India-US relations: News and Discussions III

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BRF Oldie
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions III

Post by Singha »

the reach and teeth of the US deep state is amazing.

seymour hersh does a deep expose of the whole tomahawk strike on syria - there was no chemical weapons

seems US intel had been told days in advance by the russians of the meeting they would bomb, and a guided bomb provided to SyAF

someone in deep state arranged the chemical weapons aftereffects show in the area to coincide after the strike, thus pressuring trump to strke at syria, which he was convinced by military men to minimize as a expensive fireworks show (which we could see in aftermath photos) because they all knew the truth

read it all ... -Line.html
BRF Oldie
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions III

Post by CRamS »

Singha wrote:the reach and teeth of the US deep state is amazing.

read it all ... -Line.html
People don't like me saying so, but US has so much power in every field that not a leaf moves anywhere in the field if US deep state entrusted with maintaining US empire's supremacy does not want it to. This is what drives the supreme self confidence and arrogance of clowns like Trump who are brazen about US power. Dems are not as brazen,

And how much the deep state controls the agenda is evident from this telling observation. Even "liberal" Hilary Clinton would have done the same

I guess it didn't matter whether we elected Clinton or Trump.“
BRF Oldie
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions III

Post by srin »

I don't think I'll ever understand the civil-military relationship in US.

For all the show of respect for veterans and servicemen (on flights etc), the US state doesn't mind sending the military overseas to fight futile wars and wars not really in its own self-interest.
OTOH, the generals also seem immune to consequences of their incompetence. Long overseas deployment with no tactical improvement to show ...

Then, you have the deep state (that has defanged DT's pre-election stance on Syria) and MIC and what not ...
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions III

Post by amritk »

srin, there are very few "civilians" in the US, going by the Indian definition. Something like 10% of the male population has served in the armed forces. If you count near relations (brother, father, etc), a very large fraction of families have a member in the forces.

Also, the US armed forces are quite fluid with many options available to those who want to serve. Many join for 5 years and then enter corporate life. Physical requirements etc seem to be not very demanding (depending on track). My impression is that the forces in India are much more career oriented (may be changing now). The armed forces culture also seems to be more informal compared to India, at least in Marines and AF. I heard of a Marine general saying in a large gathering that the best experience of his career was chasing foreign women in Asia (!). Army and Navy seem to be more rigid. Due to these conditions, the forces also do not look down upon civilians. Like I said, they are one and the same. JMT. Source: working in vet-heavy US firms (like 30-40% vets).
BRF Oldie
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Re: India-US relations: News and Discussions III

Post by Singha »

both their civil society and armed forces follow the same norms (ok the armed forces have more donts) india we have some contrived british norms and opacity for the forces-civilian divide which served our british rulers and their army very well, but is well past the sell by date. the brits themselves never practised it in UK only in colonial areas.

eg if people want to eat with hands, as 99% of indians do, why do the ridiculous NDA thing of white gloved waiters, cutlery and fixed time alloted to eat each dish before the white gloves appear again to unceremoniously whisk the grub away :D ? armed forces should reflect our society not some contrived "superior manners" of the former brit ubermensch. amirkhan army canteens are functional with buffet style food, bottled water and sodas and salt n pepper containers on cheap collapsible furniture. they dont make a big show unless maybe on some special occasions.