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Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 16 Nov 2018 23:29
by ramana
Folks 2019 elections are less than six months away and need to think about what structural reforms/milestones to be achieve by the next government. I would like folks to use a hashtag #Strategic, #Economic, and #Political milestones to gather ideas. I know Niti Ayog and TIFAC types will have there own set off targets but we have been about 20 years as a Forum and I would like us to come up with our own milestones for the nation.

Under the hashtags I would like to gather:

#Strategic: Defence, Foreign Policy, Military manufacturing etc.
#Economic: Structural reforms and changes that will ensure Indian autonomy
#Political All elections, legal, judicial reforms.

I would consider another #Societal/Cultural if there is interest.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 16 Nov 2018 23:35
by ramana
#Strategic: A6 development, INS Ardhiman load out, IBG transformation, MMRCA procurement resolution, Tejas Mk2 development, NSG membership, MoD reorganization to ensure smooth working of the military sector.

#Economic: RBI under Govt control, Real estate sector clean up. Enable India to be a financial/capital raising center for IOR.

#Political: Review and scrap old legislation that stops economic development, Scrap NGT, enact NJAC, Review IAS/IPS and numerous multiple agencies set up to crutch the system.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 16 Nov 2018 23:56
by Mollick.R
1. Make Laddakh a UT & Garrison Town.
2. Make more stringent laws to curb NGOs & EJs
3. Tweak DPP such that pvt ship builders (specifically like L&T) gets order to survive & flourishes.
4. Speed up Strategic petroleum reserve project.
5. Provide more finding for AI , ML & Supercomputing
6. Allocate more resources & declare Jet Engine (Kaveri follow on proj) project as national project.

List not exhaustive, may keep adding on.......

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 17 Nov 2018 00:15
by Supratik
Little premature as policies will depend on who forms next govt. If this govt comes back I would like to see UP divided into four states for better governance, NRC implemented in other states, Article 35A gone, decisive steps taken for UCC among priorities.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 17 Nov 2018 01:28
by ramana
Supratik, let the list continue. Always can ignore the thread no?

Also use the format please.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 17 Nov 2018 01:47
by souravB
1. Naval base in Southern Sri Lanka and conversion of Rajapakshe airport for civil and IAF use.

1. Inclusion of Civil cases in Disqualification of convicted representatives from seats.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 17 Nov 2018 21:16
by ArjunPandit
The classification is a bit nebulous, esp the description, but the categorization can be done towards the end. Also, it is more of a wishlist

#Strategic: I continue to focus on Pakistan, because while not being the direct enemy forms the arm of enemy. Severing that arm helps neuter china and focus on china with manageable resources
1. Reconsider historical passivity w.r.t: Chahbahr activation and further engagement in Afghanistan and Ayni Airbase activation
2. Military:
a. Reinvigorate domestic jet engine program and work on a national education policy focussing on higher education for defense purposes
b. Further reduce military equipment import and increase exports
c. Focus on plan to retake kashmir in the next war. It's been 16-19 years since pakis we fought us. This equals the peace after '71-72. Next war
would be on such opportunity.
3. Reconsider One China policy unless Indian sensitivities are not given active consideration
4. Start thinking and perhaps working towards a post pakistan plan including governance, bounty splitting, border management and IWT

1. Real Estate Reforms:
a. Property/Adhaar/PAN linkage and Geo tagging of properties
b. stronger RERA, with proper provisions addressing construction quality, and geniune buyer issues
To some extent the economic stroll and not steaming ahead is because of the slowness in RE market. Perhaps govt can also consider an
aggregator like Fannie Mae and Freddie mac
2. Further press on the cashless agenda: Cash Transactions above say 50K attract an extra charge
3. Properly Define appropriate levels of autonomy/independence of RBI, I am not in favor of RBI under govt thumbs, esp. 5 years is a too small
time horizon to implement fundamental reforms for Indian economy. But RBI should not be overly conservative too. Appt levels of systemic risk
need to be planned for.

1. Ram Mandir and Mathura Mandir freedom from the mosques
2. UCC and population control to control the allah ki neymat
3. Stricter checks in place to minimize medical and rice bag induced conversions
4. Perhaps a china like social credit system should be considered: For two reasons: It will create a storm, giving govt to sneak in other actions and
also push the opponents on backfoot. If it gets through I will be happy to bring in some soft of social order. Let's have a debate that who's
breaking the rules. This is contentious, perhaps calling a thread of its own. But lets warm up to the idea
1. New policy focussing promoting quality research on emerging techs, e.g., AI/ML, Big data, with increased collaboration with global
institutes.More so than what is done today. We used to have some during soviet days, but with many western nations its more invdidiual than
idiosyncratic, perhaps I am not fully aware of it but there's always scope of improvement.
2. Revisiting the leftist history, perhaps promote research in this area
1. Urban transportation in light of evolving tech, e.g., VTOL, Maglev etc.
2. Pollution management: Air water

Wrote in an impromptu manner so will keep on editing the post as I think

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 17 Nov 2018 21:34
by Shankas
#Strategic: Integrate the 2 million Sri Lankan Tamils to the 68 million Tamils in Tamilnadu. Create free moment of goods between Tamils across the straight. Encourage TN Tamils/Indians to invest in Northern Sri Lanka in areas such as Agriculture, Small Scale Industries, Hotels, Hospitals. Allow goods/produce made by TN Tamils/Indians from Northern Sri Lanka to flow freely into Tamilnadu and Kerala. Encourage Indian investment into all of Sri Lanka in the tourism sector and promote Indians to visit Sri Lanka. We need to do this to check the Sinhalese and to keep the Hans at bay.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 18 Nov 2018 10:05
by Shankas
#Strategic/Diplomatic: Establish Indian embassies in all 54 African Nations. Use our national carrier to connect to all major African countries. Expand Air Cargo services using our national carrier. It is making a loss anyways, at least will pay dividend in the long run.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 19 Jan 2019 05:57
by ramana

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 19 Jan 2019 16:58
by Lilo
#Strategic /military:A large scale make in india project for manufacturing new ammunition (& modification kits for current dumb bombs) with precision guided capability.This can be made addon for the ongoing project of the Govt to create a 30 day war reserve.

#Strategic /military: IGMDP like accelerated project with participation of 5-6 Indian private defence majors to develop battlefield and surveillance UAVs

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 21 Jan 2019 13:12
by Yagnasri
Wholesale reforms in the functioning of the MoD, MEA and MHA PMO ( ie Secretary- R) of GoI. The present systemic and structural weaknesses are holding us back and seriously threatening our internal and external security. We also need to have more robust legal and judicial structure and reforms are badly needed in this area.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 02 May 2019 21:02
by ramana
OK. Now that we are in closing stages of the elections time to revive the thread....

Next three Phases are May 6, May 12, and May 19. The results on May 23.
So please think ahead of what we want the govt to implement in addition to the manifesto.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 02 May 2019 23:31
by rajkumar
Reorganize the Ministries in the Union Cabinet. For a start just have 1 Transportation Minister and bring Railways & Aviation under it. This will allow a single Cabinet Minister to be the nodal agency for all Transportation in India

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 03 May 2019 01:06
by Mukesh.Kumar
1. Boost MII in defence
2. Reform of police forces around the country

1. Bring back focus on Smart Cities project. Tier 1 cities are coming on growth. Need to decentralize. Boost growth. Makes economy resilient.
2. Focus on getting Namana Ganga project done. Extend throughout length. Revitalize society around it. Local spending will boost lives of close to the 400 million along the Ganges drainage area.
3. Focus on agriculture. Need it to manage water resources, bring back farm profitability to reduce economic stress. We need a comprehensive policy that looks at food security, water resources, land fertility, pesticide usage, etc.. In one word manage agriculture which supports a fairly large part of the population and is of vital interest to the country.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 03 May 2019 02:17
by khatvaanga
does Education come under Structural Reforms? If so then that should be the top 3 priority.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 03 May 2019 06:26
by ramana
Sure. Can be under Economic or Political.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 03 May 2019 10:58
by Singha
Focus on agriculture. Need it to manage water resources, bring back farm profitability to reduce economic stress. We need a comprehensive policy that looks at food security, water resources, land fertility, pesticide usage, etc.. In one word manage agriculture which supports a fairly large part of the population and is of vital interest to the country.

^^^ this is very important not just for farmers but collective health of the country. on one side we need govt machinery and self education to prevent destructive practices in agri like using with dangerous levels of pesticides and stuff , and some checks in the farm to table pipeline for the same. right now its a free for all and all generations will suffer.
r&d is needed on safer pesticides, more weather resistant crops, exportable crops .... our value added farming is low . far far below even china.
more and more people need to be pulled from farming into services and manufacturing so that farms instead of continuous fragmentation can start to coalesce and start growing larger and more viable for complex inputs.

I think 2025 germany and 2030 japan we can cross in $$ GDP terms by using our sheer size and extending development into all corners of the country from whatever low base exists .... the simple "more" approach/next billion consumers thing. Namo already has a plan for this. as I am sure does swiggy and flipkart.

at that time our economy 4X of now (10 trillion) will reach todays chinese & thailand level of per capita income - ie firmly in upper middle income band around $8000 usd.
the middle income top level is currently $12,000 usd of per capita

subsequently from 2030 to 2050 however we will need to improve the technology density and productivity of our economy by a huge number to escape the middle income trap and become truly a developed nose to tail economy atleast for a significant chunk by 2050 to claim and hold the P2 status. solutions will need to be found for our energy needs.

the investment in physical infra and academic institutions and other enablers has to start now, and a good decade long pipe in place to start reaping the fruits of that. we need 50-100 world level places and another well run 500 2nd tier across all STEM fields to hold our own at that level, given our population size and aspirations. in 2030-2050 - we can aim to quadruple our per capita from 8000 to around 32000 worst case, which will bring us mid century to level of italy and spain today...a quite comfortable level. if we can grow faster all the better because places like germany and netherland are at 50,000 level today.

in any case, the final push should be 2050-2075 (all of us reading this will be gone by then) and reclaim our rightful place as a colossus and P1.

if our current working age generation can make it happen and stay the course, we will be written about in history books later on as "the greatest generation" and "the right stuff" in hagiographic films as huge silver spaceships with ashoka enblem flit about around the earth and vast flying aircraft carriers patrol the worlds oceans - the 21st century will be called the Indian Century. :mrgreen:

such a chance comes once in 1000 years. the last time we were on top was the Gupta dynasty era AD600 followed by shallower local peaks in the vijaynagara/chola/pallava era of around 600-800 years ago.

the time is here and the time is now. victory or death.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 03 May 2019 12:08
by Yagnasri
Yagnasri wrote:Wholesale reforms in the functioning of the MoD, MEA and MHA PMO ( ie Secretary- R) of GoI. The present systemic and structural weaknesses are holding us back and seriously threatening our internal and external security. We also need to have more robust legal and judicial structure and reforms are badly needed in this area.
Apart from the above;

Major challenge is the job creation. Unless huge number of jobs are created we will see major social unrest and BIF will take advantage of that. BIF may even comeback to power in 2024 if we fail here.As things stand today most of the youth are not eligible for jobs. So Skill development is critical. As robotics systems are improving all the time and may soon replace humans in most of the areas there is also that long term challenge.

So I think the following will be critical.

1. Massive training and retraining of non skilled or semi skilled people.
2. Huge investment in manufacturing sector particularly in MSMEs.
3. Increase in service sector employment opportunities like tourist industry, health care etc.

So entire economic activities shall be focused on job creation.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 03 May 2019 12:14
by Singha
maybe loans and tax waivers to MSMEs to buy tools and training off the market.
after all if farmers can be given soft loans and waivers why not MSMEs.
give every manufacturing workers aadhar id some extra fields and all certifications and trainings could be added there
or they can learn on the job as apprentice but keep passing some skills tests.

this is better than depending upon GOI to create and provide all the training.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 03 May 2019 12:51
by Yagnasri
Singha wrote:maybe loans and tax waivers to MSMEs to buy tools and training off the market.
after all if farmers can be given soft loans and waivers why not MSMEs.
give every manufacturing workers aadhar id some extra fields and all certifications and trainings could be added there
or they can learn on the job as apprentice but keep passing some skills tests.

this is better than depending upon GOI to create and provide all the training.
MSME units face many problems.

1. Licence Permit and Quota Raj - which was not dismantled even now.
2. Local political looters.
3. High Cost of borrowings,
4. Lack of proper management and skills in the promoters.
5. Disorganized market place (This was already taken care by GST as on today.

Apartment from the above, there is always a high rate of failure for MSMEs all over the world. We need to make sure promoters who are honest do not lose everything if the business fails. As on today they lose everything if they are honest and scumbags get away with almost anything.

States need to act as facilitators to MSMEs which as things stands today is a tall order to ask from our politicos.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 03 May 2019 13:05
by Singha
the high interest rates in india is a general issue that needs to be fixed.

muricans enjoy home loans at 2-4% while we have 9-10% even when inflation is low and finances are good no risk to govt finances. car loans have always been north of 10%. the number of credit card holders remains fairly low vs our middle class.

greater minds than mine need to explain why high interest rates are good for india at this stage or else what should it be?

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 03 May 2019 13:29
by Prasad
Not a structured post or anything but we need a massive push towards the environment. Currently, in the zeal to undo the jayanti tax and jairam ramesh's tenure that got so much stuck, this govt has swung a lot the other way. As it is enforcement of laws is in thepits in this country. We need a focussed strategy to energise water bodies, dump the river linking idea for good (it is a terrible idea to mix rivers with different ecosystems), stop promoting rail and road projects via nature reserves and get a handle to reduce man-animal encounters due to ever-increasing encroachments of human settlements into earlier animal territory. This includes things like elephant corridors, tiger habitats etc. This issue shows up with the now sadly routine deaths of leopards and elephants getting killed by road vehicles as well as trains at amazing frequency. A 6 month old leopard cub was killed by a car just two days back in sathyamangalam. We are eroding our own forests. We need to ensure we don't do idiotic stuff like con govt or kill our environment in the name of development because we know how ethical our people are and shortsighted too.

Same thing with urban and semi-urban areas. Air pollution has rocketed up in the past 2 decades due to all sorts of reasons. Expanding Swach bharath to really cleanse our cities, plant more trees, move to electric, get more water bodies revamped within and just outside cities to ensure water isn't a problem (this summer will be hell btw) needs to be on a war-footing right from this year. We've already lost so many water bodies in the name of expansion and development in our cities in the past 100 years. Just off the top of my head.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 03 May 2019 14:00
by Picklu
a. Triple Talak,
b. Nikah Halala,
c. District population census based Minority definition
d. Strict definition of religious practice to remove regular dress, food habit etc from tenets of religion
e. RTE
f. UCC
g. At least 6 hours of modern subject for 5 days a week in each school irrespective of board or minority status
h. 370
i 35A
j. mechanism to self decide interest rates on sovereign bonds instead of Moodies etc

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 03 May 2019 15:18
by Karthik S
Govt needs to act on extremist desert cults and put a control on their penchant for expansion and propagation. Govt should cut all foreign FCRA, make necessary changes to education, have national mourning day on Direct Action Day, Battle at Talikota, Battle at Tarain etc. People, especially kids, should remember those dates by heart. Drive out illegals, whatever it takes. Demographics is key, without that, no development nothing will happen, even if it happens, will not count much if our own history repeats again.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 03 May 2019 15:26
by Supratik
Next big Midi social program National unemployment benefit for 3 months.

FCRA funding for all religious, political, social activity stopped.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 03 May 2019 15:56
by ArjunPandit
Singha wrote:the high interest rates in india is a general issue that needs to be fixed.

muricans enjoy home loans at 2-4% while we have 9-10% even when inflation is low and finances are good no risk to govt finances. car loans have always been north of 10%. the number of credit card holders remains fairly low vs our middle class.

greater minds than mine need to explain why high interest rates are good for india at this stage or else what should it be?
It's not a straight forward thing to fix. You have a large middle class that invests in high interest instruments.
You may be right in low interest for business/investments or risk takings but it's not just credit/market/business risk, but largely operational/integrity/corruption related risks that stop people from investing in businesses.
Those changes in our nation will take generations. Not sure if i will live long to see that but we are at least a generation away. It's better to look at our own solutions rather than blindly following west

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 03 May 2019 15:56
by ArjunPandit
Focus on payments digitization

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 03 May 2019 16:13
by Supratik
Low interest regime is a positive for jobs investment but negative for savings. The economiy continuously self corrects for what is the optimal rate.Usually as an economy becomes developed interest rates fall.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 03 May 2019 16:17
by Vikas
Focus on water and environmental conservation and be prepared for upcoming water related friction with China and hai-toba by Pakistan once dams on westbound rivers come online.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 03 May 2019 18:39
by siqir
set up organization of dharmic states to prep for clash of civilizations
kaveri engine and shakti processor
break english stranglehold on computing need programming languages compilers operating systems and apps in our own languages starting with sanskrit
mission to jupiter

1.3 billion internet connections in 5 years which is best way to reverse marxist education damage

statue of bose like statue of patel

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 04 May 2019 03:05
by Rudradev
-Ensure that Nepal returns completely to the Hindu fold: culturally and politically
-Ensure that minimal Chinese influence obtains over Bhutan.
-Further strengthen strategic & economic cooperation, bolstered by cultural contacts, with Myanmar, Thailand, and ASEAN states.
(These three points are part of an overarching strategy to construct our own Dharmic "string of pearls" from Xinjiang to the Indo-China Sea)

-Enlist Sri Lanka's active cooperation to comprehensively end the burgeoning jihadi menace in Southern India and SL, before more J&Ks or WB type petty-khilafats begin to emerge
-Wipe out the last of the armed Maoist/Naxalite cadres, and fully investigate their funding networks all the way to the sources.

-Appoint & empower a commission including Rajiv Malhotra, J Sai Deepak, R Vaidya and others to design and implement a kindergarten-through-postgraduate overhaul of the educational curriculum, particularly with regard to social sciences and humanities.

Not mentioning 35A, 370, or other items here that are already well-known declarations of BJP's manifesto.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 04 May 2019 21:03
by Mukesh.Kumar
Mukesh.Kumar wrote:STRATEGIC
1. Boost MII in defence
2. Reform of police forces around the country

1. Bring back focus on Smart Cities project. Tier 1 cities are coming on growth. Need to decentralize. Boost growth. Makes economy resilient.
2. Focus on getting Namana Ganga project done. Extend throughout length. Revitalize society around it. Local spending will boost lives of close to the 400 million along the Ganges drainage area.
3. Focus on agriculture. Need it to manage water resources, bring back farm profitability to reduce economic stress. We need a comprehensive policy that looks at food security, water resources, land fertility, pesticide usage, etc.. In one word manage agriculture which supports a fairly large part of the population and is of vital interest to the country.
Adding on from before:
1.Reform education systems. Align state board education parameters. We need to revitalize government schools. If government schools are good then private schools will also become efficient and we will see the price gouging come down. Eventually the goal should be to make quality school education free. We need both quality and quantity.
2. Healthcare- Again similar to education. Revitalize government hospitals. Add they become better the pressure on private hospitals to become better and less exorbitant will come in. Again the final objective should be to have a system that can be free for all residents of India. If we'r can make government hospitals competitive we can even generate revenues from medical tourism in future
3. Implementation of Uniform Civil Code.
4. We need top build a just society based on meritocracy. People will all believe in as society as long ad everyone believes that it is in their hands to change their lives. Face it no one one's to be Ambani but they at least want a fair shot at being able top better their lives

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 05 May 2019 09:31
by Singha
Govt schools and PU colleges definitely need toning up if we are to reach the per capita income of cheen by 2030 and italy by 2050.

our average govt school is really lacking vs the avg level in EU.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 07 May 2019 09:19
by Cain Marko
Along with Ram Mandir, Mathura and Kashi Vishwanath temples need to be built, pronto. Government control of temples should be removed it or it should be the same for all religions.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 07 May 2019 13:27
by Prasad
I know a lot is said about RTE but people do not truly understand how much of a blow it is to hindu interests. Education of the next generation is a prime necessity and must be safeguarded. We cannot let our future be educated by EJs alone!
Sample - Haryana - 3000 schools ... 0479203328
Karnataka - 12000 schools - ... 541256.cms
Maharashtra - ... 330234.cms and ... ent-delay/ 16000 schools.
There is more in bihar and other states too. None of these thousands of schools are EJ run. All yindoo run. That is as much of a blow to yindoos as any temple being demolished imo.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 10 May 2019 12:39
by Suraj
# Political
* Replace the Indian Penal Code of 1860 in its entirety, with a modern legal code following recommendations of the Malimath Committee of 2003, commissioned by NDA-1. Eliminate all anachronistic laws, streamline legal procedure and sentencing, modernize treatment of crimes by category, i.e. theft, property damage, personal injury, sexual violence, economic crimes, defamation and libel, racketeering, terrorism. Certain categories of crimes, e.g. terrorism, and all crimes with a clear inter-state element, revert to a central investigative and prosecutorial agency.
* Eliminate the Ministry of Minority Affairs (established 2006), roll back into Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.

# Economy
* Expand the role of Ministry of Labour in conjuction with MoF to collect and require to report, every month, a comprehensive database of aggregate national employment level in primary, secondary and tertiary industries, payroll development including hiring and layoffs, wage rate and wage growth.
* Complete setting up of digital public credit registry following recommendations of the 2017 Deosthalee Committee. All existing private PCBs - TransUnion CIBIL Ltd, Equifax Credit Information Services Pvt. Ltd, Experian Credit Information Co. of India Pvt. Ltd and CRIF High Mark, are to lose their operating licenses, and will solely have an opportunity to offer value added services atop PCR with complete data localization mandated by law.
* Legislate and require a comprehensive data localisation law for all data originating in India. Specific focus on financial and commercial data.

# Technology
* Specific government driven effort to champion local IT companies, with financial incentives for developing and popularizing local alternatives for particular online portals, i.e. web search, social networking, short message systems, with data localization in India.
* Accelerate from FAME-II to implement and drive comprehensive EV manufacturing policy in India. Specific emphasis on battery and hybrid propulsion manufacture, tax advantages for general EV production (not merely compliance cars) and EV public transport production.
* Focus scope of Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology to emphasize investment and research in AI. Cultivate return of OCIs/NRIs to Indian R&D/academia focusing on AI.

# Transportation
* GQ and NSEW to be expanded to full grade separated, access controlled expressway standard.
* Dramatically increase investment in high speed rail. Expand Mum-Ahd high speed line to Delhi, with fastest trains taking 4.5hrs at 320-330km/h. Additional lines: Chennai-Bangalore-Mysore, Bangalore-Hyderabad, connected to Nagpur, Bhopal , New Delhi, yielding a Delhi-Chennai high speed line, with a fastest trip of 8hrs. Delhi-Lucknow-Patna-Kolkata. Mumbai-Pune-Hyderabad/Bangalore. Mumbai-Nagpur.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 18 May 2019 22:55
by Prasad

Given varying monsoons & desertification threats combined with reducing forest cover, India needs to get on a massive project to create & maintain water bodies across the country. Large dams cine with massive environmental impacts. All our cities face immense pressure on drinking water, as do our farmers. Without taking out the risk of a deficient monsoon, along with increased global temperatures, we will have a very hard time in the next 10-30 years.
A national project to identify & refresh deteriorated water bodies, identify & create new ones for drinking for cities & villages needs to be from day 1. We're most likely facing a deficient monsoon this year. Many areas in North Ka & MH are facing their nth year of drought already. Despite all that massive amounts of rain in the western Ghats, KA districts are facing massive water shortages already. Safeguarding forests & ensuring their growth by getting out of them, ensuring adequate forest guard forces, removing rail lines through animal corridors should be a priority.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 19 May 2019 13:50
by Picklu
RS majority is needed to change the constitution. The candidates are many

1. Tactical - NJAC, Triple Talaq, Aadhar etc
2. Strategic - UCC, 370, 35A, RTE etc

But I think even before this, BJP should focus on striking the root of the opposition unity and ensure truly national parties/coalitions can compete. My recommendation of the first item to be picked up for constitutional amendment would be

Having experience of MP is not enough to be a PM, must have executive experience. So, create an amendment that none get to be a PM without having 8 years of CM experience. This would strike at the heart of the first family. To continue in the gravy train, they have to get down to the chhi chhi CM post and have 8 years of experience of the same. The aura around them would be gone forever.

Once this is in place, the rest of the amendments, both stratiegic and tactical, can follow.

Re: Structural Reforms Milestones post 2019 Elections

Posted: 22 May 2019 03:27
by ramana
My wish list:

Integrate Surya-Putra countries with Make In India to develop India as a production house for entire supply chain of renewable economy.
Continue Defense R&D partnerships with Israel, Russia and France. All the while buying American off-the-shelf products as needed
Work with GCC to facilitate Permanent Residency or citizenship programs for Indian expats. Even if GCC takes only Muslims.
Work with interested small nations to develop a $1T development fund to rival IMF, WB, ADB etc.
Setup a Y(indoo) pipeline from GCC and Iran as two prongs joining to supply India oil and gas. Extend/Connect this oil-gas grid to Myanmar to China.

Operationalization of 3-5 SSNs and 3 Aircraft Carriers
Operationalization of full BMD
Manufacturing of Tejas2
Operationalization of GAGAN and necessary military satellite systems
Abolish A370, 35A and fully integrate JK with India. Create opportunities to retake PoK.

Internal Security
Absolute Rule of Law across nation. Bring police reforms.
Security for women/Children – All rapists are killed within 6 months upon confirmation of crime. Absolute no-nonsense approach on this.
Judicial reforms – Time bound justice (Civil matters 1 yrs, Criminal matters 3 yrs)
Full digitalization of Indian Police network.
Media regulations on objectionable content and hype/rumor mongering. Financial fines are imposed on fake news and manufactured dissent.

Civic Infra
Rebuilding of 1008 Hindu national heritage cities. If they are in existing cities, 1sq KM block is acquired and redeveloped with 500x500m is left for temple and surrounding park+pushkarini. Remaining area developed into Hindu heritage high-raise smart city to house relocated citizens plus tourist housing/recreation. Each smart city to support 1 Lakh Indians and 1008 cities will immediately bring 10 crore Indians and up to 50 crore tourists to first world amenities.
Acquisition/development of land in existing cities (200 sq yards to 5 acres based on area/availability) such that every area in the city has at least 10 parks/public spaces fully equipped with drinking water, food court, sitting area, a replica of national heritage site, amphitheater and/or a library.
All civic services are Aadhar linked and mobile supported.

Mandatory Aadhar linking with voters list. Once done, allow people to vote from their registered mobile devices on the elections day. No need to go to polling station. No need for postal ballets. Voting is allowed only on polling day. Reduces the security risks and shortens election process.
Remove minority affairs ministry. Derecognize Madrassa degrees nationwide. Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas

Bring RBI into full control of GoI. Delink the INR from USD reserves (as Gurumurthy says)
Remove BASEL2 restriction on Indian Banks. Only private banks that have foreign exposure need to fulfill Base2 requirements
Loosen the credit freeze for industry and businesses based on business viability than current NPA Crisis

Technology & Industry
Trigger a govt sponsored Startup India project to free India from colonial clutches
Industry 4.0 - Declare two more Industrial sectors in addition to Delhi-Mumbai. One will be Kolkata-Amritsar and another Puri-Nasik. They too will get HSR, Smart Cities every 50KM and so on.

Ban on meet exports.
GST on Food: No GST on vegetarian food. 5% GST on Chicken and Fish products. 18% of GST on red meat to reflect their ecological footprints.
Ban Halal/Kosher food. All meat products must be prepared and sold in govt certified hygienic stores. extend MUDRA loans to help these shops.
Bring a law for Humane Animal Husbandry. Ban on animal/bird Farms. All animals and birds must be free roaming and grain fed. No feeding of anti-biotics and hormones.