Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2016

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by arun »

arun wrote:Martial TFTA citizens of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan being shown up rather badly by Less Martial SDRE citizens of India on the Olympic Qualification front denting cherished notion held in the Islamic Republic of how one Mohammadden Pakistani equals 10 or some other multiple of Hindu Indians :lol: .

The News reports that no sportsperson from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan has managed to qualify for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games on merit and any citizen of the Islamic Republic who participates will do so on the charity of a wild card entry :roll: :
So far not a single Pakistani player has qualified for Rio Olympics and it seems that the country will only field its athletes through wild card entries.

Clicky – The News
By way of contrast per week old Times of India article, some 45 Indian sportspersons plus male and female hockey teams have qualified so far with many of the Indian’s who qualified being in the so called “Martial” sports of wrestling, archery and shooting :wink: :

2016 Rio Olympics: Which Indian athletes have qualified?

Wither the Islamic Republic of Pakistan's much parroted talk of Honor and Dignity aka H&D?
:wink: In a continuation of the Hindu/Jewish/Christist plot aka "Yahood-o-Hunood-o-Nassarah ki Saazish" orchestrated by India/Israel/US to malign Mohammaddenism and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan via RAW/Mossad/CIA, yet more Hindu Indian’s qualify for the Rio 2016 Olympics while none from the Islamic Republic have made it (Refer article from The News):

Wrestlers Vinesh Phogat, Sakshi Malik qualify for 2016 Rio Olympics
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2016

Post by Peregrine »

Forget the normal Items at the Olympics. Cwapistan is now going to ask for CORRUPTION to be included in the Olympics as an ITEM so that Cwapistanis can compete and win the Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals

Cash seized from finance secretary’s house largest in history: NAB
QUETTA: National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Balochistan DG Tariq Mahmood Khan on Saturday said the cash recovered from the residence of provincial Finance Secretary Mushtaq Raisani is the largest in the country’s history.
Talking to media, he said the recovered amount Rs 651.8 million was to be transferred abroad through illegal channels, adding that the matter was being investigated with a zero-tolerance policy.
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2016

Post by Peregrine »

Is it science or theology? - Pervez Hoodbhoy

When Pakistani students open a physics or biology textbook, it is sometimes unclear whether they are actually learning science or, instead, theology. The reason: every science textbook, published by a government-run textbook board in Pakistan, by law must contain in its first chapter how Allah made our world, as well as how Muslims and Pakistanis have created science.

I have no problem with either. But the first properly belongs to Islamic Studies, the second to Islamic or Pakistani history. Neither legitimately belongs to a textbook on a modern-day scientific subject. That’s because religion and science operate very differently and have widely different assumptions. Religion is based on belief and requires the existence of a hereafter, whereas science worries only about the here and now.

Demanding that science and faith be tied together has resulted in national bewilderment and mass intellectual enfeeblement. Millions of Pakistanis have studied science subjects in school and then gone on to study technical, science-based subjects in college and university. And yet most — including science teachers — would flunk if given even the simplest science quiz.

How did this come about? Let’s take a quick browse through a current 10th grade physics book. The introductory section has the customary holy verses. These are followed by a comical overview of the history of physics. Newton and Einstein — the two greatest names — are unmentioned. Instead there’s Ptolemy the Greek, Al-Kindi, Al-Beruni, Ibn-e-Haytham, A.Q. Khan, and — amusingly — the heretical Abdus Salam.

The end-of-chapter exercises test the mettle of students with such questions as: Mark true/false; A) The first revelation sent to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was about the creation of Heaven? B) The pin-hole camera was invented by Ibn-e-Haytham? C) Al-Beruni declared that Sind was an underwater valley that gradually filled with sand? D) Islam teaches that only men must acquire knowledge?

Dear Reader: You may well gasp in disbelief, or just hold your head in despair. How could Pakistan’s collective intelligence and the quality of what we teach our children have sunk so low? To see more such questions, or to check my translation from Urdu into English, please visit the website Eqbal Ahmed Centre for Public Education where relevant pages from the above text (as well as from those discussed below) have been scanned and posted.

Take another physics book — this one (English) is for sixth-grade students. It makes abundantly clear its discomfort with the modern understanding of our universe’s beginning. The theory of the Big Bang is attributed to “a priest, George Lamaitre [sic] of Belgium”. The authors cunningly mention his faith hoping to discredit his science. Continuing, they declare that “although the Big Bang Theory is widely accepted, it probably will never be proved”.

While Georges Lemaître was indeed a Catholic priest, he was so much more. A professor of physics, he worked out the expanding universe solution to Einstein’s equations. Lemaître insisted on separating science from religion; he had publicly chided Pope Pius XII when the pontiff grandly declared that Lemaître’s results provided a scientific validation to Catholicism.

Local biology books are even more schizophrenic and confusing than the physics ones. A 10th-grade book starts off its section on ‘Life and its Origins’ unctuously quoting one religious verse after another. None of these verses hint towards evolution, and many Muslims believe that evolution is counter-religious. Then, suddenly, a full page annotated chart hits you in the face. Stolen from some modern biology book written in some other part of the world, it depicts various living organisms evolving into apes and then into modern humans. Ouch!

Such incoherent babble confuses the nature of science — its history, purpose, method, and fundamental content. If the authors are confused, just imagine the impact on students who must learn this stuff. What weird ideas must inhabit their minds!

Compounding scientific ignorance is prejudice. Most students have been persuaded into believing that Muslims alone invented science. And that the heroes of Muslim science such as Ibn-e-Haytham, Al-Khwarizmi, Omar Khayyam, Ibn-e-Sina, etc owed their scientific discoveries to their strong religious beliefs. This is wrong.

Science is the cumulative effort of humankind with its earliest recorded origins in Babylon and Egypt about 6,000 years ago, thereafter moving to China and India, and then Greece. It was a millennium later that science reached the lands of Islam, where it flourished for 400 years before moving on to Europe. Omar Khayyam, a Muslim, was doubtless a brilliant mathematician. But so was Aryabhatta, a Hindu. What does their faith have to do with their science? Natural geniuses have existed everywhere and at all times.

Today’s massive infusion of religion into the teaching of science dates to the Ziaul Haq days. It was not just school textbooks that were hijacked. In the 1980s, as an applicant to a university teaching position in whichever department, the university’s selection committee would first check your faith.

In those days a favourite question at Quaid-e-Azam University (as probably elsewhere) was to have a candidate recite Dua-i-Qunoot, a rather difficult prayer. Another was to name each of the Holy Prophet’s wives, or be quizzed about the ideology of Pakistan. Deftly posed questions could expose the particularities of the candidate’s sect, personal degree of adherence, and whether he had been infected by liberal ideas.

Most applicants meekly submitted to the grilling. Of these many rose to become today’s chairmen, deans, and vice-chancellors. The bolder ones refused, saying that the questions asked were irrelevant. With strong degrees earned from good overseas universities, they did not have to submit to their bullying inquisitors. Decades later, they are part of a widely dispersed diaspora. Though lost to Pakistan, they have done very well for themselves.

Science has no need for Pakistan; in the rest of the world it roars ahead. But Pakistan needs science because it is the basis of a modern economy and it enables people to gain decent livelihoods. To get there, matters of faith will have to be cleanly separated from matters of science. This is how peoples around the world have managed to keep their beliefs intact and yet prosper. Pakistan can too, but only if it wants.

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by wig » ... 18926.html

A Pakistani activist has been murdered by gunmen hours after hailing Londoners for electing Sadiq Khan as the new mayor of the city.

Khurram Zaki, a former journalist and activist, was shot and killed by gunmen riding motorcycles in the southern port city of Karachi, according to Pakistani police officer Muqaddas Haider.

The 40-year-old edited the blog Let Us Build Pakistan (LUBP) which claimed to “spread liberal religious views and condemned extremism in all forms”.

Mr Haider told Associated Press four gunmen on two motorcycles attacked activist Mr Zaki late Saturday at a roadside restaurant, where he was dining with a friend. The friend was wounded, as was a bystander. Police said Sunday it is not immediately clear who was behind the attack
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by JE Menon »

^^Hoodbhoy is walking a fine line...maybe too fine. Indeed, he may have crossed it with the above article.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Peregrine »

Pakistan rejects US conditions attached to sale of F-16s‏
Pakistan has conveyed to the US that it does not have the money to buy F-16 jets from its resources and has cautioned that if the stalemate over funding is not resolved it may consider buying some other fighter aircraft to meet its needs.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Peregrine »

JE Menon wrote:^^Hoodbhoy is walking a fine line...maybe too fine. Indeed, he may have crossed it with the above article.
JE Menon Ji :

I have a strong feeling that PH has a "US Insurance Policy".
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by SSridhar »

JEM, I agree with you. Hoodbhoy must escape to more amenable lands immediately. Tomorrow may be a day late.

It was the US-backed Gen. Zia-ul-Haq who subverted the curricula of the schools “to present all materials from an Islamic point of view” because his desire to glorify wajibul qitl concept of the jihad came handy for the reckless Americans in their quest to destroy the USSR. In 2002, the same US ordered Gen. Musharraf, the military-dictator-successor of Gen. Zia, to undo the textbook subversion because the intervening two decades had singed the US very badly. Try, as he might, Gen. Musharraf could not implement that. The textbooks and curricula had been so altered that on Oct. 19, 2004, the Pakistani National Assembly had to pass a resolution to include the Aug. 11, 1947 speech of Mr. Jinnah, wherein he seemed to desire a secular Pakistani state, in the school textbooks. The MMA, a collection of fundamentalist Islamic parties who helped Gen. Musharraf assume political power, was against this inclusion because for the MMA, Quaid-e-Azam was an infidel.

Earlier, the Federal Education Minister Ms.Zobaida Jalal's house in Balochistan was attacked and she had to declare herself as a "fundamentalist" for having attempted to change the curricula and agreed that school textbooks without references to jihad were incomplete. All that she had done was to move a Quranic verse on jihad from the Biology textbooks of Class 11 & 12. She had to be eventually removed from her Ministership and was replaced by Lt. Gen. Javed Ashraf Qazi, ex ISI Director General. He then formed a committee to look into the curriculum but the names of the members of this committee were kept a secret for fear of repraisal by fundamentalists. This committee announced a new curriculum (Dars-i-Nizami) in Dec. 2006 for classes IX and X. It could never be implemented because the hardcore IJT (Islami Jamiat Talaba, the youth wing of Jamaat-e-Islami) announced its opposition immediately thereafter. Even a so-called modernist and a liberal Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan, had to say that “In my personal view both religious and formal education are necessary from the beginning. Religious education... helps character building “ countering an argument by a religious scholar who favoured postponing religious studies to Class VI so that “no mullah can spoil an innocent mind”.

Such hate is not decreasing even after the much trumpeted restoration of 'democracy'. The NGO, National Commission for Justice and Peace, in a report in September 2012 said that the school textbooks in c. 2012 contained more hate material than ever before. It further said, “Many textbooks that had no hate material in their earlier versions, now carry such material in Punjab and Sindh provinces. There were 45 lines containing hate material in books published in Punjab during 2009-11, and the figure increased to 122 lines in c. 2012.”
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by SSridhar »

ISI made Haqqani Taliban's No. 2 to protect him from US: Report - ToI
Pakistan's powerful ISI had brought in Haqqani network's chief Sirajuddin Haqqani as the deputy leader of the Taliban last year to protect him from the Americans, a media report said today.

The New York Times, quoting Afghan and American officials, said in a report that the "closer integration of the feared" Haqqani militant network into the leadership of the Taliban is "changing the flow of the Afghan insurgency this year, with the Haqqanis' senior leader increasingly calling the shots in the Taliban's offensive.

It quoted Afghanistan's former intelligence chief Rahmatullah Nabil as saying that "the ISI brought Sirajuddin as the deputy to the Taliban to give him protection, so if the peace talks get serious, the Americans wouldn't be able to say, 'We will make peace with the leader but not with the deputy'."

Nabil, who now runs a charity for wounded Afghan soldiers, said the merger had been helped by the fact that the Haqqanis were struggling financially, after their chief fund-raiser was gunned down near Islamabad in 2013, and that the Taliban needed Haqqani's expertise in waging complex attacks.

Brigadier General Charles Cleveland, the chief spokesman for United States and NATO forces in Afghanistan, said that "Sirajuddin increasingly runs the day-to-day military operations for the Taliban, and, we believe, is likely involved in appointing shadow governors."

"The Haqqani network's closer integration with the Taliban command also creates awkwardness for the Obama administration, and is raising tension between Pakistan and Afghanistan," it said.

The report cited some senior Afghan officials as saying that the Pakistani military was "central" to bringing the Haqqanis more closely into the Taliban during the insurgency's leadership councils last summer, which were held in Quetta.

The report said that the Haqqanis have "refined a signature brand" of urban terrorist attacks and cultivated a sophisticated international fund-raising network, factoring prominently in the United States military's push to keep troops in Afghanistan.

It added that the group's growing role in leading the entire insurgency in the war-torn country has raised concerns about an even deadlier year of fighting ahead, as hopes of peace talks have collapsed.

"The shift is also raising tensions with the Pakistani military, which American and Afghan officials accuse of sheltering the Haqqanis as a proxy group," it said.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

Ganja Sharif Off To Londonistan On Pretext Of "Medical Treatment"
PM Nawaz to revisit Zardari this month in London
LAHORE (Web Desk) – Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will head to London for a medical check-up after May 20, official sources said.It is also expected that during his trip PM Nawaz will discuss with co-chairman PPP Asif Ali Zardari the overall political scenario of the country in the wake of the Panama Papers, Express Tribune reported on Sunday.
Will it be video conferencing again this time or face to face; Dus Percenti can surely give him some "useful tips" re: saving his loot !
Apparently, the PM is following the proverb ‘a wise enemy is better than a foolish friend’, Nawaz has reached out to Zardari at a number of occasions to seek support in past.
During his last visit to London, Nawaz had met Zardari at Churchill Hotel though the meeting was kept secret.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Rajagopal »

JE Menon wrote:^^Hoodbhoy is walking a fine line...maybe too fine. Indeed, he may have crossed it with the above article.
I had some idea about the manipulation of Pakistani textbooks, but reading this article was a mind boggling experience. It is beginning to make sense the level of confusion of my fellow Pakistani students during my MS days. Poor guys, the culture shock must have been immense upon realizing that Islam is not mentioned even once in the entire text book. :mrgreen:

It is clear that one can sell any idea to a Pakistani as long as it has a "Quranic" line of thought. I have a new business idea brewing. The Islamic Ballistic Missile Defense(IBMD) shield!!!

(IBMD = A multi-layered, Clustered, Integrated defense network of Supersonic Flying Qurans that will disintegrate any Kuffar technology.)
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by jash_p »

JE Menon wrote:
^^Hoodbhoy is walking a fine line...maybe too fine. Indeed, he may have crossed it with the above article.

JE Menon Ji :

I have a strong feeling that PH has a "US Insurance Policy".
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I think PH is more dangerous to India than any other Paki. If he convince Pakis to think rationale and if Pakis follow him than India will have difficult days ahead.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

Zalmay Khalilzad on the successes and failures of the United States in Afghanistan and Iraq

Afghanistan-born Zalmay Khalilzad has been the highest-ranking Muslim in the U.S. administration and has worked under President George W. Bush in various capacities. He was Ambassador to Afghanistan and Iraq during the U.S.-led invasions, and played a major role in shaping the U.S.’s policies in West Asia. His memoir, The Envoy: From Kabul to the White House, My Journey Through a Turbulent World, has just been published, offering fresh insight into the American conduct of the wars.
Mr. Khalilzad was also in the news recently for hosting Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s foreign policy speech in Washington. Excerpts from an interview in which he speaks about Mr. Bush, former President of Pakistan Pervez Musharraf, and Mr. Trump:

What went wrong in Iraq?
A lot of people say there was no plan after the invasion. There was a plan, in fact. I was the presidential envoy before Paul Bremer was announced. I was aware of what we were planning to do after the invasion — which was liberation, not occupation.
Two men running to be presidential candidates, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, say the entire chaos in the region began with the invasion of Iraq. Do you agree?
There was a lot of conflict and instability there already — the Iran-Iraq war, the Palestine-Israel conflict, the Iranian revolution, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Afghan civil war, al-Qaeda’s emergence… the list is long. After the Cold War victory, we thought we were the only superpower and we could change things. Terrorism emerged as an issue in the meantime.
The U.S. seems to be struggling to get right the equation involving Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. How do you see the future?One of the failures of our diplomacy was that when the USSR invaded Afghanistan, they were seen as a dangerous and strong enemy. The U.S. was startled. The U.S. had accommodated the loss of a friendly government to the Iranian revolution. But the Soviet response to a similar situation in Afghanistan was aggressive. The U.S. then became dependent on Pakistan to inflict a cost on the Soviets, to deter them from further expansion. When the Soviet began to discuss withdrawal, we initially did not believe [them]. In 1987, my efforts were to open a direct channel to Afghanistan rather than going though the Pakistanis. And when the Soviets left, we disengaged, and civil war erupted, regional powers entered the scene, and the Taliban and al-Qaeda emerged. We should not have contracted the Afghan resistance to Pakistan. We contracted it to Pakistan and Pakistan subcontracted it to groups that it picked.
How do you think it will play out now?In post-Taliban Afghanistan, the Pakistani policy continued to be complex. On the one hand, they presented themselves as a friend of the U.S. — I attended many meetings between President Musharraf and President Bush. And they did a lot of things for us — airspace, bases, they arrested some people. Musharraf sent a message to the Taliban to deliver al-Qaeda though the ISI opposed it. But soon they began a second track — which was to allow sanctuaries for the Taliban and the Haqqani network. I was the first U.S. official who said Pakistan was developing sanctuaries for the Taliban and the Haqqanis. Some of my colleagues were not pleased. I made public statements so that our government noticed. I also wanted the Afghans to note that we were taking note of something that they were clearly seeing. The alliance that we were making with Afghans would be at risk unless we said it. Some people at high levels did not believe it. Musharraf was our friend and had good relations with Colin Powell [former Secretary of State]. They did not believe that he could send people to kill Americans. I did not invent these things. I had the same material that they were seeing. Intelligence. It took a while for the U.S. to understand the double game that Pakistan was playing. Once I was mentioning this to President Bush. He called Musharraf and said I had great concern about what was going on in Pakistan, and said I would go and give him the details. The President would not believe that Musharraf knew these things. I thought it was unlikely that Musharraf did not know. Though we did not have intelligence that he sat in this meeting and approved anything, that was our failure and not because he has not done it, I argued. This is a General, I said. It is unlikely, I dare say, impossible, that he does not know. From his territory, attacks were being carried out. So I went there and met President Musharraf. He denied that there was any Taliban in Pakistan. He said, “Show me their addresses; give me their phone numbers.” So I thought that the meeting was a waste of time. You could never get to their calculations. What they said indirectly was that the Indians were close to the Northern Alliance and they were influential in the government; the Indian consulates were selling arms or giving arms to the opposition, and so on.
Mushy's double game exposed by this Afghan was not believed by no less than George Bush !
Can there be equilibrium in the region in the near future?U.S. policy has not found a formula to take all these equations involving India, Pakistan and Afghanistan and come up with an equilibrium that is workable in the region. Afghanistan is to some extent a victim — they have some responsibility but largely they have been at the receiving end of the calculations of others. Pakistan’s hostility towards Afghanistan has been there since the creation of Pakistan. Afghanistan was the only country that voted against Pakistan’s admission to the United Nations. It was this dispute over the border that created the circumstances that pushed the Afghans to the Soviets. They wanted to seek friendly relations with the U.S. The U.S. insisted that Afghanistan accept the border with Pakistan. Afghanistan accepted Soviet help. So, what is the equilibrium that could work? Some settlement between Indian and Pakistan on Kashmir. I don’t know what will help Pakistan overcome the psychological barrier that India still threatens it. Pakistan has imperial constructs of its own. Being a nuclear power, it perhaps wants to lead an empire into Afghanistan and Central Asia. Some equilibrium could be arrived at. But it will take a while.
Why could he not convince the US to change its policy when he was in the inner power circles !
You hosted Donald Trump’s foreign policy speech. How do you see his narrative of Muslims and his vision about America’s relations with the Muslim world?I think America is perfectly entitled to — and I support it as an American — not allow people that they don’t know enough about, and those who could pose a security threat. Sure, security of your own country is your primary responsibility. But I think it will be a mistake to say that Muslims are all suspects. That is wrong, number one. It is not only morally wrong, but also factually wrong. I am a Muslim and I had the highest clearances. I was Ambassador in war zones, had access to military, intelligence. No one can say I was disloyal to America. It does not serve America’s purpose to put 1.6 billion people as if they are all one, that they all believe the same thing and they are all equally hostile to America. There are various struggles within the Muslim world on what it means to be a Muslim in the modern world. America is made up of people from all over the world and it has been a melting pot. It should tighten its immigration — and I support it — putting emphasis on security and attracting the best and the brightest. I favour that immigration reform. I think it is counterproductive to put everyone in the same category.
If Trump assumes the presidency, it will be very difficult for him to implement his "blanket policy" of excluding all Muslims; I personally believe, that he will treat this on a case by case basis, but will give "special treatment" to people of that faith !
Will you join a future Trump team?I owe America a lot. I came from a remote part of Afghanistan, and I never could have imagined what I have become here. I care about America and America’s role in the world, American interests and American values. Therefore, I will do what I can do to help America. If Mr. Trump became President and he wanted or needed my help to follow a prudent strategy, sure I would help. America First is not isolationism, it is about the universality of American values.
So this Afghan is willing to "help" Trump if Trump asks for his help
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

Pakistan's Terror Machine Intact, Modi Yet to Flex His Muscles Vir Sanghvi
Indian Prime Ministers have always wanted to put their imprint on the Indo-Pak relations
The problem in dealing with Pakistan is that nobody is sure what line to take
Narendra Modi's 2014 Lok Sabha election campaign left no one in doubt that if he became the Prime Minister he would take a hardline with Pakistan and the terror attacks coming out of there would end. But two years into Narendra Modi's prime ministership, things haven't quite worked out that way.
Indian Prime Ministers have always wanted to put their imprint on the Indo-Pak relationship and Modi is no different. But his extending the hand of friendship from the very start of his term had surprised many.
It began with the invitation to Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to his swearing-in ceremony on May 26, 2014. More recently, Modi made an unscheduled stopover in Islamabad in December 2015 which broke all protocol.
The optics suggested there was a definite upward trend in the relationship. With the Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance government enjoying an absolute majority in the Lok Sabha, the two countries perhaps, could finally be friends. But that display of winter bonhomie was followed by a stab in the back.
On January 2, 2016 six Pakistani terrorists attacked the Indian Air Force in Pathankot and killed seven Indians. The Modi government was quick to accept that the terrorists were acting without state support and Pakistan was invited to send its own investigating team.
But Pakistan's response was a slap in the face. Their investigating team leaked to their media that the attack had been staged by India.
So much for trust and friendship!
On April 1, 2016 National Investigation Agency Director General Sharad Kumar claimed, "The interaction with the JIT was held according to the terms of reference mutually agreed upon on a reciprocal basis."
But it didn't help that Pakistani officials were saying exactly the opposite.
A few days later on April 7 Pakistani High Commissioner to India Abdul Basit said, "Investigation is not about reciprocity in my view. It is more about extending cooperation."
Pakistan kept on speaking in different voices and casting shadows on the future.
When asked if the India-Pakistan dialogue had been suspended following the Pathankot attacks, Nawaz Sharif's advisor Sartaj Aziz said, "See suspended can be for one month, for two months. When there is a hiatus and dialogue is not taking place, the word suspended does not mean cancelled or given up. I don't think there is any difference. For the time being it was suspended but from January three and a half months have passed."
but it is fair to say that Modi is not the first Indian prime minister to be disappointed by the Pakistani leadership. Nor will he be the last.
The problem in dealing with Pakistan is that nobody is sure what line to take. Should India be soft? Should India rely on the Americans? Should India talk tough? Should India threaten war?
IMHO he has summed it very well here !
Only one prime minister has got the balance right - Indira Gandhi.
It was 1966 and Indira Gandhi had just become the PM, days after Pakistan's unsuccessful attempt to infiltrate Kashmir and incite a rebellion against India.
Both countries claimed a military victory but within five years Pakistan was facing trouble in the East. West Pakistanis who controlled the government refused to accept the electoral victory of the East Pakistani Awami League and allowed its army to unleash a reign of terror.
More than 90 lakh refugees crossed into India. Though the world was horrified, when it came to actual support India was on its own. Moreover, America actually supported Pakistan.
Out of that crisis emerged the Indira Gandhi approach to Pakistan. First, never count on the rest of the world to help you. Second never talk about what you are going to do. And third: act swiftly and covertly.
Using the then recently created Research and Analysis Wing, Indira Gandhi launched a massive covert operation to help East Pakistan. The move eventually culminated in the 1971 War that carved Bangladesh out of Pakistan.
The 1971 War was followed by the Simla Agreement, where it's believed Pakistani PM Zulfikar Ali Bhutto agreed to regard the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir as the international border and to give up any claims to Kashmir in exchange for the 90,000 Pakistani Prisoners of War.
Unfortunately, as Indira Gandhi's critics point out, this assurance wasn't in writing. There is said to be a tape, somewhere in the R&AW archives, of that conversation. Though few have heard it, career diplomats like G Partharathy, who served as India's High Commissioner to Pakistan between 1998 and 2000 will vouch for it.

I personally think that even an assurance in writing would have made little difference in the end ! The Pakis cannot be trusted plain and simple !
Anyway, her strategy worked. From 1971 to 1989, India had no trouble from Pakistan.
But by the 1990s, successive Pakistani leaders started to disown the Simla agreement dismissing it as a treaty forced by a victor on the losing side in a war. Since then India's Pakistan problem has been mainly about Pakistan sponsored terrorism.
The state of Pakistan is a terrorist state. Right, from its inception in 1947, the state of Pakistan has sought terrorism as its tool or as an instrument of state policy. Whether we look at the 1947 invasion of Jammu and Kashmir or the 1948 invasion and occupation of the independent state of Balochistan or the 1971 genocide in Bangladesh where 3 million people were killed. And as long there's Pakistan that is based on Mohammad Ali Jinnah's two nation theory of contempt and hatred towards the Hindu, there will be terrorism as as an instrument of state policy," says expatriate Pakistani writer Tarek Fateh.
So it all boils down to how do India handles Pakistan.
Former prime minister PV Narasimha Rao believed that the solution was to quietly run a covert operations. He was, after all, Indira Gandhi's chela (disciple).
But one of his successors, prime minister Inder Kumar Gujral, took a diametrically opposite view. He believed that friendship and dialogue were the way forward.
Gujral went so far as to ask R&AW to wind up its networks in Pakistan. As a result assets cultivated over years were suddenly lost forever. In retrospect that dovish stance cost India big.
One way to make Pakistan is to develop economically as fast as possible, minimal diplomatic contact, increased military spending to bankrupt the artificial entity, minimal direct cross border trade , route all Afghan trade via the sea route and other countries and resist this Aman ka tamasha BS and name and shame this country in international forums. And of course resume covert operations if not already done so !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Rajagopal »

jash_p wrote:
JE Menon wrote:
^^Hoodbhoy is walking a fine line...maybe too fine. Indeed, he may have crossed it with the above article.
JE Menon Ji :
I have a strong feeling that PH has a "US Insurance Policy".
Cheers Image
I think PH is more dangerous to India than any other Paki. If he convince Pakis to think rationale and if Pakis follow him than India will have difficult days ahead.
Guys, something does not add up. Dal mein Kuch kaala hai.

If Paki textbooks are so full of Islamic theories and propaganda, how come Pervez Hoodbhoy turned out to be a science fundoo..instead of, well, Pakistani? :P

hmm..I smell a RAA Agint planted by IG, to corrupt Pakistan!! :twisted:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

Lahore Literary Festival begins in New York :roll:
The Lahore Literary Festival (LLF), which takes place in New York City on Saturday and Sunday...
LLF in New York is being co-presented with the Asia Society, making it the first time a Pakistani literary festival takes place abroad. “We are pleased ashamed that what we initiated,
Instead of introspecting the real reasons (lack of security, attack by Islamic fundamentalists etc etc ) why a national festival is being shifted abroad, they are trumpeting it as some kind of achievement ; it is like the Jaipur Literary Festival, outsourced to NYC or London !
Expect more such announcements in the near future :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

Veena Malik The Paki Randi Changes Avatar Again !
Veena wants to admit her children to Jamia Binoria
Veena Malik is going to devote herself to the study of Islam under the tutelage of Mufti Naeem, of madrassah Jamia Binoria, and will ensure that her children receive an Islamic education too.
The one-time model and actress, who has spent the past few years abroad, said this at a press conference in Karachi.
“In my two years in America, ( so life in Amreeka, where I believe, her kids were born [future insurance policy?] was not Islamic for her :mrgreen: ) I read a lot of literature recommended by Junaid Jamshed sahib and said that I would study at Mufti Naeem’s institute. Jamai Binaora is one of the best institutes,” she said.
“My life was turned upside down a while ago and my elders cautioned me that it’s very hard to stay on the right path in times like this. And indeed, in the past three years, I have been tempted to stray several times, but thankfully, I have had Mufti Naeem, Maulana Tariq Jamil and Junaid Jamshed sahib to guide me,” she added.
How long this new persona lasts in anybody's guess !
When asked if she would invite fellow celebrities to follow her example, she said she could only do that when she becomes “a perfect person, which will never happen”. She added, “but the doors of Jamia Binora have always been open for me,( inquiry minds want to know whether her face will now be also be "open" or she will be required to go under the Burqa at the "world famous" Islamic " University" )and are open for anyone who chooses to seek its guidance.”
The announcement is surprising given Veena Malik’s relationship with the religious community in the past. In 2011, after Veena appeared on Indian TV show Bigg Boss, members of the religious community in Pakistan criticised her harshly, with Mufti Abdul Qawi saying on national TV: “You have insulted Pakistan and Islam.”
Just wondering if she has mended her fences with the other members of the Mullah Brigade as well
After this TV appearance, commentators hailed Veena for her brave opposition to the religious right — which she now seems to be embracing.
Over the past few years, Veena has withdrawn from the public eye and given birth to two children.
Motherly duties too much for her ?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Brad Goodman »

12 injured in Pakistan hand grenade attack
Two militants hurled a hand grenade at a restaurant and fled the scene.

At least 12 people were injured in a hand grenade attack in Pakistan's southern port city of Karachi on Sunday.

Two militants hurled a hand grenade at a restaurant and fled the scene, Xinhua news agency reported.

The injured were shifted to a nearby hospital where two people were in critical condition.

No group has so far claimed responsibility for the attack.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Brad Goodman »

Bakis land of mysterious diseases. Years of inbreeding creates amazing medical miracles

Mystery of Pakistan's "solar kids" baffles doctors
ISLAMABAD - The two brothers have come to be known as the "solar kids" and their case has completely mystified Pakistani doctors.

Aged nine and 13, the boys are normal active children during the day, but once the sun goes down, they both lapse into a vegetative state -- unable to move or talk. Javed Akram, a professor of medicine at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, told The Associated Press on Thursday that he had no idea what was causing the symptoms.

"We took this case as a challenge. Our doctors are doing medical tests to determine why these kids remain active in the day but cannot open their eyes, why they cannot talk or eat when sun goes down," he said, as he visited the pair at his hospital.

Akram said the government was providing free medical care to the siblings, who come from an impoverished family.

The brothers are undergoing extensive medical testing in the capital, Islamabad, and samples of their blood have been sent to overseas specialists for further examination, he said. Researchers are also collecting soil and air samples from the family's home village.

Mohammad Hashim, the father of the two brothers, comes from a village near Quetta, the capital of southwestern Baluchistan province. He and his wife are first cousins and two of their six children died at an early age
. Their other two children have not displayed any unusual symptoms.

His simple theory: "I think my sons get energy from sun." :rotfl:

But doctors have already dismissed the idea that sunlight plays a role, noting that the boys can move during the day even when kept in a dark room or during a rainstorm.

During the day, 13-year old Shoaib Ahmed and his brother Abdul Rasheed did indeed seem normally active, energetic and cheerful as they emerged from their hospital room on Friday and walked to a nearby canteen to have tea.

"I will become a teacher," Shoaib Ahmed told the AP, while his younger brother said he wants to be an Islamic scholar.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Brad Goodman »

Pakistan: Children paraded naked for stealing water melons
Police in Pakistan arrested on Sunday three men for allegedly parading two children naked in a street here after they were caught stealing water melons.

Senior police officer Mustansar Feroz said that Basharat and Irfan had caught two children, aged between 9 and 13, for allegedly stealing water melons from their shop.

“Both men not only subjected the children to severe torture but also paraded them naked in the street,” Feroz said.

He said the accused also made a video of the children and used abusive language.

On the complaint of the father of one of the children police registered an FIR against Basharat, Irfan and their accomplice and arrested them.

“They will be produced before a court on Monday for physical remand,” Feroz said, adding the police have also recovered the cell phones the suspects used for making the children’s video.

Rights activists called upon the government to pursue the case and ensure exemplary punishment to the culprits.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Brad Goodman »

Pakistan woos Renault-Nissan in push for auto investment
Pakistan is wooing foreign car makers like Renault-Nissan with generous import duties, but convincing them to set up factories will be an uphill challenge given fears about the country's long-term political stability and security.

Pakistan wants to shake up its Japanese-dominated car market and loosen the grip of Toyota, Honda, and Suzuki, whose locally assembled cars are sold at relatively high prices but lag behind imported vehicles in terms of quality and specifications.

To do that, analysts say, the government must convince manufacturers that the country has turned a corner after a decade of economic turbulence and a series of major attacks by Islamist militant groups including the Taliban.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by RCase »

Brad Goodman wrote:Bakis land of mysterious diseases. Years of inbreeding creates amazing medical miracles

Mystery of Pakistan's "solar kids" baffles doctors
ISLAMABAD - The two brothers have come to be known as the "solar kids" and their case has completely mystified Pakistani doctors.

His simple theory: "I think my sons get energy from sun." :rotfl:
AoA! This proves djinn energy. They should have these kids treated by Dr. Bashir uJinn Ahmed.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Kashi »

jash_p wrote:I think PH is more dangerous to India than any other Paki. If he convince Pakis to think rationale and if Pakis follow him than India will have difficult days ahead.
If Pakis start thinking, becoming and acting rational, then they would no longer be Pakis. The damn country was born from the womb of irrationality and hatred. They cannot give it up without eschewing their identity.

So when the pigs fly and Pakis irreversibly give up their irrationality, how would that lead to "difficult days" for India?

That said, I think you give to much credit to PH.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Gagan »

Y. Kanan wrote:Poisoning story hasn't been hushed up yet in the USG-controlled media:

Did Pakistan poison a senior CIA official? ... html?nhp=1

Is something afoot?
Shuja Pasha ka number aane wala hai.
Hillary Clinton also says, they believe the top brass in Al Bakistan knew about their state guest, but they don't have proof.
This means that the culinary instt briefed POTUS and the top people that Mushy, Kiyani and Pasha know something.

CIA chif poisoning will be tagged to Pasha's machinations
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by SSridhar »

Mysterious are the ways any government functions, much more so in the case of the GotUS.

The poisoning & Abbottabad (as well as a dozen other things) are well known. CIA once confirmed possession of nukes and their delivery platforms in the hands of the Pakistanis and yet the waiver was issued by the PotUS. If SD says something about Pakistan, the Pentagon would contradict that and vice versa. If both of them agree about Pakistan, the PotUS would take a decision contrary to their advice. On the whole, Pakistan has had a charmed life and I do not see that coming in harm's way at all.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by SSridhar »

ISI-funded Kashmir Centre reincarnates from a PO box in Brussels - Anubhuti Vishnoi, Economic Times
Brussels-based Kashmir Centre, which came under the scanner five years ago for allegedly using ISI funds to lobby for Kashmir, may have closed its upscale 12 Rue Belliard office, but it continues to operate a post box out of there.

While there is no sign of Kashmir Centre activity in the Belgium capital, curiously, its post box is being shared by another organisation fighting for Kashmiri rights — International Council for Human Development (ICHD), which was at the forefront of organising protests against Prime Minister Narendra Modi when he visited Brussels in March to attend the European Union-India summit.

Ali Raza Syed, chairman of ICHD, claimed to ET that his organisation has nothing to do with the Kashmir Centre or Ghulam Nabi Fai, a Kashmir-born US citizen who was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in July 2011 for allegedly being a paid agent of Pakistan's Inter-State Intelligence (ISI). FBI in its courtfilings against Fai — perhaps the most visible face of Kashmiri activism in the West till then — had alleged that ISI had links with Kashmiri Centres in London and Brussels. Syed also chairs the Kashmir Council, EU, that together with ICHD is vocal on the right to self-determination in Kashmir.

"We are not responsible for the activities of Fai. His message was simply the right to self-determination in Kashmir. We are not associated with the Kashmir Centre or connected with it. We are against all kinds of extremism and want a peaceful way," Syed told ET.

ICHD operates out of a modest office on Avenue Des Vaillants in Brussels.

Syed said the protest against Modi was not the last one even if the Belgian authorities are keeping a close eye on a range of organisations following the Brussels terror attacks in March.

"We did protest and will continue to. Our voice should be heard and to protest is the right of the people. We can even protest against the Belgian government if necessary. We believe in peaceful protests and follow the law of the land," Syed said.

"Our strategy is simple — to remind India and the international community about the lives lost in Kashmir and the need to resolve this. Our main objectives is to bring peace with justice. We are against all kinds of extremism," he said.

Syed emphasised on the need to win 'hearts and minds' in Kashmir, repeal draconian laws and involve Kashmiris in any dialogue on Kashmir.

"The question is can PM Modi take real courageous steps that his predecessors could not? We have written to PM Modi and posed four questions to him, asking him to do away with draconian laws, create an environment for talks, opening up of the LoC and so on," he said.

"India should be asking, what for the first time you have people from the valley — young, educated Kashmiris — taking up arms now? Earlier, it was from other areas. Force is not going to solve this issue either through militancy or through the army. The only way is to talk," Syed added.

He also said the new PDP government in Jammu & Kashmir must "see the feelings of the people" and try not to do things that the people will not accept. "The first things to be done is repealing the Public Safety Act. The new government must do this to calm things down and win hearts and minds."

The ICHD chairman also said the NIT Srinagar controversy — started with a clash of students following India's elimination from the T20 World Cup — was "exploited by some extremist elements" and sparked an unfortunate chain reaction. "The NIT issue was not a should not have been exploited... Everybody has a right to support any team they want to and that should be respected. This kind of thing can be avoided...but it shows that there is lack of space to express feelings, there is frustration among students... no liberty," Syed said.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

More Pakis Crawling Out Of The Panama Closet !

More prominent Pakistanis named in Panama Papers
Imran’s financier, Benazir’s cousin, Zardari’s and Altaf’s close friend, Seth Abid’s son, retired admiral’s son, former MD of Port Qasim Authority and mother of Oscar Award winner Sharmeen Chinoy (oscar or non oscar related loot is anybody's guess !) figure in the list; more names to appear after thorough investigations
ISLAMABAD: As the much-awaited list of Pakistanis owning offshore companies is released today, the close associates of politicians and families of celebrities are set to capture more attention than the businessmen including those who registered companies only to open accounts in Swiss banks.Identities of some of the high-profile figures suspected to be linked with offshore companies are still being ascertained and will therefore be published after a complete investigation.The list to be released by The News will be the most comprehensive as painstaking efforts were made to find the last Pakistani buried in the 11.5 million files of the Panama Papers shared by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ). Nevertheless, it can’t be claimed with confidence that all of them have been fished out.This Paki journalist should be nominated for the Nobel prize for bringing out the Paki dirty linen to the attention of the Aam Abduls !Right from the family of Zulfi Bokhari, a key financier of Imran Khan, to Irfan Puri, an oil czar equally close to the PPP/MQM leadership and presently in Dubai jail; from Tariq Islam, a cousin of Benazir Bhutto, to the son of former health minister Naseer Khan; from the family of famous Seth Abid to the son of Admiral (retd) Muzaffar Hassan; and from the Port Qasim Authority’s former MD and NRO beneficiary Abdul Sattar Dero to the former president of Karachi chamber of commerce, Shaukat Ahmed, are in the list.
There must be some sort of an informal "word of mouth referral" going around in the inner circles of Paki business and political powers to cheat the Paki tax -man !
Mother of Oscar award winner, Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy; a billionaire owner of Sachal studio Izzat Majeed; wife of Ghous Akbar; and fashion designer Zehra Valliani along with her brother, an asset manager, Fawaz Valliani have also been identified as owners of offshore companies.
So, if this report is to be believed, there is no Sharia prescribed discrimination against the fair sex unless they are put up as benami candidates only ! :mrgreen:
Although Abdul Aleem Khan of the PTI has been claiming with confidence that he didn’t figure in the Panama Papers and The News story about his offshore company was based on his assets declarations, his name is very much in the record.
So, will now Immy expel this "gentleman" from the PTI party to protect his "so-called clean image" !
Towellers Limited is the Karachi-based company owned by Saba Obaid and Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy, among others. About Towellers Limited, a letter reads: “This company was a huge exporter of textiles mainly to the USA to Walmart amongst others.”
Belize Group Limited, another offshore company owned by Chinoy family, owns two properties in New York’s Trump Tower of Donald Trump and are used for rental income. Bella Holding Group Limited of Chinoy family has been used for purchasing a residential property in New York. The News sent questions to Saba Obaid. They were never replied. Repeated efforts to reach through phone also went in vain.
So, will this "champion of women's right" and two time Oscar winner be required by Academy rules to return back the prize?- Just wondering !
Ghous Akbar told The News that he had nothing to do with the companies operated by his in-laws. :((
Owners of Olympia International, Munir Monnoo and his son, Humayun, set up a company, Clifton Holdings Services Incorporated in Panama. :((
Valliani family has been identified in connection with four companies: :((
Too many Paki business names - at the second and third tier - to keep a track of ! If this public shaming list is to be believed, every Abdul, Afzal and Arif wanted to jump on the "off-shore companies bandwagon" to cheat the Sharia Compliant Zakat Tax - Man !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

Pakistan concerned at nuclearisation of Indian Ocean :roll:

Cannot afford to do an == ?

If it is so "concerned" it has the option to bring it to the attention of its four- fathers !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

" Lahori Logic" And "Islamic Statistics "
Planning with statistical discrepancies
AUTHENTICITY of official statistics has always been widely questioned in Pakistan.(and abroad !) One reason for the controversy is that policymaking — poverty, economic growth, sectoral outputs and prices — is anchored in these statistics.
The national population census, which is mandatory once in a decade, has not been conducted for the past 18 years. The last census carried out in 1998 continues to form the basis of the country’s planning purposes.
All sorts of excuses are given; the bottom line is that the Paki Govt is unable to face the ugly truth that this national exercise may reveal ie the Aam Abduls are breeding like rabbits while still living in abject poverty !
The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics — an independent organisation — was created through an act of parliament in 2011 :!: (so before that it was only "Allah pae bharosa ? as prescribed the Islamic Constitution of Pakistan :mrgreen: ) to address all statistical challenges by merging Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS), Population Census Organisation (PCO) and Agriculture Census Organisation (ACO).
The PBS was developed into a totally new outfit of the governing council led by the finance minister, along with a chief statistician and senior functional members to prepare authentic, correct and immaculate data. The Advisory Wing of the PBS has, however, concluded that “no progress could be observed as the data neither could be updated, revised, authenticated and large scale mess could be observed.” :((
Bombastic announcements as usual !
The Statistics Division has reported that an international organisation engaged in improving the National Accounts soon lost its utility when it started simply arranging the foreign tours of the PBS management and their families. Since the foreigners working with the organisation could not get clearance from the intelligence agencies (one would have thought that these things would be taken care off in advance !) and the arrangement came to an end on March 31.
So, every Aam Abdul and his family wanted to take the "foreign tour" as an annual holiday instead of the designated training exercise ! shows their commitment to the Islamic Republic in general !
The PBS is reporting on its website that indices with base 2005-06 are being developed but no such series is available both on the net and on the yearbook despite the fact that PBS is going to rebase its series from 2005-06 (last rebased year) to 2014-15 for which a well funded project is underway.
From this report it seems that the PBS is in one big Royal Mess!!
In chapter 12 on Labour, it is reported that latest survey was conducted in 2008-09 whereas data up till 2013-14 has been made available in the report.
Likewise, Manufacturing Chapter 13 is the same when compared with the statistical year book of 2013 on pages 277 to 296. The data has been reported up to 2011-12 without any update in this chapter.
It would be best for this newspaper not to wash the dirty (statistical ) linen in public ! :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

Is Pakistan’s liberal elite committed to social justice?
Is there an "animal" called "Pakistani liberal elite? :mrgreen:
Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy is the latest member of Pakistan’s liberal intelligentsia to be associated with financial irregularity. The second phase of the Panama leaks, released today, reveals her ownership of an offshore company, The Towellers Ltd, which was used for international transactions.Chinoy hardly deserves to be singled out here. Owner of one of Pakistan’s foremost liberal newspapers, Sultan Lakhani was recently named in the Panama papers as well. Many also accuse him having massive loans written off using political connections.
Shaan Taseer’s liberal street cred also took some recent hits...
ven Najam Sethi, an old-guard liberal, was questioned for taking an all too charitable view of Adnan Sanaullah, when he was caught for allegedly raping a minor in Lahore.
So, what this Paki tabloid is proposing that the so-called liberal elites of Pakistan are all hypocrites as they do not believe in financial honesty; stretching that analogy, he wants to conclude that Islamic piety equals financial honesty and no offshore accounts !
I won’t comment on the individual guilt of the people named above; that is for the black coats decide, if things are ever allowed to get there. But in general, Pakistani liberals (I repeat. There is no such thing; due to their indoctrination they are "closet Islamists" !) have outdone everyone else in giving themselves a bad name.
Social justice is a worthy pursuit. Pakistan needs it. But liberal discourse in Pakistan needs to be remade first. And it needs to begin by looking inwards. Poverty and inequality are not naturally occurring in the wild. They are created and recreated by those at the top and in the middle. :((
The son of bus driver can bust his ass for 16 years and still earn half of what I do as a starting salary because I happened to graduate from LUMS. That kid might overtake me in life if he is exceptionally diligent and I am exceptionally lazy, but it is unlikely.
From the above, it seems that the shenanigans of the Paki upper crust has come as a big shock to the Aam Abduls of Pakiland !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by SSridhar »

Dhaka asks Islamabad to stop interference in internal affairs - Haroon Habib, The Hindu
Dhaka has urged Islamabad not to interfere in internal affairs of Bangladesh after Pakistan expressed concerns over rejection of Jamaat-e-Islami chief Motiur Rahman Nizamis’s review plea against death sentence .

“We are disappointed with Pakistan’s reaction. We never welcome anyone interfering in our internal issues,” Shahriar Alam, State Minister for Foreign Affairs, told a media briefing
on Sunday .

Pakistan’s ‘concerns’

Pakistan has been critical of Bangladesh’s war crimes trials that began in 2010 and ended the impunity enjoyed by those who had committed crimes against humanity during the Liberation War of 1971. Bangladesh’s Supreme Court had given its final verdict on Nizami on May 5.

On Friday, Pakistan foreign office had issued a statement which read, “We are concerned over Bangladesh Supreme Court verdict that rejected Jamaat-e-Islami leader Motiur Rahman Nizami’s petition to review his death penalty.” The statement also termed the trial “controversial”.

Reacting to it, Mr. Alam remarked, “Despite repeated reminders, they are still doing it [interfering in our issues]. They keep saying they are saddened by the verdict. But those being tried are Bangladeshi citizens after all.”

Mr. Alam also asked Pakistan “to stop misinterpreting” the 1974 tripartite agreement — between India Pakistan and Bangladesh — which was referred by Islamabad while reacting to the war crimes trial. He explained that as per the pact, 195 Pakistani war criminals who were repatriated to Pakistan, along with 93,000 Pakistani Prisoners of War, were to be given immunity. However, Bangladeshi nationals who had committed war crimes could be tried.

Meanwhile, the 24-hour hartal called by Jamaat e Islami to protest the apex court’s verdict failed to evoke much response. In Dhaka, traffic was thin in the morning but picked up as the office rush began. Though long-distance buses were not running, short-distance ones remained active.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

Former chairman Balochistan Public Service Commission Ashraf Magsi arrested for corruption and nepotism
First Raisani and now Magsi; it seems that" Bad Sharif " is now singling out the Balochis for financial corruption on top of ethnically killing them in the name of "fighting terrorism". In this way, they are slowly and surely alienating non-Pakjabi sections of their society without due process !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by SSridhar »

Rethinking India’s approach towards Pakistan-occupied Kashmir - S.Kalyanaraman, IDSA
Since 1948, the Indian approach to the Kashmir issue has been to seek a settlement on the basis of the territorial status quo, albeit with minor territorial adjustments. Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru first proposed such a solution to his Pakistani counterpart, Liaquat Ali Khan, in November 1948 at the Commonwealth conference held in London. Subsequently, he reprised the offer during his May 1955 discussions in Delhi with the visiting Pakistani prime minister and interior minister, Mohammad Ali Bogra and Iskander Mirza. Similar proposals were advanced by India during the Swaran Singh-Zulfiqar Bhutto foreign minister talks held under US-UK pressure in 1963-64. Nehru’s successors have persisted with this approach. At the 1972 Simla conference held in the aftermath of the 1971 War, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi proposed to President Zulfiqar Bhutto that the LoC be transformed into an international border as part of structuring a durable peace. More recently, the back channel talks during the 2000s were conducted on the basis of maintaining the territorial status quo, albeit by making borders irrelevant in Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s formulation.

Notwithstanding this broad continuity in its approach towards a Kashmir settlement, India has on occasion highlighted the fact that the only unresolved issue is Pakistan’s continued occupation since 1947 of a substantial portion of Jammu and Kashmir’s territory. The most significant in this regard is the February 1994 resolution passed by parliament, which demanded that Pakistan vacate those portions of Jammu and Kashmir territory under its illegal occupation. And one recent statement to this effect was Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj’s assertion in the UN General Assembly in October 2015 that if Kashmir is indeed under foreign occupation then “the occupier in question is Pakistan.”

Nevertheless, the fact remains that India has not made a concerted and consistent effort to assert its claim to Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). The general impression both within and outside the country is that India is reconciled to ceding this territory as part of arriving at a modus vivendi with Pakistan. But this approach of ceding PoK as part of a final settlement does not comport with India’s national and strategic interests, especially in terms of dealing with the challenge posed by China-Pakistan collaboration. Two aspects of this collaboration are of critical importance in the current context:

1) China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): While there are purportedly multiple motives behind the envisioning of this corridor, the most important from the Indian perspective is China’s wish to overcome what former Chinese President Hu Jintao referred to as the ‘Malacca Dilemma’ – the fear of its sea lanes of communication running through the Indian Ocean being disrupted at this choke point. Once the CPEC becomes fully operational, what little strategic leverage India may have vis-à-vis China in the naval realm is likely to be lost. From this perspective, China gaining direct overland access to the Arabian Sea is not in India’s interest. Further, the entrenchment of Chinese economic and geopolitical interests in PoK is only likely to increase China’s interests in perpetuating the territorial status quo including through military intervention.

2) China-Pakistan Security Collaboration: Since the 1960s, China has made conscious and concerted efforts to sustain and use Pakistan to keep Indian power constrained and Indian energies confined within the subcontinent. From the Chinese perspective, such a policy prevents India from adopting a hostile policy towards China. As one Chinese analyst bluntly put it, an improvement in the adversarial relations between India and Pakistan “would be a precondition for India adopting more aggressive policies toward China.” But from the Indian perspective, China’s support for Pakistan has had the effect of not only making Pakistan even more intransigent but also, by bogging India down within the subcontinent, prevents it from acquiring a larger role in Asian and international affairs. The Chinese security commitment to Pakistan will only increase with the fruition of the CPEC.

A key factor in China’s ability to pursue the CPEC as well as security collaboration with Pakistan is the territorial contiguity the two countries enjoy – a contiguity made possible by Pakistan’s control over Gilgit-Baltistan. Admittedly, the contiguous border is more important for China’s objective of gaining access to the Arabian Sea than it is for keeping India diplomatically and militarily constrained within the subcontinent. After all, China-Pakistan security collaboration can flourish even in the absence of a shared border, so long as each shares a border with India. Nevertheless, the advantages of a shared border for China-Pakistan military collaboration against India cannot be completely dismissed as irrelevant. Indeed, it is this direct territorial link, especially the potent symbol that is the Karakoram Highway, which has contributed to the realisation of a friendship characterised as higher than the highest mountain.

In the light of these factors, it is in India’s interest to seek to reclaim PoK in its entirety even if that takes several decades more. Regaining this territory would also provide India a direct land link to Afghanistan and thence to the Central Asian Republics, both of which are increasingly falling into the Chinese sphere of economic and political influence.

This ideal is, however, not attainable under existing circumstances. A war is impossible to envisage, especially a war to recover large swathes of territory in mountainous terrain, against a reasonably strong adversary that is moreover a nuclear weapons power. Nor is China likely to remain quiet if India were to make an effort to recapture territory that it views as strategically and geopolitically important. India therefore appears destined to live with the extant territorial status quo into the foreseeable future. Under these circumstances, what really are India’s options vis-à-vis Gilgit-Baltistan in particular, Pakistan’s ongoing efforts to incorporate it, and China’s determination to use it for geopolitical purposes?

The most obvious course of policy is to begin asserting claims to this territory as frequently as necessary, as vocally as possible, and in as many forums as needed. But adopting a diplomatic narrative based on legal claims is unlikely to make a major difference. As the saying goes, possession is nine-tenths of the law, and India has not had possession for 69 years now.

The legal claim has to be reinforced by, indeed rest upon, the mobilisation of public opinion in PoK, in India and especially in Jammu and Kashmir, as well as in the rest of the world and particularly in Western countries – a vital task to which inadequate attention has been paid so far. As Hans Morgenthau observed decades ago, international politics is “in a specific sense a struggle for the minds of men.” Therefore, within PoK and among the PoK diaspora, public opinion needs to be mobilised in favour of India’s democratic polity, inclusiveness, and economic and social progress and contrast these with Pakistan’s history of regressive militarism, sectarianism and sponsorship of terrorism. Within India and particularly in Jammu and Kashmir, public opinion needs to be generated about the plight of PoK residents as well as in support of India’s claims to, and vital national interests in, that region. And in the rest of the world, and particularly in Western countries, public opinion needs to be informed about Pakistan’s state-sponsored sectarianism, terrorism and human rights violations in PoK, on the one hand, and China’s ulterior geopolitical objectives, on the other. A pre-requisite for all this is the reasonably widespread dissemination of news about the goings-on in PoK, which is practically non-existent at present and about which there is inadequate consciousness in the minds of both the Indian and global public.
BRF Oldie
Posts: 10948
Joined: 11 Aug 2016 06:14

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

Ankar-ji :
With your timely report and the below, it makes for an interesting read ; maybe, Ganja Sharif was wise in quietly "importing" engineering consultants from India for his (financed from govt defaulted loans! ) sugar mills ; if the same thing was followed maybe, these "two parallel runaway fiasco" (see below) would have been avoided

Design Error At New Islamabad Report

PS: this is what happens when people are hired on "sifarish" basis ; I would not be surprised if some "consultants " are graduates in Islamic Ideology from the famous Binori Madrassah , where Paki Randi Veena Malik has applied for admission ! :mrgreen:
BRF Oldie
Posts: 10948
Joined: 11 Aug 2016 06:14

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Post by Falijee »

Pakistan worried over death row war criminal Nizami
Pakistan has expressed concern over the dismissal of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami chief Motiur Rahman Nizami's review plea against death sentence awarded to him for the war crimes he committed in 1971.
“We have noted with deep concern and anguish the dismissal of the review application on the death sentence by the Supreme Court of Bangladesh for Mr Motiur Rahman Nizami, the leader of Jamaat-e-Islami,” said a statement from the country's Foreign Office, reports Dawn Online
“We have also been following the reaction of the international community and human rights organisations to the controversial trials in Bangladesh, related to events of 1971,” the statement read.
Dismissal of Nizami's review petition has paved the way for his execution, and the only option left with him is to seek clemency.
Will his Enchendee be dented if he seeks clemency from the " rice eating Bengalis" :mrgreen:
In its statement, Pakistan Foreign Office sought to remind Dhaka of the Tripartite Agreement of April 1974 under “which Bangladesh's founding father Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had ended prosecution of the elements his government had accused of war crimes”.
“There is a need for reconciliation in Bangladesh in accordance with the spirit of the tripartite agreement of April 1974 which calls for a forward looking approach in matters relating to the events of 1971,” it added.

Instead of an aggressive posture, the tone of the Paki FO statement is fairly mild and subdued :eek:
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