Re: Indian Army: News and Discussions 11 June 2014

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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by SaiK »

The actual worry is the thought that runs similarly in the minds of liberals, secularists and MSM vandals. This is a cultural thingie.. if the khans had done this, they would say glory to lord! and praise the men in uniform. We indics, immediately go sober feeling .. moharramization is not required.. and 56" chest need not be slapped, etc. this mindset is same or similar to the neurons that triggers liberal and pseudo-secular/sickular mindsets. all questioning the same point on clear definition of what is patriotism.

Our argumentative minds are not always logical when it comes to tolerance.. we don't mind to scream bloody hell at IA, and blame all kinds of things on Modi when the terror happens. And everything dies back to normalcy. It could be a cultural thing, but it is in the blood. This nation-hood is missing in many bloods. They don't support IA actions even if they are wrong like how massans do.

I'd say, ignore those counter 56" attackers, and get it going.. expect them to attack back again, and do a hot pursuit right away. engage and embolden our forces and appreciate them rather analyzing like this.

The cloud is dark, and it is going to rain (whatever the chance may be).. don't argue what if it doesn't rain? be positive about your army.
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by Karan M »

The message is reaching worldwide. ... -1.1534955
Bold message of India’s Myanmar ‘hot pursuit’

New Delhi will no longer be a sitting duck in the face of a clear and tangible threat to its security

By Sanjib Kumar Das, Pages Editor
Published: 17:06 June 14, 2015

New Delhi’s recent push for a more substantive and muscular foreign policy doctrine found a new template to work on with the surgical strike by Indian Army’s Special Forces inside neighbouring Myanmar in the wee hours last Tuesday.

The ‘hot pursuit’ of terrorists holed up in two separate camps about 4km inside Myanmar along India’s northeastern borders was in retaliation of the deadly ambush of the 6 Dogra Regiment convoy of the Indian Army in Manipur on June 4, that had resulted in the death of 18 soldiers – the biggest blow suffered by the army since the Kargil War in the summer of 1999.

While Indian Army did not suffer any casualties in the Myanmar operation, according to sources, at least 100 militants were killed in the pre-dawn raid that took the extremists completely by surprise.

In the past, there were instances when Indian armed forces conducted special operations beyond India’s geographical boundaries – namely in Bhutan and in Myanmar as well.

Moreover, in June 1987, five Mirage 2000 fighter jets of Indian Air Force escorted five AN-32 cargo planes that airdropped relief material to stranded Tamil-origin minorities in besieged Jaffna town in Sri Lanka, even as the island nation fought a pitched battle with the dreaded Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

While the earlier operations in Bhutan and Myanmar were largely covert, the Jaffna airdrop was seen in international circles as purely a case of muscle-flexing by New Delhi to secure a hegemonic role in South Asia under the prime ministership of Rajiv Gandhi.

In fact, whatever foreign policy brownie points New Delhi did manage to garner with its Jaffna airdrop were later set at naught with the Indian Peace Keeping Force embroiled in a long, bloody and messy entanglement in trying to resolve Colombo’s decades-old internal conflict with the LTTE.

In the light of these past incidents, last Tuesday’s operation in Myanmar was certainly not unprecedented. However, there are a couple of points about the 3am surgical strike on Myanmarese soil that sets it apart from India’s earlier cross-border offensives.

To start with, this is the first time that the Indian government and its military establishment have openly acknowledged having undertaken a mission beyond India’s boundaries to tackle the menace of terrorism.

“New Delhi will no longer be a sitting duck in the face of a clear and tangible threat to its security.”

-Sanjib Kumar Das
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On numerous occasions in the past, terrorists and subversive elements had crossed into India from its western and northeastern borders. On almost all those occasions, the Indian security forces tried to thwart them from within the limits of India’s borders.

New Delhi’s resolve to fight terror was mostly confined to rhetoric and nuanced responses, in keeping with foreign policy niceties and limited by protocol. In that sense, this is the first recorded instance of New Delhi going one-up in the fight against terrorism beyond its borders and resorting to its fire-power in no uncertain terms, instead of merely making a diplomatic point.

The new dispensation at South Block, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has issued a bold statement through its Myanmar offensive: That New Delhi will no longer be a sitting duck in the face of a clear and tangible threat to its security. And that ‘hot pursuit’ is now very much on the dashboard of India’s counter-terrorism module.

Secondly, the timing. India’s counter-attack came in less than a week after its soldiers were ambushed in Manipur. The decision to cross over into Myanmar and launch a surprise attack was cleared at the highest level of political decision-making in New Delhi at lightning speed, with National Security Adviser Ajit Doval personally looking into the nitty-gritties of the operation, in close coordination with the top brass of the army and the Ministry of External Affairs. The blueprint for the surgical strike was given the all-clear by the prime minister immediately after his return from Dhaka last Monday.

The third point that needs to be taken into cognizance is that this counter-offensive by India strikes at the very heart of the terror mechanism that has been plaguing the Northeast for decades. It is an open secret that most of the terror outfits with a prominent footprint in India’s Northeast, such as the Nationalist Socialist Council of Nagaland (Khaplang), Kanglei Yawol Kanna Loop, Kamtapur Liberation Organisation, United Liberation Front of Assam-Independent, have used foreign soil – namely that of Bangladesh, Myanmar and Bhutan – to plan and launch attacks on Indian interests in the Northeast.

In recent years, a tough stance by the governments of Bangladesh and Bhutan against anti-India propaganda has left subversive elements with few hideouts and safe havens in those countries. So the attack on Indian soldiers in Manipur was a desperate attempt to rattle India’s security establishment and also to pump some oxygen into the latest move to bring several anti-India forces, active in the Northeast, under one umbrella -- the United National Liberation Front of Western South-East Asia. With the Myanmar ‘hot pursuit’, New Delhi has dealt a body blow, for now, to such designs.

The question that arises here, is whether New Delhi will be as proactive and daring in tackling terror along its western borders? While India’s latest, decisive counter-terrorism move deserves to be complimented for its speed, accuracy and sincerity of purpose, let this incident not be used as yet another excuse to fan the flames of jingoism.

The problems of insurgency and terrorism along India’s western and northeastern borders were never the same in nature. Though the broad-spectrum scourge is similar in its intent at both the flanks, the philosophical and institutional framework to tackle the menace has to differ in its form and substance. There can never be a one-size-fits-all, formulaic response to the two threats.

And there is no reason to believe that the current political establishment in New Delhi isn’t aware of the layered textures of the two scenarios. In the last one year, Modi’s foreign policy activism, so to speak, has indeed created ripples in shores near and far and the success of the Myanmar operation will only add more meat to the Indian premier’s resolve of “zero-tolerance” of terror. But discretion has always been the better part of valour and the South Block mandarins know it only too well.
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by Karan M »

Even amongst all the usual not with TSP yaar..the message is sinking home ... of-intent/

India’s Myanmar Operation: A Signal of Intent
The cross-border operation itself is significant and signals that political willingness now exists in New Delhi to pursue those that target the state even beyond India’s territorial borders.

Details of the actual operation, which some reports suggest was carried out by paramilitary and Army Special Forces, are limited. But by all available accounts, all aspects of the sensitive operation, from the diplomatic to the military were efficiently executed. India also benefited from assistance provided by the Myanmar government. The cross-border raid itself was facilitated by a 2010 India-Myanmar agreement on counter-terrorism.[/b]
This part is what the real folks who track all this will observe.
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by Karan M »

Gokhale is an establishment insider. His words reflect what is being said (and unsaid)

Myanmar operation sends a larger political message: India will pay back, if provoked]

For the Indian Army's 21 Para (Special Forces) unit, it was just another day at the office. Once the Cabinet Committee on Security ( CCS), India's highest decision making body on matters of security, authorised a cross-border raid on a couple of insurgent camps inside Myanmar last weekend, the 21 Para ( SF), stationed at Jorhat in Assam as the Eastern Command's strategic asset for specialised operations, was the automatic choice.

A unit with man ..

Read more at: ... aign=cppst
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by Karan M »

Note that Gokhales account backs up Dattas point about how carefully the overall strategy was managed about differrent messaging.
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by SwamyG »

Nitin also mentions india informed Burma, but not the exact dates. Also points out the 2010 agreement. I guess everyone has moved to Sushma Swaraj now.
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by Mihaylo »

Karan M wrote:
The Indian media is insane. At least this journalist is not one of the slimeballs like Swami et al, but this is the heights of irresponsibility to give such details.
hmm..why would the commando reveal the operation details after the fact to his wife. Doesn't the gag order apply to close relatives as well. Secondly, why would his wife blabber mouth to the media about what her husband told her. If this is true, not only should the commando be reprimanded but also made an example off. He has put a lot of people in danger.
Why blame the media when ..

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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by niran »

Rakesh wrote:
Parrikar is not endorsing war, but Pakistan has definitely been put on notice. While Parrikar is quick to dismiss war, one can now expect surgical strikes in Pakistan as well. Time to call their nuclear bluff...they don't have the balls for it.
am facing great difficulty imagining what the reaction of TFTA mards would be from it was a vacuum bulb blowing up to brown shalwars mards killing non brown shalwars mards and staging a coup.
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by Neela »

Guys if you get a chance tweet the gulfnews piece with militant casualty numbers to praveenswami et al-rub it in ....they need to know none both home and abroad are buying their version of events. Crush any bit of self-worth they have.
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by UlanBatori »

But this was really challenging as we had to walk for about 30 kms, cross the Indian border on foot and enter Myanmar without being noticed by the enemy,”
Berkeley-Stanford Alert: Why would the High Command make a team of heavily-armed paratroopers WALK 30 Kms before a top-secret lightning-strike mission? Doesn't the IA have imported Dassault Mirage 2030 rickshas/ cycle rikshas over there?

It gets better:
A chance Myanmarese insider was to prove their best informant. After trekking almost continuously for nearly 48 hours, once the commandos crossed into Myanmar, the soldiers finally closed in on the enemy camp. It was 2.30 am on June 9. The local villager explained the tricky terrain and showed them the safest route to the enemy camp. The enemy camp was situated 3 kms inside Myanmar border. Around 3.30 am on June 9, the commandos had the the enemy camp encircled, the 15 huts in their gunsights as they opened fire. The terrorists, sleeping inside the camp had no inkling that the Indian armed forces would launch an attack deep inside the Myanmar border, said the subedar.
So they just went in over there, walking uphill in the snow and 43-degree temperatures carrying a 66-lb load and Bofors guns, and just wandered around on the off-chance that a wandering terrorist would guide them obligingly into another ambush. And trustingly followed him. :roll:
And the return:
Within minutes of laying waste to the camp, we retraced our steps and embarked on the nine-km trek back on foot. The most difficult 9 kms, really. As we had walked in water for several hours, our skin was damp and we had all sustained multiple abrasions along the way, along with the small wounds caused by leeches,” the subedar said.
My mistake: they walked uphill for 30 kms, 9 of them in neck-deep water. :rotfl:

Reminds me of the caption in the Illustrated Weekly of India, below a picture of Gary Sobers looking at the Indian team before the Brabourne Test match circa 1966:
Easy meat, these Indians
(Will believe anything).
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by Raja Bose »

^^^UB ji, you missed the part where according to our steamed journalists, the paras after their mission had to make urgent bookings at the nearest Habib's salon for emergency fair & lovely skin treatment. :mrgreen: What levels our English media have fallen too....pathetic bunch of pigs. :roll:
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by member_24684 »


From Daniel Carmon,
Hot pursuit”, or the need to cross over boundaries in pursuit of terror groups, is “one of the ingredients in a new kind of battleground”, says Israel’s Ambassador Daniel Carmon, supporting the Indian Army’s operations earlier this week in which forces were said to have crossed into Myanmar territory to raid Nationalist Socialist Council of Nagaland (Khaplang) camps.

“The international community shouldn’t be cut and dry about what is right as defined only by the [UN] Human Rights Council. They should respect the right of countries to protect their boundaries, their values … because that is the first and foremost responsibility of any government,” Mr. Carmon told The Hindu in an interview, after concerns were raised by Pakistan and Myanmar over the statements.

The Ambassador said Israel and India faced the “same threat” of “asymmetric warfare”, adding, “We are two countries, one of a few that face the same threat: that our soldiers who are assigned to safeguard our national borders are attacked by such terrorism.
full interview
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by rkhanna »

Within minutes of laying waste to the camp, we retraced our steps and embarked on the nine-km trek back on foo
So an SF team Exfils the same way they went in? lol
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by Karan M »

Some overexcited family member probably called the media and added all the details. The exact specifics may be wrong but releasing the individuals details are crazy.
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by Singha »

Karan M, methinks "Denil" is back in the building

his escapades in TSPian forums about the arjun are stuff of legend. a true dharmic SF shadow warrior 8)
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by Karan M »

LOL saar is he back? Where, where?
Oh wait, you are saying above story is Denil worthy, if so completely agree. :mrgreen:
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by johneeG »

General GD Bakshi Exclusive interview to The NaMo Patrika on Operation Myanmar
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by JE Menon »

KM/GD :mrgreen: naughty boys.
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by johneeG »

Hot Pursuit in Pakistan if it sponsors terror - Modi warned in 2011 and Rathore repeats it in 2015
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by Vinu »

There are two entities really hurt by this operation. One is pukistan and the other is indian Presstitutes. This explains their nexus.
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by member_20453 »

The decision on who would hit the camps was a forgone conclusion. The only troops capable of carrying out such a delicate operation was secretive unit known as 21 Para (Special Forces).

Forging a new legacy

The success of the June 9 operation has demonstrated the need for India’s military to re-examine the use of its Special Forces. As the top security leadership grappled with options to retaliate against the insurgents, it fell on 21 Para (Special Forces) as the only unit to carry out such a delicate operation. A failure would mean international embarrassment, a major diplomatic fallout and embolden the insurgents to hit targets in India with impunity. At the very least, this could prove disastrous for the men who had been inserted covertly into Myanmar to carry out the operation.

what gutter claims by this 'veteran journalist', 21 Para SF isn't the only unit capable of such a mission, A couple of platoons of Ghataks from any infantry unit specialized in Jungle warfare is more than capable of executing such a mission. This buffon knows little about the true capability of our forces. Actually they should have used Ghataks from Dogra Regiment to execute this mission, this would have restored regimental izzat.
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by Gagan »

The reason why these newswallahs know so little about the military, because these guys are sworn bloody civilians!!!
They've grown up in a culture that is leery of the military.

So even when they are writing something that the forces have done, they'll ever so reluctantly write things. For them it is surprising indeed that India has such immense military prowess.

I think unless bollywood does not step in in a big way and makes a few good military movies, this bimari of India's aam junta won't go away. Most of the military movies that bollywood makes (Except Haqueeqat, Lakshya, Prahaar and Border) are all sworn bloody civilians putting on a poor pretense of being militarywalahs.

One can't have sanjay dutt pretending to be an army officer, if his hair is 2 feet long hain ji? Once can't even be a pulees officer with hair that long for that matter!

One isn't surprised if some reporter writes stuff like, "The only highly secretive unit that could ever ever do something like this was 21Para". The news reporter would have the shock of his life if he discovered that there are prolly 50 different such units. Their image of army soldiers is those fat extras with long hair and with the .22 rifles that you see in bollywood movies who clumsily jog in at the end of the movie.
Raja Bose
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by Raja Bose »

Hey don't forget vijeta!
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by Gagan »

Saary saar
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by shaun »

This prestitutes are quite predictable, 1st came the breaking news with the retaliation, 2nd how to discredit that breaking news, 3rd (in the process) to show, how little development have touched the people of NE and thus the rebels. I am okay with the third part to some extent that there needs to be big infrastructure to bring NE connected to rest of India in a big way, that will bring development there which might help to root out the problem in a long run but I hate the timing of this reports. The prestitutes report the low level of development in NE only when there is any incidences, whether security forces killing terrorists or vice versa. Both way this reports because of their timings show GOI in bad light as this reports sympathise the plight of locals and thus the logic for them to take up arms.
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by rohitvats »

Septimus P. wrote:
Forging a new legacy

The success of the June 9 operation has demonstrated the need for India’s military to re-examine the use of its Special Forces. As the top security leadership grappled with options to retaliate against the insurgents, it fell on 21 Para (Special Forces) as the only unit to carry out such a delicate operation. A failure would mean international embarrassment, a major diplomatic fallout and embolden the insurgents to hit targets in India with impunity. At the very least, this could prove disastrous for the men who had been inserted covertly into Myanmar to carry out the operation.
What gutter claims by this 'veteran journalist', 21 Para SF isn't the only unit capable of such a mission, A couple of platoons of Ghataks from any infantry unit specialized in Jungle warfare is more than capable of executing such a mission. This buffon knows little about the true capability of our forces. Actually they should have used Ghataks from Dogra Regiment to execute this mission, this would have restored regimental izzat.
First, it is you who is displaying ignorance here by comparing Ghatak Platoon with Para (Special Forces). It does not even come anywhere close to what Para SF is all about.

The former is a group of generally most physically fit members of an Infantry battalion and who would've preferably done the Commando Course in Belgaum. And led by a Subaltern. Again, preferably who'd already done the Commando Course. But not always. For a simple reason that the junior officer available to you might have too little service to become eligible for the course itself. They're better equipped than rest of their buddies. Especially in CI Ops.

Para SF is an elite force where every man is a volunteer and literally passes through hell called probation to earn his right to be part of the tribe. And trains day-in and day-out for roles like this cross border raid. There are many in Parachute Regiment itself who'd balk at the mention of volunteering for Para SF.

'Ghatak' platoon consists of a better trained Infantrymen - 'Shock troops' within an Infantry battalion. While SF is SF. They're wired and trained to think like SF. Simple as that.
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by Singha »

in this particular instance though the NSCN(K) had gone soft through decades of hands off policy, where they could cross 10 meters over the border and be off-limits ..... anyone could have duly hammered them.
they will be more careful and take protective measures now...but the border is long and easy to slip in and out, so even relocating 15km away is no guarantee of safety when the team can exfiltrate quickly by helicopter after the hit. and if they cannot establish camps, where will they train and parade to maintain units....they are not like TSP where they could don army uniforms and train with the uniformed jihadis for safety. myanmar junta will take money to give them space, but not appoint these as razakar formations.

we need to hit a few more camps to drive the message home.
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by Hobbes »

Ajai Shukla's contribution to the debate: Squandering away the Myanmar advantage

He's using his pulpit for some self-aggrandizement, as in
In 1986, as the intelligence officer of an army brigade in Nagaland, I oversaw the first Indian army patrol that went into Myanmar. With clearance from Yangon, we linked up with a forward post of the Myanmar military, or Tatmadaw, and proposed joint action against insurgents fighting for Nagaland’s secession from India.
His argument is that we've been doing this for a while, and with success. The Modi sarkar has done nothing extraordinary, just applied existing protocols and has, in the attempt to gain political capital, damaged the relationship with Myanmar.

Even ff we are to assume that the good Colonel is a serious commentator and means what he says instead of trying to do a hit job on the BJP Government (something I am not at all sure of), there still are mitigating circumstances for the Government's actions. Why did Shukla's beloved Congress government huddle under a rock and shiver in their collective dhoti during the years of their (mis) rule, instead of using these existing protocols to go in and clean out the mare's nest of insurgency that 60 years of their rule had allowed to grow and fester like a cancer?

There is such a thing as morale and confidence. The Government publicised this strike for a very good reason: to reassure the Army that crimes would not go unpunished, and the people that this Government, at least, was willing to take action against criminals and terrorists unlike the previous one. The hurt feelings of the Myanmarese are little more than skin deep and can quite easily be assuaged by the application of diplomacy and maybe the gift of some arms and cash; against that, the boost the nation got from the action was priceless.

In passing, Shukla takes a gratuitous swipe apropos of nothing at Rajyawardhan Singh Rathod - "...deputed a junior minister, Colonel (Retired) Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, to tom-tom the raid on television. Rathore, an Olympic silver medallist in trap shooting with little experience of soldiering, duly shot his trap.". Really, Colonel Shukla? No officer and gentleman, this one, just a vicious yellow journalist.

Shukla concludes with a backhanded compliment:
Notwithstanding the political bumbling, this raid into Myanmar raises important issues. The army now knows it can expect political clearance for cross-border strikes on militant camps in response to grave provocation --- so far only in Myanmar, but potentially also in Pakistan. The government’s willingness to use military force puts the onus on the military to develop a cross-border response capability against Pakistan.

This demands a more sophisticated, calibrated approach to escalation. Our Special Forces currently cannot conduct surgical strikes across the heavily defended Indo-Pakistan line of control (LoC), but India can credibly strike Pakistani targets with fighter aircraft, rocket salvos and cruise missiles. The United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government disregarded these options after the 26/11 Mumbai attacks in 2008. So too did the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government after the 2001 terror strike on Parliament --- the NDA unwisely leapt up the escalation ladder to full-scale military mobilization, stopped short of war only by Pakistan’s nuclear deterrent. Now that the Indian military is aware that it can cross borders in retaliation, it will have to think and plan beyond Myanmar.
So, where Shukla advocates silent killing on the Eastern border, he advocates the escalatory use of air assets, MLRS and cruise missiles against Pakistan, something that has every chance of spiralling out of control.

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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by Surya »

poor shooklaw

when he was in all these grand positions people making the moves never told him what was happening.

He thinks he knows :)
Raja Bose
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by Raja Bose »

er....didn't Col Rathore see action in Kargil? Where did dear Shooklaw see action, except perhaps in his pants?
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by Mihir »

Septimus P. wrote:what gutter claims by this 'veteran journalist', 21 Para SF isn't the only unit capable of such a mission, A couple of platoons of Ghataks from any infantry unit specialized in Jungle warfare is more than capable of executing such a mission. This buffon knows little about the true capability of our forces. Actually they should have used Ghataks from Dogra Regiment to execute this mission, this would have restored regimental izzat.
Actually, Saikat Dutta is a very credible voice, and knows Indian Special Forces better than most people. After all, he co-authored a book on their history with Lt. Gen. Prakash Katoch. His contention that 21 Para was the "only" unit capable of such a mission is a bit of an exaggeration, but it is true that it was the best unit for the job. A platoon of Ghataks wouldn't be specially trained in jungle warfare, and they don't practice helicopter-borne ops day in and day out. That training and experience counts for a lot.
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by shiv »

This discussion appears to me like medical students laughing at the lay public's lack of medical knowledge. BRF is full of experts - but for the layperson who does not know that there can be fauji and Ghatak and Para someone has to teach them that there are specially toughened guys to do special jobs. That is a way of building their aura. Most nations build an aura around their special forces on the lines of the SF will go where others fail etc So nothing wrong per se in pointing out that there is a special group that does special things. Claiming that Ghataks could have done it is debatable but it fails to see the point that the Spl Force is being given an aura and publicity among the lay public in the article.
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by Singha »

the worlds I liked in the briefing at army HQ by the Maj Gen was "in view of the imminent threat"

thats a door opener and blank cheque to hit anyone anywhere because terrorists are never idle, they are always a imminent threat.
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by ramana »

Surya Do we have enough maal for writing a definitive version?

shiv, I agree. We need to do some thing to bring people down from pedestals or high horses!!!
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by chetak »

Raja Bose wrote:er....didn't Col Rathore see action in Kargil? Where did dear Shooklaw see action, except perhaps in his pants?
shooklaw is bitter, probably because he did not even get to see that :lol:
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by vaibhav.n »

I was wondering where Field Marshal Klaw had been hiding!!

Col. Rathore's achievements are well known, what does Klaw bring to the table apart from an ex-wife famous in the dilli partay circuit.

Unlike Klaw, Rathore has been a blazer and sword of honour both at NDA/IMA. He has always been a sportsman and there is nothing wrong in it. The Army encourages sports as it believes it builds character and aggression, he started his shooting career around the same time Klaw surrendered his command, retired and joined a english nwej channel.

He was commissioned into 9 Grenadiers ex (1st Mewar Infantry), a famous infantry battalion due to its lineage. Besides the Govt has sought it fit to bestow on him the Arjuna Award, Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award and the Padma Shri.
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by Karan M »

Oh my Vaibhav, you have landed several where it really hurts. Right in the nuts.

Col. Rathore's achievements are well known, what does Klaw bring to the table apart from an ex-wife famous in the dilli partay circuit. :eek: :eek:

Unlike Klaw, Rathore has been a blazer and sword of honour both at NDA/IMA. He has always been a sportsman and there is nothing wrong in it. The Army encourages sports as it believes it builds character and aggression, he started his shooting career around the same time Klaw surrendered his command, retired and joined a english nwej channel.

Klaws response: Ouch Ouch Ouch!! (Expect more :(( :(( from him and his clan)
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by kancha »

Presstitutes being called out for what they are. This was posted on Indian Army Fans FB page some days ago.
Comments by some mango ppl are a delight to read!

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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by Singha » ... icle-tweet

^ this article claims a x-border op against the NDFB in bhutan is imminent.

the local media in assam reports a unexplained clash between a squad of IA in a boat and NDFB on the ground.
this is in the manas wildlife sanctuary bordering bhutan, long a haunt for bodo terrorists.
the river itself is fast flowing and shallow typical of rivers coming down from bhutan and joining the brahmaputra

NDFB-S claims 'kill' army denies
From our Correspondent

KOKRAJHAR, June 16: Mystery surrounds a purported encounter between security forces and a joint team of ultras deep in the Manas National Park today morning, with the The National Democratic Front of Boroland (NDFB-S) claiming to have destroyed a boat carrying an army operation team. The army however was quick to deny any death of soldiers, claiming in turn that militants ran for cover after their camp was busted.

In a telephonic conversation with a section of media, NDFB (S) general secretary BR Ferenga said that a joint team of the NDFB-S, KLO and ULFA destroyed a boat carrying security personnelinside the Manas Park this morning at around 6.30 am. He said there were around 7-8 security personnel in the boat. Ferenga, however, did not specify if there were any casualties.

Meanwhile, a meeting was reportedly held at the BTC Secretariat today with high officials of security forces and BTC functionaries on the law-and-order situation.

In a denial issued to the media later, the Army denied the claim made by NDFB(S) about ambushing a security force boat in the Manas Park, rubbishing it as absolutely false propaganda with no substance to it.

The Army release claimed that an NDFB(S) camp was discovered in Manas on Monday, following which there was an exchange of fire. The militants managed to flee taking advantage of the difficult terrain, leaving behind a pistol, one grenade and a loaded 5.56 magazine.
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Re: Joint Army/IAF Anti-Terrorist Cross Border Op into Myanm

Post by Singha »

Manas river to give you budding sf teams flavour of the terrain..been there as a child
there is another fast river Beki forking away at the manas upper end

checked blue lungi -> BD settlers from the riverine tracts further south
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