Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by svinayak »

http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/daw ... he-past-01

In this context, I discovered an interesting nugget of post-Partition Pakistani history. It is little known that Pakistan’s first national anthem was penned by a Hindu. A few months before his death in 2004, I interviewed the writer, Professor Jagan Nath Azad. The interview shed light on some important aspects of Jinnah’s personality and the political environment prevailing at that time.

Azad, a Punjabi Hindu, was in Lahore in August 1947 and was working at Radio Lahore. ‘A friend told me that the Quaid-e-Azam wanted me to write a national anthem for Pakistan. I told him it would be difficult to pen it in five days. But my friend pleaded that as the request has come from the tallest leader of Pakistan, I should consider his request. On much persistence, I agreed,’ Azad recalled.

Azad was told by his colleagues that that the ‘Quaid-e-Azam wanted the anthem to be written by an Urdu-speaking Hindu.’ Azad believed that Jinnah wanted to sow the roots of secularism in a Pakistan where intolerance had no place. Coincidentally, two days after he asked a Hindu to write the national anthem, Jinnah made his inaugural speech in the Pakistan constituent assembly. Jinnah said: ‘You will find that in the course of time, Hindus would cease to be Hindus and Muslims would cease to be Muslims, not in the religious sense because that is the personal faith of each individual, but in the political sense as citizens of the state.’
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Neela wrote:
SSridhar wrote:I am re-posting Jinnah's interview Ms. Margaret Bourke-White of LIFE magazine immediately after the Partition, taken from here
You missed one important quote from the article.
Neela, I realize that the above link I posted is also the very first link in every TSP thread
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Acharya wrote:http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/daw ... he-past-01
. . . Azad was told by his colleagues that that the ‘Quaid-e-Azam wanted the anthem to be written by an Urdu-speaking Hindu.’ Azad believed that Jinnah wanted to sow the roots of secularism in a Pakistan where intolerance had no place.
Truly, Jinnah was a chanakyan. After having divided in the name of religion, after having inflicted migration of massive proportions unknown in history, and death of a few million innocents, after having incited Islamist extremism for over a decade, he thought he could turn the clock back by asking an Urdu-speaking Hindu to pen the National Anthem and by giving a speech ? Was he so naive ? No, he was far too extremely shrewd for that. Just the day before asking Prof. Jagan Nath Azad to pen the poem, he had asked Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Usmani, who had apostatised Shias, to unfurl the Pakistani flag at Karachi. This Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Usmani was the brother of Maulana Zafar Ahmed Usmani who was in the forefront of , a small but vociferous section of Deobandi Hanafis, that forbade a united India unless jurisprudence in free India was based on Islam, which meant that Islamists ruled the country. This dissembling led to the discovery of other such dis-similarities which Jinnah used to advance as reasons enough for a separate Muslim nation. Predictably, Jinnah told Mahatma Gandhi, ‘We are a nation with our own distinctive culture and civilization, language and literature, art and architecture, names and nomenclature, sense of value and proportions, legal laws and moral codes, customs and calendar, history and tradition, aptitudes and ambitions, in short we have our own distinctive outlook on life and of life. By all canons of International Law we are a nation’.

He had achieved his personal goal on Aug. 14, 1947 and now he wanted to indulge in taqiyyah to hoodwink the rest of the world so that he was not demonised for the monstrosity he had wrought and the world and history would treat him equally with Gandhi. Being just a 'nominal Muslim', he might not have heard of the term 'taqiyyah', but he nevertheless indulged in the same. Thus, he destroyed Bharat for a long time to come.

Maulana Shabbir Usmani’s student was Maulana Yusuf Banuri who founded the famous Banuri seminary in Karachi that has been in the forefront of jihad. Maulana Usmani famously demanded ‘jiziya’ from non-Muslims in the Constituent Assembly and told Pakistan’s first Minister for Law and Labour, Jogendra Nath Mandal, a Hindu, that non-Muslims should not hold such key posts. See where Jinnah's secularism taqiyaah has led Pakistan into.

And, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, who was at the receiving end of Jinnah's poisonous barbs until his death, believed that it was all for secularism ? That is the tragedy of our national leaders that they could not see truth even when it was so amply visible in front of their eyes in all its g(l)ory and splendour. We went on accommodating Pakistan in the fond hope that better relationship was just around the corner and another push, we would clear the bend.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by arun »

Time Magazine’s 1948 obituary on “the man of hate, Mohammed Ali Jinnah”:
Monday, Sep. 20, 1948

Out of the travail of 400 million in the Indian subcontinent have come two symbols—a man of love and a man of hate. Last winter the man of nonviolence, Gandhi, died violently at the hands of an assassin. Last week the man of hate, Mohamed Ali Jinnah, at 71, died a natural death in Karachi, capital of the state he had founded. ……….............

Time Magazine
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by arun »

X Post.

A deliberate Pakistani Punjabi ploy to paint the Baloch as not Muslims by impeding their ability to fast during daylight hours in the Muslim holy month of Ramzan by preventing them from having their pre-sunrise ritual “Sehri” meal :?: :
Most Balochistan has Sehri sans electricity

Updated at: 0545 PST, Monday, August 24, 2009

QUETTA: The power supply to the most parts of Balochistan areas including Quetta was suspended at Sehri timings on Monday.

According to sources, several areas including Quetta, Bolan, Mustang, Pshin and Qila Abdullah are devoid of power in the wee hours of Monday. ......................

The News
Last edited by arun on 24 Aug 2009 16:22, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by Raj Malhotra »

Jinnah was just another Joker used by the British. They had decided to divide India and they would have found some or other figure head to follow their dictats. If not Jinnah then they would have found some other pig.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by asprinzl »


Jinnah or Nehru? Who is responsible for partition
‘I will have India divided or have it destroyed.’

This is what Jinnah said in the course of India’s independence. And it indeed became a reality.

There was uproar in Indian on Thursday, August 19, over former Indian foreign minister Jaswant Singh’s expulsion from the nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, because his new book holds Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister and freedom struggle icon, responsible for India’s partition in 1947, while praising Jinnah on the issue.

While Singh’s sacking is a different matter, but Jinnah’s above statement, which turned the reality, simply means that Singh shifted the blame for the partition from Jinnah’s shoulder to Nehru’s.

The partition of India had been decided at least in 1930, when Muhammad Iqbal, Pakistan’s spiritual and ideological father, zealously preached in his Presidential Address at the All India Muslim League Meet in Allahabad that ‘The religious ideal of Islam, therefore, is organically related to the social order which it has created. The rejection of the one will eventually involve the rejection of the other’, and then went on two propose the Two Nation theory: ‘I would like to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, Sind and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single state… the formation of a consolidated Northwest Indian Muslim state appears to me to be the final destiny of the Muslims, at least of Northwest India.’ And of course, with the Muslim League’s adoption of ‘Pakistan Resolution’ at Lahore in 1940, it had been sealed; it was only about time.

Any further attempts to keep India united by Hindus and a handful of nationalist Muslim leaders (Abul Kalam Azad and Fazlul Haq etc.) were destined to failure.

Singh’s thesis is based on the argument of Maulana Azad, India’s first Education Minister, who, in his book, “India Wins Freedom”, argued that the partition could have been avoided had Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Patel shown some flexibility over the Cabinet Mission plan.

According to Singh, ‘Nehru believed in a highly centralised polity. That’s what he wanted India to be. Jinnah wanted a federal polity. That even Gandhi accepted. Nehru didn’t. Consistently, he stood in the way of a federal India until 1947 when it became a partitioned India.’

Jinnah was leading the separatist movement as early as 1937, when Iqbal wrote to him: ‘Why should not the Muslims of North-West India and Bengal be considered as nations entitled to self-determination just as other nations in India and outside India are.’ This, according to Iqbal, was need for saving ‘Muslims from the domination of Non-Muslims’.

Just before his death in 1938, Iqbal urged that ‘Muslims should strengthen Jinnah’s hands’ for achieving Pakistan, adding: ‘People say our demands smack of communalism. This is sheer propaganda. These demands relate to the defence of our national existence.’

Efforts to keep India united, continued nonetheless. The 1946 British Cabinet Mission to India released a plan on May 16, calling for a united India, comprising considerably autonomous provinces, formed on the basis of religion. The Congress initially rejected the plan, and the British Mission to release a second plan on June 16, calling for the Partition along religious lines. Jinnah, hoping that power would go only to the party that supported the plan, gave the League’s assent to both plans. But the Congress, eventually, accepted the May 16 proposal, the other.

Jinnah was disappointed for failing to grab all the power. The British Mission, then, advised by Jinnah, proposed formation of an interim government for united India, having equal number of Hindu and Muslim representatives. Muslims, being only about 20% of the population to 75% Hindus, the Congress objected to this arrangement, but agreed to a 12-member cabinet having 6 Hindu, 5 Muslim and another representative from remaining religious groups. However undemocratic, this was a jolly-good deal of Muslims, but Jinnah, who had hoped for all power, would not accede to anything less than 50% Muslim representation, which fitted well with Muslim League’s propaganda that ‘One Muslim should get the right of five Hindus’.

As the new proposal was supported by the British as well, Jinnah condemned the British negotiators of treachery, and quickly washed his hands off further negotiations. He called a Muslim League meet in Bombay on 29 July 1946. Its resolution said, ‘It has become abundantly clear that the Muslims of India would not rest with anything less than the immediate establishment of an independent and full sovereign State of Pakistan’ and urged upon the Muslim masses to undertake ‘Direct Action to achieve Pakistan and get rid of the present slavery under the British and contemplated future caste Hindu domination.’

When Jinnah was pressed on whether the Direct Action would be violent, he ominously replied: ‘I am not going to discuss ethics. We have a pistol and are in a position to use it.’ On his violent instigation, UK’s News Chronicle wrote: ‘…there can be no excuse for the wild language and abandonment of negotiations… Mr. Jinnah is totally wedded to complete intransigence, if, as now seems the case, he is really thirsting for a holy war.’

News Chronicle was prophetic concerning Jinnha’s thirst for “holy war”. There started the Direct Action on 16 August 1946 in Calcutta, the capital of Muslim-majority Bengal (53.4% Muslim), having a Muslim League government. Direct Action was a Jihad for Jinnah and his Muslim League, in the likeness of Prophet Muhammad’s stunning victory at Badr against a much stronger Meccan force; and Jinnah chose the date for Direct Action, coinciding with the day of Badr Jihad, 18th of Ramadan. A Muslim League propaganda pamphlet, read out in mosque sermons, said:

Muslims must remember that it was in Ramzam that the Quran was revealed. It was in Ramzan that the permission for Jehad was granted. It was in Ramzam that the battle of Badr, the first open conflict between Islam and Heathenism [i.e., idolatry, which equates Hinduism] was fought and won by 313 Muslims; and again it was in Ramzan that 10,000 under the Holy Prophet conquered Mecca and established the kingdom of Heaven and the commonwealth of Islam in Arabia. Muslim League is fortunate that it is starting its action in this holy month.

By the grace of God, we are ten cores [100 millions] in India but through our bad luck we have become slaves of the Hindus and the British. We are starting a Jehad in Your Name in this very month of Ramzan. Pray make us strong in body and mind—give Your helping hand in all out actions—make us victorious over the Kafers…

And the rest is history. Excited by inflammatory speeches of Muslim League leaders, the Muslim mob, after the rally, attacked the innocent Hindus and other non-Muslims of Calcutta, unleashing horrible slaughter, rape and arson for one-and-a-half days, before the Hindus and Sikhs (two-third of the population in Calcutta) hit back in like manners. Some 5,000 were dead with ~43% Muslim victims in one count—not as pretty a success as Prophet Muhammad achieved at Badr.

Nonetheless, this set off chain-reaction of violence from East Bengal to West Punjab leading to eventual partition in August 14-15, 1947. And until July 1947, violence was committed almost exclusively by Muslims, except in Bihar (Oct. 1946), where Hindus retaliated against Muslims, reacting to local Muslim instigations, and to their attacks and massacres of Hindus in Calcutta and East Bengal.

Thereafter, the Sikhs and Hindus hit back in East Punjab, as the partition was eventually agreed upon. The rest we all know: massacre of up to two million (evenly divided between Muslims and non-Muslims), rapes of hundreds of thousands (mostly Hindu & Sikh women), forced conversion of millions of non-Muslims and displacement of some 20 million across the border.

Concerning, who was responsible for the partition, enough evidence is presented above. Sri Aurobindo said, ‘The idea of two nationalities in India is only a new-fangled notion invented by Jinnah for his purposes and contrary to the facts’. Hindu Mahasabha leader, Syama Prasad Mookerjee, told the United Provinces Hindu Conference on October 8, 1944: ‘The sooner Mr. Jinnah understands that Pakistan in any form or shape will be resisted by Hindus and many others with the last drop of blood, the better for him…’

Nehru, for himself, was staunchly opposed to the partition, and blamed in his writings, wrongly and unequivocally, the British for forcing the partition upon the harmonious brotherhood (which never existed) of Hindus and Muslims. We have seen too many evidences of Jinnah’s campaign for the partition, but not a single statement, opposing it.

As concerns Nehru's lack of flexibility in forming the Interim Cabinet, it is absurd on the part of Azad and Singh to suggest that Nehru showed no flexibility. He had flexibility way to much by allowing 5 Muslim representatives in a cabinet of 12, when they deserved only 2. What Nehru didn't do is to be ridiculously flexible.

Even if Nehru did that, it was not going to be sustainable in popular democracy that India had proudly emerged as. The result would have been a recipe probably for greater horror, at a later.
M.A. Khan
(M.A. Khan is an ex-Muslim from India and founder of Islam Watch)
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by RajeshA »

Hakimullah as Taliban leader - Editorial: Daily Times
Already the in-laws of Baitullah Mehsud have been picked up by his men, some say on the suspicion that they might have spied on him; others say, for hiding Baitullah’s treasure.
If Hakimullah is now able to lay his hands on the full multi-billion treasure trove left behind by Baitullah, Pakistan may expect an increase in criminal violence.
Seems like a proper treasure hunt has started with Captain Jack Sparrow (Hakimulah) on the hunt for Cortes (Baitullah's) hidden treasure.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Meaningful talks with Pakistan not possible till terror ends: SM Krishna
“We have maintained that a stable Pakistan at peace with itself and the region is a desirable goal. We wish to address our differences with Pakistan through dialogue,” Mr. Krishna told the 112 Heads of Missions . . . “At the same time, we made it clear that a meaningful dialogue will only be possible following the fulfillment by Pakistan of its commitment not to allow its territory to be used for terrorist activities against India,” he said . . . Pakistan has taken “some steps under the pressure of evidence presented to them. However, we are still to see Pakistan take effective steps to end infiltration and dismantle the infrastructure of terrorism.”
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by Dilbu »

Afghan TV journalist gunned down in NW Pakistan
JAMRUD, Pakistan — Gunmen shot dead an Afghan television journalist and severely wounded his colleague Monday in northwestern Pakistan.

Janullah Hashim Zada was gunned down as he traveled on a public minibus from Torkham on the Afghan border to the main northwestern city of Peshawar, said Khyber Agency official Omair Khan.

Zada's colleague, Ali Khan, was seriously hurt with a gunshot wound to the neck.

Both men worked for Afghan-based Shamshad TV. Zada also provided material from time to time to other news organizations, including The Associated Press.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by Philip »

As Raj put it correctly,and after years of study and conclusion,the British Raj when they saw the writing on the wall-that they would have to leave India,decided that they would not leave it united to later challenge their global authority,thanks to the superior moral force of India and Indians,so magnificently portrayed by Gandhi and Co.,but to leave it divided .Hindu-Muslim unity was to be destroyed at all costs and the plan for Partition was drawn up well in advance.Jinnah was the "joker" whom they propped up at the expense of more secular Muslim leaders who wished for a united India.Even Jinnah would've settled for less had Nehru been pressurised more,but that was Mountbatten at his mischievous best,getting a besotted Nehru seduced by his wife ,pumping him as the future first PM of India,while Jinnah was equally pumped up to challenge Nehru's right to be PM.,demanding equality and and parity for himself and the ML.Both were pawns in the hand of the masters of duplicity,the British,who had refined the art of skullduggery over the centuries.

Had there been no Jinnah or Nehru either,other jokers,as Raj said would've been roped in and similarly duped.
....and now the British want to stay on in Afghanistan (with their Yanqui marshal) where they have returned,according to the army chief,for another "40 years"!
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by Singha »

per reports, Baitullahs relatives including his FIL have been executed.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by harbans »

Hindu-Muslim unity was to be destroyed at all costs and the plan for Partition wa

Had there been no Jinnah or Nehru either,other jokers,as Raj said would've been roped in and similarly duped.

Period of partition there were 20% Muslims in India. Jinnah declared he had a gun and he won't hesitate to use it because he could and he could get away with it.

Jinnah i agree is not something unique. The fact that a pork eating, whisky guzzling ""liberal"" Muslim could get away partitioning a country like India then i think neither Nehru or the British could have done anything.

There is nothing that can reconcile Islamic doctrine with an other religious doctrine except as Dhimmi. So any sort of unity one envisons with Islam will have to necessarily depend on the 'Muslim' not following/ adhering to his doctrine. The doctrine does'nt leave a spiritual core within. You are a victim of Maya, circumstance and you will react to it only. There is no questioning the doctrine. It is only submission. The spirituality is gone and there is only ritual to religously follow till the call of Jihad. Most people who voted the Muslim league for Pakistan stayed behind in India.

Partition was a natural product, it had to happen. It happened 63 years ago. JS would have maken a mark if he wrote why 65 years hence we cannot or can prevent another partition. That would be more meaningful..his analysis is disonest. It does not take Islams doctrines in purview.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by sanjaykumar »

Partition was a natural product, it had to happen.

Not really, Muslims leaving India had to happen. The two are very different.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by archan »

sanjaykumar wrote:Partition was a natural product, it had to happen.

Not really, Muslims leaving India had to happen. The two are very different.
^^ Muslims were not all foreigners. Most of them were converted sons and daughters of Bharat's own soil. Moreover Islamic invasion happened centuries ago and generations passed after conversion. So take your Muslim hatred elsewhere. BRF does not support not wishes to host such views on its forums. Edit your post, for if I have to edit it, I will do it with a warning to you.
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'Pakistan, an albatross around India's neck'

Post by Sanju »

" Interview with Teresita C Schaffer, director of the South Asia programme at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington, DC, think-tank, since 1998" interview with Aziz Haniffa <The timing of the think-tank starting seems to coincide with Pokharan II>

'Pakistan, an albatross around India's neck'
"When the United States has had partners, they've generally been countries that started out as allies with a common view of security threats in the world. They've also been countries that were vastly less powerful than the United States, and while that's still true of India today, it may not be true forever."
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by Sanku »

harbans wrote: Partition was a natural product, it had to happen. It happened 63 years ago. JS would have maken a mark if he wrote why 65 years hence we cannot or can prevent another partition. That would be more meaningful..his analysis is disonest. It does not take Islams doctrines in purview.
What is JS's analysis, harbans, and why is it dishonest?

Also, the Brits were on this game shortly after 1857. They always used communal balancing from that time -- also Brihspati has posted in Strat leadership/scenario thread on how neither was first partition inevitable or desired, and how it is not the past now.

I can not agree more with him, but lets discuss in the appropriate thread shall we, as it is there are almost three threads exploring the same topic.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by Ranvijay »

Photochor caught plagiarising articles
Monday, August 24, 2009
This is with reference to Dr A Q Khan’s column “Science of computers — part I” which appeared in your pages on Aug 19.

1. Dr Khan writes: “The computer is an essential part of 21st century life. Computer science is a fast-moving subject that gives rise to a range of interesting and often challenging problems. The implementation of today’s complex computer systems requires the skills of a knowledgeable and versatile computer scientist. Artificial intelligence — the study of intelligent behaviour — is having an increasing reference on computer system design. Distributed systems, networks and the internet are now central to the study of computing, presenting both technical and social challenges.”

Now compare this to the first paragraph of Undergraduate Prospectus 2009, University of Sussex(http://www.sussex.ac.uk/units/publicati ... /computing):

“Computing is an essential part of 21st-century life, and is an exceptionally fast-moving subject that gives rise to a range of interesting and challenging problems. The implementation of today’s complex computing systems, networks and multimedia systems requires the skills of knowledgeable and versatile computer scientists. Computer networks and the internet are now central to the study of computing and information technology, presenting both technical and social challenges. Artificial intelligence (AI) — the study of intelligent behaviour — is having an increasing influence on computer system design.”
More on - http://www.thenews.com.pk/daily_detail.asp?id=194555

From nooclur bums to newspaper articles, is there something this dude has not copied? :rotfl:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by pgbhat »

Trying too hard to live up to his BRF moniker. :rotfl:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by sanjaykumar »

Please look up the hijrat movement and obligations of Muslims in an apostate land.

Some sons of Bharat have no problem in calling themselves Pakistanis. I wonder if they mind you calling them Bharatis.

Please do not impugn dispassionate enquiry.If this is too deilcate a matter for refined sensibilities, so be it. I have no personal interest in adding to the unfortunate defamation of Muslims.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by surinder »

SSridhar wrote:Predictably, Jinnah told Mahatma Gandhi, ‘We are a nation with our own distinctive culture and civilization, language and literature, art and architecture, names and nomenclature, sense of value and proportions, legal laws and moral codes, customs and calendar, history and tradition, aptitudes and ambitions, in short we have our own distinctive outlook on life and of life. By all canons of International Law we are a nation’.
But we watch Hindi films made in Mumbai, listen to Hindi songs from India. Our marriages have Indian songs sung, Indian dresses worn, and Indian film stars copied. Our language is basically Hindi with sprinkling of persian/araabaic words, we wear Indian dresses, and constantly think of India.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by archan »

sanjaykumar wrote:Please look up the hijrat movement and obligations of Muslims in an apostate land.

Some sons of Bharat have no problem in calling themselves Pakistanis. I wonder if they mind you calling them Bharatis.

Please do not impugn dispassionate enquiry.If this is too deilcate a matter for refined sensibilities, so be it. I have no personal interest in adding to the unfortunate defamation of Muslims.
Some is the key word here. Your post, whatever be the intentions, comes across as against Muslims in general. This is not acceptable. I repeat, please edit your post before the 24 hr limit is gone - or else feel free to complain later. By saying that Muslims leaving India had to happen, you are saying that those who did not leave do not belong to India.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by shravan »

Relatives accuse Pakistan forces in Swat killings

MINGORA, Pakistan — Nearly three months after Pakistan retook the Swat Valley from the Taliban, bloodied corpses are still turning up on the streets. This time, the victims are suspected militants — and the killers are alleged to be security forces.

The army and the police deny the accusations, which the leading Pakistani human rights watchdog says are credible.
The corpses began appearing several weeks ago, residents say. On Monday, 15 bodies were found in a town east of Mingora, local TV stations reported, although authorities would not confirm that. Another 18 were recovered from different parts of Swat on Aug. 15, authorities said.

The killings are a grim echo of Taliban rule over the valley, when militants dumped bodies of alleged spies or government collaborators on the streets to terrify people into submission. Residents recalled public beheadings and of decapitated bodies being left in Mingora's main square so regularly that it earned the nickname, 'Bloody Square.'

"Previously we were afraid of the Taliban. Now, we're afraid of the army," one man said, standing at the site where the bodies of two people, 35-year-old butcher Gohar Ullah and his younger brother Zahoor, 30, were found last Friday. Like many in Mingora, he would not give his name for fear of reprisals.
Relatives accuse Pakistan forces in Swat killings
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by MurthyB »

Apparently, no-balls dominated the game.

Also, allegations of extreme ball tampering...
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by svinayak »


# Should super powers role be minimized or eliminated from the region, if so then how?

# Is there any need of creating new Asian Block?

# How Water issues with India and South Asian countries be settled?

# How major burning Issues of Middle East countries, Kashmir Issue and border problems of India with China, Bangladesh, Sri Lanak, Nepal and Pakistan be resolved?

# How US should be realized to stop interference in Asian Region?

# How and when American Forces be Expelled from the region?

# When and how India should be made conscious of stop storming terrorism in the neghbouring countries?

# What are US, Indian and Israeli’s interests in the region?

# Will Israel stop brutality in Middle East?

# What all countries be included in new Geo Political Block?

# Will India be able to stop state terrorism against Sikhs, Christians and Muslims?

# Can we consider, Muslim Bengal, Tamilistan , Khalistan and Nagaland as emerging Asian States?

Paks for grand peace
Yes the rapidly changing geo-strategy around Pakistan has made the region the most important geography in the world.And Pakistan being the center not only for geographic reasons,but as the transport and shipping and move through the region potential hub has become the focul of the attention of the mightiest nations.

The very pivotal nation of strength and the super and sole power in the making in near future is China alone in the region and it is the next door neighbour of Pakistan.There is no other second country even with slightest comparison in the region.Even the current and soon retiring sole super power America is admitting that China will replace it around 2025 as the biggest energy consumer and the wealthiest nation on earth.And China's lead over India in main key indexes of economic strength measures have taken 5 to 10 times edge over India.

If you go back to 1950 or before,when a nation's worth and grandness was measured by its steel production,China would have become the sole super power right now.China produces 10 times more steel than India(450 million tons per year compared to India's 40-45 million ton py) and four times more than America.

Since 1950,energy consumption with oil refining is the main gadget to measure that grandness of a super power.China is the first ever country since the first car culture and oil refining was born and flourished as the most prolific in America since the start of the 19th century.British Empire as super and sole super power retired before America as it failed to compete with America in oil refining ever since 1908 when General Motors was born in America.Britain just could not come close to America in oil refining on which the car culture was based. Germany failed both in first and second world war because of very little oil refining compared to America.Russia as competing super power since ww2 failed only due to much smaller oil refining compared to America.There used to be a joke that traffic in super power Russia's capital city Moscow was feather light.

China is the first power ever that is cmfortably approaching the time when by 2025, it is expected to surpass America as the biggest oil refining and therefore becoming the wealthiest nation in the world.China's oil refining is jumping to 14 million barrels per day in 2015 from 10 million bpd today.China then does not have much effort to put in to catch up America's almost steady for the past 30 years oil refining of around 20 million barrels per day.India with just 3 mbpd is no match.Even Saudis and Iranians are boosting their oil refining to 6 mbpd and 5 mbpd respectively in near future. Japan, south Korean and dozen other countries have oil refining capacity of 3mbpd or more.Natural gas is cosumed half compared to oil in the world on basis of energy and other usages.India's gas industry is about the same size as that of Pakistan and Bangladesh(.7 tcfy),but China is spending most of its largest in the world Forex reserves(2-3 trillion dollars)in making its oil and gas acquisitions throughout the world including middle east and central Asia.

The grand and rapid rise of China is the core cause of the whole world's interest to flock to pakistan, because most of the energy transport roads to and from China, Iran, middle east and central Asia have Pakistan as the conduit of transport.

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by Gerard »

Ranvijay wrote:Photochor caught plagiarising articles
At least his skills haven't degraded with age.

An honorary PhD in xerox machine operation is in order.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by shiv »

Ranvijay wrote:Photochor caught plagiarising articles

More on - http://www.thenews.com.pk/daily_detail.asp?id=194555

From nooclur bums to newspaper articles, is there something this dude has not copied? :rotfl:

This is a classic and a real keeper.

I somehow need to convert this into a YouTube video :D
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by archan »

^^ Rudradev? where are you? can you help/offer advice in this noble initiative?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by Sai.U »

Oh, the delicious irony. On Aug 5th, AQ Khan was complaining about someone else's plagiarism. and then on Aug 19th, he goes ahead and does a massive cut-n-paste job.

The disclosure by Prof C M Naim (Aug 3) about the dubious character of Gopichand Narang and his plagiarism does not surprise me at all.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by Rkam »

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by arun »

Ranvijay wrote:Photochor caught plagiarising articles ………….

More on - http://www.thenews.com.pk/daily_detail.asp?id=194555

From nooclur bums to newspaper articles, is there something this dude has not copied? :rotfl:

Sai.U wrote:Oh, the delicious irony. On Aug 5th, AQ Khan was complaining about someone else's plagiarism. and then on Aug 19th, he goes ahead and does a massive cut-n-paste job.

The disclosure by Prof C M Naim (Aug 3) about the dubious character of Gopichand Narang and his plagiarism does not surprise me at all.
Irony to be indeed savoured.

The master copier and leading global nuclear proliferator A.Q.Khan accuses Gopichand Narang of plagiarism and in turn promptly gets caught for plagiarism :rotfl: . Simply delicious 8) .
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by arun »

X Posted.

The horror of being dhimmis in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Muslim mob burns to death 11 Christians, including women and children, in Gojra on allegations that a Koran was desecrated and the Police of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan responds by arresting 129 Christians:
To save Islamic militants in Punjab: Police registers cases against Gojra Christians

Gojra, Pakistan: August 24, 2009. (PCP Breaking News) The Punjab police on directions of government registered a case of murder and riots against 129 Christians of Gojra here today. In this FIR 29 Christian religious leaders and laymen have been nominated while 100 have been unknown according to police.

Bishop, Inayat Munawar, Kahif Gill and Gibran Inayat are among 29 Christian nominated in FIR to kill Christians and burning homes of Christians.

The Muslim militants attacked Gojra Christian Town on August 1, 2009, burning alive women and children when 11 Christian were martyred and 76 homes were burnt……………….

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by munna »

Cross posting from partition thread
Jinnah Was Secular at One Time: KS Sudarshan ex RSS Sarsanghchalak
K Sudarshan wrote:
"Jinnah had many facets. If you read history then you will come to know that Jinnah was with Lok Manya Tilak and was totally dedicated to the nation. And when Gandhi started the Khilafat movement, with the idea that currently we are opposing the British and if Muslims join in then their support will help gain independence. But at that time Jinnah opposed it saying that if the Caliph in Turkey has been dethroned what has India got to do with it. That time nobody listened to him, which saddened him. So he quit the Congress and left for England and only returned in 1927," said Sudarshan.

Something funny is surely on! I am trying to step back from the debate and take a bird's eye view of the larger picture and things are not really that clear. Lots of smoke and mirrors abound.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

munna wrote:Cross posting from partition thread
Jinnah Was Secular at One Time: KS Sudarshan ex RSS Sarsanghchalak
K Sudarshan wrote:
"Jinnah had many facets. If you read history then you will come to know that Jinnah was with Lok Manya Tilak and was totally dedicated to the nation. And when Gandhi started the Khilafat movement, with the idea that currently we are opposing the British and if Muslims join in then their support will help gain independence. But at that time Jinnah opposed it saying that if the Caliph in Turkey has been dethroned what has India got to do with it. That time nobody listened to him, which saddened him. So he quit the Congress and left for England and only returned in 1927," said Sudarshan.

Something funny is surely on! I am trying to step back from the debate and take a bird's eye view of the larger picture and things are not really that clear. Lots of smoke and mirrors abound.
Munna, what exactly you are not clear about ? What the above quote says is true. There are two phases in Jinnah's political life. One, pre 1930s and the other post that. He was a diametrically opposite person in these two phases. That is why we cannot project the earlier aspect of Jinnah's life and conclude he was such and such.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by munna »

SSridhar wrote:There are two phases in Jinnah's political life. One, pre 1930s and the other post that. He was a diametrically opposite person in these two phases. That is why we cannot project the earlier aspect of Jinnah's life and conclude he was such and such.
What you say is true and crystal clear to all those who are following the debate! The real meat lies in the question as to why is there a concerted push by certain socio-political personalities and that too from the right wing to re-examine or at least re-state the history as it was and not how Congress perceives it to be! The re-examination of Nehru-Gandhi complex and its role during Indian independence can offer new routes to resolving/dissolving/lobotomizing the TSP. I am just trying to think ahead of the curve as to what is the end game? Why the sudden rush now? Why is the re-look coming from the people who are set to benefit the most by polarization? Why is Pakistani intelligentsia so interested in this debate despite having forgotten Jinnah? Are we reviving him in the country he created in the face of increasing radicalization?
The questions keep coming up in my mind and I am still unable to connect any dots, perhaps all is maya.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by Rishi »


:rotfl: :rotfl:

http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.as ... 2009_pg3_6

Sir: The 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics are a few months away, and for the first time in the history of this region, a country is participating in the prestigious downhill skiing event. An 8-member team from Pakistan Army and the Pakistan Air Force is to train in Austria and the slopes of the Northern Areas to qualify for the Winter Olympics. Having seen them in action on the slopes of Nalter, I can say without doubt that our armymen and airmen are among the finest downhill skiers in the world. I wish them best of luck and hope that their skill in this tough and competitive sport is recognised with gold medals. I ask all my fellow countrymen to support them in their endeavour to bring sporting glory to Pakistan.

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Rishi wrote:X-bost:
http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.as ... 2009_pg3_6
. . . I can say without doubt that our armymen and airmen are among the finest downhill skiers in the world.
BRf is truly being followed all over the world. First Yahoo and now this. Great going BR !
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by anuj »

Gently, the Moslem League spokesman reminded Jinnah of a debt. "Sir," he said, "because of this league you got Pakistan." Jinnah snapped, "No. Because of my iron will I got Pakistan. I can see ahead 50 years-which you and even my Pakistan ministers cannot."
from http://www.time.com/time/magazine/artic ... -2,00.html article dated Monday, Sep. 20, 1948
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by arun »

X Post.

Details on Pakistan’s defence budget:
Defence budget details provided to parliament

Monday, 24 Aug, 2009 | 08:49 PM PST |

………………… Rs148 billion out of total defence budget allocations of Rs342 billion would go to Pakistan army. Over Rs82 billion would be spent on the salaries and other expenses of the army. More than Rs25 billion have been kept aside for operational expenses. They will include over Rs4 billion for travel and transportation, over Rs20 billion for general expenses.

………………… A sum of over Rs80 billion has been earmarked for air force in the defence budget. Over Rs12.33 billion will be spent on the salaries and other expenses of air force personnel and Rs16.75 billion on operational preparedness.

……………… Rs38.1 billion have been allocated for navy out of overall defence budget. A sum of Rs8.15 billion has been earmarked for the salaries and other allowances in respect of the officials of Navy …………….

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - July 07, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

arun wrote:Details on Pakistan’s defence budget:
Defence budget details provided to parliament
They are one-liners but, it is still a great progress for TSP where defence budgets were never tabled in the National Assembly. IIRC, this is only the second or third year that these have been placed in the Parliament.