India-US News and Discussion

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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by harbans »

Singhaji, just a page ago there has been discussion on this.

Meanwhile was scouring the net, and there seems to be a pretty good response from Americans in general to this article. There's a forum where the discussion has gone to 30 pages.. :mrgreen:

Manny, i've taken the liberty of posting your piece out there..hope you don't mind. (mentioned came across in on the net) ... ost1149065
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by svinayak »

harbans wrote:
Meanwhile was scouring the net, and there seems to be a pretty good response from Americans in general to this article. There's a forum where the discussion has gone to 30 pages.. :mrgreen:
It is much more than that.
This is part of the new testament they are working on ... warup.html ... t&p=100409
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by ramana »

Please explain the train of thought. Why do they suddenly feel they are Hindus now? Not before and not after?
Wasnt US created by Puritans and dont they have "In God we trust"? Do they now trust i gods? Are godesses not to far in the future?

has the Cultural revoultion hit home? Were Ravi Shankar, Rajneesh, and Deepak Chopra etc finally triumphant? Is New Age taking over?

Where does pagansm without idols fit in?
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by svinayak »

This article described postmodern thought...and not specifically Hinduism.

The whole "what is right for you is right for you, what is right for me is right for me" idea is flawed at the core. We can dress it up however we like, but it's all the same. "There is NO absolute Truth" is the essential truth.

Evangelical Christians (white, and other races's petty to use race as a defining factor in an article like that imho, but I digress) believe in an absolute Truth - a plumbline by which we measure all else. This is why Christianity is hated by so many. There mere act of believing the Bible is an assault on other beliefs.

The public schools teach postmodern thought at every turn. It's sometimes subtle, sometimes not. This, more than differences of opinion in science and history, is the reason so many Christians pull their kids out. The *Worldview* is as different as night and day. The stats are no suprise to me.
Americans were being brainwashed and trained in the last 30 years to be tolerant and
live a multi racial world with different religions
My dh is 10 years older than I (I'm 35). He hates wearing his seatbelt. I Always put mine on, usually before I even start the car. I recycle, he does, but only b/c I get on him .

My point? I believe it's b/c of what we learned in school. His generation wasn't taught, aka brainwashed, to do either; however when I was in school, both of those things were pushed at every opportunity. As was tolerance and unity amongst cultures. I can't count how many times I was shown the kids from different nations, standing in circles, holding hands with big old smiles on their faces.

Now, the examples I gave are not bad things, but I use them to point out how in ps I was showered and showered by a certain agenda and much of it stuck.

With the influence of all the things I mentioned earlier in this post, I'm not surprised at all of the swing in the Universalism direction.
I think the Hindu thing is a red herring, as of course, these views are not Hindu, per se, even if they have something in common with Hinduism.

It seems like three possibilities are being raised here.

1. It's the current political correctness: I'm okay, you're okay.
2. It's the reality of living in a multi-cultural, multi-faith society. If you have good neighbors who are Muslim/Jewish/Agnostic, it's hard to wrap your mind around the fact that they may, in fact, be spending the afterlife in hell.
3. It's a religious shift similar to what happened ~1800, where universalism is on the rise vis a vis other flavors of Christianity.
Much of the 20th Century was about the rise of evangelical Christianity and maybe this is a reaction. (Of course, that could still leave #1&#2 partially responsible for causing this shift.)
Universalism with a broader world view is in.
Post modernism view is being established in the last of the EJ strong hold in the world for a universal NT
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by Gerard »

Has Islamophobia Run Amok in America?
Abdul Kalam is the former president of India, the head of state of the world's most populous functioning democracy. A national poll picked Kalam as "India's Best President." He is also a Muslim, and a renowned Indian patriot. As a scientist and aeronautical engineer, he played an important role in developing India's missile technology, and his work was seen by his compatriots as a valuable contribution towards enhancing India's national security. However, his stature, and even Indian airport security protocols that exempt dignitaries from being frisked, did not exempt the personnel from Continental Airlines from doing just that, as he prepared to board his flight to the United States.

What the former president of India had to endure is apparently not an isolated incident, but rather reflective of a pattern. Another recent example has sparked deep outrage in India.

The Indian community in Chicago invited one of the leading actors from India to participate in the windy city's India Independence Day parade. He is Shah Rukh Khan, known as the "King of Bollywood." However, he might as well have been King Canute, as far as the INS personnel at Newark International Airport were concerned. He was detained and subjected to humiliating treatment. It seemed that he was going to be forbidden entry into the United States, until the Indian consul general intervened.
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by uddu » ... annel_page

Islamaphobia is a term invented by the so called liberals who are not really what they claim to be but are the apologists for evil.

Dr.Kalam and Sharukh khan don't fall into the Islamic category in its true sense but can be termed the opposite. Sharukh will never understand this.
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by ramana »

Too bad the US and the World thread got deleted...

X-posted with my highlights....

The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution
by Bernard Bailyn
Bernard Bailyn (Author)

# Paperback: 416 pages
# Publisher: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press; Enlarged Edition edition (March 1, 1992)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0674443020
# ISBN-13: 978-0674443020

When published in the 1960s, this book had a revolutionary effect on our understanding of the American Revolution. Its impact is undiminished by the passage of the last 40 years. Bailyn's scholarship and exposition remains as exciting as it must have been at the time of initial publication. Bailyn attempted to take a fresh look at the thinking of the individuals who made the Revolution. His work was based on an extensive survey and analysis of the large number of political pamphlets published in the years leading up to the revolution. His work benefited as well greatly from a number of other significant works of scholarship, such as Caroline Robbins' book on the Commonwealth tradition in 18th century thought. More than anything else, Bailyn succeeded in determining what key terms like 'power', 'liberty', and republicanism meant to the Revolutionary generations. In doing so, he was able to strip away anachronistic accretions from these terms and ideas and recover the actual thinking of the Revolutionaries and their opponents.

Bailyn's achievement is manifold. He was able to show that dominant intellectual influence on the Revolutionaries was a compound of classical models, Common Law legal tradition, Enlightenment ideology, covenant theology, and a strong tradition of British intellectual and political dissent that had its roots in the Commonwealth period of the 17th century. The latter tradition was especially important and acted as the binding matrix for other traditions and interpretative lens through which other received ideas were focused. Bailyn shows how these ideas were articulated in the specifically American context and how they led inevitably to confrontation with the expanding imperial authority of Britain. This conflict led to new expansions of the basic ideology, some of which would represent completely novel ideas. The traditional ideas of representation and consent, constitutional basis of society, and sovereignty were overthrown and replaced to a very large extent by the concepts we still uphold.

The development of these new ideas and the necessity to give them practical scope would lead to what Bailyn artfully termed "The Contagion of Liberty"; the expansion of concepts of rights and freedom well beyond the original categories of thought received by the Revolutionary generations. These would include attacks on slavery, the questioning of establishment of religion, speculation about democracy as a legitimate and potentially stable form of government, and an increasing emphasis on social equality generated from the realization of political equality. As Bailyn remarks, the thinking and writing on these topics provides the bridge between the world of the 18th century intellectuals and what would become the world of Madison and de Toqueville.

Bailyn's analysis and scholarship are superb. The organization and quality of writing in this book are outstanding. Just as important, Bailyn is very good at supporting his analysis with well chosen excerpts from contemporary political pamphlets. His judicious choice of quotations not only serves to support his conclusions but gives a fine idea of the words and thoughts of the Revolutionaries and their opponents.

This is a fundamental book for understanding the American past.

This work is a classic. Bailyn brilliantly traces the ideological background of the revolutionaries. He shows how they were steeped in the radical libertarian and republican opposition literature of 17th and 18th century England. He overturms traditional interpretations that stress Locke as the primary influence by demonstrating the vital importance of such men as Algernon Sidney, John Milton, John Trenchard & Thomas Gordon, Lord Bolingbroke, and a host of others. Despite this, Bailyn does not deny the centrality of Locken natural rights philosophy, as many more recent scholars have. He sees the basic philosophy behind the revolution as one which views power as the eternal enemy of liberty. Power must be watched and restrained tightly, otherwise it will exceed its bounds and bring about the end of liberty and the initiation of slavery. He also delves into various issues relating to this philosophy that surrounded the break from Great Britain as well, including the unsettling consequences of their revolutionary agenda(e.g. new views of slavery). In the revised edition of the work, Bailyn extends his analysis to the new U.S. Constitution. Contrary to many other scholars, Bailyn maintains that the new Constitution did not represent a repudiation of the Revolution, but rather, its fulfillment. I myself am still a bit skeptical concerning this point, but his scholarship is sound, and his reasoning is suggestive and challenging. Above all, I would have to say that this work is an absolute *must* for any individual who is interested in early-American history or political philosophy. Moreover, it is also very instructive for liberty loving Americans, as it reveals the nature of the truly radical libertarian foundations of our nation.
In other words they want the Empire and the trading networks without the Kings.

There is fundamental schism about the vows of poverty of the Church fathers and the acquisition of wealth.
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by Masaru »

John Snow wrote:Every time you buy Bollywood DVD/VCD in Jackson Heights or in NJ you know its going to awood bahi period. ... page-1.cms

Sorry if already posted, but the truth is eventually coming out; about why SRK was questioned intensively.
All the South Asian bonhomie is just a camouflage for hidden Baki sympathies.
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by Singha »

the roman catholic church during the middle ages in europe accumulated countless wealth and property. they were opposed to certain practices of the greek church sometimes as trivial sounding like leavened or unleavened bread but some more serious like opposition to the greek church allowing some of its lower level clergy to marry.

imho they dont want clergy to marry as it might create certain legal issues about inheritance of church property, which if you do a worldwide audit would number is the hundreds of billions $$ in precious artefacts and land/buildings in the prime places.

so much for vows of poverty etc. the onlee ones who held true to the old creed were the monks in the eastern roman empire down to egypt and the coptic christians of ethiopia perhaps?

how western europe managed to control a middle-eastern religion - it got pushed out from its place of origin by islam and the rich/powerful followers of any creed always have the control.
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by shiv »

olorin wrote:
John Snow wrote:Every time you buy Bollywood DVD/VCD in Jackson Heights or in NJ you know its going to awood bahi period. ... page-1.cms

Sorry if already posted, but the truth is eventually coming out; about why SRK was questioned intensively.
All the South Asian bonhomie is just a camouflage for hidden Baki sympathies.
Here my unreserved praise goes to the US in comparison to the hawala riddled Indian establishment.
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by shravan »

Thanks for sharing the link.
JE Menon
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by JE Menon »

Prady and a yindoo female seem to be in there trying to spread the light to several of the posters at what looks like soccer mom central. Remarkably self-restrained forum, at least on that thread (cannot bring myself to even click on the other topix :eek: )
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by shravan »

Jayde_Mennon also from BRF ?
JE Menon
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by JE Menon »

Sounds like an American woman's name, a variant of Jade perhaps... Surname is somewhat similar to "Menon", but I guess it has more to do with the "Mennonites" of the US :)
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by pgbhat »

harbans-ji you posted a great link. Thanks :) . Agree with JE Menon's assessment of soccer mom central. :lol:
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by harbans »

Soccer mom central is the right place to test/ propagate tenets. They spend a lot of time chatting on sch forms it seems. Any wonder why the page has done 36 pages? But this is also the correct forum and time to paste Hinduism being misrepresented in US schools etc. As someone said, when an idea's time as come, no one can stop it. The more rigid the manner they focus their approach to religion/ spiriuality, the more easy it is for Dharma to take over. One cannot win by saying 'My path is the ONLY way to salvation'. Spiritual leaders can show others 'their' way. I doubt God wants a toll collector. Spirituality is not about issuing tenders.

But from the conversation what i gather is they did'nt realize all these years of yoga fads and rationalism, they were really turning Dharmic all the while. This article has found great readership all over, not only in the US. While no one is saying it will actually convert folks to Hinduism, what it certainly will do is bring a greater focus to Hindisms basic tenets amongst not just intellectuals but common Americans who previously did'nt see Hinduism in this light and assumed it on the basis of Wend Donginers and Witzels portraals of fringe exotic exceptions. Reminds me of a Chinese Ambassador to the UN..India counquered China without having to send a single soldier over her borders..

Just an example from another forum..

Person A:
(fjs93 @ Aug 19 2009, 05:36 PM) *
As soon as I read this...:
"there are many paths to God. Jesus is one way, the Qur'an is another, yoga practice is a third. None is better than any other; all are equal."

...I stopped.

Jesus saith unto Him,"I am the Way,the Truth,and the Life,no man commeth unto the Father but by Me."
Person B Reply:
Shame you didn't read the very next sentence in the article.
Because the very next sentence is just that..most Americans have stopped believing that fundamental, though they declare themselves Christian. It's obvious the article is clear it's not what you declare yourself to be what matters, but what you do. Also i do hope this straightens some of our own WKK types who relentlessly diss our own heritage.
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by JE Menon »

>>Soccer mom central is the right place to test/ propagate tenets.

Absolutely correct. I did not mean to use "soccer mom central" in a denigratory fashion, rather a descriptive one. It is indeed the right place to explain different worldviews. Americans are remarkably absorptive, especially if the idea is new, powerful and profitable, spiritually or materially.
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by NRao »

Jesus saith unto Him,"I am the Way,the Truth,and the Life,no man commeth unto the Father but by Me."
In this statement, it depends on how one interprets the "I" in "I am the Way".

Christians will interpret it as the Christ as in His body.

Vedanta will interpret it as "I" as the Self/Atman/Soul. And, since all Saints (no matter which faith) are Self Realized, it really does not matter, The Christ being one of them. Thus one of the Paths.
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by shravan »

X-Posted - India and the Global Warming Debate

Carbon Dioxide irrelevant in climate debate says MIT Scientist
August 18, 7:39

In a study sure to ruffle the feathers of the Global Warming cabal, Professor Richard Lindzen of MIT has published a paper which proves that IPCC models are overstating by 6 times, the relevance of CO2 in Earth’s Atmosphere. Dr. Lindzen has found that heat is radiated out in to space at a far higher rate than any modeling system to date can account for.
The pdf file located at the link above from the Science and Public Policy Institute has absolutely, convincingly, and irrefutably proven the theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming to be completely false.
The United States House of Representatives has passed a Carbon tax (Cap and Trade) as have other governments in Europe, based on these completely erroneous models.

There are only a couple of conclusions to be made of this. Either the world has been misled by scientists working for the UN and IPCC due to faulty science, or faulty science has been deliberately used in a global scheme to generate tax revenues for the Governments instituting Cap and Trade Taxation policies.
Carbon Dioxide irrelevant in climate debate says MIT Scientist
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by Hari Seldon »

Code: Select all

Vedanta will interpret it as "I" as the Self/Atman/Soul. And, since all Saints (no matter which faith) are Self Realized, it really does not matter, The Christ being one of them. Thus one of the Paths.
Very true. Listen to Sri Krishna talk to Arjuna when showing him the VishwaRupa. The words on paper come across as supremely egotistic and arrogant only - until you realize it's not Krishna but the Universe itself speaking.
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by svinayak »

harbans wrote:
But from the conversation what i gather is they did'nt realize all these years of yoga fads and rationalism, they were really turning Dharmic all the while. This article has found great readership all over, not only in the US. While no one is saying it will actually convert folks to Hinduism, what it certainly will do is bring a greater focus to Hindisms basic tenets amongst not just intellectuals but common Americans who previously did'nt see Hinduism in this light and assumed it on the basis of Wend Donginers and Witzels portraals of fringe exotic exceptions. Reminds me of a Chinese Ambassador to the UN..India counquered China without having to send a single soldier over her borders..
Concept of Univesalism has been explored in Christian theology but has been rejected by most mainstream.
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by ramana »

Acharya, There was book on yoga that you brought to a BRF mtg.
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by shravan »

August 22, 2009

WASHINGTON -- Critics said yesterday former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge's claim he was pressured to raise the security threat level is proof that the Bush administration politicized the war on terror.

"What Tom Ridge disclosed confirms our worst suspicions," said Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ).

"Just like they did in Iraq, the Bush administration manipulated intelligence to cause fear in the public to further its political goals."

In his new book, "The Test of Our Times: America Under Siege . . . and How We Can Be Safe Again," Ridge writes that he felt pressure from fellow Cabinet members to raise the alert level just before the 2004 election -- pressure that helped convince him it was time to quit the administration.
John Snow
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by John Snow »

What self realization and yoga without I (participating)?
No Way. :mrgreen: (where I stand{s} for Intellect {not me} :wink: )

BMI Chart

The sound symbol stands for what Religion calls God, what philosophy declares as TRUTH or as REALITY.

Vasanas, the channel of thoughts created by our past actions and thoughts, which determine the contours of our present inner personality of thought and outer behaviour.

The body, mind and intellect - these are the three equipments through which LIFE expresses out in the universe.

Perceiver, feeler, thinker - this is the sense of individuality in each one of us: "I the ego", is the sole experiencer in me.

The world of objects, the field of emotions and the realm of thought. O-E- T - constitutes the world of things and beings which in totality provides our field of experience.

{recently it was reported that, In case of Jassoo M and I deatch with each other}

And his Vasanas have over taken his, Thoughts, Feelings and Perceptions. :rotfl: :rotfl:
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by chiragAS »

was thinking; if these guys will make so much Fuss of their security that they go and check even former prez and a jewel of india (Bharat Ratna awrdee)before boarding (that too on Indian soil against Indian Laws), what will they do once we have signed EULA and buy the Teens :shock:

heck even if we say our time and our place. i don't think they will be quiet.
i guess they will harass our country like anything.

whats the use of all the flashy stuff if we can't use them the way we want it.
As for TOT forget it, their laws are too strict. either they need to change their laws or bribe some officials in Indian MOD.
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by harbans »

Menon Ji, there's a very interesting way to look at how successful theologies really are and one way is to bench mark convicted i did a bit of study on US prison populations and here are the results:

Religion In Jail pop total pop in 1000's % pop in jail
Catholic 29267 66404.00 0.04407
Protestant 26162 16500 0.15856
None/Atheist/Unknown 18537 29500 0.06284
Muslim 5435 1104 0.49230
American Indian 2408 2786 0.08643
Nation of Islam 1734 20 8.67000
Rastafarian 1485 400 0.37125
Jewish 1325 2831 0.04680
Church of Christ 1303 5500 0.02369
Pentecostal 1093 4037 0.02707
Moorish 1066 604 0.17649
Buddhist 882 1082 0.08152
Jehovah's Witnesses 665 1040 0.06394
Adventist 621 668 0.09296
Eastern Orthodox 375 687 0.05459
Latter-day Saints 298 1296 0.02299
Scientology 190 55 0.34545
Hindu 119 1200 0.00992
Santeria 117 50 0.23400
Sikh 14 80 0.01750
Baha'i 9 25 0.03600
ISKCON 7 42 0.01667

Sources: ... ted_States

% terms the Dharmic tradition led by Hindu's seem to have the least convicted crime rates in the US.
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by shravan »

Translated link
Blackwater transported secretly held in Asia for the CIA
22:15 22.08.2009

The American intelligence agency has instructed officials of the private security firm Blackwater to smuggle Guantanamo detainees to secret prisons in Asia for the interview. The German weekly Der Spiegel says quoting a memo written by two former employees of the CIA.

Under this memorandum, the CIA instructed Blackwater and its subsidiaries to carry discreetly Guantanamo detainees to "secret detention camps in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan for interrogation."

The document identifies flights and reveals how these flights have been hidden, "Spiegel says in its issue to appear Monday. According to the magazine, a spokesman for the CIA stated that the memo contained "errors".

The American press had already reported Thursday, quoting intelligence officials, that the CIA had made use of Blackwater agents to hunt down and kill leaders of Al Qaeda in 2004 under a secret program.

Shortly after it got wind of this program in June, the CIA Director Leon Panetta, who was appointed by President Barack Obama, has stopped and informed the parliament, which had not been done.
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by NRao »

Hari Seldon wrote: Very true. Listen to Sri Krishna talk to Arjuna when showing him the VishwaRupa. The words on paper come across as supremely egotistic and arrogant only - until you realize it's not Krishna but the Universe itself speaking.
THAT is true for Us too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is never the body that talks/listens/etc. It is that unknown entity, which cannot be explored using our senses, called the soul/atman that is the enabler of all activities. Without such a (universal) enabler, no activity would be possible - no self destructing jihadis nor Noble laureates.
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by ramana »

ramana wrote:Acharya, There was book on yoga that you brought to a BRF mtg.

Hinduism invades America

By Wendell Thomas ... q=&f=false ... 3/mode/2up
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by asprinzl »

I am all for all religions including Hinduism as long as it is not the Deepak Chopra kinda new age Hinduism. He, if successful would pacify Americans so well that they all would be marching in unison in their trancedental happiness head long into the Islamic/Jihadi death chambers like cattle.
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by Karna_A »

We are all Hindus now. How US is slowly becoming a Hindu Nation in thought.(From Newsweek)
The Rig Veda, the most ancient Hindu scripture, says this: "Truth is One, but the sages speak of it by many names." A Hindu believes there are many paths to God. Jesus is one way, the Qur'an is another, yoga practice is a third. None is better than any other; all are equal. The most traditional, conservative Christians have not been taught to think like this. They learn in Sunday school that their religion is true, and others are false. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me."

Americans are no longer buying it. According to a 2008 Pew Forum survey, 65 percent of us believe that "many religions can lead to eternal life"—including 37 percent of white evangelicals, the group most likely to believe that salvation is theirs alone. Also, the number of people who seek spiritual truth outside church is growing. Thirty percent of Americans call themselves "spiritual, not religious," according to a 2009 NEWSWEEK Poll, up from 24 percent in 2005. Stephen Prothero, religion professor at Boston University, has long framed the American propensity for "the divine-deli-cafeteria religion" as "very much in the spirit of Hinduism. You're not picking and choosing from different religions, because they're all the same," he says. "It isn't about orthodoxy. It's about whatever works. If going to yoga works, great—and if going to Catholic mass works, great. And if going to Catholic mass plus the yoga plus the Buddhist retreat works, that's great, too."
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by svinayak »

asprinzl wrote:I am all for all religions including Hinduism as long as it is not the Deepak Chopra kinda new age Hinduism. He, if successful would pacify Americans so well that they all would be marching in unison in their trancedental happiness head long into the Islamic/Jihadi death chambers like cattle.
His is the first version. Then further version will also enter slowly
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by harbans »

Check this out:

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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by RajeshA »


After seeing the first minute, you know this is one dumb Indian. Instead of chiding the immensely stupid goras for their lack of knowledge, and making pulp out of them for not knowing their geography, she acts as if she is on the defensive.

"So India is an African country in Asia"! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

The Indian ought to take these girls to the cleaners. And she missed the chance.

This really makes me :(( .

Suggestion: -
Every Indic child should get a summer schooling, for three months they should all be sent to a "Gurushala", to learn the basics of Hinduism, once when they are around 9, and once when they are 15 years old; at the minimum twice, more often if desired. With 9 it can be co-ed, with 15 boys and girls separate. :mrgreen:

For these two stays of the children in the Gurushala, the Gurushala should bear the costs. The Gurushala should be sponsored by some Indic Foundation into which rich Indians pay. The 'Gurushala' should be marketed well amongst the Indian diaspora.

Indic children should have the argumentation tools to deal with both Islam and Christianity, and not to be bulldozed over by some peer pressure.

It is supposed to be a suggestion for USA, and other places with Indian diaspora, but it can just as well be valid for India as well.

Most Indics never really get to learn about their roots, ethos, culture, history, philosophy. :(
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by Viv Sreenivasan »

hahaha :rotfl: . That video cracked me up. LoL those dumb girls has absolutely no clue about ethnicity or geography, its quite hilarious. Umm yea an "Indian is when an african and an asian have a baby" out of this world.
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by harbans »

Actually she did pretty well. Clearly she did'nt counter insult Christianity. She tried in her own way saying 'One God many paths'. And towards the end when they hold hands she to their dismay says she thought of Krishna. What is clearly evident that the upbringing of Sara is less bigotted than Molly and her 'regular' friend. This was an attack on 'faith', albeit a minor one. In the end she walks off on them. She was initially taken aback and felt very uncomfortable but comes off as tolerant and non appeasing. I agree that parents must inculcate values and knowledge about core doctrine, such that their children can possess 'tools' to ward off such 'assaults'.
Viv Sreenivasan
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by Viv Sreenivasan »

She should have tried to convert those two bitches to hinduism.
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by bart »

harbans wrote:Actually she did pretty well. Clearly she did'nt counter insult Christianity. She tried in her own way saying 'One God many paths'. And towards the end when they hold hands she to their dismay says she thought of Krishna. What is clearly evident that the upbringing of Sara is less bigotted than Molly and her 'regular' friend. This was an attack on 'faith', albeit a minor one. In the end she walks off on them. She was initially taken aback and felt very uncomfortable but comes off as tolerant and non appeasing. I agree that parents must inculcate values and knowledge about core doctrine, such that their children can possess 'tools' to ward off such 'assaults'.
I think the great thing about that video is the comments by fellow Americans on the Youtube page. Almost all of them blast the two girls for their stupidity, which shows that most of them reject such bigotry and goes to support the contention in the earlier article that Americans are becoming more of an 'many roads leading to god' type society much like Hinduism or Buddhism.

Actually if you look at America the great country, the bastion of open speech and free enterprise, and the openness, flexibility and ability to re-invent itself, that makes it a superpower, it has a lot more to do with Indic philosophy than puritanical religions 'of the book'. I am referring not to the hoi polloi that thinks their country was founded on Christianity, or the evangelicals/rednecks who are beyond any form of logic, but rather to the core principles of America and it's real founders, that has made it successful.

I don't care much for any religion, but looking at various religions around in the world here is my take on them (I mean no offense to anybody):
Religions 'of the book' to me tend to be Utopian and cult-like, much like communism. Basically somebody turns up and codifies a bunch of laws and people are supposed to unquestioningly follow that for perpetuity, much like the diktats of the Communist Party or the little red book. Over time they tend to get detached from reality. The ones that appear to be compatible with modernity, like Christianity or Judaism have moved away from a very literal interpretation, as opposed to Islam (which is essentially a plagiarism of old testament Judaism with retarded Arab tribal culture and a whole lot of bigotry added on) whose followers are backward by comparison due to literal interpretation. By contrast Indic religions seem to be more cognizant of reality, i.e acceptance of Mother Nature and more at peace with the circle of life. For example Shiva is recognized both for great destructive powers and tremendous creative energy, you can see similar stuff in nature all the time for example:
1> Apex predators like Lions that kill deer/zebra are essential for the survival of the very same animals
2> Fire which is the probably the greatest destroyer of sequoia/redwood trees is also crucial for their survival
Such stuff is beyond the reasoning abilities of the good/bad, black/white Utopian religions, but have been part and parcel of eastern philosophy and religions for thousands of years.

Going back to my point about what makes America tick, I would say it owes heavily to people such as Jefferson, Payne, Franklin etc, who were not puritanical Christians but genuine intellectuals and also interested in deism and recognition of nature and reality, much like Indic culture. Other influential Americans like Ayn Rand's ideals of free enterprise and destruction of weak enterprises to make way for new ones ultimately keeping the overall society healthy are more in tune again with Indic principles, that ironically Indian economists ignored for several decades. It is these people that are responsible in a major way for America's success, not some jackass tele-evangelist or retards who believe that Katrina was punishment brought upon them by Gay people.

So I would suggest that the most influential Americans have never been too far from India and Indic thought, despite the practical difficulties of the cold war and foreign policy influenced by the British troublemakers during the post WWII period.
Last edited by bart on 25 Aug 2009 15:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by bart »

Viv Sreenivasan wrote:She should have tried to convert those two bitches to hinduism.
That would have been a victory for them, since though they would not have succeeded in converting her, they would have reduced her to their own stupid level of thinking.
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Re: India-US News and Discussion

Post by RajeshA »

harbans wrote:Actually she did pretty well. Clearly she did'nt counter insult Christianity.
I just watched the first minute, so my assessment of her mental fortitude may have been premature.