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Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 19 Sep 2012 03:10
by ramana
Window on Spain.

English edition of El Pais

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 12 Oct 2012 15:45
by nakul
European Union wins 2012 Nobel Peace Prize

First it was Ombaba, now the EU. Poor MMS is being left out. Someone tell him that to win a peace prize, one must enter a war & establish peace first. No war, no prize :(

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 13 Oct 2012 03:41
by Vipul
Mickey Mouse Singh is not even a real mouse, so till the chabi is ghumaoed by Maino no piss prize.

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 15 Oct 2012 15:18
by gunjur
With economic downtrun, various faultlines within EU are coming up (or should it be 'coming back')??
As EU basks in peace prize, separatists on rise
Antwerp has always lived on the crest of the wave. Now, a separatist party heading into municipal elections Sunday wants to use the city as a base for breaking away from Belgium. Moves toward separatism have been getting a bigger these past months as the economic crisis pushes people faster toward stark choices on nationhood and their future.

If elected, De Wever plans to use city hall as a platform for the 2014 national election and an even more ambitious program of separatism.

By that time, he says, he will be counting on a "democratic revolt" at the polls.
Scotland, too, is looking at the option of going its own way, making the United Kingdom a little less united.
Separatism is also rife in Spain - Last month, 1.5 million Catalans took to the streets in Barcelona to call for a separate state in the biggest march since the 1970s. Catalonia's regional government voted on Sept. 27 to hold a referendum on Catalonia's self-determination at a date still yet to be set. The Spanish government says this would be unconstitutional.

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 08:48
by Hitesh
What is going on with the Italian marines case? Have the marines returned to Italy? Or are they still under Indian control as it should be?

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 11:04
by Sachin
Hitesh wrote:What is going on with the Italian marines case? Have the marines returned to Italy? Or are they still under Indian control as it should be?
The latest information I have is that they are out on bail ( The bail conditions are also very strict, and the marines have to be staying very close to the High Court as well as not leave the jurisdiction of the City Police Commissioner, Kochi city. And they also had to provide local sureties who coughed up the bail amount of nearly a crore rupees. One of the people who stood as surety had applied to the court to be allowed to travel abroad on a business visit. So yes, I guess the Marines are still out there enjoying the Kerala Tourism oppurtunities.

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 20:02
by arun
Speaking of the murderous Italian Marines case ...............

The Ferrari Formula 1 team is trying to be ultra cute by supporting the Italian Marines on board the Enrica Lexie who murderered two Indian fisherman and are facing the justice system in India.

For this inappropriate support of murderers the Ferrari team will not be getting my support during the Indian GP:

Ferrari's show of solidarity for Italian sailors held in India

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 20:14
by Varoon Shekhar
Oh, I thought the Italian sailors were released after a payment was made to the Indian families.

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 20:41
by rsingh
Gunjur wrote:With economic downtrun, various faultlines within EU are coming up (or should it be 'coming back')??
As EU basks in peace prize, separatists on rise
Antwerp has always lived on the crest of the wave. Now, a separatist party heading into municipal elections Sunday wants to use the city as a base for breaking away from Belgium. Moves toward separatism have been getting a bigger these past months as the economic crisis pushes people faster toward stark choices on nationhood and their future.

If elected, De Wever plans to use city hall as a platform for the 2014 national election and an even more ambitious program of separatism.

By that time, he says, he will be counting on a "democratic revolt" at the polls.
Scotland, too, is looking at the option of going its own way, making the United Kingdom a little less united.
Separatism is also rife in Spain - Last month, 1.5 million Catalans took to the streets in Barcelona to call for a separate state in the biggest march since the 1970s. Catalonia's regional government voted on Sept. 27 to hold a referendum on Catalonia's self-determination at a date still yet to be set. The Spanish government says this would be unconstitutional.
So what. EU not there to keep the states in present form. If Scotland get freedom and wants to be part of EU.......OK. If is doesn't..........still ok. There is no such thing as Continental pride or shame on divided Spain........nobody really care. All that matter is individual human life. You work,you pay taxes,you live your life as you wish.

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 20:50
by nakul
As UQ sets, the part of Spain under British occupation (Gibraltar) is coming into focus. Spain has been repeatedly sending ships to waters near Spain that Britain claims as its own. The fig leaf is that the current residents want to be British. Very convenient of the British to place a loyal population in place and if they don't co operate to ship them off as they did to the Chagosians in Deigo Garcia. In the Malvinas, Argentina will also be itching to liberate the islands. The next few decades are going to be fun for UQ.

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 26 Oct 2012 20:10
by arun
arun wrote:Speaking of the murderous Italian Marines case ...............

The Ferrari Formula 1 team is trying to be ultra cute by supporting the Italian Marines on board the Enrica Lexie who murderered two Indian fisherman and are facing the justice system in India.

For this inappropriate support of murderers the Ferrari team will not be getting my support during the Indian GP:

Ferrari's show of solidarity for Italian sailors held in India
The inappropriate behaviour of Ferrari has not gone down well with our MEA who have said "using sporting events to promote cause which are not of a sporting nature is not in keeping with the spirit of sports." :

MEA not amused, says F1 team decision not in spirit of sports

The National Fishworkers’ Forum has also objected :

Fishermen protest against Ferrari

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 27 Oct 2012 18:48
by vishvak
Indian team could also get symbolic to protest murder of two Indian fishermen by the Italians in some way. May be arranging for funds at the venue for the family of murdered Indians would send a good signal, too.

Lets not forget inhumanly even for a moment how Roma people have been inhumanely mistreated by barbarians who can not tell difference between welfare state for fellow European tribes and inhuman ignorance of Roma civil rights. This of course is not for good samaritans who have done something substantial about Roma people but for sure for the rest of individuals who have no sense of shame while ignoring civil rights of Roma.

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 00:32
by Chinmayanand
Hope it belongs here

Release those Italian marines; let’s get some Pak terrorists instead

Looks like this fellow got some euros from some NGO.

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 01:11
by member_23677
Chinmayanand wrote:Hope it belongs here

Release those Italian marines; let’s get some Pak terrorists instead

Looks like this fellow got some euros from some NGO.
Ballless morons haven't enabled the comment section it seems... the pig who wrote this anti-India crap is pretty mad :rotfl:

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 01:54
by Lilo
ramana wrote:Window on Spain.
English edition of El Pais
some stuff which caught my eye

>>After three decades of growth, Spain's charities are facing an unprecedented funding disaster
Note the pic and the caption
Anganwadi workers are in blue sarees ( the caption glibly lies that those in the pic are "untouchables" )

>>Jobless rate in Spain moves above 25 percent for the first time on record

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 30 Oct 2012 17:12
by vishvak
Hopefully the Europeans will not find excuses to cut charities that aid Roma population which still gets inhumanely mistreated within Europe in barbaric sense. Moralekeepers in Europe will hopefully have fortitude to see that benefits get enhanced in times for discriminated Romas and not get inhumanely cut even further under any excuses during hard times.

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 30 Oct 2012 23:10
by AbhiJ
nakul wrote:As UQ sets, the part of Spain under British occupation (Gibraltar) is coming into focus. Spain has been repeatedly sending ships to waters near Spain that Britain claims as its own. The fig leaf is that the current residents want to be British. Very convenient of the British to place a loyal population in place and if they don't co operate to ship them off as they did to the Chagosians in Deigo Garcia. In the Malvinas, Argentina will also be itching to liberate the islands. The next few decades are going to be fun for UQ.
That's Why I advocate selling Nirbhays to Argentina which would accelerate the independence of Falklands and start a cause for all the Occupied islands to be declared independent.

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 08 Nov 2012 08:16
by Rony
Merkel calls Christianity world’s ‘most persecuted’ religion :rotfl:
Opposition lawmakers and human rights groups are criticizing German Chancellor Angela Merkel for claiming that Christianity is “the most persecuted religion worldwide.”

Lawmaker Jerzy Montag of the opposition Greens party on Tuesday described Merkel’s comments as “mistaken” and “not very helpful.”

Rights campaigners said ranking faiths according to how persecuted they are is pointless.

Human Rights Watch noted that Muslims in Myanmar, members of Falun Gong in China and Jews in many countries worldwide also face persecution.

Merkel’s comments came at a meeting of the German Protestant Church late Monday in which she emphasized Germany needed to protect Christian minorities as part of its foreign policy.

Merkel, the daughter of a pastor, also spoke out against a strict separation of church and state and said Europe was built on Christian foundations.

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 08 Nov 2012 09:20
by krisna
Greek Editor Arrested After Publishing List of Swiss Bank Accounts
The Greek police arrested and then quickly released the owner and editor of a respected investigative magazine on Sunday morning hours after he published a list of more than 2,000 Greeks who were said to have accounts at a bank in Switzerland, throwing new controversy into a scandal over whether the government is actively pursuing suspected tax cheats.

The dramatic moves, which tens of thousands of Greeks were following on the Internet, came days before Greece's European partners were to meet to decide whether to grant tens of billions of euros in new aid to the financially struggling nation. Greece's lenders have long said that the government must crack down on tax evasion to be eligible for more aid.
more will happen in due course of time.

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 14 Nov 2012 20:45
by chetak
Denied abortion, Indian woman dies in Ireland; probe ordered

LONDON: Irish authorities launched an investigation on Wednesday into the death of a woman whose family say she was refused an abortion despite serious risk to her own life.

Savita Halappanavar, who is originally from India, repeatedly asked University Hospital Galway in western Ireland to terminate her pregnancy because she had severe back pain and was miscarrying, her family said.

But staff had told his wife could not have an abortion because Ireland was a Catholic country and the foetus was still alive, her husband Praveen told the Irish Times. She was 17 weeks pregnant, when she approached doctors.

"Savita said: 'I am neither Irish nor Catholic' but they said there was nothing they could do,'" the newspaper quoted her husband as saying.

The 31-year-old dentist died of septicaemia, or blood poisoning, on October 28.

Abortion is illegal in the Republic of Ireland except when it is necessary to save the life of the mother.

Ireland's health service executive has launched an investigation into Halappanavar's case.

The hospital said in a statement that a review into Halappanavar's death had not yet started as it was waiting to consult with the Halappanavar family, who are in India for her funeral.

The European court of human rights in December 2010 condemned Ireland for obliging a woman suffering from cancer and who feared a pregnancy would worsen her health to have an abortion abroad.

Double standards and selective reading of the law. :evil:

An Indian life does not merit irish consideration??

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 14 Nov 2012 22:30
by disha

It is a Catholic country.

The positive one can take from this is that other countries and their laws stand exposed. I hope the mango man realises how pernicious some of this laws are and in some cases religion particularly propogated by Vatican and their co-brothers from mid-west (or middle-east) is a cancer on the human society.

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 15 Nov 2012 02:57
by Rony

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 15 Nov 2012 03:15
by disha
The vatican/catholics control of Ireland is no different from the islamic mullah control of bakistan. They have raped and killed their own. Savita is just a foot note. So what thousands rally, will it make them take down those draconian rules in the name of pro-life?

And where is the sickular indian media on this?

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 15 Nov 2012 06:44
by Rony
Some more on the tragic death of Savita Halappanavar.

Ireland's law and Catholic culture allowed Savita Halappanavar to die

Tragedy, shame and outrage as pregnant Savita dies in Irish hospital because of Catholic dogma and political cowardice

Some videos during the protest rally

Sinead Kennedy of the NUIM School of English and pro-choice activist delivers opening remarks and speech

Clare Daly TD of the ULA delivers a speech. ...

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 15 Nov 2012 09:50
by arun
chetak wrote:Denied abortion, Indian woman dies in Ireland; probe ordered

LONDON: Irish authorities launched an investigation on Wednesday into the death of a woman whose family say she was refused an abortion despite serious risk to her own life.

Savita Halappanavar, who is originally from India, repeatedly asked University Hospital Galway in western Ireland to terminate her pregnancy because she had severe back pain and was miscarrying, her family said.

But staff had told his wife could not have an abortion because Ireland was a Catholic country and the foetus was still alive, her husband Praveen told the Irish Times. She was 17 weeks pregnant, when she approached doctors.

"Savita said: 'I am neither Irish nor Catholic' but they said there was nothing they could do,'" the newspaper quoted her husband as saying.

The 31-year-old dentist died of septicaemia, or blood poisoning, on October 28. {Snipped}

I am curious to see what the Pope and the Vatican will have to say about the acceptability of ramming religious belief derived practice of the Catholic sectarian variant of Christism down the throats of those who do not follow Christism.

I am also curious to see if our Congress party led UPA Administration of Dr. Manmohan Singh will be able to surmount the fact that his party leader Sonia Gandhi comes from a background rooted in the Catholic sectarian variant of Christism and takes this issue up vigorously with Ireland.

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 15 Nov 2012 09:54
by kmkraoind
In the new era of globalization, we are really a "global minority," facing false accusations and discrimination at global scale.

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 15 Nov 2012 19:02
by arun
"How many more cases will there be? The rules should be changed as per the requirement of Hindus. We are Hindus, not Christians,"
From Here:

Savita Halappanavar's Parents Slam Ireland Abortion Laws After Daughter's Death

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 15 Nov 2012 23:36
by disha
arun wrote:I am also curious to see if our Congress party led UPA Administration of Dr. Manmohan Singh will be able to surmount the fact that his party leader Sonia Gandhi comes from a background rooted in the Catholic sectarian variant of Christism and takes this issue up vigorously with Ireland.
He is sleeping good.

The entire law based on religion is stupid. Infact the religious dogma underpinning the law itself is stupid. This has been enunciated very well by the mother of Savita herself "what right do they have to take away my 30 year child to save a 4 week feotus".

It should be drilled into the heads of the vatican skirt chasing catholics that the religious dogma is stupid and first thing is they need to change that., before they call others pagans.

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 16 Nov 2012 01:23
by kancha
Is this entire episode not a case of religious extremism?
Just have a look at the comments at the end of each of the reports posted above. Shocking is the word :evil:

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 16 Nov 2012 18:28
by vishvak
kancha wrote:Is this entire episode not a case of religious extremism?
Just have a look at the comments at the end of each of the reports posted above. Shocking is the word :evil:
It is very shocking how a Hindu married lady was in hospital in agonizing pain for 7 days, not to mention personal trauma of losing a child, while the most learned doctor people of the first world country Ireland were busy debating on religious merits of Christian theology.
link1, link2.
Such barbaric mistreatment of married Hindu women in Ireland should not be tolerated. MEA better have medical emergency facilities of their own instead of lately taking up matter with concerned agencies etc.

The Irish politics is played out on top of such tragic bloody situation of death of Hindu lady not outside exclusive domain of Catholic-Protestant vote banking. link

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 17 Nov 2012 10:08
by vera_k
I wonder why the parents haven't filed a police complaint in India over this. Since the policy that led to Savita's death is officially supported by the Ireland government, they can lay claim to quite a bit of compensation. Surely, the Ireland government has property in India that courts can order to be seized in case payment is not made.

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 17 Nov 2012 11:13
by RajeshA
A law suit for compensation of say around 20 million USD should be in order! It should be directed at the Irish State, for its involvement in the murder of Savita. This is not a case of a hospital's doctors unable to deal with the medical condition. It is also not just their part in the murder. No this murder was ordered by the Irish state itself through a deliberate policy, and Ireland should cough up the money!

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 17 Nov 2012 13:50
by JE Menon
They will probably need a loan from India on this, the blockheads; can you imagine a doctor actually telling a dying woman, I won't save you - not because I can't but because "this is a Catholic country"... WTF? if she had bought into that ideology, or was Catholic herself, maybe it would be understandable (even then I personally think it is only a complete moron with his brain jammed in his rectum who would believe such crap), but this poor woman was basically neither Catholic, nor even Irish. It is in these times that, for these jackasses to get their heads screwed on right, one wishes that a pregnant Irish woman gets convicted for adultery in Saudi Arabia... then we'll see how their sense of morality and faith measures up.

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 19 Nov 2012 14:31
by vishvak
Has anything come out of this?

Is our MEA able to acknowledge difference between "a young woman" going to hospital and a married Hindu responsible lady, expecting childbirth (not an abortion) & having to face complications, dealing inactivity and local laws based on religious dogma in failing health?

Is our MEA able to acknowledge that the diverse Indian personnel may not have as much global aid & organizations to help - other than MEA itself, unlike Muslims and Christian with global Ummah and global Priesthood, in face of religious dogmas at local and national levels in various countries?

Are MEA personnel aware of such responsibilities in the first place?

Is our MEA being inactive results in difference effectively, or made to be inactive thereby effecting a difference, at global/foreign level by absence of alternate global organizations for diverse population of India dealing any such issue? Is not MEA itself the Govt. agency to deal with such issues?

Are even the educated Indians unaware, or made unaware by education, of religious dogmas at levels of foreign countries and that in foreign countries one has to tip toe such situations or put up and shut up as per wishes of majority? Has MEA done anything to make people aware on such local and global political issues?

Is it upto individuals to map global charts and gather information so that diverse people of India come to know
1) When to forsake a particular region temporarily when a particular complication/inadequacy arise instead of having to wait for change-of-mindset/acquire-common-sense/elections/global-enforcement etc.
2) How to deal with people who want to avoid unwanted consequences of local laws out of any understanding such as religious dogmas, without annoying too much?
3) How to make global and local population realize that Indian diverse population can have diverse needs and need to be informed of anomalies/current-workarounds, instead of just having to hear "sorry, <excuse 1,2,3>". A simple information such as "people usually go out of Ireland to perform abortion" quickly would have worked too instead of "Sorry .." & silence.

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 20 Nov 2012 22:24
by Lisa
I just dont understand the couple, why did they not just get into a car and cross the boder into NI and access private medicine there. In NI abortions are legal and individuals from the south regularly do this. She herself was a dentist and she should have been aware of this fact.

A car journey of 90 mins could have saved her life!

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 20 Nov 2012 23:57
by krisna
Lisa wrote:I just dont understand the couple, why did they not just get into a car and cross the boder into NI and access private medicine there. In NI abortions are legal and individuals from the south regularly do this. She herself was a dentist and she should have been aware of this fact.

A car journey of 90 mins could have saved her life!
easy to say Lisa,
Remember Savita and husband wanted the baby not abortion. Crossing the border was the last thing they had in mind.
At the moment Savita was having pain they would not have known the events that unfolded.
it is always easy to talk in retrospective.

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 00:12
by Prem ... dian-envoy
Savita Halappanavar 'would still be alive if she had been treated in India'Indian ambassador to Ireland says hospitals in his country would not have denied miscarrying woman an abortion

India's ambassador to Ireland has said the woman who died in an Irish hospital after being denied an abortion might be alive today if she had been treated in India.Debashish Chakravarti said the death of Savita Halappanavar last month in University Hospital Galway has caused great anguish among the Indian community in Ireland and in India.He said he hoped steps would be taken by the Irish government to ensure that no one else died in similar circumstances in the future.The Irish department of foreign affairs, meanwhile, has confirmed that Ireland's ambassador in Delhi is meeting Indian officials and diplomats to discuss the 31-year-old dentist's death.
Speaking on RTÉ radio this morning Chakravarti said he had met government officials in Dublin and expressed his concerns about her death. He said he hoped an investigation would be carried out as quickly as possible without affecting the quality of the inquiry.The ambassador pointed out that abortion was not illegal in India when the mother's life was at risk.The media in India have also joined its diplomats in expressing concern over Halappanavar's death. The Times of India in an editorial on the tragedy said the "ban on abortion … ended up taking a life that need not have been lost. How does that square with viewing the ban as 'pro-life'?"Later on Friday, Ireland's health service executive will publish the names of the medical experts who will oversee the inquiry into Halappanavar's death.The Irish Republic's near-total ban on abortion came in for harsh criticism from Halappanavar's parents on Thursday. They said the lack of guidelines for medical staff had caused their daughter's death.Her husband, Praveen Halappanavar, an engineer with Boston Scientific in Galway, said his wife had asked several times over a three-day period that her pregnancy be terminated. At the time she was in severe pain and was miscarrying. Medical staff, however, refused her request, claiming they could detect a foetal heartbeat. They reportedly told the couple: "This is a Catholic country."Senator David Norris, one of Ireland's veteran parliamentarians, who has campaigned for women's reproductive rights, called on the ruling Fine Gael-Labour coalition to immediately publish the findings of a report into reforming the country's abortion laws.He said: "Of course it should be published right away because three months is far too long to wait. In fact, we have been waiting for 20 years since the X case established the principle that women could have abortions if their lives were at threat. The government should publish now and clarify where all stand."

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 00:13
by chetak
The fundoos are crawling out of the woodwork. There is no love lost between the govt of ireland and the vatican.

Bishop alleges cover-up bid by Ireland hospital
Nov 20, 2012,

BELGAUM: Rev. Peter Machado, bishop of the Belgaum diocese, said the authorities of the University Hospital Galway in Ireland may be citing the law to cover up its mistakes in the death of Dr Savita Halappanavar.

He told TOI: "I don't know which law the hospital authorities are talking about. Is it canonical law or the law of Ireland? Both are different," he said.

"No religion allows the killing of human beings. If there's any law against this principle, it should be changed. In the Catholic Church, abortion is considered a sin. Mother Teresa said if mother can kill a child in her womb, she'd be capable of killing anyone. In exceptional cases, if the mother's life is at risk, doctors must save her life and in that process, if anything happens to the child, it's God's grace", he said.

The bishop asked why doctors hadn't followed their professional law, the Hippocratic Oath of saving lives. He said, "If they failed to save her life, they should be blamed. I think there was some carelessness on the part of doctors in the Savita case, and to cover it up, they're pointing the finger elsewhere," he said.

According to a report in The Irish Times, the Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin expressed his distress at some of the reactions to Savita's death. He challenged assertions that Ireland was not a safe country in which to be pregnant.

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 00:15
by krisna
daktar and law and christian nutjobs
1) daktars worldwide protect both mom and child- however preference is always for mom>>baby.
2) There is provision in irish laws that mom can be saved in rare occasions irrspective of baby, but not enforced.
3) also goes against european human rights to which ireland is a signatory.
4) if daktar is convicted of abortion in ireland- hell- he will stay in prison for >10 years. easy to put a daktar in jail than save a a life. so much for pro life christian bast*rds which in reality goes against chritian tenets. have not seen such fundoos in any other religion.
5) christian fundoos is extremely strong in ireland- has one of the most draconian laws on abortion-- so much for a first world country. clergy is also downright stupid.

wrt ireland--
nothing will happen, yeah demonstrtaions will occur, some lectures etc etc. some compensation/help will be given to the Indian family etc. chai biskoot sessions with Indian GOI. europe will be muted etc. other than some lip smacking stuff. some dilution of abortion laws will occur at the most.

vatican p(eado)ope will not say much other than some inanities.

wrt India,
MEA is awaiting the reports of the irish govt which has informed India about it. may take 2-3 months.
no action till then. menawhile it will die down.
Life is lost ironically because of pro life ch*tiyas.
cant get more stupid than this.

Re: India-EU News & Analysis

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 16:37
by vishvak
The Hindu married couple wanted to have a child and that was not hidden. The couple required an abortion only after it was recognized by a doctor that the foetus will not survive.

It would be uncivilized to not recognize that there is nothing illegitimate in above, nor anything hidden.

Still there were excuses about religious dogmatic laws even in the face of failing health. "Sorry, this is Catholic state" does not even apply here, and worse it came within hospital and with doctors around.

There was nothing illegitimate in the requirements of the Hindu married couple.

The entire bloody situation, where Hindu married couple now is broken, has become an issue about abortion laws.

The issue is not about abortion laws. The issue is about recognizing legitimate needs of Hindu married couple facing complications.

This discourse in which legitimate needs of the Hindu married couple are not even recognized in the first place and misinterpreted under excuse of some situation is completely inhuman and uncivilized.