes that allowed vanquished Taliban in Afghanistan to escape into Pakistan and mastermind a deadly insurgency, the regional envoy said Thursday.

"We'll continue to come back very regularly to improve coordination. That was not (the case) in 2002 and that was grievous mistake," Richard Holbrooke, US special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, told reporters.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by Dilbu »

Taliban say Swat leader 'alive'
The Taliban has denied reports that their leader in Pakistan's Swat valley, Maulana Fazlullah, is close to death.

A Taliban spokesman told the BBC he had not been injured and played a recording purportedly by the cleric. It was not clear when the message was recorded.

Maulana Fazlullah was reported by the military to have been critically wounded during the army's recent offensive in the Swat valley.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by NRao »

The more things change, the more they are the same.

Islamic schools seed fresh fears of terror

The root of teh problem - the Islamists are breeding generations that would oppose the US.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by Lisa »

NRao wrote: I have wondered if Pakistan was a RAW experiment that went horribly wrong.
No it a Frankenstein project going perfectly well.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Musharraf to appear in person in court; PA to stay neutral
Former Pakistan military ruler Pervez Musharraf, summoned by the country's highest court to explain imposition of emergency, will defend his decision in the court, as the Army on Thursday said it had no intention to interfere in the constitutional process.

Media reports quoted Mr. Kayani as saying that the Army would keep its hands off the trial.

Mr. Musharraf is likely to fly back to answer his decision to fire at least 60 judges of the of the country's superior judiciary and other charges.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

DAWN attempt to equate the two
No one expects India — or Pakistan for that matter — to accept charges of state-sponsored interference in a neighbouring country. It will suffice if the evidence is examined with honesty of purpose with due follow-up, even if it takes place behind closed doors.

Stopping the meddling is more important than the manner in which it is brought to an end. It is the final result that counts. If they are rogue elements within RAW who are acting independently, they must be taken to task forthwith. Pakistan also needs to put its own intelligence agencies under the microscope and determine whether a similar cull is needed here.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by Satya_anveshi »

Kammandu can come in but cannot leave :rotfl: . His passport will be taken over and he put on the exit control list as soon as he landed.

There are so many cases on which he will be required in Pakistan. Paki media has been saying that he will NOT come ever again in Pakistan.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by kenop »

SSridhar wrote:DAWN attempt to equate the two
No one expects India — or Pakistan for that matter — to accept charges of state-sponsored interference in a neighbouring country. It will suffice if the evidence is examined with honesty of purpose with due follow-up, even if it takes place behind closed doors.

Stopping the meddling is more important than the manner in which it is brought to an end. It is the final result that counts. If they are rogue elements within RAW who are acting independently, they must be taken to task forthwith. Pakistan also needs to put its own intelligence agencies under the microscope and determine whether a similar cull is needed here.
The agenda item for proposed meeting by director of ISI. If the meeting takes place, we'll see another round of googlies from their side. Who knows there could be a claim of a meeting and discussion along these lines.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by ramana »

A closed door mtg will allow them to say what they want afterwards with Indians bound by Official Secrets Act and gag order from the powers that be.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by pgbhat »

SSridhar wrote:DAWN attempt to equate the two
No one expects India — or Pakistan for that matter — to accept charges of state-sponsored interference in a neighbouring country. It will suffice if the evidence is examined with honesty of purpose with due follow-up, even if it takes place behind closed doors.

Stopping the meddling is more important than the manner in which it is brought to an end. It is the final result that counts. If they are rogue elements within RAW who are acting independently, they must be taken to task forthwith. Pakistan also needs to put its own intelligence agencies under the microscope and determine whether a similar cull is needed here.
Aha....insinuendos ..... speciality of Paki RAPE class.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by RajeshA »

Now this is a great way to earn some much needed hard-currency. A grand hanging ceremony can be arranged for Kammandu in Lahore Stadium, with the usual pomp-and-show, cheer-leaders, etc. One could sell broadcasting rights to the ceremony all over the world. Then one can sell tickets for it as well. There will be many traveling from India, increasing people-to-people contact to watch the spectacle. These Bhindians would be willing to pay good money for the show. Hai na Idea! Sir ji!

On a different note! Is this an episode of the "The Pakjabi strikes back"? Musharraf in uniform belonged to the Army community. Without uniform, Musharraf is just an expendable Mohajir. Now Kiyani, Chaudhry, Gilani and Sharif, all Pakjabis get together to hound one poor Mohajir. C'est la Vie! Any possibility that the Mohajirs in the MQM stronghold of Karachi could rise up in anger!!!???

On a different note! To be noted is that Musharraf will not be tried for either Kargil, for which Nawaz Sharif claims, he has ample proof that Musharraf started the whole thing bypassing the Prime Minister, and thereby the Constitution. Also to be noted is that Musharraf will not be tried for his coup in 1999 against Nawaz Sharif! Both of these things are the prerogative of the Army Chief, and so cannot be questioned. He is being tried for the Emergency that he declared on 3rd November 2007. That he did when he was out of uniform, which he put away on 2nd October, 2007. So that is allowed, No Problem. For that there will be no hanging, I presume! :(( :(( :((

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by Vivek_A »

The latest pew report is out. As usual, pakis heart OBL...



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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by bart »

SSridhar wrote:Closer US-India ties do not bother us: Pak FM Quereshi
“We have a very independent relationship with the US. If India gets closer to the US, it will not affect us because we have been allies for 60 years. India is shifting its policy. Pakistan has been consistent,” he said.

Why will it bother them, after all on recent evidence the key focus of Indo-US talks appears to be the age-old agenda of getting India to be more accommodating to the Pakies.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by Gerard »

Paki media has been saying that he will NOT come ever again in Pakistan.
You mean we won't see him wearing the beauty queen sash in future? sniff.
These Pakis are ungrateful wretches. Gola was a modern day Jinnah, the greatest leader in Paki history.

Gola Zindabad!
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by James B »

B Ramanji's Uvacha

No harm in talking to the ISI
The Hindu report has created some excitement because it has referred to a meeting between Pasha and the Indian military attaches posted at the Indian high commission in Islamabad at which the ISI chief was reported to have suggested that the Government of India remain in touch with the Pakistan army [ Images ] and the ISI in addition to its interactions with the elected leadership in Pakistan. This meeting was apparently held at Pasha's initiative.

In his conversation on board his aircraft with Indian journalists who had accompanied him to the G-8 summit in Italy [ Images ], Dr Singh was reported to have referred to a meeting between Pasha and the Indian defence attaches in Islamabad as part of the ongoing effort to explore the possibility of resuming the interrupted dialogue between the two countries.
From all this, it is evident that there is active lobbying -- if we do not want to use the word pressure -- for a liaison relationship between the ISI and an appropriate Indian intelligence agency. The US seems to be playing a role in this exercise.

The Americans had made a similar effort in 1993 after the Mumbai blasts of March 1993, when Bill Clinton [ Images ] was the president and P V Narasimha Rao was our prime minister. The Central Intelligence Agency offered to arrange a meeting between the heads of the ISI and R&AW. While Nawaz Sharif [ Images ], the then Pakistani prime minister, reacted positively after some initial hesitation, Narasimha Rao was negative in his reaction. This was partly due to his scepticism about the US role and partly because of the strong opposition from J N Dixit, then the foreign secretary.
I have been of the view that R&AW and the ISI should maintain a secret liaison of which only the leaderships of the two countries should be aware. Such a liaison helps in many ways: Firstly, it provides the leadership with a clandestine channel of communication. Secondly, intelligence chiefs of the two countries are able to know and assess each other in flesh and blood during personal meetings and not merely through media reports and uncorroborated source information. Thirdly, it helps them to pick each other's brains and understand each other's mindset. :eek:

Intelligence professionals are not like diplomats. They speak to each other more freely and frankly than diplomats do. And the fact that they enjoy the confidence of their leadership and have direct access to them for informal discussions gives them a certain self-confidence which non-intelligence senior bureaucrats do not have.

There is no harm in our giving a try to the idea of an informal, clandestine one-to-one liaison relationship between the ISI and R&AW. We should not have any illusions that it would result in a sharing of actionable intelligence. Intelligence agencies share actionable intelligence only when they have common State and non-State enemies. India and Pakistan do not have common enemies.
If there would be no sharing of actionable intelligence, then what's the point of the whole idea. :wink:
Last edited by James B on 23 Jul 2009 23:26, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by Gerard »

Long Island's Terrorist Traitor
A former Boy Scout from Long Island turned his back on his All-American life and converted to Islam, joining al Qaeda in Pakistan and firing rockets at a US military base in Afghanistan, authorities said yesterday.
Bryant began wearing Islamic robes and a skullcap, said, Juan Vinas, who was extensively interviewed by the feds.

"He became very excited" about Islam, converted from Catholicism and even tried to get his father to convert.

The imam at the Islamic Association of Long Island, Nayyar Imam, said Bryant showed up there in mid-2006 and quickly began attending four to five times a week.

He stood out as the only Latino at the mosque that primarily is attended by immigrants from Pakistan.

"He never mentioned anything happening in the news or anything in the newspaper," Imam said. "I just can't believe that this sort of person would do this. I'm shocked."
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by RajeshA »

B. Raman wrote:India and Pakistan do not have common enemies.
But we do have common enemy. We are both victims of terrorism. Terrorism is our enemy!
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by ramana »

Makes it look like a gathering of cub scouts doesn't he? And see the words "No harm...etc. etc." He is thinking like a policeman(legalisties, m.o. etc) while the other guy is thinking like a military person( how to achieve objective regardless of all obstacles).

And he is equating ISI (A military organization similar to MI6) with RAW (A civilian organization similar to CIA).

And easy conduit for unverifable disinformation. Only PM will hear from his operatives that something is happening and they got it from the cub scouts on otherside. Adds confusion to the already foggy situation.

In Leila this added to the fog.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by ramana »

acharya wrote:
ramana wrote:You realize the implications. Gilani the Pakjabi, a Zia protege, infiltrated the PPP and rose to heights and with BB's assasination got the reins of power. So its Pakjabi show all the awy. And why Zardari's days are numbered.
This is deadly combination and the Zia faction of the Pakjab will control the military, all the political parties in PAK and also all the Tanzeems in Pak land.

US establishment has long term relationship with the Zia faction from 1977 with both Democratic party and the Reagan Republics. No wonder the Paks are sitting pretty.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by r_subramanian »

Limited scope of Pak-French nuclear deal
Reconfirmation on the scope of the deal (i.e. limited to safety and security)
A proposed partnership between France and Pakistan on civilian nuclear energy will be limited to nuclear safety and security, a senior French official said on Thursday.

Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said in May that France had agreed to transfer civilian nuclear technology to Pakistan, giving it a deal similar to the one its rival India had obtained from the United States.

Anne-Marie Idrac, minister for foreign trade, on Thursday clarified what would be the scope of any cooperation deal. ‘What we propose is something very important, which is the possibility for technical people to discuss very precisely what can be done in terms of safety and security for the existing civil nuclear plants,’ she said during a visit to Pakistan.
Pak-French nuclear deal to focus on safety
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by r_subramanian »

Now the minorities in Pakistan can sleep well
ANP does not mind non-Muslim President, PM
Awami National Party (ANP) has proposed to the Special Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Reforms to quash from the Constitution the condition for the President and Prime Minister to be a Muslim.
“There should be no discrimination on the basis of religion for contesting elections to the slots of the President and the Prime Minister. The condition for the President and Prime Minister to be a Muslim should be amended. Any Muslim or non-Muslim should be elected as head of the state,” said ANP Vice President Haji Muhammad Adeel in an exclusive talk with TheNation on Thursday.
ANP does not mind non-Muslim President, PM
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by RajeshA »

B Raman wrote: No harm in talking to the ISI

The Hindu report has created some excitement because it has referred to a meeting between Pasha and the Indian military attaches posted at the Indian high commission in Islamabad at which the ISI chief was reported to have suggested that the Government of India remain in touch with the Pakistan army [ Images ] and the ISI in addition to its interactions with the elected leadership in Pakistan. This meeting was apparently held at Pasha's initiative.

In his conversation on board his aircraft with Indian journalists who had accompanied him to the G-8 summit in Italy, Dr Singh was reported to have referred to a meeting between Pasha and the Indian defence attaches in Islamabad as part of the ongoing effort to explore the possibility of resuming the interrupted dialogue between the two countries.

From all this, it is evident that there is active lobbying -- if we do not want to use the word pressure -- for a liaison relationship between the ISI and an appropriate Indian intelligence agency. The US seems to be playing a role in this exercise.

The Americans had made a similar effort in 1993 after the Mumbai blasts of March 1993, when Bill Clinton was the president and P V Narasimha Rao was our prime minister. The Central Intelligence Agency offered to arrange a meeting between the heads of the ISI and R&AW. While Nawaz Sharif, the then Pakistani prime minister, reacted positively after some initial hesitation, Narasimha Rao was negative in his reaction. This was partly due to his scepticism about the US role and partly because of the strong opposition from J N Dixit, then the foreign secretary.

I have been of the view that R&AW and the ISI should maintain a secret liaison of which only the leaderships of the two countries should be aware. Such a liaison helps in many ways: Firstly, it provides the leadership with a clandestine channel of communication. Secondly, intelligence chiefs of the two countries are able to know and assess each other in flesh and blood during personal meetings and not merely through media reports and uncorroborated source information. Thirdly, it helps them to pick each other's brains and understand each other's mindset.

Intelligence professionals are not like diplomats. They speak to each other more freely and frankly than diplomats do. And the fact that they enjoy the confidence of their leadership and have direct access to them for informal discussions gives them a certain self-confidence which non-intelligence senior bureaucrats do not have.

There is no harm in our giving a try to the idea of an informal, clandestine one-to-one liaison relationship between the ISI and R&AW. We should not have any illusions that it would result in a sharing of actionable intelligence. Intelligence agencies share actionable intelligence only when they have common State and non-State enemies. India and Pakistan do not have common enemies.
I am way out of my water to comment on the advisability of this modus operandi.

IMVVVVHO, such a meeting between ISI Chief and Indian RA&W is BS.

Everybody and his aunt knows that Pakis are frakking terrorists. Indians are not. So the PakISI will sit there and boast of all their assets, and how they're gonna frak India if India does not make concessions. What is IndRAW going to answer?

Pakistan is an official sponsor of terror. Even their President has accepted that. India does not deal in terrorism, and even if we did some operations, we can hardly boast about them. We would hardly want to make any confessions on that. In the end you get a PakISI who has a hearty laugh at the cost of our our IndRAW man.

Or are they going to exchange personal notes. Something on the lines of , "Yeah we have just finished building a big house, me and Begum. At the backside we have some hunting grounds. I got a black buck last year. Fabulous creature." It becomes a one-sided show of unrepentant story of loot and wealth. What is IndRAW going to answer?

The whole Pakistan system is awash with corruption and every power center is minting money at the cost of the blood of the common Abdul. Can our IndRAW man measure himself with the shamelessness of a PakISI?

Then the PakISI pig will start gloating about how much power they wield in the system. If they want they can get rid of any politician they want to. They are the final arbitrators of power in the Land of the Poo. How is the IndRAW going to respond. The PakISI is hardly going to be impressed with how behaved our services are!

There will be zero intelligence gathered. There will be zero trust built. There will be zero benefit from such a meeting. The only consequence will be the IndRAW man going home, bitter about the amount of $hit he had to listen to.

B. Raman says it would open another channel of communication, and I concede that is not a bad thing. I however disagree that PakISI and IndRAW can either speak frankly to each other, or build any confidence between each other. As far as access to their respective leadership is concerned, IndRAW answers to the civilian leadership of India, whereas the PakISI answers to some respectable Murderer somewhere. The civilian leadership answers to the people of India, whereas the Paki Murderer answers to only the Jihadi and Business interests of the Kabila.

It may sound as if I am implying there the Indian side would lack the confidence to confront the Pakistani side. On the contrary, the Indian side would lack the shamelessness and the record of open brutality of the Paki. It will again be the case of wrestling with a pig with no benefits.

B. Raman is far more experienced, and I feel very very small countering his argument. He probably can see better into this issue than I can.

PakISI and IndRAW should test their mettle on field. In the field it is amply clear that PakISI has lost the script, as their whole country is up and burning.