India-China News and Discussion

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India-China News and Discussion

Post by member_20187 »

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(图一 小白兔翻译) 在印度,有近一亿人住在贫民窟。尽管被外界视作城市的肿瘤,贫民窟却能给身无分文的贫民提供土地、工作、选举的权利和改变命运的机会,而这一切被法律所保护。对于印度贫民来说,贫民窟是他们保有尊严的家园;对于印度来说,贫民窟则是城市化进程的必经之路。
In India,there are nearly 100 milliom people living in slums.Although treated as a phyma of the city,the slums can provide the poor with land,jobs,the right to vote, and the opportunity to change their fate.And this is protected by laws.For indian paupers,a slum is a home that can protect their dignity.For India,the slums are the compulsory routes of urbanlization.

(图二 小白兔翻译) 在印度,人们享有完全的迁徙自由权。在国土范围内,无论你出身哪里,都可以迁徙到任何地方生活。印度实行土地私有制,同时规定,在无主的土地上居住 10年,脚下的这块土地就会划归居住者所有。20世纪60年代,一部分印度农民开始在城市里划地而居。许多不属于私人仅属于国家的土地,都成了穷人们争先占领的“风水宝地”,贫民窟随之成型。图为孟买达拉维贫民窟,一名女孩在搬运行李。
In India,Migration liberty is not a problem.Wherever you are born,you can move to anywhere of country.The Indians have private land ownership,and according to related laws,the land would be a private asset as long as you live there for 10 years.In the 1960s,some peasants started to delimit a place in city and live there.A lot of places which are belonged to nobody but the govenment become a hot shot among the poor,then they become the slums.In the photo a girl is carrying her baggage in MumbaiDharavislum.

(图3 katherine翻译)农民进入贫民窟后,用废弃的建材搭建住所,有人甚至不得不开始一段风餐露宿的生活。他们梦想着赚到钱后,可以用砖石建更好的房子,并最终迁出贫民窟去。贫民窟是印度农民们开始城市生活的第一步;去大城市的贫民窟居住,也被很多人视为“对未来的投资”。图为孟买达拉维贫民窟,一名母亲给即将上学的女儿整理衣服。
The peasants moved into the slums, built their houses with the discarded building materials, some of them even have to suffer a period of life without shelters. They dreamed of that when they earned a lot of money, they can build their housed with bricks and cement, and finally get out of these slums. Slums are the first step for the India peasants who might start their urban life; Moving to the slums in larger cities were also regarded as a kind of “investment of the future”. The picture shows a slum in Dharavi,Bombay. A mother is putting her daughter’s clothes on.

(图四 katherine翻译)随着印度迅猛的城市化,越来越多的农民进入大城市。截至2011年,印度共有9000多万人口聚集在贫民窟,与20年前相比人口翻了一番。以最大城市孟买为例,1600万城市居民中,有超过62%“贫民窟”居民。图为孟买达拉维贫民窟。达拉维是世界第二大地贫民窟,仅次于南非的索韦托。
With the rapid urbanization in India, more and more peasants rushed into big cities. There are more than 90,000,000 people lived in the slums till 2011, which considered doubled comparing 20 years ago. Taking Bombay as an example, there are more than 62% residents of the 16,000,000 total population live in the slums. The picture shows the Dharavi slums-----the world 2nd largest slum, while the 1st is the Soweto in South Africa.

(图五 katherine翻译)达拉维位于孟买市中心的繁华地段,向北6公里就是孟买机场,向南6公里就是商业区。在寸土寸金的孟买,这块土地十分值钱。房产商想利用这片土地,政府更想将机场扩建。然而由于收购私有土地十分困难,机场的扩建一推再推。图为透过一户人家的窗户,孟买机场近在咫尺。
Dharavi is located in thecentre of Bombay; the Bombay airport is 6km far in the north and the shoppingcentre is 6km far in the South. This land means a lot of money in Bombay. The land agents are chasing this land, while the government wants toextend the airport. However, the purchase of the private land is ratherdifficult, that leads to the extension of the airport delayed again and again.The picture shows a house near the Bombay airport.

(图六 katherine翻译)贫民窟通常是卫生情况差、基础设施落后的代名词。实际上,与世界其他贫民窟比起来,达拉维每天24小时供应自来水和电,居民生活并不太差。图为几名露天沐浴的男子。
The slums are also the synonyms of bad hygienecondition and poor infrastructures. In fact, Dharavi supply tap-waterand electricity 24 hours. It is much better comparing other slums in the restof the world. The picture shows some men showering outdoors.

Every city in India is trying their best tobring benefits to the poor people, giving them water and electricity expense isthe most common way. It is reported thatthis expense costs Bombay government 10 million dollars every year. In New Delhi,the number even rises to 30 million dollars. Such high funds of benefits canalmost allow the people in slums using water and electricity for free. The picture shows a worker repairing the water pipe in Dharavi

(图八 katherine翻译)达拉维方圆约1.8平方公里,却聚集了100万人。在这样拥挤的空间里,人们不得不尽可能压缩生活空间。图为市政府为贫民窟修建的“洗涤区”。人们在半封闭的“格子”里,既洗澡又洗衣物。一名研究城市空间的西方学者称,这样的区域给居民们提供了一个开放式的公共社交空间。
Dharavi is an area thataround 1.8 square kilometer, but gathered morethan one million populations. People have to compress their living space insuch a crowded place. The picture shows a laundry area that built by thegovernment. People can wash their clothes and bodies in these semi-enclosedrooms. A western urban space researching scientist said, these rooms provide anopen social contact area.

(图⑨ katherine翻译)贫民窟里最重要的商业活动是垃圾再循环。任何塑料,金属都被从垃圾堆里挑选出来,分类出售。在达拉维,孟买80%的塑料品在此被回收利用,逾25万人以循环垃圾为生。图为一名男子在回收油漆。
The most important business opportunity isthe rubbish recycling. All the plastics and metals will be picked from therubbish dump, then classified and sold. In Dharavi, 80% plasticsin Bombay was recycled here, more than 250,000 people make a living on it. Thepicture shows a man who is recycling paint.

(图十 katherine翻译)达拉维的民房十分狭小,通常几平方米的空间要住下一家子十余口人。尽管如此,人们总是将自己家里的一亩三分地收拾得很干净。
Houses in Dharavi are quitenarrow and small; a ten people family usually has to share several limitedsquare meters. Even though, people always cleaning their houses frequently.

(图十一 ybbpgfjtey翻译)达拉维有1万5千家家庭手工业作坊。早年间进入达拉维的人们经过原始积累,大多拥有了自己的工厂,并招收新来的居民为工人。有的地方以生产皮革闻名,有的地方以生产陶器闻名,逐渐发展出了具有贫民窟特色的产业区,这些企业每年为孟买贡献的GDP逾6亿美元,提供了数十万个就业机会。在达拉维,几乎人人都有工作。

In Dharavi, there's more than 15,000 family handicraft workshops. Through continuous accumulation, most of the people that getting into Dharavi in the early years, had their own factory, and recruit new residents for workers. Some places are famous for leather production, some others for pottery. They had developed a industrial zone with slum characteristic. Contributing more than $600 million for GDP of Mumbai per year. Providing hundreds of thousands of jobs. Almost everybody has their own job in Daravi.

If you do not want work for other people,Also you can set up a stall along the street. In 2011, before the Commonwealth Games held. India's National Association of hawkers sue the New Delhi government to Supreme Court because of "driving hawkers" . According to the requirements of decision, the In his ruling, the Supreme Court wrote: "selling in the streets is a fundamental right of people to make a living, the government need to implement a written law to regulate street vendors, rather than suppressed. Indian government must passed to a relevant law in 2011, to regulate the vendors and protection their fundamental rights.The picture shows a hawker used the police signs resist rain in Delhi.

Dharavi generates a large number of taxi drivers. anyone only need one-time payment of about 150 yuan(RMB),they can get a Permit the operation of tricycle,do not need to charge any taxes. To pay about 300 yuan to get the car's operating permit. If someone is willing to engage in the taxi industry, they also get preferential loans from the government. Slums provide cheap nannies, drivers, and daily service to Mumbai .Can not operate without slums of Mumbai.The picture shows a slum taxi driver.

(图十四fatedrei)尽管降低了出租行业的门槛,司机还需自己动手优化出租车的硬件。图为一辆出租车上“DIY”的车牌。当地经济学家指出:贫民窟恰恰是城市的福利,它使城市中心一直维持着较低的物价水平,富人一样在享受着廉价服务的福利。Despite the entrance fee is lower, car drivers still need to optimize the hardware of their taxi to reduce the cost. This picture shows the taxi with letters sign DIY. Local economist point out :slum is welfare of the city , it keeps low price level in downtown. The rich also enjoy the cheapness of low price

(图十五 fatedrei)贫民窟里住的不都是赤贫人口。比如,孟买贫民窟的人口中只有4%属于印度的法定贫困人口。而大多数人都有这样的背景:他们来自农村,为了谋生来到城市,当得到一个贫民窟的房子就意味着他在这里彻底站稳了脚跟。他们并不急于改善自己的生活居住条件,而是源源不断地把钱寄回农村老家,在老家的村子里盖一个大房子。他们的孩子在孟买接受教育,也许能找一份体面的工作。而当他们老了以后,他们会把贫民窟的房子留给孩子,或者租给别人,自己回农村老家的大房子里颐养天年。图为一户开“便利店”的家庭。
Not all of the residents in slums are poverty-stricken.For example only 4% people in Mumbai slums belong to the poor in India law. Most of them come from countryside to make a living in city. Owning a house in slums means you take root in city.Instead of improving their living standard, they send back money home continuously, and build a big house in hometown. Their children accept education in Mumbai which may bring them a respectable job. When they get older, they will leave their houses to children or rent to someone. Move back to hometown and enjoy the rest of their lives. This picture shows one family and their store.

(图十六 )图为一名青年男子,他曾经在半岛附近的写字楼里上班,现在成为一名专职导游。
The picture shows a young man, In the past he work in office space near the peninsula , is now a full-time tour guide

(图十七 )如果卖掉脚下的地,贫民窟的人们能得到一笔不菲的收入。拆迁补偿成本巨大,导致印度大城市房价很高,高房价则使获得拆迁补偿的贫民成为受益者。图为一名贫民窟的私营业主在打电话联系生意,图中的高楼是孟买帝国大厦。If sold land under the own foot, the slum people can get a lot of money income. High cost of relocation compensation,led to high house prices in India cities,Because the reasons for high house prices, those poor who received compensation for demolition became beneficiaries.In the picture,a private landlord has using the phone to contact the busines, The High-rise building in the picture is Empire State Building in Mumbai.

(图十八 fatedrei翻译)贫民窟是一个广义的概念。一些“贫民窟主”在经济条件改善了以后,会修整自己的房子。甚至不少公务员、教师为了省钱,也租住贫民窟的房子。图为一个自称为“五星级贫民窟”的家庭。
Slum is a generally definition. Some house owner will decorate their houses after they step into well-to-do class. Even some officals and teathers rent slum houses to save money . This picture shows one family called five-star house.

Dharavi is divided into different parishes。Hinduism, Christianity and Islam partition and rule, do not conflict with each. In the area of Islam, Commercial Street is also a muslim fixed place of worship every day. In a fixed time every morning, bustling streets "automatic" vacated, after the ceremony ,street recovery lively.

(图二十 ybbpgfjtey)在印度,贫民窟的孩子们可以在当地城市得到义务教育,大学一年的学费也维持在较低的水准,低费用的教育体制为贫民窟主立足城市提供了便利。而孩子们只要满18岁,并在城市居住满5年,就可以申请一张新的选民证,在政治上融入当地社会。图为印度街头的“街头补习班”。
In India, local goverment supplies obligation education for slum children. A year's college tuition maintains at a lower level. Convenience to keep slum in city, due to low cost of education system. Voter registration card could be applied for since children are 18 year's old and had been living in the city for 5 years. So they can integrated into local society in politics. This picture shows the street cram school in India's street.

(图二十一 )图为在印度Siliguri市贫民窟附近的警察局里,一名警察在给贫民窟的孩子讲故事。在Siliguri市,有9名警察开办了一所贫民窟小学,招收了120名孩子。
The picture shows in the police station near the Siliguri slums. A policeman was telling stories to children of slum.In Siliguri, nine police officers opened a slum school,And enrolled 120 children.

(图二十二 )2009年,一部取材于达拉维贫民窟的电影《贫民窟的百万富翁》揽下奥斯卡八项大奖,并在印度国内获得了商业成功。图为贫民窟的人们聚在一起观看81届奥斯卡颁奖礼。
In 2009, A Dharavi slums themed movie , "Slumdog Millionaire" get eight Academy Awards, and success in commercial in the domestic market. The picture shows the slum people together, watch 81st Academy Awards.

(图二十三 pandarunner翻译)《贫民窟的百万富翁》甚至给达拉维来带了游客。许多来自欧洲、美国的有钱人舍弃一天花费500美元的泰姬马哈酒店住,前往到10美元就可以游览2个半小时的达拉维参观。印度人开始意识到:孟买的神髓并不在于那些带有官方版“印度崛起”论述的豪华建筑,而在于遍布城市的近2000个的贫民窟。图为一名女孩向游客兜售《贫民窟的百万富翁》的周边书籍。
Slumdog Millionaire has helped lure tourists, the rich from Europe and America flock to Taj Mahal Hotel for a US$500 per night stay, and pay US$10 for a 2-hour-trip in Dharavi . The Indians wake up to that the spirit of Mumbai is not displayed as luxury buildings glorified by the official perception of "Rise of India", but those 2000 slums all over this city. This picture shows a girl selling Slumdog Millionaire-related books

(图二十四 pandarunner翻译)然而,另一部分贫民窟居民则觉得电影伤害了自己的自尊心。《印度时报》称《贫民窟的百万富翁》并未反映当下孟买的现实生活。不少来自印度国内的声音也说,达拉维未必有那么穷,而外面的世界也未必有那么美好。图为人们在进行“反《贫民窟的百万富翁》”活动,标语上写着“贫民窟居民是人,不是狗!”
Yet Slumdog Millionaire hurts some slumdwellers' dignity, TOI says it doesn't necessarily show the real life in Mumbai. Quite a few Indians don't see Dharavi as a poor city and the outside world a better place. This picture shows people engaged in a "anti- Slumdog Millionaire" movement, the sign reads: We slumdwellers are human beings & not dogs.

In 2007, the Mumbai city developed a plan, agreed to the reclaim land to build office and apartment buildings for the middle class,And to provide some slumdwellers who meet the conditions can move into new apartment.This one practice sparked an uproar in the slums, many Dharavi residents oppose the plan, people think if need continue to develop, they must protect their own industries.The politicians did not dare to offend the poor who have the votes, because no matter who came to power, must please the large number of poor. The picture shows the June 18, 2007, Dharavi residents shouted anti-government slogans in protest.

The government plans to transform all of the slums during the year 2020. India's central government plans to build 12 million low-cost housing units,And to encourage state governments to provide with land for affordable housing。Mumbai in Maharashtra government has announced plans to build 1 million units of affordable housing,while Delhi Government is prepared to provide 5,000 housing units by random sample way .

(图二十七 由小白兔翻译)目前为止,由于金融危机的影响、媒体报导不利和居民的抗议,重置计划暂时搁浅下来了。一位贫民窟居民说:“我们才是这里的主人。不是政府,不是富人,也不是慈善机构。”在可以预见的将来,印度的贫民窟还将在继续存在和发展。他们面目丑陋,却以独特的方式推动着印度城市化进程。

So far, due to the influence of the financial crisis, media's adverse reports and residents's protest, the rebuild plan has been left in the air. A slum dwellers said: "we are the owners of here. Not the government, not the rich, and also not the charity." In the foreseeable future, India's slums will also continue to exist and develop. They have a ugly looking, but they are promoting the urbanization process of India in a unique way.



mojsh [网易广东省深圳市网友]: 2011-11-03 09:58:47 发表 [顶:18381]

they live in reality,We live in CCTV.

网易山西省太原市网友 ip:218.26.*.* 2011-11-03 10:00:05 发表[顶:13273]

Seen these photos, I think India over China is not impossible.Although their development is slow,But they have a solid foundation.Economic development is built on the foundation that all citizens share the fruits of development.

月君 [网易江苏省连云港市网友]: 2011-11-03 07:36:30 发表[顶:11502]

A slum resident said:"We are the masters here,not government,not rich, not the charity." "we slumdwellers er human beings & not dogs"-----They will fight hard for the land,everyone knows who will win in Future.

你那里还疼吗 [网易江西省南昌市网友]: 2011-11-03 08:16:37 发表[顶:8972]

A nation without faith, failure than the slums of the poor.

网易北京市网友 ip:218.240.*.* 2011-11-03 10:07:47 发表[顶:7847]

India to implement the system of private ownership of land but also provides:In the absence of the live on the ownerless land for 10 years,it‘s will be owned by you all.

网易山东省青岛市网友 ip:123.235.*.* 2011-11-03 09:54:17 发表[顶:5256]

I don't know how many chinese live in slum.

该网民被河蟹 [网易湖北省孝感市网友]: 2011-11-05 20:55:12 发表

sorry,we have been called you "a san"!

yingyi96 [网易湖南省长沙市网友]: 2011-11-05 22:51:41 发表

写这的,肯定是屁民(只要min zhu),觉得印度好,自己干嘛不移民过去,享受最纯的min zhu !
The man who Write these articles,must being "Fart people".You thinking india is good,Why are you do not go to india to enjoy the most pure democracy ?

被和谐的人 [网易广东省东莞市网友]: 2011-11-05 22:23:32 发表

It's ridiculous that a group people are arguing the disadvantages of democracy while they have no land and ballot, just like some eunuchs think about the sex is less health for body.

网易上海市闵行区网友 ip:58.38.*.* 2011-11-05 21:45:56 发表

read to here I can rest assured. . . India can never keep up with China. . .

网易河南省信阳市网友 [s15839700336] 的原贴: 1

Living in slums in India are protected by law, and we live in housing may be collected by the state at any time,So most of us poorer than the poor in India.

网易安徽省网友 [玉树宝衣] 的原贴: 2

Since you think so,Maby you can exchange of property and citizenship with someone in slum of india.If you want,I can help you to leave China.

网易浙江省宁波市网友 [lq1213] 的原贴: 3

The slave and his master political back to people,and Go back homeland for Marx and Lenin's Germany!

网易安徽省滁州市网友 [玉树宝衣] 的原贴: 4

The reality is have someone want to change?

网易浙江省网友 [淘宝2B] 的原贴: 5

The key is need to ask india poor's they want or not!

玉树宝衣 [网易安徽省网友]: 2011-11-05 20:27:31 发表

This is not the key, the key is that their own state worse than the poor guy want exchange or not.Exchange of good things with bad things of course you want. If not, only shows that people who make this argument, is hypocritical. This is no “Asan” business , yourself mind need do first choice.

cxf998888 [网易江苏省泰州市网友]: 2011-11-05 17:12:10 发表

India should practice family planning, the Earth can not support so many people.

tang1ke [网易河北省邯郸市网友]: 2011-11-05 15:00:06 发表

"Cents" and garbage have been afraid to face and answer my question :Sixty years ago,India's first independent than China,Up to now has been a ballot system.And no World War II and the civil war damage india.when independence, India's leading in all aspects of China.Why today they say:"India will exceed china?"They're always leading,Statement in accordance with "cents",India should advanced to the growing China's leading.

(chets is mean someone who say anything for American 5 chets)

华丽地望望 [网易海南省网友]: 2011-11-05 01:36:40 发表


Whether the article or peoples article comments, all think india poor live in slum was happiness.But they are really as so good as you said? I beg to differ.
They are some of India's low caste poor people, for people of high caste。 their presence not different than dogs, respectively. Not to mention get a full of food, If they have clean clothes ,they will thank for god.
Every day they are desperately struggling for the continuation of life, how do you Selfish think that they can be happy? It’s shit!
When they see you talking about this , they will hit you meal : I am happy! I am happy your sister!!!!!!

绿字部分是由Chinchilla 翻译的,大家撒花~
关注 关注他的微博 逼加锁没操疯 [网易广东省广州市白云区网友]: 2011-11-03 10:02:21 发表
India's household registration system is not so good as China's. It could have had fewer slums.

关注 关注他的微博 xyswwyw [网易浙江省绍兴市网友]: 2011-11-03 10:00:19 发表
So India has no Chengguan to dismantle its illegal buildings?

[网易山东省枣庄市网友]: 2011-11-03 10:26:51 发表 国家不大却养育着12亿人口!!
A country which is not that big but affords 1.2 billion people!

关注 关注他的微博 zhaobin0923 [网易中国网友]: 2011-11-03 10:26:08 发表
They are poortizen but we are shitizen! I've come to know that they can buy any weapons without restriction while we have no other choice but the low level weapons bought from Russia.

克拉母鱼 [网易湖南省网友]: 2011-11-03 10:24:38 发表
I'd like to live there after seeing these pictures.

网易中国网友 ip:121.249.*.* 2011-11-03 10:23:08 发表
What I see is that the Indian gov persists like an idiot in order to realize the real democracy and freedom.

关注 关注他的微博 骑鸵鸟旅行 [网易广东省佛山市网友]: 2011-11-03 10:22:38 发表
Though India is poorer than China, they have freedom and sense of belonging. What do we have then? All is like the unreachable clouds high up in the sky.

小塘江 [网易浙江省杭州市网友]: 2011-11-03 10:22:29 发表
Here in China the dignity is merely a word in an actor's lines.

仙芙的野爹 [网易湖北省武汉市网友]: 2011-11-03 10:09:23 发表 我想移民去印度!请问联系方式谢谢!起码活的真是不压迫
I want to migrate to India! Please tell me their contact information, thanks! At least they are not leading an oppressive life.

网易北京市网友 ip:202.96.*.* 2011-11-03 10:07:55 发表

These Indians are poor but they admit and accept the fact. They are trying hard to struggle and change the life. Look at some of the Chinese who do not self-examine critically but complain of the sociaty when they are poor. They can only eat their heads off and get envious of others since they have nothing on the ball.

shjunjie [网易广东省深圳市网友]: 2011-11-03 10:40:19 发表

In a very special way, the author and some of the masses have concluded that the slums in India are very good, much better than the houses of all sorts that we have. I've finally come to believe that the masses are discerning and the history has been being made by these masses. How great they are! I strongly suggest our gov develope the Inidan style slums and afford them to us!

撞豆腐 [网易山东省潍坊市网友]: 2011-11-03 10:49:21

发表 如果没有城管,估计中国所有城市都跟印度城市的平民窟似的
If we had no Chengguan, I think all the cities in China could have been like the Indian slums.

sjhuang2005 [网易福建省厦门市网友]: 2011-11-03 10:48:30 发表
I strongly suggest the editors and supporters of this article migrate to India. India has no Hukou system and you can stay anywhere as you wish.


bigsea2002 [网易浙江省杭州市网友]: 2011-11-06 23:20:39 发表
India is a respectable country!

V美丽的狗V [网易江苏省南京市网友]: 2011-11-06 20:43:26 发表
"LOL, someone here admire on indian democracy....what a bunch of idiots ,how about you all go to indian slum to enjoy your democracy,LOL"
Why so many blindman can't see what we are arguing about, or do they born incapable of thinking? I think its because being a servant requires no thinking. we are not talking about how happy they are living in slums, after all which country can be free of poverty? But India is on the correct path, even the poor have dignity, even they are very poor now, their future is bright, this is what good of democracy.

古董的沉默 [网易福建省漳州市网友]: 2011-11-06 19:13:12 发表
Is defame somebody else the proof for a valid post, so you can get another 5 U.S. cent for your posting?
All the wise man? Anyone with basic knowledge of administration knows that only with the guarantee of the right of survive can people pursue the right of being respected.
India enjoys the benefit of democracy?Sorry,but I only seen indian "enjoy" from the defect of democracy.
India still runs a caste system, with 150 million untouchable people, who is going to guarantee their dignity.
India have more than 400 million poor,which is also the "benefit" of democracy.
Indian's average years of education is 4.7, in which chinese is 7.5.
Plus the news just heard about this morning, India delhi public hospital have a death rate of new born of 22.49%, and the mayer believe it is the influx of the outlanders be the cause of increasing of this death rate.
These are just few data that I know, don't know what do our MeiFens think about it.
If india want to run democracy properly, they must solve their caste system first.
At last, few words for our MeiFens:
Brother, straight up this ganges water, and may you be an indian afterlife.


The system build a national prison,take freedom away from my body.But the freedom of soul is the most valuable. Free of my soul makes me beyond the mortal. No one can stop me ever. No
Matter how powerful the autocracy may be. If only the soul of this nation is free, the day of freedom will come.
芳草123 [网易山东省济南市网友]
It is not until I have seen these pictures do I realize the development of India. How amazing! This is the kind of development we really need. India model is the exactly way China should put into practice. Slum own the reason to exist.This enlighten China the most.

All the crazy dogs who are anti-democracy and agitating autocracy share the same face-----Owe problems to the public so as to cover the cracks of system. Education level ,moral level and pubic quality depend on what system can be. Good system makes bullies dare not do crime, bad system push saint to evil

Many people in military BBS laugh at India, I can only say, merely a hundred years ago ,The Great Qing Empire also looked down upon Japan, just like what we treat India today.

The first picture is Muslim ,editor the idiot


I told you, caste system is the most advantageable system,which can lead human being to future,compare with caste system, communism and capitalism are pice of shit. The future belongs to India ,the world belongs to India, Indians awalys control the future
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Re: Chinese spoke highly of Indian Dharavi slums

Post by archan »

This is a new thread for India-China news and discussions. There are other threads which are more "confrontational" (for the lack of a better word) but let us keep most of Indi-Chinese discussions here. I am leaving the first post by a new user and changing the title of the thread. Users can decide on that post and we'll see if it needs to be kept.
(However I must caution (mostly windows) users upon visiting "unknown" sites. Please use a browser like Firefox with NoScript add on to avoid any unpleasant spyware or just use Linux or an "expendable windows install" in virtualbox/vmware)
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Re: Chinese spoke highly of Indian Dharavi slums

Post by member_20187 »

archan wrote:This is a new thread for India-China news and discussions. There are other threads which are more "confrontational" (for the lack of a better word) but let us keep most of Indi-Chinese discussions here. I am leaving the first post by a new user and changing the title of the thread. Users can decide on that post and we'll see if it needs to be kept.
(However I must caution (mostly windows) users upon visiting "unknown" sites. Please use a browser like Firefox with NoScript add on to avoid any unpleasant spyware or just use Linux or an "expendable windows install" in virtualbox/vmware)
It's a pleasure that my thread can be a India-China discussion thread here.
I can't believe this could be happened before. Thank you very much!
Actually I am a normal translator from China, would like to do something to improve the communication between China and foreign countries.
If you like to translate what you want to say to China, making more Chinese people get your opinion, you can just post here, I am glad to be the brigde of two countries and cultures.
Hopefully it can be a good beginning which help people from both countries to undestand each other.
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by AdityaM »

भाई तू क्या चाहता है ?
फराईड राईस और मंनचूरियन भेजदे
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by Agnimitra »

ltaakat, let me be the first to welcome you here. Huanying. We appreciate the opportunity to hear how our Chinese neighbours talk about us. Keep it coming.
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interesting thread

Post by member_20021 »

Here I have a few questions,
1) Are the photos representative of what they were intended to show?
2) Are the captions biased, or balanced?
3) Do the comments look like being left by people who do not have any rights for expression?
4) What would the comments be from Indians if it is the other way around, ie the photos were for China?
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by chaanakya »

Archanullah has just resurrected Panchasheel and Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai.

Unfortunately I don't buy into the argument. Business and collaboration ok but National interest above all.

Chinese have resorted to pin pricks all the time and latest one is "Shut Up" while damaging Indian interest in every possible way an unfriendly nation can.

So lets dis cuss Chinese interest in India.

And Xiānshēng Archan , you can delete this post as well ...
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by chaanakya »

AdityaM wrote:भाई तू क्या चाहता है ?
फराईड राईस और मंनचूरियन भेजदे
Raw materials and your land. Buy Chineser toys and fake spares.
Even unkil does it.
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by member_20021 »

Carl wrote:ltaakat, let me be the first to welcome you here. Huanying. We appreciate the opportunity to hear how our Chinese neighbours talk about us. Keep it coming.
The translations are not the most accurate. Some notes:

"A'San" refers to people from the indian subcontinent who were brought by the British to Shanghai China as security guards. It is derived from "Ah Sir", when the guardsmen salute white males. The guardsmen were known to bow to the whites and bully the locals.

"Five-US-cents" refers to people who are thought to be professional posters employed by the US to influence public opinions in China. It is rumored that they are paid 5-US-cents per comment, hence the name.
Last edited by member_20021 on 10 Nov 2011 00:24, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: interesting thread

Post by chaanakya »

Jimi wrote:Here I have a few questions,
1) Are the photos representative of what they were intended to show?
2) Are the captions biased, or balanced?
3) Do the comments look like being left by people who do not have any rights for expression?
4) What would the comments be from Indians if it is the other way around, ie the photos were for China?

After your comments and despite warnings from Bredator I dared to look at those photos. And I was reminded of similar photos posted about China by some members in other thread. Development is not a photowarefare.
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Re: Chinese spoke highly of Indian Dharavi slums

Post by chaanakya »

ltaakat wrote:
Hopefully it can be a good beginning which help people from both countries to undestand each other.
Well you Missed the Bus, long back .
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by member_20187 »

AdityaM wrote:भाई तू क्या चाहता है ?
फराईड राईस और मंनचूरियन भेजदे
I used google translation to translate the Hindi, not quite understand what you're talking about, sorry.
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by member_20187 »

Carl wrote:ltaakat, let me be the first to welcome you here. Huanying. We appreciate the opportunity to hear how our Chinese neighbours talk about us. Keep it coming.
Thank you very much, hope we can develop a long-term friendship.
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Re: Chinese spoke highly of Indian Dharavi slums

Post by member_20021 »

chaanakya wrote: Well you Missed the Bus, long back .
I realized, it is a waste of time to make efforts to communicate.
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by member_20021 »

ltaakat wrote:
Carl wrote:ltaakat, let me be the first to welcome you here. Huanying. We appreciate the opportunity to hear how our Chinese neighbours talk about us. Keep it coming.
Thank you very much, hope we can develop a long-term friendship.
Yeah, too simple, sometimes naive.
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Re: interesting thread

Post by member_20187 »

Jimi wrote:Here I have a few questions,
1) Are the photos representative of what they were intended to show?
2) Are the captions biased, or balanced?
3) Do the comments look like being left by people who do not have any rights for expression?
4) What would the comments be from Indians if it is the other way around, ie the photos were for China?

Hello mate, glad to answer your questions, in my personal point of views.

1) The photos are actually took by the reporters of the biggest Chinese portal NET EASE. I believe they want to show something that are positive in India to the most Chinese people who have little knowledge about India.

2)the captions were all translated as above, you can read and judge it by yourself :)

3)In fact, There is some restrictions in China when people expressing their views on the internet. But it is muh different from the situations that western media reported. Most restrictions are related to ***** information, and seldom related to the political issues. Chinese people are blaming the government and country leaders day by day on the internet, it is so common that no one feels weird about that. The only punishment is deleting the message if it is too much over the bottom line. It could say that Chinese people are quite free on the internet. However, comes to the reality, there might be much more limitations.

4)Not quite get what you mean. But if you would like to know, we can do it right now, try to post something relate to China with your comments, I can translate them into Chinese and put them on Chinese wesites, then translate their comments back to you.
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by archan »

chaanakya wrote: And Xiānshēng Archan , you can delete this post as well ...
response for you here ... 8#p1192398
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by member_20187 »

Jimi wrote:
Carl wrote:ltaakat, let me be the first to welcome you here. Huanying. We appreciate the opportunity to hear how our Chinese neighbours talk about us. Keep it coming.
The translations are not the most accurate. Some notes:

"A'San" refers to people from the indian subcontinent who were brought by the British to Shanghai China as security guards. It is derived from "Ah Sir", when the guardsmen salute white males. The guardsmen were known to bow to the whites and bully the locals.

"Five-US-cents" refers to people who are thought to be professional posters employed by the US to influence public opinions in China. It is rumored that they are paid 5-US-cents per comment, hence the name.
It seems you have great knowledge about these Internet slangs in China, lol, most of us using these slangs just for fun, we never mean to offend you, mate.
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by member_20021 »

另, 那段印第语是取笑你, 把你比喻成中国餐馆跑外卖

You are wasting your time here. People with colonial mentality do not take good faith as friendship. You will learn. In addition, the paragraph in Hindi was mocking you as running a Chinese restaurant.
Last edited by member_20021 on 10 Nov 2011 02:06, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by archan »

Jimi wrote:@ltaakat:
另, 那段印第语是取笑你, 把你比喻成中国餐馆跑外卖
Kindly post in English or provide translation. Thanks.
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by member_20021 »

archan wrote:
Jimi wrote:@ltaakat:
另, 那段印第语是取笑你, 把你比喻成中国餐馆跑外卖
Kindly post in English or provide translation. Thanks.
Yes, I did.
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by member_20187 »

Jimi wrote:
Jimi wrote: Thank you very much, hope we can develop a long-term friendship.

另, 那段印第语是取笑你, 把你比喻成中国餐馆跑外卖
I am not only representing myself, but also a crowd of people who are waiting for my news. Building a bridge is difficult, but difficult never means impossible. Bias and arrogance existing all around us, if we got a chance to change that, will you seize it, or just let it slip?
至少管理员的态度还不错,不是么 :)
so I would like to try, cheers anyway.
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by member_20021 »

ltaakat wrote: I am not only representing myself, but also a crowd of people who are waiting for my news. Building a bridge is difficult, but difficult never means impossible. Bias and arrogance existing all around us, if we got a chance to change that, will you seize it, or just let it slip?
至少管理员的态度还不错,不是么 :)
so I would like to try, cheers anyway.
Good luck. You have already been suspected of ulterior motives.
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by ramana »

Jimi, You have had your say. If you dont have anything else to say time to relax?
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by Agnimitra »

Jimi wrote:You are wasting your time here. People with colonial mentality do not take good faith as friendship. You will learn.
Looks like you yourself are a case of bias and overweening derision, isn't it? Good faith is a perception that works both ways. You do realize that we Indians see the Chinese aggression of 1962 as a breach of good faith? Not to mention the continuous proliferation to a despiccable elite that controls the lands comprising Pakistan.

And the reference to "colonial" is supposed to kick us where it hurts our pride the most? ltaakat, please note that Jimi's attitudes have been drilled into most Chinese who try to learn about India. I appreciate your efforts to build bridges, but take note of some ideas that need to be weeded out.

Sure Jimi, we have suffered over the past few hundred years, under assaults from Mongols, Turks, Arabs, and just when we were about exhausted fighting them, the English took over hollowed us out economically. After all that India shared with China for 2000 years, you mock us when we were at our lowest point? That's a wonderful gesture of good faith?

Heck, at least our culture and civilization, its values and its structures have survived. China jetissoned everything and apes borrowed ideologies with a topping of "Chinese characteristics". Being grounded in our Dharma, we will rise again. I would suggest you toss your pre-packaged derision and make an effort to build bridges like Itaakat, because it will be beneficial for China, India and Asia in the coming decades. There are plenty of Indians like myself who will respond positively.
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by anishns »

Narendra Modi in China, says Gujarat is different from rest of India
Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi wooed Chinese investments here on Wednesday saying his state was very different from the rest of India.

"Gujarat represents a very different model of growth," he told a gathering of business executives while explaining that the State's growth was both futuristic and sustainable in social and environmental terms.
Modi also got a Chinese company, TBEA, to lobby for Gujarat with other Chinese businesses. TBEA, which has bagged a major contract in Gujarat, recently kicked up a controversy when it displayed a wrong map of India that excludes Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh at a function in New Delhi.

In his presentation, TBEA vice president Leng Yong cited the government policy structure and infrastructure in Gujarat as two important reasons why his company chose Gujarat among other Indian states.
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by member_20021 »

Carl wrote: Good faith is a perception that works both ways.
Exactly right. Mind to review the train of responses to ltaakat's initial post, including the mocking in Hindi which the naive ltaakat went to google translate to find out?
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by KLNMurthy »

Jimi wrote:
Carl wrote: Good faith is a perception that works both ways.
Exactly right. Mind to review the train of responses to ltaakat's initial post, including the mocking in Hindi which the naive ltaakat went to google translate to find out?
Do you have respect for Indians and their point of view which stems from their historical perspective, or do you expect every overture from your side to be automatically received with great joy that you have condescended to approach us?

This is a private space dedicated to an Indian nationalist viewpoint and you are here not by invitation but because you took it upon yourself for your own purposes. That is fine, we will be (mostly) polite and will listen to you but you have no business to expect anything more. You are expected to have decorum and it will be nice if you are able to appreciate the forum owners' generosity in allowing your presence. By coming here of your own volition, you are choosing to come on our turf and implicitly accepting our way of communicating with you, which might at times have an edge or questions about your purpose.

Hope your position here is clear.
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by KLNMurthy »

If you read the TOI news article, there is nothing to suggest that Modi said Guj is different from the rest of India. The man was talking up Guj but the rest is from the headline writer's musharaf.
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by Hari Seldon »

^^^Am reminded of a series of picture posts by one cutie_bj or something a year+ ago about her picture-travelogue of Aamchi Yindia.

Don't know how genuine such things are. I'd rather be wary anyway.

I met a Japanese Buddhist monk and his wife, here for a year for his studies. They'd travelled more of India in that 1 year than I've done in the past 10. They knew our epics - the ramayana and the mahabharatam - our major deities in our biggest temples, had named their infant son 'Koga', for Ganga in Japanese. They were so warm, friendly and genuine, was a pleasure to be around them. So yes, such people also exist. But Japan is not China. Its ancient cultural ties with India aren't condemned by the Japanese communist party and banned from popular consciousness. So I can understand the Japanese, the Indonesians, the Thais feeling some vague cultural kinship with us. But the present-day Chinese? Don't think so.
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by KLNMurthy »

Communists always work by starting with a blank cultural slate, using extreme violence and genocide to bring it about. They then inscribe the slate with memes that suit the need of the hour as decided by the Party. You can see this under Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao. Our own dear comrades do this but with only partial success as they don't have the required complete power.

Chinese are at a disadvantage in any cross-cultural communication with Indians since they, having had their ancient culture forcibly lobotomized out of them, can only reason abstractly about our culture, with no hope of experiencing it at a deep level, whereas we have a pretty good insight into their collective psyche thanks to our dear Comrades.
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by KLNMurthy »

Deleted duplicate post
Last edited by KLNMurthy on 10 Nov 2011 06:58, edited 1 time in total.

Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by Theo_Fidel »

Our problems are with the China/Panda overlords.
Even if we have disagreements our problems are not with the Chinese people themselves.

That said...


Where are you posting from.
You see for a looong time this forum has been banned in mainland China. Would like to know if things have changed.

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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by member_20021 »

KLNMurthy wrote: Do you have respect for Indians and their point of view which stems from their historical perspective, .
Respectable people would know that respects are earned.
KLNMurthy wrote: Hope your position here is clear.
Are you implying that there is some kind of virtual "position" system at this forum? Are everyone equal before truth and reason?
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by KLNMurthy »

@Jimi this is educational. Is your attitude typical for Chinese privilegentsia? If so, it makes sense that Chinese businesspeople are said to be disliked in Africa etc.

Interesting that you don't seem capable of understanding why it is strange to come uninvited into a private space, show no interest or respect for the culture of that space, and instead demand that the people in that space earn your rrspect.
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by Suraj »

Jimi wrote:You are wasting your time here. People with colonial mentality do not take good faith as friendship. You will learn. In addition, the paragraph in Hindi was mocking you as running a Chinese restaurant.
Oh, this kind of treatment is absolutely par for the course, whether it's you here or me on a Chinese forum. Many of us have plenty of experience getting far worse treatment on Chinese boards over the last 10 years or so. You need thick skin to post, either way. It's nothing personal. Like Itaakat said, it takes time and effort. India is a place that fascinates all manner of people. Don't be so cynical. Stick around. Enjoy :)
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by member_20021 »

KLNMurthy wrote: Interesting that you don't seem capable of understanding why it is strange to come uninvited into a private space, show no interest or respect for the culture of that space, and instead demand that the people in that space earn your rrspect.
Since you repeatedly stressed that this forum is a private space, did you mean that this forum is so "private" that voice like mine is not allowed? In this case, Admin can close my account.
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by Suraj »

KLNMurthy and Jimi: please, knock it off. Enough of finger-wagging please. Just put each other on your respective ignore lists and continue.
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Re: India-China News and Discussion

Post by chaanakya »

archan wrote:
chaanakya wrote: And Xiānshēng Archan , you can delete this post as well ...
response for you here ... 8#p1192398
See my reply
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Re: Chinese spoke highly of Indian Dharavi slums

Post by chaanakya »

Jimi wrote:
chaanakya wrote: Well you Missed the Bus, long back .
I realized, it is a waste of time to make efforts to communicate.
You realised too late dear.
If you are Chinese please state and we can communicate properly. btw how does it feel like Japanese aggression and opium war. Still holding it out against Japanese showing manly postures. Did you check out some of the pictures coming out from China , links posted in this forum? When these pictures are posted , did you realise that such pictures , however well intentioned they may be, do not portray real pictures rather try to reinforce the notions about India existing in alien minds which are not looked upon as MFN.
The problem with China is that their words and deeds are poles apart.How can you trust them?
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