BR Forum Feedback

All threads that are locked or marked for deletion will be moved to this forum. The topics will be cleared from this archive on the 1st and 16th of each month.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by AnimeshP »

Mods ... What is the procedure for changing the e-mail ID registered with BR. I had registered with my official e-mail ID but today is my last day with my company. Can you please let me know how do I go about getting the e-mail ID changed? Also, I will be getting my new official ID next week only so in the meantime the only e-mail IDs I have are gmail IDs ... Can you please help me out?
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by bharatreddybrp »

Thanks Jagan.

@ Sunny, i tried them, they responded saying that they have records of only British ranks in their database and a few limited Indian Officers.
For Indian origin NCO/JCO and other ranks they dont hold any information.
They asked me to get in touch with Adjutant Generals Office , Army HQ which would be holding all records of Indian personnel.

Not sure if our IA office provides such a service to pull old records out. Moreover without a contact point/designated department for such requests, i felt it would be futile to just address a letter to Adjutant General Office.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by archan »

When you get your new official email id just email it to us at gentleman.cadet @
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by ankitash »

kapilrdave wrote:BRF needs SEO (Search Engine Optimization) overhaul. It's apparent that no such attempts have been made till date. But now is the time as other fake forums are posing the challenge.
Rewriting urls to "cleaner" version should do the trick. Phpbb has a module for that I believe.

Old urls can be given a permanent redirect
Amber G.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Amber G. »

I turst, this needs to be documented, and hope it is useful.
archan wrote:
Amber G. wrote:I want to underscore that this is NOT an isolated event, but more a part of the pattern.
Please show evidence of the 'pattern'.
Glad to sir,
1. - The Forum guide lines says:
..We request members to kindly stay within the mandate of this forum and keep their exchanges of views, on a civilised level, however vehemently any disagreement may be felt...
Yet, Archan, a brf-admin explicitly declares that is necessary for him to use inappropriate language:
Link: here

2- Although Brf-admin Ramana clarifies (and tries to remove the 'misperception' : (link: see post(s) below above link)
ramana wrote:Is 'khaki chaddidhar danda wielding pandu" being mistaken for RSS minion? The ref is to street cop in desh who keeps street peace.

I think this round is due to misperception.
But he (or any one of of the admin) does not explain, why a brf admin should emulate someone, even if the reference is to a street cop in desh’, itching for a lathi-charge (brf-admin’s words, not mine) instead act as a respected brf admin.

3- In contrast to clear posting guide lines about what is appropriate and what is not, here is brf-admin Archan’s take on it, and I quote:
archan wrote:If you get 4 warnings within 6 months you get to enjoy your 72 for 3 months. Another warning while the last four are active (newer than 6 month) means permanent 72. You've already tasted the first fruit of 3 warnings = 1 month with the raisins. These are general guidelines , however. Getting on archanullah's nerves can lead to instant permanent houri-milaap as a certain -uddin can tell you.

(Now, to me it is clear, why the “explanation” given for warning given to me made no sense to me and I called it bogus. I admit I don't always know what gets on "archanullah's nerves")

I note that no other brf-admin took issue with the bolded part.
And as if it was not odd enough, the proclamation continues:
archan wrote: Just so there is no doubt, the ban is permanent. The dude ain't coming back and professor saheb is smart enough to know that will happen but the intention was to bait the mods here as opposed to saving one's posting priviledges.

Again I note that no other brf-admin took issue with this.
(For perspective, the “dude” is a very well respected (justifiably) expert who has been the most knowledgeable postor in the nuclear field and was gracious enough to share his knowledge here in BRF. And NO by any sensible standard, there was no brf guidelines broken by him. I really thought that sanity will prevail, someone will have integrity enough to recuse oneself from the issues directly related to oneself, and other brf-admins will step in and ban the right person.)

4. Another pattern where bogus “Hints/nudge/warnings” get issued can be checked here:
Link given here
I will only add that no response has been given by the the Brf-admin. Interesting to note that while there is no response there, while this admin find time to post this display of bhai-chara to those who routinely and with impunity throw insults at me and others.
With words like “I hear you BRO”
Thankfully it never got worse. Neither of you have ever badmouthed the moderators upon being corrected.
(Who can blame others, when people like B. Raman forms certain perception of our forum)

If one wants to know more, check comment section. These, and similar issues have become quite public. I know Archan has called it a “hate blog” but it is hosted by someone who was a brf admin. Many current brf members/admins put comments there.

Respectfully submitted.
Jai bharat-rakshak,
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Stan_Savljevic »

I have to report a post and show how one former admin of this forum behaved highly decently and contrast it to the state now.

1) The original "offending" post which was reported is by me in the heated link language dhaaga, where one camp of posters were insisting on the right of the Govt of India to foist a national language on people who disagreed with that. ... 34#p749734
The offending phrase seems to be "final stage of discomfiture is violence." To me, this causing offense sounds silly because this is exactly how India behaves. Anyone and everyone takes to violence, whether they are the left wing extremists, Gujjars, Meenas, right wing extremists, language fanatics, religious nutjobs, ideological neanderthals, etc. To state that people will respond to coercion with violence is understood in the policy circles has caused offense to one poster. Ok, understood.
2) RayC PM'd me with "Be careful with words and the way it is presented. Some are advocating some type of organised insurrection. I am aware that is not so the case."
3) Realizing that I may have caused needless takleef to the poster to who it was addressed, I did some backchannel diplomazy and clarified things. And as it stands, the said poster accepted that things got too heated and moved on.
4) RayC clarified this in the dhaaga: "Yes, there has been a reported post, and since I have participated in this thread, I did not taken the necessary action and let another Moderator take a view. Not that there is any embargo to my having taken action, but nonetheless, as the forum tends to be fair, I left it for other Moderators." ... 64#p749864

5) Now, we have a post that has not been reported till now, at least as per the fact that no actions have been taken. The offending post is by Sanku at ... 7#p1170357
"SwamyG whack your friend on head for us, once in a while, that is the only remedy."
Another one, ... 1#p1170561
"No I meant physically. Some times a nice light whack on the head with a folded newspaper works where the words written on the paper dont."
6) In response to SwamyG's "If we do that, is it not a defeat? Should we not be able to convince others of our view points without physical fight" ... 2#p1170772
comes a brilliant answer: "No not physical violence, this was just a shake up suggestion." ... 3#p1170803
My question is: what is a "shake up suggestion" posited by this poster in response to a hypothesis made by someone on an email.
7) Sanku further continues: "Often the best argument is settled by the sword."
I believe Sanku is just expressing the reality that is India today, just like I did in my "offending" post. While I stopped with expressing the reality of India, here we have a suggestion to "shake up" someone, and "whack him on the head."
8 ) I know I may be over-reacting, but since when has suggestions of whacking someone because they express a different opinion on the forum become par for the course on BRF? Has BRF's moral compass been permanently lost? Do BRF and its admins ignore when one poster asks a person posting an alternate viewpoint to be whacked? I do realize that at least one admin reads the said dhaaga. So my question to the collective wisdom of BRF.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by SaiK »

General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

Too many connections [1040]

An sql error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact an administrator if this problem persists.
imho, this should be solvable. If the BR php/sql coder can show his/her code, I am sure many can suggest how to fix this issue, forever.

some common strategies are:-
- close the connection after the post [commit].
- if connection sharing, release connection back to the pool, and throttle it [need metrics here].
- do not let connection open for a long time - have a timeout set.
- monitor session timeout, and relay back to closing the sql connection as well.

of course, these are just a few thoughts. Unless the design/code is presented, all these are wild guesses.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Virupaksha »

Saik ji, -it happens daily at an assigned time because the server is being backed up.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by SaiK »

Perhaps I don't understand what "server" constitutes?

If it is sql-data backup of forum posts, then a uncommitted read [optimistic replication] could be considered.

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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Rahul M »

from ... 8#p1180538
Amber G. wrote:...........
look, I will say this as simply as I can.
nothing I/we do is going to convince you that none of the points you raised is mod sanctioned or encouraged, as you seemingly insinuate. you won't believe it but its the truth nevertheless.
the name calling MMS issue crops up every other day much to our amusement because no other offence has resulted in as many warnings in this forum as this one. however there are some who object to people questioning his competence and confuse the two. that will not be moderated however it might be distasteful to his supporters, this is a democracy after all and "criticism of deal leadel" is not an offence under IPC. so, if you report a post saying "MMS is useless", do not expect it to be moderated. you can of course say the same about advani or modi or jaylalita or someone else.

you posted a number of offending posts, might I ask how many of those you have reported ? and if you did not report those posts, esp the one about sex training or whatnot, you have NO moral authority to question the standards on BRF. I can as well claim that you supported and enjoyed that joke because you read it and did nothing.
and yet I have seen you go to extreme ends and write long posts about non issues like use of BENIS language in nukkad because it was by a mod with whom you had an altercation previously. showed where your priorities were.

BR moderation is a tough, stressful job, there aren't as many hands as we would like and in spite of our best efforts some problematic posts do slip under the radar. it is certainly not helped by posters who keep mum when they read an offending post but archive it in their memory bank to pillory the mods later. most of us mods would rather read and contribute quietly like mango posters rather than chase offending members and take judgement calls.
yet we do it because we wish to see BR at a certain level. that level may not be identical with what you or ram or rahim wants to see BR at but at least we try to reach a level acceptable to most.
but to do that we need members to help us in good faith. you may not agree with our methods but if you do not trust our objectives then why are you even here ?

coming to the JS photos, let me first say I value your posts very much but this was most certainly not one of those times. posting those as a reaction to the WH photos made absolutely no sense whatsoever, except in the juvenile 'look Indian politicians hob nobbed with terrorists too' sense.
one was of a leader willingly conspiring with a bunch of dodgy people against his enemies in the comforts of his home, only to be bitten by them later.
another was of a person trying to bring back his endangered countrymen by any means necessary. one who was willing to go among an extremely hostile people at great personal risk. for all he knew they could have kept him hostage and demanded a billion $.
you may disagree with the decision to release the terrorists and call it weak but there was no perfidy involved in JS' case, unlike in the WH affair. it was a hobson's choice and he was brave to put himself at personal risk for something that could easily have ended his political career and gain him nothing.

your identification of the two senior taliban leaders as hijackers who killed rupin katiyal (you continued to do so even after being corrected) is at best clueless and shows how removed you are from the reality of those who face this threat day in and day out (even a child would tell you that the hijackers did not have free flowing beards and neither were they garbed in pakhol and traditional pasthun salwar kameez.) at worse it is deliberately misleading.
the example of the kasab investigation is and comparison with JS' kandahar trip is too silly to even comment upon, it's a little hard to believe that it's coming from you !

throw in the little embellishments about how JS hugged the killer hijacker (code named "doctor" IIRC) and I am sorry to say this whole episode smacks of a desperate attempt to shore up unkil sam's H&D with a cheap ==.
not worthy of you ma'm, not by a long shot.
I asked a question what would have happened if instead of JS it was Krishna...Thanks for answering that question without answering that question.
you can pick up my thoughts without me putting them down in writing ? interesting skill.
if SMK did something similar in JS's place I would unabashedly respect him for it. (I don't think he would though. I don't think he has the same sense of responsibility as JS. his ministership comes to light only during the gaffes and has no other redeeming factor other than comic relief)
does this match the answer you got through your telepathy skills ? ;)

also, since you think that every little post you dislike is directly the fault of one BR mod or the other, here's what every forum declaration says.

Please note that the views expressed by the Members and Moderators on these discussion boards are that of the individuals only and do not reflect the official policy or view of the Website.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by ASPuar »

I concur. Mods are doing a good job keeping BR friendly and focused, and they do it on their own time and own dime.

So, kudos to them.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Satya_anveshi »

Rahul ji..good comprehensive response...mod giri is pretty thankless and difficult job. BTW: I get the sense that those who left the forum do regret their decision (they although my be productive with their work :) ) for they all keep discussing what's going on BR..basically instead of posting here..they are just reading/whining :P ...if only one had controlled emotions during the heat of conversation....we would still be a larger family.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Rahul M »

continued from here : ... 9#p1181109

Amber ma'm, I gather that you were referring to n^3, to claim "he became one of the victims of "moral compass"! " (in bold and with an exclamation mark as well) is an outright lie. insinuating that "similar postings were what made him unpopular among powers to be in BRF" is another example of lying through the teeth. (OT : my own views on the santy saga is identical to the official position, which AFAIK is n^3's position as well)
N^3 was never banned or even warned, his decision to leave was his own and had nothing to do with the nuclear debate. the reasons were never known outside the mod circle (of which n^3 was a member at that point) and will stay that way.

it is hilarious to read this is supposedly known "even outside BR" :rotfl: it was never known "inside" BR in the first place, beyond the mods.

there are other places on the net where you can share fantasy stories about BR's failings and spread false propaganda, but I won't allow you to do that on BR. for that bunch of lies, you get a warning. if you continue to try and derail this thread by posting verbose nonsense you will be warned again, along with anyone else who tries it.
Recently one Admin tried to excuse these by rebuking me and literally telling me that I (Amber G) have posted some offending posts too .../sigh/ (as if that makes it alright)
if that refers to my post then sigh indeed because you are unable to understand simple english.
you read offending posts but do not point them out by reporting but only appear to complain endlessly.
seen in this case too, did you report the above post ? the answer is no, but you are the first to complain about BR falling standards and how mods are complicit in that.
IOW, you have ZERO credibility and moral authority to question the standards when you do not move an inch to help the situation.
troublemaking seems to be the only objective of this kind of posts and would henceforth attract board warnings as well.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by parsuram »

And I got sent in here for... what? in bold font, no less. This must be BR's equivalent to guantanamo bay, the bay of pigs. Amber addressed a post to me and I responded. That should be the end of it. I made it plain beyond any doubt, and as politely as I could, that I was done with that discussion. Rahul M, if it bothered you all that much, you should have deleted the entire mess, instead of providing bold font toofan express to yet another thread. The forum has literally exploded with threads, enough to make a pair of paki shalwar kameez and a half dozen matching burkhas. I sure hope this is the last time I have to lose my way on these forums to get here. So Rahul M, next time you find me inadvertantly responding to a post pointed directly at me, and you think that my response was in the wrong place, with wrong url and visa papers, please feel free to delete my response without any further explaination. I will not be offended, and will be glad to avoid the scenic route on this road less travelled. Thank you for your support.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Multatuli »

I have noticed the frequent use of chinks and "Japs" in this forum. I know that the use of "Japs" is not meant as an insult to the Japanese, however since "Japs" has a derogatory connotation, it should not be used in this forum. Moderators should insist on that. I don't particularly like China or the Chinese, but to refer to them as "chinks" in this forum, lowers the decorum in this forum and I don't like that. Can we please stop the use of "chinks" and "Japs"?
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Rahul M »

parsuram ji, bold is just my way of differentiating a moderation comment from my regular posting. don't read too much into it. there is no humiliation associated with this thread either, as you can see from the variety of posts in this page.

replying to an OT post is OT as well, it doesn't absolve a member of the responsibility of keeping thread on track.
whether I should delete posts or not is my decision, I will do as seems appropriate and as time permits. we have limited time to spend on BR and no one likes to waste it cleaning cr*p. and when you reply to a cr*p post you are adding to it. that's all there is to it, no need to assume anything that was not meant.

@ multatuli, chinks is banned and I will remind jagan to censor it. meanwhile, please report any offending posts. however, japs is not a racial term in India and neither is it used in that way on BR.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by archan »

Multatuli wrote:I have noticed the frequent use of chinks and "Japs" in this forum. I know that the use of "Japs" is not meant as an insult to the Japanese, however since "Japs" has a derogatory connotation, it should not be used in this forum. Moderators should insist on that. I don't particularly like China or the Chinese, but to refer to them as "chinks" in this forum, lowers the decorum in this forum and I don't like that. Can we please stop the use of "chinks" and "Japs"?
While I have not seen japs, many users would remember seeing PMs from me urging them against the use of chinks. Other mods have been at it as well. Many times people report the posts which makes our job easier. We probably wont warn people for it but we strongly are against usage of the term.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by shiv »

I hate you guys. Why don't you go *deleted* yourself?

:rotfl: That's funny!

I can imagine someone typing this:
During World War II the *deleted* invaded China and the *deleted* were unable to resist and promptly *deleted* in their pants. Later, the *deleted* invaded South East Asia where they tried to build a bridge using prisoners of war from a *deleted* imperialist nation's army. Anyhow the sonofa *deleted* *deleted* had a couple of nukes dropped on them in 1945. Good riddance.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by alexis »

shiv wrote:I hate you guys. Why don't you go *deleted* yourself?

:rotfl: That's funny!

I can imagine someone typing this:
During World War II the *deleted* invaded China and the *deleted* were unable to resist and promptly *deleted* in their pants. Later, the *deleted* invaded South East Asia where they tried to build a bridge using prisoners of war from a *deleted* imperialist nation's army. Anyhow the sonofa *deleted* *deleted* had a couple of nukes dropped on them in 1945. Good riddance.
that is funny :)
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Prithwi »

BR is a huge cache of information. So huge, that I am so very afraid of even posting here amongst the coveted posters. I feel kinda lost.

Pieces of information are very neatly organized and backed up with links. Rants and idiotic perceptions are frowned upon (which I think makes BR unique).

Mods are pro-active. How can I say that? Well I have been a lurker for sometime now.

Threads have a singular direction and are not let loose to the point of being hijacked, just for the sake of adding posts, inorder to get revenues to run the forum, which is not the case with most Indian Defense Forums.

Also, Anti-Nationals are screwed real tight and fast in here, unlike other forums where Anti-Nationals are being seen as the Golden Goose.

Nuff' said.

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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by PratikDas »

Would a mod kindly moderate saptarishi's capital and comma infested drive-by phyring?
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by tsarkar »

Troll Alert - Military Flight Safety Forum
saps wrote:UAV's crash when they are out of data link...not because they dont know where or what they are doing.... they are pre programmed to get case of loss of data links..
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by saps »

why has this been added.....

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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Mahendra »

Amber G.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Amber G. »

Last edited by Jagan on 25 Oct 2011 00:56, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Enough - You can use the feedback link for your complaints - this is not a complaint thread..

Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by prithvi »

Can mods lock my account please or delete it may be? I went to user control panel could not find the delete account option.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by SSridhar »

prithvi wrote:Can mods lock my account please or delete it may be? I went to user control panel could not find the delete account option.
Account deleted but posts retained.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Tanaji »


I have had a email from Rahul Mehta asking for re-instatement.... Can anyone please comment on his status?
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by aditp »

So many BRFites are engaged in the IT sector, is possible for some of you guys to develop a BR forum Android app? That could make mobile browsing of the forum so much better and free us of in office restrictions. Cues may be taken from the team-bhp app.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Jagan »

aditp wrote:So many BRFites are engaged in the IT sector, is possible for some of you guys to develop a BR forum Android app? That could make mobile browsing of the forum so much better and free us of in office restrictions. Cues may be taken from the team-bhp app.
^^^^second that.....
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by GopiD »

To Ramana ji and other mods here....

1. I would like to suggest a thread named Understanding India, wherein we can discuss our ethos, our culture, our civilization, our understanding of world, our strategies, our goals, etc. similar to the Understanding US thread. Or if there is a thread on the said topic, please lead me to it.

2. In our country, the press is filled with a lot of pessimism and self-defeatist news and articles which almost all the time portrays India as another somalia or alike. We can see a lot of newbies warning us against China and it's developments saying that we shouldn't take them lightly, but without understanding our strengths. This is because our media is either intentionally or habitually is filled with pessimistic info with corruption, terrorism, bomb blast, robbery, rapes as headlines and only in the 3-4th page we find some good news, that too portrayed in negative light. This leaves a negative impression on the impressionable minds. Hence, I thought of a thread which is a singular point of reference to find as many positive news about us as possible, which can be referred to others for them to know what are the positives going on in the country. I know it would be a bit difficult to find such news in our media, but we can all post things whenever and wherever we can find some. The content may be related to defence, strategic, economic, agri etc....whichever is seen as a positive for us and which can raise the morale of our countrymen in whatever small way possible...

We can name the the thread as maybe INDIA'S ARISE or RISING INDIA etc.,

Just a suggestion.....

Thanks all....
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by SSridhar »

GopiD, there are various threads in the Technology & GD Fora. In what way would your proposed thread(s) be different ?
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by GopiD »

SSridhar wrote:GopiD, there are various threads in the Technology & GD Fora. In what way would your proposed thread(s) be different ?

1. Regarding my first suggestion of creating UNDERSTANDING INDIA thread. I thought a thread can be created wherein we can discuss the thought process of an Indian, the evolution of that thought process, the role of religion, history and our culture in shaping that thought process. We can also discuss our ethics and values, its relevance in today's global scenario or it's nonrelevance etc. Something similar to Understanding the US-2 thread. Yes some of these can be found in the history thread, Indian interests thread etc., but in bits and pieces. We get to discuss a lot about Pak, China, US and other countries, but there is no place to discuss us, our policies, our thought process etc. Whatever small we discuss on other threads, it's mostly pessimism or self-loathing. I think it is essential that we understand ourselves much clearly, though we simultaneously try to understand others. Just a thought. Let me know if this idea can be developed further or if there are other places to discuss these.

2. Regarding my second suggestion of creating RISING INDIA thread, I thought of posting newsfeeds and sources which depict india and it's achievements in good light. That can be historical, financial, scientific, defence related, strategy, culture etc. I think there shouldn't be any discussion on this thread and only news, otherwise someone or the other will start goaling self goals and the very essence of this thread will be lost. If someone feels to put in an argument with the news posted in this thread, then that should be done in the relevant threads, which I guess is many in our forum. The whole idea of this thread should be depicting India, it's past and present achievements in a positive light, which is seldom done in our DDMs. Me still being someone in his late 20s and with my interaction with many of my friends, colleagues etc., I find that though they are all doing good in their own profession and private life, they all have a very negative view of us and our nation. This can be attributed largely to the negative media where the local joe can't and won't have the time to analyze each and every negative news. Hence, this thread can be an alternative to such negative propaganda against us by our own and this thread can also be referred to others for some positive news about our country. Just a thought....

Hope I am making myself clear........ open to suggestions and corrections...

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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by webmaster »

Hi Guys,

I have implement SSL connection on the forums server its available for those wishing to use it. Just amend the URL from to Please report back any issues in this thread.

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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by PratikDas »

^^^ Awesome, thank you!

This is TFTA :mrgreen:
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Aditya_V »

Libyan War Dhaga requires urgent Admin attention
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by atma »

Yes, noob with naam ayomallod has posted a few crappy links in the dhaga
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by ankitash »

webmaster wrote:Hi Guys,

I have implement SSL connection on the forums server its available for those wishing to use it. Just amend the URL from to Please report back any issues in this thread.


Wow ! Is it possible to make this the default protocol for BR ? Or is sever load too much ?
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by SSridhar »

Libya thread suitably handled. Thanks.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by SSridhar »


'Understanding India' would be very complex and a single thread may not do justice. What you are speaking of is spread over several threads, some in Strategy and some in other fora. To unify all that into a single thread is IMO an impossible task.

Rising India, as simply a news source without discussion, is not there today though there are threads like 'A Nation on the March' and others which discuss various developments. You may try this one out in the GDF. If the thread is not patronized, let us close it after some time.