Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by Vamsee »

ramana wrote:vamsee Need to be thought leaders too otherwise we will end up attracting invaders of all types.
Sir, I have tweeted many times in the past. I was never able to resolve whether fresh ideas lead to revolutions or revolutions foster/throw up fresh ideas.
Right now we are following conventional path to prosperity. I do not really see any radically new ideas coming from Bharatiyas (which caught the fancy of a section of population and stir them). So I do not see emergence of thought leaders in near future.

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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by Prem » ... 623888.ece

Centre Mulls Ending All Pilgrimage Subsidies
NEW DELHI: Many may harbour doubts about the NDA government’s stand on the “co-existence of God and Caesar”, but clarity, it seems, is on its way. The government is contemplating to scrap government assistance to all pilgrimage trips irrespective of religion.According to sources in the government, one should not read much politics into this proposition as the government is merely following a Supreme Court order regarding Haj subsidies in particular and pilgrimage subsidies in general.The SC in 2012 had directed the Centre to gradually abolish the Haj subsidy over a period of 10 years. The apex court also said the Centre should invest that amount in education and other development measures for the minority community.The source said the present government agrees with the Supreme Court on this matter. The government is of the view that its role should not be to provide monetary assistance but restricted to helping pilgrims obtain visas for the pilgrimage and with arrangements abroad, the source added.“Moreover, if the government is doing this for one community, there will be demands from other communities too and it is not going to help the state exchequer,” the source said.At present, the Union government spends crores of rupees as subsidies for pilgrims visiting various religious shrines. the Indian government pays around `6,000 towards boarding and accommodation of each pilgrim.
It may be true but it is obvious that the prime target of this decision would be the Haj subsidy, which was started in 1993 by the then Congress government. Successive governments have continued it, arguing that Muslims are among the poorest members of society needing the assistance as many could not afford the journey otherwise. .But it is another story that the Haj subsidy has never been able to appease the Muslim community the way the Congress government wanted. “The subsidy has never been to Muslim pilgrims but to the cash-strapped Air India as the pilgrims could travel only through the state carrier. All have been using Muslims to score political points. The community will not be affected even if the subsidy is stopped,” said a member of the Haj Committee of India.Apart from the SC judgement, a recent controversy involving pilgrimage assistance provided to Catholics by the BJP-led Goa government has also prompted the Modi government to mull over this matter.The BJP government had covered half the airfare for 500 Goan pilgrims to Sri Lanka to witness the canonisation of Blessed Joseph Vaz, a 17th century Catholic priest of Goan origin, during Pope Francis’ recent visit.Even among Christian organisations, the opinion was divided as some were of the view that the Catholic Church in India is rich enough to fund these pilgrimages and does not need government’s assistance. T.
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by Hari Seldon »

All management jargon entering sarkari discourse these days.... assessing, scoring, feedback, investing, you have it...

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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by Prem »

New Macaulayite Macchars Making Music Again and Singing New tune. ... t-century/

These are the 10 commandments of Hinduism in the 21st century ( check the SDRE Photu)
The suddenness of this development has startled many in the West who had viewed Hinduism, from a distance, as essentially amorphous, complex, largely confined to within India, above all exotic, and therefore far removed from the swords and the ploughshares of today’s world.
That contemporary Hinduism might prove to be a manifestation of popular sociocultural trends in a country of over a billion people has prompted serious reflection on a number of questions: What will Hinduism in the future look like? How will the new Hinduism impact politics, business and culture in 21st century India? These are questions that are now relevant not only to academicians but also to foreign policy strategists, the media and business people across the world.
Although there is nothing equivalent to an Encyclical that has been issued by any reputed Hindu thinkers or religious leaders, there are nevertheless the outlines of a 21st century Hinduism that can be discerned through what appears in the India media, films, books and magazines, and from the writings and speeches of influential Hindu intellectuals and political leaders.Analysed through the lens of contemporary modernism as applied to the popular Indian culture of today, these outlines form something like an emerging ten commandments or ten guidelines of future Hinduism:
21st century Hinduism will be increasingly monolithic, i.e. a single broad thread of Hinduism will dominate across the different regions and communities of India rather than the multiplicity of practices in the past. In this post-colonial process, many of the subsects and parallel strands of Hinduism, such as Tantra, will be substantively discarded.
Hinduism in the future will increasingly seek to become a component of national and political identity, similar to the association that Christianity and Islam have established in other parts of the world. Thus, Hinduism will identify itself with a particular geographic entity—the South Asian subcontinent—and incorporate the notions of “us” and the “other.” :lol:
The understanding of Hindu scriptures will move rapidly to a symbolic interpretation rather than a literal one. To give just one example, Draupadi’s five husbands will be viewed as the five aspects of the perfect man rather than proof of historical polyandry. 21st century Hinduism will be receptive enough of modern science and technology to acknowledge that myths are overwhelmingly just inventions by creative minds, stories useful as guidelines for life but not at all indicators of past fact.
In this process, the pantheon of Hindu gods and goddesses will assume only symbolic significance in worship, a development already much evident in contemporary India.Of the pantheon, Ram and Sita will take front stage as the ideal for men and women respectively. Krishna will continue to be the overarching source of inspiration for Hindus through the Bhagavad Gita, but will recede somewhat as the role model for the average Hindu, reflecting the pronounced puritanism that can be observed in urban India today.
Ganesha will continue to rise in prominence as the symbol of the globally successful, outward looking, materialistic and self confident 21st century Hindu, as against the conventional image of the Hindu in the past as provincially oriented, inward looking, spiritually inclined and humble. ( Where is Wendy & Wiener Wisdom)
Hinduism in the future will seek to become the major basis for the conduct of daily life by Hindus. The gap between religion as practiced in private and life as led in public will diminish. The role of religion will be seen as one that provides guidelines rather than requiring conformity to practices. But 21st century Hinduism will explicitly assert that morality cannot be legislated, and instead requires cultural awareness.
Exactly following this approach, the Hindu woman will need to continue to take primary responsibility for family and relationships, customs and culture, and public morality in general. To this extent, the Manusmriti :cry: will continue to be seen as broadly the source of guidance, but not in any sense binding or prescriptive.
The relationship of Hinduism to other religious minorities will be based on a majoritarian foundation, just as Christianity forms the framework in the United States. Thus, Wendy Doniger and other similar writers and artists can expect increasingly aggressive opposition to their views.
Sanskrit will be universally taught to all Hindus and become the language for worship by all sections of society. 21st century Hinduism will recognise that the exclusivist view of Sanskrit as the property of Brahmins has badly damaged Hindu society over the millennia. With the blurring of its association to Brahmins and upper castes, Sanskrit will become the crucial and critical key to the blurring of caste boundaries and the eventual elimination of caste.
Much of this will be immediately denounced as extremist Hindutva. But in this process, it should also be recognised that these “ten commandments” are not entirely without merit. The perspective that morality cannot be entirely legislated, but needs cultural renewal, probably makes instinctive sense to Indians, many of whom have been repulsed by recent public discussions of the lurid details of the high profile sexual harassment cases, for example. Similarly, the idea that Sanskrit might hold the key to mitigating the worst excesses of caste has the potential to radically transform the discourse on that historical evil.These ten commandments, so-called, might be viewed as robbing Hinduism of precisely its tolerant core, its universal appeal and its manifold sources of beauty, and substituting in its place a dry, colourless list of prescriptions. But they also might indicate that the 21st century Hindu has decided that it is finally time to shake off the past and embrace the future. To the modern Hindu, only some of the innumerable trappings of traditional Hinduism may be relevant or necessary.
If, in the process of this refashioning, some controversies arise, those are only to be expected, would be his response. The new politics, the new culture, the new aggressiveness, may not be everybody’s cup of tea. But in the perspective of the emergent 21st century Hinduism and to its followers, the pluses far outweigh the minuses.
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by devesh »

all these articles and bile is being churned out by Bharatiyas. the mocking and intense hatred for "hindutva" coming from our own co-nationals is dis-heartening, I have to admit.
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by Hari Seldon »

Its from teh sunday guardian so TIFWIW.

However, even a whiff of truth here is ominous only.

‘Manmohan sabotaged India’s Nuclear capability’
Scientists say that by 2003, DAE, which comes under PM, was within four years of mastering the 1 GW n-power plant technology.
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by Prem »

Some Ex-PMs 'Compromised' India's Deep Assets: Parrikar ... 631781.ece

MUMBAI: Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar today alleged that some former Prime Ministers had compromised the country's "deep assets" on national security but refrained from naming them.
Parrikar said he did not give details about Coast Guard operation involving a boat coming from Pakistan as the "source (of information) might be compromised". "After all, you have to build deep assets. Deep assets are created over 20-30 years. Sadly, there were some prime ministers who compromised deep assets. "I am not going to disclose names. Many people know," Parrikar said after releasing a special issue of the Hindi weekly Vivek, on national security. Taunting the Congress for demanding evidence on the recent Coast Guard operation against a Pakistani vessel carrying suspected terrorists, he said, "There was demand for giving proof (that it was a Pak terror vessel). Tomorrow, during such operation we will take along a (media) cameraman and also the Congress spokesperson. "However, now a days nothing can be said with certainty as Congress spokespersons say good things about Modi government," Parrikar said taking a swipe at Janardhan Dwivedi. Parrikar said there were differing perceptions between India and China on the Line of Actual Control. "We have not taken the issue of border security seriously. Tomorrow if war were to take place and at the same time if there were riots in some parts of the country, it would be difficult (situation)," Parrikar said.Highlighting the need for media to exercise restraint on sensitive issues like terror attacks, Parrikar compared the TV coverage of recent Paris terror attacks and the 26/11 Mumbai attacks. "In Paris, not a single body was shown and not a drop of blood was seen on TV. Contrast this to our live coverage. I am not criticising but we should have this sense," he said Similarly the real reason for what happened after Godhra incident in 2002 was the disturbing photos shown (by media)," Parrikar said. "Tomorrow somebody may file a PIL complaining that the decibel level of firing on the border exceeds 140 decibels after 10 pm norms and that it disturbs their sleep," Parrikar said.
"The only exception is loudspeakers atop certain holy places where nobody objects even if the loudspeakers blare till 1 am," he said. Parrikar said he plans to send Defence Ministry officials to border for 15 days to sensitize them on hardships faced by armed forces. "Then maybe several files will be cleared fast," the Defence Minister said
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by arshyam »

"There was demand for giving proof (that it was a Pak terror vessel). Tomorrow, during such operation we will take along a (media) cameraman and also the Congress spokesperson.

Finally, some plain speaking. The new RM is turning out to be someone who doesn't hesitate to speak his mind.
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by Manny »

Two Good news today!

Narendra Modi govt cracks down on NGOs, prepares hitlist ... 10127.aspx

Row over Saraswati prayers in Gujarat schools ... 09972.aspx

This is a win win..either we have Hindu prayers or take out christian prayers from many schools? Go secularism.. Go BJP! :rotfl:
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by Satya_anveshi »

This is fantastic talk. Can anyone please find and post the full speech (I don't see it on utube yet)?
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by Prem » ... -of-india/
The Congress spokesperson Janardan Dwivedi, who is now at the centre of an intra-Congress controversy, was only partially right when he suggested that Narendra Modi’s BJP was better able to connect with people’s sense of Indianness than his own party. While this assertion can also be taken to imply that Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi was perceived to be rootless and, by implication, less of an authentic Indian, the Congress’ apparent detachment from Indian moorings can’t be pinned on an individual alone. Towards the final stages of the general election campaign, when the Congress’ position seemed quite hopeless, Rahul had called for a debate on the ‘idea of India.’ The idea wasn’t original and he was merely echoing the agonised outpourings of ‘secular’ intellectuals, who were expressing their sense of foreboding at a possible Modi victory in the editorial pages of English-language publications. In any case, at a time when the quality of governance and leadership were the key issues, it made absolutely no sense to posit an abstruse intellectual theme as an election issue. The ‘idea of India’ debate was a complete non-starter and the only people who took it seriously were a handful that wouldn’t have voted for the BJP in any case—whether Modi was the leader or L.K. Advani or even Atal Behari Vajpayee. It is unfair to put words in the mouth of Dwivedi who, in any case, is having a hard time explaining his apparent show of disloyalty. However, it is entirely possible that Dwivedi—an old-style, Hindi-belt, Brahmin Congressman—may have had the Gandhi family’s ruinous flirtations with Left-inclined, cosmopolitan intellectuals in mind when he spoke about the Congress’ perceived detachment from India. Over the past 10 years, and more specifically in the UPA Government’s second term in office, the Congress based its entire political appeal to the electorate on three themes. First, there was a frenzied bid, first through the MNREGA and subsequently with the Right to Education Act and the Land Acquisition Act, to make entitlements at the centre of the political discourse. This Left social democratic and NGO-centric approach was the party’s 21st century variant of Indira Gandhi’s garibi hatao slogan that won elections, but left the economy seriously under-performing. The Congress failed to factor in the socio-economic shifts that had taken place after P.V. Narasimha Rao began dismantling the over-regulated raj. In the process it failed to gauge the rising aspirations of an impatient youth and the restlessness of the middle classes that yearned for a prosperous India. Secondly, by signalling that minorities had first claim on state resources—one of Manmohan Singh’s few overstatements—the party created a roadblock between the national identity and Hindu identity. After the Ayodhya movement, there were signs of an emerging gulf between the Congress’ self-image and those who consciously saw their Hinduness as an attribute of Indian nationhood. Rao tried hard to narrow the gap, but Sonia Gandhi and her son increased it further. In cultural terms, this overdose of minorityism left the Congress detached from the central flow of Indian nationalism, which is undeniably governed by a loose and unstated Hindu ethos. Finally, in proffering a modernist and secular sense of nationhood—something that its favoured intellectuals passionately professed—the Congress tried to build an artificial construct that can best be equated with post-War Germany’s ‘constitutional patriotism.’ In war-ravaged Germany, trying hard to unburden itself of the grotesque legacy of Hitler and traces of an even earlier militarism, an adherence to the Constitution was seen as both expedient and necessary. Coupled with its enthusiastic endorsement of the European Union project, constitutional patriotism implied extricating the nationalist ‘virus’ from the bloodstream of the German people. It is interesting that the sudden promotion of the Constitution as the defining symbol of modern India began shortly after the Ayodhya movement had resurrected the forgotten doctrine of Hindutva. India’s alarmed secular intelligentsia, fearful of the nationalist drift which they equated with fascism, turned to the only available de-Nazification approach they were aware of. The Constitution is a document of utmost significance in India, not least because it has endured for six decades with its basic character—the Preamble apart—broadly intact. The Supreme Court’s rulings had, in addition, insulated the basic freedoms from politically-inspired truncation. Today, there is a cross-party consensus over the need to uphold the Constitution—in his general election campaign, Modi described it as his ‘holy book’. Yet, at the end of the day, the Constitution is a set of rules that governs India’s democratic process. It sets out the basic architecture, the façade, of governance, but allows ample scope for internal modifications as and when necessary. What the Constitution does not do and cannot do is establish the emotional basis of Indian nationhood. All viable nation-states are, to use the evocative expression of a historian, “imagined communities.” There is no one “idea of India”. India is an aggregation of a sense of belonging that is partly a consequence of history, partly shared cultures, including beliefs in sacredness and partly a faith in the institutions of the state (including the Constitution). To try and establish a shared hierarchy of attachments is difficult and counter-productive. Yet, Indian nationhood would be woefully incomplete if all the elements that help shape India’s mentalities are not accommodated.
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by Prem »

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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by ramana »

We should add Vajpayee to list of PMs who allowed spies. Case in point Rabindra Singh escape to US despite being under surveillance by agencies.
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by deejay »

^^^ramana ji, The PM's who compromised deep assets may have done that willfully. In the Rabindra Singh case I do not see an complicity of the PM in letting him escape.
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by Manny »

We need to help stop this idiot Murty (Son of Infosys NArayan Murthy)

Is Narayana Murthy a good ambassador for brand India? ... r-for.html

Sheldon Pollock (author of "The Death of Sanskrit") got the Padma Bhushan award by the GOI, and named head of the project funded by Narayana Murthy ($10+ million initial funds) to bring out translations of Indian classics. Many Indian institutions have been digested by westerners and used as a winter home. Pollock is a left-wing Sanskritist who claims that the old "Brahamanical Sanskrit" is long dead; and he is reviving the "real" Sanskrit that belongs to subalterns like dalits, women, etc. whose voices have been oppressed. Narayan Murthy's private foundation funded him to select and translate Indian classical works. He is selecting certain works and focusing on translations that fragment Indian civilization into mutually conflicting segments - languages, authors, interpretations used to show no unity at all except by evil nationalists. He gets to translate and INTERPRET various classical Indian texts - including supporting Aryan/Dravidian divides, dalit/non-Dalit divides, and so forth.
The article, "Columbia U. Professor Broadens Access to Sanskrit, Ancient Language of the Elite", appeared in Chronicle of Higher Education:
The big picture one must know is as follows: The pseudo-sec scholars have thus far been criticized for lack of Sanskrit knowledge and are therefore vulnerable to being considered eurocentric. To remedy this a whole battalion of well indoctrinated young scholars from places like JNU have been sponsored to get their PhDs under him, so these next-gen sanskrit scholars will combine pseudo-sec ideology with knowledge of sanskrit. Imagine a large group of academic professors who are well educated in Sanskrit but opposed to dharma - as casteist, abusive of women, anti-Muslim, chauvinistic, etc. - in other words the standard "caste, cows, curry" stuff. Imagine a sanskrit speaking Arundhati Roy and dozens like her.

This has been going on for a decade, first under Hawley at Columbia (who fluently speaks Vraj bhasha, sings Krishna bhajans, is seen doing "seva" in Vrindavan - much to the excitement of most Indians). Now it has been expanded and deepened under Pollock. ... Infosys has patronized people like Howard Gardener rather than the original sources of their reformulated ideas such as Sri Aurobindo. ... outh-asia/
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by JE Menon »

I just checked it is really "Murty", and not "Murthy"? He changed his own ancestors' name to sound more Brit-American? Shameless fellow
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by svinayak »

Manny wrote:We need to help stop this idiot Murty (Son of Infosys NArayan Murthy)

Is Narayana Murthy a good ambassador for brand India? ... r-for.html

Sheldon Pollock (author of "The Death of Sanskrit") got the Padma Bhushan award by the GOI, and named head of the project funded by Narayana Murthy ($10+ million initial funds) to bring out translations of Indian classics. Many Indian institutions have been digested by westerners and used as a winter home. Pollock is a left-wing Sanskritist who claims that the old "Brahamanical Sanskrit" is long dead; and he is reviving the "real" Sanskrit that belongs to subalterns like dalits, women, etc. whose voices have been oppressed. Narayan Murthy's private foundation funded him to select and translate Indian classical works. He is selecting certain works and focusing on translations that fragment Indian civilization into mutually conflicting segments - languages, authors, interpretations used to show no unity at all except by evil nationalists. He gets to translate and INTERPRET various classical Indian texts - including supporting Aryan/Dravidian divides, dalit/non-Dalit divides, and so forth.
The article, "Columbia U. Professor Broadens Access to Sanskrit, Ancient Language of the Elite", appeared in Chronicle of Higher Education:
The big picture one must know is as follows: The pseudo-sec scholars have thus far been criticized for lack of Sanskrit knowledge and are therefore vulnerable to being considered eurocentric. To remedy this a whole battalion of well indoctrinated young scholars from places like JNU have been sponsored to get their PhDs under him, so these next-gen sanskrit scholars will combine pseudo-sec ideology with knowledge of sanskrit. Imagine a large group of academic professors who are well educated in Sanskrit but opposed to dharma - as casteist, abusive of women, anti-Muslim, chauvinistic, etc. - in other words the standard "caste, cows, curry" stuff. Imagine a sanskrit speaking Arundhati Roy and dozens like her.

This has been going on for a decade, first under Hawley at Columbia (who fluently speaks Vraj bhasha, sings Krishna bhajans, is seen doing "seva" in Vrindavan - much to the excitement of most Indians). Now it has been expanded and deepened under Pollock. ... Infosys has patronized people like Howard Gardener rather than the original sources of their reformulated ideas such as Sri Aurobindo. ... outh-asia/
Watch the movie AVATAR again
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by Tuvaluan »

Pankaj Mishra has high praise for this 'murty library" along with "Amartya Sen", which says a lot about that library and its contents...
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by KJo »

JE Menon wrote:I just checked it is really "Murty", and not "Murthy"? He changed his own ancestors' name to sound more Brit-American? Shameless fellow
I have seen "Murty" but how did you figure he changed the spelling to kiss up to goras?
JE Menon
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by JE Menon »

Well, his father's name everywhere is Narayana Murthy. It is near impossible that the son was given the name "Murty" at birth, and very unlikely that he changed it while he was in India (what would be the reason?)... So he either changed it after he got to the US or he hasn't changed his own name, but decided to change it for the classical library that his father is paying for (I guess). Anyhow you look at it, it is pretty embarrassing. I wonder if his father knows of it...
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by ramana »

Its a sad day when admin have to give course in how to think!!!

KJo do you just post what comes to mind and not think it over before submit? At least use the preview.
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by hanumadu » ... n-library/
His purported reason for changing his surname.
Rohan Murty (who doesn’t like being known only as NR Narayana Murthy’s son, hence the dropped ‘h’ in his surname) is the man behind the new classical library.
Ridiculous reason to disown your fathers name. But we all know him as the son of Murthy only. And most likely does all his acquaintances know him as such. May be he should do something worthwhile for people to recognize him has his own man. Anyway, ridiculous reason to go through the hassle of changing his name. But then again, some assistant of his probably took care of all the grunt work for him.

I wonder when are Ambani's children going to change their surname. Oh, how about the Gandhis? When are they changing their surname?
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by hanumadu »

From wiki about Sheldon Pollock.
He is currently the Arvind Raghunathan Professor of South Asian Studies at the Department of Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies at Columbia University.
Looks like its the Indians who are sponsoring the psyops against India.
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by JE Menon »

>>Rohan Murty (who doesn’t like being known only as NR Narayana Murthy’s son, hence the dropped ‘h’ in his surname)

Oh that's the reason is it? Just drop the "h" and no one knows he's Narayana Murthy's son!!! Fool should be dragged by his ear back to India and forced to refund the money paid for his education at Wharton with money he earns from his own hard work. He deserves that for giving such a crappy reason, if he actually gave that as the reason.

This is both beyond ridiculous and disingenuous at the same time. The first damned question people will ask is who is "Murty"? And then the next question, how on earth did Rohan "Murty" get his money?...

Bullshit must be called when it presents itself with such flamboyant hypocrisy. And he didn't want the classical library to be associated with his father either? I would love to hear of any logical reason why the name of this library is "Murty" classical library.
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by KrishnaK »

JE Menon wrote:Well, his father's name everywhere is Narayana Murthy. It is near impossible that the son was given the name "Murty" at birth, and very unlikely that he changed it while he was in India (what would be the reason?)... So he either changed it after he got to the US or he hasn't changed his own name, but decided to change it for the classical library that his father is paying for (I guess). Anyhow you look at it, it is pretty embarrassing. I wonder if his father knows of it...
It might be the numerology thing. I've seen lots of people change their names solely for that.
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by brihaspati »

Cant be. Retaining the h would have been equally if not more successful. :D
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by Tuvaluan »

So basically Rohan "murty" hands out 32 million $ of money inherited from his father but does not give him any credit for it and changes the name even. On top of that, 80% of the translators are going to be of non-indian origin and pakistan, sri lanka and bangladesh - (rich) fool thinks he is doing India a favor clearly, by handing over cash to the same institution that produced Michael Witzel clones by the dozens. If he wanted to do India a favor he could have started some such entity in India one would think...plenty of local translators who have passion for such work. pathetic.
Was it difficult finding translators, especially Indian translators? The first five books that you’ve launched have mostly been translated by people from outside India. Pollock: No, we’ve signed up within a year 36 translators to produce 48 volumes, some multi-volume books. Kamban Ramayana has seven volumes, and it’s a good example, since it has seven translators. Two translators are Indian, and that proportion (around 20%) pretty much holds true across the board.

Read more at: ... ource=copy
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by Prem »

svinayak wrote:
Manny wrote:We need to help stop this idiot Murty (Son of Infosys NArayan Murthy)
Is Narayana Murthy a good ambassador for brand India?
Watch the movie AVATAR again
This Murty man is same who disliked National Anthem Sung at Infosys.h
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by Vayutuvan »

As I said it on another thread, these are very expensive for my taste (or anybody else's taste for that matter) unless I wanted to keep them laying around on the coffee table to impress the occasional guests (in my case almost none) with whom I want to maintina only formal relationship. One thing that needs to be considered though is that these are good volumes for libraries to buy. That said, in this day and age when (academic) library budgets are shrinking exponentially, facility costs are rising at aboiut the same rate coupled with expanding internet coverage and better data warehousing and digitization technology, that part of the money of this project that being spent on printing resources could easily double if not qudruple the number of books that are getting translated. Unsurprisingly (i.e. given the left elitist mindset of father, son, and the holy ghost prof. Pollock) the selection itself is not all that great.
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by Vipul »

At 192, India has 5th most think tanks in the world.

India has the fifth most number of thinktanks in the world at 192, with six of them among the global top 150. The US tops the list with 1,830 such bodies, followed by China (429), the UK (287) and Germany (194), the recently released Global Go To thinktank Index Report (GGTTI) 2014 has said.

The six Indian thinktanks in the global top 150 list are the Centre for Civil Society (CCS, rank 50), Institute For Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA, 100), Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (105), The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI, 107), Observer Research Foundation (ORF, 114) and Development Alternatives (129).

Seven Indian organizations made it to the list of top 80 thinktanks to watch out for. These are ORF (rank 14), IDSA (20), CCS (26), Vivekananda Institute of Technology (32), Centre for Policy Research (41), Gateway House (53) and Council on Energy, Environment and Water (71).

The annual rankings are compiled under the auspices of the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) at the University of Pennsylvania.

The report highlights the valuable role of thinktanks in society: "Today, many politicians choose to focus on short-term issues and crises, rather than addressing the large looming crises that are just ahead... like aging or declining populations, climate change, and sovereign debt... (Politicians) put their nations at risk because they would rather dodge and defer the issue in order to ensure their re-elections.

"Thinktanks can alter their tendency for short-termism by determining realistic measurable targets for combating long-term transnational problems. In conjunction with NGOs, they can also function as watchdogs and apply more pressure to governments to act in the long term by producing reports that discuss the grave consequences of inaction."
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by Karan M »

Hari Seldon wrote:Its from teh sunday guardian so TIFWIW.

However, even a whiff of truth here is ominous only.

‘Manmohan sabotaged India’s Nuclear capability’
Scientists say that by 2003, DAE, which comes under PM, was within four years of mastering the 1 GW n-power plant technology.
Boss Nalapat was the only one to break the news of the TSD being sabotaged by Bikram Singh and the UPA cohorts after the stellar job it had done. Week then carried a detailed study recently confirming it.

The guy is credible. Manmohans entire Phd was on export of natural resources IIRC. The joker probably followed that as policy. Also he wanted a comfortable sinecure abroad in IMF etc. He is not a honest sort.
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by Manny »

""The countdown has started for huge disasters in the world. But of all nations India is going to suffer the worst of divine retribution for it is in India that idols are worshipped.”
-- Umashankar, IAS"
Where from did this kind of hate percolate to India? I know! Take a guess!

Here’s Why Umashankar IAS Must Be Stopped ... e-stopped/

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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by krithivas »

Government mulls action against evangelist IAS officer C Umashankar ... 048076.cms
This is very interesting: Shri. Umashankar is not conducting Rudram-Chamakan classes but is a hardcore bible thumper in the Kanyakumari district. Christian evangelism has mastered the art of sounding Indian spreading venom.
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by svenkat »

Manny ji,

That banner headline is from Leviticus 20:13New International Version (NIV)

13 “‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

They have abbreviated it as "levi".

Ofcourse,your charge is true.This guy was Commisioner,Law and Order as the poster says.
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by Manny »

In the cause of right-wing liberalism ... 831965.ece

Raja ji gave Swarajya its Charter, to champion the cause of “individual liberty, private enterprise, the minimal state and cultural rootedness,” Mr. Deb explained in an hour-long interview to The Hindu in New Delhi recently. Those core principles will continue to guide the new Swarajya , 59 years since its inception, he said, while underscoring that Raja ji ’s vehicle of communication was “the first coherent and consistent intellectual response to Nehruvian socialism and the ever expanding Big State in newly independent India.”

Mr. Deb, with both an IIT and IIM background, retorted that he would rather use the word “classical liberal” than “conservative” because “we are for, and also Raja ji stood for, and we also hope to stand for, individual freedom, human rights, gender equality, freedom of expression etc., which are not usually associated with the term ‘conservative’; we are in fact right-wing liberals — we will support gay rights for example.”

Doctrinaire ‘Hindutva’ is not to be conflated with being a simple Hindu, he made clear. “We are not in any way embarrassed about being Hindu, but we are against lumpen Hinduism,” he said. Swarajya will also promote the scientific temper, but will not fall for uncritical, uninformed, self-glorifying forays into the Sanskritic past as reflected in recent public statements like “the spaceship was invented in India.”
However, real, solid Indian advances made in mathematics and physics, whether they were by Aryabhatta, Madhava, Brahmagupta or the Kerala school of mathematicians, are things that should be seriously studied, he argued. Again on the issue of secularism, Mr. Deb said, “we are against mixing of religion with politics … We are for secularism, but a certain sort of secularism which is not aimed at creating only vote banks.”
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by ramana »

Chota muu lekin badi baat (small mouth but big words).

The German penetration of Hindu texts in their quest for Aryan-Sanskrit roots led them to become familiar with Hindu texts which inspired them to think big about space travel, rockets etc, The Nazi war technology was largely based on these texts. After WWII, US also delved deep into Hindu texts to get ideas of weaponizing physics.

One of these days will post titles of such books that examine the origins of Nazi war technology.
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by Manny »

I thought FOX TV was bad.

HA Ha Ha! Gosh see what these evangelicals are doing to India!

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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by Prem »

Rajiv Malhotra was going do Otra job on EJ John Dalal by having debate with him day before . Any one got Video on the event?
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by Manny »

From Moscow to Bengal -- How Communists dealt with Blood
Communists across the world killed millions and have been a reason for blood. ... with-blood
We can gauge from personal narration of ex. IB Boss B. Raman who wrote an article in Outlook on 20th August 2007. Raman wrote: “I saw the following slogan painted by the Marxists on the walls everywhere: "China's Chairman is our Chairman."Sri ABV Rao, IPS in AP state Police CID said: “ they became more Maoist than Mao himself!!”
In an interview in April 2007, Comrade Ganapathi, leader of the CPI (Maoist), stated, “Basically, we regard the Islamic upsurge as a progressive anti-imperialist force in the contemporary world.
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Re: Indian Interests (09-08-2014)

Post by ramana »

Interesting website on Indian Interests:
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