BR Forum Feedback

All threads that are locked or marked for deletion will be moved to this forum. The topics will be cleared from this archive on the 1st and 16th of each month.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by harbans »

I leave it to the moderators to lock/unlock/close/open the forums they want.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Sanku »

shiv wrote: If one is looking for a focused forum that discusses military and strategic topic only, that forum will require heavy moderation and no politics or religion. Some people will get banned.

I think BRF is at at fork and unable to make the choice. A compromise formula would be to ban politics and religion in the military forum - but I believe that may not work..
I believe Shiv is being rather economical with the truth. First off his repeated assertions of "political discussion on military forum" are wrong. The military part of the thread has no political discussion.

Of course if he wants to discuss strategy without discussing politics -- he had just outdone himself here.

Then while clamouring to make BRF a unmoderated -- military only site (funny, how does a unmoderated forum be military only?) -- he still complains bitterly about people not putting the politics on front page.

He wants to have BRF have more members, but on the other hand, is desperate that most old posters on BRF are kicked out. :lol:

Last time people were tying themselves up in knots like this, was when they were desperate that the forum go -- yes sir, no sir, at the drum beat of the central govt with respect to nuclear issues, particularly cover up of the fizzle and associated discussion. Law, control of free speech, court cases and what not were all arrayed against those who deviated from a particular narrow statement of "truth" being desperately pushed.

So while creating a false dichotomy "a cross road" -- what cross road? Why is Shiv only one looking at this as either/or and not and? Who says a common root cant have multiple threads? Or that be a problem?

But then he merrily picks items on both sides of the fork that makes sense to him.

I really hope the webmasters dont listen to him. It is good that he has limited role to play in BRF and that allows BRF to represent a independent Indian opinion rather than be a echo chamber of a specific interest group worldview.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by rohitvats »

The military forum needs to be resurrected, pure and simple. Too much 'I feel' type posts floating about without posters generally wanting to research even a wee bit. I think active moderation is required in this aspect. I think it will create the ecosystem fir more serious and meaningful discussions.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Sanku »

rohitvats wrote:The military forum needs to be resurrected, pure and simple. Too much 'I feel' type posts floating about without posters generally wanting to research even a wee bit. I think active moderation is required in this aspect. I think it will create the ecosystem fir more serious and meaningful discussions.
You do realize that what "resurrected" means is VERY different to different people? Shiv's idea of resurrection (throw out the mods) is very different from ShauryaTs ideas (bring in even more completely non mil topics so a larger number of people come in) to yours (lets increase the quality of discussion)

While I am sure some people just want BRF to do "better" (better itself means different things to different people, from web ranking, to number of hits, to number of times cited outside) -- I suspect some simply have a very simple straightforward agenda -- they DONT LIKE the primary tone of voice that BRF has, and since BRF is pretty influential (despite the forum is dying R&D) still, they want that voice, either shut down, or drowned out.

One of the most serious impacts that BR/BRF had was loss of missile/space page -- then the same people were saying diametrically opposite statements to what is being said by them now.

May I ask (not to you this is a rhetorical question) what steps have been taken to bring Arun_S back so that the missile page is restored and a very knowledgeable poster has been brought back in?

That simple step will do more wonders for the "military" aspect of BRF compared to the entire Aruther Anderson type "lets change the company" consultation that is happening.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by darshhan »

rohitvats wrote:The military forum needs to be resurrected, pure and simple. Too much 'I feel' type posts floating about without posters generally wanting to research even a wee bit. I think active moderation is required in this aspect. I think it will create the ecosystem fir more serious and meaningful discussions.
This will only hasten what Shiv ji calls as "death of BRF". For eg. on Indian Army thread probably only you along with 2 or 3 more posters will be posting. More than half of the current generation suffers from Attention Deficit Disorder(including yours truly) and has serious impulse control issues. Asking them to do research is like teaching a monkey to write. Extremely difficult if not impossible.

Instead of making the forum more open, your suggestions will further limit both the audience as well as the no. of active posters.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Rahul M »

we will see. :mrgreen:
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by RamaY »

^ Darshhanji,

I humbly disagree. It is desirable for current and future generation members to learn the art/skill of analyzing an issue in-depth and summarize the findings and consequences in breadth. The new gen posters can learn these skills from old posters (not age old) and get benefit out of it. It is Indian interests.

For one I learned how to use rhetoric from Shivji. It is a different matter it became annoying to others.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by KJo »

BRF cannot cannot be all things to all people. This is the basic truth for any product. If it tries to do so, it dilutes itself and alienates its core followers. The product loses its identity.

So let's not gay it up more that it already is. The admins have already made an exception by adding Nukkad threads and L&M.

If women need fashion threads to become members here, then they can go elsewhere for that. If they want to discuss Indian politics, military issues, NaMo, Pakis, they are in the right place and should be welcome. If Pakis and other Pious People want more Islam, should we open Pure threads to cater to this need? What about threads to Save your soul from Hellfire? Slippery slope.

I don't think BRF is dying, but it has become more of a discussion place rather than experts talking and others listening. Google News is better than BRF for links, but BRF is where I can discuss and read other points of view.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by negi »

Nothing doing ; no need for hyper analysis 2-4 laundo ko pakdo ask them to write an article for SRR/BRM rest will fall in place . BRF needs badmash types for the good ones to stand out :)
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Suraj »

rohitvats wrote:The military forum needs to be resurrected, pure and simple. Too much 'I feel' type posts floating about without posters generally wanting to research even a wee bit. I think active moderation is required in this aspect. I think it will create the ecosystem fir more serious and meaningful discussions.
This is a very good idea.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by rohitvats »

darshhan wrote:This will only hasten what Shiv ji calls as "death of BRF". For eg. on Indian Army thread probably only you along with 2 or 3 more posters will be posting. More than half of the current generation suffers from Attention Deficit Disorder(including yours truly) and has serious impulse control issues. Asking them to do research is like teaching a monkey to write. Extremely difficult if not impossible. Instead of making the forum more open, your suggestions will further limit both the audience as well as the no. of active posters.
Thank for elucidating one of the points made by me in a succinct manner.

Now, let me ask you this:

What good has having 'N' number of posters on military forum done to the forum? Has it added any new perspective or body of knowledge to the forum and those reading it as guests? What is the signal to noise ratio on each and every thread?

If the forum has become a joint of posters 'with attention deficit disorder' and who are loath to do even an iota of research, may I ask what is the need for them on the forum? Has it simply become a place where people offload their 'feelings' about subjects?

And have you ever wondered what it does to overall ecosystem for discussing a topic? Go to the archive section and pick-up any military thread up till mid -2000s and see the quality of debate and discussion - where have those posters gone and why?


Bottom line is this - BRF ( when I say BRF, I mean the military forum) can be what moderators want it to be. There are two course of actions which can be taken:

1. Active Moderation - Military forum will have what can be described as 'quality' discussion and not become a sounding board for people's feelings. Now, you can very well point out as to how quality is defined - this is something which can left to consensus and common sense of the moderators. Moderators put down guidelines for the discussion and ensure the discussion stays within certain bounds. This will automatically encourage more meaningful discussion and posters desirous of making comments and opinions will at least do some research.

2. Passive Moderation - Moderators only ensure that discussion remains civil and with-in a very broad framework of what is defined as 'military'. This is where we are presently. The discussions meander along without anything being added page after page of a given topic.


Remember this - BRF is as good as people who post on the board. Over the years, it has gained a reputation of being a place where serious discussion(s) happen and information and knowledge is thrown-up. That is why people come to BRF - they seek information. This reputation will exist as long as such information/discussion continue to happen.

No good discussions+information means that people will over time not have BRF as main referencing - the top of mind recall will fall.


I'm just one of the posters on the forum - many have come before me and many will come after me.

We all have our reason to be on BRF - What attracted me to BRF was the quality of discussion on subjects which are not generally discussed at other places. I knew some stuff and BRF added further to my knowledge base. I'm not here for a monologue - I'm here for a dialogue.

That dialogue is not happening. For me, at-least.

There are many learned BRFites with whom I've discussion(s) over e-mail than BRF.

That discussion should be on BRF. But is not. Guess why?

Coming to your point about restricted number of posters on BRF in military threads - one of the points I made was to widen the participation base - this wider base will definitely throw up knowledgeable posters and people willing to learn and do some hard work.


My main issue with current set-up is that people are not willing to do even basic research - the whole forum is like a sounding board for feelings.

I don't think this is what it was meant to be.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by harbans »

Bharat Rakshak by it's very name invokes 3 things in me:

1. Bharat as i concieve and also that what constitutes Bharat may vary subtly or more to different people. Thus it becomes important to define the red lines. Possibly refined by an ever evolving debate on what this really constitutes and moving beyond the evolved consensus or even changing that. That defining needs more talk, more perspectives from various participants. That idea is not a military idea but one built on political, social, cultural and religious memes. The debate to evolve what Bharat is and should be is an evolving one, but a basic frame is already self defined as in our present constitution. Thus the debate on this defining, is a must to continue. This debate has to centre on political, social, cultural and religious meme's. Without the inclusion of these themes one could hardly evolve into how one should define our Bharat.

2. Once we evolve a kind of basic minimum consensus, build opinion on our versions of the kind of Bharat that will reflect us all, we need discussions on strategies that are needed to protect that version. Reflected in different threads may lie in making people aware of dynamics between India and different nations, making people aware or collecting various news and analysis data pertaining to major religious cultural, political changes happening around the world or within our present boundaries. Gleaning these collations and analysing info based on our present common consensus vision of Bharat we develop the front end defense/ Rakshak mechanism for defending Bharat via political, diplomatic, economic, soft power means.

3. This is the the dry powder part that is the last resort to physically defend the strategic, political, social, cultural, Dharmic concept of Bharat. What we have, how our politics affects what we have, what we may need at different degrees/ levels of conflict. Each wing of our Armed forces their readiness, necessary training, supplies, acquisitions and indoctrination needs and requirements needs be addressed. This part of the forum is also the most technical one as many are not engineers that can discuss many critical subsytems of aircrafts, subs and planes with the alacrity that many members here possess. But having that the others who mostly participate in strategic and Bharatiya conceptualization type matters do look in and get an idea. If not a direct interest i am very certain many look into these threads. The biggest gainers are youngsters who ask innocent questions and don;t mind a rebuke or two to pick up and become knowledgable in these issues. That happens in other threads..but of primary import is the fight that Bharat has to defend its concept.

The national boundaries are a part of that concept of Bharat. But defending Bharat also depends upon what the idea of Bharat is..and that is where the strategic forum and associated discussions on social, political, religious, cultural meme's play a major role. IMHO and it is a personal one, i feel one should not be disappointed who joins or that one groups is underrepresented. What one must stick to is quality and transparency of viewpoints. The maturity to set apart the message from the messenger must be expected of forum participants. BRF is a kind of microcosm of India, only that the folks here are more educated, erudite and thus evolve to concepts earlier than the Indian politic or other forums where they have handicapped themselves to appeal to fashion, minorities etc. The filtration of those evolved/ evolving concepts to the larger sphere too is happening looking at BRF's web data. It is not going down, only up. While 5 years ago people were ridiculing the 'Internet Hindu' (And i think the word was coined to apply to participants here), today people are proudly wearing that badge all over the net and electing a leader who's as active on the internet!

So basically the Conceptual related discussion, the Strategic related discussion, and the Dry powder Military related documentation focus must continue. Imagine if our population was of same social and religious proportions as Pakistan with Islamic Sharia as our pre defined guiding bible/book..would highly intellectual discussions on the quality of dry powder help in protecting Bharat? Or if Maoists run over the country, would it be meaningful to discuss what kind of dry powder we need to keep to defend us..when we are already finished. It would be all meaningless without our Bharatiya concept to defend. That is why the concept is important to define and discuss and keep evolving to. Even if it means some groups are not participating. Ultimately maybe we have to open a thread and discuss how to invite and attract women to participate in their vision of Bharat or minorities for that matter. Make them active at least on those threads. Anyways only JMT/
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Vayutuvan »

Suraj wrote:
rohitvats wrote:The military forum needs to be resurrected, pure and simple. Too much 'I feel' type posts floating about without posters generally wanting to research even a wee bit. I think active moderation is required in this aspect. I think it will create the ecosystem fir more serious and meaningful discussions.
This is a very good idea.
Admin Suraj (or any other admin who is in-charge),

I request you to do the following.

1. Delete all my posts first.
2. After that I will have one single post here on this thread asking for my ID to be deleted and with that you can delete my ID as well.

Sorry for the extra work but appreciate it much.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Rahul M »

may I ask why ?
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Suraj »

rohitvats wrote:My main issue with current set-up is that people are not willing to do even basic research - the whole forum is like a sounding board for feelings.

I don't think this is what it was meant to be.
The nukkadization of threads is a bane of the forum. The solution doesn't necessarily lie in moderators alone leading threads, but the knowledgeable members being willing to lead effectively.

Contrary to suggestions, there are LOTS of threads on just this forum, and even more so across all 4 forums on BRF. The forum has long since gone past the critical mass where it was small enough for a few to actively lead and moderate it. Now it's upto a knowledgeable base of users to lead with their posts.

The course of time has also developed various online disruption strategies. Trolling in the late 1990s was a crude usenet style exercise. Today it's more refined. Managing focus on a forum through it requires knowledgeable posters to also have appropriate posting skills - not responding to trolling attempts, or making matters personal, and simply using post reporting feature to offload the task to the moderators.

On the topic of post reporting, there's frequently an assumption that this amounts to 'running to the teacher'. That's only the case if you report a post and continue the fracas, expecting to receive favoritism on account of 'he started it'. There are multiple posters here - who will remain unnamed - who are respected for their consistent post reporting efforts. In instances when we could not act on their reports, we wrote a personal message to them telling them why. On the other hand, there are those whose post reports were deleted en masse because they kept reporting the other party's posts while in the middle of a messy personal argument with them. At least one such poster was warned (or banned) for thread disruption and simultaneous misuse of the reporting feature.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by negi »

You guys are missing the elephant in the room, lock the Namo thread and ban anyone who discusses him or 2014 elections that way all the spotlight will be back on MIL fora. Unless that is done even if 10 SRR/BRM articles are written Namo's thread will hog all the forum BW.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Karan M »

rohit vats wrote:My main issue with current set-up is that .... the whole forum is like a sounding board for feelings.
If ze men do not express feelings, how will they attract motorhams to BRF hain jee? :mrgreen:
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by abhishek_sharma »

matrimc wrote:Admin Suraj (or any other admin who is in-charge),

I request you to do the following.

1. Delete all my posts first.
2. After that I will have one single post here on this thread asking for my ID to be deleted and with that you can delete my ID as well.

Sorry for the extra work but appreciate it much.
kya hua, shriman? Let us not do that.

I can see that this discussion (or other similar discussions) can depress people. Take a break for a few days, and this will be over. Don't leave the forum permanently.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by SaiK »

Rahul M wrote:may I ask why ?
going by matrimc's response, my best guess is he is upset about the insult that he among others do not generally research on the topic and take a WAG at it! then if my guess is right, and his ethos probably tells that is enough is enough, and requests to remove all references then remove himself.

i dunno what else could upset a person? btw, is it generic enough statement that ALL don't research and do their HW before posting? it can happen to ALL sometime, but not all the time.

btw, all "i feel type" posts are genuine enough from their feeling/consciousness PoV. Topics themselves may not warrant a full research on the subject or topic. The topics can take shape by moderation, guidance, questions, and how are wanting the discussion to lead. imho, there is nothing wrong in anyway which a topic goes, but what is wrong in "i feel type" posts?

can we go by some examples?
btw, by generically casting all consciousness into one shell, admin jis have accepted the argument that needs be moderated.. that is like micromanagement or going behind avatar handle's consciousness rather the subject at hand to discuss.

it is not something few might take it light
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by harbans »

I thought the mil forums were becoming exciting reads about smooth bores and gravity changes with altitudes..
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by SaiK »

or i may be wrong.. it may be just a natak to change directions here. have you all seen when heated discussions happen, (not the chappal throwing at parliament kind), somebody does a walk out? pissssssssssk! :twisted:
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by pragnya »

rohitvats wrote:The military forum needs to be resurrected, pure and simple. Too much 'I feel' type posts floating about without posters generally wanting to research even a wee bit. I think active moderation is required in this aspect. I think it will create the ecosystem fir more serious and meaningful discussions.
while i understand the good intent behind your point, i am afraid it may not be a good idea to implement. let me explain -

for one, i might be one of those you refer to. :((

even so, point is many times when those posters ask very juvenile/innocent questions, it may be -

1. because even after proper research, it may be beyond their capability to understand the system/technicalities/issues.

2. or if half understood, they may want to 'completely' understand.

3. or even if they did not research (because they know it is beyond them) they may still be interested genuinely.

but guess what, it sparks 'knowledgable' posters to dive deeper on the subject than they were aware before and answer the same simply because the subject may have 'escaped' the knowledgable poster's mind for a period due to various reasons - professional or personal!!

let me give an example by asking you a question -

is it possible to upgun 105mm LFG to say 115/120mm while keeping the weight to say less than 3500kg so it is still 'air portable' besides truck mounted/bmp mounted??

now i expect you will come back and explain why it can't happen - the difficuties therein, industrial competence, cost, delays, needs etc.. or if happens - why it is not a bad idea!!

net, i learn and you too because you did 'extra' research!!
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Karan M »

I dont think rv is referring to honest queries like yours pragnya ji.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Vayutuvan »

Rahul M ji,

Thanks for asking.

If the forum goes public, I want my previous posts deleted for privacy reasons. Moreover, since it is going to be open to all, then I can come back with another ID just like the millions of netizens out there. On the other hand, if the focus is on military matters which are tangential to my interests then it is pointless to be a member. Hence I want to delay deletion of the ID to see how the cookie is going to crumble.

In either case I will be able to see what the forum owners/mods want the world to see.

Abhishekh Sharma ji, thanks.

SaiK garu, no I am not insulted by any quips about research/wesearch. Not everybody can research everything under the sun. Researching - I mean really researching - just one corner of any one of the topics being discussed on BR/BRF would get one a MS/PhD. Ultimately one's interests and strengths have to intersect with some of the BRF topics.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by brihaspati »

One thing I am really curious about : how are all those who are claiming in various ways - that the forum "has gone" in a "certain direction", or that there is "more of religion and politics" being discussed - arriving at these conclusions?

Is there any quantifiable basis to this claim or just mere fancy? Sometimes people see what they want to see, or are predisposed to see.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Atri »

Same here.. I would like to remove all my posts in GDF, in case GDF is going public. Kindly give us time of few days so that we can recover the posts which we haven't backed up yet.. nothing personal.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by KJo »

Have the admins said that they are turning GDF public??
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by SaiK »

mmm... now you all have now come under the mercy of going public! now admins can demand paisa for this IPO. :mrgreen:
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by brihaspati »

I searched with "hindu yind brahmin ej islam muslim christian xtian buddha sikh" just a few minutes ago - and it yielded 49,084 of course ignoring "hindu" and "ej" because of search rules. Total post count at that stage was 1,002,223.

I would have liked to check up with "jihad" etc and EJ* ityadi.

Thus those keyword sets used indicate posts covering less than 5% of total posts.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Manish_Sharma »

Reading matrimc ji's post a question has arisen.

Is the forum going to agree to remove all the posts of a poster if he/she asks OR the forum reserves the right to keep poster's posts and tell him to eff off?

As I see when Arun_S left he had asked his stuff to be removed and his missiles page took few weeks to be deleted, and all his posts are intact not at all deleted even after he requested.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by prahaar »

Was there some type of DOS attempt on the forum? It was giving an error of "too many connections" for many hours. I hope it was just some software or DB connectivity issue.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Rahul M »

not DDOS.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Suraj »

Yes, the server was overloaded and had to be rebooted. Not an external attack.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by rohitvats »

pragnya wrote: while i understand the good intent behind your point, i am afraid it may not be a good idea to implement. let me explain -

for one, i might be one of those you refer to. :(( [ Kyon sharminda karte ho... :oops:

even so, point is many times when those posters ask very juvenile/innocent questions, it may be -

1. because even after proper research, it may be beyond their capability to understand the system/technicalities/issues.

2. or if half understood, they may want to 'completely' understand.

3. or even if they did not research (because they know it is beyond them) they may still be interested genuinely.

but guess what, it sparks 'knowledgeable' posters to dive deeper on the subject than they were aware before and answer the same simply because the subject may have 'escaped' the knowledgeable poster's mind for a period due to various reasons - professional or personal!!

The effort you made to make your point itself shows the seriousness - this is what is missing in most cases.

Your point about questions leading to better and deeper research is valid - I really enjoy such questions because of the exact reasons mentioned by you. It requires me to dig deeper and come out with more credible post(s).

A simple case in point is that M-777 + CH-47 Chinook discussion which happened recently - from talking the Chinook+M-777 combo at face value, I went to a point where I realized that even with Chinook, geography presents a very difficult challenge.

We used analysis to arrive at two conclusions (a) IA will require innovative ways to move around M-777 as under slung load with Chinook (b) This makes it a niche weapon.

[NOTE: I still don't know how 'Light' is 'Light' when it comes to operations in mountains and use of artillery guns. Is 2.5 tonne 105mm the gold standard in terms of weight or 4.2 tonne 155/39 would be preferred? This will answer lots of questions.]

The method(s) used to arrive at above conclusion were based on proper analysis and research of relevant topics. Some thing credible which can used as reference and adds to everyone's knowledge base.

As a tangential, this discussion raised many questions in my mind about Mountain Strike Corps as a concept plus what it might be able to achieve and about Indian war-fighting effort in general in NE sector.

But at least, posters need to put some mind to what they are asking/saying and why? Simple 'hand wave' arguments and quoting cliches will not help anyone.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by pragnya »

Karan M wrote:I dont think rv is referring to honest queries like yours pragnya ji.
you may be right Karan M but what i actually was trying to say is - even an inane post by the posters (researched or not) has definitely 'triggered' useful debates at times. IOW it has an indirect but positive contribution. however this is not say moderation is not required in extreme cases.

EDIT : ok, i see RV has responded while i was typing the post.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by archan »

KJoishy wrote:Have the admins said that they are turning GDF public??
No and there are no such plans.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by member_23455 »

matrimc wrote: SaiK garu, no I am not insulted by any quips about research/wesearch. Not everybody can research everything under the sun. Researching - I mean really researching - just one corner of any one of the topics being discussed on BR/BRF would get one a MS/PhD. Ultimately one's interests and strengths have to intersect with some of the BRF topics.
Yet, when journalists who cover the defence beat give variations of the same rationale BRF has colorful names for them like DDM etc.

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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Rahul M »

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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by Atri »

archan wrote:
KJoishy wrote:Have the admins said that they are turning GDF public??
No and there are no such plans.
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Re: BR Forum Feedback

Post by SaiK »

What we are missing here is what is the availability capability and resource to changes we are suggesting here? i meant, not people but the forum itself.. like not banning, restraining people to certain dhaagas, etc.? Can we at least list them out and say agree/disagree, agree but can't do now etc.?