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Posted: 30 Mar 2007 04:34
by SaiK
A: "A line joining a planet and the sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time." (Kepler 2)
B: "The Lord should be in line with your sight, Should sweep out equal number of Bhakts(or thought processes towards God) during equal intervals of time during Pradakshina"
C: "Don't lose line of sight, maintain distance between the other person, Stay focus with relative speed"
D: "Follow C and understand him while doing a Pradakshina. Just do it! copy it"

A: "The squares of the orbital periods of planets are directly proportional to the cubes of the semi-major axis of the orbits." (Kepler 3)
B: "If you spend x times in Pradakshina, Lord helps you x2 times. Proportinally, your peace & energy level increase a3 times where a is the distance between aham and vigraham"
C: "Enforce meditation, focus on gaining mental energy & strength, you effects(energy) are going to be squared, and your benefits (peace) cubed."
D: "Follow & understand C.. Just close your eyes and meditate while Pradakshina, Think you are free."

that was for Kepler .. btw, my understanding is A, B, C, D are different Class of People following Modern Hindusim. A is more scientific and knowledged, B seeks for A's position and is candidate A, C would not understand science, but need a logical reasoning for his religious actions. D needs just rules, and he would follow blindly.

Hindu Implementation of Newton's laws of motion:-
A: An object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by another force. (Newton 1)
B: Follow Sanatana Dharma(SD), you will remain with peace, unless acted upon by another religion. Correct your Dharmic faults, use interference to jump into higher SD quantum.
C: Stay with B, understand your roles and actions. Seek B's help on interference.
D: Follow C, inform C & B if hindered. Ensure, you in motion with C get help from B.

A: Force equals mass times acceleration.
B: Ensure you spread SD, and gain SD mass. The faster you spread SD, the Force shall be with you.
C: Force is with you, just follow SD. spread SD understanding.
D: You have the force. seek C's help to understand the force.

A: For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction.
B: For every SD action(+ve:understanding, educating others, etc -ve:aDharmic), there is an equal but opposite reaction (+ve:blessings, peace, energy, force, -ve:destruction of evil thoughts)
C: Understand SD from B, do positive role in SD, since there is an equal positive response. understand those apply to you, kith and kin, friends..
D: If you do these and stay with C, you get positve life.. else, you are to face negative force (EJ).

Posted: 30 Mar 2007 06:05
by SBajwa

Here is what I meant by Dharm Yuddh.

Sikhs see no difference between Dharma Yuddh to rescue Sita vs Dharma Yuddh to rescue Indian women from Abdali or Nadir Shah (as Sikhs did)., or even following on the Hukamnana issued by Guru Gobind singh or later by Akal Takht to rescue and restore any women abducted by any Ranghars, Nawabs, Zamindars or Faujdars.

Karm and Dharm is to be followed in totality and not just in front of any Guru (human or a granth), Idol or building any prescribed time.

Thus! we all must to do our Karma and declare Dharm Yuddh against enemies. (even the most non-violent Jains or Buddhists too must join us)