Social Media Watch Thread

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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by srikandan » ... 1042290688

To my untrained eye, the parliamentary process seems to be broken. Hon. MP is raising an important point but being a techie, uses too many buzzwords, and wastes his entire time. He did not even explain what he meant by algorithmic bias. Shouldn't the people in parliament be provided with briefs on what these words mean ahead of time, so that the time spent explaining the issue is useful? Sadly, all that happens is that the MP's concern seems to sounds like tech jargon because as the speaker says "just assume I am a non tech person and explain what you mean". The reason no one may be taking these concerns seriously maybe because the members of parliament have not been provided with some sort of white paper to explain the layout of the battlefield and the key concepts that are a problem for India's sovereignity.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by srikandan » ... the-usmca/

Forcing trading partners to adhere to section 230 is an attack on the sovereignty of the trading partner, as the non-US government of said "trading partner" cannot stop the US commpanies from restricting political speech outside US boundaries. Funny that the guy who signed it into law was trying to remove section 230 in the US simultaneously.

Section 230 passed by Clinton regime in 1996:

No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider. ... cy/435845/

So, Mark Zucerberg lets all Anti-CAA hate speech posts hang around but removes the post of a representative of the ruling party as an example of hate speech, and skews the perception of the problem in the rest of the world -- this is very much a tool of psy ops during times of conflict. Black is white and white is black outside the country's borders, which can restrict options for the government.

The legal shield the vermin in Facebook and Twitter are hiding behind is that they are not "publishers" and therefore censoring political views they don't like is not censorship.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by sudarshan »

nam wrote:This is bit OT, but as we were discussing about Indian digital platform.

Apparently we now have, which is the Indian version of twitter. What is wonderful is that the Indian PM is now on this platform, along with other important people in the Indian Government.

As I mentioned earlier, the way to grow a Indian Digital ecosystem is get important and famous people on it. The crowd will follow.
X-post from Indian Economy thread (nam-ji, I took the liberty).

The thing to watch out for, is for this to be acquired by some SM giant, and then it will be back to square zero. Need to protect it from takeover.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by mukkan »

I had raised this issue long time back viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7788&p=2444733#p2444733.

If GOI don't act fast, next election will be decided in California.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by nam »

Once Indian narratives moves in to India centric platform, it doesn't matter how much firangis scream on twitter of facebook. If they want to participate in to Indian centric discussions, they have to come to Indian platform.

They cannot dictate who stays and who goes. They can whine and complain, but cannot do much about it.

It should be hosted in India, moderated by Indian team and applied Indian laws. Just like twitter or facebook, but role reversal. Our sheer population size will make it very hard to ignore.

Hopefully people will post on Indian platforms and use US platforms like twitter and facebook to link it and publise it.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by srikandan »

According to the stats there are about 19 million users of twitter in India out of a total of 1200+ million, so it will not be easy to affect the Indian election outcome even if the entire english-speaking twitter crowd becomes susceptible to enemy psy ops. India's strength is the huge numbers of Indians who do not speak english.

We all know Twitter and Facebook are responsible for deliberately creating false perceptions of what is "Extremist behavior" and what is not, which works against the Indian govt. -- Naxalites (Urban and otherwise) and jihadis are painted with lovely colors while elected officials are portrayed as perpetrators of violence against minorities, and other falsehoods. So this aids the anti-hindu and anti-India perceptions outside the country, and aligns with the interests of the foreign govts., not the Indian govt.

Right now, Twitter and Facebook are so brazen that they will not even appear before a parliamentary committee to defend their hostile policies to the Indian govt. (they brazenly send their rentbois in the marketing department in TwitterIndia instead) unless they are threatened with a ban, as we saw in the incident in Ladakh shown as being in China. ... countries/

That said, US companies must follow GDPR rules within the US in order to be able to operate in Germany/EU. India does not have the intellectual and technical capacity to create similar policies adapted to Indian requirements. I mean, we have Indian govt. officials using google mail to transmit confidential information, a few years ago,(making it very convenient for the CIA and NSA to keep track surely :roll: ), so the level of competence in the Indian bureaucracy to assess threats in this domain is, or was, pretty low.

I think the Indian govt. is trying to attract investments and doing anything precipitous to these Social Media companies will work against that. The long-term solution is platforms like and the Indian govt. owning its own app store, so that google and apple cannot dictate what apps Indians can use. which is the other danger, as we can see how Apple and Google are blocking parler app in the app store.

Parler is not breaking any laws and in compliance with regulations, but are not censoring any messages in their platform unlike apple and google. This brazen anti-trust behavior by Google, Apple, Twitter etc. is not going to be reined in by the GOTUS because it works well in the new world to only allow "friendly" ideological viewpoints in cyberspace. The lament of the Hilary Clinton State dept. was that they were no longer able to control the narrative outside US borders, and this restores their ability to twist the message to an international audience.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by IndraD »

JUST IN - Amazon employees call for the company to cut ties with #Parler. The website and app are hosted on Amazon's cloud hosting platform AWS.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by nam »

The power of twitter and other SM sites comes from access to the center of power. You can tweet to a PM, President, CEO etc. It allows the noise to reach to people who matters, who have the power to make decision.

You create an outrage on twitter and certain policies get changed. People who are no on SM have no clue why was there a U turn on a certain policy.

This allows foreign trouble makers to effect some of our internal policies. And our policy maker get effected, because they don't have any other alternative to interact with Indian population. Once you have a local popular solution, policy makers will move out of twitter of facebook.

Once you have a home grown solution, no amount of screaming on twitter or facebook by firangis are going to make any difference. Twitter doesn't effect China, because they are not on it!

You shouldn't ban foreign SM. Indians need access to it to dominate narrative. The CCP is realizing this in the Ladakh standoff. The entire narrative has been driven by our media. You cannot do much with couple of mouthpiece like GT. You need mass.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by KJo »

mukkan wrote: If GOI don't act fast, next election will be decided in California.
Love this line! :D

Does anyone how this censorship happens? Is it done by AI models or manually? Manual seems like a hard task.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by Kati »

After Tik Tok was banned in India several desi start-ups were launched, and I believe one has been modestly successful.
Why not promote that?
The first task of the GoI should be to mandate all govt related entities (anything that somehow remotely gets any kind of public funding) -
ranging from public transportations to universities / colleges to have (a) accounts with desi SM orgs, and (b) suspend accounts with firang SM companies.
This will automatically become a game hanger.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by srikandan »

"algorithmic bias" in machine learning comes from the fact that just like regular computers, "Garbage In Garbage Out" is true. Just that "garbage out" is a lot more obvious in regular computers, than with programs that make judgements calls like twitter-censor-bots do.

So Twitter can train their algorithms by, for example, marking all posts that have the flavor "pakis are nice people" as "truthy" and "Pakis love goats" as "false" and then allow these algorithms to lock accounts that are spreading "false information".

By deliberately feeding data that reflects the bias of the programmers training the AI program, the program's bias becomes an extension of the bias of the programmers who train it. This is just a simplified hand-waving explanation, but the core idea is true. So twitter can bias the AI programs that have the power to delete "bad tweets" or lock "bad users" based on how twitter trained the program by feeding "good tweets" and "bad tweets" to the program 24/7. The danger of allowing a foreign company to decide what constitutes a "true fact" and "fake news" in India is obvious.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by mukkan »

Just looking at number of twitter users will give wrong info about the big tech's influence. India has around 800 million smart phone users. 98% of those use Android. Around 600M whatsapp users. Facebook will have data of 600M users through whatsapp. In future, what if they control or remove the whatsapp messages which they don't like. Google playstore has the monopoly and can decide what apps can be allowed. By 2024 all these numbers are going to increase several fold and all most all of the voters will be under the big tech's influence.

Some of censoring is through AI but most of the high profile censoring is done manually. Trump ban was initiated by 350 employees in Twitter.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by srikandan »

Some of censoring is through AI but most of the high profile censoring is done manually. Trump ban was initiated by 350 employees in Twitter.
Agree. However, their standard position even when they do manual censoring is that "it was the program that did it". I am in total agreement with the views above that India must own its own platforms and hold these US companies to account. However, the way US companies are brazenly violating the trust of the Indian public and the government's response seems to suggest that they will not be held to account at this time.

The example I have in mind is that Amazon is brazenly selling chinese goods in India (with US labels) by refusing to identify the country of manufacturing and the babus wink at it and let them off with 25000 INR fine -- to a company with 200+ billion $ in cash.
"Executives from Amazon will meet with officials from the Consumer Affairs Ministry on January 11 to explain why the US-based e-commerce firm should not be fined for violating Country of Origin norms, a senior government official told Moneycontrol.

Amazon has received two notices from the Central government as its vendors are still selling products without displaying the country of origin."

They want an exemption for selling chinese goods in India with US labels, and cheating Indian consumers who want to avoid chinese goods.

This is more cut and dried than social media shenanigans of twitter and facebook, and yet the Indian govt. is basically winking and nodding at this, going by the pathetic fine amount. We will probably find out how the Indian govt. responds to such brazen behavior by US media and tech companies soon enough.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by vijayk »

nam wrote:The power of twitter and other SM sites comes from access to the center of power. You can tweet to a PM, President, CEO etc. It allows the noise to reach to people who matters, who have the power to make decision.

You create an outrage on twitter and certain policies get changed. People who are no on SM have no clue why was there a U turn on a certain policy.

This allows foreign trouble makers to effect some of our internal policies. And our policy maker get effected, because they don't have any other alternative to interact with Indian population. Once you have a local popular solution, policy makers will move out of twitter of facebook.

Once you have a home grown solution, no amount of screaming on twitter or facebook by firangis are going to make any difference. Twitter doesn't effect China, because they are not on it!

You shouldn't ban foreign SM. Indians need access to it to dominate narrative. The CCP is realizing this in the Ladakh standoff. The entire narrative has been driven by our media. You cannot do much with couple of mouthpiece like GT. You need mass.
Wondering if we can use JIO to deplatform Twitter/FB if they act up?

We need legislation to force accountability to these buggers.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by LakshmanPST »

vijayk wrote: Wondering if we can use JIO to deplatform Twitter/FB if they act up?

We need legislation to force accountability to these buggers.
Didn't FB invest recently in Reliance...???
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by mappunni »

srikandan wrote: ... 1042290688

To my untrained eye, the parliamentary process seems to be broken. Hon. MP is raising an important point but being a techie, uses too many buzzwords, and wastes his entire time. He did not even explain what he meant by algorithmic bias. Shouldn't the people in parliament be provided with briefs on what these words mean ahead of time so that the time spent explaining the issue is useful? Sadly, all that happens is that the MP's concern seems to sounds like tech jargon because as the speaker says "just assume I am a nontech person and explain what you mean". The reason no one may be taking these concerns seriously maybe because the members of parliament have not been provided with some sort of white paper to explain the layout of the battlefield and the key concepts that are a problem for India's sovereignty.
Both Rajeev Chandrasekhar and Tejasvi Surya have written many letters to Ravishankar Prasad which is good as they say in Tamizh "Erumai mele mazhai peyyarathu' :evil: :evil:

Not even an acknowledgment or a statement that there will be an action. Not sure why an incompetent minister like Ravishankar Prasad still holds a cabinet berth while someone like Suresh Prabhu is not present?
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by vijayk »

mappunni wrote:
srikandan wrote: ... 1042290688

To my untrained eye, the parliamentary process seems to be broken. Hon. MP is raising an important point but being a techie, uses too many buzzwords, and wastes his entire time. He did not even explain what he meant by algorithmic bias. Shouldn't the people in parliament be provided with briefs on what these words mean ahead of time so that the time spent explaining the issue is useful? Sadly, all that happens is that the MP's concern seems to sounds like tech jargon because as the speaker says "just assume I am a nontech person and explain what you mean". The reason no one may be taking these concerns seriously maybe because the members of parliament have not been provided with some sort of white paper to explain the layout of the battlefield and the key concepts that are a problem for India's sovereignty.
Both Rajeev Chandrasekhar and Tejasvi Surya have written many letters to Ravishankar Prasad which is good as they say in Tamizh "Erumai mele mazhai peyyarathu' :evil: :evil:

Not even an acknowledgment or a statement that there will be an action. Not sure why an incompetent minister like Ravishankar Prasad still holds a cabinet berth while someone like Suresh Prabhu is not present?
I think Modi Govt. would not tip their hand until they have a solution on hand. I hope they are taking it seriously and would come up with a strategy
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by ShyamSP »

Many have been flocking from twitter to Parler to effectively discuss without any censor tags. So twitter ban was as such is not effective.

What's next step, ban Parler App in the App store (google controls 100% Android apps and Apple 100% iphone apps). Parler users flocked to accessing from website instead of Apps. So app store bans are not effective.

What's next step, ban Parler servers hosting on Amazon Web service. It may take many weeks to have Parler to work as everything is disrupted. Users can't chat with messages other than "overlords' approved narration" content on approved apps.

What's next step, have internet service providers throttle or block networks of Parler servers.

India has to think through to free itself as it is digitally colonized already.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by vera_k »

I think back to the India-South Africa match fixing scandal in the 2000s. That was discovered because the Delhi Police had a wire tap. The wire tap was possible because the telecom operator was required to provide the infrastructure for a wire tap as a condition of the license.

A similar facility is required for the internet unfortunately. Would be far better than the blunt tool that the government has today in cutting off internet entirely.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by vimal »

srikandan wrote:According to the stats there are about 19 million users of twitter in India out of a total of 1200+ million, so it will not be easy to affect the Indian election outcome even if the entire english-speaking twitter crowd becomes susceptible to enemy psy ops. India's strength is the huge numbers of Indians who do not speak english.
Where did you get the 1200 million number from? From what I remember twitter had around 300 million (and declining) active users before they started cracking down on bots and fake account after Hillary lost in 2016. They lost a lot of accounts in the process and continue to lose to this day due to censorship. Now with the users fleeing to Parler its going to get really bad for them as they lose millions.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by Zynda »

OK...checked out Tooter. I am not on Twitter (don't have an account...don't plan on creating one) and follow selected people (<10) in offline/not logged in mode and it seems like that can't happen @Tooter. As of now, it is a no-go as a platform for me. Perhaps in future, they will introduce feature to follow people without having an account/logged in.

Don't have a FB not sure how the new rules of WhatsApp will affect me but in any case, plan is to migrate to Signal soon. But many people in my contacts list are quite OK with the upcoming new rules of WB-FB data sharing (their argument is that I don't have anything to hide or that kind of confidential info that I need to be fearful of) not sure how successful transition to alternative platforms will be.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by EswarPrakash »

Zynda wrote:OK...checked out Tooter. I am not on Twitter (don't have an account...don't plan on creating one) and follow selected people (<10) in offline/not logged in mode and it seems like that can't happen @Tooter. As of now, it is a no-go as a platform for me. Perhaps in future, they will introduce feature to follow people without having an account/logged in.

Don't have a FB not sure how the new rules of WhatsApp will affect me but in any case, plan is to migrate to Signal soon. But many people in my contacts list are quite OK with the upcoming new rules of WB-FB data sharing (their argument is that I don't have anything to hide or that kind of confidential info that I need to be fearful of) not sure how successful transition to alternative platforms will be.
A quick "who is" lookup for says it is hosted in NY, US! Got the IP address from Google Chrome. So, not sure about censorship and privacy

Code: Select all

IP Address:
Name: DIGITALOCEAN-64-225-0-0
Handle: NET-64-225-0-0-1
Registration Date: 14/08/19
Org: DigitalOcean, LLC
Org Handle: DO-13
Address: 101 Ave of the Americas
10th Floor
City: New YorkState/Province: NY
Postal Code: 10013
Country: United States
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by jamwal »

Twitter does a lot of very interesting censorship. Few weeks back I uploaded a picture of a newspaper in which an actress (lastname Shetty) was quoted saying something dumb.
It got a bit of attention and some people made fun of her stupidity. My account isn't that popular either, only about 1500 or so followers, so the engagement was only in few hundreds at best. Few days later, the tweet was still up but the image was deleted. I didn't get any notice of it either. She got Twitter to take down the image but since it was not slander or lies, they couldn't take any obvious action against me. So if twitter can't be trusted to keep pictures of even published news, how can anyone expect them to respect sanctity of opinions which their management or even some over zealous employee disagrees with? Most social media companies are now not dependent on their users and are actively peddling their own agenda.

You can see the same thing with a few other platforms like Reddit which is a den of islamist apologists and rabid leftists.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by nam »

vijayk wrote: Wondering if we can use JIO to deplatform Twitter/FB if they act up?

We need legislation to force accountability to these buggers.
We should not do any such thing. They should be allowed in India, but we need to increase the competition. Ideally they should meet the fate of Orkut or Amazon china..

Over regulation/banning of US tech companies hits investments and creates a bad business reputation. They should be allowed to do business, but should be hit with competition.

There is no harm in taking money they invest..Amazon has their largest office in the world in Hyderabad.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by vijayk »


Another platform Gab is getting the heat too ...
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by Sonugn »

vijayk wrote:Image

Another platform Gab is getting the heat too ...
There will be calls to ISPs & their CEOs etc. to block or at least rate limit "hate traffic" to these sites as well.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by srikandan »

We need legislation to force accountability to these buggers.

We should not do any such thing. They should be allowed in India, but we need to increase the competition. Ideally they should meet the fate of Orkut or Amazon china..
We absolutely need legislation to keep up with the mendacity of these tech companies. Also, They need to keep all the data in India and be banned if they flout India's version of the EU GDPR data protection laws. Creating legislation to make them behave and then banning them if they act up, like twitter and facebook are doing, is only feasible when India has similar platforms like the chinese. Not happening any time soon, but I am happy to be wrong on this.

vimal: Where did you get the 1200 million number from? From what I remember twitter had around 300 million (and declining) active users before they started cracking down on bots and fake account after Hillary lost in 2016. They lost a lot of accounts in the process and continue to lose to this day due to censorship. Now with the users fleeing to Parler its going to get really bad for them as they lose millions.
1200 million was referring to India's population (roughly). Parler is already dead because these monopolies google, apple, Amazon have killed them because their "employees protested". Any "twitter-like" Indian company that hosts it services on american platforms will face the same fate as parler if they do not follow the political ideology of the employees of this company.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by darshan »

Let's say India does go in for infrastructure to get things humming. Will India be able to do it? One can think of many ways in India to stop infrastructure build up or destructions or sabotages. For example, destroying JIO infrastructure.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by KJo »

Many folks in my circle who crave to be "leaders" or "influencers" are the most active in trying to get people to move to Signal and other apps. These people don't know much of what exactly is changed and will respond to you with links, images and videos. One fellow (Kunal) eventually confessed that he hated Zuck with a passion :roll: . That was his real reason. But I know why... he bought FB stock a little after IPO and ended up buying high and selling low.

After a few weeks of outrage, panic and anger, everyone will forget this and move on to their next item of angst. It is really hard to displace services that use network effects. This is one of the reasons why Google Plus failed.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by darshan »

US corporations continue to support chinese human rights violations. US doesn't seem to worried at all that corporations bend over backwards for chinese govt.
After outrage, Twitter removes tweet by Chinese Embassy in US that took pride in a ‘re-education camp’ for Uyghur Muslims ... n-removed/
Following the tweet by Chinese embassy in US, a massive outrage erupted on social media condemning the treatment meted out to the Uyghur Muslims in China and also attacked China for proudly commenting upon the forced sterilisation they carried out on Uyghur women on the social media.

However, Twitter, instead of removing the hateful content at the first instance, rather categorically stated that a Chinese government tweet praising China’s treatment of its Uyghur ethnic minority did not violate its policy against hateful conduct.

It is a known fact that Twitter regularly takes down content citing violation of rules just like it did to President Trump’s account. Twitter’s rule against hateful conduct states that users “may not promote violence against any particular group” and also bans “the dehumanization of a group of people” based on their religion, race, or ethnicity.

As Twitter did not remove the content from its platform, several netizens took to Twitter to not only condemn China for its persecution of minority Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang province but also attacked Twitter for not removing such hateful content on social media.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by mukkan »

Any consumer facing Indian tech will be at disadvantage competing with well established foreign monopolies. They will have no chance without any GOI support to favor them for lndian market. Most politicians will be happy with short term $$ flow and won't do anything about it. There is no harm in taking money if in parallel investment is done for future alternatives. But I don't think that's happening. Everybody will be happy with short term increase in real estate or funds given to politicians directly/indirectly.
nam wrote:
We should not do any such thing. They should be allowed in India, but we need to increase the competition. Ideally they should meet the fate of Orkut or Amazon china..

Over regulation/banning of US tech companies hits investments and creates a bad business reputation. They should be allowed to do business, but should be hit with competition.

There is no harm in taking money they invest..Amazon has their largest office in the world in Hyderabad.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by greatde »

An Indian global new channel should be the first aim. And yet, in nearly 7 years, nothing big has come.

Online Indian social media platforms is a even tougher task.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by ShyamSP »

greatde wrote:An Indian global new channel should be the first aim. And yet, in nearly 7 years, nothing big has come.

Online Indian social media platforms is a even tougher task.
I argue in reverse. Global news channel that can influence is tougher task than setting up social media platforms.

Problem is mainly failure of concerned ministries who are supposed work on transfromation. Per Rajiv Malhotra, many years ago when he was presenting to officials and ministries about tech danger he said they were stone blind and deaf.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by nam »

mukkan wrote:Any consumer facing Indian tech will be at disadvantage competing with well established foreign monopolies. They will have no chance without any GOI support to favor them for lndian market. Most politicians will be happy with short term $$ flow and won't do anything about it. There is no harm in taking money if in parallel investment is done for future alternatives. But I don't think that's happening. Everybody will be happy with short term increase in real estate or funds given to politicians directly/indirectly.
Monopoly is a concern if the service is been provided from outside of India. Like TikTok. One Chinese dude was making money by selling stuff through his app sitting in China! He was directly exporting, without any presence in India. He got canned in the app ban.

Any foreign service invested heavily in India will try it's best not to create problems in India. Amazon made some noise about not been allowed to sell Amazon branded products on it's site, but ultimately couldn't do much against it.

If they are a monopoly and invested in India, then VCs will fund distributors. The ecosystem being within the country, can switch over to a competitor.

We need Amazon, Walmart, Google, Facebook to invest in the ecosystem here. The portal, apps, are just code which anyone can build in India.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by IndraD »

Vijaya Gade, Indian-American who spearheaded suspension of Trump's Twitter account ... 17034.html

she is from andhra
typically they are from rich families, in a hurry to leave stinking socialist India to become capitalists. Then make enormous amount of money and take a dafli to sing commie songs
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by Ambar »

In 2009/10 when the Arab spring began and Twitter was being used to organize protests across the middle east i remember the state dept asking Twitter to hold off on their maintenance because riots and protests in Iran was heating up and it was all being coordinated over Twitter. This was when Twitter was still in its infancy and the foreign govts had no idea about the tool or how it can be used for propaganda. I distinctly remember thinking to myself how these new-age social media platforms will be used by the US to overthrow governments, create riots, protests, political and economic chaos around the world. Little did i know that someday it would come a full circle and silence and virtually imprison half the US population who refuse to tow the tight woke line.

Indian IT industry has been a roaring success giving employment to millions and adding hundreds of billions to our forex. But the industry despite its 30+ yrs history has been a disappointment when it comes to creativity and marketing. We should have had our own ecosystem of native cloud hosts and applications by now. China yet again had the foresight not to allow these foreign companies operate in their country whereas we have allowed them a free run to set narrative, blatantly display ideological bias, provide platform to radicals and operate with total disregard to local laws.
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by IndraD » ... 07233?s=20
This seems to be true. And it’s extremely dangerous to have a verified account of the PM without his knowledge.

@TajinderBagga ... 55297?s=20
He is Not
Namo blue tick approved account on without his approval
Posts: 117
Joined: 01 May 2020 21:26

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by mukkan »

First accounts are banned, then the apps and finally websites. Foreign ecosystem/infrastructure will gang up as we are seeing now. DNS providers are blocking websites. Even this forum website can be blocked in the future if they decide. Does BRF have a signal group or telegram group?
nam wrote:
We need Amazon, Walmart, Google, Facebook to invest in the ecosystem here. The portal, apps, are just code which anyone can build in India.
BRF Oldie
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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by vijayk »

I joined tooter. Now Modi, Piyush, Yogi and PMOIndia are all in with blue ticks. I hope they are not fake accounts.

Here is message from CEO Nanda
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Joined: 22 Jun 1999 11:31

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Post by vijayk » ... ssion.html

How the Biden Administration Can Tackle Social Media Regulation Without Chilling Free Speech
Step one: Stay away from the political black hole of Section 230 reform. :rotfl:
To accomplish this, the new administration should appoint a bipartisan commission including people from the public, private, and nonprofit sectors to develop policy recommendations for platforms that reinforce the importance of free speech for democratic, open, and inclusive societies. Their work should be guided by four shared principles that transcend the partisan warfare that falsely and destructively pits values of free speech and civil rights against one another.
We need a commission too that looks after interests of India
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