Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by RajeshA »

Published on Aug 30, 2010
By Rachel Slajda
ATF "Leaning Toward Arson" In TN Mosque Fire: Talking Points Memo
Local and federal authorities are investigating a fire at the construction site of an Islamic community center and mosque in Murfreesboro, Tenn., this weekend, as well as reports of gunshots as community members gathered at the site.
The plans for a mosque have sparked protests and acts of vandalism and put the mosque in the political spotlight. The state's lieutenant governor and gubernatorial candidate, for example, suggested at a Q&A that Islam isn't a religion, but a cult.

A spokeswoman for the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro called the fire "an atrocious act of terrorism."
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by RajeshA »

"The Muslim community in the U.S. is fearful about its future."
Published on Sep 21, 2010
By Shahid R. Siddiqi

Living on the Edge: Globalia Magazine
Lieutenant Governor Ron Ramsey of Tennessee (Republican) suggested that Muslims shouldn’t be accorded the freedom of religion guaranteed by the First Amendment. “You could even argue whether being a Muslim is actually a religion, or is it a nationality, way of life, cult whatever you want to call it," he said.

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich compared the organizers of the project with the Nazis. "America is experiencing an Islamist cultural-political offensive designed to undermine and destroy our civilization," he claimed. Bryan Fischer, a prominent figure within the religious Right, argued against granting any more permits to build mosques in the US because these are dedicated to the overthrow of the American government. The right-wing talk-radio host Michael Berry told his audience, “I hope the mosque isn’t built, and if it is, I hope it’s blown up.”
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by arun »

Islamic Terrorists run amok in Southern Thailand’s Pattani Province:

Thailand, Islamic rebels disguised as policemen fire on crowd: 5 dead and 3 injured

Not an isolated incident of Islamic Terrorism so far as Southern Thailand is concerned.

A little over a week back there was this incident in Southern Thailand’s Narathiwat Province:

Islamic Terrorists Kill 4 Buddhists, Set Homes On Fire In Thailand
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by RajeshA »

Just for everybody's information -

all news on terrorism, of which Islamic Terrorism is a part, please discuss in the dedicated thread:
International Terrorism Watch, or in
Pakistani Role in Global Terrorism
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by shiv »

RajeshA wrote:"The Muslim community in the U.S. is fearful about its future."
Published on Sep 21, 2010
By Shahid R. Siddiqi

Living on the Edge: Globalia Magazine
This is Islamic grievance number 1 wherever you look. It always follows the same path

Step 1. Muslims are being discriminated (the original grievance)
Step 2. Islam is in danger
Step 3. Go back to basics (dress code, sharia) to consolidate Islam and provide succour for Muslims
Step 4. Violent Jihad commenced by some
Step 5: Stonewalling and denial by others that the violence is wrong because of "Step 1"
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by arun »

Daniel Pipes on an issue that is perhaps not confined to relations between Islam and the West where the West is a proxy for Christianism and Judaism. The issue being Islamiism's attempts to turn adherents of other religions into second class dhimmi's:
Two Decades of the Rushdie Rules
by Daniel Pipes
October 2010

From a novel by Salman Rushdie published in 1989 to an American civil protest called "Everyone Draw Muhammad Day" in 2010, a familiar pattern has evolved. It begins when Westerners say or do something critical of Islam. Islamists respond with name-calling and outrage, demands for retraction, threats of lawsuits and violence, and actual violence. In turn, Westerners hem and haw, prevaricate, and finally fold. Along the way, each controversy prompts a debate focusing on the issue of free speech.

I shall argue two points about this sequence. First, that the right of Westerners to discuss, criticize, and even ridicule Islam and Muslims has eroded over the years. Second, that free speech is a minor part of the problem; at stake is something much deeper – indeed, a defining question of our time: will Westerners maintain their own historic civilization in the face of assault by Islamists, or will they cede to Islamic culture and law and submit to a form of second-class citizenship? ...........................

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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by A_Gupta »

Islamization of London England , by French Journalists (French TV English Subtitles Sept 2010)
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by A_Gupta »

Bangladesh crackdown brings out US Islamists. ... icals.html
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by RajeshA »

Published on July 27, 2010
Berlin Politician in Trouble for Inviting Dutch Populist Wilders: Spiegel Online
A local Berlin politician from Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives is under fire for inviting Dutch populist Geert Wilders to a meeting on Islam on October 2. Rene Stadtkewitz, who is known for his anti-Islamic views, has refused to cancel the invitation, and now faces eviction from his party's parliamentary group in the city assembly.
If the October 2 meeting in Berlin goes ahead, it would be Wilders' first official appointment in Germany.

In the past, Wilders has declared Islam a fascist ideology, proposed a tax on head scarves, such as those worn by Muslim women and described the Koran as a terrorist book. In 2008 he was denied entry to the United Kingdom when he went there to show a controversial film about Islam.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by JwalaMukhi » ... islam.html
It's particularly odious to see a government agency, especially one responsible for educating children, single out a religion and seek to diminish its status in world history. The new resolution comes from an apparent misreading of a textbook, one section of which contains more references to Islam than to Christianity. But there are other sections in the book that mention Christianity extensively. Given the board's history of setting a "Christian" agenda, its attack on a single religion could be challenged in court.

Whether the Texas school board likes it or not, the United States' interaction with Islam has broadened and deepened in recent years. Today's students will need to understand and deal with these changes as they mature and enter the workforce and civic life. The school board has done a disservice to a major world religion and its followers - and to Texas' students.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by A_Gupta »

http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.c ... hp?ref=fpb
Gaffney is one of several neocons who allege that 80 percent of mosques in America are led by radical imams who want to overthrow the Constitution and impose Sharia, or Islamic, law.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by RajeshA »

Published on Aug 25, 2010
New Book Plunges Germany into Immigration Debate: Spiegel Online
Are Muslim immigrants a drag on German prosperity? A new book by provocateur Thilo Sarrazin, a board member of the German central bank, argues that they are. His over-the-top comments have triggered yet another debate on immigration in the country.

Thilo Sarrazin has never been one to mince words. The German central bank board member and former senior city official in Berlin has long been a strident critic of German immigration policies, even going so far as to say in an interview last autumn that immigrants sponge off the state, are incapable of integrating themselves into German society and "constantly produce little girls in headscarves."

In the interview, which appeared in the cultural magazine Lettre International, he also said that "a large number of Arabs and Turks in (Berlin) ... have no productive function other than in the fruit and vegetable trade." In the same interview, he claimed that the Turks were "conquering Germany ... through a higher birthrate."
This week, though, the Social Democrat (SPD) seems to have outdone himself. German media outlets, including SPIEGEL, have published excerpts of his soon-to-be-published book on Germany's supposed demise. As Sarrazin makes abundantly clear, that demise comes as a result of immigration. The bluntness with which he presents his ideas has kicked off a debate in Germany, and within the center-left SPD, as to whether Sarrazin has crossed the line into racism and whether he should be censured.

In the excerpts that have been published, Sarrazin writes that Germany's Muslim immigrant families have profited from social welfare payments to a far greater degree than they have contributed to German prosperity. He also has raised the spectre of the country's Muslim population, due to what he claims are much higher birth rates among immigrants, soon overtaking that of the country's "autochthonous" population -- a term roughly synonymous with "indigenous."

"If the fertility rate of German autochthons remains at the level it has been at for the past 40 years, then in the course of the next three or four generations, the number of the Germans will sink to 20 million," he writes in the book. "And, incidentally, it is absolutely realistic that the Muslim population, through a combination of a higher birth rate and continuation of immigration, could grow by 2100 to 35 million." In another passage, he writes: "I don't want the country of my grandchildren and great grandchildren to be largely Muslim, or that Turkish or Arabic will be spoken in large areas, that women will wear headscarves and the daily rhythm is set by the call of the muezzin. If I want to experience that, I can just take a vacation in the Orient."
Thilo Sarrazin's Book: Deutschland schafft sich ab: Wie wir unser Land aufs Spiel setzen

Translation of Title: 'Germany abolishes itself: How we are putting our country at risk'
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by RajeshA »

Published on Sep 28, 2010
The Rise of Europe's Right-Wing Populists: Spiegel Online
All across Europe, right-wing populist parties are enjoying significant popular support. Led by charismatic politicians like Geert Wilders, they are exploiting fear of Muslim immigration and frustration with the political establishment -- and are forcing mainstream parties to shift to the right.

He is a politician who claims to have nothing against Muslims, and that he only hates Islam. He is a charismatic man with peroxide-blonde hair, elegant, eloquent and precisely the type of politician that has put fear into the hearts of Germany's mainstream political parties in recent weeks.

He is Geert Wilders, a Dutch politician of a stripe that doesn't yet exist in Germany: a populist who stirs up hatred against Islam and the establishment, and who has taken away many votes from the traditional parties in his native Netherlands. So many, in fact, that they now can hardly form a government without giving him a share of power.
Wilders is the central figure of a movement that has been expanding its following in Europe for years, entering parliaments and governments, and ensuring that minarets were banned in Switzerland and burqas in Belgium. It is a sort of popular uprising against Islam, spearheaded by right-wing politicians and journalists throughout Europe. They portray themselves as people who are willing to express a sentiment they claim no one else dares to express: that Muslims are undermining Europe and that the West must be saved. And the approach has been successful.
The man who invited Wilders to speak in the German capital Berlin this coming Saturday would like to emulate the Dutch politician. René Stadtkewitz, 45, a well-dressed man with a short haircut, was recently ejected from the Berlin branch of the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU), which he represented for years as a backbencher in the Berlin city-state parliament. He has now founded a new party called "Die Freiheit" ("Freedom"), named after Wilders' Freedom Party.

Wilders is traveling to Berlin to help Stadtkewitz inaugurate the new party.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by RajeshA »

Published Sep 30, 2010
Dutch coalition deal involving Wilders takes shape: BBC
Dutch conservative parties have moved closer to a coalition deal hinging on the support of the anti-Islam party of Geert Wilders.

MPs from the Dutch Liberal Party accepted the deal, which ends months of deadlock, after it was approved by MPs from Mr Wilders' Freedom Party.

The Christian Democrats are due to take a final decision by Saturday.

Mr Wilders said earlier that even if his party did not enter government it would still have "enormous influence".

Under the deal, Dutch Liberal Party (VVD) leader Mark Rutte is set to become prime minister, forming a cabinet with Maxime Verhagen's Christian Democrats (CDA).

With just 52 seats between the two parties in the 150-seat parliament, they propose to form a minority government, which would rely on the Freedom Party's 24 seats to pass legislation by a tiny margin.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by RajeshA »

Published on Sep 30, 2010
Burqa ban, immigration cuts included in coalition accord, say papers: Dutch News
The coalition agreement drawn up by the three right-wing parties forming a new government includes a ban on the burqa and a commitment to major cuts in immigration, the Telegraaf reports.

The deal, due to be presented to the public later today, not only sets out policy for the next four years but outlines the terms of the agreement with Geert Wilders' anti-Islam party which will support the minority coalition in parliament.
The new coalition is also planning a number of tough measures to reduce immigration 'very substantially', the paper says, quoting sources close to the talks. There will be a general ban on burqas and clothing which covers the face, and police and justice department officials will not be allowed to wear headscarves.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by A_Gupta » ... ican-f.php
Will Jihad Adopt An American Face?
Main question below, plus seven responses.
This week we would like National Journal's expert bloggers to consider why the terrorist threat from within has grown so dramatically, and what can realistically be done to counter the threat. Has the conventional wisdom that U.S. Muslims were better assimilated and thus less prone to radicalization proven false? Has President Obama's outreach to the Muslim world failed, and if so, why? Does the evolution make an attack on the homeland, perhaps smaller than 9/11 and using conventional weapons such as car bombs and improvised explosive devices, more likely?

What role do al-Qaida affiliates in Yemen and Somalia play in this evolving threat? Are radical, English-speaking imams and propagandists such as Anwar al-Aulaqi and Adam Gadahn largely to blame, and if so, what can and should be done to blunt their impact? Has the controversy over the proposed Park51 Islamic center near Ground Zero, and the anti-Muslim backlash that has ensued, made further radicalization of Muslims in America more likely? Finally, what steps can the United States take to become more resilient in the event of a terrorist attack, especially given the criticism Obama drew from the right for suggesting that the country would come through another attack even stronger?
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by akashganga »

I read parts of this report. Interesting, scary: ... 142010.pdf
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by arun »

The unenlightened side of Islamic Shariah / Sharia law in action.

Women publicly flogged for the “crime” of selling rice during the fasting hours of Ramzan / Ramadan in Indonesia.

Pretty ridiculous that some are agitating for the introduction / expansion in scope of such medieval laws:
Indonesian women caned for selling food during Muslim festival of Ramadan

Published: 4:53PM BST 01 Oct 2010

The two women were found guilty of selling food during the fasting hours of Ramadan, thereby violating Islamic sharia law.

Hundreds of people gathered to watch as Murni Amris, 27, received three lashes and Rukiah Abdullah, 22, received two at a mosque in the city of Jantho, southeast of the provincial capital, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.

“The two women were found selling rice in a stall at noon during Ramadan. The sharia forbids selling food during fasting hours at Ramadan,” said Marzuki Abdullah, Aceh’s sharia police head.

Ms Amris owned the food stall where Ms Abdullah was selling the rice. ..................................

Telegraph, UK
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by arun »

One would have expected that a religious revival would have been associated with a reduction in violence. That apparently is not the case in Cambodia.

The revival of the Muslim religion in Cambodia brings with it fears of acts of Islamic Terrorism in that country:
Cambodia and Islamism : Courting the Cham

A cultural revival gathers pace. So do worries about fundamentalism

Sep 30th 2010 | PHNOM PENH

IN THE so-called war on terror, Cambodia is a sleepy outpost on a tense South-East Asian front that stretches from the Philippines to Thailand. Western governments are, however, worried that trouble may be brewing in this backwater.

Security experts fret about the possible perversion of a cultural revival by Cambodia’s Muslims, who mostly belong to the 400,000-strong Cham minority. ……………..

The Economist
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by RajeshA »

Published on Sep 30, 2010
By Stefan Nicola
In Europe, far right banks on Islamophobia: UPI
The center-right government coalition in return agreed to honor several of Wilders' policy demands, including tighter rules on immigration, a boost of police forces and a ban on the burqa, the full Islamic veil.

Wilders' Freedom Party this summer scored its best parliamentary election result, on the wings of a populist election campaign centered on stopping the "Islamization" of the Netherlands. It's clear that the "new wind" Wilders foresees will blow first and foremost in the face of the country's Muslims.
All over Europe, far right parties are winning over disgruntled voters by capitalizing on what seems to be deeply rooted fears of Muslim immigration and actual or perceived problems with integration of Muslim minorities into mainstream Western society.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by RajeshA »

Published on Oct 02, 2010
Dutch anti-Islam politician Wilders to speak in Berlin: Deutsche Presse Agentur
Berlin - Dutch politician Geert Wilders, known for his antagonism towards Islam, is to speak at an event in Berlin Saturday organised by a new right-wing party.
Die Freiheit (Freedom) party was founded in September by René Stadkewitz, another Islam-critic and a former member of Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU).
Wilders is coming to Berlin shortly after one of the high points of his political career, as a new right-wing minority government is in the process of formation in the Netherlands that is dependent on his Party For Freedom (PVV) to survive.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by RajeshA »

Wilders draws protests in Germany: Al Jazeera

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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by RajeshA »

Published on Oct 02, 2010
By Richard Connor
Amid protests, controversial Dutch lawmaker visits Berlin: Deutsche Welle
Populist Dutch politician Geert Wilders, known for his strident anti-Islam and anti-immigration views, held a speech in a Berlin hotel on Saturday amid protests outside the venue.

"Germany too needs a political movement that defends the national identity of the country. Germany's political identity, its economic success, is threatened by Islam," Wilders told an audience of some 500 people at a hotel in Berlin's Tiergarten district.

"Islam is a dangerous political ideology for everyone," Wilders, who is facing prosecution in the Netherlands for incitement to hatred, said.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by RajeshA »

Published on Oct 01, 2010
By Christopher Beam
Why is there so much anti-Muslim rhetoric in the Netherlands?: Slate
Because it's a tiny, densely populated country with a high immigration rate. The Netherlands is hardly the only European nation to spawn a strong anti-immigrant political wing. France just passed a law banning burqas. Swiss voters passed a ban on the construction of new minarets in 2009. Austria's Freedom Party campaigned this year on a platform that included anti-immigrant slogans. But the Netherlands has a higher population density—about 400 people per square kilometer—than any other major European country. It also has a stronger flow of immigrants—2.55 migrants for every thousand people—than most of its neighbors, and Muslims constitute about 6 percent of the country's population of 16 million. (In Austria, Switzerland and Germany, they make up about 4 percent.) And whereas Muslims are ghettoized in countries like the United Kingdom, they're more visible in the Netherlands, with largely Muslim neighborhoods abutting Christian ones and more integration between them.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by harbans »

Pretty ridiculous that some are agitating for the introduction / expansion in scope of such medieval laws:

This is the tragedy of doctrine. Decent, well meaning and hard working Muslims getting sucked into the "we need more Islam" syndrome. This happens all over the world. There are plenty well meaning muslims who believe strongly that Islam does mean peace. But does one derive peace by means of a doctrine that sanctions such punishment? The well meaning Muslims everywhere may desire moderation, but there are not examples in doctrine that tend to moderation. More Islam is now increasingly and correctly being interpreted as meaning more Sharia and thus consequently more violation of 'rights' as we know and thus more extremism when people resist. It's important people understand how doctrine influences the ultimate end result. We have an example of how libertarian societies in now so called Pakistan, BD, Afghanistan have been transformed over the last 900 years or so.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by Sanjay M »

Muslims have only themselves to blame for practicing the "We Need More Islam" syndrome. Claiming they are sucked in to it, is like claiming they were sucked into 2-Nation Theory and blaming others for that too.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by Sanjay M »

Ground-Zero Mosque Getting Grander All the Time


Wow, this thing is looking like EPCOT Center now! :-o
I wonder what the new Babri Masjid site will look like? The CommonWealth Games stadium?
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by A_Gupta »

From the One Nation rally in Washington DC (via
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by Sanjay M »

British schools where girls must wear the Islamic veil

Hundreds of girls are bring forced by British schools to wear the Islamic veil in a move which has been heavily criticised by mainstream Muslims.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by arun »

^^^ Odd place the United Khillafat of Great Britain and Northern Ireland with behaviour ranging from abject displays of dhimmitude such as this demonstration of stealth shariah :


……….. to occasional demonstrations of standing up to medieval practices of Islamism:

Estate agent wins £13,500 after refusing to wear headscarf
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by Mauli »

Must watch!!!. Paki bhai is present in the video
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by RajeshA »

Copying Philip's post from TSP Thread

The Paki tribe's popularity increaseth by the day! They now have taken a leaf out of the chronicles of ancient Rome.

Pakistani woman killed in Italy over arranged marriage

A Pakistani woman has died in Italy after her husband beat her with a brick for opposing the arranged marriage of her daughter, triggering a wave of outrage among Italian politicians on Monday.
04 Oct 2010 ... riage.html

Begum Shahnaz (left) was killed by her husband Ahmad Khan Butt because she defended her daughter Nosheen (right) who refused an arranged marriage. Photo: EPA The daughter, 20-year-old Nosheen Butt, was admitted to hospital with a cranial traumatism and a broken arm after her 19-year-old brother beat her with a stick in the courtyard of their building in Novi, near the north Italy city of Modena.

According to Modena prosecutors' initial findings, the father Ahmad Khan Butt, a 53-year-old construction worker, threw his wife to the ground and beat her with a brick while the brother Umair attacked his sister.

"The victim did not want her daughter to have an unhappy relationship like the one that had been forced on her," said deputy Modena prosecutor Lucia Musti, who is in charge of the investigation.

"The mother and the daughter were on the same side and this could be called a 'cultural' homicide because in addition to domestic violence there is the issue of the traditions that may have motivated the crime," Ms Musti said.

The family's three other children have been taken in by Italian social services.

The Italian political class reacted with indignation at the incident which was highly similar to the cases of a girl of Pakistani origin in 2006 and a Moroccan girl in 2009 who wanted to lead Western lives with Italian boyfriends.

Livia Turco, a senior politician in the Democrats of the Left main opposition party, condemned "arranged marriages and violence against women" on the pretext of "ethnic traditions" that she blasted as "medieval practices".

Politician Isabella Bertolini in Italy's main conservative party said that the deceased woman, Beghm Shnez, was a "martyr for freedom, a victim of obscurantism and Islamic fundamentalism".

She said that the father had been in Italy less that 10 years and was the owner of the local mosque.

Conservative lawmaker Souad Sbai of Moroccan origin said that such "intolerable barbarism" was the "result of failed integration" of the father and brother into Italian society.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by RajeshA »

Philip wrote:
Pakistani woman killed in Italy over arranged marriage: Telegraph

Conservative lawmaker Souad Sbai of Moroccan origin said that such "intolerable barbarism" was the "result of failed integration" of the father and brother into Italian society.
One should ask if such "integration" had any chance of succeeding against such "intolerable barbarism", and whether those "integration Euros" cannot be invested somewhere better.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by kenop »

Should Americans fear islam?
ABC News: Town Hall debate 1
Posting the first part here (there are four I think. Will see if I can post link to other parts later).
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by arun »

For the Piskologically inclined.

Tony Blairs Oct 6, 2010 Acceptance Speech at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

Says that Radical Islam has “outspent, outmanoeuvred and out-strategised” the West:
The warnings of past days of terrorist attacks in Europe remind us the security threat is still very much with us.

The extremism remains alive. We see it in the bombs in Baghdad or Kabul , but also in terrorist acts in Pakistan , Somalia , Yemen , Kashmir , Chechnya ; across swathes of the Middle East and beyond. The past ten years have seen 150,000 die in the Mindanao dispute in the Philippines .

The policy choices from 9/11 onwards were and are immensely difficult. Eventually they come down to: Do we confront this extremist ideology in order to change it; or do we manage it and hope, in time, it changes itself? I still find this judgement hard to make. On balance, however, I don’t believe that it can be benignly managed out of existence. Its roots are too deep, its narrative too pervasive.

I believe we need a revolution in our thinking. I do not think it is possible to defeat the extremism without defeating the narrative that nurtures it.

And there’s the rub. The practitioners of extremism are small in number. The adherents of the narrative stretch far broader into parts of mainstream thinking.

What is the narrative? It is that Islam is basically oppressed by the West; disrespected and treated unfairly; that the military action we took post 9/11 was against countries because they are Muslim; and that in the Middle East we ignore the injustice done to the Palestinians in our desire to support Israel , because the Palestinians are Muslims, and the Israelis Jews.

It is a narrative that now has vast numbers of assembled websites, blogs and organisations. Of course many of those that agree with it abhor the terrorism. But as the support across the Middle East for the Muslim Brotherhood shows, far too many buy into far too much of the analysis of the extremists, if not their methodology.

When Pastor Jones was going to burn the Koran, he was rightly and roundly condemned for it, by everyone from President Obama down. But what intrigued me was why such condemnation was necessary (and, by the way, it was necessary). Suppose an Imam, with thirty followers, in Karachi was to burn a bible. I can barely imagine a murmur of protest. It wouldn’t be necessary for the President of Pakistan to condemn it because no one here would remotely consider he supported it.

The irony is that the many Muslims who believe passionately in co-existence and tolerance, are not empowered but frequently disempowered by our refusal to confront the narrative. We think if we sympathise with the narrative – that essentially this extremism has arisen as a result, partly, of our actions, we meet it half way, we help the modernisers to be more persuasive. We don’t. We indulge it and we weaken them. Worse, a reaction springs up amongst our people that we are pandering to this narrative and they start to resent Muslims as a whole. This is because implicit in this indulgence is an acceptance of the argument that Islam and, for want of a better term, ‘The West’ are in conflict.

What we should be doing, instead, is confronting the narrative head on, forming an alliance across the faiths and across the divides of culture and civilisation to defeat it. President Obama gave the template for this, brilliantly, in his Cairo speech. We need to act on it. We should point out, with vigour, that in Kosovo America and Britain went to the aid of Kosovan Muslims and not because they were Muslims but because they were a people in distress. That 9/11 was an utterly unprovoked attack on all who share civilised values. That in Iraq and Afghanistan, whatever you think of the original action, we enabled the people to choose their Government, they did so and the terrorism that seeks to destabilise both countries is not about so-called ‘liberation from occupation’ but about attacking fellow Muslims just because they want the same freedoms as us. That though of course there can be many legitimate criticisms of Israeli policy, Israel has a clear right to exist, terrorism is the enemy of peace and that the biggest funders of the Palestinians this year, with half the money going to Gaza, will be the United States and the European Union.

So we push forward the peace between Israel and Palestine as Secretary Clinton, Senator Mitchell and all of us are working for. It is not the source of extremism, but progress there removes much of the poison, which the extremists use. But let us be firm about the basis of such a plan. A viable state of Palestine that offers the Palestinian people the dignity and justice of statehood. A secure state of Israel because Israel ’s security is not a strategic interest only of Israelis but of all of us.

We should make it crystal clear to Iran : acquiring a nuclear weapon is unacceptable not just to America but to the civilised world. And if people say, why should India or France have a nuclear bomb but not Iran , I say go and read the speech of Iran ’s President to the United Nations just days ago here in New York , and tell me that is someone you want with a nuclear bomb.

Finally, we should wake up to the absurdity of our surprise at the prevalence of this extremism. Look at the funds it receives. Examine the education systems that succour it. And then measure, over the years, the paucity of our counter-attack in the name of peaceful co-existence. We have been outspent, outmanoeuvred and out-strategised.

So we must act with resolution and also with intelligence. Sometimes the policy choice is presented as a struggle between principle and pragmatism. In reality, principles without a practical plan result in inefficacy. But pragmatism unless driven by principle, can result in avoiding the challenge rather than answering it. At stake in this challenge are the values of the civilised world, those that unite people of all faiths and none. Needed is a plan to defend them effectively. But the plan will be better if motivated and imbued with the principles we believe in.

2010 Scholar-Statesman Award acceptance speech
BRF Oldie
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by vera_k »

Angle: Muslim law taking hold in parts of U.S
"My thoughts are these, first of all, Dearborn, Michigan, and Frankford, Texas are on American soil, and under constitutional law. Not Sharia law. And I don't know how that happened in the United States," she said. "It seems to me there is something fundamentally wrong with allowing a foreign system of law to even take hold in any municipality or government situation in our United States."
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by Pratyush »

The speach by Mr Blair, just shows every thing that is wrong with the thinking of the west. How are they going to address the Islamis narrative that just builds on the greviences of a particular community. How are they going to deal with the blatent imperialistic aspiration of Islamists. The desire to impose the Sharia on the ROW. Can there be any accomodation between the West and the Islamists? When the Islamists will only see it as a temprory break needed to strengthen their flock.

They today have no Idea how to do this.

The Islamist says that they love death more then you love life. The only way to deal with that is to make sure that he is not able to carry out his threat against the non believers. Do the west has any Idea how to do this.

BRF Oldie
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Joined: 21 Oct 2008 01:52

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

Post by Arjun »

^^ Don't you think that is a little hypocritical coming from an Indian? Blair is arguing against appeasement of Islamists....has any major Indian politician come this far in articulating the problem?
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