Understanding US thread-III

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by habal »

the world has got a 10 yr break between wars. Countries like India need to pedal furiously in interim and go big on manufacturing and weapons development and ensuring economies of scale in all kinds of industries supporting weapons. Then in next cycle when the deep state of USA chooses a dim bulb or proxy candidate for President, they will find that they are outgunned for conflict. Any loss of focus in interim will be suicidal. Countries like India cannot focus on pet themes comedy items like

1. creation of 500k sulabh shauchalya every monh.
2. let's now ban all currency notes altogether.
3. expend 40% budget to increase rural credit, mudra loans, education loans. 90% of which is NPA.
4. promoting MNREGA instead of cottage industries and small scale manufacturing setups.
5. promoting agri without creating cold-storage chains.
6. Increase tax in wrong places.

It's got to be manufacturing, manufacturing all the way with 1 year break for social upliftment.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by g.sarkar »

When you become old like me, you are just left with stories to tell. Begging the indulgence of the gentle BRF readers, let me tell you one:
Back during the time of Treta Yuga, that is before Hitler came into the picture, there were two classes of Jews in Germany. One was highly educated and successful. They were fully integrated into the German society and spoke High German. They were artists, musicians, professors, scientists, politicians and yes they were also noblemen with a title bestowed upon them by the German emperor. At that time Jews from Russia and Eastern Europe were let in. They were a caricature of the integrated Jews. They spoke German with an atrocious accent, had strange hair style (Payots) wore strange black robes. So the integrated Jews looked down on the Eastern Jews, called them names. They did not want them in their synagogues.
Now, came the Kali Yuga with Hitler in power. The Nazis did not discriminate between one Jew and another Jew. Both were gassed together in the concentration camps. So, Sirjis, do not think that an integrated Indian with copied American accent is anyway better than the fresh off the boat Indian. In the eye of the Aryan, both are the same, and do not say you are Aryan, you are not. If, during a company meeting, surrounded by Goras, when you can not see yourself, you may think you are a Gora. Look in a mirror and take a reality check and see if you have really become Gora. If they get their way, both integrated and FOB Indian will get deported at the same time. Do not forget the 1st and 2nd generation Japanese in the US who were successful and sent to internment camps. It could repeat again.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Vayutuvan »

Lalmohan wrote:
UlanBatori wrote:Ah! A proper question, thanks 4 pooching. No, just visiting via hologram to check on my buddies who were last seen hovering over Area 51. :mrgreen:
now it all makes sense...
I wish!
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Vayutuvan »

Singha wrote:a civil engineer whose bridge collapses or a mechanical engr whose car breaks in half would be in deep trouble.

but a kamputar engineer whose program crashes is rarely in trouble - except in select niches like aerospace, radiation oncology etc

here is one eg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Therac-25
Not even in those areas. Individual programmer goes Scott free while the employing company/entity is accountable or IOW picks up the tab for liability.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by hanumadu »

Lots of people bought houses paying upwards of 800k to 1 million. If the prices come down, or people start abandoning them, banks are on the hook for them.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

in the 2008 downturn, i read of people calling up their credit union from the airport to let them know they were leaving for good and to pickup the car from which address/parking lot. some mailed in the keys also. this is when credit unions became very wary of desis and tightened their rules to keeping some balance always in the bank etc. they lost a lot of money and desis a lot of goodwill.

same thing can be extended to houses, if you are going to leave for good and never return to face a bad credit record , you can just mail in the house keys to the bank and legally I think in US the banks cannot do anything like sending a few goons for shakedown act. they will ruin your credit record permanently but hey if you dont ever intend to return there or return but not take a loan are you free and cool ? (I dont know, just asking more experienced settlers there :))
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by TSJones »

Anxious Indians turn to astrologers for insight into future under Trump :roll:

https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/as ... 71f10accef

Indian politicians are particularly superstitious, known to consult their pet astrologers on cabinet shake-ups and big speeches.

Vaibhav Magon, 25, the founder of Askmonk, an astrology application for mobile phones, says his business has seen a “huge spike” in Trump-related queries to its in-house astrologers in recent weeks — mostly from investors and would-be immigrants worried about visas.
“People are uncertain about the future, and they’re looking for astrologers to guide them or come up with a solution,” he said. It is not surprising that his Indian clientele would turn to astrology during tumultuous times, he said. “Astrology is inherent within us, whether it’s taking a decision to get married or starting up a business.”

An Askmonk reading of Trump’s horoscope using his birth date of June 14, 1946, has gone viral, with readers flipping through its pages over a million times, Magon said.

In it, a soothsayer reveals that Trump — determined, elusive, with “a deep obsession for power” — will withdraw from war zones and drop in popularity after 2019, with the presidency eventually taking a toll on his health. To achieve
his best, the astrologer recommends that the new president wear a 6.25-carat ruby ring and keep a self-portrait in a wooden frame facing south in the Oval Office.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by hanumadu »

Singha wrote:in the 2008 downturn, i read of people calling up their credit union from the airport to let them know they were leaving for good and to pickup the car from which address/parking lot. some mailed in the keys also. this is when credit unions became very wary of desis and tightened their rules to keeping some balance always in the bank etc. they lost a lot of money and desis a lot of goodwill.
I think its the dot com bubble. 2008 was not as bad for software. But it was brutal for the rest of the economy though.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/02/us/o ... icle-click

does anyone know how people are getting access to prescription drugs so easily? 91 people are dying of overdose daily!
in my days one needed a prescription to buy almost anything and the pharmacist carefully checked if my prescription was current and how many refills was indicated...if I needed more had to get my doc to call it in ...a real hassle for my desi fast and loose OTC ways.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by JwalaMukhi »

g.sarkar wrote: Now, came the Kali Yuga with Hitler in power. The Nazis did not discriminate between one Jew and another Jew. Both were gassed together in the concentration camps. So, Sirjis, do not think that an integrated Indian with copied American accent is anyway better than the fresh off the boat Indian. In the eye of the Aryan, both are the same, and do not say you are Aryan, you are not. If, during a company meeting, surrounded by Goras, when you can not see yourself, you may think you are a Gora. Look in a mirror and take a reality check and see if you have really become Gora. If they get their way, both integrated and FOB Indian will get deported at the same time. Do not forget the 1st and 2nd generation Japanese in the US who were successful and sent to internment camps. It could repeat again.
Although these points are well made, there is a huge misdirection when "Hitler" is used in the discussion. Let me try an explanation why it is so. There are two Names, am sure many more, that need to be shunned actively. One is "Hitler" and the other is "Gandhi". The amount of propaganda these two name have endured generally lead to foregone conclusions, without any real critical analysis. Hitler is automagically used to paint someone/some situation as very bad without actually looking into the merits. This happens all the time and anyone who questions such assertions are immediately labelled as supporter of Nazi. Same with "Gandhi", which is used to opposite effect, so much so that a third rate Italian captured and excercised power over a billion for almost a decade, riding that name. Such powerful are these two names, that they evoke instant shut down of the critical analysis in majority of the masses.

Having said that, there is no implication that you inferred that in your post. But it is one handicap one has to live with when these "names" are used.
Firstly, Hitler is conveniently compared with anyone and everyone, when labelling becomes an easy mechanism to try and make a point. Trump also gets compared to that, unfairly. And by extension his supporters as Nazis. Secondly, Hitler is convenient one man target, to actually misdirect collective responsibility to a single persona. It becomes easier to minimize the impact on the eco-system and point to one dude as the "evil incarnate".

With regards, to what is happening is there is actually a dialog happening between "one set of white" people who have built a careful edifice of hypocrisy to hide reality and project a grandstanding of nobleness, and "other set of white" people who are not into such grandiose standing, but mainly interested in raw narrative. It should be lot easier to deal with reality than a projected reality. Truly, desis can only imagine that they have some significant role in this battle. Desis are negligibly small in this battle to matter.
This is no "muslim ban" or "color ban". If it is truly a "muslim ban", the first largest islamic country "Indonesia" and the second country with largest muslim population, "India", should have been on the list.

This temporary ban is selective to cater to certain objectives, and a certain price is being paid. Trump is out to help the marginalized americans, most of who happen to be white. It doesn't automatically turn into supermacism. There will be always elements who will coat-tail and ride on those agenda. That has happened with earlier administrations too. But others are good at projecting sanitized version to the world. Ironically, a man from Tinsel, make believe world, happens to be driver to do away with such niceties and expose the reality. If most americans are white supermacists, then one needs to know. Time will surely tell.
Coming to Desis, Desis - Hindus are and never will be good at collective bargaining. Lots of concern for well-being of Hindus, by other persuambly hindus are mostly lip-service. Exhibit one: Kashmir refugees (pandits) would have had a decent and dignified solution by now. There are lot more Hindus in many parts of the world who merit much higher concern - examples - bangladesh, saudi arabia, Gelf countries and in Europe too.

Are supermacism and racism higher in Europe than in US? I would bet it is so.
US has not degenerated yet, where six-pack joe is all of a sudden whipped his rifle out to go on headhunting spree to get some indians. Doesn't mean that would not change. But Trump getting into the office and his policies are not as made out to be. The underlying america is/has not changed, what has changed is the carefully built edifice of make-believe hypocrisy has become unsustainable even for americans, as it a lie they can't live with for any longer.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

hey I thought there was a UN-declared ceasefire on this cr*p? (no disagreement with ^^, but the predictable responses from the super-brains :roll: on this thread will be an unfair strain on my Insaniyat Uber Insanity, Diplomatic Restraint etc.)
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

To walk a narrow path: As a human who has traveled across international borders since Age 0.25 and seen the suffering of my parents and fellow-humans because of Customs/Immigrashun/Embassy/Consulate/Visa/Train/Ship/Airline idiots enough, the TrumpBan bothers me and I empathize with those caught in it. The ech-1 wunderkinden here make me :rotfl: with their :(( . They have international mobility and security in India (as some chest-thump here) like no generation of Indians has ever had since maybe the Gupta Empire. Tell your sad tales to the students who left India alone at age 22 with 20 dollars borrowed by mortgaging their ancestral homes to SBI in their pockets, no hope of paying for a ticket back, no way to phone home, and not a clue how they were going to find housing or survive or eat in an alien land. I mean, the ones who set the standards that fooled Americans into thinking that the hordes who came in the 2000s were ALL of the same quality.

BUT... where was all this CNN :(( when an Indian student, an IAF veteran who had guarded the skies near Skardu, was stopped from re-entering the US in 2002, because he was added to a list of over 500,000 people awaiting FBI clearance since he knew how to fly planes and was trained in Dubya-Em-Dee? He was in limbo for nearly a year, ABSOLUTELY no response from the US Govt to efforts by Senators, Lawyers, universities, NOTHING. When he finally got the new visa and came in, the record was still messed up, so they kept him in a room at the airport for 3 hours before Washington cleared him.

And millions of other innocents (actually very good friends of the US!) that were likewise caught in limbo with the INS/CIS/FBI all bickering and obstructing each other for the sake of some administrative budget increase greed.

Meanwhile, ppl from Some Countries streamed in, no problem. Nearly every taxi driver I have ridden with in the past 20 years is from North Africa, or from One Community there or elsewhere (correction: sorry, one was very yindoo, that was the one I had to yell at to shut up and listen to the directions and quit whining; the rest were all pretty decent). Family-based (as opposed to individual merit-based) immigration seems to have turned into a flood, and if one were to check, a good majority of those are much more American-hating than the worst ones on this thread. In the latter days of the BO administration, the flood has become a torrent and was headed for a complete dam burst with the Syrian "refugee" mess. I use the term in brackets because in this case, I think most of those coming to the US are from those who sought to side with the AQ etc who wanted to commit genocide in Syria. Many are Pakis who got forged Syrian passports in Karachi (source: interview reports from Abdul and his cousin Shafeeq in Germany)

So now the POTUS says we need a break, we need to figure out the system. The CIS is way overwhelmed and becoming even more clueless because of the confused commands from the BO administration. Call a timeout, for the countries of most concern. Should he have just stopped ppl from ALL countries, just to appear "fair"? Why? Most countries have bent over backwards trying to accommodate (legitimate) American concerns about who is getting on airplanes coming to America. With some 2 Billion people of One Community tending to applaud and shoot AK47s in the air if any American airliner goes down, why is that not a rational response? (OK, I think he should have started the ban with Saudis and Pakis, then British passport holders because Britain is NEARLY as much a terrorist slum as Pakistan).

Bottom line is, 4 months is shorter than 1 year. Which is shorter than 5-10 years which is what many law-abiding, innocent spouses and kids of even US citizens/GC holders have to wait to be united with their families because of the dysfunctional System, with millions of potential terrorists being INJECTED AHEAD OF THEM in the queue. Back in 2006-08, the Citizenship system was as follows: INS would interview applicants with amazing speed - like in 1 month after application. Then they would send a note saying: Awaiting FBI clearance. That was to make FBI look bad.

After that, the FBI's system was very simple: Those who FILED SUIT against the govt because "over 3 months since INS interview" were cleared. Ahead of all the patient ones in the System. Most of the suit-filers were the congenital Offense-Takers/Victimhood Claimers. It was like sitting patiently in a highway Exit Lane, while the pakis cut in front by the dozens.

Targeting the ban towards countries that have even more dysfunctional vetting/emigration controls, is logical. Being smart enough to see that Xtians from Syria are less likely to be Al Qaeda/ISIS sympathizers, (I hope also Yazidis if any are left alive) is good sense and humanitarian - they are facing genocide if ISIS takes over in Damascus and Deir ez Zor, if you haven't noticed...

As for Iran... I don't know. A shia version of TSP, truth be told. The Israelis probably just have a Priority List of which ones need to be nuked first.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

a lot of mediocre indians also made it into usa in 60s and 70s and 80s via family or m.s. not much competition then whether for seats or jobs. 99% of indics did not know how to even apply. Only iits had printed petersen guide. Only metros had usefi.

The later gens had to fight hard to survive both against their peers and locals and still do while patronising old mutus sit on the porch drinking jack daniels and driving teslas because they were there at right time and place.some of these started mom and pop bodyshops and enjoyed malai.

So i wont name call any generation as weak. Rod laver had a great record but would he survive a set with the world no 30 today?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

Donald J. TrumpFollow
Donald J. Trump – Verified account
45th President of the United States of America

Washington, DC
Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump
A new radical Islamic terrorist has just attacked in Louvre Museum in Paris. Tourists were locked down. France on edge again. GET SMART U.S.



Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump
Professional anarchists, thugs and paid protesters are proving the point of the millions of people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!



Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump
Meeting with biggest business leaders this morning. Good jobs are coming back to U.S., health care and tax bills are being crafted NOW!



Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump
Thank you to Prime Minister of Australia for telling the truth about our very civil conversation that FAKE NEWS media lied about. Very nice!



Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump
Iran is playing with fire - they don't appreciate how "kind" President Obama was to them. Not me!
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

True, true, generational generalizations are invalid - good or bad. Part of what made Mumbai airport (and Dhanushkodi) so much fun in the old dins was indeed one's fellow travelers. Back to ceasefire onlee saar. (Phew!)
My beef is against the massive r-d over the "Ban" showing all those sad pictures of cute children.

What about the 4-year old standing in the 100-degree ambience of Dhanushkodi Customs Shed at 3pm after a day that started at 6AM, because of the wonderful Indian baboon? Not even drinking water in sight? With the threat of being interned/Quarantined at Mandapam Camp indefinitely hanging over one's harried, haggard parents' heads? I have a list of (too many of them Indian) Baboon that I plan to visit when I finally get to He**. With a belt.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

In the ro-dho, ppl missed this very important goalpost-shift:
http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/02/politics/ ... index.html
warned Thursday that new Israeli settlement activity could potentially hamper the peace process, a new stance for a White House that's remained adamant in its support for Prime Minister Benjamin Nut&Yahoo. Despite the shift, the White House said it hadn't taken an official position on Israeli settlements, saying it would wait until Trump meets with Netanyahu later this month to formally develop a position. "While we don't believe the existence of settlements is an impediment to peace, the construction of new settlements or the expansion of existing settlements beyond their current borders may not be helpful in achieving that goal," White House press secretary Sean Spicer said in a statement. "The Trump administration has not taken an official position on settlement activity and looks forward to continuing discussions, including with Prime Minister Nut&Yahoo. when he visits with President Trump later this month," Spicer said.
IOW, nothing given away by running mouth b4 negotiation.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by pravula »

To clarify, H1B is not a genius visa, a O1 is (and not capped/limited). H1B is a skill based visa, which means you need to show you have the skills, either through education or through experience or both. You don't have to show you are really good at it. OTOH, O1 requires such proof.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

Last edited by UlanBatori on 03 Feb 2017 21:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Gus »

what exactly is 'officially putting someone on notice'
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Lalmohan »

^^^ its the new American way of doing an inverse of the traditional Iranian "death to America" chant
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Gus »

https://theintercept.com/2017/02/02/pre ... ct-of-war/
National Security Adviser Michael Flynn on Wednesday said he was “officially putting Iran on notice” following the country’s ballistic missile test and an attack on a Saudi naval vessel by Houthi rebels in Yemen (the Houthis are tenuously aligned with Iran’s government but are distinct from it).

The White House press corps wanted to know what being put “on notice” entailed, and Spicer responded by claiming that Iran’s government took actions against a U.S. naval vessel, which would be an act of war. “I think General Flynn was really clear yesterday that Iran has violated the Joint Resolution, that Iran’s additional hostile actions that it took against our Navy vessel are ones that we are very clear are not going to sit by and take,” he said. “I think that we will have further updates for you on those additional actions.”

Major Garrett of CBS News quietly corrected him, saying “a Saudi vessel,” and Spicer then responded almost inaudibly: “Sorry, thank you, yes a Saudi vessel. Yes, that’s right.” He did not in any way address his false claim that it was an Iranian attack, however.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by A_Gupta »

http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/tru ... ravel-ban/
The third storyline is how Trump enacted the ban: with minimal input and maximum chaos. Trump’s executive order was met with widespread confusion over who was covered by the ban — it took until the middle of the week to nail down whether green-card holders are exempt (they are, mostly) — and how it should be enforced. Border agents at Dulles airport outside Washington, D.C., for example, appear to have been stricter than those at other airports. By Monday, it was clear that a major reason for the confusion was that few of the agencies responsible for carrying out the policy had been consulted — or even informed about the details — before the order was signed. Multiple news outlets reported that Trump declined to consult relevant members of his own Cabinet, including Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly, who apparently learned of the signing when an aide saw it on television.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by ArmenT »

Gus wrote:what exactly is 'officially putting someone on notice'
It is a business term.... usually involves calling an employee to a room and letting them know that their performance has not been up to the mark and giving them a chance to shape up within a time period, otherwise they will be fired. Officially, a notice gets put in the employee's file that this information has been given to them, so that if the employee gets fired later, they can't come back and sue for "didn't know that they were unhappy with my performance, if only I'd known...." type claim.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by A_Gupta »

More on the raid in Yemen:
http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_ ... _seal.html
The raid—which involved several dozen commandos from the U.S. Navy’s SEAL Team 6 and from the United Arab Emirates’ elite forces—was the first operation in a new policy, proposed by the Pentagon, to step up joint ground attacks against al-Qaida militias in Yemen. Military officials briefed President Obama on the policy proposal, which would give lower-level officers broad latitude to carry out such attacks without going through the sluggish process of seeking authority from higher-ups. Since this would mean a significant escalation of America’s military involvement in Yemen, Obama deferred the issue to his successor, according to a former White House official.

Given its significance, one might also have thought that Trump would vet the issue through the Deputies Committee and possibly the Principals Committee, which bring in the perspectives, interests, and unique expertise of senior civilian, military, and intelligence officials.

Trump is known for making decisions with the small group of his trusted advisers, mainly Kushner and Bannon, sometimes with the addition of his national security adviser, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. But this latest snap decision is raising eyebrows from many observers.

A Reuters story about the raid quoted “U.S. military officials” as saying that the assault—Trump’s first covert counterterrorism operation—went forth “without sufficient intelligence, ground support, or adequate backup preparations.” As a result, according to “three officials,” the attacking SEAL team “found itself dropping onto a reinforced Al Qaeda base defended by landmines, snipers, and a larger than expected contingent of heavily armed Islamist extremists.”

It’s unfair to blame all this on Trump, as the Reuters sources appear to do. Instead it’s worth asking why Pentagon officials were pushing for the raid, and the broad authority that went with it, if the preparations were so flimsy. Or were they pushing for it? Usually, in these situations, military briefers outline a whole set of risks, contingencies, and caveats involved in a combat operation, if just to spread the blame if things go south. Did they do this with Mattis and Dunford? Did Mattis and Dunford do it with Trump, Bannon, and Kushner?

Either way, it’s likely that questions would have been asked, the scenarios spelled out, the odds of success at least somewhat measured, in an interagency meeting that included senior officials from the State Department and the intelligence agencies as well as input from the NSC’s professional staff. Trump didn’t avail himself of these resources.

True, there are scant resources at the moment. The Senate hadn’t yet confirmed Rex Tillerson as secretary of state by the time Trump had that fateful dinner. No deputy or undersecretaries of state or defense have, even now, so much as been nominated. All the acting deputy and undersecretaries are hangovers from the Obama administration. Trump wouldn’t take their views seriously, in any case.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

The counter to this is how the BO administration operated: Like Hamlet. Never could decide until the opposition was well-informed. Probably went to each ISIS base and asked:
AoA! Abdul mian! President Hussein BO wants to know how many of you are here, do u have landmines? Are you armed? Is the Google Map of your base accurate? Oh, nothing, he just wants it for his scrapbook.
Even the Russians don't seem to have THAT accurate info, until after they drop the barrel bombs/ cluster bombs on the kitten shelters.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by ldev »


This is what fivethirtyeight forecast on November 8. Just like software engineers, they can walk away from complete disasters like this prediction and are still taken as serious opinion makers :rotfl:
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by LokeshC »

I have reported to and have people report to me who range from MIT to IIT to Wichita State University.

As long as the hiring process is tight (we are forced to as we deal with some critical tech) I find no difference between those who pass that filter, be it on H1 or not.

The smartest guy I ever worked for had an associate degree from ITT tech. Old school gora dude who knows more than most PhDs i have come across.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by KJo »

LokeshC wrote:I have reported to and have people report to me who range from MIT to IIT to Wichita State University.

As long as the hiring process is tight (we are forced to as we deal with some critical tech) I find no difference between those who pass that filter, be it on H1 or not.

The smartest guy I ever worked for had an associate degree from ITT tech. Old school gora dude who knows more than most PhDs i have come across.
Lokesh, I know you mean well, but this is just like saying "Islam is a peaceful religion" because my dear buddy Abdul lent me $10k when I needed it and gave me a kidney when I was sick.

"As long as the hiring process is tight" you say and that is the critical point. It is not tight always. As UB said, "software engineer" is the same as "software engineer" to an HR person but one comes at 100k and the other at 30k so it is tempting to hire the cheaper guy. The CEO doesn't care because in large companies, it is not his problem to deal with Kumaran and Thangavelu from TCS Chennai office. He just sees $$$, and his bonus. I myself have worked with some good TCS people but the overwhelming majority of them were useless and played too much politics.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by LokeshC »

So if you agree the hiring procees aint tight, who should be to blame ? The guy who gets hired or the guy who did the hiring?
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by KJo »

LokeshC wrote:So if you agree the hiring procees aint tight, who should be to blame ? The guy who gets hired or the guy who did the hiring?
I am not blaming TCS guys at all. If I was one of them I would do exactly what they did and are doing. They found an easy way to get success and they went for it. Not their fault.

The fault is with US CEOs and US politicians who got bribed.. I mean lobbied to allow this hollowing of US IT industry in the name of capitalism and "free markets". Who cares about free markets if you are unemployed after all the education and experience? The fault also is with Indian IT company bosses like Murthy Sir who now very biously says H1B should be avoided after making his billions on it. I think he has lost it. These CEOs should have realized that they had a purple patch for a few years so take long term measures so that when it ended, they would be still good. But they did not, preferring to enjoy the low risk clerical IT jobs.

That said, their success was undeserved and so it will only be fair if they are brought back to earth.

We have all struggled here with so many issues. I don't know why it is expected that things be handed to offshore people anymore. Why is it expected that a different country give others jobs? Will Modi do anything for US citizens? No.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by rgosain »

Meanwhile a former Norway PM who had visited Iran finds himself in a spot of bother upon entering the airport in DC.
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/201 ... visit-iran

Talk about Karma. Many of these Scandinavian, sanctimonius types together with assorted euro liberals weren't above lecturing India on intolerance, human rights and promoting atrocity literature, whilst, shooting from Uncle Sam's shoulder.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Gus »

so...uppity h1b indians..getting their comeuppance?

if these h1s move to India taking their jobs with them...they are only going to annoy more from over there....with their annoying questions of US economy and how they are enjoying life over there.. :P
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Dipanker »

ldev wrote:

Code: Select all

This is what fivethirtyeight forecast on November 8. Just like software engineers, they can walk away from complete disasters like this prediction and are still taken as serious opinion makers :rotfl:
Actually if you just look at the voting percentages, the forecast is quite close to actual numbers going into Nov. 8. DT did lose popular vote by a margin of ~3 million votes and HC did get 48+% of votes.

FL, NC, PA, NV were all deeper shade of blues before the 28th Oct. bombshell of a surprise, but between Oct. 28 to Nov. 5 they all changed color to lighter shades of red, and WI an ME from darker shade of blue to much lighter shades of blue and HC winning chances falling from 93+ to 64.
There was some recovery in the 2 days after Comey's 2nd announcement of 5th Nov. (?), but there was just not enough time, costing her the 3 bluewall states (WI, ME, PA) by about 39,000 flipped votes, that is razor thin.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by IndraD »

If already discussed pls ignore (this thread is progressing at breakneck speed not possible to follow!)
http://uk.businessinsider.com/trump-imm ... ?r=US&IR=T
Lawsuit: Dozens of immigrants trying to enter the US coerced into giving up visas and green cards after Trump travel ban
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by KJo »

Gus wrote:so...uppity h1b indians..getting their comeuppance?

if these h1s move to India taking their jobs with them...they are only going to annoy more from over there....with their annoying questions of US economy and how they are enjoying life over there.. :P
"taking their jobs with them".... in their suit-e-cases? :P

In reality, who knows what will happen? Lets wait and watch as things play out. Trump has talked big and now has to deliver otherwise he will be a laughing stock. Interesting times ahead.

Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Melwyn »

This whole thread has been derailed by h1b discussion. Maybe a nukkard or h1b thread is more appropriate for this discussion.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Dipanker »

Payback for help rendered ?
http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/ ... telligence

The U.S. Treasury Department has modified sanctions against Russia, allowing U.S. companies to interact with Russia's domestic intelligence agency, the FSB.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by A_Gupta »

ldev wrote:This is what fivethirtyeight forecast on November 8. Just like software engineers, they can walk away from complete disasters like this prediction and are still taken as serious opinion makers :rotfl:
And some can understand the meaning of probability. If the lower-probability-to-win person can never win, then the probability should always be 100-0.

Plus the article from which that image is taken has this:
http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/fin ... p-clinton/
The goal of a probabilistic model is not to provide deterministic predictions (“Clinton will win Wisconsin”) but instead to provide an assessment of probabilities and risks.
* First, Clinton’s overall lead over Trump — while her gains over the past day or two have helped — is still within the range where a fairly ordinary polling error could eliminate it.

* Second, the number of undecided and third-party voters is much higher than in recent elections, which contributes to uncertainty.

* Third, Clinton’s coalition — which relies increasingly on college-educated whites and Hispanics — is somewhat inefficiently configured for the Electoral College, because these voters are less likely to live in swing states. If the popular vote turns out to be a few percentage points closer than polls project it, Clinton will be an Electoral College underdog.
The track record of polling in American presidential elections is pretty good but a long way from perfect, and errors in the range of 3 percentage points have been somewhat common in the historical record.
In three of the last five presidential elections, in other words, there was a polling error the size of which would approximately wipe out Clinton’s popular vote lead — or alternatively, if the error were in her favor, turn a solid victory into a near-landslide margin of 6 to 8 percentage points.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by A_Gupta »

There are two rather different things to focus on about Trump and his administration:

1. What they want to do.
2. How they set about doing it.

(1.) tends to be contentious (e.g., see the discussions above); but even if we all succumb, "Heil Trump", and agree that what all he wants to do is the bestest thing for the country, the world and the history of civilization, there remains (2.) - how competently does Trump set about doing it?

For (2.) we have some good examples already.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by A_Gupta »

Regarding H1-Bs:

Trump has gamed the US income tax and bankruptcy laws. Similarly Trump has used the services of innumerable small businesses and then not paid them, and held them at bay with his formidable legal team. Trump University was a fraud.

Indian IT companies have legally gamed the H1-B system, and so may have some of the workers.

The varied reactions to these two sets of facts is fascinating to observe.