Delhi Blasts news and info

BRF Oldie
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Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Singha »

seems UP police vetoed the idea of arresting 3 suspects in azamgarh fearing communal trouble.
the arrest req was based on interrogations in jaipur and ahmedabad. now these 3 will
certainly be missing.

mananiya griha mantri's 3 changes of safari suits in one evening has even caught the eye
of TV cameras. Modiji cattily remarked to media that if he can find time to change suits
thrice in the middle of the evening, congress should find the time to fire him once!

Lalu also seems to want him out per media reports but Rajmata has not decided yet.
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Re: Blasts in delhi

Post by Philip »

How to punish the guilty parties should be examined.We need a complete overhaul of the security apparatus,a new "homeland anti-terror" agency,a new central intel agency that collates all intel from diverse sources and parcels it out to relevant agencies/forces,new laws if needed to prosecute terrorism and hang the guilty,new military measures to seal the border using high-tech (UAVs,aerostats,electronic surveillance devices) and low tech (mining and fences),diplomatio measures (graded responses,expulsion of diplomats to breaking off relations),rewards for nations assiting us with intel and arms without strings,no rewards for nations that supply Pak with arms and aid,justice for all citizens,especially the poorest without favour to the rich and powerful-to prevent extremist outfits like Maoists recruiting from the poor and above all a strong "will" to win this war and take the hard decisions needed to save the situation.Let's hope it can be achieved democratically with the ballot rather than the bullet.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Raghavendra »

India needs 'zero tolerance' against terrorism: Advani
New Delhi, Sept 15 (PTI) A day after promising to bring back stringent anti-terror laws if voted back to power, the BJP today demanded "zero tolerance" against terrorism.

"The United States is the biggest enemy of jehadis. But after 9/11, not even a single terrorist strike has taken place in the US...We have to find out why we are being constantly being targeted (by terrorists) since the 1980s," senior BJP leader L K Advani said after meeting victims of Saturday's serial blasts at the Dr Ram Manohar Lohia hospital here this evening.

He said the administration, the officials and the people will have to develop "zero tolerance" against terrorism to defeat it.

Advani reiterated that Gujarat police had already warned of a terror strike in the national capital.

The BJP leader also supported the theory that the Delhi blasts were part of terrorists' overall plan to target Bangalore, Ahmedabad and Delhi. "I was told that the serial blasts here were part of their operation BAD. "After Bangalore and Ahmedabad, Delhi has been targeted," he said.

Advani, however, refused to comment on suggestions by opposition parties seeking resignation of Home minister Shivraj Patil following a series of terror strikes. "The BJP has already dealt with the issue," he said.

The Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha met the victims of the blasts at the hospital and spent over 45 minutes with them.
Four detained after being tipped by Gujarat Police

New Delhi, Sep 15 (UNI) The Delhi Police today received a shot in the arm after being tipped by the Gujarat Police which led to the detention of four men from neighbouring Faridabad in Haryana.

The four men, between 20 and 25 years of age, were detained this morning by sleuths of the Special Cell following Ahmedabad Police's information on likely suspects hiding in the city's neighbourhood, according to sources.

''Initial questioning has revealed that while two of those detained had been living at that address for the past nearly six months, two others had joined them just about a week back.''

The two had taken the accommodation on rent and told their landlord that the 'other two', who joined them lately, were their relatives and would be here for a couple of days only, said sources.
Patil: Govt had prior information about blasts, not going to resign

New Delhi, Sept 15 (UNI) Home Minister Shivraj Patil today claimed that the government had prior information about the terror attack in Delhi but it was not ''actionable information'' and said there was no pressure on him to resign.

Mr Patil in an interview to CNN-IBN said that the information was available with the government from its own intelligence sources regarding blasts in Delhi even before Gujarat Chief Minister
Narendra Modi met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and shared his inputs.

However, what was not available was time and the place and the method of keeping bombs in dustbins, he said. The actionable information was not available and in absence of specific information
it was difficult to act on it, he added.
PM should resign for people's good: Rajnath

Behraich, Sep 15 (UNI) Demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for his ''failure on all the fronts,'' Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Rajnath Singh today said the Lok Sabha election should be held at the earliest.
Talking to UNI after addressing people for about an hour in the ''Vijay Sankalp Rally,'' Mr Singh said the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government at the Centre has no moral right to continue anymore.

The UPA has completely failed in tackling terrorism and an increase in prices of essential commodities. the BJP president said, adding ''Dr Manmohan Singh should resign immediately and pave the way for early elections so that people can elect a new government and end their woes.''
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by SBajwa »

At least BRIites can join the United American Committee
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by kshirin » ... 785654.cms

India rejects US offer of joint operations against LeT
21 Mar 2007, 0031 hrs IST, Indrani Bagchi,TNN

NEW DELHI: India has rejected a US proposal for joint operation against Lashkar-e-Toiba, in a move that has baffled many given that LeT is the principal terror threat to India, and that counter-terrorism has been a high bilateral priority.

According to sources, the reluctance has primarily to do with the bitter memories of the cold shoulder they got from American counterparts for decades. While US thought that its effort to insulate its love for Pakistan from counter-terror cooperation with India would help India to forget the past, for Indian intelligence agencies it's a leap of faith that's still a while away.

Apart from the unhappy experience with American agencies, India is reluctant to let its officials work closely with the US for a couple of reasons. First, politically, Indian security leadership fears that allying too closely with the US could tar India with the same brush by a large part of the world, and who knows, by India's own citizens, as being "anti-Islamic". "Whether valid or not, it's a perception that America has been saddled with, and we don't want to be seen through that lens," said a senior security source. "It will be against our larger national interest."

Second, there remains the Indian fear of US counter-intelligence. Poorly paid Indian operatives, fear officials, could be ripe targets for American counter-intelligence. It's no secret that Indian intelligence officials are badly maintained by the state, leaving them vulnerable. The defection of Ravinder Singh to the US and the breach of the National Security Council Secretariat by a US undercover agent at the US embassy have not worked to allay those fears. So India reacts by prohibiting any contact between Indian and US officials. It's no use saying friends don't spy on friends, because they do, everywhere. India does it itself.

That said, India recognises that international cooperation on terror is vitally important, and the US offer at this point in time, given the present international situation and US pressure on Pakistan, opens up a window of opportunity for India. For the time being, India and the US will stick to exchanging information, but are far away from joint operations, or even jointly penetrating networks.
Both sides believe there are LeT fingerprints on both the Mumbai blasts and Samjhauta Express attacks. This, say sources, would be a prime case for cooperation, and perhaps, even building confidence between the two sides.

Sources said while India's ability at phone intercepts was effective, its ability to intercept terror messages
online was seriously flawed. Terrorists, they said, now use innovative methods — information, for instance, is embedded in photographs on the Internet. In another method, two or more terror operatives use the same email ID — messages therefore are saved as drafts and not sent through cyberspace. And these are the simple tricks. Indian counter-terrorism system needs to be brought up to speed on Internet terror, but it cannot tap US expertise because after the breach of the NSCS, there is no cyber-security exchanges.

LeT has evolved into a front for Qaida in India and spread its tentacles beyond Kashmir. Recent events have shown that LeT has become more closely enmeshed with Qaida, directly threatening US interests. Abu Zubaidah, the Qaida No.3, was arrested in Faisalabad from the house of an LeT leader. So, in many ways, the US too is getting more realitistic about its alliance with Pakistan in the war against terror.

On Tuesday, Walid bin Attash, suspected Qaida member, confessed to providing support from Pakistan to a group that bombed the Kenya US embassy in 1998. Abu Farraj Al Libbi, top Qaida operational picked up in Pakistan in May, 2006, worked from an LeT site.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by ramana »

Is it possbile that its Operation BADR and not just Operation BAD? Is there any town that is named or used to be named with the initial R?

Instead of chasing foreign ghosts its better to concentrate on nearby real threats. Going after L-e-T is a US problem for that outfit is crafted to take jihad Westward ho! Its Jaish E- Mohammed (J-E-M) thats directed towards India and Kashmir. I am not sure how many of the L-e-T operatives are dual use types.
BAD =Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Delhi
BADR = Battle where Muhammad won first major victory.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Tamang »

Lo bhai...Patil sahab....

I have full blessings of Sonia Gandhi: Shivraj Patil
NEW DELHI: Brushing aside speculation that he would be asked to step down, Union Home Minister Shivraj Patil on Monday asserted that he enjoyed "full blessings" of Congress president Sonia Gandhi.

"Well, I have full blessings of my leader," he told a news channel when asked if he enjoyed the confidence of his leader.

Asked if he felt troubled over the fact that he was not called by Gandhi at a meeting of senior party leaders here on Monday morning, Patil said "do not put me on defensive".

"That is not the style my leader works, my party works. My party's ethos is to do justice and to see it is done in a manner which contains and control criminal and terrorists activities and at the same time does not give any opportunity to human rights violation," he said.

Patil is under attack over his ministry's handling of internal security and even some senior Congress leaders said to be critical of the minister, whose attention to sartorial preferences even during the night of Saturday blasts in Delhi have drawn flak.

Refuting charges of intelligence failure, the Home Minister said in all incidents information was given.

"It was available with us in Delhi also. But what was not available was the timing, the place and the method to be used for the purpose," he said.

Patil said that difficulties arose in the absence of actionable information on the timing and place of the planned attacks.

To a question, he said the Centre had information about the possibility of terror attack in the national capital even before Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi conveyed it.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Rahul M »

good, this govt shouldn't get away by finding a scapegoat. it must pay for its deeds and get nailed for the apathy shown towards protecting Indian lives. patil is only the tip of the iceberg, the head honchos are just as much responsible.

To a question, he said the Centre had information about the possibility of terror attack in the national capital even before Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi conveyed it.
goes out of his way to prove own incompetence ! an asset indeed for the UPA.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by kshirin »

KPS Gill, they should bring him back. ... sid=1&pn=2

A Routine Reminder
Unless India and USA join hands to exert inexorable pressure on Islamabad to reverse the direction of its present free fall into terrorist adventurism and anarchy, the world will confront an augmenting -- and potentially catastrophic -- threat of terrorism emanating from Pakistani soil.


Two days after the world observed the seventh anniversary of the catastrophic 9/11 attacks in America, a routine reminder that terrorism was alive and kicking was delivered in India’s capital city on the evening of September 13, 2008. A series of explosions in crowded markets in Delhi killed 21 and wounded at least 151. There was little to distinguish these attacks, apart from operational specificities, from the succession of comparable attacks across India that have occurred with sickening regularity -- with interregnums largely ranging up to three months -- for the past nearly three years, and with a lesser frequency over the preceding decade. Fresh in memory, of course, are the serial explosions in Ahmedabad, on July 26, 2008; in Bangalore, on July 25, 2008; at Jaipur, on May 13, 2008; the fidayeen attack on the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Group Centre at Rampur in Uttar Pradesh (UP) on December 31, 2007; the serial blasts in court premises in Varanasi, Faizabad and Lucknow in UP, on November 23, 2007; the serial explosions in Hyderabad in August and in May, 2007...
The ‘Indian Mujahideen’ (IM) have laid claim to the latest cycle of bombings in Delhi in an email delivered to media organisations even as the first bombs exploded. This is the fourth serial terrorist attack claimed under this identity -- the preceding three include Ahmedabad, Jaipur and the Uttar Pradesh court explosions. Cumulative evidence derived from these past cases indicates that the IM is nothing but the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI). The repeated attribution of attacks to the IM suggests that SIMI is seeking to establish this identity for its terrorist operations, even as it continues to make a bid for the removal of the ban on its own activities before the courts and with the support of sympathetic political parties. If such a strategy is eventually successful, SIMI could re-establish its overground networks for mobilisation and advocacy of its brand of extremist Islam, while its cadres ‘graduate’ to terrorist activities under the ‘independent’ IM banner. This would create great difficulties for enforcement agencies, confronted with an apparently legitimate ‘political’ movement, formally distanced from, but backed by an underground terrorist group -- a model that several terrorist organisations have adopted in democratic countries across the world.
Much is now being made of the ‘indigenisation’ of Islamist extremism and terrorism in India as purportedly opposed to the earlier Pakistan-backed terrorist activities. It is crucial, at this juncture, to scotch emerging misconceptions on this count. Islamist terrorism in India has always had an Indian face -- but has overwhelmingly been engineered and directed from Pakistan, and nothing has changed in this scenario. Going back to the March 1993 serial explosions in Mumbai, which killed 257 persons and left 713 injured, and were executed by the Dawood Ibrahim gang, for instance, it is useful to recall that nearly 1,800 kilograms of RDX and a large number of detonators and small arms had been smuggled from Pakistan through India’s West Coast prior to the blasts. The operation was coordinated by Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), and Ibrahim and a number of his gang members have since lived under state protection in Karachi.
Similarly, al Ummah, which was responsible for a series of 19 explosions in February, 1998, which left 50 dead in the Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu, and which had established a wide network of extremist organisations across South India, was also aided by Pakistan, with a considerable flow of funds from Pakistan-based terror groups, often through the Gulf.

Deendar Anjuman, headed by Zia-ul-Hassan, which orchestrated a series of 13 explosions in churches in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Goa between May and July 2000, was, again, bankrolled by the ISI. The then union minister for home affairs had stated in Parliament that investigators had established linkages between the Deendar Anjuman and Pakistan’s covert intelligence agency. Hassan himself was based in Peshawar (Pakistan), where the sect was established under the name of Anjuman Hizbullah, and he is said to have floated a militant group, the Jamaat-e-Hizb-ul-Mujahideen in Pakistan, in order to ‘capture India and spread Islam’.

It is entirely within this paradigm that SIMI’s evolution as a terrorist group is located. Absent the support and involvement of Pakistan’s covert agencies and an enduring partnership with a range of Pakistan based or backed terrorist groups, prominently including the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT), Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (HuM), Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) and Harkat-ul-Jihad-e-Islami Bangladesh (HuJI-BD), SIMI may have had an amateur flirtation with terrorism, an impulse that would quickly have been exhausted with a handful of low-grade and at least occasionally accidental bomb blasts. Instead, its leadership and cadres have had a long apprenticeship alongside Pakistani terrorist groups operating in Jammu & Kashmir (J&K), and several of the more promising candidates have crossed the border to secure ‘advanced training’ on Pakistani soil or in Bangladesh.
SIMI’s control centre has, for some time now, been based in Pakistan. Operational command in a number of major attacks, including the Samjhauta Express bombing (February 18, 2007) and the two serial attacks in Hyderabad in May and August 2007, was known to have been exercised by Moahmmad Shahid aka Bilal. Bilal was reported to have been shot in Karachi in September 2007, and, while Indian intelligence sources remain sceptical, no confirmed sighting has subsequently been reported. Operational control thereafter has shifted to the Lahore-based second-in-command, Mohammad Amjad.

I have repeatedly emphasised the fact that "Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) -- as an organ of the country’s military and political establishment -- has been, and remains, the principal source of the impetus, the infrastructure and the organisational networks of what is inaccurately called ‘Islamist’ terrorism across the world." An overwhelming proportion of so-called ‘Islamist’ terrorism is, in fact, simply ‘ISI terrorism’.
While the Indian establishment remains unusually coy about this reality -- with fitful and often quickly qualified exception -- some measure of satisfaction may now be derived from a growing American recognition of Pakistan’s pernicious role as an abiding source of Islamist terrorism. Had this recognition come in the first weeks after 9/11, that could have saved thousands of lives, most significantly in Afghanistan and India, but also in Europe and across Asia.
Nevertheless, Western commentators and governments are now increasingly acknowledging Pakistan’s duplicity in the ‘global war on terror’, the proclivity to act as an "on-and-off ally of Washington". While providing fitful cooperation in US anti-terrorism efforts, The Washington Times notes,
…in other ways, Pakistan aids and abets terror. US officials say that Pakistan’s spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence… was behind the recent bombing of India’s embassy in Kabul. And the Pakistani government’s refusal to confront al Qaeda has helped create a de facto safe haven for the group and its allies in locations like the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) region of Pakistan.
US Intelligence officials, The Washington Times notes further, compare "al Qaeda’s operational and organisational advantages in the FATA to those it enjoyed in Afghanistan prior to September 11", and warn that "al Qaeda was training and positioning its operatives to carry out attacks in the West, probably including the United States."

These disclosures coincide with reports that President Bush had secretly approved orders in July 2008, allowing American Special Operations forces to carry out ground assaults inside Pakistan without the prior approval of the Pakistani government. US Forces have executed numerous missile attacks from unmanned Predator drones on Pakistani soil in the past, but the September 3, 2008, attack by NATO and US ground troops at a Taliban -- al Qaeda stronghold in South Waziristan was the first instance in which troops had participated. The incident has already been followed by drone attacks on September 9 on a seminary run by Jalaluddin Haqqani, in which 20 persons, including some senior al Qaeda operatives were killed; and on September 12, at Tul Khel in North Waziristan, in which an al Badr Mujahideen commander was targeted. Haqqani, it is significant, was known to have engineered the attack on the Indian Embassy at Kabul, using a LeT suicide cadre Hamza Shakoor, a Pakistani from Gujranwala district, on behalf of the ISI.

The increasing frequency of US-NATO attacks -- manned or unmanned -- into Pakistani territory, and the Bush Administration’s approval of Special Operations into Pakistan without prior sanction from Islamabad, has reconfirmed the country’s status as a safe haven for Islamist terrorists and an area of growing anxiety for the world. There is, however, still very little understanding of how heavy and sustained the Pakistani footprint has been in Islamist terrorist activities across the globe. The enormity of this ‘footprint’ is, for instance, reflected in the long succession of terrorist incidents, arrests and seizures, separately, in India, the US and Europe, in which a Pakistani link has been suspected or confirmed.
A segment of the groups sponsored and supported by the ISI -- and which had long operated as its agents and instrumentalities -- have now turned renegade, and Pakistan is struggling to manage growing contradictions in its continued support to other ‘loyal’ groups. The situation, in fact, is far more complex -- even as the Pakistan establishment confronts certain elements of the Taliban, particularly the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), it receives unqualified support from, and extends support to, other Taliban groups, particularly the Afghanistan oriented groups who have been given virtual free rein to operate from Pakistan’s tribal areas. Relations with other groups are also complex -- ‘loyal’ outfits, such as the LeT are also directly linked to the al Qaeda and the Taliban, who the Army claims to be ‘hunting down’. Indeed, it is within the spaces created for ‘loyal’ terrorist groups in Pakistan that the renegade and global terrorist organisations thrive as well. The ‘loyal’ groups, moreover, remain integral, both to the ruling establishment’s strategies of external policy projection within and beyond the South Asian region, as well as to domestic political management.

Despite America’s belated recognition of the threat from Pakistan, the US perspective remains highly qualified and fails -- at least publicly -- to acknowledge the duplicity of the Pakistani establishment and, instead, appears to give credence to Islamabad’s position that the tribal areas are, in fact, out of Islamabad’s control.
What is missed out is the reality that the "al Qaeda mindset" has deep roots in Pakistan’s military and political establishment, despite current tactical contradictions imposed on the region by the intervention of external players. There is, moreover, no power centre in Pakistan -- military or political -- that can escape the imperatives of Islamist identity politics in its domestic policies and practices, even where personal convictions may contradict such politics.
With pressures escalating in Iraq, there has been a significant flow of radicalised and terrorist cadres towards Afghanistan-Pakistan, and this has already resulted in escalated pressures across the region. A further crystallization of these forces is inevitable, unless strategies to neutralize the safe havens of all terrorist groups in Pakistan, and to end the state sponsorship of terrorism particularly directed against Afghanistan and India are devised.
For far too long, external players directly impacted by Pakistan’s support to terrorism, and the use of Pakistani soil for terrorism, have allowed free rein to Pakistan’s persistent strategy and "overriding interest," as Mark Huband expressed it, "to achieve internal security by provoking instability among its neighbours", substantially through the use of terrorist proxies. Both the US and India are fast approaching elections and the prospects of new administrations in charge. The greatest strategic challenge these administrations will immediately face on assuming power will be the question of how to deal with Pakistan. No simple answer or crude strategy of pure force will suffice in this context. However, unless these two key nations join hands to exert inexorable pressure on Islamabad to reverse the direction of its present free fall into terrorist adventurism and anarchy, the world will confront an augmenting -- and potentially catastrophic -- threat of terrorism emanating from Pakistani soil.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by sunilUpa »

ramana wrote:Is it possbile that its Operation BADR and not just BAD? Is there any town that is named or used to be named with the initial R?

Instead of chasing foreign ghosts its better to concentrate on nearby real threats. Going after L-e-T is a US problem for that outfit is crafted to take jihad Westward ho! Its Jaish E- Mohammed (J-E-M) thats directed towards India and Kashmir. I am not sure how many of theo L-e-T operatives are dual use types.
Where does Surat fit in BAD?
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Kati »

Crackdown on WiFi misuse

Statesman News Service, The Statesman, Kolkata, Sept 15, 2008

NEW DELHI, Sept. 14: With militants hacking wireless fidelity (WiFi) Internet service for sending e-mails minutes before terror attacks, security agencies will soon ask service providers to make it foolproof against misuse.
A senior home ministry official said since WiFi system is being misused by militants to send terror mails, measures need to be taken to prevent it. The matter will be taken up with the appropriate authorities soon, he said.
The official said security agencies had pointed out that password protection should be made mandatory for every customer using WiFi technology. The shadowy terror outfit, Indian Mujahideen, which has claimed responsibility for the blasts in Ahmedabad and Delhi, sent e-mails to media organisations using the WiFi service. These mails, sent minutes before the blasts in both cases, had challenged security agencies to prevent the blasts and threatened more such blasts in future.
While in the case of yesterday’s serial blasts in Delhi the outfit sent the e-mail through the unsecured network of a family in Chembur (Maharashtra), militants had used the unsecured WiFi system of a US national, Mr Kenneth Haywood, for sending e-mails before the Ahmedabad serial blasts.

Terror courts

Meanwhile, to speed up proceedings in terrorism-related cases, the Union home ministry has suggested state governments set up special or separate courts for dealing with such cases. The home ministry made this proposal in view of the fact that about 2.92 crore cases are pending in various courts in the country as on 31 December last year. Terrorists have struck in various parts of the country in the past few years. But many high-profile terrorism-related cases are still pending in various courts. Sources said the special or exclusive courts can be set up by states in consultation with the respective High Courts. But it will require states to strengthen their prosecution and law and order agencies, particularly those that specially deal with investigation of terrorism-related crimes.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by ramana »

Sunil the acronym BAD seems to facile for my reading of Islamist rhetoric. There is an R somewhere or rather minimum four places. It should match Badr the battle where Muhammed prevailed over his foes. I may be reading too much but it could be one of the areas where the e-mail epxresses takleef- Mumbai or Hyderabad. Its not over yet.

Being a devious SDRE, could this e-mail hack be related to exonerating Haywood? I mean now all and any wifi acct is suspect no?
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Mahendra »

Or was Haywood's return a signal for the Abduls to go ahead with the plan? :-?

R= Rajkot? Rameshwaram?
Last edited by Mahendra on 15 Sep 2008 23:44, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by satya »

As per Modi , there were two cities tht were on line for terror attacks , one being delhi and other name he didnt say in his press talk in B'glore. So there's definitely one more city on terror radar.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by fanne »

R for Ranchi?
But then it is red herring all this BAD stuff. Till the next lok sabha election guys, just stay safe and then vote where your life is. I do not think that UPA either cares or wants to stop, they have already delivered India on the newclear deal, their job is done, now they just have to go through the motion and then either reincarnate or disintegrate. It's like what would China be doing with it's olympic committe, now that the olympics is over,either disband it or let it continue and make mockery of itself. ManMohan has done its master bidding, there is no next order coming and the robot will not move without its masters voice.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by ramana »

I just saw vaman's post. I think its Rameshwaram. There was some innocuous and cryptic remarks about the Madurai sultanate that was erased by the Hoyasalas and led to the founding of the Vijayanagara. any way lets see. Hope Raman still has his disciples in TN police that can prevent this from coming true.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by archan »

Will blocking their access to wifi's really hinder their tasks? yeah they may not send the news networks emails but that only takes away a source of clues about their whereabouts. It is not like they need the net access to plant bombs....or do they..
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by SBajwa »

How hard is to do this

1. Get the Mac address of the device asking to connect to wifi network.
2. Save it somewhere.
3. Match the Mac Address of the device to where it was sold from.

But.. that's not possible in India due to

1. Large numer of People buying used devices.
2. Large number of people cannibalizing computer parts to assemble new and sell.

I remember old days when you have to register your Radio and TV at local post office.
Why, why why why can't we get TCS or Wipro or some other company to create a national ID system.

All you need is

1. A server and few workstations in each district and computers literate clerks to enter data.
2. A server and few workstations in each Tehsil and computers literate clerks to enter data.
3. A server and few workstations in each village and computers literate clerks to enter data.

Then.. declare that all citizens must be registered by August 15th 2010 or so, anybody after that will have to proove in court of law that they are citizen of india.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Bharati »

SBajwa wrote:How hard is to do this

1. Get the Mac address of the device asking to connect to wifi network.
2. Save it somewhere.
3. Match the Mac Address of the device to where it was sold from.
Mac addresses can be spoofed making this exercise futile.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Tamang »

Did anyone post this?

Country "gaining experience" with every blast: Gupta
New Delhi (PTI): "With every blast we are gaining experience," says Union Home Secretary Madhukar Gupta.

"We have been observing that these kinds (of blasts) are happening in cities across (the country) in each incident you learn, gain experiences...," Gupta told reporters today after attending a review meeting chaired by Union Home Minister Shivraj Patil here after last evening's serial blasts.


He said that now the Ministry will come out with a list of 'do's and dont's' to "fill gaps".

"...At this point of time investigation is going on and everybody should focus on that investigation and in such a way that nothing should hamper the probe," he said.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by RayC »

I saw the Times Now Special on the Delhi Blasts, where the Jayanti Natrajan, Maxwell Periera, Dr MM Joshi and Mahesh Bhutt were the panellists.

I would just like to state that Mahesh Bhutt and Nataranjan, equated terrorism and the law and order issue in Karnataka and Orissa being one and the same thing i.e. terrorism i.e. the SIMI action all over India and the anti Christian mob violence in Karnataka and Orissa.

There is no doubt that mob violence is reprehensible.

However, to equate terrorism with mob violence even when it results in killing is a bit far fetched.

In mob violence (law and order problem), the leaders, the organisation and foot soldiers are all 'above ground' and their action is in the open. The leaders, the perpetrators on the ground etc can be nabbed immediately, jailed and brought to book.

In terrorism, everything is covert and underground. One has to fish out with great difficulty and expense as to who did it and under the instruction of why organisation or nation etc. The terrorists hit the Nation secretly with a hidden hand. Therefore, they are dangerous to the safety and internal security of the Nation in a very devious and diabolical way.

Therefore, it is time that our good citizens like Natarajan (who is a past master of obfuscation and is slippery) and the publicity hunters like Bhutt realise the difference and not ooze sympathy through every pore for terrorists. They should not expose their ignorance so blatantly, especially politicians, who should know their beans before opening their mouth and appearing as illiterates. Bhutt, of course, being from a profession where academic intelligence or even intelligence is not essential, can prove that he is from that type of strata of society with the difference that he is capable of talking in English or Hindi!

Maxwell Periera claimed that in his whole service, he was never under pressure for anyone. If so, he is humour in police uniform!

Dr MM Joshi cleverly steered his ship in rocky waters. However, he too, very snidely wanted to score political brownie point wherein he did not criticise Shivraj Patil and yet said that he was not upto his responsibility!! He replicated in weaselling out of like good old Abhishek Singhvi, the Congress TV face!
New Delhi (PTI): "With every blast we are gaining experience," says Union Home Secretary Madhukar Gupta.
Gaining experience with every blast?

I presume Pakistan fights wars with India and loses also to 'gain experience'. They are having the issues in FATA and Waziristan also to ''gain experience'' in COIN - a warfare they have not had till now?

How ludicrous can our Secretaries be?
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by vishal »

With more than twenty people dead in the latest serial blasts to rock an Indian city and the incoherent response emerging from the Home Ministry and law enforcement agencies atleast two things are clear. After decades of being at the receiving end of Pakistan-sponsored terrorism the monster has now gathered enough momentum to be an indigenous phenomenon with only the ‘go’ button being pressed from across the border. Secondly, the agencies tasked with interdicting these attacks are clueless about how to go about this job. If the serial blasts in Delhi tell us anything it is this – the state has effectively admitted defeat in heading off terrorist attacks and the door is now wide open for such attacks to be conducted at will. Terrorists have now struck the nation’s capital which is the seat of the government, the financial capital and the technology capital of India with serial blasts. There have been no serious arrests worth the name after any of these incidents and each attack has made a mockery of the government’s claim of having arrested the mastermind behind the explosions. This time the terrorists called the government’s bluff and asked if all the masterminds had been arrested then which mastermind was behind the Delhi serial blasts?

The sad truth is this. While the intelligence agencies and the Home Ministry played the fiddle the terrorists were hard at work building cells in different parts of the country which could be activated at will. These terrorist cells now constitute the first line of defence by Pakistan against India. Every move made by India in Balochistan and Afghanistan will be countered by a move on Indian soil. While this battle has effectively been lost the next one need not be. It will take painstaking effort to re-build our domestic intelligence capabilities and will require the security agencies to enlist the help of the Muslim community if any headway is to be made. When terrorists have the capability to strike at will at targets of their choosing it is fair to assume that the intelligence agencies have not been able to penetrate the cells by any means – technical or human. It is a sad reflection of the current state of our capabilities when the Union Home Minister say there was prior information on the blasts but what was missing was the time, location and method. If this is the best protection the Home Ministry and intelligence agencies can offer then let us wind them up and save the exchequer some money. There will be more such terrorist acts while these means are built up and that is the price Indians will have to pay for having our protectors fall asleep on the job. But the re-construction has to start now. Every subsequent terrorist activity means that the job is still incomplete or even worse, yet to begin.

For now I will just borrow a phrase from Gen. Zia-ul-Haq when he said “Lata de do, Kashmir le lo”. My version is “RAW aur IB le lo, ISI de do”.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by negi »

Our chalta hai attitude has become a way of life so much so that , GOI perhaps in its governance plan has earmarked a fixed number of casualties for cross border firing, terrorist attacks, natural disasters and epidemics. :evil:

The apathy from the GOI and nature of comments from the bureaucrats indicates that above threshold is not yet reached. What do we do to prevent such incidents from happening ? baah... what happened to Afzal and many others which IA/security agencies have captured for these many years ?
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Govind »

Sunil the acronym BAD seems to facile for my reading of Islamist rhetoric. There is an R somewhere or rather minimum four places. It should match Badr the battle where Muhammed prevailed over his foes. I may be reading too much but it could be one of the areas where the e-mail epxresses takleef- Mumbai or Hyderabad. Its not over yet.

Being a devious SDRE, could this e-mail hack be related to exonerating Haywood? I mean now all and any wifi acct is suspect no?
Sunil the acronym BAD seems to facile for my reading of Islamist rhetoric. There is an R somewhere or rather minimum four places. It should match Badr the battle where Muhammed prevailed over his foes. I may be reading too much but it could be one of the areas where the e-mail epxresses takleef- Mumbai or Hyderabad. Its not over yet.

Being a devious SDRE, could this e-mail hack be related to exonerating Haywood? I mean now all and any wifi acct is suspect no?
If it is Operation BADR, why Jaipur?. All bomb blasts have taken place in capital cities... Bangalore, Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar, Delhi, Jaipur...If its R..then Raipur and Ranchi comes to mind. but Rameshwaram is very much possible as the district has a high muslim population.
SK Mody
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by SK Mody »

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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by BSR Murthy »

ARC recommends federal agency to deal with terrorism
Administrative Reforms Commission (ARC) on Tuesday recommended comprehensive anti-terror legislations and establishment of a federal agency to investigate terrorist acts in the country.

No person accused of an offence punishable under the National Security Act (NSA) should be released on bail.
A federal agency is necessary to investigate terrorist offences.
Recommended that special fast track courts should be set up for trial of terrorism-related cases.
Measures should also be taken to block flow of funds for financing terrorist activities.

All the right noises. Hope these recs get implemented.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Raghavendra »

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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by sum »

Why, why why why can't we get TCS or Wipro or some other company to create a national ID system.
Simple answer: Lack of political will...Where will the millions of BDs go then??
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Dmurphy »

sum wrote:Where will the millions of BDs go then??
Correction: Where will the millions of votes go then??
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by sunilUpa »

Ramana, you may have something there. Rameshwaram may be a possibility.

After reading Ray Sir's post on what TV panelists were discussing, I am glad that I get few Hindi channels here! Caan't afford to replace broken TV's every week.

What SOBs :evil:
Avinash R
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Avinash R »

Two held for alleged links with Ahmedabad blasts

Ahmedabad, Sept 16 (ANI): The city crime branch has arrested two more persons in connection with the Ahmedabad serial blasts that took 55 lives.

Police have also released photographs of four more suspects for their alleged involvement in the blast.

According to sources, the two persons arrested belong to Juhapura and Bapunagar areas of Ahmedabad.

At least 16 bombs exploded in Ahmedabad on July 26, a day after another set of blasts in Bangalore killed a woman. Three days later, several unexploded bombs were found in Gujarat's Surat town.

A little-known group called the "Indian Mujahideen" had claimed responsibility for the Ahmedabad attacks. But police said Indian Mujahideen was just "another identity" for SIMI.

SIMI, a Muslim group has been blamed by police for almost every major bomb attack in India, including explosions on trains in Mumbai two years ago which killed 187 people.
G Subramaniam
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by G Subramaniam »

sum wrote:
Why, why why why can't we get TCS or Wipro or some other company to create a national ID system.
Simple answer: Lack of political will...Where will the millions of BDs go then??
Can we learn from how BD gets rid of its hindus
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Avinash R »

Five men investigators are hunting for
Ahmedabad, Sep 16 (IANS) A team of Delhi Police are inquiring about a handful of men, suspected members of the banned Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) and alleged to be behind the July 26 serial bombings here and the Saturday blasts in New Delhi.

Here are short sketches of the most wanted:

Abdul Subhan Qureshi alias Tauqir: The Mumbai-based software professional is said to be one of the key members in the operation wing of the Indian Mujahideen, believed to be a SIMI front, which has claimed responsibility for the blasts in Bangalore, Ahmedabad and New Delhi. Tauqir planned attacks with military precision and maintained a high degree of secrecy, as even the co-conspirators did not know much about his activities or his contact details, according to the Ahmedabad police. He never used his mobile phone and preferred telephone booths for talking.

Kayamuddin Kapadia: The Vadodara resident is accused of buying bicycles and instructing youths to strap explosive on them and leave them at chosen spots. Considered to be close to Tauqir, he had a narrow escape when a number of SIMI leaders were caught earlier this year. He was earlier held for stabbing incident in Vadodara.

Abdul Razzak Mansuri: Seen as a foot-soldier, the resident of Gomtipur area of Ahmedabad once owned an embroidery working unit. He is co-accused of buying and planting bicycles loaded with explosives. He allegedly attended a terror training camp in October 2007 and taken arms training. An active SIMI member in Ahmedabad, he attended all conspiracy meetings.

Mujib Jamilbhai Sheikh: A resident of Juhapura in Ahmedabad, he once earned his living from polishing imitation stones at his home. He is accused of attending a training camp in Halol town of Panchmahals district in January 2008. He was an active SIMI member in the city and contacted local youngsters. Police have accused of him attending all meetings held at various places before the Ahmedabad serial blasts.

Alamzeb Afridi: Also from Juhapura in Ahmedabad and unemployed, Alamzeb was inclined to 'jihadi influences' after meeting Islamic leaders, according to the Ahmedabad police. He is accused of convincing some youngsters to join jihadi activities and said to have attended the Halol training camp and had attended all conspiracy meetings held before the July 26 blast. He is also accused of purchasing and planting bicycles used in the blasts.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by p_saggu »

Why Rameshwaram and not Ranchi?
Ranchi has witnessed Muslim riots just two years back on Bakrid. One police officer of ASP rank was killed during stoning by muslim mobs, after which apparantly some policemen went "beserk".
Jharkhand is already besieged by the maoist problem. The fear of the maoists is so much that Politicians, SDO's, businessmen pay them a "Tax" every month. The maoists apparantly send some poor villager or a jholawalla to collect.
There is an intelligence report of the chinese interested in combining the jehadis and the maoists movements. Recently the maoists have issued a statement supporting the "Kashmir struggle".
Ranchi was also mentioned amongst the cities from where the Indian Army had mobilised during operation Parakram and I remember Ranchi being mentioned on PeeTV.
The three main cities of Jharkhand: Ranchi, Jamshedpur and Dhanbad have large muslim populations. Again there were newspaper reports of intelligence to the effect that these cities were likely to be targetted.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by ramana »

Its useful to understand the Koranic concept of war which is to stirke fear in the non Muslims. Ranchi etc wont be as effective as Rameshwaram. But then any of the others could be equally palusible. No need to get hyper.

Meanwhile Pioneer reports
Unrefined bombs were used, but poor intelligence failed Delhi

Sumit Saxena | New Delhi

Investigation into the components of bombs used in the Delhi serial blasts reveals that one did not require sophisticated laboratory to create such deadly devices.

Contrary to the impression being created that sophisticated technicians and techniques were involved, the whole operation required less of technology and more of manpower. Intelligence agencies suspect that the flip-flop circuit base, as used in Bangalore and Surat, was prepared for Delhi explosions too. Over a dozen bombs were defused in these two cities. "Such bombs can be defused by simply disconnecting a wire in the circuit or the timer. These bombs are easy to put together and blast without complications," said a police source.

Delhi Police Constable Suresh Kumar defused the bomb at Regal cinema by just disconnecting the timer and the entire circuit was disabled. Similarly, the bomb at Central Park was defused by removing the timer from the main circuit.

"These bombs are prepared on Printed Circuit Board (PCB), which are readily available at most electronics good shops. Terrorist outfits seem to have resolved to use simple bombs as it does not require skilled manpower. Investigations into the Delhi blasts reveal that same bomb circuits were used in the entire 'BAD' (Bangalore-Ahmedabad-Delhi) operation," said a police source.

On the other hand, the unsophisticated bomb circuit also reflects police's monitoring system failure. "The manufacture and planting of the nine these explosive devices must have involved 80-90 persons. With such a large group involved in the operation and the security agencies not getting a whiff of it, only underlines the failure in the system," said a former intelligence official.

Police suspect that Abdul Subhan Qureshi alias Tauqeer Bilal, who is an engineer from Mumbai, could have actually propagated the concept to repeatedly use such simple circuits for cause the BAD explosions.

The Harkat-Ul-Jihad-al-Islami (HUJI) had similarly carried out several explosions in Bangladesh. When HUJI started working with SIMI, it emphasised the technical advantage of using simple circuits to create the maximum impact. "Using such devices has its advantage. With sophisticated explosives like the RDX not used, it's difficult to follow the trail of the terrorists. But when such a large group is involved in an operation, the intelligence agencies must get some input," added the official.

But the use of such device has its disadvantage also. "A mere soldering defect while using a condenser on PCB resulted in the defusion of all the bombs in Surat. And the same circuitry defect was seen in all the bombs. The use of chemicals and PCB has become the core of all terrorist activities across the country. The intelligence agencies were earlier baffled as to why certain bombs in Surat did not explode. But when all the defused bombs were examined together, the defect was revealed," added the police source.

Delhi Police teams have left for Ahmedabad to question Abu Basher regarding the serial bomb blasts in Delhi. While examining the bombs, the police did not find any traces of RDX and suspects that only commonly-used chemicals were used. Police have initiated an operation to find out where these components were bought from, as well as the identity of the buyers.
So need to have an informer system in the PCB and chemicals selling industry. I dont think new laws will make a dent unless basic policing and special branch kind of work is stepped up. For this the SI has to be the point man of the force in every state. You dont need intelligence work here.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Sachin »

ramana wrote:I dont think new laws will make a dent unless basic policing and special branch kind of work is stepped up. For this the SI has to be the point man of the force in every state. You dont need intelligence work here.
Special Branch CID work is not considered a very lucrative posting in the state police forces. And also Sub-Inspectors (law and order) are very much over-worked that they practically will not have time for very dedicated activities like surveillance, gathering intelligence etc. :(
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Abhijit »

jaipur is in Raajsthan/Rajputana - that completes the badr part.
Avinash R
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by Avinash R »

Address internal security synergistically : Punjab Gov

New Delhi, Sep 16 (UNI) Punjab Governor S F Rodrigues said here today that though the country has emerged as a strong and vibrant nation and the world has recognised it as a leading global economic player, there are still some grey areas which needed urgent attention.

Addressing the two-day 'Conference of Governors' Gen (retd) Rodrigues said in the present scenario it was needed to speed up the decision processes and a strict adherence to rule of law to provide speedy justice to litigants.

''While we have various institutions and systems in place, these needed to be rejuvenated by establishing a well structured monitoring system, followed by corrective measures,'' the Governor said.

Talking of internal security in the wake of recent Delhi serial blasts, he said the same needed to be addressed synergistically, both at the strategic and operational levels.

Gen Rodrigues said, ''I have no hesitation in saying we have not attained the desired level of security and at times local situation has led to a loss of faith and trust by ordinary people in the law enforcement institutions and administrative systems.''

He said there is an urgent need for energizing our decision making bodies and security agencies at the national and state level by reforming our procedures and process to deal sternly with the complex challenges on this front.

Congress divided over Shivraj Patil's ouster
Tuesday, September 16, 2008, (New Delhi)

There is mounting pressure over Shivraj Patil to resign as the Home Minister. Many Congress party leaders have expressed their concern over deteriorating law and order situation in the country.

They say all talk no action in combating terror could prove costly for Patil.

However, there are some who argue otherwise.

"It's true we need a strong state. Our Home Minister does not have a dramatic style of functioning, but the Congress is divided. Some within the party argue that removing him at this juncture will send a wrong signal," said Sandeep Dikshit, Congress MP.

Congress spokesperson Abhishek Manu Singhvi has also rejected the demand to oust Patil and contended that "the party has zero tolerance for terrorism."

The Congress party however is under pressure from its allies. Leading the charge is the RJD chief and Railway Minister Lalu Yadav who on Monday met both Sonia Gandhi and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh requesting an emergency meeting of the Cabinet to debate terror. Lalu is reportedly miffed with the Home Minister's non-performance.

The Congress party is divided on the issue.

The final decision is yet to be made with and party chief and the Prime Minister is yet to thrash out the matter. This could happen later this week.

On his part, Shivraj Patil has said he will resign only when the Congress president tells him to go.

Patil is facing criticism from sections of the Congress and from UPA allies as the perception grows that he is ineffective as the Home Minister. A straight-talking Shivraj Patil told NDTV he was in the government only because his party leadership wanted him there.
Last edited by Avinash R on 16 Sep 2008 21:40, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by harbans »

"A mere soldering defect while using a condenser on PCB resulted in the defusion of all the bombs in Surat. And the same circuitry defect was seen in all the bombs.
I don't think it's wise to make this public however minor the defect.
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Re: Delhi Blasts news and info

Post by BhairavP »

Erm.. was off BR for the weekend. Is there a main thread for the Delhi blasts?