The Jan Lokpal Bill, Anna Hazare, and Baba Ramdev

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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by Rudradev »

The collection of strawman arguments paraded about on this thread by Mainovadis is extensive, if predictable.

1) "Baba Ramdev has political ambitions!"

This is a strange allegation indeed, coming from the very same people who say that the only lawful way to bring about democratic change is to follow the constitutional mechanisms and contest elections.

If one contests elections, doesn't one do so with the ambition to win the election? And what is that, if not a political ambition? Another case of the Elite Iskooled shooting itself in the foot with a self-contradiction.

2) "Today Baba Ramdev wants an end to corruption, but if he succeeds, it's a slippery slope! Tomorrow he will bring his "blackmail" tactics of hunger-strike to ask for English to be removed as a medium of instruction in schools! Day after it will be to illegalize homosexuality!"

Curiously, the phynansul-analists-turned-homophiles who bring up the "homophobia" bugbear don't seem exercised enough to challenge the *existing* anti-sodomy laws that already criminalize homosexual behaviour in the IPC. But then, we should hardly expect the Elite Iskooled to put their money where their mouths are (yuck!)

Nonetheless, this is an exercise in pure hand-waving and panic-mongering of the most hypocritical variety. The Mainovadis want to scare us with the spectre of extra-constitutional authorities using extra-electoral means to enact their "agendas."

Well, one need not look to Elite Iskool imaginings of tomorrow or the day-after-tomorrow. In fact they need not even look at Baba Ramdev, but in the other direction.

***Day before yesterday, the Mainovadi "Civil Society" mafia brought pressure on the Supreme Court of India to expunge a very critical statement from the sentencing record of Dara Singh (accused in the killing of Missionary Graham Staines.) The court had declared that Dara Singh's actions did not merit the death penalty, because
...the intention <of Dara Singh> was to teach a lesson to Graham Staines about his religious activities, namely, converting poor tribals to Christianity.

It is undisputed that there is no justification for interfering in someone’s belief by way of 'use of force,' provocation, conversion, incitement or upon a flawed premise that one religion is better than the other.
Thanks to pressure from Mainovadi "Civil Society", the Supreme Court was forced to expunge this statement from its records. Missionary groups rejoiced and hailed this as a victory for their agenda of predatory conversion.

*** Yesterday, the same Mainovadi "Civil Society" mafia again pressurized the Supreme Court of India, in an attempt to derail anti-Maoist counter-insurgency efforts by the BJP-ruled state of Chhatisgarh.

Chhatisgarh had constituted the Salwa Judum anti-Maoist militia, and recruited Special Police Officers from among the tribes of Naxal-infested areas like Dantewada district. In this manner, Chhatisgarh empowered its tribals to fight back against Maoist attacks in areas which are too remote for state forces to reach within an actionable time-frame, because of poor infrastructure.

Note that Chhatisgarh has the highest growth rate among India's states, and it is working on improving that infrastructure; but, as long as it was impossible for state police to respond to Maoist attacks within reasonable periods, at least Chhatisgarh was not leaving its tribals to the mercy of Maoists.

This was very inconvenient for the Maoists, who felt so threatened by Salwa Judum's success that they started moving large numbers of forces from other states to fight against it. Apparently, they also complained to their Maoist-sympathizing godfathers among Sonia Maino's extra-constitutional "Civil Society" mafia.

Given the success of Chhatisgarh's strategy against the Maoists, it was inevitable that the Mainovadis would try and sabotage it, by manufacturing a case directed against Chhatisgarh's government. A case based on facile and trumped-up charges, was brought before the Supreme Court for the sole purpose of defaming a BJP-run state and relieving the pressure on the Maoists.

Ramchandra Guha, "Swami" Agnivesh, Nandini Sundar and other "Civil Society" thugs did the needful.

***And today, a purely extra-constitutional authority under Sonia Gandhi... the National Advisory Council... is drafting a "communal violence bill". This is nothing but an anti-blasphemy law exclusively targeting Hindus in the name of "protecting minority rights." No doubt this will be a useful tool in the Mainovadis' relentless persecution of their political enemies... politically conscious Hindus... and it will be combined with bogus imputations of "Saffron Terrorism" for good measure.

So we don't have to rely on future-predicting anal-ist skills to understand the danger this country is in... or, from whom that danger comes.

Forget tomorrow and day-after-tomorrow. Remember today, yesterday and the day-before-yesterday! Extra-constitutional groups loyal to Unelected Supreme Leader Sonia Maino, have been continuously subverting the Indian Constitution, all this time. They have been doing so, for the express purpose of victimizing, corralling and dis-empowering the Hindu in his own country.

However, for the average Indian to reject an already-subverted political process and seek redressal against corruption by means of direct democracy... according to our Elite Iskooled Mainovadi mouthpieces, THAT's the real threat!

Expecting an Indian citizen to eschew AH's and BR's methods... and to rely instead on constitutional machinery already sabotaged by the Mainos, is patently ridiculous.

It's like expecting ticket-holders to quietly board an airliner that has already been hijacked by terrorists, and punishing them for deciding to take the train instead!

3) "Anna Hazare is good, Baba Ramdev is bad!"

Anna Hazare is "good" because Medha Patkar, Swami Agnivesh and others of the Maoist-Sympathizing "Civil Society" coterie... back-door operators for the Maino regime... have been able to hijack his cause. They appeared beside Anna on the Jantar-Mantar podium, and allowed him to do the fasting while they made brave pronouncements to the national news media.

When the GOI coyly "caved to Hazare's demands" and agreed to draft a Lok Pal Bill, it was only because they knew that Anna Hazare's negotiators would be dominated by these Mainovadi moles. A big show of submitting to public opinion could be staged, and when the public attention garnered by the Jantar Mantar agitation had dwindled, the proposed "Bill" could be so heavily diluted that its provisions would be utterly meaningless. The Mainovadi moles would be hand-in-glove with the process of dilution, and the Congress would "repair its image on the corruption issue" without actually having made one single substantive change.

Baba Ramdev is "bad" because he is not going to let his platform be usurped by the likes of Swami Agnivesh. He will not let his platform be used to stage a circus-act for the purpose of making the Congress appear sincere against corruption. In that he is staying true to the will of the people on whose behalf he has launched this agitation. He cannot be bought, so he is accused of "negotiating in five-star hotels." He cannot be threatened, so his followers are tear gassed en masse and beaten to the point of paralysis. He will not submit to the Maino cult of personality, so he is accused of trying to organize a cult of personailty around himself.

The Mainovadis are*exactly* like the Pakistani RAPE. They attempt to paint their political enemies in the colours they know best, i.e. their own colours.

4) "Baba Ramdev has called for an armed militia!"

If he in fact did make this statement... which itself is doubtful since the only source reporting it is the Maino mouthpiece Hindustan Times... then I have to say, at least he is honest.

He is saying openly that, when the armed strength of GOI can be commandeered by extra-constitutional Supremos like Sonia Maino and the National Advisory Council... *clearly* something that happened in Delhi last week... the people may have no option of non-violent protest left to them. After all the GOI itself was negotiating with Baba Ramdev, Indians to Indians.

At this point, it is reported, Sonia Maino got wind of the fact that Ramdev's movement was not amenable to being hacked by "Civil Society" moles... and worse yet, it was the work of a conscious Hindu, something she hates with a passion. Then, and only then, were thousands of armed police dispatched with lathis and teargas against a peaceful assembly of Indian citizens. Clearly an extra-constitutional override of the GOI, using GOI machinery against Indian citizens in a completely perverse violation of the Indian Constitution.

IOW, the Unelected Supreme Leader, Sonia Maino, has converted the Delhi Police (at least) into her private armed militia. Not an instrument for maintaining law and order, but a tool for the violent repression of her political opponents.

But this is hardly the first time that Mainovadis have commandeered armed strength to use deadly force against their political enemies... the conscious Hindus.

Remember the murder of Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati in Orissa? That was carried out by "Maoist" terrorists acting on the orders of Missionary interests, because Swami Laxmanananda was re-converting tribals of the region back to Hinduism.

Clearly that was a case of militias being used by religious interests with the political backing of the Mainos, in a completely extra-constitutional and illegal manner. But of course it was done under wraps.

IF indeed Baba Ramdev has called for a militia to be raised in self defense... which sounds doubtful... then, at least is more honest than the Missionaries who used a false-flag "Maoist" operation to murder Swami Laxmanananda and other Hindu re-conversion activists in Orissa.

With the Indian Constitution effectively subverted by the Mainovadis, the political process completely hijacked by extra-constitutional authorities like the NAC, and the Election Commission itself entirely usurped by Maino operatives... what mechanisms do the Hindus of India have left to take their nation back?
Last edited by Rudradev on 09 Jun 2011 01:24, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by Sidhant »

^^ Excellent post Rudradevji...
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by Virupaksha »

as usual Rudradev ji enters with a big bang :)
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by devesh »

we should copy and paste Rudradev ji's post in comments section of news articles.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by Vashishtha »

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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by Frederic »

Rudradevji and others,

What's with this visceral hatred of Sonia Gandhi against anything remotely connected to nationalistic Hindu sections?

Even after what the LTTE did to Rajiv Gandhi, I read some reports of Priyanka Gandhi visiting the LTTE terrorist Nalini in prison.

If the Sonia family can find a sort of "closure" even with Rajiv Gandhi's killers, what makes her go ballistic anytime a whiff of nationalistic Hindutva passes by her?

If reports are to be believed, it was only after Sonia came to know about the presence of Sadhvi Rithambra (spelling?) on the stage with Baba Ramdev, the dam burst loose and the lathi charge brigade was unleashed.

*Is it her deep rooted catholic antipathy towards anything "pagan" that is manifesting itself in this unwavering venom?

*Or is it that the VHP/RSS groups are somehow seen as a dire threat to the Roti- Paani of the Sonia clan?

*On a side note, the vicious brutality that was unleashed on defenceless women, the elderly and the children, what does it tell us about the platoon and company commanders of the CRPF and the Rapid Action Force? About the "higher ups" in the Delhi Police, it is a foregone conclusion as the top echelons in the capital city police would have been nominated with utmost care. But what about the field grade officers? Didn't they even feel a tinge that descending upon a peaceful crowd at 1.30 AM and breaking bones, somewhere, something was wrong?

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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by devesh »

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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by ramana »

Op-Ed in Pioneer ... India.html
OPED | Thursday, June 9, 2011 | Email | Print | | Back

Intolerant Congress, angry India

June 09, 2011 2:08:48 AM

Rajesh Singh

While the Union Government's strong-arm actions are designed to frighten dissenters into submission, it is equally true that they are born of mounting panic. If the Government cracks down further, it could trigger a huge mass revolt that will be quietened only by the Congress’s exit from power. On the other hand, if the Government allows the protests to grow bigger, the movement will force it become accountable and transparent which it can’t afford

The gloves are off. The Union Government, backed by the Congress, has launched an open assault on dissent in the country. Leaders of ‘civil society’ movement against growing corruption in public office and hoarding of black money abroad by influential Indians are being systematically targeted to shut them up. It is not Emergency yet, but the Government’s recent high-handed actions — and the Congress’s vituperative statements — remind us of the blackest days of our democracy when the dictatorially-minded Indira Gandhi unleashed the state’s might to intimidate the opposition physically and psychologically.

Both Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress president Sonia Gandhi seem to revel in being projected as acting ‘tough’ against ‘blackmail’ by the ‘self-appointed’ civil society leaders, but they would well to remember the fate their party and leader suffered in the post-Emergency election. The people cannot be suppressed forever.

The brutal police crackdown on Baba Ramdev and hundreds of his followers in the middle of the night at the Ramlila grounds in New Delhi is a good example of the growing arrogance of the Union Government. There was absolutely no provocation for the security personnel to burst tear gas shells, beat up the men and women who had gathered peacefully to be part of the yoga guru’s protest against black money, deport the leader out of Delhi, and declare that he could not enter the capital for the next 15 days. The blatant act was powered by the belief — promoted by hawks like Union Minister Kapil Sibal — that strong measures such as these alone could rein in the growing protests. Unfortunately for the Government and the Congress, these actions tend to have just the opposite impact of strengthening the resolve of protesters and adding numbers to their rank.

Indeed, the Ramdev episode has galvanised public opinion cutting across ideological lines. Not only did political parties from the Right to the Left condemn the police action, but even ‘civil society’ leaders seen as apart bonded together after the incident. Anna Hazare, who is leading the drive for an effective Lok Pal Bill and who was supposedly not too enthusiastic over the manner in which the spiritual leader was conducting his campaign, came out in open support and lashed out at the Government for the atrocity. He questioned the intention of the UPA regime, skipped a meeting on the Bill and sat on a day’s hunger strike at Rajghat. On his part, the Baba, barred from Delhi, extended his whole-hearted support to the Gandhian for the hunger strike.

While the Union Government’s strong-arm actions — without doubt dictated or at least endorsed by the Congress high command — are designed to frighten the dissenters into submission, it is equally true that they are a result of panic. The Congress-led UPA regime is caught in a cleft-stick. If it cracks down further, it could trigger a huge mass revolt that will be quietened only with its exit. But if the Government allows the protests to grow bigger, the movement could well render fruitless its plans of keeping accountability and transparency in governance to a minimum. A mind that is in desperation cannot think clearly and latches on to even the most outrageous suggestion in the vain hope of emerging out of the mess.

Of course, despite the hard-sell by the hawks most sane elements within the Government and the Congress have realised that the gung-ho strategy has boomeranged. This has led to a scramble among some leaders to keep a distance from it. It goes without saying that the first to be protected should be Ms Gandhi. As the public outrage over the Baba’s violent eviction from Delhi grew, Ms Gandhi’s camp leaders let it be known to the media that Madam had not been kept entirely in the loop and that the party itself had had little to do with the eviction. Senior leaders like Mr Anil Shastri condemned the crackdown. There is a pattern to the clarification.

In the past too, whenever something went wrong, the Congress was quick to de-link Ms Gandhi with the decision, while it credited her 100 per cent for decisions that went well with the people. In the instant case, though, there is still confusion. While the party says it had nothing to do with the police action against Baba Ramdev, Mr Sibal has categorically stated that the party and the Government are on the same page on the issue and that there has been complete coordination between the two on the crackdown.

Having failed to douse the protests, the Congress-led Government’s dirty tricks department is working overtime to dig up dirt on the ‘civil society’ leaders in a bid to discredit them. The Enforcement Directorate is reportedly investigating Baba Ramev’s business empire, with an aim to somehow nail him. Suddenly the Government seems to have woken to the realisation that the yoga guru could be engaged in irregularities. In a replay of the present situation, senior Congress leaders had questioned Anna Hazare’s integrity after he announced his movement for a strong Lok Pal Bill. They demanded to know the source of funds for his NGO, and insinuated that he had engaged in covert financial deals. None of it was, of course, substantiated, but it was never supposed to be. The purpose was to somehow divert attention from the crucial issues raised by the ‘civil society’ leader.

And, even if some of the charges finally stick, the credibility of the Union Government is so low today that, however much it may try it cannot redeem itself by dragging other reputations down. It promised concrete action against money hoarders but ended up cracking down on those who were demanding precisely such action. It assured to work closely with Anna Hazare’s team for the creation of a strong Lok Pal Bill but is now determined to push through weak provisions that will keep nearly all of the senior functionaries in the Government including the Prime Minister, out of the proposed legislation’s ambit. Enough is enough. The people cannot be fooled any more.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by ramana »

I get the feeling that India is headed for Emergency. The corruption and loot is too much to gloss over and the people involved dont want to lose the protection of being in power.

Unless UPA fractures and dissolves the Lok Sabha, I see Emergency heading its way.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by IndraD »

ramana wrote:I get the feeling that India is headed for Emergency. The corruption and loot is too much to gloss over and the people involved dont want to lose the protection of being in power.

Unless UPA fractures and dissolves the Lok Sabha, I see Emergency heading its way.
why ramanna ji emergency? I still don't see poikilothermic Indians coming on road. AH's movement is heavily hijacked by elite class & secular people , BR has been driven out of Delhi , how and why are you envisioning emergency, under what circumstances?
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by CRamS »


I am not so sure. UPA is calculating that all this BR and AH tamasha regarding corruption will fade away. Unless the larger middle class to lower middle class take to the streets, I don't see this movement posing any kind of threat to Madam. But one thing for sure. When I listen to Madam's boys/gals speak, the chief perverts being MSA and DS, all of whom themselves need the Madam to stay in power, there is an almost visceral hatred of BJP/RSS etc. I mean more than any healthy aversion to an opposition party in a democracy. Those side-kicks truly believe that a resurgent Hindu base could knock the dynasty off its pedestal, and so they will do anything even if its detrimental to India's interests to prevent BJP from gaining.

Seems to me that just as the word "liberal" has an evil connotation in US politics, the word "Hinduthva" is the counterpart in Indian politics.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by Virupaksha »

unless RD dies, all this would result in congress being able to continue in its former way. The dirty tricks from Sonia are more than enough to control any other fall out.

and sorry to say, RD is not SUCH a big fool. So my bet is on dirty tricks dept of Sonia to win, with greater short term damage to RD but bigger long term to her.

A face saving committee will come out soon.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by IndraD »

A separate Q to gurus what if BR's health deteriorates under fast , what will govt do?
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by ramana »

Its already there. He is supposed to have lost 5 kg already. And he doesnt have any extra fat.

Its getting ungovernable. In 1975 same thing with mass protests and ungovernable. And police using brutal force.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by devesh »

what will be the consequences???
will Maino simply declare emergency one day, then 1 year later return to parliamentary democracy??? will people accept that this time??? Indira lost one election but came back again. the same could happen to Maino. or have things in India changed sufficiently enough to make sure Maino and Rahul Baba become politically bankrupt???

and what about Priyanka? let's not forget that there is another dynasty woman who we don't know a lot about......I've heard rumors and chai-pani conversations that Priyanka is an enigma and might be a wild card in the Maino-Rahul mafia....
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by IndraD »


People's perception is changing and fast eg lalu losing election despite practicing MY equation to heart's content. In 90s we saw empowerment of lower caste Hindus, in 21st century India is moving towards better governance, bijli-pani-sadak plank, any party unwilling to accept this reality would be decimated. It may take some time but Congresse's phlilosphy of scaring muslim by raising fear of Hindu terrorsim -pro Islamic inclination would fail. As I hear NaMo in last election did get some muslim vote as well.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by Rudradev »

CRamS wrote:RamanaGaru,

I am not so sure. UPA is calculating that all this BR and AH tamasha regarding corruption will fade away. Unless the larger middle class to lower middle class take to the streets, I don't see this movement posing any kind of threat to Madam.
CRamS-ji, it all depends on the economy back home. Not the "trade volume indicators/fiscal space" type BS peddled by our phynansul anal-ists, but the empirical reality of the economy as experienced by the larger middle and lower-middle classes on a day-to-day basis.

They have been dealing with exorbitant prices, high taxes (since the Chidambaram revenue initiative) and mounting inflation for a long time. Meanwhile they have not seen any sign of effective governance to justify the sort of taxes they are paying; but they are treated to "India eej a eye-tee supari power" type cr@p on the media 24/7 and continuous stories of one scam after another. They see that a certain hyper-elite is now endowed with staggering wealth, and opportunities to spend that wealth are flaunted before them at every gleaming new mall and showroom... yet, somehow they themselves find it a struggle to put food on the table.They are pi$$ed off, and they have been continuously pi$$ed off for nearly two years.

THAT is why Baba Ramdev and Anna Hazare have been able to generate such vast support across the nation and across ideological lines. No amount of phiscal sophistry will convince them that enabling the looting of the nation by the Mainovadis, with generous crumbs descending to a select few Elite Iskooled, is a good idea for the nation in general while their own economic reality is dismal.

I had not expected the shake-up to come so quickly. I thought it would take a trough in the business cycle... a recession, a significant rise in unemployment... for the middle class to wake up and decide that they must take the nation back. It might yet require that, and the present situation may prove a false dawn. Sooner or later, though, it will happen.

So here's what I predict. Either now or after a brief lull, there will be large-scale civil disorder as Ramdev/Hazare type movements continue to mushroom and the economic outlook for the middle classes remains dismal. GOI will respond with more repression, leading to still more disorder and protests in an escalatory cycle. Ultimately the Mainovadis will panic, and attempt to enact populist measures as a palliative against the middle-class discontentment with the economy, no matter how fiscally irresponsible those measures might be in the medium or long term ("Rahul Gandhi Yojna".) This will run into opposition from MMS and his true believers who are committed to their own vision of economic reform. MMS will resign, and someone like Pigvijay Singh will be brought in as PM-Regent (can't have Yuvraj ascending to such a hot gaddi!) At this point, the UPA might rupture in the face of overwhelming popular opposition... and that's when the Mainovadis will declare Emergency.

Janpath is a long road but the lamp-posts loom large at the end! :mrgreen:
Last edited by Rudradev on 09 Jun 2011 02:58, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by AkshayM »

Unfortunately nothing much will happen. Swami Ramdev is eloquent and has mass appeal. It's learning process for him now to go through Congress thuggery. Many in India perhaps don't know but this is the real face of political party especially Congress. People here say that electorate is smart but I'm sorry they really are not. There are of course variety of reasons but time and again electorate has allowed Congress thugs to come in power. I sure hope Swami Ramdev recovers because he has done a lot to bring healthy living to masses of people than all Congress party combined beginning from independence.

The masses have short memory, soon everything will fade and it will be back to chai biskoot. Manmohan Singh will go back to hugging and kissing Pakis and Sonia will replace the battery in remote control.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by anmol »

Priyanka has baggage called Robert Vadra and he is deep into BPTP scam.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by VikramS »

AkshayM: India is a vast country and the UPA have done their electoral calculus very well. That is the source of their power; the ability to manage enough seats by using whatever means needed to cling to power. Their campaign is run professionally, they know who their vote bank is, where they need to do deals and where they need to run.
The longer term social engineering projects via the EJs etc. serve their purpose very well.

Unless the Indics can create a national consciousness, they will continue to rule. The problem is that the Indics do not pay enough attention to the sections who are vulnerable to UPA/EJ exploitation. When so much of the country is struggling for the basics, it is much easier for the UPA to sell their snake-oil.

So even if enough people wake up, their is a even larger base of people who will continue to vote the UPA.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by Rishirishi »

VikramS wrote:AkshayM: India is a vast country and the UPA have done their electoral calculus very well. That is the source of their power; the ability to manage enough seats by using whatever means needed to cling to power. Their campaign is run professionally, they know who their vote bank is, where they need to do deals and where they need to run.
The longer term social engineering projects via the EJs etc. serve their purpose very well.

Unless the Indics can create a national consciousness, they will continue to rule. The problem is that the Indics do not pay enough attention to the sections who are vulnerable to UPA/EJ exploitation. When so much of the country is struggling for the basics, it is much easier for the UPA to sell their snake-oil.

So even if enough people wake up, their is a even larger base of people who will continue to vote the UPA.
What ever calculations are done and what ever power may rest with PM, fact is Indians all know and accept that the politicians are corrupt. they are truly disgusted and fed up. But they have had no choice. No one has had any answer. India has been waiting for a leader who can show them a path to tackle the corruption.

Sonia and with her family are probably shaken to the core. They have seen what has happened to the arab countries. If the bill pases, the family will be exposed. After all, everyone knows that they are the ones who probably has stolen most.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by Prem »

Rudradev wrote:
CRamS wrote:RamanaGaru,
Janpath is a long road but the lamp-posts loom large at the end! :mrgreen:
This is the light pole at the end of Congressi tunnel. Hope they hang around till that time.

BRD's main job is to produce many RDs who can fan all over India to serve the cause of national consolidation at all levels and sections of society. Congressi should go with their gut feeling, abandon ship and watch old move 'wakat" to learn few good lessons. Pranab have this chance to make his move and blow the Con-house with one big puff.
India will be lucky to have these development at this juncture.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by ShyamSP »

Prem wrote: :wink:
This is the light pole at the end of Congressi tunnel. Hope they hang around till that time.

BRD's main job is to produce many RDs who can fan all over India to serve the cause of national consolidation at all levels and sections of society. Congressi should go with their gut feeling, abandon ship and watch old move 'wakat" to learn few good lessons. Pranab have this chance to make his move and blow the Con-house with one big puff.
India will be lucky to have these development at this juncture.
There is a VP Singh moment in this. Looks like Pranab or anybody is no VP Singh. All VP Singhs may have been cleansed from Madam and EJ network.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by Manish_Sharma »

Rudradev wrote: Ultimately the Mainovadis will panic, and attempt to enact populist measures as a palliative against the middle-class discontentment with the economy, no matter how fiscally irresponsible those measures might be in the medium or long term ("Rahul Gandhi Yojna".) This will run into opposition from MMS and his true believers who are committed to their own vision of economic reform. MMS will resign, and someone like Pigvijay Singh will be brought in as PM-Regent (can't have Yuvraj ascending to such a hot gaddi!) At this point, the UPA might rupture in the face of overwhelming popular opposition... and that's when the Mainovadis will declare Emergency.

Janpath is a long road but the lamp-posts loom large at the end! :mrgreen:
Rudradevji what is stopping Pranav Mukherjee to do a VP Singh and resign? If he protests and resign now, Everyone communists, BJP various Janata Dals will support him and he can be PM after next elections atleast for couple of years...........

Surely Maino family is never going to let him become PM.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by Prem »

Saint Anthony dont seems happy either, he can take the lead or become Road-kill like rest of the Congressi .
Con-house without Nehru and Diggy elements can still be a benificial force in politics.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by Muppalla »

ramana wrote:I get the feeling that India is headed for Emergency. The corruption and loot is too much to gloss over and the people involved dont want to lose the protection of being in power.

Unless UPA fractures and dissolves the Lok Sabha, I see Emergency heading its way.
I do not think UPA can pull this off. Morarji Desai government passed certain rules around emergency and the least they need to get cabinet approval and I don't even think they can get there.

Thinking about what is congress party gameplan in doing so brutally in front of TVs:
(1) for every mad thing that congress does, there is a method and calculations. Assuming that this is some egoistic-power-brutality is not correct.
(2) At some point they will link Baba and a host of his followers (that may include a host of BJP, RSS) etc., to Purohit, Samjyotha Express and hindu terror that they invented.
(3) Using (2) they will arrest, torture certain important folks whil banning some of the organizations (RSS too) as terror organizations and align them as equvalant to LeT, PWG etc.

In essence it is not an emergency but will get the result of emergency.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by Atri »

^^^ +1
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by CRamS »

Whatever happens, I hope we don't come to a situation where even well meaning folks will start looking to foreign intervention. We are seeing whats happening in Libya.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by Rishirishi »

CRamS wrote:Whatever happens, I hope we don't come to a situation where even well meaning folks will start looking to foreign intervention. We are seeing whats happening in Libya.
Who has the power to intervene in India??

All it will take is a 2-3 million surrounding the PM's office and all hell will break loose. The Mianos have seen what happened to their Grand mother, their father and now they see the writing on the wall. They cant run, because no one will take them. Italy for sure will be hesitant to give shelter, as their industrial lobby will not want to sour relations with India.

But also scared are probably 2/3rds of the MLA's, who also will have to face prosecution.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by Prem »

Nehru-Mainoo will go to Columbia or Argentina.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by CRamS »

An amusing allegation against BR by this pseudo-sec writing in the HT ... 07278.aspx

Baba Ramdev, the televangelist guru who flies private jets and hopes, through yoga, to reinstate the caste system and find a cure for Aids, cancer and homosexuality
Now, I know BR has said a few intemperate things about gays, his nutty claim about cancer etc. But what is this crap about reinstating the caste system through yoga? Does he really fly in private jets? And even if he did, so what? Only the 'holy father' that Delhi elites bow to (I recall the utmost reverence thappad and rajdeep and sagarika etc have for the Pope even as they diss SDRE gurus with contempt) can travel in luxorious private jets around the world in search of souls that need to be 'saved' even if they don't ask to be 'saved'?

Given the obsession that US-led west has with gay issues, the surest way of discrediting BR in the west, not that he needs western approval is to hihglight his comments on gays which I am sure one of the Delhi elites will do to a western reporter.
Last edited by CRamS on 09 Jun 2011 04:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by Virupaksha »

Look guys, I think many of BRakshaks are getting emotional. Stay in reality, nope Sonia & co are not going to go anywhere.

The lathicharge and teargas, let us accept happens in different parts of India day in and day out on the orders of those in power. Compared to many other cases, the violence was on the lower side.

take a chill pill guys.

As Brihaspati garu says, this is a just a small event and the dynasty has firm grip on the interest groups.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by Virupaksha »

ShyamSP wrote:

There is a VP Singh moment in this. Looks like Pranab or anybody is no VP Singh. All VP Singhs may have been cleansed from Madam and EJ network.
not going to happen. look at equations in parliament.

Sonia and co has more than 50+ majority (include SP). include the left you have more.

The calculations change in 2014, not in 2011 i.e. atleast 3 years from today.

No wonder BJP is satisfied to give only decent support to these movements. These will faze out in 3 years, we forgot mumbai attacks within 1 week, 3 years is an eternity. This is the time of silent build up for BJP, (i.e. slow mood buildup of wtf is the govt doing, which it is being successfull. disgust/push can come later) and it is clever enough to not make these small scale battles as do-or-die.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by ShauryaT »

^^ ravi_ku: +1.

Anything close to an emergency or a mid term elections is possible only if, there is an internal revolt within the Congress. The question is who are these mass leaders left in the Congress, willing to defect?
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by Pranav »

ravi_ku wrote:unless RD dies, all this would result in congress being able to continue in its former way. The dirty tricks from Sonia are more than enough to control any other fall out.

and sorry to say, RD is not SUCH a big fool. So my bet is on dirty tricks dept of Sonia to win, with greater short term damage to RD but bigger long term to her.

A face saving committee will come out soon.
I don't think Congress will be overly bothered by RD's death. They can always smear him posthumously in the media, paint him like the Waco Branch Davidians or the Paki Lal Masjid kooks.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by VinodTK »

News Anonymous Joins Fight in India, Hacks Government Website
Anonymous Joins Fight in India, Hacks Government Website
By Alex Moore Wednesday, June 08, 2011

As geopolitical battle lines congeal in the information wars, how long will Anonymous be able to stay truly anonymous?

The Hacker collective Anonymous joined the fight against Indian corruption on Tuesday, hacking the site of the Indian government IT website NIC, the National Informatics Center.

Ostensibly the hack was a retaliation for the government’s violence against Indian activist Baba Ramdev, who had been staging a hunger strike to protest government corruption, which the government recently disbanded with violent force.

The hack, which the group claims took just three minutes, displayed the above message on the site. NIC quickly moved to take the page offline, but a cached Google page confirmed the direct hit by Anonymous.

The hack comes just days after Anonymous hacked the government database of Iran, exposing private emails from that country. While no data was stolen or exposed from this latest hack in India, Anonymous’ message was clear: the corruption of institutional forces runs against individual freedom.

A statement by Anonymous said, “Over fifty years ago, Indian Freedom Fighters laid down their lives for our freedom. In the end, what was it all for? Today our politicians ride slip-shod over our laws, corruption is rampant. If the brutal way Baba Ramdev’s hunger strike was crushed is anything to go by, it would seem that India is now on its way to becoming an undemocratic ‘democracy’.”

As the information wars proliferate, they will no doubt continue to congeal along geopolitical and ideological lines. Anonymous may indeed be anonymous, but they also seem to boast marked characteristics that differentiate them from hacker groups like LulzSec, who recently hacked Sony’s site.

While LulzSec boasted of exposing the personal information, including home addresses, of 1 million users from the SonyPictures database, Anonymous seems to take care in targeting only institutional forces without endangering individuals as collateral damage.

PC World notes “India and Pakistan have a long-standing dispute over Kashmir, which has spilled over online” with a series of hacks across international lines.

Anonymous launched an Operation India Facebook page on Tuesday, the latest line in a global information war that includes Operation Tunisia, Operation Egypt and Operation Zimbabwe. Anonymous outlined highly specific socio-political demands in an Op. India video display.

As we saw in the US/ Israeli Stuxnet attack on Iran, as we move deeper into the information age cyber warfare may come to supplant military warfare more and more. If World War III turns out to be an information war, will Anonymous, which has clearly proven itself one of the most talented and effective cyber assassins on the planet, be able to stay truly anonymous forever?
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by Pranav »

Kill the Mocking Bill!
George Augustine
08 Jun 2011

The gross violence that unfolded on the night of June 4/5th at Ramlila Maidan in New Delhi speaks volumes of the general intent of the UPA government where Hindus are concerned. Obviously, Hindus do not have the right to protest against corruption and black money, or perhaps against anything. They are only permitted to do yoga!

If one were to scroll back archive pages of recent months, one would easily see that Baba Ramdev had initiated a campaign against corruption nationwide, well before Anna Hazare sprang a surprise on the nation along with his colleagues with dubious reputations. Therefore, one actually wouldn’t get any prize for guessing what went behind the façade of the UPA government to unleash such aggression against unarmed and non-violent Hindus, including women and children who were sleeping and dreaming of a better India. The difference here was that Anna Hazare had a pseudo-secularist cloud around him that appealed to the dynasty, while Baba Ramdev was a Hindu who threatened the dynasty’s loot!

Baba Ramdev is not an unknown Indian. He is a dynamic guru who wants to instil something of the spiritual essence of ancient India that has been lost to ordinary Indians. He has lakhs of followers throughout the country who respect him and have benefitted through him and consider him a genuine leader worthy to be considered a guru. However our central government under dynasty rule, which in fact is a continuation of colonial rule, have scant respect for such a figure.

Doesn’t the UPA worry about the Hindu votes that would be lost by this event? The ruling party’s actions show this is the last thing on its mind. For the UPA under Sonia Gandhi, Hindus, even the likes of Baba Ramdev and followers, seem to be the least of their worries. They think they can buy the Hindus, like they always did. Is it really so?

Not exactly, if we bring Narendra Modi into the picture. He is the one leader who can unite not only Hindus, but Muslims as well, as we have seen in Gujarat. And once he is on a roll all over India, as in Gujarat, they know they cannot stop the juggernaut. Modi is today perceived by the anti-Hindu brigade across the nation and the world as their nemesis. With the human rights industry under its armpit, the UPA has shown what it can do to a poor sadhu and his innocent followers. They can swat a hundred Baba Ramdevs with iron fists. But they can’t mess with Modi. Of course, they would if they could, but they can’t yet. And, take it from me, they are biding their time.

In the chronicles of Indian history of the present time written in future, the shadow of Narendra Modi would loom large across the nation, not only for the exemplary trend he set in polity and political ethics in 21st century India. For his enemies, Narendra Modi is an icon of the Hindus who has to be destroyed first, if Hindu civilisation is to be totally destroyed. Modi is an exception among Hindus and stands out for being politically successful and also in repelling from time to time the full-court press employed by his powerful enemies, who have been terribly vanquished each time they tried, but have never taken it lightly or gracefully.

It is a strange syllogism, for the BJP is not all Modi and Modi is not all BJP, but the BJP sans Modi is no BJP, if BJP were to be an opposition. Without Modi’s track record, the BJP is actually nothing but an also-ran. If one didn’t know better, the top leadership could be accused of mimicking the Congress party and bowing down to the dynasty. There is no BJP leader other than Narendra Modi who has proved himself or herself either as a worthy ruler, or as an opposition leader and created a curriculum vitae he could show around proudly. What stands between the total subjugation of Hindus and the anti-Hindu brigade under dynasty rule is Narendra Modi. The enemies know it and so should we all!

Enter The National Advisory Council

After scheming for years, Modi’s enemies, comprising his political opponents, chiefly the Congress and the Marxists, and the mighty anti-Hindu brigade from across the world (including the influential US Commission on International Religious Freedom), have been relentlessly drawing and re-drawing battlelines against Modi, which as I pointed out earlier, are ultimately aimed at the Hindus. When it became obvious that twisting the due processes of Indian law was not working for the annihilation of Modi, special agents were hand-picked and congregated in the so-called National Advisory Council with Sonia Gandhi at the helm.

The sole brief given to the working committee seems to concern only with clipping Hindu aspirations and hence, the subjugation of Modi. It would seem the only advice the current government considers worth having is how to thrash the Hindus best. The machinations of the advisory council under the Grey Eminence is slightly reminiscent of the Catholic power peddling in medieval France that ultimately led to a revolution.

Given the money and political backing of the enemies, it was a foregone conclusion that it was only a matter of time before the next serious charge against Modi and the Hindus appeared on the horizon. The draft of a bill they cooked up after spending vast public money and probably thousands of man-hours and ironically named “The Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence (Access to Justice and Reparations) Bill, 2011” is the latest in the series. But the whole enterprise smacks of hate and virulent animosity towards the majority community and envy of their success. Visit to read the draft, if you must. Not recommended, however.

Only once the reader realises that all that have been said in the draft exempt the Hindus from its purview, does the real motives of the Advisory Council appear through the dreary haze. According to this bill, victim can be anybody but a Hindu. For the purpose of splitting Hindu votes in parliament, they have also de-Hinduised the so-called scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. The bill aims solely to silence and stifle a government such as Modi’s and to take away the democratic rights of a majority community such as the Hindus. With this bill in force, the Abrahamists (synonym for pseudo-secularists) will figuratively be at the peak of Mount Everest, Narendra Modi’s government will be fired automatically by remote control, and the Hindu majority disempowered absolutely and completely.

For those who don’t want to waste their time reading silly literature in the bill draft, I am quoting Clause 8 of the said bill: “Hate propaganda.– Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, whoever publishes, communicates or disseminates by words, either spoken or written, or by signs or by visible representation or otherwise acts inciting hatred causing clear and present danger of violence against a group or persons belonging to that group, in general or specifically, or disseminates or broadcasts any information, or publishes or displays any advertisement or notice, that could reasonably be construed to demonstrate an intention to promote or incite hatred or expose or is likely to expose the group or persons belonging to that group to such hatred, is said to be guilty of hate propaganda.”

The article 153A of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, covers this aspect but is deficient for the purpose of the Advisory Council, because it also includes Hindus in its purview. This new bill however is absolutely necessary for the anti-Hindu brigade, so that the right to justice of the Hindu majority is denied, because the “group” specified in this bill is exclusively confined to any group other than Hindu, which excludes all those who have not been converted into Abrahamists or bracketed as scheduled castes or scheduled tribes. It means if the anti-Hindu brigade were to have their way in India, Hindus would be punished for every riot in India, no matter who instigated it.

Who actually engineers riots in India?

According to Ms. Zenab Banu’s “POLITICS OF COMMUNALISM: a politico-historical analysis of communal riots in post-independence India with special reference to the Gujarat and Rajasthan riots” (1989), there had been 74 communal riots between 1953 and 1977, of which 75% were instigated by Muslims. For those who are apologetic about the demolition of the Babri Masjid and blame the act for Muslim aggression, these figures will elucidate and make clear who were in reality responsible for communal riots ever since they were born – the Abrahamists!

If the proposed bill were to include Hindus in its purview, the original hate literature and propaganda which have been instigating and inciting human beings to kill each other for scores of centuries, such as the Bible and the Koran, would be banned and the comically attired perpetrators put behind bars. On the other hand, by excluding Hindus from the purview of the proposed bill, the pseudo-secularists in the Advisory Council are striving to chop off the defending Hindu arms, thus blaming the victims for all the communal riots to come!

This mockery of a bill is the main component of a conspiracy to thwart the “Narendra Modi phenomenon” that would soon engulf the whole of India like a storm, unless the Abrahamists do something soon and something effective to get the conspiracy smoothly implemented. The rational fear of Rahul Gandhi for the Hindus is reflected in a Wikileak report, according to which he confessed to an American diplomat his angst for them, whom he termed as “extremists”.

The dynasty of Sonia and Rahul Gandhi is holding on to power not because they are genuinely democratic rulers (as Ramlila Ground on June 4 would testify) or that they sincerely want to rule for the sake of a nation, but because the loss of power would bring about their certain ruin and destruction, like Gaddafi, like Mubarak, a fate that can only be postponed but not avoided, just like death. When Sonia and Rahul refer to India that is Bharat, they are not talking about the physical land or its civilisation or the billion odd people who inhabit this land, but their loot that has been stashed away in Europe. Moreover there is tacit support (and I suspect even pressure) from the Christian West for the transformed Catholic dynasty to rule Hindu India until the imaginary doomsday.

Seen from another angle, the conspiracy has entered a crucial stage, when several Hindu activists are already languishing in jails for years now on fabricated charges that have never been proved or would ever be resolved or even come to court, at least as long as the UPA is in power. The recent attempts to implicate people belonging to nationalist organisations like the RSS in terror plots should also be seen as part of a bigger game involving those who want to perpetuate the dynasty rule and save private loot deposited illegally in overseas banks.

Most of the names in the advisory council, particularly in the working committee and the bill drafting committee, would bring a sense of déjà vu to those who followed the aftermath of the 2002 Gujarat riots, when human vultures flew hither and thither to exploit the bloody tragedy. Scheming behind closed doors of the obnoxious council are the notorious battle-scarred front-line veterans in the war against Modi and the Hindus – Teesta Testalvad, Harsh Mander, Syed Shahabuddin, John Dayal and co. The dynasty has also engaged professional claques led by the inimitable duo Digvijay Singh and Kapil Sibal, who are adept at tackling poor unarmed folks roughly and faithfully cook rice for the thief (old Malayalam saying).

Kill the mocking bill before it is born and a great impediment placed before Hindus by the enemy would be removed and it would mark a new beginning, sounding the death knells for dynasty rule, corruption, adharma, all in one sweep.

The author is a professional translator ... px?id=1822
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by Virupaksha »

if RD dies, he brings matryrdom into the equation and becomes a rallying war cry forever ala gandhi, a potent symbol of anti-corruption and sacrifice and bravery in face of persecution. Notice in 90% of byelections due to death of incumbent, his kin win with a much larger majority, irrespective of the person he was.

Suffice to say, Indian public will not tolerate his criticism and so it changes many many things, not all easily controllable for Gandhis, but not all good for India either.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by brihaspati »

time to ease off 10 janpath. Leave her alone. Leave a route for retreat. If you don't there will be too many interventions from outside as well as activations of political/financial/juicy secrets based investments sourced interventions from inside. Can't risk it since you don't yet have an alternative "rashtryia" apparatus in the making that can serve as parallel authority.

Remember Caesar failed because he failed to make the apparatus of state power dependent on his apparatus of personal power. In India, the Congress in the transitional period from chasing out SCB under MKG managed to exactly do this with Brit help. In the absence of a Brit style monarchy, it is the Nehru-Gandhi lineage that has been used by the Congress to implement the strategy that caesar failed to implement, [but Stalin managed successfully].

(1) Emergency is unlikely as a response to BR+AH and the corruption issue. At this stage it will be political blunder for them. As long as RG jnr has not drawn political blood, such a step simply shows lack of political grasp on the part of the first family.

(2) Pranavda cannot become VPS. He has been too close to the family. Both sides will have suitcases and not briefcases of dossiers on each other.

(3) The first circle around the first family are all for more aggressive repression. However they are under compulsion to make every opposition "saffron" and target the "saffron". Friends, let us not fret about it and we should cheer such efforts. Hopefully no need to explain.

(4) AH+BR might do well to follow Lenin's use of the concept of "one step forward two step backward" in reverse. They can simply keep the pressure on, keep the issue burning. Move away from direct confrontation.

(5) come out of this Delhi centric thought process. Another leaf to take out of another Leftist is Mao's strategy of luring the enemy deep into your territory from his home-base and chop him up in small pieces. In political terms this means, instead of focusing on Delhi alone as focal point of protest or showdown with the gov, make this also a national and non-Delhi issue. Start marches across states. Call all communities to join. Let the state govs oppose and religious leaders oppose if they want to. Force the Congress to come out of its den and try hounding out in wider national arena. Fix a month or a week or a day every year as anti-corruption month, week or day. This ensures that it does not die down.

(6) clamour for the sister. Bringing her out earlier, even as part of a bargain is going to pay dividends.

(7) I still wish BR retreated to the role of the historical medieval "saints". Their task is to create the spiritual bridge that connects the "mass" to the "hukka-bukkas" through the common mobilization based on a shared ideological framework.

(8) The Congress "young Turks" should be allowed to become more arrogant. Failure or snubs given to AH/BR is also good. This will simply draw certain forces to the forefront - which ideologically belong to the same spectrum as the "Turks" but are actually their nemesis. Kantake naiba kantakam. Let the fun begin.

We can clean up the debris left and start afresh.
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Re: Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill

Post by somnath »

Its quite amazing to see the level of contrived pessimism peddled in order to "wish" the evolution of anarchy and distress in the country - all because a particular govt needs to be "thrown" out..

Revolution?! Unfortunately people with shallow (or no) grip on facts and firmer grip on rhetorical abuse fall prey to the force of their own fantasies...

Inflation is high - indeed..But its pertinent to pause and think, inflation now has been persistently high for 2 years - why havent we seen the kind street protests that periods of high inflation pre-1991 used to see? Reasons are complex, but essentially, because this high inflation is actually being caused (to a large extent) simply by increased prosperity...there is allround increase in purchasing power due to the post reforms growth, and in the last 3-4 years, spread even more widely by quasi-cash-trasnfer programmes like NREGS...Supply side bottlenecks have therefore emerged, the "system" did not expect such high levels of growth and therefore didnt plan for it...Essentially though, people grumble about high inflation, but also know that there own incomes are far higher than before, their affodabilities have gone up, and their quality of life has gone up manifold..Primarily due to growth, but also at the margin due to cash transfers...Which is why we dont see mass anarchy on streets despite persistent high inflation..

Corruption is a problem...But look at the reaction to it today and compare it against a similar mass revulsion against it circa 1989 (Bofors)...A confident society is piling on the pressure through various means - 24/7 media, PILs, Arvind Kejriwal and his ilk...The message is asiprational - our India needs to be "better"..Its the India "with means" that is protetsing...It is demanding that we have better institutions NOW, not looking for miracles...In 1989 notwithstanding Chitra Subramanium (was that the name of the Hindu reporter who broke the Bofors story?), media was less in-the-face...Rest of the action was all street agitational without focus and aim, looking for a messiah to rescue them (which VP Singh capitalised on)...It was the pent up frustrations of an India that did not see hope and was angry with the politicians for looting the little that we had...Its the destitute India that was flailing...

In the context of today's India, BR as a mass popularising yoga guru fits in perfectly...Someone using charisma and influence and money to take the profile of yoga, a uniquely Indian product much higher than what it was...But BR as a political animal, well way out-of-date...Even Laloo had to change his persona in a desperate bid to retain relevance in this India...Even Mamta had to sorround herself with the likes of Amit Mitra and Bratya Basu to gain credibility...A persona that combines the 1980s earthiness of Laloo with the brains of Raj Narain and the world view of RSS+JEI - its way past its sell-by date, in fact 20 years too late...

this govt has lost a unique opportunity - it had a mandate, no restrictions of the "Left", and a perpetually confused opposition in the BJP...But the drift has been allowed to persist for too long...Doesnt seem anyone's in control....If there was an election today, they would perhaps lose (they are at least not getting my vote)...

But we are far froma revolution...The country is generally too busy making money for itself to be worrying about revolutions..Especially when its engagement has deepened so massively with the political process over the years...

BR is a comic relief to the dark shenanigans of Maran/Raja et al - when was the last time someone spoke about repalcing English in schools, curing cancer through yoga, raising an armed militia, banning 100 rupee currency notes as cure for economic ills - all in an entertaining TV friendly manner? Its good while the atention lasts...And yes, the best is the claim about curing homosexuality by yoga - his sartorial preferences in distress is perhaps an attempt at live demonstration for the differently oriented! :wink:

The only thing more amusing is the presumptuous assumption of certain worthies in BR (B-Rakshak!) that they can foretell and even plan the oncoming "revolution"! Imagine - Lenin or Eamon De Valera or their ilk perhaps planned their moves on an internet blog! :rotfl: