Indo-UK News and Discussion - April 2013

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JE Menon
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by JE Menon »

eklavya wrote:There's a bunch of interesting stuff here:

BBC: India Season

Interesting visit to Mohenjodaro and the temples of Tamil Nadu by Dr Sona Datta; and a couple of documentaries on Indian wildlife featuring Miss Freida Pinto.
The Train journey was pretty good, and the Natural Life in 2 parts with Lisa Bonnin, Frieda Pinto and Jon Gupta was good as well - done sensitively I thought. Pinto is Indian born, the other two are descendants or part Indian.
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by eklavya »

Sona Datta's series was also excellent, I thought.
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by eklavya »

Jeremy Corbyn rules out using nuclear weapons (if he were the British PM) under any circumstance:

Given the amount of Russian wealth parked in London, the British will probably just have to rely on the Russian nuclear forces to protect them :)
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by Haresh »

Om Prakash Munjal, cycle tycoon - obituary
Entrepreneur who conquered the Indian bicycle market ... tuary.html
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by Haresh »

UK: Convert to Islam threw acid in face of mother of six, leaving her disfigured and blind in one eye

September 30, 2015 3:04 pm By Robert Spencer ... in-one-eye
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by Arjun »

udaym wrote:^^ charm and sweet talk can go only so far. These former colonizer so are no fools. lathon ke bhoot baaton se nahi maante. India must cleverly use its 1 billion consumer market. India must not allow these countries to sell their products/services if they continue to support pakis. Remember India would have been sanctioned by YooYes for dealing with EyeRan. Indians can't sell their goods in YooYes by supporting countries YooYes does not want them to associate with.
India's economy is obviously a great source of leverage. But so is the diaspora....UK Indian percentage is 2.5% The percentage in Canada is 4%. A show of support to Modi from the diaspora conveys to politicians in those countries what they need to do in order to win over that lucrative vote base.
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by ashvin »

I doubt the elite in these countries will ever change their stripes. Their policies and sentiments will always be inimical to India. We may see some cosmetic changes, but their geopolitical aspirations will maintain the same kernel that is replete with mendacity and racial prejudice. We will just have to be stronger on all fronts to keep giving them a bloody nose. My 2 cents.
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by habal »

UK & USA will never change their attitudes. We shouldn't try to change it either. There is a saying, 'Whom the Lord wants to destroy, he first hardens their hearts'.

If you embark on any mission to change their hearts and minds, then what is accrued to them may also befall on you.
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by svenkat »
In their relentless pursuit, it is striking how little the protagonists promoting legal reform against caste discrimination in the UK care for truth or rigour of argument. This extends to those working in the legal domain including parliamentarians who pass laws, academics justifying the legislation and legal proceedings on grounds of caste discrimination, and those lawyers and judges who have to litigate or decide upon the merits of the cases; in other words, those who one might think have learnt to present arguments in a cognitively defensible manner in order to persuade, if not cajole their audiences. However, they have taken a quite misleading, even duplicitous attitude in presenting their case for reform.

The caste issue has been cooking in the UK for the last ten years or so. The proponents of the law have meanwhile taken a multi-track approach. They have argued before UN Human Rights bodies that the UK needs a law against caste discrimination. They have been pushing caste discrimination onto to agenda of the EU. By making fraudulent claims about the existence of caste discrimination and the number of persons exposed to it, they successfully argued for legislation to be passed in the form of a clause on caste in the Equality Act 2010. In the meantime, there have also been attempts to secure recognition by case law in the British courts that caste discrimination is unlawful. Each part of the strategy reinforces another part as each part is circulaly claimed as justifying or obliging action on another front
The Employment Tribunal’s latest decision dated 17 September 2015 has been reported widely as affirming the existence of caste discrimination in that case and therefore more broadly within the culture of the Indian diaspora. In turn, proponents argue that this justifies the arguments made in favour of the as yet unimplemented caste clause of the Equality Act 2010. For instance, the views of Chris Milsom, the claimant’s barrister, have been reported widely in coverage of the case including by the BBC, The Guardian, the National Secular Society and Christian Today. He stated that:

Those who have closely followed the legislative history of the Equality Act will recall that the Government’s original rationale for refusing explicit prohibition of caste-based discrimination was that there was no evidence of it taking place in the UK. The damning findings of the Employment Tribunal render that stance untenable. Where such discrimination exists its victims must be protected.

However, a closer reading of the judgement shows that the presence of caste discrimination is not demonstrated; nor are the findings with respect to caste as “damning” as Milsom would have us believe. Lord Anthony Lester QC, who has championed the caste legislation in parliament, more accurately says that the case would be “of no value as a precedent”, but that statement is also given in the context of the argument made by the National Secular Society that the legislation on caste must be implemented, and it has not stopped Chris Milsom and other lawyers from misrepresenting the significance of the case.

Certainly, the court may be justified in its finding that the claimant was significantly underpaid, awarding her compensation of more than £180,000 in lost wages. However, Judge Ord (in effect the Tribunal) makes a large number of assumptions as to the presence of caste discrimination. We are told that, as far as the claimant was concerned, “the expectation for her and others would be to become servants and domestic workers in wealthier parts of India. The Claimant’s family has always carried out domestic work of one kind or another.” Whose expectation that was – was it her family’s or from the rest of society? Was such an expectation based on caste? We are not told about any of this, although the judgement suggests that that is one of the factors that must have been why she was sought by the employers and underpaid. Then we have this observation on the judgement which is also cited by the National Secular Society:

The Claimant’s family are “Adivasi” people who are dark skinned and poor. They can be either Christian or Hindu and are recognised by the sari they wear at festivals or on special occasions (a white sari with a red border). In the “caste pyramid” the Adivasi are the lowest class.

Judge Ord thus states that the Adivasi people can be recognised by the colour of the sari they wear. He adds that they constitute the bottom rung in the caste pyramid. And of course that they are dark skinned.
What no one conducting the case realised is that in India Adivasis are considered to be tribal people and outside of the so called Hindu caste structure. Indian law places them in a separate category of ‘Scheduled tribes’ besides another category reserved for ‘Scheduled castes’. Some attention to the distinction made by Indian law would have been enough for doubt to fall on the claim being founded on caste discrimination at all. Many other questions arise from the kind of claim Judge Ord accepts. Do other, non-tribal women in India not wear white saris with a red border? Would one recognise an Adivasi if she wore such a sari? Would it be by the darkness of her skin? Are there no dark skinned upper caste people in India? No corroboration is cited for any of the claims made in the quoted paragraph. No questions are asked about these kinds of assertions which are found elsewhere in the judgement. For example, the judgment also says that “A low caste, servile, Indian person who could not speak English and who the Respondents would consider expected no more than that which was in fact was on offer was required to meet their needs.” This statement too suggests that caste was at least one factor in the claimant’s recruitment and her subsequent low wage. But nowhere is it established or discussed that the respondents had sought out the claimant because of her caste.It is simply implied, as with the associated immorality, as being part of the factual background by Judge Ord and the tribunal panel.
This instruction issued by the EAT effectively laid down a requirement to evaluate whether the facts showed that the respondents acted the way they did on grounds of caste and how it was bound up with the claimant’s ethnic origins. Two observations in Judge Ord’s judgement are critical in helping to understand why he did not follow this instruction – in other words, he does not explain anywhere in his judgement how caste is bound up with any of the facts as alleged by the claimant. These two observations provide us with additional and, in this writer’s view, conclusive indications that the case establishes nothing about caste or caste discrimination.

First, at para. 10 of the judgement we learn that the evidence on which all the claims about the caste system, the claimant’s caste status, her dress, skin colour, and their link to the claimant’s recruitment and treatment was not challenged at all: “This evidence from the Claimant was entirely unchallenged and we accept it.” This statement indicates that the lawyers acting for the respondents did not bother to contest any of the allegations that the respondents acted as they did on grounds of caste. Instead, those lawyers merely acquiesced in them. On the basis of the lack of challenge to those allegations we find Chris Milsom, the National Secular Society, and the BBC, The Guardian, and other media outlets, making large claims about the “damning” presence of caste discrimination in the case. The respondents’ solicitors appear to have some responsibility here. The solicitor in the latest hearing did not bother to contest the allegations made on behalf of the respondent; and the lawyers previously handling the appeal to the EAT failed to take up an offer for expert evidence on the caste part of the claim made by this writer back in 2014 that would have rebutted the basis of those allegations.

Judge Ord makes a second observation that reinforces the view that the caste claim was not dealt with by any proper assessment of the evidence. He says at para. 200 of the judgement: “Under Section 136 of the Equality 2010 if there are facts from which a Court could decide in the absence of any other explanation that a person has contravened the provisions of the Act, the Court must hold that the contravention has occurred unless the alleged discriminator shows that they did not contravene the provision.” (italics added) This paragraph begs the question whether the only explanation was that caste based discrimination was present. In other words, was there really an “absence of any other explanation” for the facts alleged on caste? I have already called attention to the asymmetrical effect of section 136 on defendants in caste related cases because decisions would be made by operation of prevailing stereotypes being peddled about the Indian caste system (Shah 2015: 81n). The way this case was handled bears about my earlier observation.
In this case one might have said, for instance, that many women in India wear a white sari with a red border; it does not necessarily indicate anything about caste, and may not have done so to the respondents, who were in any case not from Bihar. One could even have said that the reason for recruiting the claimant may have been because she was servile but that this has nothing to do with her being an Adivasi, which is not exactly a ‘caste’ status under Indian law. After all, it is possible to come across many non-servile tribals in different, even high status occupational positions in India. One might have even asked by comparison why Europeans desire Filipinos as house servants or why the National Health Service recruits many nurses from Zimbabwe. Members of both groups may be exposed to abuse in their respective employment contexts. Would these facts lend legitimacy to claims of racial discrimination? Rather than going through such alternative hypotheses, the Employment Tribunal evidently assumes that there is no other explanation possible for the facts as alleged, and decides on the basis of stereotypes of the caste system in India as suggested by lawyers representing the claimant, stereotypes which the Tribunal panel may well have shared.

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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by member_28638 »

Entrepreneurs vs Spivs

Once again the difference is stark!!!

It looked an incredibly brave move when Indian conglomerate Tata bought Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) from Ford for $2.3bn (£1.5bn) in 2008 after almost 10 months of negotiations. The US auto giant had never made a profit from the company and the financial crisis had thrown the future of the global economy into uncertainty. Fast forward seven years and the bold move has turned out to be a stroke of genius.

Although it has taken more than £11bn of investment, JLR is now one of Britain’s most profitable companies.

The sheer scale of the turnaround under Tata’s ownership is illustrated in the company’s financial performance. In 2008 – the year Ford disposed of it – the carmaker made a £41.6m pre-tax loss on revenues of £2.1bn. Last year, JLR posted £2.6bn of pre-tax profit on £21.9bn of revenue. Staffing has almost doubled to 36,000 and in 2014, the carmaker sold 462,209 vehicles.
- Jaguar Land Rover is back and purring again

The spiv would never make such an investment. They don't understand investment. £11bn for just £2.6bn in pre-tax profit doesn't make sense to the spiv even though it's a 23% rate of return. They just want to get rich quick. When the Phoenix consortium were PAID to accept Rover, they simply asset stripped and tried to peddle the Honda and BMW technology by filling the marketing department with legions of indolent timewasters.

The Anglos even whinge that their imploding companies are run by accountants. Spiv, Lord Weinstock, even claimed he WANTED accountants rather than engineers as he believed accountants make money. What a complete f***wit and what a bunch of f***wits for rewarding him with a peerage! All he ever did was parasite off the taxsucker and destroy wealth!

The proof is in the pudding and Poodleville's entire krumobile industry has imploded. The Amerikan gangsters also have the same spiv mentality so couldn't turn a profit.

But they never learn! This is their chief executive: Look at the Evoque, it’s a very striking car. A lot of car companies are very conservative and would not dare do it.”

So, it's all about appearance! As Tiff Needell pointed out when reviewing the Lexus ISF, cars designed by engineers tend to become classics.

Rather than develop new technology, the most they've done is replace steel with aluminium. They still persist with cost saving above all else: The XE and particularly the F-Pace are expected to be big sellers, but crucially they share the same basic frame (along with the XF), cutting production costs for JLR.

And they can't stop their gangsterism; over-charging chinese customers: “The problem is China accounted for 80pc of all JLR’s profits because it’s able to sell cars at higher prices there,” says Prof Bailey. A crackdown on graft, economic uncertainty, the yuan’s devaluation and Beijing looking at the prices foreign companies charge are all piling on the pressure.

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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by chanakyaa »

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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by sanjaykumar »

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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by Philip »

It was an unforgettable sight.A doddering ancient queen entertaining the Chinese dictator in a most vassal like manner,a ride to Buck House in a golden carriage,a lavish banquet where the Duchess of Cornwall wore a dress of "Chinese red",and the dictator allowed to address both houses of the "Mother of parliaments" ,telling them that China had a more ancient system of governance! At least Prince Charles,who once called the Chinese leadership "appalling waxworks",stayed away from the banquet.

From being an empire on which the "sun never set",Britian today demonstrated what it knows best,producing butlers. The British PM is already butler to the White House and now in a nauseating display of groveling before an oriental potentate,has indicated its willingness to be Butler at the "Great Hall of the People". As a blind Chinese dissident said,this "golden era" between Britain and China is all about "gold".Money!

David Cameron is humiliating Britain by 'sucking up' to the Chinese regime, says PM's former guru Steve Hilton ... 02261.html
The former Downing Street director of strategy says the UK should be looking at sanctions instead of trade deals
Jon Stone |
Prime Minister David Cameron has been urged to raise the issue with Chinese President Xi Jinping Getty

Britain is being humiliated by the Government’s policy of “sucking up” to the Chinese regime, David Cameron’s former director of strategy has said.

Steve Hilton, who ran the Prime Minister’s Downing Street operation in the early days of his premiership, said the UK should be looking at sanctions against the country because of its poor human rights record.

“I think this is one of the worst national humiliations we’ve seen since we went cap-in-hand to the IMF in the 1970s,” he told the BBC's Newsnight programme.

The Chinese human rights abuses that David Cameron won’t mention
“I would think we should consider sanctions on China, not rolling out the red carpet.”

Chinese President Xi Jinping is on a four-day visit to the UK where he is expected to sign £20bn worth of business deals.
China is set to buy stakes in British nuclear power plants, high speed railway systems, and other projects.

Mr Hilton, who now works in California, said Britain was as bad as Vladimir Putin’s Russia and that foreign direct investment could come from other sources, such as India. :rotfl:
Steve Hilton previously ran David Cameron's Downing Street operation

“Forget about the terrible things that the Chinese regime is doing at home, the vicious political oppression and violent physical abuse of women – just look at what they’re doing internationally,” he told the programme.

“Militarily threatening their neighbours, empire-building from Africa and on a daily basis stealing property from business and governments around the world through their relentless cyberattacks.

“The truth is that China is a rogue state – just as bad as Russia or Iran, and I just don’t understand why we’re sucking up to them rather than standing up to them as we should be.”

The Government has not publicly raised human rights concerns with the Chiense government, though ministers have insisted that nothing is “off the table” in private.

Read more
Chinese government 'orchestrated flag-waving welcome for Xi Jinping'
China's Xi Jinping to sign Hinkley nuclear power plant deal
Osborne accused of steering President Xi away from Birmingham visit
Xi Jinping enjoys state visit with no public mention of human rights
Jeremy Corbyn raises human rights record with Chinese president

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn secured a meeting with Mr Xi to discuss human rights concerns, however.

Mr Hilton has become apparently more outspoken in public of late, earlier this month criticising a speech by Home Secretary Theresa May for its anti-immigration rhetoric.

During Mr Xi’s four-day visit the premier has dined with the Queen in a state banquet at Buckingham Palace.

He said the UK and China were becoming a “community of shared interests” and had a “comprehensive strategic partnership”.

The visit comes amid the collapse of parts of Britain’s steelmaking industry, accusations that Chinese “dumping” at below cost price are to blame.
Tata Steel is cutting 1200 jobs in Britain thanks to the above!
Enjoy this cartoon:

The former Downing Street director of strategy says the UK should be looking at sanctions instead of trade deals
Jon Stone |
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by Varoon Shekhar »

My parents said that BBC had a feature on trafficking and prostitution in the Delhi area. Anyone see that, and if so, what is your assessment? Was it too sensational, or did it reflect reality. And moreover, did it sound sincere, or was it just one of those "Let's uncover a serious problem in India, show Indians and others that we're better at exposing those issues than the Indians themselves, and as a very strong by-product( if not a primary motive) discredit and besmirch India in some way"
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by member_29172 »

well, bbc and sincerity rarely go together, anything british and sincerity rarely go together. It's typically a pathetic quest to show how the high and mighty "umpire" is still alive and kicking, never mind the fact that the tiny briturd island has been reduced to a pet dog of their former colony and these days the pet dog is warming upto a new master- China.

Anyways, is there a specific name to this documentary? bbc releases these kind of hatch jobs almost every 2nd year, you gotta be more specific or atleast post a link or something. I think there was a documentary on prostitution rings in some corner of Mumbai/Kolkata that was later extrapolated to show the plight of all prostitutes across the country. Just like how a rapist's twisted and disgusting statements towards women were used to prove by briturd bull$hit corporation that all Indian men are rapists and keep their women on a leash in their basement.

Post a link or promo so I can check it out, you yourself should have enough sense to make your own judgements, assuming you live in India. Most of what is shown is rarely real and mostly extrapolated. It's sad that you can't think for yourself. Anyways, post a promo link or name of the documentary so I can see what's this about.
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by Varoon Shekhar »

No, it's something my folks said they saw on the BBC last Friday or so. I haven't seen it myself, but I can guess the tenor and slant it would have. I just want some confirmation. I wonder if it's some old 'documentary' the BBC dredged up on Friday or Saturday early, to fill in time and smear India at once.

The BBC feature on the Mumbai railway, wasn't bad, but you can always trust them to come back and hit out at India in some sensational way.
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by member_29172 »

Varoon Shekhar wrote:No, it's something my folks said they saw on the BBC last Friday or so. I haven't seen it myself, but I can guess the tenor and slant it would have. I just want some confirmation. I wonder if it's some old 'documentary' the BBC dredged up on Friday or Saturday early, to fill in time and smear India at once.

The BBC feature on the Mumbai railway, wasn't bad, but you can always trust them to come back and hit out at India in some sensational way.
Yeah I heard folks who are sympathetic to turdistan were happy/impressed/relieved (?) that atleast one documentary actually showed something of relevance without the high-nosed briturd attitude. Wonder what kind of things we'd come across if we go doing drain inspections in turdistan's remotest corners :rotfl: child prostitution, minor girls being raped by pakistani "asians", govt. pressure on the parents whose daughters were lured in/raped to not protest these incidents and so on. And that's still going from what I saw on briturd tabloids, wonder what kind of things we'd find when we interview the parents and the girls themselves.

Anyways, I think I know what your parents are talking about the human trafficking/prostitution documentary was released somewhere in 2010-11 I believe. I guess your parents saw that. I'll check it out and edit this post when I find something other than the above mentioned documentary.

On a related note, it's strange that you discuss bbc documentaries with your parents when you guys get together :mrgreen: :rotfl: , a homegrown pee arr eff hainji? :((
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by Varoon Shekhar »

Haha, yes, well I'm at fault because I asked them if they heard of this issue of writers in India returning their awards, that's when they mentioned the BBC film. I remarked that the media of other developing countries don't raise or focus on the same issues that the UK or US does. You won't see the media of Mongolia, Tanzania, Venezuela or Papua New Guinea, making those documentaries about India, I mentioned. Their response was that those countries are inward looking, don't possess the resources of the UK or Canada, are poor themselves, don't have correspondents in India etc. I would add that they possess empathy for India, and lay stress on developmental issues, at the highest institutional level. Canada and the UK don't have empathy for India, largely pomposity, arrogance, stand-offishness and opportunism.
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by Lalmohan »

every society has these problems, India being free and open - its easier for people to make these films, just as it is to make them about the US or UK or France. BBC also recently ran a documentary about child prostitution in the US which was quite shocking and there have been various programmes about the rotherham episode, etc. if you wanted to make a film about sheikh_boy_goat_love in saudi, you wouldn't get very far (at least with the camera on)
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by Lisa »

English vote plan to become law despite objections

"Ministers say their solution will address the long-standing anomaly - known as the West Lothian Question - by which Scottish MPs can vote on issues such as health and education affecting only England - or England and Wales - but the House of Commons has no say on similar matters relating to Scotland, where such policies are devolved.

Under the reforms, an additional parliamentary stage, called a grand committee, would allow English, or English and Welsh, MPs to scrutinise bills without the involvement of Scottish MPs.

These MPs would also be able to veto the legislation before all MPs from across the United Kingdom voted in the bill's final readings."
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by member_29172 »

How much was the briturd aid to India again? you know the aid that ran our military, space program, paid my and your electricity bill while also taking care of our pensions?

Indian students 3rd in generating London's revenue
LONDON: Indian students in London were the third largest revenue generator for the city last year, contributing £130 million. London mayor Boris Johnson's first-of-its-kind analysis has found that Indian students paid £56 million in fees and nearly £74 million in living costs, with the money creating and supporting 1,643 jobs.
But the report also confirms a major fall in Indian students in the UK -from 10% of all international students in London in 2010 to around 4% in 2014. While Chinese student numbers have grown by 49% since 2009-10, the Indian numbers have continued to decline, falling by 11% year on year.
"Indian students coming to London and the rest of the UK have approximately halved over the last five years," the report says.
"In 2009-10 London welcomed 9,925 Indian students which fell to 4,790 in 2013-14 ... 489173.cms
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by IndraD »

British police arrest Sikhs outside Indian embassy in UK for violent protest ... I5egO.html
Avinash R
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by Avinash R »

Modi visit will deepen India-UK bonds: UK minister ... -minister/
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by rgosain »

Having lost many of its Jewish supporters and voters, the Labour party seems intent on losing the votes of those of Indian descent. It is highly unlikely that Corbyn will be leading the labour party into the 2020 UK general election, and Modi is in a position to ensure that the labour party is buried long before then, should he choose to black-ball Corbyn.
Modi was banned from visiting the UK by the then Labour Government of Tony Blair in 2004, and that ban was continued until the Conservatives came to power in 2010 and rescinded in 2012. Modi is not obliged to entertain Corbyn and Indian voters would ensure Conservative dominance in the London mayoral election in 2016 at the earliest.
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by panduranghari »

^ Both set despise the heathens. Corbyn is as anti-establishment as they get it. He even refused to attend the privy council meeting where issues on national importance and confidential data is shared by the intelligence agencies and the military with the PM and the leader of opposition.

He might be bad. But he is the type of politician India should cultivate. We really do not give a flying f*** about what happens to Britain. Lets not get too interested in who is the mayor of London. Sadiq Khan is the Labour candidate. And he is islamist who defends Sayeeda Warsi for her resignation around Gaza problem. The Tory candidate is Zac Goldsmith. He represents the old money, blue blooded line whom we all love to hate for their role in Indian colonisation.

Priti Patel for eg. is photogenic and unashamedly Hindu. But she does not wear her belief on her sleeve. Alas she is like Tulsi Gabbard. They cannot influence the policy.

Dismissing Corbyn so easily is a mistake. All those who proclaim that he will not be leading Labour in 2019 is clearly unaware of who controls the party. The Blair era was a shift of the left towards the centre. Now they are moving back to the left. And all those centrist lefties will leave as Britain slips further into relative poverty.
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by rgosain »

I am prepared to wager a £100 (sterling) to a charity of your choice, that Corbyn is not going to be leading the Labour party come the 2020 election. see: ... disappoint

The Uk electorate is conservative with a small C and that is why Labour were in the wilderness from 1979 - 1997 against Thatcher and Major. Blair was able to move it to the centre-right, and won 3 elections. Corbyn seems intent on taking labour back to the Kinnock years of the 1980's, when their key supporters were leftists and islamists..

Since Corbyn is the key figure in the demonisation of Modi, the GOI has nothing to gain from interacting with Corbyn at all. In fact Corbyn and his supporters would relish any opportunity to embarrass Modi and India, over human rights, Kashmir, genocide etc. Modi would do well to stay away from any of Corbyn's associates.
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by JwalaMukhi »

Avinash R wrote:Modi visit will deepen India-UK bonds: UK minister ... -minister/
A nation of shopkeepers would kiss ass anyone for a few pennies, now since they are running out of all the loot from the colonial wealth. Queendomers were on their knees begging to Malaysia, when Mahathir Mohammed threatened to cancel the contracts. Now-a-days, they are on their knees busy trying to become 24th province of China. They got tired of being 51st state of US. Now they genuflect to the Dragon and will occupy some moral high ground to lecture other third worlders. Very similar to Obama lecturing about religious rites and phreedom, before promptly embarking on a trip to kiss ass of Saudi Arapian king.
Can expect lectures, patronizing attitude of the queendomers before, during and after Modi's visit.
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by member_29172 »

^^The traditional American pet dog is warming up to our Chinese brethren these days, lots of comsessions, lots of pappu jhappi, all the high nosed anglo pride goes down the gutter when the loot is used up it seems. Obviously changing masters so blatantly isn't sitting well in some American quarters. I am kinda disappointed Modi didn't snub this snobby b@stards and put them in their place. hopefully we'll make some sweet deals that are actually useful to India and Indians
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by Shankk »

Here it is, what you said in pictures. However to their credit this is by a British cartoonist and tolerated by them without much fuss.
JwalaMukhi wrote:A nation of shopkeepers would kiss ass anyone for a few pennies, now since they are running out of all the loot from the colonial wealth. ... 970b-popup
JwalaMukhi wrote:Now-a-days, they are on their knees busy trying to become 24th province of China. ... 970d-popup
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by Philip »

Royal kisses on the cheeks of a flatulent superpower
Stewart Lee
‘Instead of wearing a booby-trapped papier-mache head of the Dalai Lama, as was feared, Jeremy Corbyn wore a black jacket’ ... it-chinese
kisses on the cheeks of a flatulent superpower
Stewart Lee

‘Instead of wearing a booby-trapped papier-mache head of the Dalai Lama, as was feared, Jeremy Corbyn wore a black jacket’

Last weekend, residents of our east London thoroughfare were told to remove their vehicles, clearing the route for an exceptionally wide and potentially hazardous load. Perhaps your mum, who I believe lives locally, had ordered a new pair of pants from Littlewoods?

Rising on Tuesday to a thunderous ding dong, I saw “Free Tibet” protesters fleeing west while nervous Chinese students waved identical banners reading “Welcome” and, in much smaller letters, “Made in China”.

Dispersing demonstrators, police ensured the welcomers were in place as the object of their obligations began its progress past my window. It was, at some 100 feet across, and mounted on tiny casters, nothing less than a massive Chinese arse.

With the silent authority of a vast totalitarian slug, the massive Chinese arse rolled over the buckling tarmac, shiny in the sun, with all farts coming out of it, speeding its gaseous progress towards Westminster.

Having flown in from China, suspended between four Chinooks, the massive Chinese arse sat down discreetly at RAF Scampton, where it became the subject of an enthusiastic Lincolnshire cargo cult, and was then escorted into London by a fleet of police motorcyclists, clothes pegs discreetly over their noses against the arse’s flatulent mechanism.

A human rights protester positioned himself before the massive Chinese arse, raising defiant fists. But two unremitting meat mountains, enormous Chinese buttocks, rolled unsentimentally over him, spitting him out behind, winded and battered.

Illustration by David Foldvari.

“Did you see that?” I asked a policewoman, “A massive Chinese arse is crushing legitimate criticism.” “Calm down Mr Lee,” said an undercover officer, recognising me from my multiple Bafta- and British Comedy Award-winning TV shows. “Perhaps a ticket to tonight’s ceremonial massive Chinese arse banquet at Buckingham Palace would buy your silence?”

I told him I could not be bought, having turned down an advert for Sharwood’s Spicy Szechuan Stir Fry Melts on ethical grounds only last week. “There will be braised red cabbage, cocotte potatoes, and timbale of celeriac,” he bartered, waving an embossed menu of tainted possibility.

And so it was that, for truth and timbale of celeriac, I was seated at Buckingham Palace, with the massive Chinese arse and his confidants, a host of delighted business people, and some compromised dignitaries: Mark Carney of the Bank of England, George “Pencils” Osborne, David Cameron and, Christ-like in his accommodations, Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, supine among the sinners, the non-tax-gatherers, and the non-dom non-tax payers.

The Queen wore a white banquet dress, embroidered with beads by her dressmaker Angela Kelly, and a pair of old lady’s knickers, the label sewn in by C&A. It was the first time she had worn the dress. The Duchess of Cambridge wore a bespoke red gown by Jenny Packham, and a Chinese Rocks tiara, on loan from George “Pencils” Osborne. It was the first time she had worn the gown.

Instead of wearing a booby-trapped papier-mache head of the Dalai Lama, as was feared, Jeremy Corbyn wore a black jacket, white tie, white shirt, black shoes and black trousers, with black socks and white pants from Marks and Spencers. It was the 75th time he had worn the pants.

I saw the Queen’s eyes, as she licked the massive Chinese arse, meeting Jeremy Corbyn’s eyes

On the subject of clothes, PEN Award-winning writer and academic Ilham Tohti appears to be wearing a blue anorak and a white T-shirt in the picture I found of him, but who knows what he is wearing now, as he is serving life imprisonment in a Chinese jail, as I would be if I wrote this piece there, even though it is only a silly thing about a massive Chinese arse.

Still, no time to worry about that now. The timbale of celeriac smelt delicious when I could catch a whiff of it, wafting in from the kitchen, through the low-hanging cloud of the massive Chinese arse’s effulgent flatulence. And anyway, dinner was served.

Fillet of west coast turbot with lobster mousse, roasted loin of Balmoral venison in a Madeira and truffle sauce, braised red cabbage, cocotte potatoes, and timbale of celeriac. To follow, and in celebration of the prime minister’s heroic rejection of the sugar tax, délice of dark chocolate, mango and lime. And 25 almonds, some Space Dust, and a juicy red apple for George “Pencils” Osborne, who was still on his diet.

After dessert came the part of the evening the diplomats had dreaded most. They knew the assembled worthies were required to venerate the massive Chinese arse, but even the most accomplished translator had been unable to ascertain whether the Chinese government’s instructions meant the massive Chinese arse was to be licked, or to be kissed.

Archbishop Justin Welby officiated, the dignitaries processing toward the massive Chinese arse, in a sick pantomime of the communion. Some – David Cameron, Mark Carney, and the Duchess of Cambridge – chose to kiss the massive Chinese arse. Others – Prince William, Prince Andrew and the Queen – elected to lick it.

Xi Jinping protesters arrested and homes searched over London demonstrations

From where I was sitting I saw the Queen’s eyes, as she licked the massive Chinese arse, meeting Jeremy Corbyn’s eyes. It seemed to me they shared an intimate moment, as she communicated to him the terrible bondage of duty, perhaps envying the rebellious leader of the opposition, and her own absent firstborn son, their uncompromised freedom, perhaps asking for understanding. And I like to think that it was in solidarity with the quietly dignified Queen that Jeremy Corbyn too then leaned forward to lick the massive Chinese arse himself.

The arse-licking and arse-kissing done, the band struck up the James Bond theme Nobody Does It Better and George Osborne took centre stage. Testing the opening with his usual pencil, he rolled up his shirt sleeve, James Herriot-style, and began his diplomatic negotiations, pushing through the half-digested fillet of west coast turbot with lobster mousse, the semi-dissolved roasted loin of Balmoral venison in a Madeira and truffle sauce, the broken-down braised red cabbage, the condensing cocotte potatoes, the disintegrating timbale of celeriac and the dissipating délice of dark chocolate, mango and lime. And finally the chancellor pulled out a plum! “What a good boy am I!” he cried, holding up the filthy fruit, to the applause of all. “This plum is worth £30 billion.”

The week dragged on. Unfortunately the massive Chinese arse was unable to find time to see Ai Weiwei at the Academy, the capital’s most important cultural event. But David Cameron did manage to take it to his local, The Cock and Pig, in Chipping Norton, where it enjoyed fish and beer, and was then forgotten, as the prime minister drove off, leaving it in a toilet.
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by Philip »

The Moron-of-Cam wants to proceed with Trident modernisation,blah,blah.Whom is he kidding? He hadn't the b*lls to bomb Syria or ISIS for that matter (afraid to upset Yanqui Sam his and his Saudi monarch?),so why the great lust for Trident.The answer is simple.To spend GBP 169B with the merchants of death (mainly in the US) on a weapon system that will almost certainly never be used,utterly worthless,while British conventional defence capability has shrunk dramatically. ... html[b]The cost of replacing Trident is really £167bn, new figures suggest[/b]
The new estimate is double previous calculations
Jon Stone
The overall cost of replacing Britain’s Trident nuclear weapons system would be £167bn, double previous credible estimates, according to new calculations based on official figures.

The Reuters news agency reports that a replacement would cost nearly double the proportion the defence budget as its predecessor.

The revelation comes shortly after the anti-Trident SNP swept nearly every Scottish seat at the Scottish general election and Labour elected anti-Trident leader Jeremy Corbyn as Leader of the Opposition.

Jeremy Corbyn loses the battle on Trident

The figures, released by the Ministry of Defence following parliamentary questions by Conservative MP Crispin Blunt, show ministers believe the cost of four new submarines would be £25bn.

But the Government also says maintenance of the system over its lifetime would cost six per cent of the annual defence budget – which ministers have pledged to hold at two per cent of GDP.

According to IMF GDP growth forecasts for the UK, the total figure would therefore be £167bn, Reuters says.

“The successor Trident program is going to consume more than double the proportion of the defence budget of its predecessor,” Mr Blunt told the news agency.

“The price required, both from the UK taxpayer and our conventional forces, is now too high to be rational or sensible.”

Previous estimates of the cost of the system have been significantly lower.
Read more

Jeremy Corbyn says Trident 'weapon of mass destruction' must go
Lucy Powell admits battles lie ahead as Labour debates Trident
Labour set for showdown after agreeing to debate scrapping Trident
Hilary Benn doesn't believe Labour will scrap Trident or leave Nato

The Royal United Services Institute estimated in 2013 that a new system would cost between £70bn and £80bn for its lifetime.

Ministers have previously suggested the cost could be as low as £20bn, but this calculation is widely believed to exclude various other factors.

The independent Trident Commission said in 2014 that the cost of replacement would be around £100bn.

The new figures relate to the lifetime cost of the system between 2028 and 2060.

A decision on whether to replace the system is due next year. Labour has suggested that its MPs could be given a free vote in Parliament, meaning many of its MPs will back it.

Parliamentary arithmetic means the vote is likely to pass, barring a surprise last-minute rebellion by Conservative MPs and a three-line whipped vote by Labour.

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Defence said: "At around six per cent of the annual defense budget, the in-service costs of the UK's national deterrent are affordable and represent an investment in a capability which plays an important role in ensuring the UK's national security."
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by Singha »

gives bartania a seat at the high table or so the theory goes.

what is a P5 without a triad eh?

actually its better the spend on those budgets than in aid to TSP, meddling in conventional wars elsewhere....why stop at 4, get 16 new ssbns and be a king lion.
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by Tanaji »

Anyone following the #sikhlivrsmatter campaign and the associated demonstration outside the Indian embassy a few days ago? The campaign seems to be bankrolled by UK Sikh diaspora mostly.... Last I checked they manage to injure a policeman...
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by panduranghari »

^ They are all blue turbaned Khalistanis.
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by Lalmohan »

and as if on queue, british sikhs who are less connected to india are jumping on the bandwagon
some disinformation being spread via social media also
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by JwalaMukhi »

One always cannot be extra-careful when dealing with perfidious albions. UKstanis, beyond their usual moral grand standing, are inveterate schemers, who will cultivate all kinds of terrorist thugs. There is a reason why Londonistan is the citadel for terrorist refugees of all hues. They actively encourage these kinds of snakes in the name of phreedom, while patronising peace and talking down to colored people. Sigh! UKstanis never can get over their hubris, not in a millinea. The biggest fear is the nuclear weapons with these failing queendoomers who will not hestitate to go cuckoo just because of spite.
Their extra-ordinary history of perfidy, requires them to demonstrate extra-ordinary proof of good behavior in actions over a sustained period, to be taken seriously. A bunch of self-serving, pompous, perfidious group.
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by Philip »

Time to batten down the hatches in Blighty if this is true. ... f-MI5.html
Islamic State planning mass attack on Britain, warns head of MI5
Andrew Parker says current level of threat from homegrown jihadis the highest he has seen in a career spanning 32-years
Andrew Parker, the director general of MI5 Photo: MI5/PA

By Ben Farmer, Defence Correspondent
29 Oct 2015
Islamic State terrorists are planning mass casualty attacks in Britain the head of MI5 has warned.

Andrew Parker, director general of the security agency, said threats from homegrown jihadis who want to fight for the militant movement showed no sign of abating.

He also publicly admitted for the first time that MI5 had to carry out computer hacking attacks against terror networks to crack their communications.

Delivering the Lord Mayor of London’s annual defence and security lecture, he said the current level of threat was the highest he had seen in a career spanning 32-years. In the past 12 months his agency has thwarted six terror plots in the UK and another seven abroad.

Mr Parker said four fifths of the 4,000-strong agency’s resources were directed at stopping terrorist attacks, with an increasing proportion of them linked to Syria and Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil).

He said: “More than 750 extremists from this country have travelled to Syria, and the growth in the threat shows no sign of abating.

“We are seeing plots against the UK directed by terrorists in Syria; enabled through contacts with terrorists in Syria; and inspired online by Isil’s sophisticated exploitation of technology.”

Britons are being rapidly radicalised online and then encouraged to carry out low tech but deadly attacks.

He said: “On top of that, in a range of attacks in Europe and elsewhere, this year we have seen greater ambition for mass casualty attacks.”

While the rise of Isil had dominated the headlines in the past 12 months, he said there was still as threat from al-Qaeda terrorists who are also planning massive attacks in the UK.

He said: “All of this means that the threat we are facing today is on a scale and at a tempo that I have not seen before in my career.”

• The West should join with Vladimir Putin to defeat Islamic State

He went on: “We have thwarted six attempts at terrorist attacks in the UK in the last year, and several plots overseas.

“It may not yet have reached the high water mark, and despite the successes we have had, we can never be confident of stopping everything. The death of 31 British nationals in the Sousse attacks in June was an appalling reminder of the threat.”

The scale of the threat meant MI5 had to update its “toolbox” of methods to fight terrorists, including using computer attacks.

He said: “This includes the ability to conduct operations online and to mount IT attacks (known as equipment interference), under a warrant authorised by the Home Secretary, against terrorist networks, so that we can access their communications.”

Defending the agency’s ability to access communications data, he said: “We use these tools within a framework of strict safeguards and rigorous oversight, but without them we would not be able to keep the country safe.

“As I have said before, we do not, and could not, go browsing at will through the lives of innocent people.”
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by Haresh »

Lalmohan wrote:and as if on queue, british sikhs who are less connected to india are jumping on the bandwagon
some disinformation being spread via social media also
I was raised Sikh, even went to a Sikh boarding school in Shimla when I was a kid.

I don't really think these idiots are anything to worry about.

The ones I have met have never even been there, or if they have it was when they were very young.

It seems to me to be a way of them re connecting with their roots. Everyone wants to know their past/history.

One I met actually went to Punjab and met his relatives and his relatives in Punjab actually said to him words to the effect "Don't be so stupidm we live here and we don't want it, why should you when you don't?"
He changed his mind after that.

Obviously some people are stirring it up, the paks, the die hard khalistani fantasists, but there is no real widespread support. The demonstration was about 250-300 strong, hardly big.

I know there is a campaign to free Sikh prisoners who have served their sentences and I think that is fair enough. There is another campaign called "Sikh Lives Matter" against police brutality. But is police brutality in India any less harsh against non Sikhs. Punjab police are goondhas, to everyone.
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by Avinash R »

New British Council report says India Matters to UK ... 09701.html
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Re: Indo-UK news-Aug 2015

Post by Kakkaji »

Sarna new UK envoy
New Delhi, Oct. 31 (PTI): Veteran diplomat Navtej Singh Sarna has been appointed as India's next high commissioner to the UK.

An IFS officer of 1980 batch, Sarna is now secretary (West). He is expected to take up his assignment shortly, an official statement said.