Search found 136 matches

by vishnua
14 Jan 2011 21:34
Forum: Strategy, Politics & International Relations Forum
Topic: Internal Security Watch
Replies: 9599
Views: 1240561

Re: Internal Security Watch

What are the "effective" methods to neutralize the current lonies and drones and what are the future actions that needed to placed.

i..e Cure and prevention
by vishnua
30 Oct 2009 05:26
Forum: Trash Can Archive
Topic: Miscellaneous Pictures - Indian Military
Replies: 3954
Views: 1897725

Re: Miscellaneous Pictures - Indian Military

Err, Can't help noticing the respectable distance the 'visitors' keep from the 'beast'. :mrgreen: desi jawans are up and close with the beast - must have taken some commando course :mrgreen: I think it is more of feeding the "beast" of western mind set. I can't wait for pic of GI Joe/s ri...
by vishnua
28 Oct 2009 16:40
Forum: Strategy, Politics & International Relations Forum
Topic: Deterrence
Replies: 5136
Views: 949476

Re: Deterrence

As per comparative destruction isn't what Gen Sunderji said during 2002 mobilization that if pakis are thinking of using nuclear weapons then pakistan will be wiped out of the map... What did he mean wiping out of the map? Entire 160 mil will be kabum? The question is do we have same capability for ...
by vishnua
28 Oct 2009 02:11
Forum: Strategy, Politics & International Relations Forum
Topic: Deterrence
Replies: 5136
Views: 949476

Re: Deterrence

The colonial settlers (mostly of English origin) in Massachusetts used small pox blankets to wipe out native americans near Amherst, Massachusetts. Please read People's history of America by Howard Zinn. I know, he is considered as leftist/liberal but the facts he mentions in this book are unmistake...
by vishnua
25 Jun 2009 21:18
Forum: Strategy, Politics & International Relations Forum
Topic: India-Australia News and Discussion
Replies: 2280
Views: 508070

Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Are they really trying or afriad loosing all those tution payments from Indians? England and Australia are getting lot of unnecessary money from us what they are dolling out in the form degrees. Aurtralia is prime real estate where it can be extension of india by proper settlement of people. It has ...
by vishnua
19 Jun 2009 00:28
Forum: Trash Can Archive
Topic: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009
Replies: 478
Views: 56052

Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan - May 16 2009

Overall I think troops "pullout" for pullout sake is good idea. Mind you I am using pull out in a dramatic sense. The idea of pulling out 200 trrops and making it look like as if we are pulling out 20,000 troops with massive press coverage is what is needed. That will be very good tactical...
by vishnua
17 Jun 2009 00:49
Forum: Strategic & Security Issues Archive
Topic: Perspectives on the global economic meltdown
Replies: 3894
Views: 1152725

Re: Perspectives on the global economic meltdown

pandyan wrote:time to move 25+% money in 401K to infl.protected secs?

If you have the option of moving into Fixed interest then do it. MOI did this back in April 08. It is only 3% and change but it is better than losing the "principle"
by vishnua
09 Apr 2009 01:39
Forum: Trash Can Archive
Topic: Indo-UK: News & Discussion
Replies: 3938
Views: 837377

Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

[quote="surinder Actually I don't even know about the famine in Lahore in the 1870's. Can you tell more?[/quote],,1674478,00.html As per famine in Lahore and etc there was an article on rediff describing the various famines that were caused during bri...
by vishnua
05 Apr 2009 21:20
Forum: Science, Economics & Technology Forum
Topic: Indian IT Industry
Replies: 3916
Views: 630729

Re: Indian IT Industry

1. Avoid shaking head from side to side as a sign of agreement. 2. Do not dance aorund while taking that is moving on you feet. Can be considered as sign of not sure. 3. Keep eye contact when talking to one on one. 4. Keep the tone of the voice even and steady. No modulations needed in the tone whil...
by vishnua
05 Apr 2009 02:09
Forum: Trash Can Archive
Topic: Indo-UK: News & Discussion
Replies: 3938
Views: 837377

Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

There is documentary on Bengal famine by none other than one of the British TV stations.

Before British came there was famine once every 120 years approximately but after that it was once in 4 years. People forget great famine of Lahore in 1870's where millions died.
by vishnua
08 Mar 2009 07:34
Forum: Trash Can Archive
Topic: Indo-UK: News & Discussion
Replies: 3938
Views: 837377

Re: Indo-UK: News & Discussion

This I will be the first to say is a mirror of Western reporting on India for many, many years, and that is where the emotional satisfaction of giving the same treatment back comes in. But the only people it fools are the consumers - it kept many Westerners fundamentally misinformed about India by ...
by vishnua
25 Feb 2009 00:53
Forum: Military Issues & History Forum
Topic: Historical Battles in Ancient & Medieval Bharat
Replies: 2455
Views: 595455

Re: Historical Battles in Ancient & Medieval Bharat-2


Can you please e-mail me the last pic (macaulays') speech at vishnua_9 at hotmail

Thanks in advance
by vishnua
22 Feb 2009 02:34
Forum: Trash Can Archive
Topic: Future strategic scenario for the Indian Subcontinent
Replies: 2861
Views: 451951

Re: Future strategic scenario for the Indian Subcontinent

i would equate it to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. the Soviets went back disgraced and heads bowed and became a laughing matter for Western countries. they never expected that bunch of cave-men could cause the mighty (and yes, the Russians at the time were mighty) Soviets army to retreat. wha...
by vishnua
15 Feb 2009 00:01
Forum: Science, Economics & Technology Forum
Topic: Indian IT Industry
Replies: 3916
Views: 630729

Re: Indian IT Industry

claims that world eco is expected to turn around in end 2009. had Dept meeting. Our is only company probably that is still hiring left and right. The expectation is that turn around will not come till end of the 1 st quarter of 2010. Clear disclaimer was that this is the current prediction. MOI pre...
by vishnua
11 Jan 2009 23:12
Forum: Strategic & Security Issues Archive
Topic: Indian Economy: News and Discussion (June 8 2008)
Replies: 2768
Views: 600347

Re: Indian Economy: News and Discussion (June 8 2008)

Good post Muppalla. There is saying "Untill your caught your a Dora (lord). Once caught you are a theif". What ethics?. Name any Non-MNC and look at the history of that and you will find something in the records not to mention what actually goes on. Long Long time ago my Ex Boss told me th...
by vishnua
11 Jan 2009 22:44
Forum: Science, Economics & Technology Forum
Topic: Indian IT Industry
Replies: 3916
Views: 630729

Re: Indian IT Industry

Insider news is that most admirable company has an internal directive to not consider applications from Satyam employees for hiring for the time being at all levels. This is not the right thing to do at this time. Indian Inc needs to mature little bit more. This is a false morality/prespective. Wha...
by vishnua
10 Jan 2009 03:42
Forum: Science, Economics & Technology Forum
Topic: Indian IT Industry
Replies: 3916
Views: 630729

Re: Indian IT Industry

May be this belongs to Nukkad. In Rayalaseema Naidu is Kamma. Only in Coastal Andhra Naidu is kapu. In Telnagana some of Kapu's are also Reddy's.
by vishnua
30 Nov 2008 23:37
Forum: Terrorism Archive
Topic: Terror Attacks in Mumbai - III
Replies: 1969
Views: 334344

Re: Terror Attacks in Mumbai - III

Fareed Zakaria 'anal'ysis

This Fire Needs to Be Put Out
by vishnua
14 Oct 2008 23:31
Forum: Strategic & Security Issues Archive
Topic: Indian Economy: News and Discussion (June 8 2008)
Replies: 2768
Views: 600347

Re: Indian Economy: News and Discussion (June 8 2008)

suffice it to say after knowing a few people in a certain IIM now preparing to graduate next yr, I am afraid of them roaming around re-structuring large swathes of the world economy. there was a distinct lack of humanity in these people, a fact my relative readily agreed with. GD Lack of humanity c...
by vishnua
21 May 2008 02:22
Forum: Terrorism Archive
Topic: Jaipur blasts -2
Replies: 85
Views: 69619

She did a good job, but when she was announcing one particular dance troup's name, she stumbled and seemed visibly uncomfortable. The name of the group was "Sardar". It is worse than Crusader to Arabs. It is all depply ingrained in psycology Atleast Arabs (Actually Kurd - Suleman) took ba...
by vishnua
21 May 2008 02:14
Forum: Terrorism Archive
Topic: Jaipur blasts -2
Replies: 85
Views: 69619

Does it make it clear that the need for establishing Khalsa and it's dealing with islam can be replicated across India ( which may not be case given the present situation) ? It is called Khalsa in Sikhism and can be called someting else in some other religion. What khalsa did was focus, unity,clearl...
by vishnua
04 May 2008 15:18
Forum: Trash Can Archive
Topic: Indo-UK: News & Discussion
Replies: 3938
Views: 837377

Why all the hate towards the UK. From a first hand account, how are Indians treated over there? It is not hate. It is just that UK has only paid back 0.000000001% debt it owes India. See as you know Indians have long memories whether they act on them or not is diff question. Well NRI's don't need v...
by vishnua
25 Apr 2008 06:10
Forum: Trash Can Archive
Topic: Indo-UK: News & Discussion
Replies: 3938
Views: 837377

Don't assume things you can't see through the message. Easy on the words.

why do you think Brown is proposing this?
by vishnua
24 Apr 2008 19:18
Forum: Trash Can Archive
Topic: Indo-UK: News & Discussion
Replies: 3938
Views: 837377

Indian can take the leadsership role across the world in eradicating the poverty in house as well as outside the country. Britain can work in "conjucntion" with India along with many other countries in how effectively implement this program.India has the expertise and is short of rupees. B...
by vishnua
24 Apr 2008 18:18
Forum: Trash Can Archive
Topic: Indo-UK: News & Discussion
Replies: 3938
Views: 837377

Yes. Few hundered years ago Brit just wanted to do trade only. Not that i am questioning the intent but need to see what this new deal actually transforms into. For Ex: who is going to be responsible for what and who is going to at the leadership role and who is going to cough out at what percentage...
by vishnua
24 Apr 2008 06:28
Forum: Trash Can Archive
Topic: Indo-UK: News & Discussion
Replies: 3938
Views: 837377

British MPs want 'US-style relationship' with India What this means brit companies think US is bottom less pit with money. Not just the companies but pretty much every "export" from UK has similar view. They probably want something like this in India as they know there is an oppurtunity o...
by vishnua
17 Nov 2007 03:41
Forum: Strategy, Politics & International Relations Forum
Topic: Pashtun Civil War
Replies: 525
Views: 180667

please read charle wilson's war before comparing present situation to that of to 80's. Afghans were pretty much done by 83 i mean willing to accept defeat and surrender but massa upped the antenna with cash and supplies. KSA was matching the donations wrt to cash. None of the Afghan groups fighting...
by vishnua
11 Nov 2007 16:35
Forum: Strategy, Politics & International Relations Forum
Topic: Pashtun Civil War
Replies: 525
Views: 180667

please read charle wilson's war before comparing present situation to that of to 80's.

Afghans were pretty much done by 83 i mean willing to accept defeat and surrender but massa upped the antenna with cash and supplies. KSA was matching the donations wrt to cash.
by vishnua
11 Oct 2007 22:41
Forum: Strategy, Politics & International Relations Forum
Topic: Pashtun Civil War
Replies: 525
Views: 180667

In real world there is nothing like humane THINK SELF INTEREST and then how to justify it with nice words like above when writing about them. I'm sorry but your loud tone here reflects thinking based out of typically a shortage culture. Grab before the next guy to you does so. You translate that in...
by vishnua
10 Oct 2007 23:49
Forum: Strategy, Politics & International Relations Forum
Topic: Pashtun Civil War
Replies: 525
Views: 180667

Indians firstly have been a very humane society since the beginning of time" This is very subjective term and what did it gives? present day india ? In real world there is nothing like humane THINK SELF INTEREST and then how to justify it with nice words like above when writing about them. Wha...
by vishnua
10 Oct 2007 22:46
Forum: Strategy, Politics & International Relations Forum
Topic: Pashtun Civil War
Replies: 525
Views: 180667

What Jcage is saying real politics. They say Payback is B##ch. What did PVN say Inaction is also an action. we have great oppurtunity here to sit watch.we don't need to do anything but have to make sure bonfire always has enough fuel. Do it for mother earth as it cannot bear too much population. Pau...
by vishnua
23 Apr 2006 01:44
Forum: Military Scenarios Archive
Topic: Possible Indian Military Scenarios - Part V
Replies: 320
Views: 273059

rajpa wrote:NSN Reports

His final words to the masses were "Net-i, Net-i TSP."
I don't think this warrants NSN reproting ..
by vishnua
21 Apr 2006 20:42
Forum: Military Scenarios Archive
Topic: Possible Indian Military Scenarios - Part V
Replies: 320
Views: 273059

In fact the description of Ascetic is made up to suit him, his former association with BR, his current absense from BR, and his contribution in building the current scenario. I simply transplanted them to an analogous spyworld in the story. Wonder why "ascetic" is staying away from BRF. H...
by vishnua
13 Apr 2006 08:13
Forum: Science, Economics & Technology Forum
Topic: Indian Health Care Sector
Replies: 1211
Views: 238692

The Trade in Fertility India is attracting English-speaking couples looking for surrogates and other treatments. WEB EXCLUSIVE By Silvia Spring Newsweek Updated: 4:49 p.m. ET April 12, 2006 April 12, 2006 - When it comes to new ways to promote fertility, Bobby and Nikki Bains have been open-minded....
by vishnua
07 Apr 2006 23:48
Forum: Strategic & Security Issues Archive
Topic: Book Review Folder - 2005/2006/2007
Replies: 404
Views: 174922 Excerpt: 'Overthrow' by Stephen Kinzer Introduction Why does a strong nation strike against a weaker one? Usually because it seeks to impose its ideology, increase its power, or gain control of valuable resources. Shifting combinations of...
by vishnua
11 Feb 2006 08:27
Forum: Science, Economics & Technology Forum
Topic: Indian Health Care Sector
Replies: 1211
Views: 238692

Air ambulance concept fast catching up in India Air ambulance concept fast catching up in India C H Unnikrishnan & P R Sanjai in Mumbai | February 11, 2006 03:37 IST Air ambulance -- airlifting patients or doctors in emergency cases -- is a concept fast catching up in the country. Kokilaben Dhi...
by vishnua
25 Nov 2005 03:24
Forum: Military Exercises Archive
Topic: Cope India 2005 - Kalaikunda AFS - Part II
Replies: 254
Views: 168513

if there is an archive of all the posts from oracle that would be great to amuse ourselves even though it may sound little twisted..
by vishnua
24 Nov 2005 06:07
Forum: Military Exercises Archive
Topic: Cope India 2005 - Kalaikunda AFS - Part II
Replies: 254
Views: 168513

Harry wrote:There is no rule that says you can be banned for stupidity and/or ignorance.
by vishnua
23 Nov 2005 22:40
Forum: Military Exercises Archive
Topic: Cope India 2005 - Kalaikunda AFS - Part II
Replies: 254
Views: 168513

thanks rich . Know about key publishing but didn't know about oracle part
will keep tabs on star49 for entertainment..
by vishnua
23 Nov 2005 20:03
Forum: Military Exercises Archive
Topic: Cope India 2005 - Kalaikunda AFS - Part II
Replies: 254
Views: 168513

Rich wrote:
Singha wrote:anyone noticed, the Oracle forum has disappeared off the face of the earth ?
:-o Oh, is that what happened? And all this time I thought I got banished because of something I posted.
what is oracle forum??.