Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by brar_w »

Not sure on Pakistan but he has testified in front of Congress a lot of times so you could dig some of that up.

TSJ, Time to change the name of the Office of Secretary of Defense, to the Office of Secretary of Offense? :) His past has been in CENTCOM (served in each conflict since GW) and NATO so if given freedom he will look to change a lot from what Obama had done in each of those two COCOM's.

Here's him from last year on Ukraine -

^ 54:00 onwards he talks about AFPAK.
Last edited by brar_w on 02 Dec 2016 06:53, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by TSJones »

I think the emphasis is going to change from "are we hurting someone's feelings" to "are we winning or not?".
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by UlanBatori »

CNN changed his remark "it's fun to shoot SOME people" to ""it's fun to shoot people". Wonder if CNN sends reporters to 'inbed" with the Marine Corps.

There seems to be a new-found willingness to hire generals for merit rather than mealy-mouthed oiseuleness. But this guy's Iran-hate is scary. I hope it's not up to him to decide whom to bomb.
Last edited by UlanBatori on 02 Dec 2016 07:16, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by ArmenT »

Only objection to Mattis likely to come up is due to his involvement with Theranos (he was on their board of directors) and his emails with RB's and KJo's favorite woman, Elizabeth Holmes. Other than that, the man has had an outstanding career and will make a great SecDef.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by UlanBatori »

and his emails with RB's and KJo's favorite woman
That's the thing: when soldiers' fitness is evaluated on the choice of words in their emails, one gets generals like the bunch of clowns that they have had for some time now.
Reminds me of the story about the XXXXXX corporation's star conceptual designer. Apparently two mohtermas from HR asked him to go take Sexual Harassment Sensitivity Training. He apparently said:
Oh! Harass! I always thought that was TWO words!
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by Rudradev »

From the Mattis lecture at Heritage foundation (54 min mark in the third video linked by brar_w above):

On a Pak Pasandi scale of 1 (Christine Fair) to 10 (Richard Nixon) I would rate the new Secy of Defense a solid 7.

Praises Pak Army to the skies, sounds eminently grateful for their "sacrifices", applauds the then-newly elected Ashraf Ghani for "working with Pakistan", even talks about Sir Creek and Siachen Glacier (two of the three talking points, besides J&K, that were regularly tabled during US-backed talks between Musharraf and MMS during the GWB regime).

Only negatives for Pak are that he balks at any interference in J&K issue itself, and talks vaguely about "we've had our differences".

Combine this with the report Agnimitra mentioned, where Mattis declared that the Pakistan Army knew nothing about OBL being at Abbotabad, and you have a 0.7 Nishan-e-Bakistan (at least) heading up the Pentagon. Given available data, and considering the time periods when these statements were made.
Last edited by Rudradev on 02 Dec 2016 08:24, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by UlanBatori »

Brave man with a skull as dense as a titanium helmet.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by chanakyaa »

ArmenT wrote:Only objection to Mattis likely to come up is due to his involvement with Theranos (he was on their board of directors) and his emails with RB's and KJo's favorite woman, Elizabeth Holmes. Other than that, the man has had an outstanding career and will make a great SecDef.
Nice..the "mad dog" general served on the board of fraudster Holmes' illegal blood-sucking-testing company. Nice.

Theranos asked military general for help tamping down 'misinformation' from the DOD
Back in 2012, an official evaluating Theranos' blood-testing technology for the DOD launched a formal inquiry with the FDA about the company's plans to distribute its tests without FDA clearance, according to emails seen by The Washington Post. The military approached Theranos about using its blood tests in the battlefield after Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes met four-star general James Mattis at a Marine Memorial event. Mattis, who was overseeing war in Afghanistan at the time but has since retired, told Holmes that he wanted to test Theranos' technology in combat areas...
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by Gus »

Perfect - totally not the sort of fellow that we would have had with Hilary. Phew ...
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by brar_w »

He's already pulled Trump away from his rhetoric (election) on torture and it seems that the Donald is willing to listen to him and likes him a lot (brought him up in Cincinnati tonight). Expect him to move Trump away from his isolationist rhetoric from the campaign to a more mainstream republican posture. If State goes to Corker, Petraeus or Romney you've got to think this is a McCain or a Condoleezza Rice cabinet and not that of the old Donald Trump that virtually ran as an independent ...Its pretty different on the economic front as well where he's leaned heavily on wall-street and the financial elites to fill his cabinet posts (not that this is a bad thing).

Bottom line is that apart from the tough stance against Iran and the deal he shares little with the version of Trump we got to see during the election. Same goes for the two other folks in the Trump DOD transition team that come from the DC think tanks. In fact General Patreaus, Bob Corker, Mitt Romney, Tom Cotton and General Mattis, Gen. Kelly and Michael Wynne (touted for the no. 2 role at the DOD) are fairly close to each other on most geopolitical topics. There is clearly a theme and common thread shared between all of them.

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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by Austin »

This one is from National Interest

The Truth about Media Bias at CNN and the Times

The New York Times

On February 22, 2016, the New York Times published an article titled “Analysts Question Viability of Deep Tax Cuts Proposed by Republican Candidates.” The author argued that though Republican presidential candidates have issued tax plans proposing steep tax cuts, none “has said how he would offset the revenues lost to his tax cuts, beyond unspecified cuts to domestic programs and repeals of some existing tax breaks.”

It was a compelling argument, except it simply was not true. Carson, having issued his tax reform proposal in January, had readied a spending cuts plan, offering precisely the kind of specifics the Times claimed was missing from the Republican presidential debate. He released it on the same day that the Times article was published online!

While the Times reporter was preparing her article, the Carson campaign informed her of its forthcoming policy plan, and a senior economic advisor of the campaign even spoke with her to explain the nuances of Carson’s economic vision.

But the information did not fit with the Times’ anti-Republican narrative, so the reporter ignored it.

Worse yet, she stated that Carson’s tax cut proposal did not have “enough detail for many economists to analyze in depth.” Not so. The Tax Foundation had provided analysis of the Carson tax plan (in wonkish speak, they had “scored” it), and a simple Google search would have yielded the details.

Unfortunately, the reporter either failed to do the search or simply did not like the results she found. Either way, she sold her readers a bogus story.

The episode reeked of a lack of professionalism, but the Times never apologized or ran a correction. But it is not at all alone when it comes to peddling politically false narratives.


On November 8, 2015, CNN questioned the veracity of Carson’s autobiography. The network zeroed in on the youthful acts of violence Carson had discussed, including an incident in which he stabbed a friend as a 14-year-old.

CNN reporters claimed that such violence was “at the core of Carson's story of redemption and personal growth,” but they could find no evidence that it was true. “[N]ine friends, classmates and neighbors who grew up with Carson” spoke with CNN and none had any recollection of the “anger or violence” the candidate described.

It did not occur to CNN that these nine individuals might not have made up the full universe of Carson’s youth, or that they had no knowledge of the violent incidents because they were not involved. Regardless, CNN did not bother to do the basic research that would have called its story into question. Thankfully, others did.

Soon after the CNN accusations aired, a former Carson colleague came forward to vouch for his integrity. A fellow doctor who practiced with Carson at John Hopkins Hospital in the late 1980s explained that Carson had told him essentially the same story about stabbing someone at age 14, and did so long before his book deal, the Hollywood movie based on the book, the presidential run—or anything that might have offered incentives to create a puffed-up personal past.

Meanwhile, a 1997 Parade magazine interview featuring Carson’s mother was unearthed. In the interview, she, too, corroborated her son’s account of the stabbing incident, and said, “Oh, that really happened.”

These facts could have been uncovered by CNN, but the network was far more eager to malign the conservative presidential candidate then at the top of the national polls. When subsequently confronted with proof of its wrongdoing, CNN, much like the Times, did not run a correction or apologize.

The Trump Presidency

During the 2016 presidential election, the mainstream media’s hostility to Donald Trump was overt, but long before that, its antipathy toward conservative public figures or issues was obvious. Journalists will pretend with a straight face, as they did in the two examples described here, that they are merely reporting the facts and doing their jobs.

In reality, they are too often lazy and arrogant.

Now that Trump has won, the mainstream media should hit the pause button on its self-adulation and reflect not just on its failed coverage of Trump but also on its inability to offer fair treatment to conservative viewpoints that actually contribute to the diversity of America. When that happens, American voters will see something other than the manufactured news that conforms to preexisting ideological predilections.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by Rudradev »

The Young Turks skewer the naked racism of Steve Bannon.

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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by Mort Walker »

UlanBatori wrote:CNN changed his remark "it's fun to shoot SOME people" to ""it's fun to shoot people". Wonder if CNN sends reporters to 'inbed" with the Marine Corps.

There seems to be a new-found willingness to hire generals for merit rather than mealy-mouthed oiseuleness. But this guy's Iran-hate is scary. I hope it's not up to him to decide whom to bomb.
Trumpanzee has watched the 1970 movie "Patton" too many times. In fact, DT referenced Gen. Patton at his rally when talking about Paagal Kuta.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by habal »

young turks again on Trump's phone call to Nawaz Sharif

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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by Yagnasri »

DT even referred to MacAurther. Funny that no one mentions Bradley.

Had a misfortune of seeing CNN discussion after DT speech today at Cincinnati. I thought DT speech was mainly on jobs and other usual rubbish, but CNN panel is all about Race, Islam, Immigration and other rubbish.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by habal »

do watch the young turks take on Trump's phone call.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by ramana »

Being CENTCOM he has to praise Pakistan. If he still praises them as Pentgon chief, Arragh will help him.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by devesh »

The Young Turks are virrulently anti-saffron, in case people are wondering. I've seen some of their past hate-filled tirades on RSS/BJP/Hindu political activism. When you watch them, remember that it's a Western Leftist machine which has no love lost for Hindus or India.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by Arjun »

devesh wrote:The Young Turks are virrulently anti-saffron, in case people are wondering. I've seen some of their past hate-filled tirades on RSS/BJP/Hindu political activism. When you watch them, remember that it's a Western Leftist machine which has no love lost for Hindus or India.
Irrespective, their take on Trump's phone call was very much on the dot....DT definitely deserves a shorter rope now from India post this call. There are a lot of supporters in India who believe that he is not the buffoon that media (or this call transcript) makes him out to be - but he needs to step up and prove that very soon.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by Yagnasri »

http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/01/us/po ... .html?_r=0

When NYT is concerned, we can be sure lot unconventional mess is being done by DT.
DT may be doing telemarketing like thing with Pakis and almost everyone in the world now. No one can say what he has spoken and was Nawaz had spoken. In fact, it is very significant that the Pakis are completely silent on anything Nawaz said.

One can be sure that DT is not an idiot and almost everything he does is unconventional. One thing is sure; he is going to be protectionism in international trade. Whether he is going to be universally protectionist or only one few like China, Mexico we have to see.

Dems are still in social issues rubbish. I am not sure it is the right way to win back white house in 2020.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by Arjun »

The Kazakh government, in its account of Mr. Trump’s conversation, said he had lavished praise on the president for his leadership of the country over the last 25 years. “D. Trump stressed that under the leadership of Nursultan Nazarbayev, our country over the years of independence had achieved fantastic success that can be called a ‘miracle,’” it said.
Though keeping in context what the Donald said to the Kazakh PM, looks like all his phone calls with world leaders were in the same ass-licking mould...
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by habal »

In short he called up a few third world leaders and gave them canned replies. This leads me to ask if it was Trump himself on the phone or his 'manager'.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by Yagnasri »

Remember there was a news item that DT use to pose as a spokesperson and took money from Journos to give news on DT? :mrgreen:

This maybe a rerun of the same. He was merciless on Presstitutes at Cincinnati today. Same dishonest people etc. and even imitated one of the senior Tv Presstitute weepings at the time of results. :rotfl: Whatever DT does or does not do we are in for a great entertainment. :D

http://www.newsnation.in/article/152839 ... -year.html

One more left leader is kicked out of power. This time too afraid to contest the elections. 3 of 5 UNSC members effected with serious change.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by JwalaMukhi »

And virulent molestation facilitator of an Indian diplomat, Pleet Bharara has accepted to continue in his shenanigans.
More the things change, more they remain same.
More paki-pasand fellows continue..,
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/30/nyreg ... .html?_r=0
Mr. Bharara, 48, speaking to reporters after the meeting, said Mr. Trump had asked to see him to discuss “whether or not I’d be prepared to stay on as the United States attorney to do the work as we have done it, independently, without fear or favor for the last seven years.”

“We had a good meeting,” Mr. Bharara continued. “I said I would absolutely consider staying on. I agreed to stay on.”
Next up: Huma (ex-Wiener) to be accomodated into the new administration.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by UlanBatori »

UBCN reports with 400% confirmation:
Secretary Clinton Asked to Stay On As COO and Chief Advisor of White House. "Dawnaald asked me if ah could control him and make sure he got his pills on schedule and get his toupee laundered every week, because Ivanka is too busy out shopping for purses in Noo Yoik, so I said, Shore thang, ah ain't got nuthin better to do eenyhyaw! Dem Saudis ain't giving us a single riyal no more, and mah naybors in Little Rock done threatened to run us both out on a rail, tarred & feathered if we show our faces in Arkansaw agin!"
After all, who has more experience, hain? :lol:
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by brar_w »

TSJones wrote:
his instructions to his officers in their conduct while in Iraq was, and I quote, "Be polite but be thinking how to kill them."
It will be an interesting confirmation hearing then as long as they don't ask him about what he's thinking :)
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by brar_w »

Gus wrote:Perfect - totally not the sort of fellow that we would have had with Hilary. Phew ...
Clinton would have picked Mattis in a heartbeat had he been suggested to her or been willing to work for her. Her choice was largely expected to be a policy person and Michele Flournoy would have been her most likely pick. He is a person that moderate democrats, neoconservatives, and now even populist indepdendent conservatives have chosen and aprove of. You're unlikely to get a broader support then that although I'm sure there will still be some concern in some corners since he requires a law to be passed to grant an exception.

Here's a PHD thesis on the new SecDef nominee - THE MATTIS WAY OF WAR: AN EXAMINATION OF OPERATIONAL

One affect of a Mattis-Corker-Wynne, or Mattis-Romney-Wynne (and to a lesser extent Mattis-Guiliani-Wynne) is that a lot of GOP NatSec experts will be willing to work with the new administration. Those aren't you're glamorous political appointments but you need a stream of experienced candidates for State, Defense and other NatSec agencies. The article I posted earlier was written by one such person who actually moved over to the Clinton camp because of Trump's rhetoric.
Last edited by brar_w on 02 Dec 2016 21:27, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by TSJones »

JwalaMukhi wrote:And virulent molestation facilitator of an Indian diplomat, Pleet Bharara has accepted to continue in his shenanigans.
More the things change, more they remain same.
More paki-pasand fellows continue..,
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/30/nyreg ... .html?_r=0
Mr. Bharara, 48, speaking to reporters after the meeting, said Mr. Trump had asked to see him to discuss “whether or not I’d be prepared to stay on as the United States attorney to do the work as we have done it, independently, without fear or favor for the last seven years.”

“We had a good meeting,” Mr. Bharara continued. “I said I would absolutely consider staying on. I agreed to stay on.”
I think Preet is a Trump kinda guy. I have not got the slightest idea how the Obama team chose him. Completely out of character. They were prolly thinking "oh, he's a minority therefor he's OK. He has feelings." At the same time Preet's thinking "yeah, I'll show you who is a minority alright and how I feel about it".

I think Preet has a job as long as the Trump team is in power. Nobody to be trifled with, If Preet makes a suggestion, you might wanna give it some serious thought, evil doer.
Last edited by TSJones on 02 Dec 2016 20:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by LokeshC »

habal wrote:In short he called up a few third world leaders and gave them canned replies. This leads me to ask if it was Trump himself on the phone or his 'manager'.
Could be a recorded template.... like a robocall.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by Gus »

Or could be his publicist :P
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by Lalmohan »

it was all done out of a call centre in Bengaluru, kerala
"Hello myself Donaldam, your good name?
oh hello xxxxx <insert name of callee >>
you are super
you are fantastic
I am going to make America great again
you are going to be super
goodbye onlee"
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by SBajwa »

I have no clue why people on this forum thinks of Preet Bharara as a "Paki Pasand" attorney general. My feeling is that because he prosecuted and got few of the "india origin Insider traders" in jail.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by LokeshC »

SBajwa wrote:I have no clue why people on this forum thinks of Preet Bharara as a "Paki Pasand" attorney general. My feeling is that because he prosecuted and got few of the "india origin Insider traders" in jail.
And a non trader: Devayani Khobragade.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by Yagnasri »

Not just doing it, but doing it in the manner which also reflected on him.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by svinayak »

brar_w wrote:Not sure on Pakistan but he has testified in front of Congress a lot of times so you could dig some of that up.

^ 54:00 onwards he talks about AFPAK.
India does not want any foreign government to talk about Indian border or Indian issue such as sir creek and Siachen.

Neither does India want any generals from other country to offer solution to Indian state and Indian border issue.
Their issue with AFPAK must be solved with their partners and puppet armies. Their puppet military controlled countries dont have any objectives and they are pandering to the puppet govt.

India is not part of the war on Terror. India has democratic Institution and a Parliament which can discuss and resolve India's state problem.

Also AfPak has been funded by more than $50B in the last 50 years by the GOTUS and empowered lot of those same terrorist organization and establishment.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by UlanBatori »

TSJones wrote:his instructions to his officers in their conduct while in Iraq was, and I quote, "Be polite but be thinking how to kill them."
Must have watched the movie "Patton" even more times:

Remember Rumsfeld declaring: "The purpose of going to to war is to kill people. And this is the last time I will tell you the truth on what happens in the war". We haven't heard ANY straight talk for the past 8 years. It's forbidden. Come to think of it, even the word "straight" is considered discriminatory and uncivilized.
I mean the word "straight" in its dimensional sense, as in opposed to "crooked"
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by UlanBatori »

http://www.cnn.com/2016/12/01/us/chicag ... index.html
Chicago Breaks a Record.
The numbers just for November were: 77 killings, 316 shootings and 389 shooting victims, the department said.
What's causing the increase in violence? Possible causes are distrust of the police department, rising street crime and economic struggles of poor people.
Reminds me of Don McLean:
Here's the Evening News:
A man's gone insane and been shot by Poleez!
We burned the city 'cause they wouldn't agreee
But things go better with democraceeee!
What was that number from Fallujah again? Chicago is on track to beat that this year. Peacetime.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by ramana »

svinayak wrote:
brar_w wrote:Not sure on Pakistan but he has testified in front of Congress a lot of times so you could dig some of that up.

^ 54:00 onwards he talks about AFPAK.
India does not want any foreign government to talk about Indian border or Indian issue such as sir creek and Siachen.

Neither does India want any generals from other country to offer solution to Indian state and Indian border issue.
Their issue with AFPAK must be solved with their partners and puppet armies. Their puppet military controlled countries dont have any objectives and they are pandering to the puppet govt.

India is not part of the war on Terror. India has democratic Institution and a Parliament which can discuss and resolve India's state problem.

Also AfPak has been funded by more than $50B in the last 50 years by the GOTUS and empowered lot of those same terrorist organization and establishment.

These three statements sum up Indian views about AF-Pak which is solely a creation of Anglo-Saxon powers.

BTW I downloaded and read the Master's Thesis On Gen Mattis way of War.

During 1971 many of IA major generals also rewrote the Way of War and achieved victory in East Pakistan.

However they didn't have historians to write about them.
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by UlanBatori »

brar_w wrote: Clinton would have picked Mattis in a heartbeat
Here's a PHD thesis on the new SecDef nominee - THE MATTIS WAY OF WAR: AN EXAMINATION OF OPERATIONAL
Q. to Brarji and TSJi:
1. Why is a combat commander a good choice as SecDef? SecDef does not decide whom or when or how to attack, just signs budget requisitions and promotion folders and kisses musharrafs on Capitol Hill and WHOTUS. Sure, Mattis can terrify Pentagon babus and maybe bully LockMartUTechBoeNGCRaytheon, but is this a good choice for Sec Dec?

I have heard that Rumsfeld was in another class altogether - regarded as the equivalent of a Mafia Don. Home has security system that made Oliver North's look like a kindergarten. Like if you found out dirt on his doings u were as good as dead. Didn't hang around to hear or ask details of that conversation when I heard its direction.

2. What is the gist of the thesis on the Mattis Way? Heavy casualties on own side (Patton/MacArthur) or Don't Move Until Other Side is a Clear Parking Lot (Schwartzkopf/Powell), or Charge Of The Lightheaded Brigade/ Bridge Too Far? Reason I ask is, being a Marine combat commander, with the accomplishment of "Fallujah - Bloodiest battle", one has to wonder. What the heck was the great hurry in Bloodiestizing Fallujah, other than the peeve about bodies of Blackwater contractors being hung from the bridge? Seems like it was sheet vicious revenge / Example-making, Nazi-style. What was the point?

So is he smart, or just a Mad Dog?
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Re: Understanding the United States of America (USA) - IV

Post by Suraj »

Trump infuriates Beijing with first call to Taipei since 1979
President-elect Donald Trump spoke with the president of Taiwan by phone on Friday, in a move likely to infuriate Beijing and hinder US-China relations.

"President-elect Trump spoke with President Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan, who offered her congratulations," according to a readout of the call released by Trump's transition team.

"During the discussion, they noted the close economic, political, and security ties" between Taiwan and the United States, the statement continued. "President-elect Trump also congratulated President Tsai on becoming President of Taiwan earlier this year."

The call, first reported by the Financial Times, is the first time a US president has directly spoken with Taiwan's leadership in more than 30 years. The White House was not made aware of the call until after it occurred, according to The New York Times.

The US suspended formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan in 1979 after establishing a One China position — which states that "there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China" — in an effort to establish diplomatic channels with Beijing.
Elsewhere, he seems to have an answering machine reading out the same message he gave TSP, to Kazakhstan as well:
Trump praised "miracle" achieved under our president
During the phone conversation Wednesday, Mr. Trump congratulated Nazarbayev on the country’s 25th anniversary of independence, with the Kazakh president offering his own commendations to the businessman-turned-politician on his “historic presidential win.”

“D.Trump stressed that under the leadership of Nursultan Nazarbayev our country over the years of Independence had achieved fantastic success that can be called a ‘miracle,’” the readout, posted to the Kazakhstan government’s press website, said.

Nazarbayev, who was first elected president of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic in 1990, has continued his despotic reign over the country for more than 25 years. In the nearly 30 years since Nazarbayev rose to power, Kazakhstan has come under scrutiny for the ruling government’s undemocratic practices and human rights abuses. A U.S. State Department report from 2015 detailed a list of “significant human rights problems” in Kazakhstan. Among them: limits on the right to vote in free and fair elections, along with “restrictions on freedoms of expression, press, assembly, religion, and association.”

Mr. Trump and Nazarbayev also discussed the “importance of strengthening regional partnerships” and shared viewpoints on issues of “stability and security promotion” in the region.