Iran News and Discussions

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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by enqyoobOLD »

Pentagon Official Warns of Israeli Attack on Iran
U.S. Offical Sees Two 'Red Lines' That Could Prompt Strike

WASHINGTON, June 30, 2008—

Senior Pentagon officials are concerned that Israel could carry out an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities before the end of the year, an action that would have enormous security and economic repercussions for the United States and the rest of the world.

A senior defense official told ABC News there is an "increasing likelihood" that Israel will carry out such an attack, a move that likely would prompt Iranian retaliation against, not just Israel, but against the United States as well.

The official identified two "red lines" that could trigger an Israeli offensive. The first is tied to when Iran's Natanz nuclear facility produces enough highly enriched uranium to make a nuclear weapon. According to the latest U.S. and Israeli intelligence assessments, that is likely to happen sometime in 2009, and could happen by the end of this year.

"The red line is not when they get to that point, but before they get to that point," the official said. "We are in the window of vulnerability."

The second red line is connected to when Iran acquires the SA-20 air defense system it is buying from Russia. The Israelis may want to strike before that system -- which would make an attack much more difficult -- is put in place.

Some Pentagon officials also worry that Israel may be determined to attack before a new U.S. president, who may be less supportive, is sworn in next January.

Pentagon officials believe the massive Israeli air force exercise in early June, first reported by the New York Times, was done to prepare for a possible attack. A senior official called it "not a rehearsal, but basic, fundamental training" required to launch an operation against Iran.

"The Israeli air force has already conducted the basic exercise necessary to tell their senior leadership, 'We have the fundamentals down.' Might they need some more training and rehearsals? Yes. But have they done the fundamentals? I think that is what we saw," .....
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen, was in Israel over the weekend for a series of meetings with senior Israeli military officials, including, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, ....

... an Israeli attack would do only temporary damage to Iran's nuclear program, and that it would cause major problems in the region and beyond, prompting a wave of attacks on U.S. interests in Iraq, the Persian Gulf and elsewhere.

As another senior defense official put it, "We'd be guilty by association."
:roll: :roll:

Complicated preparations. Given the other reports about US Special Forces preparing for (well.. never mind)...
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by Karan Dixit »

Jalili said that Iran and India are two influential powers in the region and world, calling for utilization of capacities with an aim of creating new opportunities for expansion of mutual and international exchanges. ... 085239.htm
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by shyamd »

Iran seizes foreign boats with 17 Indians near N-plant
Dubai: Iran has seized four fishing boats from Saudi Arabia with 17 Indian crew on board in Persian Gulf waters near its first nuclear power plant.

"The boats were from Saudi Arabia and had 17 Indian nationals on board," said Iranian news reports quoting the police commander of Iran's Bushehr province on Thursday.

"Bushehr sea-guard patrols stopped four foreign fishing boats on the strength of border violation and illegal fishing on Iranian waters," Reza Mohmmadi-Yeganeh told reporters.

The documents of the boats were confiscated and the vessels are being held in Bushehr's naval police headquarters in southern Iran, he added.

The boats were seized around 30 nautical miles from the Bushehr nuclear plant, off Iran's coast - which is being completed by a Russian firm and is due to go online later this year.

In June 2007 Iran arrested the crew of three Emirati boats it had seized for illegal entry and fishing on its territorial waters in the Gulf.

In March 2007, Iranian naval forces seized 15 British sailors and marines in the Gulf claiming they had entered Iran's territorial waters but Britain insisted they had been engaged in anti-smuggling operations in Iraqi waters.

The group was freed after two weeks in captivity.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by Philip »

More fears about a nuclear-weapon Iran thanks to the "Pak AQK connection".It appears that there are two sections in the west at odds over the crisis.The first is from the hardline cowboys of Uncle Sam,the anti-Iran brigade who are trumpeting anti-Iranian propaganda in similar fashion as was done before the Iraq invasion.The second is the more sober and moderate faction within the US establishment who see any surgical strike against Iran militarily as an act that would plunge the world into the abyss.This is however precisely what the neo-con fundamentalist "Christian" right in the US want,an accelerated Armageddon that serves as a catalyst for the second coming of Christ.There is no joke about this.This plan is deathly serious in neo-con circles and the entire Iraq invasion

There is a compromise solution.Let Iran not lose face by stopping its right to R&D in nuclear technology (which as a sovereign state it harps on about),by allowing it to continue enrichment in Iran (monitored by the IAEA) in such small quantities that could be used only for lab/research purposes,impossible to build a bomb with,while the fuel that it needs for its nuclear power plants could come from fuel enriched in Russia (offered) or elsewhere.The kay factor is to allow Iran the right to R&D in nuclear tech without allowing it to produce a bomb.A sufficient "trade and aid" package,nringing it back into the world's mainstream might just do the trick,There appears to be a difference of policy between the top Ayatollahs and Ahmed-is-a-joke. ... -West.html
Iran has resumed A-bomb project, says West

By Con Coughlin
Last Updated: 8:13AM BST 07/07/2008
Iran has resumed work on constructing highly sophisticated equipment that nuclear experts say is primarily used for building atomic weapons, according to the latest intelligence reports received by Western diplomats.

Tehran announced that it has no intention of halting its uranium enrichment programme
The work is aimed at developing the blueprint provided by Dr AQ Khan, the "father" of Pakistan's nuclear bomb, who sold Iran details of how to build atom bombs in the early 1990s.

Iran's Revolutionary Guard, which has overall responsibility for the country's nuclear programme, has set up several civilian companies to work on the programme whose activities are being deliberately concealed from the United Nations nuclear inspection teams.

The companies, based on the outskirts of Tehran, are working on constructing components for the advanced P2 gas centrifuge, which can enrich uranium to weapons grade two to three times faster than conventional P1 centrifuges.

Iran's controversial nuclear enrichment programme at Natanz, which Tehran insists is designed to produce fuel for nuclear power, runs on P1 centrifuges. But Iranian nuclear scientists recently conducted successful tests on a prototype P2 centrifuge at Natanz, and the Revolutionary Guard has now set up a network of companies to build components for the advanced centrifuges.

This has raised concerns among Western experts that Iran is continuing work on its nuclear weapons programme, despite Tehran’s protestations that its intentions are peaceful.

“If Iran’s nuclear intentions were peaceful there would be no need for it to undertake this work in secret,” said an official familiar with the intelligence reports.

A previous clandestine attempt by Iran to develop P2 centrifuges was halted in 2004 after the existence of a civilian company set up by the Revolutionary Guard was exposed. UN nuclear inspectors found traces of weapons-grade uranium at the company when they inspected the premises.

Reports that Iran has resumed work on sophisticated uranium enrichment technology follow Tehran’s announcement at the weekend that it has no intention of halting its uranium enrichment programme at Natanz.

Iranian officials were speaking the day after they had formally submitted their response to a package put together by the world’s leading powers – including Britain – offering a number of incentives in return for halting enrichment.

While European officials yesterday refused to disclose details of the Iranian response, one said that “it was not something that made us jump up and down for joy”.

An Iranian government spokesman said: “Iran’s stand regarding its peaceful nuclear programme has not changed.”

According to recent intelligence reports, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian President, personally ordered the Revolutionary Guard to set up companies for the secret manufacture of components for P2 centrifuges this year.

One of the companies is in a residential building in Amir Abad, western Tehran, where its work is unlikely to be detected by UN nuclear inspectors. One of the facilities is said to be run by a company owned by the Revolutionary Guard.

The operation is a direct copy of the Revolutionary Guard’s previous attempt to develop P2 centrifuges, when research work was undertaken by the Kalaye Electric Company, which claimed it was manufacturing watches.

When its true activity was revealed to UN nuclear inspectors in 2004, they found the company had succeeded in building the centrifuges and enriching small quantities of uranium to weapons grade.

Senior officials from Iran’s Atomic Energy Agency are supervising the current clandestine programme, which is based on the atomic weapons blueprint sold to Iran by Dr Khan in 1994.

Reports that Iran is actively working on Dr Khan’s blueprint will deepen suspicions that Tehran has resumed work on its nuclear weapons programme.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by Philip »

Iran ,taking a cue from the doctrine of Chairman Mao,who said that a "loud fart" is better than a long speech",has "farted" for the second consecutive day,with further missile tests.The Beeb,in a news report interviewed an Israeli who said that Israel was equipped with enough firepower that could turn Iran into a "radioactive desert" and that the "Iranians aren't fools",meaning that the tests were more defensive rather than an offensive threat.We hope that Ahmed-is-a-joke does think that way,as his outbursts at Israel indicate differently.

Incidentally,there is great irony in this situation.I do not know how many of us know about the yesteryear Israeli-Iranian missile co-operation under project "Flower" developing missiles during the Shah's time,who was deeply suspicious of India and wanted info from Israel on Indian work on nuclear/missile developments!During the Iran-Contra affair,it was revealed that Israel had been selling arms to the Khomeini regime .Check out this site for fuller details.
< ... _TICC.html>

Excerpt from another site.

Missile Overview

Throughout 2006 and 2007 Iran has engaged in the continued development and testing of its missile systems. These tests include the successful launch of Shahab-3 and Shahab-4 missiles, with ranges of 1,300 km and 2,200 km respectively. These tests represent noteworthy advances in Iranian ballistic missile technology and capabilities. In addition, intelligence reports allege that a covert Iranian program known as "Project 111" is carrying out plans to arm Shahab-3 missiles with nuclear warheads if and when Iran develops such warheads.

Additional missile tests took place in early 2007, which included the testing of the Zelzal and Fajr-5 missiles, as well as an SSN4 or Raad cruise missile. In addition to the missile tests that Iran has recently carried out, it also tested a new space launch vehicle (SLV). Iran asserts that the launch was intended for research purposes to aid in the eventual launching of satellites, not missiles. In April 2006, Iran reportedly purchased surface-to-surface missiles, known as BM-25s, from North Korea. The BM-25 has a range of 2,500 km and is a single stage liquid fueled missile. The purchase allegedly gives Iran a longer reach than the Iranian made Shahab-4. In response to the concerted efforts Iran has been making to improve and expand its missile capabilities, the United States plans to install a missile defense system in Poland in order to protect Europe and the U.S. from a possible missile attack from Iran.

Over the past 25 years, the Islamic Republic of Iran has pursued an aggressive ballistic missile and long-range artillery rocket development program. Since the late 1980s, this program has been assigned a national priority at least equal to that of the nuclear program. Although Iran's economy is not flourishing, unemployment is high and there is a low level of internal unrest concerning the restrictive nature of the Islamic government, ballistic missile and weapons of mass destruction (WMD) development continue to receive very high commitments of financial and material resources—and will likely do so for the foreseeable future.

The development of ballistic missiles and long-range artillery rockets within Iran has proceeded in a relatively steady, logical, and predictable manner. Today, it possesses the second largest (behind the Democratic People's Republic of Korea—DPRK) ballistic missile force in the third world and is near to developing a space launch vehicle and medium-range and intercontinental ballistic missiles that could threaten Europe and the continental United States. This is an ominous development since there is little doubt that Iran perceives the ballistic missile to be the delivery system of choice for nuclear weapons.

Iran currently possesses the capability to employ ballistic missiles and/or long-range artillery rockets against its regional neighbors, Israel, and U.S. forces deployed in the region. Given favorable conditions, Iran is currently on track to be able to extend its ballistic missile capabilities to include Southern Europe, North Africa, and South Asia by 2005-2010 and possibly the continental United States by 2015. These estimates could be somewhat accelerated or easily delayed dependent upon a host of international and domestic factors that cannot be accurately predicted.

A large number of Iran's ballistic missiles and/or long-range artillery rocket systems currently possess the capability to deliver conventional high explosive, submunition, chemical, biological and radiological dispersion warheads. Given a favorable set of circumstances, Iran could achieve a true nuclear weapons delivery capability within the next five years.


The development of ballistic missiles and long-range artillery rockets within Iran can be divided into three broad chronological stages: Pre-revolution (1977-1979); Post-revolution and the war with Iraq (1980-1988); and Post-war (1989-present). The latter two stages may themselves be subdivided into distinct phases. This development has been strongly influenced by a number of interrelated factors, all of which have varied considerably in importance over time. These include, but are not limited to,

Necessities of war and the short distance to Iraqi strategic targets.
Quantity and quality of missiles and missile-related technology acquired.
Size and experience of the indigenous missile-related manpower pool.
Capabilities of the Iranian military-industrial infrastructure.
Desire to possess the capability to strike directly at Israel and U.S. military facilities within South Asia.
Organizational, political, and religious discord amongst the various entities engaged in the design, development, and production of ballistic missiles.

Early Developments Under the Shah Pahlavi (1977-1979)

The origins of the Iranian missile program date back to the late 1970s and the last years that the Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi ruled Iran.

In July 1977, Iranian Vice Minister of War General H. Toufanian traveled to Israel and met with Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan and Minister of Defense Ezer Weizmann. Among a number of joint Israeli-Iranian military projects discussed at these meetings was "Project Flower."[1] This project was focused on the development of a longer ranged (150-200km) and more heavily armed version of the Israeli Gabriel anti-ship missile (not as sometimes reported with the development of a ballistic missile based upon Israeli Jericho surface-to-surface missile technology). It is possible, however, that this subject was discussed, since General Toufanian apparently attended a test-launch of a Jericho missile. Also discussed at these meetings was an Iranian interest in extending Project Flower to include a future submarine launched variant and Iranian concerns over missile and nuclear developments in India and Pakistan.

The following year, Iran made a down payment for Project Flower by providing Israel with $280 million worth of oil. To support this project, a team of Iranian experts began construction of a missile assembly facility near Sirjan, in south central Iran, and a missile test range near Rafsanjan. During February 1979, the Imperial Iranian regime of the Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi collapsed, and along with it died Project Flower.[2]
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by shyamd »

Secret US-Iranian Dialogue Brings Oil Prices down, Shakes up Mid East Alliances
.......All the same, a senior Saudi official conversant with Lebanese and Syrian affairs put it this way: “On the face of it nothing has changed in Washington’s attitude towards Damascus, but in reality, it has undergone a transformation.”

The threats to the Assad regime have receded, notably the international tribunal for prosecuting the assassins of the former Lebanese prime minister Rafiq Hariri, and Washington has withdrawn its support for Syrian opposition factions.”

The Saudi official further commented: “A US-Iranian earthquake is rumbling under the surface of the Middle East, especially in Syria.”
Sanjay M
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by Sanjay M »

John Bolton editorial in WSJ on Iran: ... lenews_wsj
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by Philip »

New positive development.

US plans to station diplomats in Iran for first time since 1979Washington move signals thaw in relations
Ewen MacAskill in Washington The Guardian, Thursday July 17, 2008
Article history

Iranians pass a US flag with a sign reading 'Death to America' as they attend a rally in Tehran, in 2004. Photograph: Hasan Sarbakhshian/AP

The US plans to establish a diplomatic presence in Tehran for the first time in 30 years as part of a remarkable turnaround in policy by President George Bush.

The Guardian has learned that an announcement will be made in the next month to establish a US interests section - a halfway house to setting up a full embassy. The move will see US diplomats stationed in the country.

The news of the shift by Bush who has pursued a hawkish approach to Iran throughout his tenure comes at a critical time in US-Iranian relations. After weeks that have seen tensions rise with Israel conducting war games and Tehran carrying out long-range missile tests, a thaw appears to be under way.

The White House announced yesterday that William Burns, a senior state department official, is to be sent to Switzerland on Saturday to hear Tehran's response to a European offer aimed at resolving the nuclear standoff.

Burns is to sit at the table with Iranian officials despite Bush repeatedly ruling out direct talks on the nuclear issue until Iran suspends its uranium enrichment programme, which is a possible first step on the way to a nuclear weapon capability.

A frequent complaint of the Iranians is that they want to deal directly with the Americans instead of its surrogates, Britain, France and Germany.

Bush has taken a hard line with Iran throughout the last seven years but, in the dying days of his administration, it is believed he is keen to have a positive legacy that he can point to.

The return of US diplomats to Iran is dependent on agreement by Tehran. But President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad indicated earlier this week that he was not against the opening of a US mission. Iran would consider favourably any request aimed at boosting relations between the two countries, he said.

US interests in the country at present are looked after by the Swiss embassy. The British government restored its embassy in Tehran after Labour's 1997 general election victory as part of a policy of constructive diplomacy with countries that had previously been branded rogue states.

The creation of a US interest section would see diplomats stationed in Tehran for the first time since the hostage crisis that began when hundreds of students, as part of the Iranian revolution that led to fall of the Shah, stormed the US embassy in 1979 and held the occupants until 1981.

The special interests section would be similar to the one in Havana, Cuba. The US broke off relations with Cuba in 1961 after Castro's takeover but US diplomats returned in 1977.

The special interests section carries out all the functions of an embassy. It is, in terms of protocol, part of the Swiss embassy but otherwise is staffed by Americans and independent of the Swiss.

There has been an intense debate within the Bush administration over Iran, with the vice-president, Dick Cheney, in favour of a military strike against Iranian nuclear plants and the state department in favour of diplomacy.

The state department has been pressing the White House for the last two years to re-establish diplomatic relations with Tehran by setting up an interest section.

The state department is keen that the move should not be interpreted as a sign of weakness.

Sending Burns, who left Washington last night, to Geneva and the establishment of an interests section undercuts one of the main planks of foreign policy advocated by the Democratic presidential candidate, Barack Obama, who argues for direct negotiations with Iran.

The White House has been working in tandem over the last month with Obama's Republican rival, John McCain.

The US has had to rely on British diplomats based in Tehran, as well as other diplomats, for information about the inner workings of Iranian politics. Having its own staff would give them access to students, dissidents and others. The staff would also process visa applications, at present handled by a small office in Dubai, which is difficult for Iranians to get to.

Ahmadinejad told a reporter earlier this week, in response to a question about a possible US interests section: "We will receive favourably any action which will help to reinforce relations between the peoples." He added: "We have not received any official request but we think that the development of relations between the two peoples is something correct."

That sentiment was echoed last month by secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, who told reporters: "We want more Iranians visiting the United States ... We are determined to reach out to the Iranian people."

Iran has an interests section in Washington, which would make it harder for Tehran to deny the Americans a similar arrangement.

Rice set up a group to study the feasibility of re-establishing a presence after the idea cropped up repeatedly in discussions among Washington thinktanks.

Asked last month about the idea, she would not confirm or deny it.

But she indicated that the present arrangement where there is an American visa office for Iranians in Dubai was inadequate.

"We know that it's difficult for Iranians sometimes to get to Dubai," she said.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by Philip »

Condi's coup?! It indicates that Condi might very well be fighting for being McCain's running mate,which could hive off significant Afro-Am votes in favour of the Republicans.Who knows,the age of miracles may not be over and Bush could walk into the sunset with a legacy of defusing the Iran nuclear imbroglio. ... 70861.html

Condi's coup: how the neo-cons lost the argument over Iran

Secretary of State's influence pivotal to Bush's change of policy

By Leonard Doyle in Washington
Friday, 18 July 2008

Condoleezza Rice was the prime mover behind Mr Bush's policy of 'preventive wars' and cheerleader for his expansive plans to reorganise the entire Middle East

Leading article: A welcome change of tack by Washington

Condoleezza Rice was George Bush's handmaiden for the war in Iraq but she is now emerging as the best hope for avoiding a military conflict between the United States and Iran.

The Secretary of State, who is one of the few people with the President's ear, has shown the door to Vice-President Dick Cheney's cabal of war-hungry advisers. Ms Rice was able to declare yesterday that the administration's decision to break with past policy proves that there is international unity in opposing Iran's nuclear programme. "The point that we're making is the United States is firmly behind this diplomacy, firmly behind and unified with our allies and hopefully the Iranians will take that message," Ms Rice said.

Mr Bush's decision to send the number three in the State Department, William Burns, to attend talks with Iran in Geneva at the weekend caused howls of outrage that were heard all the way from the State Department's sanctuary of Foggy Bottom to the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue. A parallel initiative to reopen the interest's section of the American embassy in Tehran, which would be the first return of a diplomatic presence on Iranian territory since 1979, has also received a cool response from neo-conservatives.

"This is a complete capitulation on the whole idea of suspending enrichment," said Mr Bush's former UN envoy, John Bolton. "Just when the administration has no more U-turns to pull, it does another."

In public, Ms Rice has been as bellicose as any neo-con when it comes to Iran, calling dialogue with its leaders "pointless" and declaring: "For the sake of peace, the world must not allow Iran to have nuclear weapons."

She had been the prime mover behind Mr Bush's disastrous policy of "preventive wars" and cheerleader of his expansive plans to reorganise the entire Middle East and to "export democracy". But with the rumblings of war with Iran growing steadily louder, Ms Rice worked feverishly behind the scenes to stop sparks from flying in the drive by the US and Israel to shut down Iran's nuclear programme.

The breakthrough, if that is what it turns out to be, that persuaded Mr Bush that it was time to end the 30-year boycott of high-level diplomatic contacts with Iran, came from the simple act of Ms Rice signing her name to a joint letter offering sweeter terms to Tehran than it had seen before.

The very act of putting her name to a package of incentives presented in Tehran last month persuaded the Iranian authorities that there was movement that would allow them to proclaim victory over the US, while ending their nuclear programme.

When he saw Ms Rice's signature on the document, Iran's Foreign Minister, Manouchehr Mottaki, was visibly stunned, according to those present at the meeting. He formally responded to the offer with a letter addressed to Ms Rice and the EU's foreign policy envoy, Javier Solana, as well as foreign ministers of the five other countries at the talks.

His letter skirted around the hot-button issue of Iran's uranium enrichment programme, but it contained an olive branch of an offer to "find common ground through logical and constructive actions", according to reports.

Hearing of Mr Mottaki's reaction and then receiving a formal response persuaded Ms Rice that Iran was finally willing to have meaningful talks with the US that could avoid a war.

Before approaching the President with a plan to avoid war in the last six months of his presidency, Ms Rice had to persuade Mr Cheney, chief among those described as the "Vulcans" of his administration. She made her pitch at a meeting that included Mr Cheney, Stephen Hadley, the national security adviser, Joshua Bolton, the White House Chief of Staff, and Mr Burns, who is heading to Geneva at the weekend to take part in the "one time only deal". Iran welcomed the American change of attitude yesterday, but with governments from France to China also welcoming the shift, Tehran also signalled that there was a long way to go before the diplomats break out the champagne. Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, declared that there are still "clearly defined red lines", meaning that Iran is insisting that it has the right to peaceful nuclear energy. This is a position that Israel and the American conservatives still find unacceptable.

Thirty years on from the humiliation of the US embassy hostage crisis in Tehran, the country's boycott of all high-level direct contact with Iran has achieved little beyond making it impossible for the two sides to learn to trust one another and employ diplomatic skills to avoid conflict.

But there are also doubts about the effectiveness of using sophisticated weaponry against a nuclear programme that is secreted deep underground and in multiple sitesacross Iran. The US administration was recently advised that it would be folly to expect the regime to fall in Iran if it was attacked. If anything, a US and Israeli attack would strengthen the rule of the mullahs while causing further tension on the oil market.

From hawk to dove

Condoleezza Rice may have a bright political future ahead, despite the many roles she has played in the discredited Bush White House. Her soundbites have often come back to haunt her. She wilfully distorted the truth while pressing the case for the invasion of Iraq: "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud." No one, she declared, "could have predicted" that al-Qai'da would try to fly planes into buildings before 11 September 2001; "I'm proud of the decision of this administration to overthrow Saddam Hussein," she said. And when George Bush asked her about the looming war saying: "Should we do this?", Ms Rice replied in a heartbeat "Yes." The book Rise of the Vulcans, by James Mann, describes Ms Rice as a major player in the Iraq war, detailing how she served as the White House co-ordinator and as the President's closest adviser, throughout the entire operation. Despite this, the future looks bright for the 52-year-old. Stopping a war with Iran could even catapult her into the vice-presidency under a John McCain presidency.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by putnanja »

India doesn’t let North Korea plane overfly to Iran
India doesn’t let North Korea plane overfly to Iran
Pranab Dhal Samanta
Posted online: Friday, August 08, 2008 at 0145 hrs Print Email
pmo z DGCA allowed North Korean IL-62 to overfly India but PMO stepped in hours before take-off to cancel permission

New Delhi, August 7: India this afternoon withdrew its permission for a North Korean plane to overfly Indian airspace on its way to Iran, just before it could take off from Mandalay in Myanmar where it had made a stopover. This, sources have told The Indian Express, was done after instructions from the Prime Minister’s Office this morning.

It’s learnt that on August 4, Indian authorities had given permission to the North Korean plane — its call sign is KOR 621 — to overfly Indian airspace today. The civilian plane, an IL-62, is said to be part of the country’s Air Koryo fleet and was on “non-scheduled operations,” possibly a government charter.

While seeking permission, Korean authorities had said that the plane would depart Mandalay around 1 pm today and would overfly Indian airspace on its way to Tehran. The permission, which was valid until 1 pm on August 9, was granted under routine civil aviation norms, said sources.

However, this morning, top PMO officials are said to have hurriedly contacted Civil Aviation authorities asking them to cancel the orders. Even the return journey permission has been cancelled.

DGCA authorities got in touch with Kolkata Air Traffic Control and an urgent cancellation message was relayed to Yangon ATC, which, in turn, ensured the plane did not take off from Mandalay. Later, a formal cancellation order was sent.

The North Korean plane had not declared whether it was on passenger or freight duty. Officials were still unclear over the purpose of visit and whether Tehran was indeed the final destination or another transit halt. What prompted such urgent action is still not clear but given the political sensitivities involved over the nuclear programmes of both these countries, sources said, high-level intelligence may have been passed on to the National Security Advisor.

The flight was on its way to Iran a day after US President George W Bush visited South Korea where he made it clear that North Korea needs to do “much more” before it could get off the US “axis of evil” list. As for Iran, the US is currently upset Tehran’s response to the latest offer from the West to induce it to freeze uranium enrichment.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by Rahul M »

destination could as well have been TSP.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by Philip »

Israel's threat to Russia..if it sells S-300s to Iran.Expect a spat between the two on this sale! ... 2FShowFull

Aug 8, 2008 0:35 | Updated Aug 8, 2008 9:56
'We'll neutralize S-300 if sold to Iran'

If Russia goes through with the sale of its most advanced anti-aircraft missile system to Iran, Israel will use an electronic warfare device now under development to neutralize it and as a result present Russia as vulnerable to air infiltrations, a top defense official has told The Jerusalem Post.

Russian S-300 missiles.
Photo: AP

Slideshow: Pictures of the week The Russian system, called the S-300, is one of the most advanced multi-target anti-aircraft-missile systems in the world today and has a reported ability to track up to 100 targets simultaneously while engaging up to 12 at the same time. It has a range of about 200 kilometers and can hit targets at altitudes of 27,000 meters.

While Russia has denied that it sold the system to Iran, Teheran claimed last year that Moscow was preparing to equip the Islamic Republic with S-300 systems. Iran already has TOR-M1 surface-to-air missiles from Russia.

Mixed media reports have emerged recently regarding the possible delivery of the system to Iran. Two weeks ago Reuters quoted a senior Israeli official who said the system would be delivered to Iran by the end of the year. In response, the Pentagon released a statement rejecting the assessment and saying that the US did not believe Iran would get it in 2008.

According to the Israeli defense official who spoke to the Post, "no one really knows yet if and when Iran will get the system."

A top IAF officer also said this week that Israel needed to do "everything possible" to prevent the S-300 from reaching the region.

"Russia will have to think real hard before delivering this system to Iran, which is possibly on the brink of conflict with either Israel or the US, since if the system is delivered, an EW [electronic warfare] system will likely be developed to neutralize it, and if that happens it would be catastrophic not only for Iran but also for Russia," the defense official said.

Neutralization of one of the main components of Russian air defense would be a blow to Russian national security as well as to defense exports. "No country will want to buy the system if it is proven to be ineffective," the official said. "For these reasons, Russia may not deliver it in the end to Iran."

Also on Thursday, Defense Minister Ehud Barak told an Italian paper that a nuclear Iran would be "dangerous to world order."

Barak emphasized that all options for dealing with threat of a nuclear Teheran were "open and ready," and stressed the importance of "strengthening and accelerating economic sanctions against Iran."

"Either way, we need to keep every option open. If they provoke us, or they attack us, our army is prepared to attack and to succeed uncompromisingly," he asserted in an interview with the daily Corriere della Sera . "It's up to us to find the best way to get the best result with minimum damage," Barak added.

"Iran confirmed its message when it stood against the whole world: to deceive and to reject. Their aim is to obtain an atomic bomb," he continued.

The defense minister also spoke of the results of the Second Lebanon War, telling the Italian paper, "Two years ago, we saw the price that's paid for a lack of an experienced leadership. Nevertheless, today we're equipped with a good understanding to prevent this from happening again."

He added that UN Security Council Resolution 1701 that brought an end to the war was inefficient since Hizbullah, Syria and Iran were doing what they wanted in Lebanon.

Jerusalem Post staff contributed to this report.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by Neshant »

Wondering if the sudden drop in oil prices is a prerequisite for US launching an attack on or blockaid of Iran? The arabs want it to happen and perhaps agreed to increase supply while US does the nasty to Iran.

I find the timing of this large drop in prices and surge of the dollar to be suspect. Also the fact that the nuclear 'deal' with India is being rushed through by MMS as if there's some invisible deadline.

Has MMS sold our neighbour Iran down the river .
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by svinayak »

SPECIAL REPORT: Kuwait Readying for War in Gulf?

By CLAUDE SALHANI (Editor, Middle East Times)
Published: August 11, 2008 ... gulf/7724/

Leading the U.S. and British naval battle groups, and a French hunter-killer submarine, headed for the Gulf is the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (shown here) with its 80-plus combat planes. (Photo by CVN 71 via Newscom).
The small oil-rich emirate of Kuwait – situated between Iraq, Iran and an un-enviable geographic hard place on the northern end of the Persian Gulf – has reportedly activated its "Emergency War Plan" as a massive U.S. and European armada is reported heading for the region.

Coming on the heels of Operation Brimstone just a week ago that saw U.S., British and French naval forces participate in war games in the Atlantic Ocean, the object of which was to practice enforcing an eventual blockade on Iran, the joint task force is now headed for the Gulf and what could easily turn into a major confrontation with Iran.

The naval force comprises a U.S. Navy super carrier battle group and is accompanied by an expeditionary carrier battle group, a British Royal Navy carrier battle group and a French nuclear hunter-killer submarine.

Leading the pack is the nuclear-powered carrier, the USS Theodore Roosevelt and its Carrier Strike Group Two; besides its 80-plus combat planes the Roosevelt normally transports, it is carrying an additional load of French Naval Rafale fighter jets from the French carrier Charles de Gaulle, currently in dry dock.

Adding to the volatility is the presence of a major Russian navy deployment affected earlier this year to the eastern Mediterranean comprising the jewel of the Russian fleet, the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov with approximately 50 Su-33 warplanes that have the capacity for mid-air refueling. This means the Russian warplanes could reach the Gulf from the Mediterranean, a distance of some 850 miles and would be forced to fly over Syria (not a problem) but Iraq as well, where the skies are controlled by the U.S. military, and the guided missile heavy cruiser Moskva. The Russian task force is believed to be composed of no less than a dozen warships as well as several submarines.

However, Russia is unlikely to get involved in a military showdown in the Persian Gulf, particularly at this time when it is engaged in a major confrontation with the Republic of Georgia in South Ossetia.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by shyamd »

Kuwait had already given clearance to Israel, to use its airspace to attack Iran.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by shyamd »

DEBKAfile’s military sources have confirmed after checking the story out that Moscow is withholding a consignment of advanced S-300 anti-air missile batteries promised Iran and will not send them out in the near future.

Sources in Washington, Moscow and Tel Aviv recently claimed that deliveries were due in early September, which would have seriously impeded a possible Israel Air Force strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by shyamd »

Iran launches first satellite into orbit. Israel: Regional strategic balance altered
An Iranian news network IRNN showed footage of what it called a domestically-manufactured communications satellite named Safir-e Omid being launched in darkness, accompanied by patriotic hymns, Sunday, Aug. 17.

DEBKAfile reports from one Iranian source that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad attended the event. Our military sources stress that confirmation of Iran’s successful launch would represent a strategic breakthrough, testifying to Tehran’s ability to fire ballistic missiles possibly armed with nuclear warheads to distances of thousands of kilometers, against Israel and beyond; Europe and parts of Asia would also be in range. The launching would have paved the way for spy satellites.

If verified, Iran’s space achievement would offset one of Israel’s prime military assets, its superiority in space technology.

According to our sources, Tehran caught Israel, the United States and both their undercover agencies by surprise. They knew Iran was working on a space program but not how close the Iranians were to placing a satellite in orbit.

Our sources believe that the capsule was boosted by the Shehab-5 missile, whose range the Iranians boast is up to 5,000 km and, according to some military experts, reaches 7,000 km.

The Islamic Republic’s reported feat comes at a bad time for Moscow internationally. The Russians emphatically dismiss America’s argument for installing missile interceptors in Poland as a shield against Iranian ballistic missile attack, claiming they were aimed at Russia. The Kremlin accuses the Bush administration using this false claim as a pretext, because Iran had not so far developed a ballistic threat. Now, that proof may have been provided Sunday, Moscow will have to reconsider its position.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by Neshant »

Debka is about as unreliable a news source as they come.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by ramana »

What is the weight they are saying for the satellite? I wonder if Iran will get inspired by the Caucasus mess?
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by Gerard »

According to a few web sources, the Safir launch vehicle has a payload of 50-100 kg to LEO
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by shyamd »

Reza Taghizadeh said: “The Safir satellite carrier was launched today and for the first time we successfully launched a dummy satellite into orbit.”
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by ramana »

Can soemone get a feel for the numbers? Does the vehicle have the capability to launch a ~ 100kg weight to LEO?
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by Gerard »

Pentagon doubts Iranian rocket test succeeded
The two-stage rocket could have been capable of launching a satellite into space, but the U.S. intelligence assessment shows that the second stage "was erratic and out of control," said the official, who declined to be identified because of the sensitivity of the intelligence. The rocket "did not perform as designed," the official said.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by satya »

I wonder if Iran will get inspired by the Caucasus mess?

This article may shed some light on Iran's stance on Russian-Georgian Issue

Iran gambles over Georgia's crisis
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by ramana »

From HIndu site


A Saturday Aug. 16, 2008 photo taken at an undisclosed location in Iran which the Fars News Agency claim shows Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, second right, looking at an Iranian satellite launching vehicle. Iran has test launched a rocket it plans to use to carry a research satellite into orbit, state television reported on Sunday. Saturday's test of the two-stage rocket, called the Safir-e Omid, or Ambassador of Peace, was successful, state TV said. Photo: AP
Usually two-stage wont have the boost velocity for this unless its super duper powered. The other alternative is it has massive two stage and is being used sub-optimally and is used to send a message.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by renukb » ... 4&sz=86276

Turkish observers speculate Bush to attack Iran before leaving office

Turkish analysts and commentators say the likelihood of a U.S. attack on Iran before President George W. Bush leaves office has increased as the issue continues to top the country's agenda with the Iranian leader's visit last week.

Earlier media reports suggested Turkish President Abdullah Gul warned his Iranian counterpart against the possibility of a U.S. attack and urged him to accept the latest package of incentives and suspending uranium enrichment works.

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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by Sadler »

ramana wrote:From HIndu site
Usually two-stage wont have the boost velocity for this unless its super duper powered. The other alternative is it has massive two stage and is being used sub-optimally and is used to send a message.
kaffir physics! phoeey!
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by renukb »

Moscow against any new anti-Iran resolution: envoy

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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by renukb » ... =351020104

Russia: Iran N-plant operational in '08
Sat, 23 Aug 2008 17:26:16 GMT

Iran's nuclear reactor in Bushehr
Iran's first Russian-built nuclear power plant in the southern city of Bushehr will become operational by the end of 2008, Moscow says.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by renukb »

Russia's nuclear chief to visit Iran's new power plant ... trParentID

Iran’s Ahmadinejad, Russia’s Medvedev to hold talks

TEHRAN -- Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad will hold talks with his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev on the sidelines the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Dushanbe which begins on Thursday.

Ahmadinejad and Medvedev will talk about strengthening relations between the two countries and discuss regional and international issues, the Fars News Agency reported.

This is the first time that two presidents meet each other.

The SCO’s eighth conference will be held on August 28 and 29. It will be attended by the presidents of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan as its permanent members, the heads of state from Iran, India, Mongolia plus Pakistani foreign minister as observers, and the leaders of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan as guests.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is an intergovernmental international organization founded in Shanghai on 15 June 2001 by six countries, China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Its member states cover an area of about three fifths of Eurasia, with a population of 1.455 billion. Its working languages are Chinese and Russian.

The organization’s main objectives include strengthening confidence among the members, increasing political, scientific, cultural, and educational as well as energy, transportation, tourism cooperation between the member states
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by renukb »

Joseph Biden has shown a softness toward Iran
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by renukb »

Playing 'Iranian Card' Could Allow Moscow to Control Persian Gulf, Russian Expert Says ... Itemid=132

August 28, 2008

Paul Goble

Moscow has "a multitude" of ways to counter the pressure Western countries are bringing to bear on the Russian Federation since its military action in Georgia, but none promises a greater return than forming an alliance with Iran, something that would allow Moscow to control the Persian Gulf, according to a leading Russian specialist on Iran.

In an article in today's "Vremya Novostei," Radzhab Safarov, the director of the Russian Center for the Study of Contemporary Iran, argues that Moscow will gain by establishing closer ties with "those countries which are really opposing the expansion of the United States and its satellites.

Among those, he continues, are Cuba and Syria, "but the most serious step which the United States and especially Israel (which by the way supplied arms to the Georgians) especially fear is the possible revision by Russia of its foreign policy in relation to Iran" and a rapprochement between Moscow and Tehran.

The formation of "a strategic union," Safarov continues, "could change the entire geopolitical picture of the contemporary world" because it could lead to the location on Iranian soil of two Russian bases, one in the north which would give Moscow additional leverage over Azerbaijan and a second in the south which would allow Russia to control the Persian Gulf.

With the latter, he argues, "Russia would have the chance for the first time to stop suspicious ships and check their cargoes just as the Americans have been cynically doing in this zone for many decades," a chance that Moscow could employ to control the flow of oil out of the Middle East and thus have additional leverage in the oil-thirsty countries of Europe and Asia.

One obvious first step, the Iranian specialist says, would be to accelerate the process of the formation of a gas cartel resembling OPEC in oil. Russia has the largest reserves of natural gas, and Iran has the second largest, Safarov says. And together they control more than 60 percent of all proved reserves of this critical fuel.

Iran would clearly benefit from that, he suggests, but to get Tehran to agree to Russian bases, Moscow would have to help Iran with anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense systems as well as to increase "cooperation in practically all spheres, including nuclear energy," something Iran wants and that Russia would benefit from financially.

And Safarov adds that there is an additional reason for Moscow to consider such ties with Iran: Given what he describes as "the rapid collapse of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) which Georgia has left, Russia could accelerate the process of the inclusion of Iran as a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

That would cement Moscow's links to much of the Muslim world, Safarov adds, and would led additional weight to the SCO because of Iran's capabilities. And in the more distant future, that could lay "the foundation of a powerful strategic axis of Russia, Iran and China," one that he suggests "the United States and its allies are so afraid of."

There is as yet no indication that the Kremlin has any intention of moving as far in this direction as Safarov urges or that Iran, which in recent weeks has been pursuing closer ties with Turkey, would agree. But given Moscow's belief that its Georgian moves have shown the world that Caspian basin oil must flow through Russia, what Safarov says is clearly a logical next step.

And indeed it would not represent a departure either from longstanding Russian interests in moving south – one thinks of Vladimir Zhirinovsky's call for Russian soldiers to "wash their boots" in the sea to Russia's south – or from Moscow's recent involvement in the development of Iran's nuclear program.

Safarov's article may thus be intended to test the reaction among both Russian elites and the West about a potential step that would as he says dramatically change the geo-political and geo-economic balance of power not only in the Middle East but across much of the oil and gas-hungry world.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by renukb »

Russia threatens to supply Iran with top new missile system as 'cold war' escalates ... lates.html

Russia is deploying the threat to sell a "game changing" air defence system to Iran as a high stakes bargaining chip in its new "cold war" with America, The Sunday Telegraph has learned.

US intelligence fears the Kremlin will supply the sophisticated S-300 system to Tehran if Washington pushes through Nato membership for its pro-Western neighbours Georgia and Ukraine.

The proposed deal is causing huge alarm in the US and Israel as the S-300 can track 100 targets at once and fire on planes up to 75 miles away.

That would make it a "game-changer", greatly improving Iranian defences against any air strike on its nuclear sites, according to Pentagon adviser Dan Goure. "This is a system that scares every Western air force," he said.

Senior US intelligence operatives believe that Russia is planning to use a stand-off over the S-300 to create a foreign policy showdown that would test the mettle of a new US president.

Republican candidate John McCain has taken a strongly anti-Kremlin line on a series of international issues and backed Georgia's desire to join Nato. His Democratic rival Barack Obama has also indicated he supports Nato membership for Georgia.

"The message from Moscow is very clear," said George Friedman, director of Stratfor, a leading US private intelligence agency. "They are saying if you don't stop meddling in our sphere of influence, this is what we are going to do.

"Back Georgia and Ukraine for Nato membership and you'll see the S-300 to Iran. It is a very powerful bargaining chip and a major deterrent to US actions in the region. Moscow is playing very strategically on America's obsession with Iran."

Moscow has been infuriated by the steady encroachment of Nato into the former Soviet bloc and the recent granting of independence to the ex-Serbian province of Kosovo against its wishes.

After American condemnation of Russia's foray into Georgia, Moscow invited Syria's dictator Bashar al-Assad, a long-time US foe, to discuss military deals in a deliberate signal of how it could cause trouble for Washington.

A senior US intelligence operative who recently returned from the Middle East said Russia is believed to have struck a tentative deal to sell the S-300 to the Islamic regime. There are reports that Russia has already moved some basic components for the system to its close ally Belarus, ready for possible transfer to Iran.

"Moscow cannot simply threaten to strike the deal," the official told The Sunday Telegraph. "Iran certainly thinks it has a deal. And the Israelis believe that a deal has been reached but that they can still block it."

The outgoing Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert is expected to pass that message on to his counterpart Vladimir Putin and President Dmitri Medvedev when he visits Moscow next month. Israel has already ended military assistance to Georgia in an effort to placate Russia.

Russia has denied previous assertions by senior Iranians that a deal has already been finalised on the S-300.

Dan Goure, a long-time Pentagon adviser, said: "If Tehran obtained the S-300, it would be a game-changer in military thinking for tackling Iran. That could be a catalyst for Israeli air attacks before it's operational."

Dr Friedman said that if it became operational, it would effectively rule out Israeli air raids and seriously complicate any US aerial bombardment.

The system would take up to a year to become operational. In the meantime, Israel would come under heavy domestic pressure to launch an attack on Iranian nuclear plants, which the West believes are part of a secret atomic weapons programme but which Tehran claims are for civilian energy.

A senior Iranian military commander warned yesterday that any attack on Iran would start a major conflict. "Any aggression against Iran will start a world war," deputy chief of staff for defence publicity, Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri, said in a statement. "The unrestrained greed of the US leadership and global Zionism... is gradually leading the world to the edge of a precipice."
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by ramana »

How does the US weapons expert's opinion about PRC nuke designs and cooperation with TSP impact Iran?

Chinese Tests; 1964-1996

If the PRC could transfer such stuff how do we knoe they didnt send more than that?

Also shows US silence over TSP's nuclearization after Cold War was over.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by renukb »

US to Attack Iran 'within weeks' According to Dutch Newspaper

If US can pre-empt Russian arms supplies to Iran, why shouldn't Russia pre-empt strikes in Eastern EU?
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by Philip »

More on Iran's new sub and its capabilities.Some of these claims appear highly dubious,but as mentioned in the naval post,Iran could've acquired Chinese sub launched missiles,which can both hit ships and land targets. ... he-making/

New Iranian Submarine
Filed under: Iran, Lead Story — Michael van der Galien, Editor-in-Chief on September 1, 2008

Iran is building a new submarine which could radically alter the balance of power, sources told PoliGazette.

According to this report at a Turkish news channel the submarine will be able to fire missiles from the sea to land. As of yet, it is not publicly known whether Ghaem, as the sub is called according to the report (it has a different, or second name according to information PoliGazette received), will carry nuclear or normal weapons.

The United States thinks the submarine poses a strategic danger.

At this moment, not much more is publicly known. The Turkish channel may even be the only major news organization that knows a bit about it. Most other organizations will have to wait.

An anonymous with knowledge about the submarine program, however, told PoliGazette that the American, Turkish and other major militaries are aware of the specifics of the submarine. She added they believe Iran is producing 140 ‘Ghaem’ submarines.

Since Iran is rapidly developing nuclear weapons, it seems safe to assume that ‘Ghaem’ may very well be capable of using nuclear instead of conventional weapons.

‘Ghaem’ has the potential to drastically change the balance of power in the region. One of the major reasons for this is that, the source explained to PoliGazette, ‘Ghaem’ cannot be detected by radar.

Iran is revamping its military considerably. ‘Ghaem’ is only one of the many new weapons Iran has produced in recent months and years. Its major program is, of course, nuclear; one power plant is already producing nuclear energy. According to estimations, the Iranians are able to build a nuclear bomb on this nuclear plan within a year or so.

In addition to this power plant, the Iranians are building a couple, according to several sources five or six, more in the coming years. This means that, 10 - 13 years or so from now, the Iranians will be able to produce nuclear weapons whenever they want, within only a few months, perhaps weeks, time.planning to build a couple,

These developments will concern the United States, Israel and other major regional players such as Turkey considerably.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by renukb »

Iran to hold anti-aircraft war games ... e:-1-8.php

TEHRAN, Iran: Iran's official news agency says that the country will launch on Monday a three-day anti-aircraft exercise.

The IRNA report says the maneuver is aimed at improving defensive capabilities and will involve new weapons and tactics.

Sunday's announcement comes amid heightened tension in Iran following Israel's major military exercises involving war planes over the eastern Mediterranean in June. The exercise was described in the U.S. press as a possible rehearsal for a strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.

The West accuses Iran of trying to create a nuclear weapons program — a claim Iran denies, maintaining its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by Suppiah »

Iran needs nuclear power about as much as a Siberian needs an air-cooler. If anyone seriously believes that it is for 'peaceful' purposes, they can believe anything. If Israel/US do take offensive action to destroy Iran's nuclear ambition, regardless of the moral rights or wrongs of it, they are doing India a HUGE HUGE favor.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions - 11 December 2007

Post by renukb »

Suppiah wrote:Iran needs nuclear power about as much as a Siberian needs an air-cooler. If anyone seriously believes that it is for 'peaceful' purposes, they can believe anything. If Israel/US do take offensive action to destroy Iran's nuclear ambition, regardless of the moral rights or wrongs of it, they are doing India a HUGE HUGE favor.

Exactly how?
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