Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

Made In China: Thundaar Mijjile Launcher
Take THAT u camp-forrowels of Capitarist Impeliarist Papel Tigels!
Last edited by UlanBatori on 03 May 2017 05:26, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

Looking through the history of the THAAD planning for SoKO, it is clear that deployment is a counter to the PeeAllSee's persistence in giving nukes and mijjiles to NoKo. PeeAllSee uses NoKo to threaten US while maintaining civil trade relations to milk the US. US in return uses the presence of NoKo mijjiles to sneak THAAD onto PeeAllSee's doorstep. This is similar to the highly controversial deployment of missile shields in Poland Hungary etc. All long-standing BCs (Bissing Contests), not at all related to present tamasha. Which casts present tamasha in a totally different light. So it looks like BO was holding back THAAD deployment out of fear of PeeAllSee, and Zee saw great opportunity in NoKo's recent tests. All in all, interesting chess moves. Is Zee putting out the challenge to both PeeAllSee and NoKO, in a huge gamble? I presume that PeeAllSee has many other chess moves planned, and so does US. Meanwhile Putin's moves seem to be hoping for a collapse of authority at the tri-national river border. If Russia captures both sides of the Tumen river mouth, that is good navigation far upstream, plus control of a nice warm-water coastline facing Japan.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

Experts: pls look at the pic here: presumably THAAD installation in SoKo.Why would one put such a system in a place where the sky is obscured by mountains? Seems REALLY strange. Or is it that the radar is somewhere else entirely, and the mijjiles just need to get out of the hole before deciding which way to go?
“The quick speed with which North Korea’s program is advancing is a “game changer” for our national security,” Royce said.
Rep. Eliot Engel of New York, the ranking Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and a co-sponsor of the bill, said it would close loopholes in existing sanctions and increase the pressure on the North Korean ruler.
Kim is “exceedingly crafty. His regime has become increasingly effective at evading international sanctions,” Engel said. “When we make sanctions tougher, they come up with new ways to get around them: phony bank account, fake companies overseas, shipments under foreign flags.”
The proposed legislation would dial up sanctions on those who do business with Kim’s murderous regime, Engel said.
“If you buy certain materials, like metals or minerals, from North Korea; if you sell fuel that the North Korean military can use; if you have a role in maintaining overseas bank accounts or insuring the ships Pyongyang uses to evade the law, then you’re going to get caught up in these new sanctions,” he said.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Gagan »

There is a known Radar site, where presumably THAAD is deployed.
You are correct, the Radar has to have a line of site to the target, the missile can be anywhere.
Besides, this is a high altitude system, so it needs to point skywards.

IMHO, the THAAD deployment is to protect Japan, and US bases against Chinese and NoKo attack, these will do a boost phase intercept.

Chinese have a known missile site occupied by 2nd artillery corps here: 39° 9'9.79"N, 122° 4'46.97"E
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

Thx, Gaganji.

Meanwhile, gratitude in SoKo bubbles over.
South Korea’s likely next president asks the U.S. to respect its democracy

Anna Fifield May 2 at 7:18 PM

SEONGNAM, South Korea — South Korea is on the brink of electing a liberal president with distinctly different ideas than the Trump administration on how to deal with North Korea — potentially complicating efforts to punish Kim Jong Un’s regime. He is also a candidate who fears that the U.S. government has been acting to box him in on a controversial American missile defense system and circumvent South Korea’s democratic process.
“I don’t believe the U.S. has the intention [to influence our election], but I do have some reservations,” Moon Jae-in told The Washington Post in an interview.
Barring a major upset, Moon will become South Korea’s president Tuesday, replacing Park ­Geun-hye, who was impeached in March and is on trial on bribery charges. Because Park was dismissed from office, Moon will immediately become president if elected, without the usual transition period.
With Moon pledging to review the Park government’s decision to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) antimissile system, the U.S. military has acted swiftly to get it up and running. This has sparked widespread criticism here that the United States is trying to make it difficult, if not impossible, for Moon to reverse it. The final components for THAAD were taken to the site in the middle of the night last week, triggering protests, and the system became operational Monday. It is designed to shoot down North Korean missiles, but many in South Korea fear it will make them more of a target.

“It is not desirable for the [caretaker] South Korean government to deploy THAAD hastily at this politically sensitive time, with the presidential election approaching, and without going through the democratic process, an environmental assessment or a public hearing,” said Moon, sitting on the floor in a Korean restaurant after an evening rally in Seongnam, south of Seoul. “Would it happen this way in the United States? Could the administration make a unilateral decision without following democratic procedures, without ratification or agreement by Congress?”

Privately, Moon aides say they are “furious” about what they see as the expedited installation of THAAD. U.S. Forces Korea said the deployment is in line with plans to have the system operational as soon as possible. But Moon warned that the U.S. actions could undermine south Koreans’ faith in Washington and complicate the countries’ security alliance. “If South Korea can have more time to process this matter democratically, the U.S. will gain a higher level of trust from South Koreans and, therefore, the alliance between the two nations will become even stronger,” Moon said. {And Seoul might become a "Sea Of Flames" as FatBoy has promised}

But in a move that shocked South Koreans, President Trump said last week that he would make Seoul pay $1 billion for THAAD, despite an agreement that South Korea provides the land and the United States supplies and operates the battery. Far from hurting Moon, Trump’s insistence could actually boost Moon’s chances of becoming president, as it has angered people who were on the fence about THAAD and further enraged the system’s opponents.
“Is South Korea a colony that has to cough up cash whenever the U.S. wants it to?” Park Hee-ju, an anti-THAAD activist, told the left-leaning Hankyoreh newspaper, which Moon helped found. Even conservative papers have been taken aback. “Trump’s mouth rocking South Korean-U.S. alliance,” declared a headline in the right-wing Chosun Ilbo. Moon, 64, a former human rights lawyer who was chief of staff to former progressive president Roh Moo-hyun, has a commanding lead in opinion polls. He regularly attracts twice the support his closest rival, centrist Ahn Cheol-soo, does. Thanks to THAAD, and to North Korea’s recent provocations and Trump’s tough talk, foreign policy is at the top of the election agenda.
Moon, who is closely associated with the “sunshine policy” of engagement with North Korea, could hardly be more different from Park — or from Trump. He wants to reopen an inter-Korean industrial park and in TV debates has talked about South Korea taking the initiative on North Korea. He wants South Korea, not the United States, to have operational control of the military alliance if a war breaks out.

American analysts say that some of Moon’s campaign pledges — such as his promise to reopen the industrial park — are “fantastical,” and the candidate struck a markedly more measured, more diplomatic tone in the interview. “The answer is no,” Moon said when asked whether he would seek to rebalance the security alliance with the United States. “I believe the alliance between the two nations is the most important foundation for our diplomacy and national security. South Korea was able to build its national security, thanks to the U.S., and the two nations will work together on the North Korean nuclear issue.” But Moon did say he wants South Korea to be “able to take the lead on matters on the Korean Peninsula.” “I do not see it as desirable for South Korea to take the back seat and watch discussions between the U.S. and China,” he said, although he would not approach or open talks with North Korea without “fully consulting” the United States.
Moon has said he would be willing to go to anywhere, including Pyongyang, to make progress on denuclearizing North Korea. “I could sit down with Kim Jong Un, but I will not meet him for the sake of meeting him,” he said. “I will meet Kim Jong Un when preconditions of resolving the nuclear issue are assured.” Indeed, Moon stressed the factors that he and Trump have in common — such as their belief that the Obama administration policy of “strategic patience” toward North Korea was “a failure.” Moon agreed with Trump’s method of applying sanctions and pressure to bring North Korea back to negotiations — although this is essentially what “strategic patience” was. “I believe President Trump is more reasonable than he is generally perceived,” Moon said. “President Trump uses strong rhetoric toward North Korea, but, during the election campaign, he also said he could talk over a burger with Kim Jong Un. I am for that kind of pragmatic approach to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue.” Even if there is a large divide between Moon and Trump on most issues related to North Korea, analysts doubt this will put much strain on the alliance.

“For the last decades, through two conservative presidents, South Korea had a more friendly relationship with the United States,” said Kang Won-taek, a professor of political science at Seoul National University. “Moon Jae-in’s position is clearly different from those conservative presidents, but, generally speaking, I don’t think relations between the two countries will change that much,” Kang said. “After all, we have a common enemy.”
Yoonjung Seo contributed to this report.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by malushahi »

imo it appears so due to perspective (the way the picture has been taken). understand that this is a bowl-shaped course (tubes at the bottom, sensor at the top). i tried to map it out since this story broke out. here is another picture with a different perspective.

your take on all this is interesting. i do agree with your fundamental premise that the khujli is not where it seems. no smoke without fire.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Philip »

This should educate us as to the gravity of the situ.The PRC warns its shitizens to leave fearing a pre-emptive US strike,just as it did in Syria. ... im-jong-un
China urges citizens to GET OUT of North Korea amid fears of an impending US attack

CHINESE citizens living in North Korea have been urged to leave the country and return home amid concerns over the increasing tensions between Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump, according to reports.

PUBLISHED: 02:37, Wed, May 3, 2017
The Chinese Embassy in Pyongyang began sending messages on April 20, five days before the military parade in honour of the North Korean army, urging Chinese citizens to leave, according to Radio Free Asia.

The US-based station cited a Chinese national living in Pyongyang, who told the broadcaster he fled for China in late April after he was contacted by the embassy.

China has urged its citizens in North Korea to return home
Trump ‘preparing SHOW OF FORCE’ after North Korean missile launch
Trump REFUSES to rule out WAR with North Korea as he praises China
The source, who chose not to reveal his name, said: "The embassy has never given such a warning. I was worried and left the country in a hurry.”

However, the man claimed most Chinese-Korean citizens in Pyongyang were ignoring the message.

Explosive images as South and North Korea test their deadly power
Tue, May 2, 2017
South Korea and US military held the integrated live fire exercise amid tensions over nuclear issues in the Korean Peninsula

A South Korean K-2 tank takes part in the joint South Korea/USA integrated live fire exercise against a possible attack from North Korea

South Korean Army K1A1 and U.S. Army M1A2 tanks fire live rounds during a U.S.-South Korea joint live-fire military exercise at a training field near the DMZ in Pocheon
South Korean K-136 Kooryong 130mm 36-round multiple rocket launch system fires rockets
Explosions are seen at target during U.S.-South Korea joint live-fire military exercise at training field near the DMZ in Pocheon
The news comes after North Korea vowed to accelerate its nuclear weapons programme to “maximum pace” in order that the regime is capable of testing a nuclear device “at any time” in response to Donald Trump’s repeated threats towards the hermit state.

KCNA, North Korea’s state-run media outlet, said on Tuesday: “Now that the US is kicking up the overall racket for sanctions and pressure against DPRK [North Korea], pursuant to its new DPRK policy called ‘maximum pressure and engagement’, the DPRK will speed up at the maximum pace the measure for bolstering its nuclear deterrence.

Trump claims he would welcome the opportunity to meet Kim Jong-un
“Measures for bolstering the nuclear force to the maximum will be taken in a consecutive and successive way at any moment and any place decided by its supreme leadership.”

Despite increasing tensions between Washington and Pyongyang, President Trump shocked the world when he revealed he would be open to a face-to-face meeting with North Korea’s tyrannical dictator Kim Jong-un.

Donald Trump says he would consider meeting Kim Jong-un
Play Video
President Trump said: “If it would be appropriate for me to meet with him, I would absolutely, I would be honoured to do it.

“Under the right circumstances I would meet with him.”

He added: “Most political people would never say that but I’m telling you under the right circumstances I would meet with him. We have breaking news.”

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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Philip »

PS:We need to post the order of battle of the two sides as the sh*t may hit the fan without warning.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Austin »

Good , Let there be a war on Korean Peninsula that should solve all our problem like it solved in Iraq , Syria , Libya Brilliant Idea ! Jai Ho Trump
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Austin »

Position of the American missile defense system THAAD in the South Korean province of Gyeongsangbuk-do

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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

Not a bad posting in May: get in a lot of golf without leaving one's workplace: I mean, practise observing ballistic trajectories and CEP, of course. I see about the perspective: This is a pretty high place, and I see that there is no picture of the radar site. Those antennae must be on the highest peaks around, and they can certainly see a long way. But note again, that issues started way back, not related to Zee decisions originally. The story posted by Malushahiji is from early February, citing extensive nastiness already underway against the poor company types that owned the golf course before it was commandeered by the guvrmand. Now the cause-effect/retaliation chain becomes much murkier: SCS connection is much stronger than I thought.

Also, if the radar sites are not shown, the underground silos and other parking lots with mobile launchers are also not shown. It is already known that SoKo has several Patriot batteries.

Put another way, PeeAllSee long-range bomber / missile flights across Korea are effectively negated by these systems. Which is related to the carrier group staying far away until this is operational. So FatBoy circus is a sideshow. By the time it ends (I mean w/o war) there will be a ring of missiles looking inwards from near Chinese coastline. Plus missiles at Fort Duterte looking at SCS islands. Which means PeeAllSee will do a lot chess moves as well.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

Re: Fort Duterte. See how Duterte suddenly found courage at start of April - and gets invited to WHOTUS b4 end of April.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has ordered the military to occupy and fortify all Philippine-held islands in the disputed South China Sea to assert the country's claims amid what he says is a race to control territory in the area.
Duterte said Thursday that structures should be built on all of the nine to 10 islands, reefs and shoals held by the Philippines in the Spratly Islands.
Duterte said he may visit one of the islands, Pag-asa, to plant a Philippine flag on Independence Day. He said money has been budgeted to repair the runway on Pag-asa, home to a small fishing community and Filipino troops.
And preceding that was this March 20 report:
“WHAT will I do? Declare a war against China?” An aggressive new expansion by Beijing into the South China Sea has rattled Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte. The controversial president said overnight that his militarily inferior country can’t stop China’s expansionist actions in contested waters. He pointed out even the might of the United States was not deterring Beijing.

{But 2 weeks later he found courage and resources}

Beijing has already reclaimed large areas around several islets and reefs in the Spratly archipelago and elsewhere in the South China Sea, as well as installing military facilities on some of them. However analysts warn that building on Scarborough Shoal would radically change the situation since it is just 230km from Luzon, the most populous island in the Philippines. Duterte’s outburst comes after reports China plans to do exactly that.
BTW, note that US Commerce Secretary declared that the strike on Syria was basically to impress Eleven: timed exactly as he came to dinner at Mar Largo. Plus of course, impress the braying donkeys and the raging elephants. Which explains why that was designed to be nearly harmless.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by malushahi »

UlanBatori wrote:Put another way, PeeAllSee long-range bomber / missile flights across Korea are effectively negated by these systems. Which is related to the carrier group staying far away until this is operational. So FatBoy circus is a sideshow. By the time it ends (I mean w/o war) there will be a ring of missiles looking inwards from near Chinese coastline. Plus missiles at Fort Duterte looking at SCS islands. Which means PeeAllSee will do a lot chess moves as well.
_/\_ _/\_ _/\_
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

What all this implies is that if there is war in NoKo, and the US manages to overthrow the NoKo regime, the PLN/PLA may get kicked out of the SCS as well. They can't threaten the carrier group because of the THAAD and Patriots. Look for a THAAD installation, or at least Patriots, to be installed at Fort Duterte as well. Now the Chinese forces in SCS become vulnerable, and may be persuaded to go home by a friendly visit from the carrier group, supported by the Japanese helicopter carrier. Maybe even the Louis XVI or whatever the Frogistani champagne-tub is called, will also help.

Meanwhile, trade remains open, since "War trumps trade". All in all, a willingness to gamble far out with all the marbles in the US inventory.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by malushahi »

btw, one can see the key sensor in 2 of the pictures posted by austin above. #2 shows the graded mode of deployment.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Gagan »

Are these south koreans crazy or what?
These are drone footage of the THAAD deployment !
Bloody libby left media - batting for the chinese hain! They ought to prosecute the people responsible for releasing these pictures
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Austin »

US successfully launches second Minuteman III ballistic missile in 7 days (PHOTOS, VIDEO) ... bm-launch/
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Austin »

‘Stop irritating each other’: China calls for calm in N. Korea standoff ... a-nuclear/
China has called for all sides in the North Korean standoff to stay calm and "stop irritating each other." It comes just one day after Pyongyang said the US was pushing the region closer to a nuclear war.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang called the situation between the two sides "highly complex" and sensitive on Wednesday.

"The urgent task is to lower temperatures and resume talks," he told reporters.

"We again urge all relevant parties to remain calm and exercise restraint, stop irritating each other, work hard to create an atmosphere for contact and dialogue between all sides, and seek a return to the correct path of dialogue and negotiation as soon as possible," Geng said, as quoted by Reuters.

His statements came after reporters asked about two US Air Force supersonic B-1 Lancer bombers which flew across the Korean Peninsula in joint drills with South Korea and Japan earlier this week, and Pyongyang's subsequent response, in which state media accused the US of “reckless military provocation” which is pushing the region “closer to the brink of nuclear war."
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

Those 2 dishes look way too small: probably for communications with the missile, not the search radar that can see the PeeAllSee Pee. :) For THAAD I would expect that there is a large distributed array of radar arrays to get a much bigger aperture and view of the full sky. Just guessing.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by kapilrdave »

^^ Another indication that dlagon is shitting bricks.
Another confirmation that they will be be no more than the cheer girls during the shooting match, waiting for their opportunity to dance. They already expect that they'll have a resting job at that.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Gagan »

This is THAAD's AN/TPY-2 AESA radar.

This radar can be seen on the extreme right mounted on the truck
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Gagan »

You are so right about the THAAD guys getting a few rounds of golf in... :D
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by chola »

kapilrdave wrote:^^ Another indication that dlagon is shitting bricks.
Another confirmation that they will be be no more than the cheer girls during the shooting match, waiting for their opportunity to dance. They already expect that they'll have a resting job at that.

BRFites and all Yindoos must understand how much pressure the PRC is under. We need to see the geo-political (as well as geographical) side of things before we go screaming for phoren maal here and now to deter the lizard.

We can build our military industrial complexing without worrying about the caged and effectively neutered lizard.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by malushahi »

the roma-farasollah-medved template is more or less standard now. the basic elements have been carried forward in the current soko-mota munna-dlagon episode.

slowly but surely the new heartland (traditional + 3 dingdongs) is being firewalled. as the build-up continues, it will pull more and more red marbles to the uttar sagar (the locus of sin-ic identity).

about time to pass brahm-vidya to the kambujs to mop the leftovers.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

Hmmm.. The search radar is clearly not deployed yet in those pics. Once they are, perhaps they will automatically lock on to the UAVs taking pictures, and just fry them out of the sky. Something that can get clear returns from 150 miles out in any weather, is not to be overflown :eek:
Microwave-cooked pigeons, sea-birds, hang-glider pilots etc free every day at the golf course. A veritable paradise for cats, dogs and foxes!
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Singha »

Another minuteman icbm test today
Karthik S
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Karthik S »

I guess minuteman test is directed at cheen, khan doesn't need to fire ICBMs to send a message to NoKo. May be we'll see similar firing of ding dongs from cheen soon.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

Nah! That is the classic stunt to induce NoKo to test. I didn't know they still had MinuteMans!!!! What was this from, a museum? And they didn't even vaporize an island? Is MinuteMan III some 2017 version of the dinosaur, now equipped with Mark III Saddam-SCUD Concrete Block? Where did it come down?

only land-based ICBM in service in the United States.
1962 (Minuteman-I)
1965 (Minuteman-II)
1970 (Minuteman-III)
"designed to be launched on a moment's notice"

weapon with much greater accuracy with the specific intent of allowing it to attack hardened military targets,
Minuteman-III followed in 1970, using three smaller warheads instead of one large one, which made it very difficult to attack by an anti-ballistic missile system which would have to hit all three widely separated warheads to be effective. Minuteman-III was the first multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV) ICBM to be deployed. Each missile can carry up to three nuclear warheads, which have a yield in the range of 300 to 500 kilotons. By February 2018 this will be reduced to 400 armed missiles, with 50 unarmed missiles in reserve {down from 51 yesterdin}, and four non-deployed test launchers to comply with the New START treaty.
They need to get rid of these any way they can, and doing :P to FatBoy seems as useful a way as any. Scaring PeeAllSee could have been done quite well with a Trident or a Peacemaker MIRV. Stay tuned for NoKo response - and probable war. Or maybe there will be a 3-way mijjile firing BC between PeeAllSee, US and NoKo, clearing out the whole inventory. Let's see about stock in Northrop-Grumman.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Gagan »

What if NoKo tests a mijjile to land in the sea of Japan, and the THAAD shoots it down?

It will provide a pretty go start to the festivities that follow. Shock and Awe in downtown pyongyang and in Lil' Dong's Palaces.
Lil' Dong is probably hiding in a bunker these days. He probably comes up only during nights
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

Chinese behavior towards SoKo is the ultimate validation of our own prejudices against the Chinese. I often feel very badly that we don't have better relations between Indians and Chinese than, say, Indians and Americans. After all, they are "from our neighborhood onlee". But look at how they treat SoKo, a tiny nation with people just like themselves. More to the point, South Koreans as a people regard Chinese, and even the Chinese Army, with far more affection than they have towards Americans. Apparently the Chinese Army, when they swept through Seoul during the Korean Police Action, were far better-behaved and treated people with respect, than was the case with the American Liberators (Indians are in fact well-regarded as far as I know - except if one works in a South Korean company, in which case I don't know). But the Chinese describe South Korea as a nation of dhimmis, and they rip them off at every opportunity. Hope these festivities end with NoKo gone, PeeAllSee kicked out of the Tumen River by Putin, and kicked out of the SCS by Phillippines and Japan. Maybe with a few of their vaunted Navy becoming submarines and their long-range bomber fleet in pieces.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Gagan »

The THAAD will cover 3 chinese missile sites:
1. Houwangtun
2. Tonghua
3. Jingyu

The latter two are located just north of the Chinese-NoKo border, on the chinese side and are major missile bases, specially Jingyu.
Any IRBM/SRBM coming in towards Japan will be intercepted by THAAD in South Korea
Hence Chinese angst
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by ramana »

Also Guam might be a thud site.

UB radar has to look sideways to get bigger return.

I think the Chinese response shows they have been foisted on own petard. Now they want de-escalation.

Zee has made a good move.

All Go read Brzezinski's Grand Chessboard.

Google for the pdf.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by malushahi »

ramana wrote:Also Guam might be a thud site.
it IS a dhaad site.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by ramana »

So two sites in the vicinity.

great move by Zee in containing the dlagon.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by rsingh »

Austin wrote:‘Stop irritating each other’: China calls for calm in N. Korea standoff ... a-nuclear/
China has called for all sides in the North Korean standoff to stay calm and "stop irritating each other." It comes just one day after Pyongyang said the US was pushing the region closer to a nuclear war.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang called the situation between the two sides "highly complex" and sensitive on Wednesday.

"The urgent task is to lower temperatures and resume talks," he told reporters.

"We again urge all relevant parties to remain calm and exercise restraint, stop irritating each other, work hard to create an atmosphere for contact and dialogue between all sides, and seek a return to the correct path of dialogue and negotiation as soon as possible," Geng said, as quoted by Reuters.

His statements came after reporters asked about two US Air Force supersonic B-1 Lancer bombers which flew across the Korean Peninsula in joint drills with South Korea and Japan earlier this week, and Pyongyang's subsequent response, in which state media accused the US of “reckless military provocation” which is pushing the region “closer to the brink of nuclear war."
But I think it were Chinese FM who said that war was immanent when it was not. So first they try to scare and then get scared.........yet another wisdom crap from gung-you-she-zhuti book :rotfl:
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by rsingh »

Austin wrote:US successfully launches second Minuteman III ballistic missile in 7 days (PHOTOS, VIDEO) ... bm-launch/
Aimd at Kwa-Julu-natal in Marshal Ils? WTF I thought it was in SA.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

And Just 2 Reduce The Temperature And Send Chills Up The Dlagon Spine
U.S. special operations forces are set to conduct operations against North Korean nuclear, missile, and other weapons of mass destruction sites in any future conflict, the commander of Special Operations Command told Congress Tuesday.
Army Gen. Raymond A. Thomas stated in testimony to a House subcommittee that Army, Navy, and Air Force commandos are based both permanently and in rotations on the Korean peninsula in case conflict breaks out.
The special operations training and preparation is a warfighting priority, Thomas said in prepared testimony. There are currently around 8,000 special operations troops deployed in more than 80 countries.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

So Yoo Ess is permitted to keep 50 dud-armed Minute Aadmi, which are optimized for very low CEP on hardened shelters.

I wonder what happens if one of those were to land on NoKo nuke site, with an announcement saying, "next 25 will have armed warheads - u have 24 hours to blow up this site yourself"??
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

How 2 Win Fliends and Infruence Peopre
Obama, he said, was referred to as a "wicked black monkey" who should return to Africa "and feed off bread crumbs thrown by tourists" while Park was called a "dirty old whore." The North, Lee said, received criticism in the international community for its racist and sexist commentary.
Some of the more recent videos directed against the U.S. have high production values, with heavy use of graphics and animations.
In March, North Korean television showed a video of a simulated nuclear missile attack on The Ellipse, just south of the White House. The announcer talks about how "the American imperialists and the South Korean traitors … will face the most absurd and painful self-destruction, digging their own tombs with their bare hands." The video ends with a sea of gravestones superimposed over an American flag.
Related: North Korea Showing Off Missiles That Can't Fly, Say Experts
A month later, as part of the celebration of the Day of the Sun, North Korean TV broadcast a military concert in front of a big screen display showing a missile attack on San Francisco. Kim stands on the dais as the orchestra reaches a crescendo perfectly timed with a simulated nuclear detonation.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

Al Jazeera: Activity resumes at nuke test site
(sorry, that article is garbage. Says workers were pumping water out of a tube, and then playing volleyball.)