Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by SSridhar »

CRamS wrote: . . . why would IE give this punk a forum to spread TSP lies and propaganda? . . .
CRS, I do agree. I also find it disgusting to listen to these evil charlatans being invited to discussions by various TV channels. I don't know what they intend to achieve or show. In this process, we are deprived of a deeper and more analytical debate because with these guys around, it ends up as a shouting match or chaos. No Pakistani can contribute to an intelligent discussion anyway. As simple as that. What are we trying to prove?

We should have cut-off all relationship with them a long time back and relationship should have been fine tuned depending upon their behaviour. It should be a spigot we open or close at our will and fancy based upon our assessment of their actions/inactions. Our behaviour has been quixotic because we never looked at Pakistan holistically. There is no single magic bullet with Pakistan and we must use all means at our disposal. Our indulgence and compassion have allowed Pakistan to become a jihadi nuclear menace that it is today for us. No more dilly-dallying. In fact, we are already very late. Cut-off everything with TSP.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by arun »

Interview by Islamabad based Ammara Durrani of Kamla Bhasin who is described as “an Indian social scientist who has been actively engaged in issues of gender equality, education, poverty alleviation, human rights and peace in South Asia since 1970. Based in New Delhi, she is known for her feminist ideology and activism as well as for founding Sangat, a South Asian network that combines feminist theory with action at the grass-roots level.”

In the interview Kamala Bhasin comes up with below comment the bolded bit of which requires challenge on grounds of not being factual and obnoxious to many Indians who come from states that are not contiguous to the Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan:
When I was studying in Germany, Pakistanis were my best friends. Why? Because, other than my passport and my religion, I shared everything with them. Our food, our songs, our films, our cricket — everything is common.
While what Kamala Bhasin says may be the truth for some tiny number of Punjabis like her, besides some tiny number of misguided Hindi speakers, it is a load of tripe for many millions of Indians including Punjabi and Hindi speakers.

Take an Indian say from the State of Karnataka. It would be tripe to say that she/he ate the same food as those in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Citizens of the Islamic Republic would be pretty clueless about rice based pure vegetarian dishes such as Bishi Bele Baath, Dosa, Iddly, Kara Baath and would resort to prayer 10 times a day at mention of the Kodava speciality, Pandhi Curry. Songs and films would likewise be incomprehensible as Kannada is not an official language of the Islamic Republic. Indeed the gulf is so wide that none of the languages spoken in states bordering Karnataka such as Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi and Konkani are official languages of the Islamic Republic.

Further it also greatly upsets me that in the zeal of attempting to ingratiate themselves with citizens of the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan there is a small but hardcore group of individuals like Kamala Bhasin who think nothing of spreading the hopefully unintended message that fellow Indian’s who do not share common food, songs and films cannot be as close as Non-Indians who share common food, songs and films.

The above line of reasoning could also be appropriately replicated for fellow Indians from Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Telengana, Andhra, Maharastra, Orissa, West Bengal, Assam etc.

Let me conclude by hoping that this very small hardcore group of Punjabi and Hindi speakers stop scoring own goals by making false claims of brotherhood of Indians with citizens of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on the false and obnoxious notion of merely sharing common food, songs and films.

Interview available here:

An Indian who talks about love with Pakistan is seen as a traitor: Kamla Bhasin
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by SSridhar »

Pakistan army to 'jointly fight Jadhav case with govt' in ICJ, says country's national assembly speaker - Shailaja Neelakantan, ToI
First, a Pakistan military court tried, convicted and sentenced Kulbhushan Jadhav, and now it appears the country's powerful army will "jointly fight" the Indian national's case with its government in the International Court of Justice (ICJ), Pakistan state radio reported a top ruling politician as saying.

What the politician meant by "jointly" wasn't explained in Radio Pakistan's article.

Of course, it is by no means a secret that the Pakistan military has, arguably, an equal say as the civilian government in national matters there. What's striking, though, is that a ruling party politician made this statement publicly, that too at a time when tensions are running high between the Nawaz Sharif civilian government and the Pakistan army. {This proves that a quid-pro-quo was arrived at when Bajwa met Nawaz brfore the ICJ proceedings}

"Speaker National Assembly Sardar Ayaz Sadiq says the government and Pakistan Army will jointly fight the case of Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav" in the ICJ, reported Radio Pakistan quoting a speech the politician made yesterday.

In fact, it wasn't state media alone that reported this. Pakistan's The Nation newspaper, said to be close to the establishment - that could mean the civilian government or the army - also reported Sadiq as saying the same thing about the military joining the ICJ case.

"It is time to be united," Sadiq said in an address to his parliamentary constituency yesterday. And it was clear from the context that he was talking about the civilian government and the army being "united".

Referring to Jadhav, whom Sadiq called a terrorist, he said politics shouldn't be played "on the issue of a terrorist". He also criticized what he described as a "trend" of harming the national interest for the sake of scoring political gains.

"Anything said by the politicians must always safeguard the national interests," he said. "We have already suffered much in the past" because of "this trend of causing damage to the national interest in order to protect the personal" interest of some, said Sadiq.

"He (Sadiq) said legal points should be discussed but there should be no politics on the issue of Kulbhushan Jadhav," wrote Radio Pakistan in its report.

Two days after India filed a plea at the ICJ requesting it grant a temporary stay on Pakistan executing Jadhav, Pakistan's army chief Qamar Bajwa met with Sharif.

"If the ICJ requests Pakistan anything about Jadhav, then the government of Pakistan will respond to it at an appropriate level," said Pakistan army spokesman Major General Asif Ghafoor, after that meeting with Sharif.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Two police officers shot dead in Karachi
Two police personnel were killed and one other was injured on Sunday in a targeted killing in Karachi's Bahadurabad area, police said.The two officers were sitting in a police mobile while on duty at the Dawood Round-a-bout in Bahadurbad when unidentified assailants fired at them and fled the scene, Superintendent of Police (SP) Gulshan Ghulam Murtaza Bhutto said. Three police officers received injuries in the incident and were taken to the hospital, police said. However, Sub-inspector Iftikhar and Head Constable Raja Younis succumbed to their injuries.Head constable Shehzad remains in a critical condition and is being operated upon, police added.
Karachi has been the battleground for many groups asserting their rights and fighting Pakjabi domination. eg. MQM, Balochis, Sindhi nationalist , Pashtuns, and of course the criminal gangs and the different mafias (land, water,mafia !)
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Pakistaniyat On The Rise In Wake Of Jadhev ICJ Judgement :twisted:

Indian national detained in Islamabad
An Indian national was arrested from the federal capital on Sunday.According to a report, he was arrested from F-8 area of Islamabad over possessing incomplete travel documents.A case has been filed against him under Article 14 of the Foreign Act. The Indian national has been sent to jail on judicial remand.The incident comes in the wake of heightened tensions between both the countries over the death sentence announced to Kulbhushan Jadhav by the military court on the charges of espionage.
Indian visitors and/or embassy staff should be "prepared" for petty harassment !

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Baikul »

SSridhar wrote:Pakistan army to 'jointly fight Jadhav case with govt' in ICJ, says country's national assembly speaker - Shailaja Neelakantan, ToI
First, a Pakistan military court tried, convicted and sentenced Kulbhushan Jadhav, and now it appears the country's powerful army will "jointly fight" the Indian national's case with its government in the International Court of Justice (ICJ)...........

What the politician meant by "jointly" wasn't explained in Radio Pakistan's article.
IMO The Bakistani politicians are ensuring that the blame gets shared - international AND/OR domestic - if Jadhav ji is hanged or not.

If he is hanged they can shrug their shoulders at ICJ and international opinion and blame BakFauj- say - sorry, it's the army onlee that hanged him, what- to -do, Pa'stan is victim of terrorism and can we have the next loan please?

If he is not hanged, they can still blame BakFauj in the face of domestic outrage.

Tactical brilliance all round.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Interim Harassment Tactic Until Chini-Internet And Censorship System Is Installed . :mrgreen:

FIA to quiz 200 social media activists over anti-army posts
ISLAMABAD: The federal government plans to step up its crackdown on social media activists over purported criticism against Pakistan army despite strong criticism by opposition parties and human rights groups.According to a government’s source, Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has finalized a list of 200 people who are likely to be questioned or detained for their alleged anti-army tweets, posts on popular social media forums.
Among those named in the list include journalists and some social media activists of the ruling PML-N, and opposition PTI.
Sources reveal that 40 people have already been grilled by the investigation agency while their laptops, mobile phones and ipads have been seized and sent for forensic evaluation.The move comes despite Imran Khan’s threat to launch street protests against the social media crackdown.
Immy is the poster -boy of the Paki Fauj. So, it makes no sense for him to come out against "the federal government plans to step up its crackdown on social activists over ......" :mrgreen:
Addressing a gathering in Quetta yesterday, PTI Chairman Imran Khan he would be forced to take to the streets if the government touched :roll: ( "street language" to excite the Abduls ?) his workers or banned the social media.
n a press statement yesterday, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) voiced serious alarm over arbitrary curbs on freedom of expression, a climate of intimidation and the authorities’ stated intent to act against any perceived slight to the armed forces through the social media.
According to the information submitted in parliament this week, since the present government came to power, the cyber crime wing of the FIA has registered nearly 900 cases. – SAMAA
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Whitewashing And ReWriting Paki History - The Islamizing Of DJinnah By The Mullah Brigade

If Jinnah never asked Ruttie to change her name to Maryam, why did you, Pakistan?
By Shakir Lakhani Published: May 19, 2017
Those of us who were born before Partition know that Muhammad Ali Jinnah could not speak Urdu, except perhaps a few broken sentences. His speeches were always in English, sometimes with a translator to make the crowds understand what he was saying. But sometime in the 1980s, the government dubbed all his speeches in Urdu, apparently under pressure from those who thought a highly westernised Jinnah would make today’s youth doubt that he wanted an Islamic state. :lol:
One result of this is that an entire generation of Pakistanis have grown up believing that Jinnah was fluent in Urdu, and always dressed in a sherwani instead of the western clothes he always wore. Even our currency notes show him wearing a sherwani, which he donned on very few occasions after independence. :rotfl:
This is, of course, all due to the fear among the so-called defenders of the country’s ideology that somehow our people will stop believing that the country’s founder looked, dressed and spoke like an Englishman. Of course, these same defenders of the country’s ideology belong to those religious parties which strenuously opposed the creation of Pakistan and even used to call Mr Jinnah ‘Kafir e Azam’. :shock: Fortunately, Mr Jinnah was always clean-shaven, but that will not deter these elements from pasting a beard on his photos anytime soon, seeing how rapidly the country’s youth is being radicalised.
But these hardliners were not satisfied with just changing the image of the country’s founder. They saw that his wife, Ruttie Jinnah, was highly westernised as well. Hence they thought of making her appear as a pious Muslim and the first thing they did was change her name to Maryam.
This was supposed to have happened after her conversion to Islam at the time of her marriage to Jinnah. They thought if young people today knew that Jinnah did not get his wife’s name changed to a Muslim name at the time of their marriage, they would think he could not have been a staunch Muslim. So they got this piece of disinformation (about Ruttie’s name being changed to Maryam) inserted in Wikipedia and our school textbooks, again making a whole generation of Pakistanis believing another lie.
For those who may not know, the name change has to be done before marriage, so that the new name is recorded in the marriage documents. In the 1960s, a Muslim woman married the scion of a well-known Hindu family in Karachi. Before the marriage was solemnised, the man was converted and given a Muslim name, after which the nikkah was performed. In Ruttie’s case, this was not necessary because her name (meaning jewel) was common amongst Gujrati Muslims of those times.
For the record, this changing of Ruttie’s name has not been mentioned in any newspaper or periodical published at the time, neither has it been verified or authenticated by any credible source. Moreover, she always signed her letters “Ruttie”, and in one of her letters which she wrote to Jinnah four months before her death, she ends with the words,
“Darling goodnight and goodbye. Ruttie”
Finally, the most authentic piece of evidence that Ruttie did not change her name is her tombstone, which has the name Ratanbai engraved on it. Jinnah frequently visited her grave and the last time he did so was just before the Partition (19 years after her death). Surely he would have gotten the name on the tombstone changed to Maryam if that was her name. The fact that he did not do so proves that there was no change of name, and his wife lived and died as Ruttie Jinnah.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by ricky_v » ... spartanntp
Five mortar shells were fired from Iran into Balochistan's Chagai area today evening, reported Geo TV.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

"Staged Raid" To De-Fame MQM :roll:

Rangers seize 'Nato weapons, Indian currencies' from MQM offices
More hidden networks of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) have on Sunday been unearthed in Islamabad’s Top City Housing Society, and security forces recovered dangerous NATO weapons and large cache of money including Indian, Pakistani and foreign currency.The security agencies had received secret information regarding an illegal firing range and presence of weapons near the new airport. According to reports, the weapons, ammunitions, hand grenades, and other explosive materials were to be possibly used in terrorist activities. Furthermore, the worth of recovered currency is more than one crore rupees. "secret information", "possibly used ", "more than one crore rupees" are all indicators of defaming tactics !
It has further been revealed that these networks used to facilitate the leaders of MQM-London and other fugitives. The CEO of housing society Moiz used to conduct the firing practices of party officials in firing range of the society. Sources have also disclosed that MQM leader Haidar Abbas Rizvi stayed in the same society for several days. It would be foolish of MQM to "expand their operations" in the Pakjabi infested capital of Isloo and leave their safe base in Kraachi !
Earlier, MQM-London’s illegal business in the guise of housing society was exposed and fugitive suspects were arrested from the society. The gang was involved in occupying illegal land and sending the earned money to London.Rangers and other law-enforcing agencies had conducted a 24-hour long operation in the Top City Housing Society’s office and seized modern weapons from the office. Operations probably planned and executed ( on paper only !) in the slimy corridors of ISI at Aabpara
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Emancipation Of "Paki Ayeshas" In Full Swing :roll:

After 17 years, Lahore gets a female SHO
The Express Tribune > Pakistan >
A female sub-inspector was appointed the station house officer (SHO) of a regular police station in Lahore on Friday. DIG Operations Dr Haider Ashraf promoted Ghazala Sharif to the post of the Rang Mahal Police Station SHO – making her the first woman to have been appointed to this position in the city after 17 years. ( What is the "big deal" to celebrate this ! Why did it take 17 years ; did Fazl and the Mullah Brigade threaten a fatwa against this :mrgreen: ) Besides, sub-inspector Nabila Kausar has been appointed the SHO of the women’s Race Course Police Station (RCPS).
Lahore, the provincial capital of Punjab, a city of approximately 15 million people, has 84 police stations. However, there is only one women’s police station in the city. The RCPS is used to keep female suspects behind bars. Cases whereby both the suspect and the person who has filed a complaint are female are registered at the RCPS. :(( Female prisoners obviously cannot be mixed with the sex -starved Aam Abduls- new step in the right direction !)
The DIG’s step to appoint a female SHO came as a result of new officers receiving training specifically for this post. A refresher and training course of over a 100 inspectors and sub-inspectors including women was conducted at the Qila Gujjar Singh Police Lines.There are five more female officers who are going under training and doing refresher course for SHOs. They would also be considered to be posted as SHOs. The question of "male insubordination" will still remain and will be "swept under the carpet" as usual; the "female ayeshas" will most likely be forced to go on "stress leave" if if their family ( husband, mother, father, children, uncle, cousin, neice , nephews, grandmother, grandfather ) allow them to accept the job in the first place :mrgreen:
The purpose of the refresher course was to bring forth new officers who could be posted as SHOs.For many years, the police department, because of a shortage of trained officers, have had to persist with a certain pool of officers to fill the SHO slots.Apart from Ghazala, other female sub-inspectors are also taking the refresher course so that they can be considered for appointment as SHOs.
The Paki press has recently been "displaying" the prowess of their "female ayeshas" . Just recently, much was made of "female anti-terrorist special agents" serving in the KP province . And now this. ! - another example of Ayeshas coming out of the ( Islamic) closet - with uniform and all, serving their country and setting up a shiny example . Nothing about the re-action of the Islamic Ideological Council ( Of Pakistan ) to this radical move .

PS: Just last week, there was a news item about a 23 year old female student from Punjab University in Lahore seeking justice from a Pakistani court, against a male friend who stabbed her 23 times . The father of the accused, a prominent criminal lawyer himself used his "sifarish" with the court authorities to over turn his son's criminal behaviour . So much so for equal rights for females in Pakiland !
Such "feel good" news are just a farce ! Pakistan , with its Islamicist Ideology is still a "male haven" .
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Chini-fication Of Pakiland Going As Per Plan :D

Huashang: Chinese first ever newspaper in Pakistan launched

ISLAMABAD: The first-ever Chinese newspaper in Pakistan, ‘Huashang’, was recently launched with Chinese nationals as its main target audience.
According to BBC Urdu , the weekly newspaper published its 21st edition this week. The newspaper’s headquarters is located in Islamabad and it claims to have a readership of 60,000 readers. :shock: ( Are there that many Chinis in Isloo and surrounding areas . Is this for CPEC Chini brigade that is "going to flood Pakistan" pretty soon ? Any advertising announcing opening of massage parlours, Chini restaurants serving authentic Chini food ( snakes, flied polk lice ; any ads for services of Chini comfort women.. :mrgreen: The newspaper has been publishing in Pakistan for almost two years now. For those not able to get the hang of newspaper title ‘ Huashang’ , it’s this way: ‘Hua’ means flower and ‘Shang’ means business, therefore, the literal meaning of Huashang is ‘business of flower’, or ‘pure business’.
PS: What is next? compulsory Chinese in high school or ban on names like Abdul, Mohamed or exemption for ramzan food and beverage ban or presence of one or more Chini advisors in each Paki ministry or abolishing Sharia based justice system !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

Falijee wrote:"Staged Raid" To De-Fame MQM :roll:

Rangers seize 'Nato weapons, Indian currencies' from MQM offices

Are these "currency notes" from the pre-demonetization or post demonetization era? What good will Indian currency notes do in pakistan?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by KLNMurthy »

SSridhar wrote:I do not understand the argument that approaching ICJ over Mr. Jadhav's case would internationalize Kashmir and Pakistan would take the case to ICJ now. Was Pakistan unaware of the ICJ option so far and did we open its eyes inadvertently now? Is that what these folks are saying? Pakistan has been 'threatening' to drag India to ICJ over every trivial Indo-Pak issue for decades now. Can those who claim that Pakistan now suddenly has a handle with ICJ, explain as to how and why did it miss the elephant in the room, Kashmir, so far?
The argument is made by Markandeya Katju, who is a top-rated fool.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Guddu »

BTW, does anyone know if ganja shareef got to meet Trump in SA ?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by pankajs »

Yes ... he did get to meet Trump..zee
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by yensoy »

pankajs wrote:Yes ... he did get to meet Trump..zee
Just a meet and greet on the sidelines of the regular meeting ... 66172.html, not a full blown bilateral sit-down type session.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by sum »

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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Hindus receiving Tender Loving Care of the World's only Religion of Peace in Clapistan - the Land of the Pure and the Home of the Terrorists

Pressure mounting on Hindus to quit their homes in Mehmoodabad

A constant shadow of threat looms large over Hindu residents of an informal settlement in Mehmoodabad since the area’s influential locals started pressurising them to evacuate the locality.

The settlement named Basti Guru Bagh, which houses more than 100 Hindu families, is situated near Junejo Town and Rehman Colony, and falls under the jurisdiction of the Baloch Colony police station.

Primarily hailing from District Ghotki, the Hindu residents said they had been living in Basti Guru Bagh since the 1960s. However, they added, influential locals, with the help of Muslim clerics, had been trying to push them into evacuating the area.

“In the past few months we have been feeling threatened. Electricity and water connections of our houses were also cut recently,” said Shiva Dharni, a women’s community leader.

“Land grabbers have been eyeing the plot our settlement is built on. They want to sell it by forcibly expelling us, for which they can go to any lengths.”

The Hindu residents also fear that the land grabbers have been persuading Muslim clerics to help them on the pretext of blasphemy, causing further problems for the minority community.

The settlement largely comprises a cluster of small, wooden huts and semi-pukka abodes, providing residence for the impoverished Hindu families. In the past few years, a number of houses have twice been mysteriously torched.

There is also a temple in Basti Guru Bagh, where the non-governmental Initiator Human Development Foundation (IHDF) runs a school for the children of the settlement.

IHDF head Rana Asif Habib told The News that the community’s concerns regarding their security were genuine, lamenting that the authorities, especially the police, were not taking the issue seriously.

“It is, in fact, a serious issue. It is the state’s responsibility to protect the vulnerable communities and stop non-state actors from pressurising the utility bodies into cutting electricity and water connections,” he said.

“We have a number of recent examples of mob violence against non-Muslims, in which the police have totally failed to protect the members of the communities.”

Interviews with Muslim residents living around the settlement corroborated with the Hindu community’s concerns. “Presence of Hindu settlements among Muslim-majority neighbourhoods has been causing social and religious issues. It’s high time they were removed,” said a local. He also maligned the characters of Hindu girls.

Another resident said the Hindu community had illegally occupied the amenity plot reserved for the social welfare of the locals. Yet another resident claimed that he had been shown in a “vision” that a mosque was supposed to be where the Hindu temple currently stood.

Dr Nadeem, vice-chairperson of the Manzoor Colony union committee, told The News that he was unaware of the situation in the settlement.

“The Hindu community has been living in the area with Muslims in harmony since the 1970s. I keep in touch with them, and I think there’s no such issue.”

Baloch Colony SHO Abdullah Bhutto told The News that the case of the plot in question was pending in court. “Since the matter is in court, I can’t comment on it.”

He, however, said that there was no law and order issue between the Muslims and members of the Hindu community residing in Basti Guru Bagh.

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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Rising tide of terrorism most daunting challenge: PM
Says Pakistan in forefront of global war against terrorism and is loosing!

RIYADH: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in interaction with the Muslim leaders said on Sunday that the rising tide of terrorism and extremism is the most daunting challenge that the world confronts today.

“Unfortunately, Pakistan has been in the forefront of this existential struggle, bearing a disproportionately large burden,” the prime minister, who is in Saudi Arabia to attend the US-Arab-Islamic Summit, said.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by arun »

^^^ US President Donald Trump would not agree with PM Nawaz Sharif that the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan is “bearing a disproportionately large burden” of the global effort to combat Mohammadden Terrorism as mentioned in the article by "The News" that is linked above.

US President Donald Trump while recognising the contribution of a number of Mohammadden majority nations such as Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and Afghanistan “to defeat terrorism and send its wicked ideology into oblivion” does not name the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic Pakistan as a contributor.

Further while recognising the contribution of Mohammadden majority nations of Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon “for their role in hosting refugees” he fails to include the name the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic Pakistan as a contributor.

I see this conspicuous ommission by US President Trump as causing all manner of Honor & Dignity aka H&D takleef for the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic Pakistan :lol: :
May 21, 2017
President Trump’s Speech to the Arab Islamic American Summit

Remarks as prepared for delivery …………………………………….

Muslim nations must be willing to take on the burden, if we are going to defeat terrorism and send its wicked ideology into oblivion.

The first task in this joint effort is for your nations to deny all territory to the foot soldiers of evil. Every country in the region has an absolute duty to ensure that terrorists find no sanctuary on their soil.

Many are already making significant contributions to regional security: Jordanian pilots are crucial partners against ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Saudi Arabia and a regional coalition have taken strong action against Houthi militants in Yemen. The Lebanese Army is hunting ISIS operatives who try to infiltrate their territory. Emirati troops are supporting our Afghan partners. In Mosul, American troops are supporting Kurds, Sunnis and Shias fighting together for their homeland. Qatar, which hosts the U.S. Central Command, is a crucial strategic partner. Our longstanding partnership with Kuwait and Bahrain continue to enhance security in the region. And courageous Afghan soldiers are making tremendous sacrifices in the fight against the Taliban, and others, in the fight for their country. …………………………….

I also applaud Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon for their role in hosting refugees. ……………..
Meanwhile in what is going to cause more heartburn in the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Donald Trump in that same speech has named India as a victim of Mohammadden Terrorism:
The nations of Europe have also endured unspeakable horror. So too have the nations of Africa and even South America. India, Russia, China and Australia have been victims.

Full speech here:

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

Again, the same PIA flight?

20 kilogrammes of heroin recovered from London-bound PIA flight
20 kilogrammes of heroin were recovered from a Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) flight at Islamabad Airport on May 22
Flight PK785 was destined to depart for London from Benazir Bhutto International Airport when it was searched in a scheduled inspection.
After a thorough search of the plane, the flight was allowed to resume after a delay of more than two hours, the spokesperson said.
A week ago, British officials said they had found a "quantity of heroin" on the same flight in London after it landed at Heathrow Airport ... pia-flight
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Vivasvat »

arun wrote:^^^ US President Donald Trump would not agree with PM Nawaz Sharif that the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan is “bearing a disproportionately large burden” of the global effort to combat Mohammadden Terrorism as mentioned in the article by "The News" that is linked above.

US President Donald Trump while recognising the contribution of a number of Mohammadden majority nations such as Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and Afghanistan “to defeat terrorism and send its wicked ideology into oblivion” does not name the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic Pakistan as a contributor.

Further while recognising the contribution of Mohammadden majority nations of Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon “for their role in hosting refugees” he fails to include the name the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic Pakistan as a contributor.

I see this conspicuous ommission by US President Trump as causing all manner of Honor & Dignity aka H&D takleef for the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic Pakistan :lol: :

Meanwhile in what is going to cause more heartburn in the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Donald Trump in that same speech has named India as a victim of Mohammadden Terrorism:

Full speech here:

Here ya go....where is the towel thread when you need it?

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by arun »

Former Interior Minister of the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Rehman Malik, is is first one to pick up the blow to Honour & Dignity aka H&D that US President Donald Trump delivered by rightly ignoring the Islamic Republic of Pakistan’s claims of fighting Mohammadden Terrorism that the Islamic Republic themselves spawned as a strategy to attempt to intimidate neighbours in India and elsewhere in the neighbourhood. (Click for my BRF Post on DT speech ignoring TSP Anti Terror Contribution) :
Malik criticizes Trump over not mentioning Pakistan’s sacrifices against terrorism
May 22, 2017
By: Samaa Web Desk
Published in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: Former interior minister Rehman Malik criticized United States President Donald Trump over not mentioning Pakistan’s sacrifices in the war against terror during his speech in the US-Arab-Islamic Summit, Samaa reported.

Expressing his reservations while speaking with media, Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) leader Malik said that Pakistan has rendered more sacrifices in the war against terrorism than any country in the world.

He added that undermining Pakistan in front of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was saddening.

“Trump has hurt the feelings of Pakistanis by not mentioning the sacrifices of Pakistan in the war against terrorism,” the PPP leader said.
From Samaa TV at the below weblink:

Malik criticizes Trump over not mentioning Pakistan’s sacrifices against terrorism
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by SSridhar »

arun wrote:
Malik criticizes Trump over not mentioning Pakistan’s sacrifices against terrorism
ISLAMABAD: Former interior minister Rehman Malik criticized United States President Donald Trump over not mentioning Pakistan’s sacrifices in the war against terror during his speech in the US-Arab-Islamic Summit
The angst comes from Trump's mention that India has been a victim of terror. Mentioning mortal-enemy India without mentioning Pakistan in the same breath causes great ire & venting. Probably Trump should have spoken the truth, which was what Trump supporters had said he would say (didn't they?), that India was a victim of cross-border terror from Pakistan. Then, Rehman Malik might have been happy because Trump maintained equality.
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Budget 2017/2018: Expected targets; Rs4 trillion tax revenue

KARACHI: Overall budget outlay for fiscal year 2017/2018 is expected to be set in excess of Rs5.5 trillion as tax revenue target is likely to be set an aggressive Rs4 trillion, 13 percent higher.

According to Research of Arif Habib Limited on Pakistan Pre-Budget FY18 released on Saturday, said that the revenue target likely to be set Rs500 billion higher, and this target could possibly be achieved through:

— Higher tax on non-filers

— Imposition of duty on import of goods (including luxury items)

— Improved Tax collection infrastructure

— Introduction of an Amnesty Scheme(most likely post budget)

— Continuation of Super Tax with a possibility of extension on to high net worth individuals, should provide support in tax collection as was witnessed during both FY16 and FY17.

Current Expenditure is expected to be allocated at Rs4.35 trillion, a 13 percent growth

Higher Federal PSDP in FY18 at Rs1,001 billion versus a budgeted Rs800 billion in FY17,up 25 percent YoY (total PSDP, including provincial, at around Rs2,113 billion versus Rs1,675 billion for FY17,up 26 percent YoY),along with allocation towards CPEC/power.

Defense budget is expected at Rs950 billion (2.6 percent of GDP), up 10.3 percent YoY. With Half the Personnel and Defence War Material plus Feeding and Clothing its TFTA Personnel the Pakistani Defence Budget must be at least 50% as compared to India i.e. US$ 25 Billion.

Subsidies are expected to remain in line with FY17 budgeted amount of Rs141 billion, on the back of lower power but higher agri and other subsidies.

Fiscal deficit is projected at Rs1.5 trilion (4.1 percent of GDP) compared to FY17 budgeted target of Rs1.2 trillion (3.8 percent ofGDP).

Tax to GDP is also being targeted at 11.0 percent for FY18 compared to a revised 10.9 percent target for FY17.
The research said that the Budget for FY18 is anticipated to be announced by the Finance Minister on Friday, 26th of May, 2017.

Compared to the prior year, the government is expected to continue its drive towards higher GDP growth
(FY18B : 6 percent) while juggling between fiscal prudence and obtaining popular vote for upcoming elections.

With that said, growth prospects remain intact with moderate inflation, record low interest rates, rise in investments, and gradual but rising tax collection. :rotfl:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

FIA launches crackdown on ‘anti-army campaigners’ [*][/url]- DAWN

FIA says received ‘huge list’ of suspects active against Army[*] - THE NATION

Interim measure ( eg warning !) to quell down "on-line agitation" against Paki Fauj until the Chini style Internet censorship system is in place (under the auspices of CPEC) and fully installed in "Islamic Pakistan". At that time, Pakistan will be a "fully integrated" colony of China :twisted:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Frontline state PAKISTAN mortified at anti-terror summit :mrgreen:
RIYADH - Something has gone terribly wrong. This is the only way one can describe what happened to Pakistani delegation headed by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif at the Arab-Islamic-American summit held in the Saudi capital on Sunday. The popular sentiment among the majority of Pakistani media delegation was that of a total humiliation of the sole Muslim nuclear power because not only there was no mention of Islamabad’s role against global terrorism but also the prime minister of the ‘frontline state’ was denied the opportunity to put forth its point of view. :rotfl:
Look at the picture (Tells all ) accompanying the story! Ganja not in the "front line" , but shoved in the "second line" .
Representatives of some minion states :roll: ( Ummah Brothers ?) were allowed to speak that have not even tasted a shred of the kind of carnage faced by Pakistan, which however has turned the tide on terror in an unprecedented episode of courage, commitment and sacrifice that no other participant of the 35-state summit could even think of offering for world peace. “The nations of Europe have also endured unspeakable horror. So too have the nations of Africa and even South America. India, Russia, China and Australia have been victims,” US President Donald Trump said in his keynote address, skipping the name of Pakistan - which lost over 70,000 civilians and more than 6,000 of its valiant soldiers to terrorism.
Whatever happened to the "friendly first call" that POTUS made , and much was made out of this , by the Paki media :mrgreen:
The mention of India among the list of terror victims was more pinching as it comes at a time Islamabad, through spy-terrorist Kalbhushan Jadhav’s case at International Court of Justice, is trying to convince the world of New Delhi’s role in fanning terror.
Terming India a victim of terrorism was also a deeply painful insult to innocent, unarmed Kashmiris who are fighting for their just cause of liberating their land from the oppressive India and facing worst kind of state terrorism at the hands of its armed forces.Joining Muslim Nato fires back! An even bigger setback for Pakistan’s foreign policy came when both Trump and Saudi King Salman – the most influential pair – turned the summit into a launching pad against Iran, the leader of the Shia Muslims that shares a 909 km long border with Pakistan, whose around 20 percent population is Shia by faith.
. Where is Raheel !!. The Bad Sharif nowhere to be found in this "MUSLIM NATO " celebration party thrown by Ummah head , Salman. Am pretty sure, Ganja is going to be a "butt of many future jokes" with reference to his Echendee - in the columns and airwaves of the Paki media :mrgreen:
Accusing Saudi Arabia’s regional rival of fuelling “the fires of sectarian conflict and terror”, Trump called for isolating Tehran. “Until the Iranian regime is willing to be a partner for peace, all nations of conscience must work together to isolate it,” Trump said.
Saudi King Salman in his speech called Iran “the spearhead of global terrorism” and called for containing it. “We did not know terrorism and extremism until the [Ayatollah Ruhollah] Khomeini revolution reared its head [in Iran],” he said. And , of course, everyone at the celebratory party "forgot" that 15 of the 19" nine -eleven" hijackers come from Saudia Arabia , so eager is Trump to seal the $ 480 billion plus arms deal !. The "useless" arms, surely , one day will end in the arsenals of Paki Fauj and will definitely be used against India !
Pakistan has joined the 34-nation KSA-led military alliance ‘against terrorism’ and the government allowed its celebrated ex-army chief Raheel Sharif to head alliance’s rapid deployment forces – despite fierce opposition at home.The move was opposed by almost all opposition parties over fears that the so-called ‘Muslim NATO’ could eventually turn out to be an alliance of Sunni Gulf states against Shia Iran and bring Islamabad into the vortex of transnational Sunni-Shia conflict. The cold-shoulder attitude of King Salman to Pakistani delegation was particularly hurtful. Some diplomats were of the view that since Pakistan refused to send its troops to fight against Iran-backed rebels in Yemen, it might have annoyed the Saudi monarchy.
This was Salman's party to curry favour with the " New Potus" to show his appreciation for "Massa military power", without which it would be impossible for him to remain "Head Of The Two Holy Mosque". He did not want a second or a third rater like Nawaz Sharif to steal his limelight . Although, Paki Manpower Muscle ( as represented by Raheel, the "servant" ) is vital for the Kingdom !]Interestingly, it is none other than the US and the KSA [Kingdom of Saudi Arabia] which are thought to be the creators of Al-Qaeda and ISIS.( Not to mention a little help from Pakistan, as well :mrgreen: !)
Mr Trump also avoided criticising his Saudi hosts and assembled leaders of Arab and Islamic nations on any human rights violations in their countries – a clear break from the practice of his predecessor Barack Obama. :roll:
Prime Embarrassment! ( VERY IMPORTANT - THE BELOW PARAGRAPH :mrgreen: )

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, earlier on his special flight, spent nearly two and a half hours consulting his comrades-in-arms preparing and finalising his speech that he thought he would deliver at the summit.Also, the members of the media delegation were given to understand that after checking against delivery, the speech would be released to accompanying journalists. But now, the prime minister or his staff will carry that speech folder back home.Later, neither Adviser on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz nor any other responsible person was available to explain why the prime minister was denied the opportunity to speak to the participants of the summit, for which a Saudi minister only last week visited Islamabad and extended the invitation to PM Sharif.It was also quite strange that though there was almost no possibility of a Sharif-Trump meeting, the Foreign Office, back at home, kept hyping it up. In the end, let alone the meeting, we were even not invited to let the others know how we think about the fight against terrorism.Pakistan was essentially the most important Muslim country after Saudi Arabia in terms of leadership of the Muslim Ummah and the leading state in terms of fight against global terrorism, but the treatment meted out to us here in Riyadh made us feel like we are pitiful losers.

The Pakis make a "big deal" of their status as the only "Islami Nuclear Takat" in the whole wide world and their so-called inside connection with the Saudis . The Paki Awaam lap all of this this up, basking in the "false glory". The reality is quite different as shown above !!!!
A painful day for journalists. The moment the Saudi monarch closed the summit the media persons started receiving frantic calls from their offices back home in Pakistan with questions like: what has happened, how it happened, why it happened? One of the frequently asked questions was: “Do we have a Foreign Office? But no one had any reasonable answer to this query. This is understood that after the summit was over the prime minister must have remained engaged in remaining activities, including proceeding to the Moatamarat for groundbreaking ceremony of World Centre against Extremisms.
All said and done, for Pakistani journalists it was a dreadful day – the one full of disappointment and hurt. In the evening, every single one of us was returning to his hotel room from the Conference Centre with a heavy heart.
The Pakis make a "big deal" of their status as the only "Islami Nuclear Takat" in the whole wide world and their so-called inside connection with the Saudis . The Paki Awaam lap all of this this up, basking in the "false glory". The reality is quite different as shown above !!!!
Long article! Interesting read !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Amber G. »

Falijee wrote: Where is Raheel !!. The Bad Sharif nowhere to be found in this "MUSLIM NATO " celebration party thrown by Ummah head , Salman. Am pretty sure, Ganja is going to be a "butt of many future jokes" with reference to his Echendee - in the columns and airwaves of the Paki media :mrgreen:
In this picture .. "Bad sharif" is seated with Saudi Prince, and US Prince - which many says hold "real" power in their respective countries...

>>Raheel Sharif dines with Trump's son-in-law Saudi prince
One can't even make such things up!
( BTW, SIL who is Jewish got a special permission from a Rabbi to do few things on Shabbat - like flying - which some jews are not allowed to do)
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by sudhan »

The pakis are claiming a yearly revenue of about $6 to $8 billion a year from CPEC (transit fees)

Leaving aside the fact that this claim was made by paki and carries the weight of a mouse f@rt.. is there some level headed estimate of how much the pakis will earn as a rental revenue from goods passing through?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Amber G. »

Also Pakis are claiming ..that Pak got even BIGGER reception and BIGGER ARDAH -. and that too in 1960! ... 061548109/

For those who are younger and do not know Ayub Khan - There are many other things similar between him and POTUS.. including both lost the popular vote but won the electoral votes in their elections (there was massive rigging and no one thought Ayub will win from Fatima and even then in fact Ayub lost the election in popular votes ) ...and
of course there were scandals like Christine Keeler affairs....
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Amber G. wrote:
Falijee wrote: Where is Raheel !!. The Bad Sharif nowhere to be found in this "MUSLIM NATO " celebration party thrown by Ummah head , Salman. Am pretty sure, Ganja is going to be a "butt of many future jokes" with reference to his Echendee - in the columns and airwaves of the Paki media :mrgreen:
In this picture .. "Bad sharif" is seated with Saudi Prince, and US Prince - which many says hold "real" power in their respective countries...

>>Raheel Sharif dines with Trump's son-in-law Saudi prince
One can't even make such things up!
( BTW, SIL who is Jewish got a special permission fromT a Rabbi to do few things on Shabbat - like flying - which some jews are not allowed to do)
Amber G- Ji:

I "take back" some of my sarcastic remarks ridiculing the Two Sharifs' of Pakiland ( in the Muslim NATO Celebrations Party ). And yes, Raheel , the Bad Sharif is indeed given a "A Class" sitting with "The Prince"- holding "real" power. And , as according to Islamic and Muslim tradition, ("dictated" by "The Book" ) this appears to be an "all mail male affair . Am I missing something, or are the "females" having their own "little party" in honour of Melania and Ivanka :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by yensoy »

sudhan wrote:The pakis are claiming a yearly revenue of about $6 to $8 billion a year from CPEC (transit fees)

Leaving aside the fact that this claim was made by paki and carries the weight of a mouse f@rt.. is there some level headed estimate of how much the pakis will earn as a rental revenue from goods passing through?
Back of the envelope calculations: say they run about 24 rake worth of containers a day, roughly 60/rake, i.e. 1440 containers/day. $200 transit fees. Each way. That is about $210 million/year.

Let's say they make the same for non-port bound traffic, and then let's double that for bulk and oil shipments thru pipeline. That is still around $840 million/year.

Frankly, I think even this is an estimate on the higher side. For $8 billion, if it's only via container traffic, we are looking at them filling and emptying 3 Ultra Large Container Vessels every day. That's not going to happen.

What do I know, I am just an ignoramus. The mandarins know best.
Last edited by yensoy on 22 May 2017 21:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

This Time , It Is Just "Pleased To Meet You" !

'Pleased to meet you', Trump tells Nawaz
The Express Tribune > Pakistan
US President Donald Trump told Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif that he was “pleased” to meet him during their brief encounter on Sunday before the Arab-Islamic American Summit at the King Abdulaziz Conference Centre in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.Trump and Sharif shook hands and exchanged pleasantries, TV channels reported. During the exchange, Trump reportedly told Sharif that he was pleased to meet him. The Pakistani prime minister responded that the feeling was mutual. The "Speech Folder", prepared so articulately remained unopened :mrgreen:
Although Trump and Sharif met in person for the first time on Sunday, they made news in December last year when Trump, then the President-elect, reportedly :roll: called up Sharif.The official handout of the phone call released by the Pakistani government stated that Trump offered his support to Pakistan and called Sharif a “terrific guy.” “President Trump said Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif you have a very good reputation. You are a terrific guy. You are doing amazing work which is visible in every way,” the statement read quoting Trump. So, even the Paki Media thinks that Ganja and his civil servants added a bit of "mirch masala" to blow up his importance to POTUS :mrgreen:
“I am ready and willing to play any role that you want me to play to address and find solutions to the outstanding problems. It will be an honour and I will personally do it,” it added. :roll:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Under The Auspices Of CPEC, Chinis Enjoy "Fresh Paki Seafood", In Karamay, Xinjiang

Chinese enjoy seafood from Pakistan under B&R initiative
The Express Tribune > Pakistan

Yet, one more example of the "use" of Pakistan natural resources, by the "taller than mountain fliend" under the umbrella of China- Pakistan Exploitative Corridor - AKA CPEC :twisted:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by RCase »

Falijee wrote:This Time , It Is Just "Pleased To Meet You" !

'Pleased to meet you', Trump tells Nawaz
The Express Tribune > Pakistan
US President Donald Trump told Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif that he was “pleased” to meet him during their brief encounter on Sunday before the Arab-Islamic American Summit at the King Abdulaziz Conference Centre in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.Trump and Sharif shook hands and exchanged pleasantries, TV channels reported. During the exchange, Trump reportedly told Sharif that he was pleased to meet him. The Pakistani prime minister responded that the feeling was mutual. The "Speech Folder", prepared so articulately remained unopened :mrgreen:
Ganja's Mauka, Mauka moment!
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Immy Exploits Ganja's Non-Performance And Attack On Paki H&D At Muslim NATO Meet In Saudia

Pakistanis ashamed at how PM Nawaz was treated in Saudi Arabia: Imran Khan :mrgreen:

The Express Tribune > Pakistan
“I have been receiving a lot of messages from Pakistanis from across the world… they are embarrassed at how Pakistan’s prime minister was treated during Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia,” the PTI chairman told reporters in Islamabad on Monday.
Ganja- the shrewd dehati politico will reciprocate the feeling on his return by ordering his minions to raid PTI offices , arresting PTI workers,making an issue out of The Kaptaan's "illegal" Bani Gala residence( and HQ ) and accusing him of zionist connections . And other petty harassment tactics . In other words, making life miserable for Immy and his PTI party . That is how "Pakistan democracy" works !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by CRamS »

You have to give it to TSP's chutzpah, delusions, chicanery, machinations, whatever you want to call it, maybe even wanting to have the cake and eat it too. On the one hand, to the man on the street, whether its RAPE politician/army/ISI/media, they know exactly that without pigLeTs use against India, they would be ignored like the plague they are, and certainly, without pigLeT havoc, they know there is no "core issue". Furthermore, they put out a dog and pony show on taking on so called terrorists, turn on their charm, certainly with "secularists" on our side and liberals in the west; and is if their double game is fooling anybody that matters, they whine about being called on terror or not being "appreciated" on tackling terror. I mean it takes some chutzpah, some self confidence or braggadocio to behave the way TSP does. Its like a thug or a rapist does not want to be called as such because in his deluded mind he believes he has so many other TFTA positive traits that people, particularly his victims, should overlook his crime. In fact, why should his abhorrent behavior even be seen as such. Not sure how one would refer to such a state of mind.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Prem »

Paki Izzat !!
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Paki Opinion Writer Openly Blames CPEC For Paki Censorship !

CPEC marks the end of free speech in Pakistan
The latest provocative Dawn story about the CPEC might as well be a pack of lies, but what about things unfolding right in front of our eyes? It is very hard, and almost feels immoral, to remain silent at the Interior Minister’s crusade against dissenting bloggers and social media activists. Since Zia’s period, we have not seen the Pakistani state practice such blunt and open crackdown against free speech and dissent in the countries. What are you to say of authorities who treat their own citizens, whose taxes pay for their livelihood, like the enemy? It is deeply disappointing. The Paki writer - if he is experienced - should know that it is always been like that in Pakiland !
There is a reason why people are skeptical of China. The Chinese Road and Belt initiative does sound very good to the ears and who in their right mind would oppose economic cooperation beyond borders? But the reason why people find it hard to trust them is because of the political culture and ideology they practice in their country. They do not practice the freedom they have preached in this initiative. There are no Google and Facebook in China and that is precisely why I am not too excited about the cross border optic fiber cable network from China border to Rawalpindi. The Chinese ideals are not shared by the Pakistani youth struggling for freedom of expression.
The "Paki youth" and "Paki Awaam" may not be aware of Chini censorship ( because of Chini support against India !) of MSM and SM and the Chinese desire to crush dissidents. This aspect itself may be a victim of Paki censorship to "please" the "poker-faced" ally !
The Chinese cultural push in Pakistan also sounds more than just a rumor, with their political culture seeming to be creeping into the country. You see, in Pakistan people like to dissent, even when it comes to the blasphemy law. They like to vote for other parties, speak ill of the people of other sects and ethnicities. And considering the totalitarian trends that are also creeping into Pakistani politics with unanimously passed constitutional amendments, it is important to remind that we are not a one party country and would never be no matter what happens. It is only sad to see that these values of the Pakistani people are not being shared by those cracking down on dissenters.IMO, the Paki Fauj is the main driver towards the push for a "Chini-style" internet and satellite system. Firstly the fauj suspects that America-( and the west) - has has seen through Pakistan's double game vis-a-vis terrorism, secondly, they suspect that Amreeki moolah may not continue at the same level , so now they have hitched their wagon ( and in the process sold their sover-virginity ) to the new Sugar Daddy , China , because it is the only way to salvage their echendee, in its eternal fight with " Hindu India" !
We can only beg our higher authorities to please think about the people of Pakistan above everything else and stop crackdown on dissenters.
The Pakistani dissenting bloggers may criticize or insult the Pakistani armed forces all they want, at least we knew that their higher echelons appreciated finer things in life. At least they valued some freedom for themselves, some of which trickled down to us mortals. But with an authoritarian influencer in the picture, are we even going to have the little freedom that we used to enjoy? The future looks uncertain and scary. Also, please do not mistake these lines to be a contradiction to the title of this piece. The more frightening aspect is that now the Pakistani authorities do not even fear if their reputation gets affected by openly targeting dissent. And that is precisely the effect of the CPEC. Consider this and all the pieces to come from hereon to be heavily self-censored. Long live Pakistan. It is possible that the Chinese themselves could have put this ( censorship ) condition- in the CPEC Plan - as a pre-requisite to "help Pakistan" !