Positive News from the USA

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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by Muppalla »

Blacks do have a lot of avenues in USA but they just don't want to use and grow. Why do the construction/Taxi/all such unskilled labor needs to be imported from else where? They just don't want to grow slow and steady but instead want to play victimhood forever.

Having said that, racism in US is high but not openly visible. The police don't think twice to shoot and kill a black man where as a perfectly psycho-white gets arrested alive even after shooting the whole road full of strangers with an assault rifle. Most of the black guys don't even have ability to carry an assault rifle like the white brats do.
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by member_22733 »

^^ Most of them have PTSD, and grow up in houses with poor stability (both are correlated). They will be unable to provide for their next generation and the cycle continues, right from the days of slavery era to jim crow era to current day post-modern latent-racism era.

Many have just given up on society and dont even know of many of the avenues they can avail of. Inner city US is a clusterf****. These guys are poor, they cannot pay taxes, the school district get de-funded because of low tax revenue, quality of education falls, resulting in the next generation of poor with no scope of upward mobility.

Try to compare that with India and her policies. There is really no comparison here.
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by member_22733 »

And before anyone accuses me of being a bleeding heart liberal, I want to add that I am a realist.

The reality is that in the US things have gone so far off to the right that even the Dems sound like right wing nutjobs these days.

In India the situation has gone so far left that even BJP sounds lib-tardy these days.

Two different situations, two different approaches.
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by Abhijit »

LokeshC, how was the grand jury rigged in this case? And what do you mean by 'file charges first' and then convene a grand jury from some other state? Yesterday, based on the outpouring of sympathy that I saw on the BR for MB, I shot from the hip in my discussions on another board. Then I started reading the transcripts of the GJ proceedings. There is no reason to believe that the GJ was rigged in any way. Thousands of questions were asked and the witnesses were properly grilled. The GJ has a much much lower bar for indictment - any other GJ would probably return the same verdict. and the actual trial would have a much higher bar for conviction.

BTW, your assertion that Mexicans have a huge support system in the form of Mexico is completely nonsensical. Every Mexican laborer in US send money to Mexico, not the other way around. In what way is Mexico a support system for the latinos?
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by member_22733 »

Can you please go back a few pages and there was a link I posted (I am tired of repeating this same thing). Please refer to that to see what the issue with GJ was.

When I say support, I dont mean dollars. I mean things like stable family, fallback mechanisms etc etc. Those things keep them from getting hopeless. There is no such thing for Blacks.

Anyway, I think I am tired discussing this issue. I think we all have made up our minds. Can we agree to disagree and move on?
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by Philip »

Echoing Ramana,who can't the cops shoot to wound an unarmed man instead of loosing off an entire clip? In the recent controversial cases of blacks getting shot,the amt. of overkill is incomprehensible. It makes the cops look like trigger happy "Dirty Harrys",waiting for a n*gger to "make my day".
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by nachiket »

ramana wrote:One thing that is agitating the observers is the many shots being fired by police. E.g. 12 shots in this case.

Maybe the police forces need to look at their weaponry to understand why so puny a weapon is issued to police that needs so many rounds fired?
Only 6 of the 12 rounds fired hit Michael Brown. 6 is still too many. The officer seems to have panicked and just kept firing till Brown went down and stayed down.
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by Gus »

puny? that's .40

that's not puny. puny would be .22
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by Gus »

here's why the cop's story is unbelievable to me

http://www.vox.com/2014/11/25/7281165/d ... side[quote]
Let's take a breath and recap. Wilson sees two young black men walking in the middle of the street. He pulls over and politely asks them to use the sidewalk. They refuse. He asks again, still polite. Brown tells Wilson — again, a uniformed police officer in a police car — "****** what you have to say." Wilson stops his car, tries to get out, and Brown slams the car door on him and then begins punching him through the open window.

What happens next is the most unbelievable moment in the narrative. And so it's probably best that I just quote Wilson's account at length on it.

I was doing the, just scrambling, trying to get his arms out of my face and him from grabbing me and everything else. He turned to his...if he's at my vehicle, he turned to his left and handed the first subject. He said, "here, take these." He was holding a pack of — several packs of cigarillos which was just, what was stolen from the Market Store was several packs of cigarillos. He said, "here, hold these" and when he did that I grabbed his right arm trying just to control something at that point. Um, as I was holding it, and he came around, he came around with his arm extended, fist made, and went like that straight at my face with his...a full swing from his left hand.

So Brown is punching inside the car. Wilson is scrambling to deflect the blows, to protect his face, to regain control of the situation. And then Brown stops, turns to his left, says to his friend, "Here, hold these," and hands him the cigarillos stolen from Ferguson Market. Then he turns back to Wilson and, with his left hand now freed from holding the contraband goods, throws a haymaker at Wilson.

Every bullshit detector in me went off when I read that passage. Which doesn't mean that it didn't happen exactly the way Wilson describes. But it is, again, hard to imagine. Brown, an 18-year-old kid holding stolen goods, decides to attack a cop and, while attacking him, stops, hands his stolen goods to his friend, and then returns to the beatdown. It reads less like something a human would do and more like a moment meant to connect Brown to the robbery.

Wilson next recounts his thought process as he reached for a weapon. He considered using his mace, but at such close range, the mace might get in his eyes, too. He doesn't carry a taser with a fireable cartridge, but even if he did, "it probably wouldn't have hit [Brown] anywhere". Wilson couldn't reach his baton or his flashlight. So he went for his gun.

Brown sees him go for the gun. And he replies: "You're too much of a ****** pussy to shoot me."

And then Brown grabs Wilson's gun, twists it, and points it at Wilson's "pelvic area". Wilson regains control of the firearm and gets off a shot, shattering the glass. Brown backs up a half step and, realizing he's unharmed, dives back into the car to attack Wilson. Wilson fires again, and then Brown takes off running. (You can see the injuries Wilson sustained from the fight in these photographs.)

Wilson exits the car to give chase. He yells at Brown to get down on the ground. Here, I'm going to go back to Wilson's words:

When he stopped, he turned, looked at me, made like a grunting noise and had the most intense, aggressive face I've ever seen on a person. When he looked at me, he then did like the hop...you know, like people do to start running. And, he started running at me. During his first stride, he took his right hand put it under his shirt into his waistband. And I ordered him to stop and get on the ground again. He didn't. I fired multiple shots. After I fired the multiple shots, I paused a second, yelled at him to get on the ground again, he was still in the same state. Still charging, hand still in his waistband, hadn't slowed down.

The stuff about Brown putting his hand in his waistband is meant to suggest that Wilson had reason to believe Brown might pull a gun. But it's strange. We know Brown didn't have a gun. And that's an odd fact to obscure while charging a police officer.

Either way, at that point, Wilson shoots again, and kills Brown.

There are inconsistencies in Wilson's story. He estimates that Brown ran 20-30 feet away from the car and then charged another 10 feet back towards Wilson. But we know Brown died 150 feet away from the car.[/quote]

to me, the officer confronted him, MB mouthed off, there was possibly a scuffle, the pissed off cop shot him.

and i would not put it past the cops to fabricate evidence of MB dna inside the car etc. the folks there tend to look after their own.
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by UlanBatori »

yayavar wrote:Whatever happened to shooting in the legs?! - movies make a big show of it. Tamir Rice doesnt look 290lbs to me though. At 12 yrs that would be hard.
The screeching stop and shooting from 10 ft at the 12 year old with a toy gun - I wonder if this gets outsourced to jury or the prosecutor does his job of determination culpability.
Brings to mind the story that my old teacher used to tell. Back in 1961, an elephant got a bit mad and decided to get some exercise in the narrow streets of downtown Ulan Bataar, Kerala. Rather large target, mind u, other points of comparison ignored. The Kerala Polis were heroic then as now, and well-prepared. Since the elephant's trajectory was predictable, they brilliantly predicted it, cleared the streets, formed an Ambush Box, and had their 0.303s at the ready.
was the order.

They waited until they saw the white of the tusker's tusks, calmly raised their 0.303s to their shoulders, and fired. 20 bullets. ONE hit the elephant. In the middle of the forehead. Finis.
My teacher's point was to illustrate who was drafted to go stop the PLA in the Himalayas next year.

Did you read about the 12 bullets fired? At least half missed. Wonder why? Maybe he WAS aiming at the legs like in the movies.

But u r watching the wrong movies, sorry. Watch Matt Dillon, US Marshal. In every episode, someone goes to Boot Hill after raising gun at Marshal Dillon. Usually takes just one shot from the Marshal. Head or heart. When they train policemen to defend themselves, I suspect that the training is to aim for the middle of the target.

Now why he says that Mr. Brown kept running, charging etc after being hit by several bullets, until the head shot, I do not know. That is one of the indications that the officer's testimony should have been given in open court with the right and opportunity to cross-examine. The policeman shot off 12 of his 13 bullets. I wonder if it WAS the 12th that hit the head.

Added later: Yes, the Brookhaven-Sandia Detector goes right off the scale when one reads the officer's account. If this is the best he could do after months of coaching, there is clearly a problem.

Also: Abhijit: Thousands of questions may have been asked by the Gland July, but there is supposed to be a forum duly constituted to ascertain the facts in a murder case: an open courtroom, with precise rules for presenting evidence, and for the fair right to cross-examination.

Who was cross-examining the witnesses AGAINST the police officer? Let me guess: the PROSECUTOR!

Who was cross-examining the witnesses FOR the police officer (incl. himself)? Let me guess: the PROSECUTOR!

This constitutes Justice only in Pakistan or the Peopre's Lepubric or Saudi Arabia.
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by member_22733 »

^^ Exactly. Instead of thinking through the issues everyone sees: Thug beating up Indian therefore thug must have beaten up cop therefore thug deserved to die.

Their behavior after the shooting is another odd thing. Why would you behave like you have something to hide when the entire justice system by default sides with you?
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by Shreeman »

Look, this is becoming another cricket match. Just like thge DK affair. At some point, even knowing it isn't so people start polishung their debate skills just so their richard length on the forum remains intact. Here are sone facts, hopefully the last ones from me on the subject:

1. The body lay bleeding, uncovered, in open view for four hours.

2. Darren Wilson washed his bloody hands before pictures were taken. He claimed he has bits of glass underneath his fingernails that he washed out. Where the pictures of his hands to see the potential cuts from he glass? As a cop, he knows not to wash away evidence. He dropped his gun in an evidence bag and then disappeared without filing the routine paperwork.

3. A veteran investigator did not ask Wilson questions involving the distances when different events in the case occurred. He seemed to have a bit of tunnel vision. Even if you are 100% sure of what happen, you record all evidence and ask the basic questions.

4. This same veteran claimed his camera died when he went to the scene. so he couldn't take pics. How do you not have a back-up battery or camera? Over 4 hours? That's not an acceptable excuse.

5. Darren Wilson's interviews were not recorded. Context and how he may have said certain things are lost forever.

6. No fingerprints taken of Wilson's gun.

Also, deleted E-mails in the Ferguson Police Department. The good prosecutor. The selective leaks.

The colored store clerk (the owner is israeli, so it doesnt fit the narrative) is brought up time and again. The victim's shape, size, character are shown as reason. If this does not smell bakistani to you, I casn do no more for you.

I wish the match players luck. I will post match summaries if there is much scoiring, but otherwise I am changing the channel and watchung bositive neuj.
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by member_22733 »

I am walking away from playing, retired hurt :P, but still lurking in the boundary area :P :P
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by SaiK »

^^forensics can know from what distance the cop shot at him. the impact profile from short range is entirely different from longer range.
Cain Marko
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by Cain Marko »

Good show Lokesh and shreenivas, well played. Some valid points. It is easy to look at blacks and view them as lazy , dole eating, welfare grabbing leeches. But it is a mistake to evaluate their situation without taking into account one of the darkest episodes in human history.

To expect these folks to behave normally when just two generations ago their grandparents were denied basic rights is ridiculous. We give more breaks to traumatized animals. The broken e homes and high divorce rates, teen pregnancies are a direct result of the trauma these folks faced at the hand of the majority race. Folks need to read Malcolm X to get some feel for their cultural background.

Not condoning the thuggery, but perspective is important, and to think that blacks have the same chances that whites or.even other immigrants have is crazy. Jmho
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by Gus »

That boy in the park was shot in 1.5 to 2 sec by the cop getting out of car.

If this is not the definition of trigger happy then what is...
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by member_22733 »

Cain Marko wrote:Good show Lokesh and shreenivas, well played. Some valid points. It is easy to look at blacks and view them as lazy , dole eating, welfare grabbing leeches. But it is a mistake to evaluate their situation without taking into account one of the darkest episodes in human history.

To expect these folks to behave normally when just two generations ago their grandparents were denied basic rights is ridiculous. We give more breaks to traumatized animals. The broken e homes and high divorce rates, teen pregnancies are a direct result of the trauma these folks faced at the hand of the majority race. Folks need to read Malcolm X to get some feel for their cultural background.

Not condoning the thuggery, but perspective is important, and to think that blacks have the same chances that whites or.even other immigrants have is crazy. Jmho

Yes, its so easy to say look at that thug and then generalize: All black men are thugs. Here is some news: 50% of Black community in the US are middle class. That is after all the oppression, racism, glass ceiling etc thrown at them. That is an amazing testimony on Human resilience in the face of constant physical and economic oppression.

There is infact a thing called Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome. It says that the effect of slavery propagates through generations:
http://joydegruy.com/resources-2/post-t ... -syndrome/

The last chance for American society (at that time almost fully white) to redeem themselves was right after the civil war with 40 acres and a mule for every black man who fought for the Union. But Andrew Johnson(of the trail of tears fame) promptly effed them over. So with no black becoming landed farmer, with no support system, with families that were torn by constant selling and buying in slave markets, blacks were expected to behave "normally" like "white people". Result is: Blacks went from slaves to share croppers. Nothing much ever changed until MLK. After MLK racism went latent.

American history is written on the backs of the colored, and its full of blood.
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by habal »

Muppalla wrote:Blacks do have a lot of avenues in USA but they just don't want to use and grow. Why do the construction/Taxi/all such unskilled labor needs to be imported from else where? They just don't want to grow slow and steady but instead want to play victimhood forever.

Having said that, racism in US is high but not openly visible. The police don't think twice to shoot and kill a black man where as a perfectly psycho-white gets arrested alive even after shooting the whole road full of strangers with an assault rifle. Most of the black guys don't even have ability to carry an assault rifle like the white brats do.
If you are ever out on the streets at 2-3 AM and parked somewhere to observe stuff, then you will see a different attitude towards blacks. Not just in Missouri but everywhere in NA. The police have an attitude towards black youth that is positively discriminatory. They don't touch the white guys.
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by Karan M »

LokeshC wrote:
I wish I could give you some perspective, but it appears that you have made up your mind.
Thanks but no thanks, I'd rather rely on facts. I also doubt you'd be engaged in a soliloquy on Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome yada yada when a 6 foot tall fellow assaults you. You would (I hope) either leg it, or defend yourself.
Inner city blacks are all thugs, they play victimhood just because they want to get more freebies and dont want to work, they hate cops because they love breaking the laws because hey they are thugs......And because they are thugs and MB was also a thug, he would have done something thuggish with the cops and he got killed. Very simple... onleee.
And now you are down to fibbing to hard sell your claims.

Point out where I said inner city blacks are all thugs? Please try these insinuation games on somebody else.

Those are your words & it looks like you are projecting, big time. These are basically your views the same way you said that "all black people know that a white cop will shoot them" etc.

And then having this view, you are trying to justify this stuff with a lot of stuff stuff about slavery, pysche, pore folks etc etc etc because you think they are thugs and need to be defended for being thugs.

On the contrary, I said:
Hello, there are enough Indians in America, who came from really poor backgrounds back home, struggled, and managed to lead respectable lives

I am sure there are many African Americans/black persons like that too.

The likes of Michael Brown dont do them or any others credit.

In short, your skin color - white cop = bad, black guy = possible victim stuff, is simply not logical to me.
I am done with this discussion. I will only say this: Before accusing me of bias, be sure that you have none. Cognitive bias is a difficult beast to understand and to see through.
Unlike you, I don't have a dog in this fight and nor am I playing the skin color game. I am merely pointing out that there is ample evidence to suggest that Michael Brown was an individual who beat up a hapless shopkeeper and ended up in an altercation with a cop which didn't go down well.

Your arguments about how "blacks are discriminated against" etc etc sound pretty much like all the JNU style arguments one hears repeatedly again and again, about how "some groups" are going to be victims forever, and have to be given extra special treatment as well. The sense of ownership of issues like these is completely absent.
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by Karan M »

Cain Marko wrote:Good show Lokesh and shreenivas, well played. Some valid points. It is easy to look at blacks and view them as lazy , dole eating, welfare grabbing leeches. But it is a mistake to evaluate their situation without taking into account one of the darkest episodes in human history.

To expect these folks to behave normally when just two generations ago their grandparents were denied basic rights is ridiculous. We give more breaks to traumatized animals. The broken e homes and high divorce rates, teen pregnancies are a direct result of the trauma these folks faced at the hand of the majority race. Folks need to read Malcolm X to get some feel for their cultural background.

Not condoning the thuggery, but perspective is important, and to think that blacks have the same chances that whites or.even other immigrants have is crazy. Jmho
Heck, there are enough people across the world whose immediate situation is one of dire poverty, one of abuse after abuse by the "system", yet they get on with their lives, better themselves and don't pose a threat to people like that Indian shopkeeper who have NOTHING to do with their abuse at the hands of other folks.

You say one shouldn't condone the thuggery, but then are saying "perspective, perspective" when the original victim was the Indian dude whom this perps friend admits they assaulted.

In this case, the disturbed, sadistic individual happened to be black. Is this behavior because of PTSS or lack of perspective??

http://www.wkrg.com/story/25813392/dist ... -pensacola

If any brown man had gone and done this to some white person or black person, would their explanation of how "British colonized India" or how "blacks acted as agents of Arab empires enslaving India" and were justified, fly or elicit shakes of the head?
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by member_22733 »

Ok. Let's move on.
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by member_22733 »

BTW: Karan saar,

Please dont take this as I dont want to discuss with you. I am just tired of debating this same stuff on this and on other forums. People are confused on how I can be ultra right wing Yindooooo and at the same time side with the bleeding heart libtards in the US. There is a time for that debate, not now and not on this thread :)
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by SaiK »

watch out for doorbuster deaths tomorrow. there are enough crazy bojitive people in amrikka! these are junk products btw that gets off the shelf for crap.
Cain Marko
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by Cain Marko »

Not to belabor the point Karan, but what you are missing is perspective. While it might not be easy for many to see, a bunch of the ills we see in india today are directly due to the colonial legacy. And every time we blame Macaulay or Muller, we are not providing excuses but looking at things in a relevant context.

The way the police is trained to handle situations requires deeper thought. US culture, including police procedures, is a product of its history, and the relevant episode here is especially traumatic. One can't just wish it away. Under the circumstances, I think it is fair to question the official line.

Are we absolutely sure that the dead man actually assaulted the cop ? And that too in such a fashion that the officer was scared for his life? Do images show what should be truly drastic damage to the officer's face? Keep in mind, hulk Hogan would pretty much pulverize a five year old. And then, having just beaten the officer within an inch of his life, said demon decides to run away. Wonders don't end here, now the quaking officer of the law who has just had a brush with the grim reaper, suddenly finds his courage, and gives chase. In another twist, dead man who presumably ran away out of fear, now has a change of heart and turns around, simply because he decides it is a better idea to run towards the gun toting officer instead of away from him. It doesn't end here, crime scene images are supposedly missing because professional photoman has sudden case of dead batteries and carries no spares. Off course, jn an age of smart phones and ubiquitous cameras, nothing is available. Then the dead man stays unattended for a few hours. The list of wonders goes on....

Again, this is.not to.condone thuggery or rioting, but to look at deeper factors. and unless this is done, I doubt the situation is going to change. Afterall, the punishment for robbing an unfortunate desi is not death so what is the point in bringing up dead mans aggressive nature. Surely, his criminal behavior in the convenience store does not constitute proof that he was aggressive with the officer?
Last edited by Cain Marko on 27 Nov 2014 11:17, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by habal »

police officers the world over are very good at writing stories to cta (cover their ***), so one must take these stories with pinch or bucket of salt as case be.
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by Gus »

why did the cop confront the guy

- he did not, he was merely asking questions, and then this black brute attacked the cop.

why the cop had to shoot

- he had no choice, the guy charged at him. officer felt threatened, so he 'eliminated the threat'.

and so the story is built around this. that brown attacked a cop through the car window, ran away, turned back to charge etc. all of these are pretty incredulous and there's only the cop's word for it. excuse me for being very skeptical..
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by Yagnasri »

I wrote this on my blog on the MB case. http://rlindia.blogspot.in/.

As I wrote I do not have any personal knowledge of US happenings so just based it on my readings online.
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by abhischekcc »

Even if MB charged at the cop, it is easy to shoot at non-vital parts of the body to disable the attack without killing the attacker.

The problem is with US cop training and attitude - that thinks that 'shoot to kill' (on a non-life threatening situation) is a legitimate form of self-defence.

Only a country of savages can think like this.
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by Sachin »

Gus wrote:why did the cop confront the guy
From what I read (on other forums).
1. There was a wireless message flashed which mentioned about the Indian shop keeper getting bashed up and the details of the accused listed. Darren Wilson himself responded asking if he needs to go there right away (to help other cops if they are there).
2. No response and he continued his patrol. He spots two black males walking on the middle of the road. He asks them to move to the side walk, and drives on. He is abused by MB.
3. Darren Wilson stopped the car as MB's dress etc. matched the description which was given on the wireless.
4. There were also posts which said that Darren Wilson was sending the agency code (on the wireless) for requesting more patrol cars when MB decides to charge at him - when he was sitting in the vehicle.
5. This point is not collaborated. After the fisticuff the trigger was squeezed once, and a round fired. That is when MB backed off. Darren Wilson says he had immediately tried to call for assistance on the walkie talkie on his belt. But in the fight the channels had changed, and he is not sure if the despatch heard him.
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by deejay »

abhischekcc wrote:Even if MB charged at the cop, it is easy to shoot at non-vital parts of the body to disable the attack without killing the attacker.

The problem is with US cop training and attitude - that thinks that 'shoot to kill' (on a non-life threatening situation) is a legitimate form of self-defence.

Only a country of savages can think like this.
About firing from a Side Arm, a personal POV:

The idea that one may use a pistol or a revolver or similar weapons to target legs or other places is more from the movies than from reality. Target firing on range with cool, composed, sighting, aiming and shooting is very different from the shooting from 'hip' or on the 'move'.

Most people who carry sidearms are not good shots, even in the security set up. Plus accurate aiming from side arms is an achievement, I mean this is true even in a Security set up. Typically more shots will be fired just to ensure a single hit. I have seen folks who have fired before, miss from 06 feet, a man sized target while using an automatic side arm.

As an aside, just watch 'Pulp Fiction'. There is a fantastic scene involving missed targets at close range.
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by UlanBatori »

As the judge in the "Shoot-Me-State" said to the man indicted by the Gland July:
Young man, let this be a lesson to you.
It was DRINK that made you talk back to your MIL (not the helicopter, but Bibi-ki-Ma)
It was DRINK that made you take offence at what she called you.
It was DRINK that made you pick up your shotgun
It was DRINK that made you aim at her
It was DRINK that made you pull the trigger, twice.
And it was DRINK that made you miss.
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by habal »

some positive interaction going on here,
even conspiracy theorists aren't safe

Varoon Shekhar
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by Varoon Shekhar »

How would commentators explain or excuse, even mitigate, the brutal behaviour of NYPD officer Larry Granshaw, toward Krittika Biswas in 2010? He insulted and abused her, slapping tight handcuffs on her wrists. At the precinct, she was insulted and abused further.

Was the officer in imminent danger, was there a flight risk from the suspect, was Krittika behaving in an extremely insulting manner toward Granshaw?

Definitely not. Indians are too passive and accepting. They should have raised a huge ruckus over this matter. There is absolutely *nothing* mitigating about the case whatsoever, or about Granshaw and the NYPD's behaviour.
Cain Marko
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by Cain Marko »

deejay wrote:
abhischekcc wrote:Even if MB charged at the cop, it is easy to shoot at non-vital parts of the body to disable the attack without killing the attacker.

The problem is with US cop training and attitude - that thinks that 'shoot to kill' (on a non-life threatening situation) is a legitimate form of self-defence.

Only a country of savages can think like this.
About firing from a Side Arm, a personal POV:

The idea that one may use a pistol or a revolver or similar weapons to target legs or other places is more from the movies than from reality. Target firing on range with cool, composed, sighting, aiming and shooting is very different from the shooting from 'hip' or on the 'move'.

Most people who carry sidearms are not good shots, even in the security set up. Plus accurate aiming from side arms is an achievement, I mean this is true even in a Security set up. Typically more shots will be fired just to ensure a single hit. I have seen folks who have fired before, miss from 06 feet, a man sized target while using an automatic side arm.

As an aside, just watch 'Pulp Fiction'. There is a fantastic scene involving missed targets at close range.
This is precisely why cop training has to be rethought. Take a look at the tamir rice video, and it will be evident why the police need better training and conditioning whereby panic/poor judgment is.not the automatic response.

Police are not soldiers fighting a war against citizens afterall. There are many other cases where unarmed civilians have been shot for flimsy reasons. Lokesh gives a personal example which might have gotten him killed.
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by Gus »

12 yr old gets shot, this is the story on local news next day

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/2 ... 27312.html
The next day, Tamir's family and members of the community, still reeling from the boy's death as well as the recent events in Ferguson, Missouri, awoke to this headline from the Northeast Ohio Media Group instead:


Hours before the public was to see a video of Tamir's last moments, editors at the Northeast Ohio Media Group decided that it was important to point out that Tamir's father and mother both have criminal records.
After the deaths of Trayvon Martin in 2012 and Michael Brown in August, for example, some news stories evidently sought to paint the slain teenagers as drug addicts, delinquents and thugs.

This coverage was criticized by many as an attempt to smear the victims' characters and distract from the issue of police violence -- and, more subtly, to suggest that the killing of young black men is somehow acceptable or unsurprising. And it succeeded -- these stories were used by some people to explain why Martin and Brown deserved to die, or how they may have somehow invited their own deaths.
even here some push that line..
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by member_22733 »

^^^ This is a pervasive American stereotype. even children are not spared from this.

Since most blacks are ghettoized there is very limited interaction between suburban whites and blacks. Infact suburban whites would have had more interaction with Indian Americans in a month than they would have with Black people for years.

What this means is, they will believe what they see in the media. There are limited avenues to correct misinformation. So it creates a self propagating loop. Whites who usually dont interact with blacks get this image of a "monster", "demon" etc in their brains. WHen they do interact with blacks they are likely to be on edge, even with black children.

This then makes the black person feel unwelcome and disrespected, and causes them to care less about the larger society. This vicious loop is fractally recursive, and it is pervasive in American social life. You make a section of your community to feel like they are unwanted and they have no place in "your society", they will behave as if they are not invested in your society. Listen to any rap song by a black rapper and you will find this mentioned indirectly.
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by Shreeman »

^^^ The Indian is the new black. Staying in their own apartmnent ghettos ("projects") for more than ten years after immigrating. Never integrating or wanting or able to integrate in the first generation. Going to their own little "barber shops", smelling of spices, sticking with their own "rap" music,...

No, this doesnt impact the Indian at all.
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by member_22733 »

Here is that despicable article connecting the dots that were not there to begin with (about Tamir Rice's parents):
http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ss ... story.html

The imaginary (and delusional) dots here are: Tamir Rice's dad is a monster, therefore Tamir Rice must be a monster, therefore he deserved to be shot dead. Smells of white privilege. If it was a white kid then these dots would not have existed and the discussion would have been more factual.

Now after that article recieved wide spread condemnation (deservedly so), the VP of that group, instead of apologizing came up with another brilliant piece of delusional article JUSTIFYING that despicable article (shows how disconnected these moronic f***s are from reality):

http://www.cleveland.com/opinion/index. ... cart_river
A lot of others, however, see in that video a completely justified shooting, and they, too, have been vocal in the comments. They believe that police had no choice but to shoot Tamir because the boy reached for what looked like a real gun. One of the questions these people raise is why a 12-year-old was walking about in a public place, randomly aiming what looks like a real gun in various directions, to the point where a witness called 9-1-1 in fear.

In a city where, as our series noted, police are quick to resort to force, a 12-year-old randomly aiming a gun in a public place is in mortal danger. One way to stop police from killing any more 12-year-olds might be to understand the forces that lead children to undertake behavior that could put them in the sights of police guns.

So our reporters at NEOMG have been looking into Tamir's background, to see if he lived a life exposed to violence that could explain why it might be normal for him to randomly aim what looks like a real gun in a public place. They have pursued tips about his life from Cleveland to Strongsville and continue to investigate. So far, they have found that Tamir had never been in trouble with the police, and we published a story on that.
This is beyond crazy. Kids everywhere play with toy guns, toy swords, toy <insert-weapon-here>. You may say that America is so gun saturated and school shootings are so pervasive that the cops did not know for sure if the kid had a real gun or not. That argument is pure bullshit and here is why:

The cops were about 4 - 6 feet away from a kid who they thought was armed. If someone is armed and presumed dangerous, what do you think a *rational* person would do? They would take cover and then try to communicate. But instead here our super hero cops have decided to get near point blank range of the kid, then get scared and then kill him ALL in just about 2 seconds.

To put it in perspective, by the time many people would take to read this sentence, the cops alighted from their car, assessed the threat, warned the kid, and shot him.

The kid should have in a matter of microseconds, figured out it was a cop, figured out the cop was yelling at him, figured out what the eff the cop was yelling at him, and then like a superfast robot obeyed the command exactly. He did not do that, causing the officer to feel his life is in danger and hence the officer is justified in killing the kid.

This is what most white people are peddling. And unless you have come across a situation as traumatic as that you will probably not get how fast shit can go down. You can be dead before you know it.

Added later: If there are ever criminal charges or internal investigations done for this one, they will find everything the cop did 100% justified and SOP. Including the act of putting themselves in risk by close to an allegedly armed and presumed dangerous individual. And most white people would go (with articles like the above): See I told you, the cops were justified. His parents were thugs! He should have obeyed the cops! Do you think the child of a thug can behave rationally?
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by member_22733 »

Here is another side of it (fractal recurisvity):
In the last olympics a black gymnast won Gold for the US first time after 1996. Right after she won white america (i.e. the media controlled by white power structure) had this to say:

Her hair is a problem


Her family problems

Did anyone ask Michael Phelps about his family after he won the gold?
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Re: Positive News from the USA

Post by member_22733 »

In America being deaf OR listening to music with ear-phones is an automatic death sentence (Graphic video below):

http://thefreethoughtproject.com/body-c ... justified/

As you can read from the above link this is totally justified. Also note the lack of riots. That is not because people are not pissed off, that is because there haven't been enough victims of this in the white community. In one generation you will see that happening and it will be popcorn time (for people not living here).

Exercise left to the reader: Count the number of seconds from initial confrontation (if you can call it that) to shooting.

PS: His brother or friend claims he was wearing headphones at that time. He has a criminal record.

PPS: Note that one cop yells: Get down on the ground. The other one Yells Hands Up. Show me someone who can raise their hands from standing position, and then lay themselves to the ground. The moment these cops yelled that, he was a dead man walking. If he raised his hands up, one cop would shoot him. If he kept his hands down in order to get to the ground the other cop would shoot him. He was not going to get out of it alive.
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