Internal Security Watch

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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by member_23692 »

This is going to be the bane for all of us.

Unless, we Indians, Hindus in particular as a people stop making excuses for all our misdeed, really sober up, refrain from corruption and start strategising in earnest to deal with this threat, this may lead us the way of Indonesia, except, in a far more violent way than how Indonesia was Islamized. ... 16517.html
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by chanakyaa »

RoyG wrote:So it is now happening as I and many others predicted on BRF. This coincides with the US pullout from Afghanistan. They can't do much sending jihadis across LoC so expect an upswing of infiltration across the IB. Rajasthan, Jammu, Gujarat, etc. They will also try to carry out attacks primarily on hindu temples across India. Creating a civil war in India will divert some of the cancer slowly nibbling Punjab. We have to be prepared to launch a similar proxy war into Balochistan and Sindh.
RoyG, if your post is about the headline "Al Qaeda announces India wing, renews loyalty to Taliban chief", can you share how does proxy war help?
Rahul Mehta
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Rahul Mehta »

2011 Census data shows in many districts of Assam, Bengal they are in a maority

The religion data findings of Census 2011 show exponential growth in Muslim population of Bangladeshi origin over the last census in several districts across Assam and West Bengal.

The data was complied last week by the Office of Registrar General of India (RGI) and the Census Commissioner. It shows 5-7 percentage point increase in absolute terms of Bangladeshi Muslim population over the 2001 census data in nearly all districts of Assam and West Bengal bordering Bangladesh, sources told dna.
Has the census religion data been published?

Any links showing Tahsilwise breakups?
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Re: On Al Qaeda's India Wing Announcement

Post by SSridhar »

Indians may reject Al Qaeda, but LeT link is troubling - Narayan Lakshman, The Hindu
Counterterrorism experts here [Washington], who parsed the announcement of al Qaida al-Qaeda boss Ayman al-Zawahiri that the terror group would be setting up a “wing” in the Indian subcontinent, suggested that while India’s pluralistic democracy would militate against their efforts, the possibility of al Qaida al-Qaeda tying up with Lashkar-e-Taiba could spell trouble for the government of Prime Minister Narenda Modi government.
The report above is brief and does not explain why American analysts believe in what they have said.

I wanted the following to be posted yesterday in the STFUP thread after reading the Al Qaeda announcement but refrained from doing so. I am doing it here now.

The Indian branch of AQ is a sinister plan by the ISI to make future terror attacks appear completely 'Made in India' and influenced by the general wahhabi, jihadi Islamist tendencies around the world and without any connection to STFU-TSP. It wants to remove the 'terror' subject off the India-Pakistan equation table and not to give that handle to India even as it maintains the terror pressure on us. As the Afghan denouement approaches, Mullah Omar and Zawahiri become important for Pakistan Army once again. The Pakistani Army has twin objectives now. One is the constant endeavour to defeat India and alter the balance of power in the Indian subcontinent. The next is to get the 'bad Taliban' monkey off its back. It might have decided that off-sourcing terror against India to Al Qaeda & IM could achieve both its goals and simultaneously wipe off the terror blame too from it. It is taking 'plausible deniability' to a new level. Its calculation might be that the US, the US-funded peacewallah constituency in India etc. can then reprimand India for seeing a Pakistani ghost in every shadow if India accuses Pakistan and put political pressure on GoI apart from the terror pressure too.

The question is how will LeT merge into Al Qaeda's India operations?

Currently, Al Qaeda and LeT are not partners even though there have been deep linkages between the two organizations. LeT is a member of IIF, Islamic International Front for Jihad against the Crusaders and the Jewish people. Just before 9/11 happened in circa 2001, the extremist Dar-ul-Uloom Haqqania madrassah in Peshawar (belonging to Maulana Sami-ul-Haq aka Maulana Sandwich for the positions that he prefers to assume during certain times) organized a meeting which was attended, among others, by Gen. Hamid Gul, former DG of ISI and Gen. Mirza Aslam Beg, former COAS, wherein a declaration was made to defend Osama bin Laden and attack the Western countries as a sacred duty of Muslims. LeT was part of that meeting too.

Hafeez Saeed and OBL go back to the Maktab-al-Khidmat days (with OBL's mentor Abdullah Azzam) in Peshawar during the Afghan Jihad. After Azzam's assassination, the Maktab became Jama'at-ud-Dawah and Hafeez Saeed became its head. In parallel, Hafeez Sayeed had started, along with Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi (known by aliases such as Chachaji, Abdullah Azzam et al) , Markaz-daw’a-wal-Irshad (MDI) in Muridke in 1985. MDI was started with the twin objectives of peaceful activities (such as running charities and prosletyzation) and Islamist jihad. In 1990, LeT was launched officially by MDI as its militant wing with Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi as its commander while Hafeez Sayeed remained in overall charge of the organization. Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi has directed LeT military operations, including in Chechnya, Bosnia, Iraq, and Southeast Asia. Lakhvi, in 2004, sent operatives and funds to attack US forces in Iraq. Lakhvi also directed an LeT operative to travel to Iraq in 2003 to assess the jihad situation there. After the 1992 Babri mosque destruction, LeT sent Azzam Cheema to India to set up Tanzeem Islahul Muslimeen which much later became Indian Mujahideen. Osama bin Laden handsomely funded the Murike campus.

The aim of Markaz Dawa wa Al-Irshad (the Centre for Preaching and Guidance.) has been to reject democracy as a western concept of governance unsuited to and against Islamic principles. It disapproves of all sorts of democratic means of political expression like peaceful protests, demonstrations and sloganeering as un-Islamic. The organisation is also averse to electoral politics in Pakistan and elsewhere. The annual convention of MDI at Muridke is attended by political & military leaders of Pakistan including PMs, Presidents, COASs, ISI Chiefs, Admirals and Air Chiefs (serving & retired). There is no wonder that democracy never thrives in Pakistan.

LeT's connection with Al Qaeda was proved when Abu Zubaydah, a top Al Qaeda operative, was arrested from an LeT safe house in Faisalabad.

The trouble is that the Punjabi Taliban (the 'bad Taliban') hate the LeT for their connections with the Pakistani Army. They do not trust them at all and have kept them away from Al Qaeda operations in Afghanistan though there have been some sporadic instances of LeT taking part in some of them. Certainly, LeT & Haqqani have worked together under ISI leadership to target Indian embassy, consulates and Indian-assisted projects in Afghanistan.

While Osama had deep linkages with Pakistani Army, ISI, and almost all the Sunni terror organizations of Pakistan, Ayman-al-Zawahiri does not enjoy that kind of proximity. Can he exercise that kind of influence over these tanzeems? The ISIS is after all a breakaway faction of the Al Qaeda and is now threatening to expand into Khorasan, the traditional sovereign areas of Al Qaeda, the Taliban and the Pakistani terror tanzeems. Or, is it a surreptitious attempt by the Pakistan Army's proxy, the LeT, to take over Al Qaeda's leadership to shape events in a way that the Army would deem fit?

In any case, India has a huge problem on hand, what with Pakistan's decade old support now seeing fruits all over India, Pakistan using newer areas to inflitrate jihadists (through Sri Lanka, for example) into India, the uncertainty in Afghanistan, the rise of the even more vicious ISIS, a large number of Indians flocking to ISIS and then coming back to India to infect the rest, the Al Qaeda announcement (though to be fair to Al Qaeda, one must say that even from Osama's days, it has been targetting India), the instability, chaos and ungovernability of Pakistan etc.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by anmol »

नक्‍सली सरगना के साथ हेलिकॉप्‍टर में घूमते थे झारखंड के कृषि मंत्री
Bhaskar News|Sep 04, 2014, 20:38PM IST

रांची/हजारीबाग। झारखंड के कृषि मंत्री योगेंद्र साव के नक्‍सली संगठन टाइगर ग्रुप से रिश्‍तों का खुलासा होने के बाद हर रोज नए तथ्‍य सामने आ रहे हैं। ताजा खुलासे में पता चला है कि मंत्री टाइगर ग्रुप के सरगना राजकुमार गुप्ता को अपने साथ हेल‍िकॉप्टर में घुमाते थे। इससे जुड़ी तस्वीरें भी सामने आई हैं। पिछले साल एक अंग्रेजी दैनिक को दिए गए साक्षात्कार में योगेंद्र साव ने कहा था कि वो एक टाइगर सेना बनाएंगे, जो ग्रामीणों के लिए काम करेगी। अब कृषि मंत्री इस मामले में पूरी तरह घिरते नजर आ रहे हैं। बता दें कि नक्‍सली सरगना राजकुमार और उसके साथियों को बीते रविवार पुलिस ने गिरफ्तार किया था।

रिमांड पर नक्सली, एसपी ने की तीन घंटे पूछताछ
हजारीबाग के एसपी मनोज कौशिक ने अरेस्‍ट किए गए सभी नक्‍सलियों से पूछताछ की। बाद में एसपी ने मीडिया को बताया कि पूछताछ में संगठन से जुड़े और चार लोगों के नाम सामने आए हैं। इनमें कुछ सपोटर्स हैं तो कुछ सीधे संगठन से जुड़े हुए हैं। कुछ हजारीबाग जिले के हैं तो कुछ जिले से बाहर से हैं। एसपी ने कहा कि इन लोगों की गिरफ्तारी के लिए टीम का गठन किया है। यह पूछे जाने पर कि मंत्री योगेंद्र साव से जुड़े कुछ और तथ्य सामने आए हैं, एसपी ने कहा कि अभी आरोपियों के बयान का सत्यापन किया जा रहा है। सीडीआर खंगाले जा रहे हैं। जब तक साक्ष्य नहीं मिलते, तब तक इस संबंध में कुछ भी नहीं कहा जा सकता है।

नक्‍सली सरगना ने मंत्री को बताया ग्रुप का लीडर
टाइगर ग्रुप के सरगना राजकुमार गुप्ता ने अपने कबूलनामे में योगेंद्र साव को टीम लीडर बताया है। पुलिस पूछताछ में उसने कहा है कि वह पहले एक अन्‍य संगठन जेपीसी का हिस्‍सा था, लेकिन पैसे के एक विवाद के कारण उसने गिरोह छोड़ दिया। राजकुमार के मुताबिक, 8 महीने पहले मंत्री के भाई धीरेंद्र साव और साला मुकेश साव ने उससे संपर्क किया और कहा कि अच्छा काम करो तो काफी लाभ होगा। दोनों ने राजकुमार की मुलाकात मंत्री से कराई। मंत्री ने उसे संगठन बनाने को कहा। साथ ही संगठन को नाम दिया- झारखंड टाइगर ग्रुप। राजकुमार ने यह भी दावा किया है कि मंत्री ने उसे हथियार, पैसे और वाहन भी मुहैया कराया।

सीआईडी करेगी जांच
कृषि मंत्री योगेन्द्र साव के नक्सली संगठन चलाने के मामले की जांच सीआईडी करेगी। मुख्यमंत्री हेमंत सोरेन यह फैसला किया है। वहीं, साव ने गुरुवार को मुख्यमंत्री से मिल कर सफाई दी।

आगे की स्‍लाइड्स में देखें: मामले से जुड़ी अन्‍य तस्‍वीरें

Maoist with Jharkhand's agriculture minister in a helicopter:

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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by RoyG »

udaym wrote:
RoyG wrote:So it is now happening as I and many others predicted on BRF. This coincides with the US pullout from Afghanistan. They can't do much sending jihadis across LoC so expect an upswing of infiltration across the IB. Rajasthan, Jammu, Gujarat, etc. They will also try to carry out attacks primarily on hindu temples across India. Creating a civil war in India will divert some of the cancer slowly nibbling Punjab. We have to be prepared to launch a similar proxy war into Balochistan and Sindh.
RoyG, if your post is about the headline "Al Qaeda announces India wing, renews loyalty to Taliban chief", can you share how does proxy war help?
Sure. You have to remember that those 2500-3000 landowning families in Pakistan, many of which were Punjabi needed a way to protect their land so they sent their kids to PMA. They came out as officers and then inherited all the land along with all the industries on the land. As time progressed, they've been getting less and less return on their investment (all the conventional and proxy conflicts they've been waging on us) and now those jihadis they've been nurturing have been eating away at everything around Punjab. In order to safeguard Punjab they have to keep burning everything outside of it and they depend on a weakened Sindh and Balochistan.

Traditionally, they've been able to use the military to do it, but with a weakening central gov and economic situation the PA doesn't have the means or the justification for keeping them dependent on Punjab or to the 2 nation theory. They have adopted the same proxy war they've been using on India and Afghanistan on their own people outside of Punjab to snuff out any separatism. They have succeeded to an extent but now they very same jihadis are turning their heads towards Punjab.

If India plays the Sindh and Balochistan card, the jihadis and PA are going to be in deep trouble because it would effectively neutralize their navy and linkage to the sea and has the potential to cause an irrecoverable economic crisis.
China, Russia, and the US recognize that if any nuke from Pakistan lands on India, India will retaliate against China and Pakistan. This has effectively upped the ante for their main suppliers (China). I think if we play our cards right and start our own proxy war we can force a denuking of Pakistan and keep the Iranians out of Balochistan.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by SSridhar »

Alert sounded, Rajnath meets with NSA, IB chief - Suhasini Haider, The Hindu
The Union Home Ministry sounded an alert across several States on Thursday hours after Al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri announced the formation of an Indian wing to open a campaign in the subcontinent.

The video claim set off a flurry of activity, with Home Minister Rajnath Singh convening a high-level meeting with National Security Adviser Ajit Doval, the Director of the Intelligence Bureau and other officials. Officials said the government was treating the visuals as genuine.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by SSridhar »

Hyderabad youths’ bid to join ISIS foiled - K.Srinivas Reddy, The Hindu
Just three days before Al Qaeda announced launching of its Indian branch, security agencies have foiled the plans of four youngsters of Hyderabad from joining the Islamic State, a Sunni jihadist group that is controlling large swathes of Iraq and Syria.

The four youngsters, whose names the police withheld, were taken into custody in Kolkata on Sunday last, when they were allegedly planning to cross over to Bangladesh. Their plan was to reach Iraq and then join the fighters of Islamic State, police sources disclosed. The four youngsters were pursuing their engineering courses in Hyderabad and were attracted to the propaganda unleashed by the Islamic State on social media platforms inviting youth to join ‘jihad’ and its fighters in the conflict zones of Syria and Iraq.

Interestingly, the Hyderabad police did not register any cases against these youngsters, but counselled them and their parents before releasing them. Officials, who did not want to the named, said they had not committed any crime in India and hence arresting them was not warranted. The youths went missing for over a week and that’s how sleuths began observing their online activity and tracked them to Kolkata.

Sources said the Islamic State had been hyperactive on social media platforms trying to attract people to join its forces. Those who respond the calls on social media were sent crypted messages and asked to visit other websites and then their itinerary is planned by their handlers.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by RoyG »

Counseled them? :lol: They strung them up in the backroom of the police station and they probably gave up a few names. We need to pass a law which forces the terrorist and their immediate family to pay for damages and lives lost. Moreover, property seizures and account freezes have to occur as an added deterrent. If you target the families, most wouldn't dare pull this kind of sh*t.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by mehroke »

Hi RoyG, I think that is the Russian way. apparently they pick up the terrorists family and use them as bargaining chips in hostage situations. But I cannot imagine this happening in India. Imagine the like of Barkha Dutta, Rajdeep and Karan Thapar screaming hoarse over such tactics.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by pankajs » ... -up-587608

Indian Mujahideen's Alleged 'Technical Expert' Arrested from UP
An alleged Indian Mujahideen operative, believed to be the 'technical expert' of the banned terror organization, was arrested by the special cell of the Delhi Police from Saharanpur in western Uttar Pradesh last night.

Ejaz Sheikh, who worked at a call center in Pune, allegedly helped IM operatives with fake identity cards and forged documents.

He is believed to be associated with the group since 2009 and was allegedly involved in several attacks including the Jama Masjid blast.

Police sources say his arrest from Saharanpur suggests the group was planning an attack in western Uttar Pradesh.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Victor »

This al zawahiri jjdude declaring war on India makes him a legimate target for elimination by us. No matter where he is.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Aditya_V »

Regarding Moaists with Kharkhand Min, Somehow these guys seem to have a lot of Links with INC and like minded parties. It seems for the ideology to continue India must be weak.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by member_28638 »

RoyG wrote:Counseled them? :lol: They strung them up in the backroom of the police station and they probably gave up a few names. We need to pass a law which forces the terrorist and their immediate family to pay for damages and lives lost. Moreover, property seizures and account freezes have to occur as an added deterrent. If you target the families, most wouldn't dare pull this kind of sh*t.
The Israelis are good at this! Maybe India should ask for their help.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by member_28638 »

mehroke wrote:Hi RoyG, I think that is the Russian way. apparently they pick up the terrorists family and use them as bargaining chips in hostage situations. But I cannot imagine this happening in India. Imagine the like of Barkha Dutta, Rajdeep and Karan Thapar screaming hoarse over such tactics.
If they get hold of Barkha she would be covered from head to toe and end up cooking or worse.

As to Rajdeep and Karan, their heads would end up in a ditch.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by vivek.rao »

Here's why Korean pop is more popular than Priyanka Chopra's Mary Kom in Manipur
Take, for example, the matter of Manipur's Revolutionary People's Front banning Hindi films in the Northeastern state. With the upcoming Mary Kom not getting a Manipur release, the ban is suddenly a trending topic. The unfairness of the situation -- a film on Mary Kom, a Manipuri, won't be seen in Manipur! -- has struck a chord, it seems. That Bollywood films can't be shown in Manipur is now news.
Except, unless you think something that happened 14 years ago qualifies as news, it isn't anything of the sort.
All the way till 2000, Bollywood ruled the roost in Manipur. Songs from commercial Hindi films made up the soundtrack to parties and celebrations. From Shammi Kapoor to Shah Rukh Khan, Bollywood stars offered comfort and entertainment to generations of Manipuris, just as they did in so many other parts of India. Then along came the separatist group RPF's ban on all things Hindi, in September 2000.
Contrary to what the reports pegged to Mary Kom's non-release in Manipur may suggest, it isn't this film that is suffering a special fate. The RPF objected to Bollywood, accusing it of "Indianising" Manipur and eroding local culture. The radio no longer had the songs that everyone had once sung along to; barring Doordarshan, all television channels with Hindi programming disappeared from the airwaves. By 2002, Hindi had been driven out of the state. This whole drive against the "Indianisation" of Manipur is particularly ironic since RPF members were reportedly trained by China.
ndian Express reports that militants threatened actress Bala Hijam when she accepted a role in a Hindi film. "I can’t tell you who they were," said Hijam. "But they told me to come back immediately. I tried negotiating with them. I assured them that the role I was doing would neither harm me nor Manipuri culture. But they just wouldn’t understand."
While it is true that there's a lot of local flavour in the Manipuri entertainment industry, it's not precisely indigenous. Korean entertainment, from television serials to K-pop, comes to the state via satellite channels and has grown in popularity to become something of a craze. "Local" in Manipur has come to mean Korean and this cultural imperialism by Korea is believed to be spreading its satellite tentacles to Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland. The fact that this foreign culture seems more familiar to these states than Hindi shows just how badly the situation in Northeast India has been handled, by both the government as well local leaders.
Perhaps it's expecting too much of Bollywood, which is ultimately a commercial film industry and not obliged to promote national integration, but a film like Mary Kom could have gone a long way to indicate to both Northeast Indian as well as mainland Indian audiences that differences need to respected and accepted; embraced even.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by vivek.rao »

Shia outfit announces Rs 5 cr bounty on 5 top terrorists
A Lucknow-based Shia outfit has announced a bounty of Rs 1 crore each on chiefs of five top terrorist organisations of the world, including Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Harkat- ul-Mujahideen (HuM), and the Islamic State, formerly known as ISIS or ISIL.
“We are a charity organisation and for the last 25 years, we have been spreading awareness against terrorism. However, that has yielded little results till now,” said Syed Hasan Mehdi, the secretary general of All India Shia Husaini Fund (AISHF).
“And recently Al Qaeda chief Ayman al – Zawahiri announced an India wing of the outfit, following which we called a meeting on September 6 and decided to put a bounty on Zawahiri’s head, and others,” Hasan said.
Also in the list are Mullah Omar, the chief of Taliban, and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi of the Islamic State (IS). IS is a Middle-East based Sunni jihadist group which has threatened to demolish all Shiite shrines.
Hafiz Saeed, who is on the most wanted list of National Investigation Agency (NIA) for 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, is also on the list, as is Masood Azhar, who was earlier associated with Harkat- ul-Mujahideen and now heads Jaish – e – Mohammad, Azhar was freed by the Indian government in exchange for passengers on the hijacked Indian Airlines flight in 1999.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by member_28638 »

Victor wrote:This al zawahiri jjdude declaring war on India makes him a legimate target for elimination by us. No matter where he is.
We need a Prime Minister like Putin with "his notorious vow that 'we'll hunt them [the terrorists] down and kill them, even if they're in the toilet.' "
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by bhavani »

Cross posting from telugu thread

Now They have caught 15 Engineering Students including a girl who ran away to Bengal to join ISIS. Why are all these vermin crawling to Bengal? May be there is a ISIS recruiter in Calcutta, who is transferring money to the accounts of these Kids

These kids dont understand the value of their happy, comfortable lives they are leading in Hyderabad. we should let a few of these guys leave India and Cancel their passports. That should teach others who want to join ISIS a lesson after these guys get blown by Unkle or Iranians.

Hyderabad: 15 Hyderabad Students including a girl were caught by Telangana police in West Bengal, after getting complaints from their parents. These students had run away from their homes to join ISIS and fight alongside them in Iraq and Syria.

Police sources said their investigations have revealed the outreach of the Islamist jihadists in the country was greater than previously thought. Initially the police caught only 2 of the students and did not arrest them, but kept on talking to them and they revealed the names of other students including the girl who said that she wanted to join ISIS in Iraq.

The ISIS, which has changed its name to Islamic State, wishes to establish a caliphate through jihad. To go global, it has been trying to attract Muslims from across the world to join its so-called jihad.

Cops have identified one student from Karimnagar who was the brains. He had floated the "jihad" idea to his friends through social networking sites. Among those he was able to influence was a relative of former SIMI operative from the city accused in a terror case.

The group was in regular touch through code language. As suggested by the Karimnagar boy, the other group members got passports. Some also received money from unidentified sources. The amount sent to them was in the range of about Rs 3.5 lakh.

"We spoke to the boys and their parents and counselled them against getting involved with ISIS. But we won't leave things at that. They're being probed and we'd like to know who sent them money," said a cop.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by SSridhar »

The flood gates are opening up. There was a time until a few years back when India's plurality was touted as the reason for Indian Muslim jihadists not being caught from terrorism infested parts of the world. Even then, I felt an unease that such a situation was unlikely to continue for too long. Now, well educated Muslims are thronging to the more brutal IS from AP, TN, Maharashtra, J&K, Gujarat etc. We already have well-educated Muslims as part of IM. Shi'a from UP are going to Iraq to fight the IS and Sunnis are going to Syria to be part of the IS. Soon, they will return to create terror and sectarian violence in our country. This is what emboldens the ISI, AQ and the IS to imagine India as a fertile place for harvesting. Already, another faith has been harvesting souls in India for a long time and now we have this phenomenon. These terrorists and their families must be kept under surveillance. They must feel the hard pinch. And those who have gone on a hijra from Dar-ul-Aman to Dar-ul-Harb *MUST* not be allowed to return to Dar-ul-Aman. We do not need those vermin. They do not deserve to live here and propagate their jihadi ideas and take us back to medieval times. I am sure that the ISI will 'harvest' them at an appropriate time.

BTW, op-eds are appearing that these threats need not be taken seriously etc. It is such articles that are dangerous.
See for example, this
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by SSridhar »

Key arrest in espionage case - Devesh K Pandey, The Hindu
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) said here on Wednesday that the arrest of a Sri Lankan national who gained access to several security sensitive installations was a breakthrough in an espionage case.

An NIA official said Arun Selvarajan was arrested in Chennai in connection with a case involving spying at the instance of an official of the Pakistan High Commission in Colombo.
This arrest is a continuation of an earlier arrest of Zakir Hussain, another Sri Lankan, in connection with plans to bomb the American & Israeli consulates in Chennai & Bangalore respectively.

The Pakistani embassy in Colombo has become a back door entry into India, the last bastion among our neighbours to fall for the ISI. It has been recruiting not only Sri Lankan & Tamilnadu Muslims but also digruntled and out-of-work Lankan Tamil Tigers as probably has happened in this case.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by SSridhar »

NIA achieves breakthrough in espionage case - The Hindu
With arrest of Arun Selvarajan, a Sri Lankan national, in Chennai on Wednesday, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) says it has achieved a major breakthrough in the investigation of an espionage case.

According to an NIA official, the Sri Lankan national, on the pretext of running an event management company in Chennai, gained access to several security-sensitive installations.

“In coordination with the intelligence agencies, Arun Selvarajan, was arrested in Chennai in connection with a case registered in 2013 following the arrest of one Thameem Ansari who had been operating at the instance of Amir Zubair Siddique, an official in the Pakistan High Commission at Colombo in Sri Lanka,” the official said.

The accused has criminal cases pending against him in Sri Lanka, along with a look-out circular.

During interrogation, Arun is believed to have identified his immediate handler as Santhe, suspected to be a codename, who worked under Amir Siddiqui at the [Pakistani] High Commission in Colombo. The NIA has seized photographs and other evidence from Arun, allegedly revealing that he had gained access to offices of the National Security Guard hub near Chennai, the Coast Guard and the Officers Training Academy in Chennai.

NIA probe into the espionage ring has so far revealed that Amir Siddiqui had set up at least three modules, run by Thameem (arrested in September 2012), Sri Lankan national Muhammad Zakir Hussain (arrested in April) and Arun.

“Arun entered the country in 2011, after which he got himself enrolled in an aviation academy. We suspect that he was funded by his handlers. The accused then set up an event management company named Ice Events, which organised conferences, concerts and wedding receptions. He also floated a website for the company,” said the official.

In the garb of event management, Arun allegedly gained access to sensitive installations, clicked photographs and gathered crucial information to pass it on to his handlers through the Internet, said the official.

According to the NIA, Zakir Hussain conspired with Amir Siddique and his senior officer codenamed Boss and Shah, to cause explosions at the office of the U.S. Consulate in Chennai and Israel Embassy in Bangalore.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by kish »

Stephen tankel's article on Indian Mujahideen. It has the names of jihadis escaped from "batla" house encounter, alias names of IM module & other information.

The Indian Jihadist Movement: Evolution and Dynamics-Analysis
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by ramana »

While chasing Paki spies what is the NIA doing about the Patna blasts case, the numerous Ind Muj cases?
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by SSridhar »

Espionage accused surveyed atomic plant: NIA - The Hindu
Arun Selvarajan, a Sri Lankan national arrested in Chennai on Wednesday for alleged espionage at the behest of Pakistan’s intelligence apparatus, conducted surveillance of the Madras Atomic Power Station, Kalpakkam, a National Investigation Agency official said.

Photographs obtained from his computers show that he surveyed the station at the instance of his handlers in the Pakistan High Commission in Colombo and shared photographs with them online. “Arun used Skype, WhatsApp and other platforms to interact with his handlers,” the official said.

Preliminary investigation revealed that the accused, who had been operating in South India since 2009, entered sensitive areas in the guise of an event manager and took photographs. After reconnaissance, he developed maps and sent them to his handlers. On an analysis of the CDs, one external and four internal hard disks, five cellphones and an iPad recovered from his possession, the police suspect that he could have developed maps of many vital installations, including those of defence establishments.

The NIA is concerned about the instructions Arun got a few months ago to survey crowded places in Chennai. “Investigations are under way to ascertain the motive,” the official said.

“We have come across several e-mail attachments and recorded conversations which have to be examined. Two PAN cards in his own name and under a false name, Sivagami Saravana Mutthu, have been seized, apart from a Sri Lankan and an Indian passport. Besides, ganja and six credit and debit cards were found,” the official said.

He purportedly gained access to the offices of the National Security Guard hub near Chennai, the Tamil Nadu Police headquarters, the Coast Guard and the Officers’ Training Academy of the Army in Chennai.

Cases in Sri Lanka

The accused has criminal cases pending against him in Sri Lanka, along with a look-out circular.

“Arun was handpicked by an agent in Colombo for this covert operation. Since three persons have already been arrested on espionage charges, we cannot rule out the possibility of more spies operating in the State,” an NIA official said.

During interrogation, Arun allegedly identified the name of his immediate handler as Santhe, suspected to be a codename, who worked under Amir Zubair Siddiqui at the High Commission. Amir Siddiqui has been accused of setting up at least three modules in southern India.

Based on a specific intelligence input, major ports, consulates and other sensitive establishments in the southern States have been asked to step up security, police sources said.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by sum »

^^ Why exactly is the NIA involved in counter-intel? What is the role of IB then?
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by deejay »

@hecky, thanks for the wonderful post. It was at the same time immensely pleasing and immensely frustrating to read about the ops. Our boys paid from their own pockets to nab Bhatkal :x

But an important report indeed. Well done 'Open' team.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by fanne »

But one SP has been outed in this article? Is that an IPC offense, are we getting side blinded?
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by RoyG »

It's open season on these a**holes now that we a nationalist PMO.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Tuan »

SSridhar wrote:Key arrest in espionage case - Devesh K Pandey, The Hindu
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) said here on Wednesday that the arrest of a Sri Lankan national who gained access to several security sensitive installations was a breakthrough in an espionage case.

An NIA official said Arun Selvarajan was arrested in Chennai in connection with a case involving spying at the instance of an official of the Pakistan High Commission in Colombo.
This arrest is a continuation of an earlier arrest of Zakir Hussain, another Sri Lankan, in connection with plans to bomb the American & Israeli consulates in Chennai & Bangalore respectively.

The Pakistani embassy in Colombo has become a back door entry into India, the last bastion among our neighbours to fall for the ISI. It has been recruiting not only Sri Lankan & Tamilnadu Muslims but also digruntled and out-of-work Lankan Tamil Tigers as probably has happened in this case.
Here is a blog about LTTE nexus with ISI: ... ng_18.html
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by gandharva »

Saradha scam shocker: Mamata Banerjee's aide, TMC MP's link with terror group SIMI, Jamat exposed ... 20240.html
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by SSridhar »

Tamil Nadu man first ISIS suicide bomber from India? - ToI
Indian security agencies are verifying unconfirmed reports of a young suicide bomber of Chennai origin blowing himself up for the Islamic State (IS) in the Syria-Iraq theatre. If the reports about the Indian fidayeen are true it could have serious repercussions for India as this would be the first time that an Indian has been found involved in a suicide attack anywhere in the world.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by SSridhar »

Tuan wrote:Here is a blog about LTTE nexus with ISI
Tuan, we know that nexus. We are also aware of Colombo's nexus with the ISI. Both warring parties have bedded the same whore.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Tuan »

SSridhar wrote:
Tuan wrote:Here is a blog about LTTE nexus with ISI
Tuan, we know that nexus. We are also aware of Colombo's nexus with the ISI. Both warring parties have bedded the same whore.
True! But do not forget that the RAW also bedded with "both warring parties" in the past on different occasions. Isn't this the same story for all state sponsored terrorism throughout the world?
JE Menon
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by JE Menon »

^^This is the Bharat Rakshak forum. When RAW does it, and if it is in our interest, and if it benefits India, then it is fine from our point of view. If it does not, then it is not fine, and lessons will be learned and adaptation will occur.

When anyone else does it, to India's detriment, it is not fine. India will not be happy. It will do what it can to end it. These days, it can do much more than it could in the past.

Or am I misunderstanding your post, and you are rather suggesting that it is OK for Pakistan to do what it is doing because India did it in the past?
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by UlanBatori »

This whole thing about "Al Qaeda" makes me :roll: See what BRF had to say on this after careful research

What is Al Qaeda and how is it different from PA? Careful how u answer... Al Zuwahiri and PA Col. (Retarded) Abdul "Mullah" Omar will be :rotfl:
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by gandharva »

Has Anandabaazar Patrika opened a can of worms for Mamata Banerjee? ... e-scroll-1
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by member_20036 »

Trinamul is a Scum. Its entire leadership need to be lynched.

Probe sought into Trinamool-Jamaat

Amidst reports of the Trinamool Congress’s alleged
funding of Jamaat-e-Islami, the Bangladesh-based
extremist group, Members of Parliament from both the
ruling Awami League and the Workers Party have
demanded a probe into the allegations.
The allegations gained ground as the Kolkota-based
Bengali daily Anandabazar Patrika reported on Friday
that crores of money from the Saradha chit fund scam
were used to instigate violence in Bangladesh. The
newspaper said the money made its way to the Jamaat
in 2012-13 through Ahmed Hassan Imran, a Rajya
Sabha member from Trinamool Congress.
Fazle Hossain Badsha, MP from northern Rajshahi,
bordering West Bengal, who is also general secretary of
the Workers Party, an ally of the Awami League, said
his party had expressed serious concern when the
Jamaat last year procured “gun powder” and funds
from across the border ahead of the January 5
elections. “We raised concerns because without consent
from the ruling party there, the Jamaat would not have
got such help to carry out violent anarchy,” he said.
Mostafa Lutfullah, Awami League MP from Satkhira,
said “We have enough evidence to prove that Jamaat
militants, when chased or injured during clashes with
police, crossed the border into West Bengal.” Satkhira,
on the border with West Bengal, was the centre of
widespread Jamaat-sponsored violence during last
year’s anti-election agitation. “We have also
information that the leaders of the Trinamool Congress
gave them shelter,” he said. He alleged that Jamaat
leaders and workers worked for the Trinamool during
the recent Lok Sabha elections.
News reports in Bangladesh have alleged that the
Jamaat, with close contacts with the TMC leadership,
has built a “base” in Kolkata and other parts of West
Bengal. Dhaka has already communicated its concerns
on the issue to New Delhi, newspapers said.
The Jamaat, in a statement, however, brushed aside
the allegations, terming it baseless and politically
Authoritative sources told The Hindu that the NDA
government has already clarified its position on
confusion caused by last week’s private visit to Dhaka
of journalist and BJP leader M.J. Akbar. Mr. Akbar, met
leaders of the BNP, a staunch ally of the Jamaat, during
his visit. Mr. Akbar’s visit was his “own” and “nothing
to do” with BJP’s stand on Bangladesh, the BJP has
said. ... nnel%3Dnew
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by A_Gupta »

Scotland: impact on multiethnic democracies? ... ves-the-UK
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