Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by RajeshA »

sunilUpa wrote:$600-800m needed to cope with IDP crises, says Tarin
ISLAMBAD: Pakistan needs about $600-800 million to cope with the influx of internally displaced people, Adviser to Prime Minister Shaukat Tarin said on Monday.
He said that foreign donors should realise ‘this as an opportunity to win hearts and minds of the displaced people.’
Damn, these beggers have made begging an art, it is the donors who have to win porki's heart and mind...not porki govt.
Reminds me of those gangs crippling little children and conscripting them for begging. In order to beg big time, the Pakistani establishment has crippled 1.6 million civilians, made them homeless and destitute. Shame on these Pakis!
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Rupesh wrote:. . . Bakistan has finally managed to start thinking abt exporting wheat...
TSP has been claiming, as is usual every year, that the wheat crop this year would be a bumper one. They are expecting 23 mt as against the normal 18 or 19 mt. Time will soon tell if they lied once again or not. Of course, here in BRf, we know what time will tell.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by James B »

SSridhar wrote:
Rupesh wrote:. . . Bakistan has finally managed to start thinking abt exporting wheat...
TSP has been claiming, as is usual every year, that the wheat crop this year would be a bumper one. They are expecting 23 mt as against the normal 18 or 19 mt. Time will soon tell if they lied once again or not. Of course, here in BRf, we know what time will tell.
How is that possible when Kufr India is blocking the water going into Pakistan? :twisted:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by harbans »

How is that possible when Kufr India is blocking the water going into Pakistan?

:) Good point. Their arguments on the IWT seem to fall flat with this..

More damage to H & D follows (Apologies if posted earlier)
So instead of deluding ourselves that our dangerously naive president can somehow wave a magic wand over fanatically zealous radical Islamics who are determined to destroy the Great Satan, we must immediately present not only Pakistan, but also Iran and North Korea this ultimatum:

In exchange for a hefty aid package, allow the internationally supervised destruction of any and all nuclear weapons and facilities, along with ongoing foolproof inspections, or we will destroy them together with any retaliatory capabilities we deem necessary. And let it be known that if our ultimatum is rejected and any retaliation to our attacks occurs, we will inflict catastrophic damage on the offender's infrastructure and military with the goal of forcing regime change.

Let everyone understand that our very survival as a modern nation is in grave peril and we will take any and all actions necessary to ensure our survival. Respecting the so-called sovereign rights of nations cannot even be a consideration when they pose a menace to our national security. Nor can Pakistan's professed need to be able to counter India's nuclear capabilities, especially since India threatens no one.

http://washingtontimes.com/news/2009/ma ... t-at-risk/
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by archan »

kancha, the link does not work unless you have an account. Moreover it seems to be a link to the whole e-paper. Can you find the story published in html and link to it? thanks.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by kancha »

He told Radio New Zealand that officials at the airport inspected his “underwear and read his notebook”.
One wonders whether the search was limited to just the underwear, or he merited a deeper probe :rotfl:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by James B »

He told Radio New Zealand that officials at the airport inspected his “underwear and read his notebook”.
Was the notebook in his underwear? :rotfl: :rotfl:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by John_H »

Pakistani army controls Buner, but residents fear Taliban's return
The United Nations said Monday that some 1.5 million Pakistanis had been uprooted by the military offensive in Buner, Swat and Dir, another neighboring district. "It has been a long time since there has been a displacement this big," said Ron Redmond, a spokesman for the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, in Geneva. "It could go back to Rwanda," a reference to the 1994 exodus from a genocide in the Central African country.

The Taliban "are totally playing a military game. Who's giving them such good plans? In Daggar, we had to drop troops behind them by helicopter," Akhundzada said.

"We need more vehicles, and armored vehicles, greater forces (manpower), heavy weapons," said Abdur Rashid, Buner's top police official. "There is always a danger of these people coming back."
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by John_H »

Sex workers in Pakistan give recommendations on HIV prevention to health officials
A female sex worker at the meeting said, "It is very hard for us to convince [partners] to put on a condom, but I feel that a female condom would put us in a position where we can protect ourselves against HIV and sexually transmitted infections." She added that female condoms are not widely available. Legalizing sex work would make it easier for sex workers to protect their rights, another female sex worker at the conference said. She added that often, outreach workers face barriers from police forces.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by John_H »

Gitmo prisoners may find home in Germany
A high-ranking German official said the country may accept a few Chinese prisoners from Guantanamo Bay, a move rejected by many ministers last week.

The inmates, captured in Pakistan and Afghanistan in 2001 and now declared released by the Obama government, are from China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region and are part of the outlawed East Turkestan Islamic Movement, the Chinese government has said.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by John_H »

Is Karachi next?
By Faheem Al-Hamid
I HAVE never been tired of visiting Karachi, Pakistan’s economic hub and melting pot. It’s a microcosm of Pakistan with virtually every ethnic group in the country represented – Balochis, native Sindhis, Punjabis and Pashtuns. There are Muslims, Christians and even Hindus in the population, spanning every class of society from poor to super rich, weak to mighty, lawmakers to lawbreakers – all of whom are densely packed into a colorful and culturally vibrant port city that’s outrageously full of life, good or bad.

“The spokesman of Baitullah Mehsud, in a video footage on TV, has said that the Taleban is present in a big number in Karachi and, whenever Baitullah Mehsud asks, they would take over Karachi,” Rizvi said. – Okaz/SG
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by arun »

Continuing on the H&D down the tubes front …………..

Despite a marked predilection of naming ballistic missiles after Afghans (Ghauri, Ghaznavi Abdali etc), Pakistan was rather offended with being bracketed with Afghanistan when the “AfPak” policy was unveiled.

Being now bracketed with Rwanda is going to be a blow of a very different order to Pakistan’s “Honour & Dignity”:
Pakistan refugee crisis could be as bad as Rwanda, says UN

The number of people displaced by fighting in Pakistan's northwestern Swat valley has risen to more than 1.4 million, the UN's humanitarian chief, John Holmes, has said.

Published: 6:15AM BST 19 May 2009

……………….. Ron Redmond, the UNHCR's spokesman said: "It's been a long time since there has been a displacement this big. It could go back to Rwanda." ………………..

The Telegraph, UK
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by John_H »

CIA chief says US drone attacks in Pak 'very effective'
Asked about criticism of the missile attacks by counter- insurgency experts, the CIA Director said he did not want to discuss specifics, "but I can assure you that in terms of that particular area, it is very precise and is very limited in terms of collateral damage." "Very frankly, it's the only game in town in terms of confronting or trying to disrupt the al-Qaeda leadership," Panetta told the Pacific Council on International Policy in Los Angeles.

Pakistan has complained repeatedly about the air strikes on its territory by the US-operated drones.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by SSridhar »

John_H wrote:Pakistani army controls Buner, but residents fear Taliban's return
. . . The Taliban "are totally playing a military game. Who's giving them such good plans? In Daggar, we had to drop troops behind them by helicopter," Akhundzada said.
The report says that Akhundzada is the top most civil administrator in Buner. It is very clear that a part of PA/ISI is helping the Taliban while another part is seemingly fighting the Taliban. This whole dangerous puppet charade is being conducted from the highest levels.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by John_H »

US gives another free pass to Pak nuclear program
WASHINGTON: The United States has again given what virtually amounts to a free pass to Pakistan's India-specific nuclear weapons program, washing
its hands off reports by its own military and intelligence that Islamabad is rapidly expanding its arsenal, while insisting it will ensure US aid is not spent on the country's nuclear program.

Elsewhere in the administration, there were similar calls to delink the aid package from Pakistan's nuclear program. Avoiding the fungibility argument, Admiral Mullen told a Washington think-tank on Monday that he was "not aware of any US aid that has gone toward nuclear weapons, save that which is very focused... on improving their security. Which is exactly what we'd like and they've done that."

He was referring to the $ 100 million that the previous Bush administration gave to enhance Pakistan's nuclear weapons security, about which some US officials say they have no idea where and how it was spent.
Click on the link to read the full interview.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by John_H »

Clinton to make announcement on Pakistan aid
WASHINGTON, May 19 (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will make an announcement on humanitarian aid to Pakistan on Tuesday, the White House said.

Clinton was scheduled to speak to reporters at the White House at 11:15 a.m. EDT/1515 GMT. President Barack Obama recently unveiled a new Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy that included a stronger emphasis on economic development in both countries where Islamic insurgencies are on the rise.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by John_H »

EU continues ban on Pak seafood imports
KARACHI: Pakistan failed to persuade the European Union to lift the ban on fish and shrimp despite the lapse of two years.

The EU had banned the import of fish and shrimps from Pakistan since January 2007on the grounds that the fish processing units operating in Karachi Fish Harbour were not up to mark and that the boats used to catch fish and shrimps from the sea are also not insulated.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by John_H »

FACTBOX - More than one million displaced in Pakistan
Following are some facts about the displaced.

- The number of people displaced by the fighting has risen to more than 1.4 million, U.N. humanitarian chief John Holmes said on Monday.

- They are joining about 555,000 displaced by earlier fighting in the northwest.

- Thousands of people remain in the valley and the head of the government's relief effort said authorities were trying to ensure regular food supplies for them.

- The United Nations says about 48 percent of the displaced are children and the country faces a long-term humanitarian crisis.

- The United Nations said 15 to 20 percent of the displaced who have registered with authorities, or about 250,000 people, are in some 24 camps. The rest are staying with friends, relatives, in rented accommodation or in "spontaneous settlements" that have sprung up.

- The U.N. refugee agency has opened stockpiles of supplies to help the displaced and has also airlifted in 120 tonnes of supplies including plastic sheets for shelters and mosquito nets.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by John_H »

Detainee Can’t Sue Head of U.S. Agencies, Court Rules
NationalBy Kimberly Colander - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Monday that a Pakistani Muslim can not sue the heads of two government agencies for mistreatment during his incarceration after the Sept. 11 attacks.

In November 2001, Iqbal was charged with fraud of identification documents and conspiracy to defraud the United States. In his complaint, Iqbal alleged that "his jailors kicked him in the stomach, punched him in the face, and dragged him across his cell without justification." His jailors also allegedly "subjected him to serial strip and body-cavity searches when he posed no safety risk to himself or others." He also claimed he was not allowed to say Muslim prayers while imprisoned.

"An important lesson learned in this case is that frivolous lawsuits should not go past initial trials," said Richard Samp, chief counsel of Washington Legal Foundation and one of the team of lawyers representing Ashcroft and Mueller.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by John_H »

Internally displaced girls fleeing a military offensive in the Swat valley hold classes inside a tent at an UNHCR camp (United Nations High Commission for Refugees) in the outskirts of Peshawar May 19, 2009. A Pakistani military offensive against Taliban militants in their Swat valley bastion has forced more than a million people from their homes, the government and the United Nations say.
Internally displaced girls fleeing a military offensive in the Swat valley hold classes inside a tent at an UNHCR camp (United Nations High Commission for Refugees) in the outskirts of Peshawar May 19, 2009. A Pakistani military offensive against Taliban militants in their Swat valley bastion has forced more than a million people from their homes, the government and the United Nations say. REUTERS/Ali Imam
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by John_H »

http://d.yimg.com/a/p/ap/20090519/capt. ... xgb102.jpg

http://d.yimg.com/a/p/ap/20090519/capt. ... xgb103.jpg

http://d.yimg.com/a/p/ap/20090519/capt. ... xgb101.jpg
People from the Pakistani Sikh community, who fled their homes in the troubled northwest, wait to enter a hall to eat lunch at the a Sikh Temple at Hasanabdal, near Islamabad, Pakistan, Tuesday, May 19, 2009. More than 300 Sikhs from Buner and Swat in Pakistan's northwest, have sought shelter at the temple since fighting broke out between Pakistan's army and Taliban militants in April.
(AP Photo/Greg Baker)
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by John_H »

http://d.yimg.com/a/p/afp/20090519/capt ... 21-2-0.jpg

ID the weapon please.

http://d.yimg.com/a/p/ap/20090519/capt. ... pes106.jpg
Pakistani army troops unload fans and other stuff from truck to distribute them into inherently displaced people at Jalozai camp in Peshawar, Pakistan on Tuesday, May 19, 2009. Pakistan said Tuesday it was racing to help refugees fleeing a military offensive against the Taliban in its northwest, an exodus of some 1.5 million of a speed and size the U.N. said could rival the displacement caused by Rwanda's genocide.
(AP Photo/Mohammad Sajjad)

Aamir, an internally displaced Christian boy fleeing a military offensive in the Malakand agency, rests inside a church in Mardan, about 120 km (75 miles) northwest of Pakistan's capital Islamabad May 18, 2009. About 100 people belonging to Christian and Hindu communities who fled from a military offensive in the Malakand Agency take refuge in a church in Mardan. Picture taken May 18, 2009.

An internally displaced boy, fleeing military operations in Buner, stand in line to receive tea at a UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees) camp in Takht Bai district in Mardan, about 150 km (93 miles) northwest of Pakistan's capital Islamabad, May 18, 2009. Pakistani soldiers were locked in heavy fighting with Taliban militants in their Swat bastion on Monday, the army said, as the government won broad support for the offensive from political parties.
An internally displaced girl, fleeing military operations in Buner, carries a pot filled with tea as others stand in line to receive tea at a UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees) camp in Takht Bai district in Mardan, about 150 km (93 miles) northwest of Pakistan's capital Islamabad, May 18, 2009. Pakistani soldiers were locked in heavy fighting with Taliban militants in their Swat bastion on Monday, the army said, as the government won broad support for for the offensive from political parties.
http://d.yimg.com/a/p/ap/20090518/capt. ... xgb117.jpg
A man holds a baby at the Sheikh Shehzad refugee camp at Mardan, in northwest Pakistan, Monday, May 18, 2009. More than a million Pakistanis have fled fighting between the army and Taliban militants in the Swat Valley, with around 100,000 living in camps near the town of Mardan, south of the battle zone.
(AP Photo/Greg Baker)
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by John_H »

CIA: US does not know location of all Pakistan's nuclear weapons
"Obviously, we do try to understand where all of these are located," he replied. "We don't have, frankly, the intelligence to know where they all are located."

He added that the US is confident that Pakistani government has a "pretty secure approach to try to protect these weapons".

"It is something that we continue to watch. The last thing we want is to have the Taliban have access to nuclear weapons in Pakistan."

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Gerard »


Isn't shellfish haram?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Amber G. »

Gerard wrote:

Isn't shellfish haram?
According to wiki: ( Fatwa No. : 81583)
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.
Shrimps are Halal. Allah and His Prophet (Blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) has allowed it. Prophet Muhammad (Blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said.
Two types of dead animals and two types of blood are permitted for us. The types of dead animals are seafood and locusts. The two types of blood are the liver and the spleen.

Allah knows best.
(BTW, crocodiles and frogs are haram, sea snakes, turtles, otters are (if brought from a halal shop) are ok)
Last edited by Amber G. on 19 May 2009 20:25, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by adityaS »

India should take the lead in initiating arms control talks with Pakistan and China. It should also declare its intention to stop producing nuclear weapons fuel (what is this saar?), even before a proposed multinational treaty is negotiated.
More broadly, India must help to revive world trade talks by opening its markets. It could use its considerable trade clout with Iran, Sudan and Myanmar to curb Tehran’s nuclear program, end the genocide in Darfur and press Myanmar’s junta to expand human rights. (India should stop Somalian pirates too, and those vicious penguins melting polar ice.)
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Gerard »

I did not say Cheney killed Benazir: Hersh
US journalist Seymour Hersh on Monday contradicted news reports being published in South Asia that quote him as saying a “special death squad” made by former US vice president Dick Cheney had killed Benazir Bhutto. The award-winning journalist described as “complete madness” the reports that the squad headed by General Stanley McChrystal – the new commander of US army in Afghanistan – had also killed former Lebanese prime minister Rafique Al Hariri and a Lebanese army chief. “
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by Gerard »

More broadly, India must help to revive world trade talks by opening its markets. It could use its considerable trade clout with Iran, Sudan and Myanmar to curb Tehran’s nuclear program, end the genocide in Darfur and press Myanmar’s junta to expand human rights.
India must bail out western banks and solve the financial crisis too.

The Indian consul general in NYC must invite these NYT editors over for some chai and biscuits. They need to be informed about the 360 degrees of azimuth in relation to world trade talks.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by harbans »

In the NYT editorial, i must say some of the comments by Indians are awesome. Don't miss reading them. The Paki one's posing as Westerners stand out like a sore thumb too. :)
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by NRao »

On a more serious note, it just shows the bankruptcy that exists in US thinking. At ALL levels.

The US will pay dearly for this.

Expect the US to tell India to fund the refuge crisis in Pakistan. The Friends of Pakistan Group has run out of donor countries.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by John_H »

UAE companies eye projects in Pakistan
Investors from the UAE are considering a number of investments in Pakistan, despite escalating violence in the north-west of the country. Pakistan is relying on attracting investment from the region to boost its economy, which is struggling with a huge foreign debt and large fuel and food import bills.

The Abu Dhabi Group may invest up to US$600 million (Dh2.2 billion) in a power plant project in Pakistan and is considering further investments in the energy sector.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by John_H »

Two Pakistani mangoes exhibitions in Russia, China, Iran in July
Pakistan horticulture development and export board and mango growers have unanimously decided for the holding of two overseas mango exhibitions in mid July, exporters, growers’ joint meeting in the first week of May to ensure mango export at wide range to capture worldwide markets.

At least five countries are hot favorites for Pakistani mango include China, Korea, Iran, India and South Africa and capturing the markets of these countries was stressed by the growers. The joint meeting has also decided for the establishment of an export house in Multan in the next year and three irradiation plants in Lahore, Karachi and Peshawar, however proposals would be submitted during the current year to provide complete infrastructure of grading, vexing, and cold chain to ensure preservation of king of fruits.

He said the PHDEB has identified the biggest markets for mango export, which are China, Korea, Iran, India and South Africa which were densely populated countries with conciderable buying power. During market infrastructure development it was revealed that brother country Iran with a population of 60 million was looking for a taste of mango and the Pakistani mango would have to capture Iranian market.
Is it the same variety which was presented to Honorable Late President Zia ?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by John_H »

Pakistani Police Arrested Ijaz Ahmed In Forgery Case
Ijaz AhmedPakistani police force halted and charged former test player and national group fielding Coach Ijaz Ahmed on charges of forging bank cheques.

The 40 years old Ijaz runs his own business group in Lahore aside from working as a fielding coach for the National Cricket Academy.

The cheques were valued at Rs 11 million (about 95,000 pounds).

"They have registered a forgery case against Ijaz who is in lock up now," police official Rana Jabbar said.

Salim Malik, Pakistan's former test captain, who is also Ijaz’s brother-in-law, refused that his family member had made any mistake.

"The reality is that these property dealers are in debt money to Ijaz and they have lodged a fake case against him," Malik said.
I believe he is on bail now.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by NRao »

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by John_H »

Canada resumes military training program with Pakistan: MacKay
OTTAWA — Canada will resume an officer-training program with Pakistan's military that has been suspended for more than a decade, Defence Minister Peter MacKay said Tuesday.

Canada severed its military-to-military relations with Pakistan in 1998 when the South Asian country conducted its first nuclear tests. MacKay said the program may resume by fall.

"It would be more like an officer-exchange program," he said in an interview.

"So, not so much in terms of us training their officers here, but at a staff college level where you would have seminars and lectures that could occur."

The defence minister is in Islamabad for talks with his counterpart Ahmad Mukhtar and other government officials.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by John_H »

Photos show Pakistan expanding nuclear sites: institute
WASHINGTON (AFP) — Satellite photos released on Tuesday show Pakistan has expanded two sites crucial to its nuclear program as part of an effort to bolster the destructive power of its atomic arsenal, a US arms control institute said.

The commercial images reveal a major expansion of a chemical plant complex near Dera Ghazi Kahn that produces uranium hexalfuoride and uranium metal, materials used to produce nuclear weapons, said analysts at the Institute for Science and International Security.

At a site near Rawalpindi, photos suggest the Pakistanis "have added a second plutonium separation plant adjacent to the old one," the ISIS report said.

Pakistan in recent years also has been building two new plutonium production reactors, it said.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by harbans »

Another thing being falsely bandied about in the Western Media (started with BBC) is that this is Pakistans worst internal displacement crisis..does'nt Bangladesh 1971 count? India itself had 10 million refugees, and according to accounts there was a floating population of around 25 million (!!!!) wandering aimlessly in E Pakistan when Yahya Khans goons and PA was on their murderous and raping rampage..

PS: Well after Hitlers massacre of Jews (6 million) in 6 years...PA did the next best genocide 3 million in 9 months in E Pakistan. Rwanda comes a poor second with 1.5 million, and pol pots Cambodia a poor third with 1 million. Some places one just can't beat the TFTA PA!
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Post by John_H »

Support is being drummed up and the sympathy factor tapped in for the beggars. Already Uncle Sam has been kind enough to disburse 100 mln as emergency aid. Can't believe even Obama is falling in the same trap.