Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

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Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by asprinzl »

Last page of previous thread.
http://forums.bharat-rakshak.com/viewto ... start=2840
The following links are background articles on Pakistan.


Jinnah's Pakistan: An Interview with MA Jinnah, and how the Pakistan of Yesterday is the Pakistan of Today


The above is the testimony of Ashley Tellis on Jan 28th 2009, to the US Senate Homeland Security Committee on LeT's global role. It is a good articulation of LeT's past and future trends.

Know Your Pakistan
http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/MONITOR/I ... /Shiv.html

The Monkey Trap: A synopsis of Indo-Pak relations
http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/MONITOR/I ... ayyam.html

PAKISTAN-FAILED STATE: an ebook that owes its origin and existence to BRF.

A landmark article that demolishes myths built up about Pakistan

Pakistani Role in Terrorism Against the U.S.A
http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/MONITOR/I ... yanan.html

Pakistani Education, or how Pakistan became what it is: Curricula and textbooks in Pakistan

Making Enemies, Creating Conflict: Pakistan's Crises of State and Society. A book written by Pakistanis on Pakistan.

Should Pakistan Be Broken Up? by Gul Agha

Alden Pyle in Pakistan, Part I
http://pundita.blogspot.com/2009/12/ald ... art-1.html


The Ideologies of South Asian Jihadi Groups (Laskar-e-Taiba)
By Hussein Haqqani (journalist and Pak ambassador to US)
http://www.futureofmuslimworld.com/rese ... detail.asp

Pakistani sponsoring of Terrorism
http://pak-terror.freeservers.com/Terro ... y_Tool.htm

Terror Map: The Pakistani Hand

Ethnic cleansing in Pakistan - a statistical analysis
http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/MONITOR/I ... idhar.html

A chronicle of genocide by the Pakistan army

Documentary video evidence of Pakistani genocide in Bangladesh
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=EBKlIUbpc ... re=related
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xwwPbkyZV ... re=related

Inside Jihad - How Pakistan sponsors terrorists in India
http://www.time.com/time/asia/magazine/ ... r_sb1.html

Pakistan's Role in the Kashmir Insurgency - Op-ed by Rand's Peter Chalk

Alden Pyle in Pakistan, Part II
http://pundita.blogspot.com/2009/12/ald ... -upon.html


On the Frontier of Apocalypse: Christopher Hitchens seminal article on Pakistan today


A Slender Reed in Pakistan - Editorial in the Christian Science Monitor

Seymour Hersh Interview

Pakistan's Nuclear Crimes (Wash. Post editorial)
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dy ... 2-2004Feb4


BOOK REVIEW Fulcrum of Evil: ISI-CIA-Al Qaeda Nexus
http://www.southasiaanalysis.org/%5Cpap ... r1844.html

Article from Vinni Capelli - Foreign Policy Research Institute:
Containing Pakistan: Engaging the Raja-Mandala in South-Central Asia
http://www.fpri.org/orbis/5101/cappelli ... kistan.pdf

The videos are from this documentary: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/taliban/

A bomb at all cost By Ahmad Faruqui - a candid admission of the wars that Pakistan started against India.

Popular support for suicide bombings in pakistan.
http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.as ... 008_pg12_1
Survey by university students in karachi say 50% of respondents support suicide bombings in kashmir.

"Descent into Chaos"
UC Berkeley Conversations with History, host Harry Kreisler talking with Pakistani Journalist Ahmed Rashid. 59 minutes 120 MB. It sums up Pakistan and lays bare all Pakistan's terrorist support and proliferation activities. **Note - he wants the US to solve Pakistan's Kashmir problem.

Pakistan on the brink: Video Link (must download)

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto telling Bangladeshis to "Go to Hell": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Dsxfyxa ... re=related
Five installment series by Kapil Komireddi published in Frum Forum

Part I. Nov 16, 2009. “Pakistan In Crisis”.

Part II. Nov 18. 2009. “Pakistan: Origins of A Failed State”.

Part III. Nov 18, 2009. “Pakistan: It Could Not Succeed Unless India Failed”.

Part IV. Dec 06, 2009. “Pakistan: A Mecca for Radical Islam”.

Part V. Dec. 07, 2009. “Pakistan’s Army: Building a Nation for Jihad
Kakkaji wrote:Paki travellers account, from this week's TFT:
The irony of it all is this: Taimur Khilji lives in Colombo

Come to think of it, long ago I should have asked my Indian Jamaican friend (the famous Maxie Priest) to write a song on the Ironies of Pak-is-Satanis' lives. Maxie...are you listening??

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Dipanker wrote:9/11 Mastermind Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, a Pakistani (he was born in Kuwait of Pakistani parents and Kuwait does not confer citizenship to those born of foreign parents), was arrested from the house of a PA officer in Rawalpindi. That's where he was hiding or being hidden.
If Americans look hard in Rawalpindi/GHQ they can find the rest of the gang there too.
Dipanker, there is no doubt about the deep relationship between the PA, political leadership, Islamist parties and the AQAM. They are all one and the same in my opinion.

Omar Saeed Sheikh was arrested from the then Home Secretary of the Punjab, Brig. Ejaz Shah's house and Ejaz Shah was his handler during his ISI days. Gen. Musharraf was himself on the board of the banned Al Rashed Trust. Abu Zubaydah was arrested from an LeT leader's house in Faisalabad and the LeT leader was never charged for harbouring this terrorist. Abu Farraj Al Libbi was similarly arrested from an LeT safehouse.

However, there is confusion as to whether KSM was arrested in Quetta or from a suburb of Rawalpindi, though officially he was reported to have been arrested from Westridge, a suburb of Rawalpindi.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Gilani may skip Commonwealth Heads' Metting

Oh no. He might lose a Port-of-Spain Joint Statement opportunity and one-on-one advantage.
Background discussions with senior diplomats revealed that Pakistan was compelled to skip the chance of meeting Mr Singh because India did not respond to the roadmap for resumption of composite dialogue Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi had suggested to his Indian opposite number Mr S.M. Krishna in New York on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session in September.

According to the proposed roadmap, the two sides were to announce resumption of the composite dialogue at the prime ministers’ meeting in Port of Spain.

With India neither proposing a meeting between the two leaders in the aftermath of the Pakistani proposal nor giving its response to the suggestion, Pakistan was left with no choice but to drop prime minister’s visit to the Caribbean port city.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by amdavadi »

Gilani is afraid MMS might give away kashmir in joint statement thus putting his Jeehadi Inc out of business. He doesnt want
his band of brothers out of work & cause more taklif back in pindi. :rotfl:

Got it
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by tarun »

The easiest way to educate the congress woman is to tell her that all ilegal immigration from Mexico can be solved by giving back California, Texas, New Mexico and Nevada to Mexico.
Should be tweeted/re-tweeted along with the news url until it reaches the interns at her office.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Exposing RAW's Hand
The militants taken into custody by Pakistani authorities have revealed their links with Indian intelligence puppeteers. The Indian containers that take weapons and other goods for the ISAF in Afghanistan have on their return been found carrying huge quantities of explosives and weapons when they should be empty. It was quite odd to discover some time back that more than 100 Afghans, some dead and others unconscious, were cooped up in containers that were on their way back from Afghanistan to India.

It is incomprehensible that despite the fact that evidence against India began emerging in 2006, our authorities took it lightly. They raised the issue only feebly, perhaps overawed by the false charge of our role in the Mumbai attacks. :(( Nevertheless, the recent revelations have compelled even the US Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mullen to admit that it was not possible to wish away Pakistan’s concern of Indian doings. He should be doing much more than that to make sure that New Delhi stops its deadly meddling in Pakistan’s affairs.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by shravan »

Taliban attack kills three Pak soldiers: officials

PESHAWAR, Pakistan — Taliban militants killed three Pakistani soldiers in an assault on a check post in the northwest as the military pressed its ground and air offensive, officials said Saturday.

The militants launched a rocket and gun attack on a paramilitary post in Torawari area of Hangu district late Friday, a security official said.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Philip »

The editor of the New Ind.Exp.has in his editorial page in an article about the US's "Kashmir" policy,America's decades long experince in trying to bring about a solution for Kashmir between India and Pak,says that Gen.Bandicoot the Mush-a-Rat,had come very close to doing a deal with India during his term in office.The deal was to firm up the LOC with minor adjustments as the boundary,open up movement between both halves of the state,and more freedom in local governance .I heard about something similar (Mushy almost clinched a deal ,from a person from the other side known to Mushy) not too long ago.Our editor mentions this as a lost opportunity and wonders when another will come round.

From this it appears that our good doctor was also trying to continue (with the backdoor persuasion of Uncle Sam) from where his predecessors stalled. 26/11 scuppered all that and picking up the threads today in a Pak where no one really knows who runs,sorry ruins the country,is an almost impossible task.MMS seems to be in a great hurry as it would be his enduring legacy to be the man who like Neville Chamberlin established "peace in our time" with Pak!
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by kenop »

If TSP does not exist any more, the matter of Cashmere will no longer exist in the manner it does now. It will transform to that of occupation of the land of the pure people. Then it will be Jehadi forces trying to retrieve it and doing Ghazwa-e-Hind in general (in open as against the present covert mode).
Hence, it means that there is no thinking/action in this direction going on at any level in political circle. Else, we would not have had MMS trying to do things worthy of Nobel Piss Prije. There is great attraction of full-and-final piss-full settlement of the Cashemere issue from the Indian side. The objectives from the other side go far beyond this (whether TSP or the Jehadi outfits).
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Avinash R »

SSridhar wrote:Resolve J&K Row now to alleviate Pak crisis: Dumb US Congresswoman :twisted:
An influential United States lawmaker, who chairs the House Homeland Security Committee's Subcommittee on Intelligence and Terrorism Risk Assessment, has said that if the Obama Administration can help resolve the Kashmir imbroglio, it may help alleviate Pakistan's continuing security threat perception vis-à-vis India and turn Islamabad from this obsessive focus to confronting the existential terrorist threat from within.

She reiterated that "if we really want to help Pakistan :evil: , maybe that's a thing we could do." "If we could do that, perhaps that would assist the Pakistanis in getting more comfortable focusing on real threats."
Look at the pernicious idea of this woman. She wants to protect the US at the cost of India and for that she is suggesting that Indian land must be gifted to Pakistan to appease it. Chamberlains keep sprouting all the time.

Christine Fair at least understood that it is not irredentism that is at the root of the Pakistanis, it is simply the hatred for India and that is not going to go away.

It is increasingly becoming apparent that the US is bad news for India, as it always has been since 1947.
Link to send email to the congresswoman Jane Harman mentioned in the article
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Avinash R »

Don't blame India: Balochistan tells 'terrorist state' Pakistan
Published on Sat 7th Nov 2009 15:03:34

New Delhi, November 7: Dr Wahid Baloch, who is the head of Baloch society of North America has rubbished Pakistan's allegation that India is fuelling insurgency in Balochistan.

Dr Baloch said, "Well if India has helped Baloch people, then Baloch people would not be suffering in the hands of the Pakistani Islamic Jehadi army. In fact, these allegations are baseless and they are just being promoted to hide the Pakistani crimes against Baloch nation. Baloch people are suffering in the hands of Pakistan and Pakistani military."

Wahid Baloch asks Pakistan to tell the world what they have done to Balcohis rather than pointing fingers on the neighboring countries.

According to Dr Baloch, Pakistani forces and especially its secret service the ISI, are engaged in gross human rights violations in the region. He claims that many nationalists have been killed, tortured, women were raped and chemical bombing was applied.

Baloch said, "Pakistan is a terrorist state, there is no doubt it. Pakistan continues to terrorize its own citizen, especially Baloch people. We are victim of Pakistani state terrorism for the last 60 years that has not been reduced or abated. It's still going on. On the other hand Pakistan is producing terrorist, Islamic extremism and terrorism through its ISI funded sponsored Madarassas and institution. They are exporting terrorism to bleed people in the neighborhood like India, Afghanistan or any one else."

Managing Director of Balochistan's first television Channel ‘Baloch Voice’ Munir Mengal who was held by Pakistani Intelligence agencies and tortured also reveals that Taliban Shura is still very much present in the region and entire secretariat of Taliban is established in Quetta and these elements are backed and supported by Pakistani Establishment and the ISI.

In an interview, Munir said, "Actually ISI and Pakistani armed forces, they were the creator of Taliban and they used all these forces against Baloch. During the 80s we see that they say Baloch are communist so they imposed Taliban on us."

"They funded religious, political parties; religious terrorist organisation and they built thousands of Madarassas in our region to combat us. For that purpose they brought lot of fundamentalist Taliban into Quetta. From that time they built headquarters and many things. Even many of those places are no go area for us. They have secretariat of Talibans, where they have top Talibani officials. They come and go and they do each and every thing," Munir added.

In another startling revelation Munir said that ‘Mega port at Gwader which is built with Chinese assistance on the Makran coast will be used as a launching pad to orchestrate international terrorism in future’.

He said Pakistan would use its nuclear weapons as a threat to the international community.

"With respect to the Gwader they have more then one thousand thirty thousand acres of land at the naval base camp there. They will use it as a launching pad and it's threat for you all. They might use it for great cause of Islamisation", he added.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

State of Denial in Peshawar - Washington Post
But most of the outrage expressed by survivors, witnesses, religious leaders and other residents this week was not directed at Islamist extremist groups, whom the government has blamed for the attack, but at the countries many Pakistanis see as their true enemies: India, Israel and the United States.

In part, this reaction stems from a deep popular conviction that no Muslim could perpetrate such atrocities against other Muslims. The more egregious the attack, the stronger seems the tendency to deny a domestic cause and blame other, more remote culprits. Some religious and political groups are encouraging such responses, eager to whip up xenophobic sentiment for their own ends.

This week, the influential Jamaat-e-Islami religious party organized a "peace march" in central Peshawar from the Khyber Bazaar, where a car bomb killed more than 30 people Oct. 9, to the Mina Bazaar."Muslims! Muslims! We are here to protest against those wrongdoers who work for India, Israel and the United States," a well-dressed, middle-aged rally organizer shouted through a bullhorn.

Shah Zamin, 35, who sells bales of raw cotton, said the stall ignited when the bomb exploded, engulfing his brother in flames. "I tried to save him, but his body was too hot to touch. He fell and died in front of me," Zamin said, grimacing at the memory. "I am certain that the Taliban would never do this terrible thing. It must be the foreigners, who want to give a bad name to Islam."

"They brought us bags with arms and legs, bodies burned so badly no one could identify them," said Fauji, 45, a graveyard tender. The message asked mourners not to weep but to recite from the Koran. "This is the worst thing I have ever seen," Fauji said. "It must have been the work of foreign hands."
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Yogi_G »

"With respect to the Gwader they have more then one thousand thirty thousand acres of land at the naval base camp there. They will use it as a launching pad and it's threat for you all. They might use it for great cause of Islamisation", he added.
IMO, China will not allow this to happen. China would want a status quo with respect to Balochistan. A slightly warm Baloch nationalist Baloch liberation movement will be in China's interest as that prevents the Taliban from completely taking over. I think China might try and hedge its bets by being on the good side of the Baloch passively so that one day when TSP does collapse it can use the goodwill to ensure that the Indians do not get access to Gwadar. Also Gwadar will be its gateway to Iran. Indian access and control over Gwadar will be a disaster in the making for the Chinese in terms of the safety of their oil supply lines. Indian access to Chabahar port will further add to Chinese takleef.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Mahesh_R »

http://news.rediff.com/report/2009/nov/ ... -talks.htm
Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani on Saturday made a strong pitch for the resumption of the Indo-Pak composite dialogue

Can anyone explain why pak wants to start the dialogue again...???
Do they get any benefit..since they are almost begging now to restart the dialogue....

I mean there is NO way we will give Kashmir to them in dialogue...so there shld be some strong reason why pak is begging for dialogue....

Please explain if there is some agend behind this dialogue....
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by kenop »

Groper talking about resumption of dialog and he is also reportedly giving a miss to the next opportunity to meet MMS.
Last meeting happened due to the delegation of discussion from ten percenti to groper.
Whom has he passed the ball now?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by rajpa »

Pakisatanic need for dialogue:

1. Preserve a sense of normality / "business as usual" in relations with India for various audiences
1.1 "All existing issues other than the core issue of Cashmere are mere niggles which are fixed by India and Pakisatan on a timely basis"
2. Push for equal-equal
2.1 make it appear to the international community that indo-piss relations are back on track
2.2 make it appeart to the domestic folks that india is brought to the table to answer for its "interference in pakistani affairs"
3. Get more concessions out of india by appealing to bhaichara - we are also indians onlee from 60 years back etc..
4. Wriggle out of all previous commitments made to India on anything at all by imposing new conditions based on lahoric logic, echendee or other begging bowl theories
5. More push for equal-equal
5.1 Delusional make believe that there is no essential difference between India/Pisstan - both are poor south asian countries - Pakisatan is just as much developed as India etc...
6. Keep "core" issues alive with India by listing them in SeS type document so that when the bad times blow over, all this can be revived. (Which Indian diplomats always fall for...)
7. Have a dialogue with a proper democratic country - India so that TSP can still pretend not to be a rogue state having chai biskoot with terrorists on a daily basis.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by rajpa »

What India should tell TSP in a "dialogue":

1. TSP is a rogue state and must stop all chai biskoot with all terrorists
2. TSP must stop the Islamisation of armed forces and other Islamic militia and become a proper democracy - with proper separation of branches of power
2.1 India will negotiate any other niggles in relationships only with the true authority in power in TSP
3. TSP must stop pretending to be equal to India as of its standing today
4. TSP can ask for aid from India - we will impose conditions similar or worse to KLPD - including right of hot pursuit of terrorists :mrgreen: :twisted:
5. TSP should give a renewed assurance to respect bilateral treaties, Interpol alerts, several FIRs for TSP terrorist guests
6. Respect Indian democracy in Kashmir
7. Do not raise issues against Indian States in international fora - those are strictly internal matter of India.

Or get Amirkhan to say these things to TSP instead :D
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by CalvinH »

^^^ here are the quick responses from TSP:
1. TSP is a rogue state and must stop all chai biskoot with all terrorists

No Jaaaaaani No. I am not even think that....
2. TSP must stop the Islamisation of armed forces and other Islamic militia and become a proper democracy - with proper separation of branches of power
We will make a legtimate islamic ghazi battalian out of army and taliban. Democracy and Islam! Pass me on some of that stuff you are smoking
3. TSP must stop pretending to be equal to India as of its standing today
TSP is not equal to India. Depending on what we are talking about and the time it varies from 3x to 10x.
4. TSP can ask for aid from India - we will impose conditions similar or worse to KLPD - including right of hot pursuit of terrorists
There are no terrorist in pakistan. Just the non state actors. We already have AIDS
5. TSP should give a renewed assurance to respect bilateral treaties, Interpol alerts, several FIRs for TSP terrorist guests
We respect everything by default. Adab (respect) is part of our culture. Did we gave you an assurance earlier that is coming up for renewal?
6. Respect Indian democracy in Kashmir
Democracy in Islamic Cash-mere. Asked you to pass that stuff.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Prem »

CNN claiming another Paki Jernail just missed his flight to 36,36,28 resort in high heaven.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by r_subramanian »

At least 8 killed, 24 injured in Peshawar cattle market suicide blast
At least eight persons were killed and 24 injured including a union council Nazim in a car bomb blast in cattle market in the vicinity of Peshawar on Sunday morning.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by arun »

Thats quite a change :eek: .

For some inexplicable reason, demonstrations of the IEDology of Pakistan are not carried out on the Christian sabbath even though they are dime a dozen on the Muslim sabbath on Friday particulary in the case of the IED Mubarak variant of the IEDology of Pakistan.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by arun »

Seymour Hersh in the New Yorker on the security of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal. :
Defending the Arsenal

In an unstable Pakistan, can nuclear warheads be kept safe?

by Seymour M. Hersh November 16, 2009

In the tumultuous days leading up to the Pakistan Army’s ground offensive in the tribal area of South Waziristan, which began on October 17th, the Pakistani Taliban attacked what should have been some of the country’s best-guarded targets. In the most brazen strike, ten gunmen penetrated the Army’s main headquarters, in Rawalpindi, instigating a twenty-two-hour standoff that left twenty-three dead and the military thoroughly embarrassed. ……………

Pakistan has been a nuclear power for two decades, and has an estimated eighty to a hundred warheads, scattered in facilities around the country. The success of the latest attacks raised an obvious question: Are the bombs safe? Asked this question the day after the Rawalpindi raid, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, “We have confidence in the Pakistani government and the military’s control over nuclear weapons.” Clinton—whose own visit to Pakistan, two weeks later, would be disrupted by more terrorist bombs—added that, despite the attacks by the Taliban, “we see no evidence that they are going to take over the state.”

Clinton’s words sounded reassuring, and several current and former officials also said in interviews that the Pakistan Army was in full control of the nuclear arsenal. But the Taliban overrunning Islamabad is not the only, or even the greatest, concern. The principal fear is mutiny—that extremists inside the Pakistani military might stage a coup, take control of some nuclear assets, or even divert a warhead.
Seymour Hersh on India’s views on the issue of security of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal :
I flew to New Delhi after my stay in Pakistan and met with two senior officials from the Research and Analysis Wing, India’s national intelligence agency. (Of course, as in Pakistan, no allegation about the other side should be taken at face value.) “Our worries are about the nuclear weapons in Pakistan,” one of the officials said. “Not because we are worried about the mullahs taking over the country; we’re worried about those senior officers in the Pakistan Army who are Caliphates”—believers in a fundamentalist pan-Islamic state. “We know some of them and we have names,” he said. “We’ve been watching colonels who are now brigadiers. These are the guys who could blackmail the whole world”—that is, by seizing a nuclear weapon.

The Indian intelligence official went on, “Do we know if the Americans have that intelligence? This is not in the scheme of the way you Americans look at things—‘Kayani is a great guy! Let’s have a drink and smoke a cigar with him and his buddies.’ Some of the men we are watching have notions of leading an Islamic army.”
The Johnnie Walker swilling Bade Mian’s of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan seem to be going extinct :
During my stay in Pakistan—my first in five years—there were undeniable signs that militancy and the influence of fundamentalist Islam had grown. In the past, military officers, politicians, and journalists routinely served Johnnie Walker Black during our talks, and drank it themselves. This time, even the most senior retired Army generals offered only juice or tea, even in their own homes.
Read it all:

The New Yorker
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by sanjaykumar »

Vely interesting.

A senior Pakistani official who has close ties to Zardari exploded with anger during an interview when the subject turned to the American demands for more information about the arsenal. After the September 11th attacks, he said, there had been an understanding between the Bush Administration and then President Pervez Musharraf “over what Pakistan had and did not have.” Today, he said, “you’d like control of our day-to-day deployment. But why should we give it to you? Even if there was a military coup d’état in Pakistan, no one is going to give up total control of our nuclear weapons. Never. Why are you not afraid of India’s nuclear weapons?” the official asked. “Because India is your friend, and the longtime policies of America and India converge. Between you and the Indians, you will ****** us in every way. The truth is that our weapons are less of a problem for the Obama Administration than finding a respectable way out of Afghanistan.”

And the problem is?

Pakistan’s fears about the United States coöperating with India are not irrational. Last year, Congress approved a controversial agreement that enabled India to purchase nuclear fuel and technology from the United States without joining the Non-Proliferation Treaty, making India the only non-signatory to the N.P.T. permitted to do so. Concern about the Pakistani arsenal has since led to greater coöperation between the United States and India in missile defense; the training of the Indian Air Force to use bunker-busting bombs; and “the collection of intelligence on the Pakistani nuclear arsenal,” according to the consultant to the intelligence community. (The Pentagon declined to comment.)
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by pgbhat »

Week begins with a blast. ;)
Deadly suicide attack in Pakistan --- beeb
At least 10 people have been killed and at least 20 injured in a suicide bomb attack near the north-western Pakistani city of Peshawar, police say.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by milindc »

New Yorker Article posted by Arun wrote:We’ve been watching colonels who are now brigadiers. These are the guys who could blackmail the whole world”—that is, by seizing a nuclear weapon.
could this explain why the brigadiers are endangered species.
In response to a series of questions, Admiral Mullen acknowledged that he and Kayani were, in his spokesman’s words, “very close.”
Yes, like man and dog :rotfl: :rotfl:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Singha »

YYY conspiracy theory item no421.

remember the 8 x Flankers deployed to Red flag09 never
really flew during the day ? they'd fly out at dusk and
return in the pre-dawn darkness.

I bet they were practising heavy LGB delivery somewhere
in dem hills...

keywords for YYY scanners in kahuta: LGB, bunker buster,
GBU28, India, SU30, nook nanga, chasma, kahuta, sargodha, destroy pakistan...
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Singha »

who is this Nazim Adizai ? some tribal leader?
and why would the leader of a local lashkar be targetted?

Nazim Adizai among 11 dead in Peshawar blast
Updated at: 1117 PST, Sunday, November 08, 2009

District Coordination Officer (DCO) Peshawar Sahibzadah Anis confirmed that Nazim Adizai Abdul Malik also lost his life in the blast.

According to hospital sources, there are at least 11 bodies present at Lady Reading Hospital, of them, seven have been identified.

At least seven vehicles were destroyed in the blast in Matni area of Adizai. Various buildings also were damaged.

It should be mentioned that Abdul Malik, who is leader of local lashkar, was repeatedly ambushed in past; but, no attempt proved successful; however, this time the saboteurs injured him in their attack.

The responsibility of the attacks were put on extremists based in Khyber Agency and Darra Adamkhel.

The injured including a female child Noreen have been rushed to Lady Reading Hospital, of them, 11 succumbed to injuries. Among the injured, nine injured are in critical condition.

The relief activities have been kick-started and the Kohat Road and Kohat Tunnel Road have been blocked.

According to SSP Operation Karim Khan, the blast in Matni area of Peshawar was suicide attack in nature. Bomb Disposal Squad also confirmed that blast was suicide attack.

According to Geo News correspondent, at least 36 injured have been brought to Lady Reading Hospital.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by santoshriyer »

Finally the Jihad counter has started. It was getting unusually silent for a longtime.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Rupesh »

Finally some good news.... i was worried that TTP was running out of soosai vests. Thankfully they never disappoint. we want more IED mubaraks in Pindi and Lawhore this week... :mrgreen:
pgbhat wrote:Week begins with a blast. ;)
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

pgbhat wrote:Week begins with a blast. ;)
Deadly suicide attack in Pakistan
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Singha wrote:who is this Nazim Adizai ? some tribal leader?
and why would the leader of a local lashkar be targetted?
All lashkar chiefs have been targetted because they are anti-bad-Taliban. This attack was carried out by Mangal Bagh Afridi whose uninterrupted reign Adizai tried to disrupt with the help of PA.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Singha »

and to think Peshawar (Pushpapura) was a major center of Kushan rule
under Kanishka and others. the remains of a giant stupa around 100m in diameter was found there, as also lots of stone markers mentioning Kushan kings up along the karakoram highway route upto the khunjerab pass - this eastern route was used by buddhist monks and travellers not so much for trade due to steepness. the western route via khyber pass, jalalabad, kaboul, uzbekistan was easier and used for trade.

there needs to be a new messiah, whether of the Yue-Chi or anywhere who comes and says "I have come to bring peace to this troubled land" :mrgreen:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by csharma »

From the Seymour Hersh article. Zaid Hamid is a bit more than comedy. People in Pakistan seem to be taking him seriously.
Officials and journalists said that soldiers and middle-level officers were increasingly attracted to the preaching of Zaid Hamid, who joined the mujahideen and fought for nine years in Afghanistan. On CDs and on television, Hamid exhorts soldiers to think of themselves as Muslims first and Pakistanis second. He claims that terrorist attacks in Mumbai last year were staged by India and Western Zionists, aided by the Mossad. Another proselytizer, Dr. Israr Ahmed, writes a column in the Urdu press in which he depicts the Holocaust as “divine punishment,” and advocates the extermination of the Jews. He, too, is said to be popular with the officer corps.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by SSridhar »

csharma wrote:From the Seymour Hersh article. Zaid Hamid is a bit more than comedy. People in Pakistan seem to be taking him seriously.
If you look at Pakistan closely, they are given to taking conspiracy theories very seriously. The inability to be competent otherwise, for whatever reason, and the growing gap between themselves and others make them feel inferior. They therefore depend on fantastic stories to cover their inability and the resultant inferiority complex. Then they start to believe in these stories themselves. It is impossible for cognitive dissonance to hit them at any point of time because they are not 'cognitive' in the first place. All these come from the way they are brought up from childhood with their minds shut to inquisitive thoughts and questioning. Therefore, spinmeisters like Zaid, Madam, Aslam Beg, Hameed Gul, Hali saheb etc. are a thriving tribe.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Yogi_G »

csharma wrote:From the Seymour Hersh article. Zaid Hamid is a bit more than comedy. People in Pakistan seem to be taking him seriously.
Officials and journalists said that soldiers and middle-level officers were increasingly attracted to the preaching of Zaid Hamid, who joined the mujahideen and fought for nine years in Afghanistan. On CDs and on television, Hamid exhorts soldiers to think of themselves as Muslims first and Pakistanis second. He claims that terrorist attacks in Mumbai last year were staged by India and Western Zionists, aided by the Mossad. Another proselytizer, Dr. Israr Ahmed, writes a column in the Urdu press in which he depicts the Holocaust as “divine punishment,” and advocates the extermination of the Jews. He, too, is said to be popular with the officer corps.
One man's comedian is another man's strategist. :|
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by csharma »

The following sums up Pakistan's predicament with respect to their nuclear weapons. From the SH article.
A retired senior Pakistani intelligence officer, who worked with his C.I.A. counterparts to track down Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, said that he was deeply troubled by the prospect of Pakistan ceding any control over its nuclear deterrent. “Suppose the jihadis strike at India again—another attack on the parliament. India will tell the United States to stay out of it, and ‘We’ll sort it out on our own,’ ” he said. “Then there would be a ground attack into Pakistan. As we begin to react, the Americans will be interested in protecting our nuclear assets, and urge us not to go nuclear—‘Let the Indians attack and do not respond!’ They would urge us instead to find those responsible for the attack on India. Our nuclear arsenal was supposed to be our savior, but we would end up protecting it. It doesn’t protect us,” he said.
Instead of nukes protecting the country, the country will be protecting the nukes. Reminds me of the PA thinking prior to 1971 regarding security of E Pakistan. They believed that the security of E Pakistan lay in the west implying that if India attacked East Pakistan, West Pakistan would attack India and save EP. During the 71 war, the wisdom was reversed. The security of the West lay in the East i.e. the longer they could delay Indian victory in East, the more the chances that West would be safe from India!!
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by Mahendra »

Pak traders may bid for India's rice import tender
Wow! we are now going to buy rice from these pubes and then finance their jeehaaaad against us, great going!.
Chidu sir, forget about your tough response,please kick the porkis out of this tender and make sure you make the reason clear enough "we dont do business with terrorists".
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - November 06, 2009

Post by arun »

r_subramanian wrote:At least 8 killed, 24 injured in Peshawar cattle market suicide blast
At least eight persons were killed and 24 injured including a union council Nazim in a car bomb blast in cattle market in the vicinity of Peshawar on Sunday morning.
The death toll from the IED Mubarak variant of today’s demonstration of the IEDolgy of Pakistan at Peshawar has climbed to 12:

Market attack in Pakistan kills at least 12